
 I have decided to come out of the closet and let the UFO community know

everything that I know and have seen and that my sources have communicated to

me over the last 17 years regarding the UFO question.  I have uploaded the

truth to several who have gained my trust over the last few months.  Those

people are Tom Mickus, Don Ecker, Stan Friedman, Bryon Smith, John Lear, and

one other who`has chosen not to be identified at this time.  I am releasing

this information at this time to the public and I am releasing those  named

people from their bond of silence regarding the subject.  Once you read the

information you will be clear on my past actions and on what I know.  I hope

that you all can come to some kind of pact on sharing information as what I am

releasing is for the most part documented and in your hands but not shared.

Some of the information you have never had before and will provide serious

UFOlogists with much fertile ground for research.  I hope you all can benefit

and most of all I hope this helps to expose the whole issue as quickly as


Merry Christmas,



When I released PUBLIC02.DOC my purpose was to expose the documents and

information released by William Moore et al as being fraudulent and

misleading.  Indeed it was.  MAJESTIC TWELVE is an advisory team of

scientists who's only purpose is to evaluate information and make

recomendations.  This team does exist as a scattered bunch of men who do

not meet regularly as a group.  The information gathered by the control

group MAJI is released to MAJESTIC TWELVE when study is needed.  MAJESTIC

TWELVE has never been given the whole truth.  MAJI is the MAJESTIC AGENCY

FOR JOINT INTELLIGENCE and has total control of information and interface

with the aliens in dealings with the United States Government.

Some of the documents released by Moore were changed from the original

with the deliberate intent to mislead UFO researchers.  I do not know who

is responsible but I believe that the Government is behind the whole thing.

The rest of the documents are deliberate frauds.  I am releasing the truth

which I have obtained from excellent sources within the intelligence

community in order to set the record straight.

MAJI is the sole agency in control and responsible for every past and

present consequence of contact with the alien presence.  MAJIC is the

security classification of all projects and information connected with the

aliens, their craft, their bases, and dealings with the United States

Government.  MAJIC means MAJI CONTROLED.  MAJIC is the highest security

classification in the nation.

The name of the overall project is GRUDGE and always has been.  GRUDGE is

the proword for AQUARIUS and a few other projects as you will see when you

read the rest of this file.

The AQUARIUS document released by Moore which he claims was given to him

by Mr. Graham was changed and I am including a reconstructed document as it

was presented to me by one of my sources.  I am also including all the

information (in short form) that I presently have regarding the U.S.

Government and the Aliens.  This information has been reviewed by 3

different people who know the information but do not know each other and

they have made some corrections to the document.  If the information

deviates somewhat from information that I have previously released it is

due to those corrections.  My previous information was from memory of

documents seen over 16 years ago and I am pleased that my memory has

withstood the rigors of time quite well.  In case you doubt that I had the

information previous to this release you may check with Stan Friedman, Tom

Mickus, Don Ecker, John Lear, and Bryon Smith as I had given the

information to them some time ago.

Any document you see where I stated that MAJESTIC TWELVE was the control

group was a test of Moore et al and was never to be posted or released

publicly.  The public posting of those documents was done by Jim Spieser

against my wishes.  He was told that the information was mixed as a test

but he posted them anyway.  They contain true and false information and

should be ignored.  The information contained in this file is true and

correct to the best of my knowledge and to the knowledge of my sources.



by the John Lear Hypothesis, Paul Bennewicz' information, William

Stienman's information, the Fenwick interview, and other bits of

information which is in the hands of UFOLOGISTS.  The test of time will

prove this information to be true and correct. Nothing in this file

contradicts my PUBLIC02.DOC.  This file should clear the air regarding my

statements and actions thus far.  In this file you will find information

which you have never had before and it should open up numerous paths for

SERIOUS UFO researchers to explore.

I have many documents and letters to back up this information much of

which I have already released and much of which is the product of your own

research.  John Lear has in his possession many letters and documents which

will also back up this file.  William Stienman is another.  I would also

direct you to Don Ecker's SPOOK.DOC, and to bits of Moore's information

(fraudulent though it may be it does contain some truth).  The Fenwick

interview is another source of information, along with the FEDEX files on

Paranet Alpha. The Bill English file is another excellent source as he really

did read the GRUDGE/BLUE BOOK REPORT NO. 13.  The letter from the man who

participated in Project PLUTO is right on the money although he mistook the

term PLUTO/POUNCE as being project PLUTO that he worked on.  He was a part of

POUNCE which comes under Project PLUTO thus PLUTO/POUNCE.  The first word is

always the Proword and parent project while the second word is the project


Another FEDEX file contains the account of a man who worked at AREA 51 in

Nevada and stumbled upon Project REDLIGHT.  The correct name is

GRUDGE/REDLIGHT.  Put ALL your information together from ALL your different

files you will see that this information is all there for you to see and verify

from different sources who neither know each other or even know about each

other in most instances.  It is all there and all you need to do is put it

together.  I must admit that I had a much easier time of it having seen the

information and having excellent sources.  I knew what to look for, but at

least I looked.

William Moore must know much more than he lets on.  He has to know

something other than the phony information that he has released or he would

not go to such pains to alter the information (by his own admission).  I

cannot believe that he has been so completely duped after having read "The

Roswell Incident".

                            TOP SECRET/MAJIC

                        EXECUTIVE CORRESPONDENCE

                           EXECUTIVE BRIEFING




                (Graphic of finned rocket enclosed in

                 circle bisected vertically by dashes.)




                                             DOCUMENT CONTROL: ECN 0001

(Graphic of world

 in circle.)                                    CLASSIFIED BY: MJ1/MAJI

                                                DECLASSIFY ON: EXEMPT

                           TOP SECRET/MAJIC

                           PROJECT AQUARIUS

(TS/ORCON)  (PROWORD): GRUDGE  Contains 16 volumes of documented

information collected from the beginning of the United States'

investigation of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) and Identified Alien

Crafts (IAC).  The Project was originally established in 1953, by order of

President Eisenhower, under control of CIA and MAJI.    In 1960, the

Project's name was changed from Project SIGN to Project Aquarius.  The

Project was funded by CIA confidential funds (non-appropriated).  The Project

assumed full responsibility for investigation and intelligence of UFOs/IACs Dec

1969 after Project Grudge/Blue Book was closed.  The purpose of Project Aquarius

was to collect all scientific, technological, medical and intelligence

information from UFO/IAC sightings and contacts with alien life forms.  This

orderly file of collected information has been used to advance the United

States' Space Program.

(TS/ORCON)  The preceeding briefing is an historical account of the United

States Government's investigation of Aerial Phenomenas, Recovered Alien

Aircraft, and contacts with extra- terrestrial Life Forms.

                            TOP SECRET/MAJIC



established as part of Project SIGN in 1954.  Its mission was to establish

diplomatic relations with Aliens.  This Project was successful when

mutually acceptable terms were agreed upon.  These terms involved the

exchange of technology for secrecy of Alien presence and non interference

in Alien affairs.  Aliens agreed to provide MAJI with a list of human

contacts on a periodic basis.  This Project is continuing at a site in New



established as part of Project SIGN in 1954.  Became a separate project in

1976.  Its mission was to establish communication with Aliens.  This

Project met with positive success (sic) when in 1959, the United States

established primative communications with the Aliens.  On April 25, 1964, a

USAF intelligence officer met with Aliens at Holloman AFB, New Mexico.  The

contact lasted for approximately three hours.  After several attempted

methods of communicating the intelligence officer managed to exchange basic

information with the Aliens (Atch 7).  This Project is continuing at a site

in New Mexico.


established in 1954.  Its mission was to test fly a recovered Alien

aircraft.  First attempts resulted in destruction of the craft and death of

the pilot.  This Project was resumed in 1972.  This Project is continuing

in Nevada.


established in 1954.  Its mission was to develop, using conventional

technology, and fly a flying saucer type craft for the public.  This

Project was successful when a craft was built and flown in front of the

press.  This Project was used to explain UFO sightings and to divert public

attention from Project REDLIGHT.

                            TOP SECRET/MAJIC

MAJESTY--------The Proword for MAJI.  The Proword for MAJESTIC TWELVE.  The

               Proword for GRUDGE.  MAJESTY is the only word on the cover sheet

               of the AQUARIUS document.  It is plain that the executive

               decision makers are MAJESTY.  MAJESTY is the name of all the

               efforts combined.  On the executive level MAJESTY IS EVERYTHING


               way intelligence and TOP SECRET information is protected

               accounts for the previous confusion regarding the control of

               this subject.  Everything under MAJESTY is broken down into

               compartments and difficult to trace to a higher authority.  ALL

               information of important nature of any kind is handled in this

               manner and is designed to confuse those who would attempt to

               uncover the secret.  MAJESTY IS THE WORD YOU ALL HAVE BEEN



               The TOP SECRET/MAJIC project control group

               responsible for EVERY ASPECT OF INTERFACE WITH








               WASHINGTON DC.

MAJESTIC TWELVE-----A selected team of experts in many different fields who

               evaluate information, technology, biology and other facets

               of the alien presence in order to better understand the

               phenomenon.  MAJESTIC TWELVE makes recommendations and

               presents scientific dirrection when needed.  MAJESTIC

               TWELVE does not know all the information and does not meet

               as a group.  Members are given information on a need to know

               basis only.  Biologists, for example, are not given information

               regarding any other subject.








               DESIGNATED MJ-2, MJ-3, MJ-4, etc.  This is why



               i.e. (IS IT REFERRING TO MJ-12 THE PERSON OR

               MJ-12 THE GROUP.) ANY REFFERENCE TO MJ-12 IS



               IS WRONG.)









               AN AIR FORCE/CIA PROJECT.



               PROWORD FOR AQUARIUS.








               THIS PROJECT IS ONGOING.  This project began

               as an Air Force project under SIGN but was

               taken over by NSA.  ALL PROJECTS CONNECTED



















               FOR POUNCE.





               AT AREA 51 IN NEVADA (GROOM LAKE), and some flights were

               performed at DREAMLAND.  PROJECT REDLIGHT WAS RESUMED IN 1972.




SNOWBIRD-------Established as a COVER for Project REDLIGHT.

               A flying saucer "TYPE" craft was built using

               conventional technology.  It was unvieled to

               the press and flown in public on several

               occassions.  The purpose was to explain

               accidental sightings or disclosures of

               REDLIGHT as having been the SNOWBIRD craft.

               This was a very successful disinformation

               operation.  This Project is only activated

               when needed.  It has not been used for many

               years.  This project is currently in mothballs

               until needed again.  (This is another reason

               that Moore's information is fraudulent.)





               An alien base on the dark side of the moon where large

               machines were sighted by the Apollo Astronauts.  It is

               believed to be a mining operation.














               GERMANY DURING AND AFTER WWII.  My contacts have

               verified its previous existance but cannot verify

               whether it is ongoing or has been terminated.




















































               description at the end of this document.)















               "GRUDGE/BLUE BOOK REPORT NO. 13.)

I have information now (its about time) that the existance of

Project GABRIEL has been confirmed.  The weapon was developed

and assembled at Ling Tempco Vought in Anahiem California.

It was described to me as being able to totally level ANY

man made structure from a distance of 2 miles.  It was tested

at White Sands Proving grounds.  It was developed between

1975 and 1978.  It is a long horn shaped device connected to

a computer and amplifiers.

I have also confirmed the existance of an alien craft at a

hanger at Edwards AFB.  The hanger is at North Base.  It has

been guarded by NON Edwards personnel (NRO - DELTA).  The

guards had a badge that was red with a black triangle on the

face of the badge.  No one was allowed near the hanger

without the badge.  These people are no longer guarding the

hanger.  The Edwards security force are instructed to check

the hanger each hour and report status.  The hanger is locked

and no one is allowed inside.  Edwards security personnel

have been instructed never to enter the hanger even if it has

been broken into.

I have also confirmed the esistance of alien material at a

hanger designated HANGER 1051 at Edwards AFB.


                             /  \

                            /    \


                          /        \

                         /          \


This is the insignia that is on the alien craft.  It is

called a TRILATERAL insignia.  I do not know what it means.

It is in GRUDGE/BLUE BOOK REPORT NO. 13 and my sources

confirm that this is the alien flag so to speak.


The typical MALEVOLENT (ALF) as represented thus far can be

described as follows:

          1.  Between 3 to 5 ft. in hieght.

          2.  Erect standing biped.  Long thin legs.

          3.  Small build (thin).

          4.  Head larger than normal (to human proportions).

          5.  Absence of auditory lobes (external earlobes).

          6.  Absence of body hair.

          7.  Large, tear shaped eyes, opacque black with

              veretical slit pupils (cats eye).

          8.  Eyes slanted approx 35 degrees

          9.  Small straight mouth, thin lips.

         10.  Arms resemble praying mantis (normal attitude).

              Arms reach to knees (extended).

         11.  Long hands (small palm)

         12.  Claw like fingers, two short, two long.


         13.  Tough, gray skin, reptile like in texture.

         14.  Small feet, 4 small claw like toes.

         15.  Some Organs are similar to humans but developed

              in a different evolutionary process.

         16.  The most significant finding is that they have

              a Nonfunctioning digestive system and two

              separate brains.  Digestive system in those

              examined were atrophied.  Conforms to absence

              of provisions in recovered craft.  (Prelininary


         17.  Movement is deliberate, slow, precise.

         18.  (Secondary finding after study)

              Alien subsistance requires that they must have

              human blood and other human biological

              substances to survive.  In extreme

              circumstances they can subsist on other animal

              fluids.  Food is converted to energy by

              chlorophyl through photosynthesis and waste

              products are excreted through skin.  (Did they

              evolve from plant life?  Not known at this

              time.)  These creatures possess two separate

              brains separated by mid cranial lateral bone

              partition (anterior brain - posterior brain)

              with no apparent connection between the two.























                THEIR CLAIM.

The confusion over the location of the alien base has prompted me to write

this file. 

My sources are terrified of revealing the location.  I do not know why

they are so afraid of revealing this information.  I do not want anyone to

go near the place because they may be subject to injury. 

I know that the main base is in New Mexico.  There are may be two small

alien detachments.  One at DREAMLAND and one at AREA 51.  Both of these

locations are used to test fly alien craft.  The main location for test

flights is at AREA 51. The aliens are helping us with the flights and with

the craft technology and there is at least a small detachment at those


Excalibur is being developed to penetrate ground such as that found in New

Mexico.  Paul Bennewicz swore that the base is in New Mexico.  John Lear's

sources state that the base is in New Mexico.  My sources originally told

me that the base was in New Mexico.  The information that I read with my

own eyes stated that the base is in New Mexico.  My sources panicked when I

told them that I was posting the information on a public forum.  Because I

do not wish anyone to be injured while trying to "get a look" I will not

reveal the exact location except that it is located in the state of New


On this subject I believe that MAJIC2.TXT and MAJIC3.TXT are both correct

and I add AREA 51 

The information concerning The FAR SIDE OF THE MOON is bad in MAJIC2.TXT

but is correct in MAJIC3.TXT.  I hope that this file clears up the issue. 

Bill Cooper

                                                                                                                                                                         The is only one of many files which I intend to upload that

substantiate the information contained in my MAJIC.TXT.

                                    Bill Cooper

A series of PROJECT GRUDGE/BLUE BOOK reports have been

released over the years in connection with the USAF's

investigation into UFO's which was supposedly terminated with

the release of the Condon report in the late 1960's.  Reports

1 through twelve of GRUDGE/BLUE BOOK were generally innocuous

and contained no classified or truly sensitive material.

There was a final report, #14 which was widely circulated and

about which an entire book was written:  FLYING SAUCERS: AN


NO. 14 by Leon Davidson: the fifth edition was published in

1976 by Blue-Book Publishers; 64 Prospect St., White Plains,

New York 10606.  Missing from public view, however, was

report #13.

Several years ago, Bill English, son of an Arizona state

legislator and former captain in the Green Berets had been

asigned to an RAF 'listening post' north of London as an

information analyst.  English was, in the course of his

duties, asked to prepare an analysis of the elusive GRUDGE 13

report.  On his discharge from his work at the 'listening

post' he returned to the United States and began to do a

little UFO research on his own.  English had been no stranger

to the UFO phenominon.  In Viet Nam he was a member of a

Special Forces investigative team that went in to retrieve a

B-52 that was forced down by a UFO and all the occupants

killed.  Communications had been received from the B-52

before it went down to the effect that it was "...under

attack by a UFO..", A "...large light...".  The plane was

found intact, sitting in the jungle.  There was no swath

indicative of a crash landing.  Only the bottom of the

fuselage showed any damage, there was no damage to the

underside of the engine pods.  Although the plane was

completely intact the entire crew had been mutilated.

English, through contacts he still maintains has determined

that the US Government 'most definately' supports a 'project

dealing specifically with UFO's and captured aliens'.

According to what he has learned, the US government captured

a trio of aliens, and that as of mid 1981, one of the beings

was still alive in captivity.  English also claims that "at

one point in the early 1950's until the mid 1960's the Air

Force maintained relocation and debriefing colonies for

people who had experienced close encounters of the 3rd and

4th kind.  They were isolated for all intents and purposes

for the rest of their lives.  He doubts that these colonies

are still in existence.

English dictated 2 audio casettes outlining what he

remembered from the Grudge 13 report.  These audio casettes

were transcribed into hand written notes by another person.

The information contained therein indicated what had been

suspected all along: that the US government was involved in

the greatest deception in the history of mankind and that not

only did flying saucers exist but that the government had

several in secret storage and had captured at least 3 live


The following is a summary of what Bill English remembers

from what he read during that day in June, 1977 of PROJECT



In Box, diplomatic pouch under lock and key system.  Lock had

been opened, pouch was easily accessed.  Standard diplomatic

couriers pouch marked American Embassy Couriers, contained

pouch serial number JL327Delta (JL327D?).  Inside a

publication with red tape which indicated code red security

precautions and an Air Force disposition form.  Disposition

form was standard white page copy, title was 'Analysis

Report'.  Further down was "Analyse enclosed report under

code red measures. give abstract breakdown and report on

validity.  Observe all code red measures.  Analysis required

immediately'.  Underneath were a series of dashes then the

letters NDF then another series of dashes.  Below that, lower

left hand corner were the initials WGB.

Publication was withdrawn from pouch.  It measured

approximately 8" by 11" with gray cover.  Heavily bound,

paper back style similar to technical manuals.  Across the

center front it read, "Grudge/Blue Book Report No. 13".  It

was dated 1953-(1963).  In the lower right hand corner was

AFSN 2246-3.  In upper left hand corner was the word

'annotated'.  Across the front upper right hand corner to

lower left hand corner was red tape indicating code red

security measures.  Across the front was stamped in red ink

'Top Secret Need To Know Only Crypto Clearance 14 Required'

Inside front cover upper left hand corner were hand written

notations in ink which were blacked out by black felt pen.

Inside cover sheet was basically the same information as the

cover.  Second page was title page.  Next page after that was

an appendix with numerous notations made in it.  Notations

dealt with inserts of what appeared to be photos and

additional notes.  At bottom of third page it read G/BV Page

1 of 624 pages.  Title page was subject letter.  Complete

list of appendix not remembered.  Title.  Some notes on the

practical applications of the Worst Nemo equations.

Table of Contents, Part 1.  "On the design of generators to

accomplish strain free molecular translation".  Part 2, "The

generation of space time discontinuums, closed, open and

folded".  Part 3, "On the generation of temporary psuedo

acceleration locas".  Part 1, Chapter 1, "design criteria for

a simple generator and control system referring to equation

17 appendix A".  Part 2 Chapter 1, "Continuation of Einsteins

Theory of Relativity to final conclusion".  Part 3, Chapter

1, "Possible applications of Einsteinian theory of relativity

at conclusion".

Part 1, chapter 2, reports of UFO encounters, classification

"Close Encounters of the 1st kind", subtitle sightings and

witnesses.  Part 2, Chapter 2, "Close Encounters of the 2nd

kind", subtitle UFO sightings witnessed within close

proximity.  Part 3, Chapter 2 "Close Encounters of the 3rd

kind", subtitle UFO encounters and extraterrestrial life

forms witnessed and personal encounters.  Subtitle, "Colonies

relocation thereof".  Case histories.  Chapter 3 Part 1,

titled "Military kEncounters with UFO's".  Part 2 Chapter 3,

"Military Reports Concerning sightings on Radar and

Electronic Surveillance of UFO's".  Subsection 2, Analysis

Report, J. Allen Hynek, LtCol. Friend.  Appendix continued on

for about 5 pages.  Opening subject page consisted of a

report of the findings as written by LtCol. Friend and his


Must stress at this point that the version seen was

annotated.  There were inserts that were added to this copy

after it had been initially printed.  Sections remembered

very vividly are the photographs and the reports concerning

captive sights of various UFO's to include Mexico, Sweden,

United States and Canada.  There were also what was then

classified Close Encounters of the 3rd kind.  It was made

very clear that these people whom it was determined had

genuine CE 3's were move in the middle of the night by Air

Force personnel and relocated to various sites in the mikwest

and northwest parts of the United kStates.  In many cases

these people experienced physical ailments from exposure to

various types of radiation.

One case especially noted and remembered very vividly was

entitled 'Darlington Farm Case' out of Ohio.  Case apparently

took place in October 1953.  Man, wife and 13 year old son

were sitting down at dinner table.  As they sat there the

lights in the farm house began to dim.  Dogs and animals

raised rucus on outside.  13 year old boy got up from dinner

table to see what was going on.  Called his mother and father

to come look at the funny lights in the sky.  Father and

mother got up and as they got up the son went outside into

the yard.  Father and mother went out onto the porch.  When

they got out on the porch one of the dogs broke loose from

leash beside house and came running around front.  Boy began

chasing it out into the open field.  As mother and father

watched the light came down from the sky.  They described it

as a round ball of fire and it began to hover over field

where boy and dog had run to.  As they stood and watched, the

mother and father heard the boy start screaming for help

whereupon the father grabbed his shotgun which was right next

to the door and began to run out into the field with the

mother following.  When the father got to the field he saw

his son being carried away by what looked like little men,

into this huge fiery looking object.  As it took off the

father fired several rounds at the object, to no avail.  They

found dog, its head was crushed but no sign of boy or any

other footprints of the little men who apparently carried him

off.  Father immediately called Darlington police and they

immediately came out to envestigate.  The official report

read that the boy had run off and was lost in the forest

which bordered the farm.  Within 48 hours the Air Force made

the determination that the family was to be relocated and the

mother and father were picked up by Air Force Intelligence

and all personal belongings and possessions were loaded into

U.S. Air Force trucks and moved to a notrhwestern relocation


The mother was in shock and had to go through a great deal of

psychotherapy and deprogramming as did father.  One

interesting aspect about this case was classification under

the Air Force report which read it was a genuine CE 3 and

that for the good of the national security the mother and

father had been relocated to relocation zone Z21-14.  Not

sure whether this indicated map grid coordinates or latitude

longitude.  According to the report there were at least 4

relocation sites across the United States.  Depending upon

which type of encounter these people had, the report

indicated that there were extensive medical facilities

available at these relocation sites to deal with all medical

emergencies up to and including radiation poisoning.  The

report mentioned a site located in the Utah-Nevada area, but

no indication of its purpose or what it was for.

Report gave a clear indication of reports of human

mutilations, most notably was a case witnessed by Air Force

personnel in wich an Air Force Sgt. E-6 by the name of

Jonathon P. Lovette was observed being taken captive aboard

what appeared to be a UFO at the White Sands Missle Test

Range in New Mexico.  This abduction took place in March of

1956 at about 0300 local and was witnessed by Major William

Cunningham of the United States Air Force Missile Test

Command near Holloman Air Force Base.

Major Cunningham and Sgt. Lovette were out in a field

downrange from the launch sites looking for debris from a

missile test when Sgt. Lovette went over the ridge of a small

sand dune and was out of sight for a time.  Major Cunningham

heard Sgt. Lovette scream in what was described as terror or

agony.  The Major, thinking the Sgt. had been bitten by a

snake or something ran over the crest of the dune and saw

Sgt. Lovette being dragged into what appeared to him and was

descrived as being a silvery disk like object which hovered

in the air approximately 15 to 20 feet.  Major Cunningham

described what appeared to be a long snake-like object which

was wrapped around the sargeants legs and was dragging him to

the craft.  Major Cunningham admittedly froze as the sargeant

was dragged inside the disc and observed the disc going up

into the sky very quickly.  Major Cunningham got on the jeep

radio and reported the incident to Missile Control whereupon

Millile Control confirmed a radar sighting.  Search parties

went out into the field looking for Sgt. Lovette.  Major

Cunninghams report was taken and he was admitted to the White

Sands Base Dispensary for observation.

The search for Sgt. Lovette was continued for 3 days at the

end of which his nude body was found approximately 10 miles

downrange.  The body had been mutilated; the tongue had been

removed from lower portion of the jaw.  An incision had been

made just under the tip of the chin and extended all the way

back to the esophagus and larynx.  He had been emasculated

and his eyes had been removed.  Also, his anus had been

removed and there were comments in the report on the apparent

surgical skill of the removal of these items including the

genitalia.  The report commented that the anus and genitalia

had been removed 'as though a plug' which in the case of the

anus extended all the way up to the colon.  There was no sign

of blood within the system.  The initial autopsy report

confirmed that the system had been completly drained of blood

and that there was no vascular collapse due to death by

bleeding.  Subcomment was added that this was unusual because

anybody who dies or has complete loss of blood there is

vascular collapse.  Also noted was that when the body was

found there were a number of dead predatory type birds within

the area who apparently had died after trying to partake of

the sargeants body.  There were a number of extremely grisly

black and white photos.  From all indications the body had

been exposed to the elements for at least a day or two.  The

New Mexico sun in the desert is extremely hot and

dibilitating under normal circumstances.

In this section of the report it also indicated that there

were numerous occasions in which a UFO tracked alongside of a

fired missile and on one occasion said missile was observed

being taken aboard a UFO while in flight.  The speeds

indicated were absolutely phenomenal.  (English's father had

told him privately that on more than one occasion he had

personally tracked what they termed as 'foo fighters'.

English's father was an electronic engineer by profession and

was fairly well versed on electronics engineering and design

and on more than one occasion he was involved in telemetry

programming of milliles.  English's father is currently a

state legislator in Arizona.)

The report also indicated that there were a number of

recovery teams that were activated specifically for the

purpose of recovering any and all evidence of UFO's and UFO

sightings.  Most notably recorded in publication was what

they called Recovery Team Alpha.  It was reported that Alpha

had been extremely active in a number of areas and on certain

occasions had travelled outside of the continental United

States.  Alpha was based out of Wright Patterson Air Force

Base and was on the move constantly.

Further information in the report consisted of such things as

reported sightings and where air force planes had been

destroyed or had combat encounters or had been attacked by

UFO's.  Also there were autopsy reports of various human


About midway through the report came a section which dealt

specifically with photographs.  Each photo was labeled and

appendixed to certain reports.  A number of photos in there

dealt with a recovery program of some type that took place in

the southwestern part of the United States.  They did not

give a location name but they did give grid coordinates for

that area.  There is no clear indication to exactly where it

was.  The photos dealt with special teams that were called in

to recover a crashed UFO.  It also dealt with alien bodies

and autopsy reports, autopsy type photographs, high quality,

color, 8 x 10, 5 x 7.

Photo number 1 showed an alien being on an autopsy table

which is a metal with runnels and traps underneath to trap

fluid and feces.  Body appeared to be an little short of 4

feet.  Table was about 7 foot.  No clothing on body, no

genitalia, body completely heterous, head was rounded

cranium, slightly enlarged, eyes almond shaped, slits where

nose would be, extremely small mouth, receeding chin line,

holes where ears would be.  Photo was taken at angle, side

view, looking at body from 45 degrees elevation, left hand

was visible, head was facing to left, body was right to left

position (head on right, feet on left), eyes were closed

appeared oriental-looking and almond shaped, left hand slight

longer than normal, wrist coming down just about 2 to 3

inches above the knees.  Wrists appeared to be articulated in

a fashion that allowed a double joint with 3 digit fingers.

Wrist was very slender.  There was no thumb.  A palm was

almost non-existent.  The three fingers were direct extension

from the wrist.

Color of the skin was bluish gray, dark bluish gray.  At base

of the body there was a darker color, indicating body was

dead for some time.  Body fluid or blood had settled to base

of body.  This indicated that body had been examined before

beginning autopsy.

Picture showed beginning stages of autopsy, following

standard procedure, body was slit from crotch to just under

chin and green viscuous liquid was in evidence.  There were

internal organs but these could not be identified.  Photos

thereafter concerned specific areas of internal organs of

what appeared as small cluster of a multi-valve heart or at

least 2 hearts within the cadaver.  No accurate description

of autopsy report or what was found within corpse

accompanying photos.  Indication that there was no stomach or

digestive track per se.  Later analysis showed that fluid

within body was chlorophyl-based liquid which apparently

dealt with photosynthesis or similar process.  The report

theorized that nourishment was taken in through mouth,

however since there is no digestive track or anything of this

nature, the waste products were excreted through skin.

One section of report did specify that cadavers were

extremely odorous, but this could be accounted for by either

deterioration or a number of things, but theory was that

waste was excreted through pores of skin.  They could only

theorize in report because there was no xenobiology.

A report by Dr. J. Allen Hynek was recalled vividly which

indicated that he had also studied the information provided

by this particular case and that he felt that it was indeed a

genuine UFO capture and subsequently the alien was part of

UFO.  Dr. Hynek was non-committal but did however sign the

report.  Also indicated in report that he did not view bodies

personally, but viewed photographs and accompanying reports

from autopsies.

Other photos dealt with a number of bodies which were

vivisectioned in various ways.  At one point, a head was

removed from body and photographed and autopsy was performed

on head.  The cranium was opened and brain matter was

photographed and evident.  Interesting thing about photo was

that there was a ridgebone or dividing partition-type bone

running directly through center of skull, from front to back,

as though dividing two brains, one from the other.  This

seemed apparent from the picture.  The skin was completly

removed from cranial structure and the skull was layed bare

as much as possible.

At one point the skull was cut directly in half and photo

showed under developed esophagus and nasal cavaties.  No

clear photo of eye orbs as we know them, just photos of

complete vivisection of skull itself.

Numerous photos of flesh of the being starting with cutaneous

and subcutaneous microphotographic plates.  Appeared to be

cellular studies done under microscope and electron

microscope type photos.  Extreme magnification of tissue



This concluded Bill English statement which was transcribed

from 2 casette tapes.  I obtained this handwritten memorandum

in August of 1987 from Paul Bennewitz during my visit with

him in Albuquerque.  In September of 1988 I received a call

from Bill English.  I asked for a chance to meet him and

discuss the Grudge 13 report.  He said that this could be

arranged but that the meeting would have to be on his terms

for security reasons.  He explained that there had been

several attempts on his life by persons unknown since he had

made the casette tapes about 6 years ago.  We arranged a

meeting at a small airport in Virginia on September 16.  I

was to sit in the lobby with by black flight bag and for

identification purposes I told Bill what I would be wearingj.

I had no telephone number for Bill.

As I walked in the small airport lobby after a 3 hour drive

from Richmond I immediatily noticed 2 gentlemen who seemed

'out of place' for this locale.  Both were wearing pin

striped 3 piece suits, both had on dark glasses.  One was a

black gentleman.  One was stationed inside the lobby door

looking out at the parking lot, one was leaning up against an

airline counter.  I sat down and after a few minutes was

approached by a tall, bearded man in jeans and a heavy

jacket.  He asked if I wanted to have a drink.  We walked

outside and he introduced himself as Bill English.  We drove

in Bills car into town to a local bar.  About 5 minutes after

we ordered and had started to talk, the men I had seen at the

airport came into the bar and sat down.  We left for Bill's

house and never saw the men again for the next 2 days.

During the next 2 days I stayed with Bill and his wife and 2

children in a small trailer in the middle of a field at his

farm.  I asked him endless questions concerning the Grudge 13

document, how he happened to see it, what happened to him

after he saw it and literally thousands of questions about

the content of the document.  My impression of Bill English

was that he was totally honest, that he stood behind his

statements and recollection of the Grudge 13 papers, that he

was a devoted husband and father to his wifes 2 children.

That Bill English was ready to come forward and enter into

any debate regarding the legitimacy of the document and his

recollections thereof.  Of Bills compassion for his father

and his fathers feelings concerning Bill and the reasons for

their occasional disagreements.  I have tremendous respect

for Bill and what he has tried to do in getting this

information out to the public.  It has been at tremendous

personal risk not to mention the ridicule by sponsered agents

such as Bill Moore who has stated that the Grudge 13 papers

are a fraud.  (How would Bill Moore know?)

What follows is additional information about the Grudge 13

papers that I obtained from Bill during my visit.  In

addition to the following Bill painstakingly drew many

sketches of the photos of different types of flying saucers,

the equipment obtained from them including a sketch of the

football sized nuclear generator and sketches of the autopsy


From my notes taken during our 2 day meeting:  Bill described

a photo taken of 3 live aliens.  Very clear photo, aliens

standing against white tile wall, looking confused as if they

hsd been shoved, were looking in different directions.

Report said that aliens had contacted a U.S. Intelligence

Agency for initial 2 meetings, one at Holloman one at


U.S. Air Force relocation personnel (for persons involved in

close encounters) were referred to in report as 'men in


Major Cunningham was initially accused of murdering Sgt.

Jonathon P. Lovette.  Charges were later dropped.

Bill English's place of employment in England was RAF

Security Services Command, RAF Chicksands.

Entire Grudge 13 report was written as if report was geared

toward preparation of defenses.

Report told of ultrasonic weapons found in Germany at the end

of WW II that could shatter 4" thick armour.

Report told of sensitive military and industrial areas at

which personnel experienced missing time.

Report told about missing time expereinced with personnel

associated with North American x-15 rocket plane project.

Report stated that there were 17 different extraterrestrial

species accounted for up to the time of the report.

Extraterrestrials were referred to as A.L.F.'s, Alien Life

Forms in the report.

Report referred to one UFO that was recovered and test flown.

The UFO blew up as the 2 Air Force pilots aboard attempted to

leave the atmosphere.  English recalls the date as the mid


Report refers to flying saucer program as Project 'Red Light'

and that a secret installation had been constructed in the

middle of the Atomic Energy Commission testing ground in


At the time of the report 11 alien cadavers were being kept

at Wright Patterson Air Force Base.

That additional alien cadavers were being stored at 4 to 5

other medical institutions.

That 2 flying saucers of extraterrestrial origin had been

tested in the wind tunnel at Langley, Va.

That at the time of the report, 1 damaged disc was at Elgin

Air Force Base in Florida.

That at the time of the report there had been 2 UFO incidents

at Ft. Riley, Kansas.

That at the time of the report a detachment of the Alpha

recovery team was based at Randolph Air force Base.

The report discussed civilian and military personnel who had

been terminated 'to eliminate potentially dangerous elements

to the national security'.

That General James Doolittle had been mentioned several times

in the report with the notation that "His (Doolittle's)

predictions might be correct".  There was no indication of

what those predictions might have been.

A short segment containing the quotation, "By presidential

order, certain aspects of research had been undertaken."

This report about Bill English and the Grudge 13 papers was

prepared by John Lear, 1414 Hollywood Blvd., Las Vegas,

Nevada 89110, telephone number (702) 438-8181, on October 7,


This report was typed onto disc verbatim from the original

document which was sent by John Lear via Federal Express and

arrived on October 8, 1988 by Bill Cooper.  I Bill Cooper do

swear that no changes were made and do swear that this is an

exact verbatim copy of the original.



I, William S. English, do hereby state and affirm that I

have met with Mr. John Olson Lear, on September 16-17, of

1988, and that we discussed my original report on my viewing

of the Grudge/Bluebook Report 13, in June of 1977.

I Further state that whatever opinions Mr. Lear form or

express on this matter are entirely his own, and that I stood

behind my statements made originally when I came forward with

this matter, and that I continue to stand behind my

statements to this date.

I further state that anyone saying that they have an

admission from me personally that this was a hoax is a liar

and that if I was in fact perpetrating a hoax I could have

found a better way of doing it.  Instead I have chosen to

allow time to either prove or disprove my claims on the

information on this matter.  Time it seems has proven the

validity of my statements.

I welcome the chance to defend my position in either public

or private debate and will continue to stand behind by

original report.


William S. English (signature)

William S. English

September 17, 1988

Gladys, Virginia

I Bill Cooper do swear that I typed this verbatim on to disc

on October 8, 1988 and do swear that no changes have been

made and do swear that this is a verbatim copy of the



                                                                                                                                                                          NOTE!...This document was given to ---------- on 10/04/88 by

4 persons who for obvious reasons must remain anonymous at

this time.  This document becomes extremely important when

viewed along with other documents and information.  It

becomes even more important when compared with PROJECT


PROJECT EXCALIBUR's mission is to develop a weapon which will

penetrate the earth to 1/2 mile and then detonate a nuclear

weapon in order to destroy the alien underground base in New



Notes from WX Division:  September 9, 1988

1.  There is an unprecedented push to develop a missile that

is capable of penetrating 1,000 meters of earth prior to


2.  The device under development carries a 1 megaton warhead.

3.  Some requirements & comments given to WX division were as


        A.  "The device must be capable of penetrating 1,000

             meters of tufa/hard pack soil and sustain no

             operational damage.  This type of soil is

             commonly  found in New Mexico, where we will be

             conducting the penetration tests."

        B.   "Missile apogee must not exceed 30,000 feet


        C.   "Impact deviation will not exceed 50 meters."

        D.   "We believe the Russians have constructed under

             ground bases in the Soviet Union 500 to 1,000

             meters deep.  Since their soil is the same that

             is found in New Mexico, accurate tests can be

             performed here (New Mexico).  Fallout shelters

             that deep are far too expensive for the United

             States to construct."

4.  The YY-II facility  is located in Los Alamos at the rear

of the "ice cave".  The "ice cave" or "ice" as it is

sometimes called, is a high security installation cut into

the side of the mesa Los Alamos sits on.  The entrance is via

the road under the diamond street bridge.  Macdonald's

restaurant is directly over the facility.  Entrance into the

cave can be seen by leaning over the cliff behind Macdonalds.

YY-II is double faraday shielded, the reason given was "to

attenuate computer emissions".  It would seem strange to do

this however, since the cave is surrounded by a 200 foot

thick wall of rock.

5.  An additional note:  contrary to information given to WX

division, the topsoil & underlying earth  in the Soviet Union

is not similar in density nor composition to that of New

Mexico soil.

(NOTE! WX = experimental weapons)


                        ROBERT'S STORY

Robeert _____ ______, a young man in his early 20's came to

work at my shop as a temporary help during the 2nd week of

October 1986.  The first day at work, he approached me asking

about my interest in the UFO phenomenon.  Then he smiled,

paused, and waited for my reaction.  I told him that I was

interested, particularly in the crash/recovery of saucers and

bodies of occupants.  That I was secondly interested in the

rumors pertaining to an "alien" and intelligence group

alliance set up years ago.

He then told me he would reveal something to me pertaining to

my second interest as mentioned above.  He told me the

following (condensed by me):

1.  He was in the military headquartered with the 4th

Engineering Group at Fort Carson, Colorado.  Just got out 2

months prior to the date of telling me this.

2.  He showed me a military I.D. card from Fort Carson and

    another with a strange checker board design on it.

3.  He  said he had a Super Top Secret clearance and worked

as a laboratory assistant in southwestern Colorado associated

with the Delta Group out of Fort Carson.

4.  He witnessed cryogenic experimentation going on with

human beings.  This experimentation was conducted by both

"aliens" and some Super Secret intelligence group.

5.  "Some high ranking military and scientific personnel were

taken down to cryogenic temperatures through a process of

draining their blood and pumping a chemical mixtur into the

circulatory system to prevent cell destruction during the

freezing and thawing periods."  "The "aliens" were the only

ones who knew the mixture formula and the gradual thawing

process.  They at first refused to give the formula and

process to the scientific team, and threatened to leave the

above mentioned personnel in that cryogenic state forever

unless the scientists cooperated on some certain issues."

6.  He also told me about some "alien" technics concerning

time travel, Dimensional travel, related to unified field


After revealing these seemingly fantastic things to me over a

3 week period of time he quit the temporary fob here.  I

finally found out that his father Robert _________ Sr.

(Robert used to be Robert _________ Jr. before his father and

mother divorced and he took the name of his mothers second

husband, ______.)  worked with me in the metal finishing

department.  The following was told to me by Robert _________

Sr. on Dec 16, 1986:

"On the evening of Wednesday, Dec. 3, 1986, my son Robert

______ called me via the telephone (he hadn't been home for

over a week) he soundeed as if he were scared to death.  He

said   I have to go back to Colorado immediatly.  I asked

why.  He said,  The bounty hunters found me and told me that

I had to go back with them to the base in Colorado because I

know to much.  I asked if there were any way he could beat

them and get out of it?  Robert stated,  They said there is

no way out.  In fact the chief bounty hunter confronted me

face to face.

Evidently Robert Jr. tried to beat the bounty hunters.  His

alleged body was found in room #5 of the Walls Motel in Long

Beach, California, with a gun in his hand and a bullet hole

through his head.   Drugs were found in the room, but not in

his body.  (he was not the drug type).

The Long Beach Police Dept. investigated the case which ended

very abruptly with no explanation.  When I asked them why the

case was closed so quickly, they snapped back,  Its none of

your business.  The final autopsy report stated that the

death was a drug related suicide.

I was not allowed to see the body for one solid week.  I

would call the police, they would say the body was at the

funeral parlor.  The funeral parlor would say we don't have

the body.  This went on back and forth for that one solid

week.  (Dec. 5th - Dec. 12th, 1986)  When I was finally

allowed to view the body, I immediatly could tell it was not

him!!  This body, alleged to be Robert ______, was about 20

Lbs heavier and about 3 to 4 inches shorter than my son.

That was not Robert even tho the basic facial feature's were


One very significant thing that Robert stated to me before

his alleged death was,  Dad, they are comming to take me

away.  I will give you a code name ______________ (only

Robert and his father know that code name).  If you receive a

letter, telephone call, or by messenger, sometime in the

future, this code name, you will know that I am alive.  They

need me for my special DNA, that is why I have to go back.

Robert has special Occult Powers and has an interest in witch

craft.  he says all of this UFO stuff is directly related to

witch craft and the occult.

In February - April 1987 both Robert _________ Sr. and myself

were under surveillance by what we considered an agent from

the cover-up group.  He went by the name of John Chunn.  We

finally confronted him face to face concerning all of this.

Needless to say he quit work that day and never came back.

Robert Sr.  has been harassed several times by an individual

who wanted Robert Sr. to go to the 4 corners area with him .

On April 16, 1987, he said he would reunite him with his son.

_________ backed out the last minute.

Later Robert Sr. was picked up by the police for no reason at

all and held for one week.  When he hot back home he found

out that his place had been ransacked.

On Nov. 9, 1987, a person riding a motercycle and dressed

like a biker approached _________ identifying himsself as Lt.

eed or Reade and claimed that he had a Top Secret clearance

and had access to the files pertaining to the projects that

his son was still involved in.  He said that he would place

_________ in touch with Robert ______ and said he was working

in an underground base.  He said you cannot find this base on

any maps or in any military directories.

Robert ______  was in the following unit.



FBG 31905

Fort Carson, Colorado

His Commanding Officer was Capt. Dana _. ______

Well ____ there it is for what it is worth.  You can get in

touch with Robert Sr. at _________________________________

(NOTE!  All names addresses and phone numbers are in the

original document and all of this information checks out with

the Long Beach Police Dept. and with Robert Sr. whom I have

talked to.  The information was sent to a friend of mine in

exactly this form and he forwarded it to me in exactly the

form that I have typed it to disc.   Bill Cooper)

aining their blood and pumping a chemical mixtur into the

circulatory system t                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


              oceanographic and physical sciences

Dr. Robert I. Sarbacher

President and Chairman of Board

                      November 29, 1983




Dear Mr.____________:

I am sorry I have taken so long in answering your letters.

However, I have moved my office and have had to make a

number of extended trips.

To answer your last question in your letter of October 14,

1983, there is no particular reason I feel I shouldn't or

couldn't answer any or all of your questions.  I am delight-

ed to answer all of them to the best of my ability.

You listed some of your questions in your letter of

September 12th.  I will attemp to answer them as you had

listed them.

1.  Relating to my own experience regarding re-

covered flying saucers, I had no association with any

of the people involved in the recovery and have no knowl-

edge regarding the dates of the recoveries.  If I had I

would send it to you.

2.  Regarding verification that persons you list were

involved, I can only say this:

John Von Neuman was definitely involved.  Dr. Vannever Bush

was definitely involved, and I think Dr. Robert Oppenheimer


My association with the Research and Development Board under

Doctor Compton during the Eisenhower administration was

rather limited so that although I had been invited to

participate in several discussions associated with the re-

ported recoveries, I could not personally attend the

meetings.  I am sure that they would have asked Dr. Von

Braun, and the others that you listed were probably asked and

may or may not have attended.  This is all I know for sure.

3.  I did receive some official reports when I was in my

office at the Pentagon but all of these were left there as at

the time we were never supposed to take them out of the


4.  I do not recall receiving any photographs such as you

request so I am not in a position to answer.

5.  I have to make the same reply as on No. 4.

I recall the interview with Dr. Brenner of the Canadian

Embassy.  I think the answers I gave him were the ones you

listed.  Naturally, I was more  familiar with the subject

matter under discussion, at that time.  actually, I would

have been able to give more specific answers had I attend-

ed the meetings concerning the subject.  You must understand

that I took this assignment as a private contribution.  We

were called "dollar-a-year men".  My first responsibility was

the maintenance of my own business activity so that my

participation was limited.

About the only thing I remember at this time is that certain

materials reported to have come from flying saucer crashes

were extremely light and very tough.  I am sure our

laboratories analyzed them very carefully.

There were reports that instruments or people operating these

machines were also of very light weight, sufficient to

withstand the tremendous deceleration and acceleration

associated with their machinery.  I remember in talking with

some of the people at the office that I got the impression

these "aliens" were constructed like certain insects we have

observed on earth, wherein because of the low mass the

inertial forces involved in operation of these instruments

would be quite low.

I still do not know why the high order of classification has

been given and why the denial of the existence of these


I am sorry it has taken me so long to reply but I suggest you

get in touch with the others who may be directly involved in

this program.

                                    Sincerely yours,


                                    Dr. Robert I. Sarbacher

P. S.  It occurs to me that Dr. Bush's name is inccorrect

       as you have it.  Please check the spelling.

JUNE 13, 1987

Dear Sirs,

Although I missed your very recent radio and tv shows, a

friend suggested that I write this letter and share my

information with you.  I am fifty year af age engineer that

has worked in the private sector, as well as with the


From 1975 to 1980, i was involved with several investigations

having to do with E.T. material.  Even though the project was

very well covered, I am still very much surprised that

Project Pluto and results have not surfaced yet.

In as much as the project was handled by others, there was no

question that the government was in full control.  For

security purposes, Project Pluto had five levels.  Those who

investigated one level had nothing to do with the next, and

would only turn in the results of data of these findings to

the next level, then go on to another area.

No one that I knew ever had the results of two levels at the

same time.  There was only one very rare exception to the

rule which took place in 1975, and was in fact my very first

assignment with the project.  I was employed by a non-

government firm that of course was directly involved with the

government, and probably fronted for them on the projects.

I would assume that eventually government records could be

made available to the general public, but not from the

private sector.  I'm not really sure.  In any event, several

others and myself were rushed to a rather remote place in

upstate Pennsylvannia.

We were informed that every thing was top secret, and had to

remain that way.  We were even housed in a hotel close by,

and security people were assigned to us.  Some type of

aircraft had crashed in this area, and the government felt

that it would be easier and faster to do all of their

investigation right there rather than to move the remains of

the wreck, and whatever evidence the soil may contain.

The wreck site was rather difficult to get to, however, we

turned it into a construction site, clearing the area, and

building two small and one very large metal pre-fab buildings

over and around the wreck.  Heavy equipment, materials, and

workers were flown in and out on a daily basis.

We were moved from the hotel to some mobile homes that were

brought in for us, and many more top level people who joined

us.  I might add that the local people who still lived some

distance from the site, were led to believe that a large

private corporation was preparing to build an electrical

power supply for the area.  But it was off limits to everyone

in the area.

We were some of the first ones on the scene other than lots

of security people.  The wreck had already been covered by

very large canvas blankets, and large nets were tented over

head to protect the site from any possible air traffic.  I

did manage to get a very good look at the wreck on several

occasions.  My first thoughts were that it may have been and

experimental air craft of our government, or perhaps the

government of another.

It was later suggested to us that it was a new type of air

craft of a foreign government, and it was a super hush hush

project.  That air craft was nothing like I have ever seen or

probably ever will again.

The crash site was also something quite different.  The

disturbed soil was about a hundred feet in diameter, although

the craft was much larger in length.  I only saw what

appeared to be about two/thirds of the rear end, and even

that was about ten feet below the surface.  When it crashed

on about a 30 degree angle, it pushed all the earth back away

from the craft itself.  Almost as if the hole were made

first, and then something half the size was put in place.

My best thought of this rather strange hole is that some kind

of magnetic field had pushed all the earth away from the

craft at impact.  It was reasonable to assume that I was

looking down at the rear end of the air craft, yet there was

nothing to indicate that it had any kind of engine as we know

it.  Not even one little opening.

I don't really like to use the term cigar, but since I could

not see the front part, it certainly appeared to have once

been shaped like a large cigar.  That's by best description.

If it was a craft from a foreign government, then we are in

big trouble.  I actually held one small portion of the wreck

in my hand.  Incidently, there was only a very small reading

of radio waves in the area.  The area was quite safe.  There

was on the other hand, a great deal of free magnetic energy

in that area.  It was very difficult using our instruments.

It was very difficult just to establish the correct time.

Every wrist watch was a different time.

The piece of physical evidence that I held in my hand, was a

material that I really can't identify.  It may have been torn

from the front of the craft when it crashed.  A few of us

compared thoughts as to what it might be, but no one was

really certain.  None of us had ever seen anything like it

before.  It was about one square foot and about an inch

thick.  It weighed almost nothing, and one had the feeling

that it may blow away if you let go of it and the wind


It was the same color and texture of the large portion, so it

was safe to assume that it was part of the shell of the

craft.  It weighed nowhere near enough to be any metal that

we had ever seen.  It even weighed less than any plastic that

I had seen of a similar size.

I tried to scratch it with a pocket knife, and even cut away

a small piece of the edge, but the knife did nothing to it.

The surface was clear as glass, and stronger than anything we

had ever seen.  It was like trying to scratch the surface of

glass with a feather.  Of course, we had to turn it into the

security people.

After the site was secure, the first groups that included

myself were taken away.  There was a very thorough strip

search prior to us being given jumpsuits, and put into a

truck for the transportation to a waiting plane.  We were

taken to another area and debriefed before we were allowed to

return to our normal way of life.

About three months later, a few of us returned to the site to

remove the buildings, fill up the hole, and generally put

the area back into the same shape as it may have been prior

to the crash.  We went through the same type of security

search and debriefing as we had done the first time.

Whatever was left of the craft had been removed and sent to -


Almost one year to the day, I was sent to another crash site.

Everything was a repeat of the first time, except that there

were six of us.  Four of us were part of the first crash

site, and the other two were new.  This time the air craft

was buried so deep into the lower side of a hill that we

could not get a good look at it.

The security arrangements were just about the same, and we

constructed similar buildings around it.  It was very close

to a rerun of the first crash site.  Only this time we were

told, "as a matter of fact it was a top secret experimental

air craft that had crashed".  I could however, manage to see

the rear end of the craft.  It appeared to be the same type

as the first.  The code name of the project was Pluto, as it

was the first also.  Incidently, that was in upstate New

York, in 1976.  I do not know if there were any "people" or

life forms aboard.

Several years later, I had an occasion to be in the area of

site #one.  The bartender only recognized me because he

brought in our first room service the first night we stayed

there.  There was no room service there, but he made his one

and only exception to the rule for us.  He asked me lots of

questions which of course had no answers for, nor would I

give any.  He told me that he heard that there were lots of

medical people on the site.  He thought that rather odd for

an electric power station.  He assumed that there must have

been some kind of an accident, or lots of waste material in

the area.  We let it go at that.

It appears that security was very good, and no one had any

idea that an air craft had crashed there.  I suspect that the

air craft was fifty feet in diameter and as long as two

hundred feet.  I could be wrong in the length.  As I recall

the under portion of air craft #one had more of a flat

surface.  It was difficult to see, but I do recall the

difference in the portion of the under surface that I could


There were also a few interesting grooves on the top and side

areas about twenty feet long.  We had speculated that either

a steering fin had been attached, or a place where it could

slide through from the inside, similar to the type of

system used to lower wheels on any air craft.  First


In 1978, I was again sent to a crash site.  We arrived the

day after the security people.  This time the air craft

landed in a lake in upstate Pennsylvannia.  We went through

the same motions, and built several buildings on the edge of

the lake to house the craft, once it was removed from the

water.  Lots of Navy equipment was flown in, and there were

divers everywhere.  The same magnetic field was present as in

the first two incidents.  There was no air craft.

I spent three weeks there in the event that the buildings had

to be adjusted.  It seems that the divers had located the

exact spot that the air craft had rested on the bottom, but

it was gone.  There was lots of evidence on the beach that

something very large had crashed into the lake causing the

water of the lake to splash ashore, over thirty feet, and

what was normally a rather clean lake, was suddenly a very

large mudhole.  After three weeks, I left and was subjected

to the same type of security as the first two times.

I didn't have to return to dismantle the pre-fab buildings.

I would think that it was done by others very soon there

after.  There was some thoughts at first that the craft may

have been buried under the bottom of the lake, but by this

time, we knew enough about the craft to know if that were the

case.  It was not - it just vanished.  Perhaps it was not

damaged and managed to fly away.  That may sound silly, but I

believe that it is a reasonable conclusion.  There was some

damage to the immediate area.  Six large electrical

transformers, and some other equipment were burnt out and had

to be replaced by the electric company.  The government took

the electrical equipment and had it flown somewhere else.

In 1979, I was sent to the shores of southern Texas.  The

same type of situation, all the evidence led us to believe

that whatever it was, it landed in the water and flew away.

I understand that over twenty men actually saw it go into the

water, but the days that followed bore no fruit.  The Navy

divers had a good deal of evidence that some thing  has made

a very large recent gash on the bottom in about seventy feet

of water.

The very same magnetic field was present, and every thing

electrical in the immediate area was burnt out.  By the end

of 1979, I was sent back to the very same lake in Northern

Pennsylvannia.  It was a duplicate incident as the first time

we were there.  It had landed in the lake and was gone.  The

same electrical items were again destroyed, and the same

magnetic field was evident.  I really have no physical

evidence to prove one way or another the identification of

the air craft.  I can only examine what I have experienced

and wonder!  My opinion is another story.

I don't really believe that the air craft belongs to our

Government or any other government on this earth.  From 1975

to present, we would certainly have seen some kind of

revolutionary change in our air craft.  To date, I still have

not seen any material to even slightly match the very first

piece of physical evidence that I had examined.  That alone,

would have made a fantastic change in the material we use

today.  No corporation or government could keep that kind of

material quality under cover for over twelve years.  If they

had invented it.

After twelve years we probably don't even know what it is, or

how to make it.  I am positive that at the very least, they

have two of the air craft hidden somewhere, and probably have

learned very little from them, other than they exist.

However, the company that I was associated with has made some

gigantic leaps forward in electromagnetic forces.  Perhaps

they did learn something from it after all.  If we wish to

assume that these air craft are not from this earth, and are

from way out there in space, then my goodness, the planet

must be full of visitors.  The air traffic alone, must be

fantastic.  It seems to me that who ever they are they have

found it easier to land in the water rather  than on our dry

earth.  Perhaps it was designed to land on water or a very

flat surface.

I have never really had any feelings one way or another

abvout E.T.'s.  I have elected to deal with hard evidence

only, that was prior to 1975.  For those few years

afterwards, I could not help but interject some opinions into

my brain.

As I would rather deal with hard evidence only, I am forced

to put all of this on a scale, and take a good hard look at

the tilting of the scales.  There is far too much here to

ignore.  I must confess that I had some what leaned towards

the experimental air craft story.  But as the years passed,

it became evident that was only a cover story.  Too much time

has past, and our air craft are pretty much the same.  There

is no doubt in my mind that we as well as others, are

constantly experimenting with new air craft, however at this

late date, I am reasonably certain that those crash sites

were not made by anything that we are familiar with, and then

again, I still kind of reserve that possibility.  As you can

see, I have many mixed feelings about it.

Im addition, I have no way of knowing if I had been on every

crash site that occurred.  There may have been many more

during that period and many more since then.

I really don't know if any one had ever been removed from the

two wrecks, that I had personally seen.  Perhaps they were

only mechanical flights.  Perhaps the medical people were

only there - just in case.  And/or to test the wreck for any

form of unknown bacteria prior to removing it.  Their being

present is not really evidence that a life form was found.

It could go either way.

I just cannot imagine our government or any other keeping it

such a secret, if in fact, they were not from this earth.  It

really serves no purpose that I can understand.  Also appears

to me that if they were from somewhere else that they mean us

no harm.  I would suspect that after all these years, if they

meant us harm, we would most certainly know about it by now.

Even if they were only mechanical flights, the fact that they

could get here at many times, is certainly a feat in

itself, and worthy of publication.

If the fact that they managed to get here at all, and the

physical evidence, the material that I examined is any

indication of how intelligent they are, then I would feel

safe in assuming that they have left us in the stone age.  On

a personal level, I have no fear of meeting or contacting

such a being.  In fact, the very first time I saw the craft,

the thought had entered my mind.  I didn't expect a being

like Frankenstein to come walking out.  And for a short time

I had wondered what I would do if suddenly a door opened and

some form of life came out.  What the heck!  If it didn't

look too bad I may have walked up and said hello just as I

would to anyone else who may visit me.

I would think that I would be more afraid of picking up some

unknown form of bacteria than I would be of the life form

itself.  Well, today we can pick up, as I put the

germ fear aside. Yes.  I would certainly try to be friendly

once the first wave of fear passed me by.  What I fear more

than any visitor is that some farmer is going to get them

with a shot gun and do more damage than we can or want to

handle.  Also, some cowboy policeman trying to shoot his

first space man.  Because of that I should think that our

government would try to edcucate us as to the proper way to

handle any such situation.  That little bit of awareness and

education may save our planet form destruction.  If there is

clear evidence that we are being visited by intelligent life

forms, then the heads of our government are by far crazier

than I had imagined by trying to keep it a secret.  The

damage of hostile action on our part may not be repairable.

I'm sorry but I am not familiar with your group, but my

friend was very impressed by your speaker on tv as well as

the radio.  Because of that I am trying to share whatever

information and evidence that I have which is in fact all

first hand data.  I have illustrated the evidence and

information as it happened, and made note of where I


There are many items that I have not included in this

letter, only because this could turn into forty or fifty

pages.  At some time in the future, if you wish, I will take

my time and write every detail that I can remember.  I'll

also put it on tape for clarification.

I was told that you plan to open another branch in the future

in the Philadelphia area?  If that's the case I would

certainly be interested in some form of association with your

group.  I belong to no other and never had any desire to,

however, I understand that you are serious people, and worthy

of respect.  I regard the opinion of my friend very highly.

He is a professor of physics, and himself a very serious

person.  I would appreciate your sending me some literature

about your group, and your plans if any to enter the

Philadelphia area.  I think that you have selected a very

good location.  There are many very serious people there and

a good solid investigation group would be quite welcome.  I'm

certain that once you entered the area the support group

would be fantastic.  If you selected Philadelphia, then the

assured that you picked the right city for another branch.

Incidently, my experience in the E.T. world ended in 1980,

when I changed positions.  Have you had any reports of

material that I examined belonging to an air craft from

others?  And the ever present magnetic field, do you gave any

reports from others similar to that?  I have heard of others

saying that they have seen a cigar shaped air craft, and I

feel rather silly.  Perhaps that's not the word.  But, to the

best of my knowledge and sight, it appeared to be just that.

A cigar shaped craft.  Please note that in both cases, I had

never seen the front of the craft.  i can only assume that

the design was constant.  I'll close for now and hope to hear

from you.

I remain,


April 20, 1980




Dear ________,

I read your letter of the 13th with considerable interest.

It seems difficult to believe that I have finally found

someone that is as interested in finding out the true story

of Project Red Light.

First of all I would like to address the specific points

requested in your letter, and then I will expand on them and

other items as well.

1.  I did not know about the UFO movie prior to reading your


2.  I found out the name of Project Redlight almost by

accident.  I was ____________________________________________

in a warehouse at Area 51 and saw a large number of wooden

shipping crates (the type made with tongue and groove lumber

and used for shipping heavy items securely) with the code

name "Project Redlight" written with grease pen or felt tip

pen.  Also on the crates was a stencilled "Edwards AFB" in

standard military type of letters.

3.  The article in Readers Digest that I referred to was

about a UFO that flew over the US from the East Coast to

where it "blew up" somewhere over eastern Nevada.  The

article did not state that the pilot was human.  I'm sorry

for the confusion on this.  The reason that I felt that this

Digest article is important is that I remember a period

shortly after the date given in the article (I don't

reemember what it was, sorry) everything came to a screeching

halt at Area 51.  As you can see, I am just putting two and

two together, but I am satisfied that the UFO of the Digest

article and the UFO of Project Redlight are/were one and the


Now for some additional information that has come to mind

since I talked to you.

Your report about the motorcycle riders is interesting.  I

can remember hearing similar rumors while I worked on the

test site and I would not doubt the authenticity of your

report.  The security force at Area 51 while I serviced the

Area were heavily armed and I considered them dangerous.

There were several times that I was in the wrong place at the

right time and had it not been provable that i was not

snooping or trying to snoop I really don't think I would be

writing you this letter.  Incidentally, the security wore

standard air police uniforms but looked nothing like any of

the AP's I have ever dealt with.  They were all in their 30's

to 40's, and looked like dock workers.  Also as I remember it

the only markings they wore just said Air Police.  They did

not have Nellis AFB on anything but a few of their vehicles,

and I believe that they were assigned to Edwards rather than

Nellis.  The reason I remember this is that it seemed strange

to me during my first trip to Area 51 I noticed a slight

difference in their uniforms from Nellis AP's, and I over-

heard a couple of remarks that indicated they were from


Another interesting point.  I was accustomed to going out

onto the Bombing and Gunnery Range and had a number at Indian

springs (Nellis AFB maintains a forward area base there) to

call to get clearence onto the range.  This was SOP.

However, in the case of Area 51 I called the security office

at Area 51.  This indicated to me that Nellis AFB had nothing

to do with the operation of Area 51.  Also the designation of

Area 51 was classified TOP SECRET.

Incidentally, although I carried a "Q" clearance from the

Atomic Energy Commission as well as an inter agency TOP

SECRET clearance I was investigated for a special Air Force

TOP SECRET clearance in order to operate in Area 51.

At this point I am going to give you just a series of

disconnected observations that I made in the hope that they

may tie in with something you or Len Stringfield may know.

1.  I saw some crates being unloaded from a cargo plane.  The

aircraft was a super constellation with standard markings and

had nothing to indicate it had any military connections.

There was no airline name on it.

2.  I only saw the UFO one time.  It was on the ground and

partly hidden behind a building and at first I thought it was

a small private aircraft until I noticed it had no wings or

tail.  I was probably 1/2 mile or farther from it but I would

guess it 20 to 30 feet in diameter and sort of a pewter color

rather than bright polished aluminium.

3.  The reason I know it flew silently is I was present on a

number of occasions when it was landing or taking off (I was

always taken inside and out of view of the runway at these

times) and at no time did I hear anything that sounded like a

conventional or any other kind of engine.

4.  I was working on their ______ several times when they

just_______.  However since I was there to work on them I

really didn't think anything about it.  Oh yes, they would

___________ again just as suddenly.  Also there were a number

of times that I was called out to work on ______ and could

not find anything wrong with it.

5.  On of the men that I knew were "Pilots" was just slightly

larger than me.

6.  Most of the test flights occurred in the daytime rather

than at night.

7.  The radio frequency they used at that time was in the

regular commercial VHF band and was a simplex frequency.  At

one time I had the Freq. written down but I have no idea now

what it was.  Anyway, i really think that someone with a

scanner could pick them up if they were to park on the road

to the east of the test site and use some kind of directional


8.  Before I send this letter I will try to gey a USC&GS map

of the area and will mark the location of Area 51 on it.

9.  There was a Radar Station at the north end of the test

site near the town of Tonopah, Nevada.  A fellow from my home

town of _______,________ was an operator there.  His name is

__________  __________ .  We were talking about the test site

one day when he mentioned that he was always picking up UFO's

over the test site but was told to ignore them.  I remember

him telling about one that he picked up on the edge of his

RBI on the first revolution was directly overhead on the

second pass and was just going off the scope on the third

revolution of the antenna.

10.  For some reason I seem to remember that the Redlight is

spelled Redlight i.e. all one word.

11.  I always had the impression that the flight test area

was from Area 51 north because there is a natural valley that

runs in that  direction for 200 miles or so.  Also the area

to the south was more populated.  Also I entered Area 51 from

the north and there were a couple of times that i was

questioned about whether I had 'noticed' anything on the way


12.  I was reminded constantly that no matter what I saw I

could be in serious trouble if I ever talked about any of it.

I can't stress how much how tight the security was, it was

almost paranoid.

13.  I don't think this has anything to do with Redlight, but

I remember when I was a kid back in the 40's, on two

occasions I saw a story about UFO's included in the weekly

Pathe' News.  There was one story about a UFO that had

crashed somewhere and another story about a UFO thaqt was

found in some farmers barn.  Both of those stories were given

the usual news treatment.  The reason that I am mentioning

this is that I recently read an article about the entire

library of Pathe' movie film being given to an institution of

some kind which would make it available to researchers.  i am

certain that if these film clips could be located they would

be useful.  Realizing that these stories appeared prior to

Blue Book and at a time of Buck Rogers and Flash Gordon,

there is probably a better than even chance that they can be

located by someone willing to spend the time viewing a few

hundred hours of old news film.

14.  More on item #7, the air-to-ground frequencies were in

the 200mc range.  I believe there is a standard set of air-to

-ground or government frequencies either just above or just

below the 220mc ham band and their communications were on

those frequencies.

Well there you  have it ______.  I hope that I have shed some

light on some dark areas.  Should any other thoughts come to

mind that I feel may be important I will try to catch you on

the ____________.  Hopefully if I can get things settled down

to a dull roar I will be able to start checking in on a more

permanent basis.  Of course, should you have any questions or

want further clarification please contact me.


NOTE...Any information that would identify the sender or

recipient of this letter has been deleted in order to protect

them.  The original document contains both names and

addresses but will be given to no one without their

permission.  The reason Len Stringfields name is left in is

that he is a known UFO researcher and it cannot hurt him as

he was not the sender or receiver.


                       CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY        TOP SECRET

                          WASHINGTON, D.C. 20505

                                             June 24, [BLANK]



Executive Briefing {Memo}

Yesterday R2 requested briefing on Project "A".  In particular,

he wanted update info from [BLANK].  MJ3 advised that that

info was not available to R2.  Apparently, White House requested

info because of [         BLANK            ].  Can't seem

to make those fools realize [BLANK] info is not available for

any dissemination, per EO 01156, regardless of who requests

info.  Contact T-2P and see if he can assume custody of the


Don't allow AF to evaluate IDENT info.  They may open up a

little too much.  KEND-3 can assist to some extent.


                        TOP SECRET

                                                      HANDLE ON STRICT

                                                      NEED TO KNOW BASIS

TO: All interested parties

FROM: Allen Benz

      Foundation for UFO Research

      Box 182

      Tucson, AZ  85702-0182


Recently we received a letter from Bill English which states

in part:

        It's come to my attention that I've been the subject

      of much speculation on the Paranet out of Phoenix, and

      that several people have called my father at his

      office in Phoenix. All trying to find out if I am

        indeed his son and/or if I'm alive...[please] put

        out a message on the net telling everyone that I'm

        alive and well and that I request that they not

        bother my father anymore. I think he's about to

        blow a gasket.

Anyone wishing to contact Bill English may do so by contacting us at the


mailing address.

                           QUESTIONS ON AQUARIUS

                         by Christian P. Lambright

      It has been said that there are three kinds of people, those who

make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those who won-

der...what happened...? It seems that nothing more true could be said of

the types of people involved in the arena of UFO interest. The recent

con-troversy concerning the alleged project entitled "AQUARIUS" and the

con-trol group labeled "MJ-12" seems a prime example of the confusion

that re-sults from lack of communication between interested parties. Is

there a project AQUARIUS which deals with UFOs? Who first discovered

that such a project existed? If the documentation supporting the

existence of an "MJ-12" group is valid, as some contend, then why does

it appear full of dis-crepancies? These are questions that need to be

addressed before any at-tempt can be made to judge the validity of the


      As any good detective can tell, motivation is a helpful key in

solv-ing any crime or mystery. Who would stand to gain by the situation


hand? Perhaps a little of this line of reasoning would help in solving

the current mystery of AQUARIUS/MJ-12. The revelation of a UFO-related

project by the name of AQUARIUS first appeared on the scene in what has

commonly been referred to as the "NASA-telex" [AQUARIUS.DOC]. This is

the allegedly genuine document which describes several pieces of

photographic film relat-ing to incidents at Kirtland AFB and the case of

Paul Bennewitz. As most knowledgeable people are aware, this document

relates quite a bit of inter-esting information pertaining to official

interest in UFOs as well as men-tioning the existence of project

AQUARIUS and something called "MJ-12".  However, several key areas in

this document were deleted by either the original source or by the

recipient. It is interesting to note that there is a retyped version of

this document which has circulated with the dele-tions filled-in, but

with no explanation as to who retyped it or how the previously deleted

areas were uncovered.

      Reportedly Peter Gersten was shown this document in 1983 and so it

would seem that it has been around for several years. But if Gersten was

the original recipient he has not revealed where he obtained it or from

whom. This document would appear to be closely tied to the events at

Kirt-land AFB in 1980 inasmuch as it mentions Bennewitz and the Air

Force inter-est in UFO sightings over military bases. Could the release

of this docu-ment be related to the release of the initial document(s)

concerning the events at Kirtland? [KIRTLND1.DOC, KIRTLND2.DOC] William

Moore has stated that he was first given the initial Kirtland documents

in Washington DC in early 1982 by an unnamed source. And there have been

several rumors circu-lated concerning heated arguments between Moore and

Gersten over the means by which Gersten obtained these documents. Rumors

aside, if Moore received his documents over one year _after_ the

incidents occurred then whoever gave him these copies must have had

access to them either from AFOSI files in Washington or from the

original sender at Kirtland. There are indica-tions that William Moore

received his copies from Richard Doty, the AFOSI Special Agent at

Kirtland AFB. Other sources have also reported that Doty was involved in

an effort to get information of this nature out to certain individuals

for purposes unknown. And so it seems possible that Doty was responsible

for the Kirtland documents and perhaps the "NASA-telex" being released

as he would have been in a position to have access to such infor-mation.

Regardless, it would fall to serious UFO researchers to attempt to

verify if the documents conveyed valid information, or disinformation.

      As interest began to focus on AQUARIUS and "MJ-12" several

different FOIA requests were filed with various government agencies to

try to garn-ish information on these subjects, but as recently as 1986

most of the leading figures in Ufology were convinced that the document

was a forgery and that Project AQUARIUS was nonexistent. In 1985 I had

filed several different requests with government agencies requesting

information on

three projects: Sigma, Snowbird and Aquarius; as well as any information

pertaining to MJ-12 or Majestic-12. I specifically did not mention any

connection or interest dealing with UFOs in these requests. With the

excep-tion of the National Security Agency every response I received was

a de-nial of any knowledge of any of these subjects or titles. While

they sta-ted that Sigma and Snowbird were "not projects of this agency"

and that they had no knowledge of MJ-12, they estimated that search fees

for all information on Project AQUARIUS would be $15,000! It would

appear that

this is a rather expansive project. After several subsequent requests

for clarification and to simply send the initial document which

initiated the project the NSA stated that the project did not deal with

"UFOs" and that as I would not be paying the fees they were concluding

action on my re-quests. Subsequent appeals only clarified that Project

AQUARIUS was classified Top Secret and that release of any portion of it

could pose "grave danger to the national security." [AQUANSA.DOC]

      Several individuals have considered the statement by the NSA that

AQUARIUS does not deal with UFOs to be patently honest, and perhaps this

is the truth. However I believe that to have expected the NSA to "roll-

over" and openly reveal otherwise would be naive to say the least. It

seems paradoxical that some "researchers" both expect these agencies to

be deceptive but will readily accept some statements as totally

accurate. I believe that there are sufficient reasons to suspect that

the NSA project may actually be the project which is indicated in the

"NASA-telex" which originally mentioned it and MJ-12.

      In the process of trying to verify the above document I had ad-

dressed a series of letters to what was designated the 7602 Air Intel-

ligence Group (7602 AINTELG), as of 1983 known as the Air Force Special

Activities Center. A Branch of the Air Force Intelligence Service, the

7602 AINTELG deals with human resource intelligence, much the same as

the 4602 AINTELG which is known to have aided Edward Ruppelt in his

investi-gations several years ago. This may or may not be coincidence

and could be an interesting avenue for further research. Nevertheless,

in the process

of trying to get information on this group I had been receiving somewhat

evasive response letters from AFIS. In a conversation with an Air Force

source in which I had referred to my problems in obtaining information

on this group I was informed that perhaps this is due to the fact that

"they are a branch of the NSA!" This was at the time my first indication

that there may be some NSA involvement, and was prior to my letters to

NSA it-self. Within a few months I was to learn another interesting fact

pointing to the NSA.

      With the aid of well-known research Thomas Adams I was notified of

a person who reportedly had heard a very interesting statement


the initial AQUARIUS/MJ-12 document. After speaking with this gentleman

personally I was firmly convinced that the information he was relating

was accurate as it had been told to him. He related that he had been

told per-sonally that this document had been changed in two ways, and

that he had been told this by the individual who had changed it.

Although both changes were not revealed, he had been told that the

reference in the document to "NASA" had originally been "NSA"! And who

was the person doing the telling ...none other than William Moore. In a

brief conversation with Moore after this in which I asked him if he had

any knowledge of this he simply stated "No comment."

      The recent issue of JUST CAUSE also contains the statement by

Larry Fawcett and Barry Greenwood that they have been told that this

document is actually a retyped version. This fact was reportedly

revealed in 1983 to Peter Gersten by an Air Force officer and was either

forgotten or over-looked until just recently. However, the Air Force

source who is cited is said to be none other than Richard Doty himself.

      In light of the fact that it has recently become common knowledge

that Mr. Moore does (for his own reasons) delete documents which he ob-

tains, and that he is rather aggressive in his research, I believe that

Mr. Moore did in fact retype or have this document retyped. But does

this negate the value of the document, or indicate that it is a hoax?

Perhaps this explains why no one can verify if the document is genuine,

because technically it _is_ a forgery. It would appear that it is up to

Mr. Moore to reveal a clean, accurate version and to finally reveal the

facts behind its acquisition.

      According to film producer and director Linda Moulton Howe, she

has had independent confirmation of MJ-12 and reportedly was shown a set

of documents containing much of the same, if not identical, information.

How-ever, the actual name of the group in question was not "Majestic"

but an-other similar sounding word containing the letters M and J. Could

it be that the term "Majestic" was a substitution in a clever attempt to

with-hold a key bit of information which only someone with true inside

inform-ation would be able to identify?

      If there is reason to question the accuracy of the information

pre-sented in the original AQUARIUS/MJ-12 document as well as the

information in the recent documents pertaining to MJ-12, does this

logically imply

that the 1980 Kirtland/Bennewitz events should be considered

questionable?  Any single-witness UFO sighting has always been somewhat


this is exactly why we look for multiple witnesses and any other

support-ing evidence. If Richard Doty, or Paul Bennewitz were alone in

reporting these incidents then the Kirtland events would never have

become as major an issue as they have. However there were numerous

individuals involved

not only in the events precipitating the documents but in the

preparation of the documents themselves. A brief summary of the

incidents is as fol-lows:

      Early 1980, Paul Bennewitz becomes involved in observing and

      filming objects which he has sighted on the ground and in the air

      near Kirt-land AFB and the Manzano range. Reportedly his wife was

      also present to witness some of the first landings he witnessed

      and filmed in the Coyote Canyon area. Subsequently he contacts

      Earnest Edwards of the Kirtland Security Police who, over the

      period of the next few

      months, becomes concerned and requests the guards on the Manzano

      Weapons Storage Area report to him any sightings of unusual aerial

      lights. At the beginning of August 1980 three guards report

      sighting an aerial light which descends on the Sandia Military

      Reservation.  This is the first sighting described in the

      complaint form signed by Richard Doty. Edwards reports the

      sighting to Doty unaware that Doty has already heard from Russ

      Curtis (Sandia Security Chief) that a Sandia Security guard

      sighted a disc-shaped object near a structure just minutes after

      the sighting by the three Manzano guards. Doty includes these

      reports and several others in his Complaint Form and forwards the

      report to AFOSI Headquarters in Washington.

From this point on many other persons became involved. Bennewitz was

called down to a meeting at Kirtland AFB at which several major Air

Force officers and Sandia personnel were present, including a Brigadier

General.  Earnest Edwards has confirmed that the three guards under his

command re-ported what was described, and that the meeting took place.

Bennewitz has confirmed that Doty and Jerry Miller came to his home to

view his mater-ials and there is a document signed by Thomas A. Cseh,

Commander of the Base Investigative Detachment, to confirm this. Finally

there is the com-plete set of documents which were released by AFOSI

Headquarters under cover of the Department of the Air Force relating to

the described events.

      There seem to be only two possibilities to consider. One: that

this is one of the most profound deceptions that has been undertaken

with the sanction of the USAF, involving a civilian, for purposes which

can only be imagined. The other: that the events happened as described

and that the intervening years, subsequent developments, and misguided


have only clouded the facts. Perhaps there was also some effort made on

an official level to defuse the sensitive nature of the events.

      Would Richard Doty have perpetrated a hoax, involved other

officers in his deception, sent the hoax on to AFOSI Headquarters, and

then spread certain information to civilian UFO researchers? For what

purpose? And would he still be in the Air Force if he was discovered,

knowing the

public relations catastrophe that could result from AFOSI in Washington

releasing the subsequent documents? If seems inconceivable that the Base

Investigative Detachment, and the Department of the Air Force, would not

have quickly and easily discovered the hoax and subsequently labeled the

entire matter as such, knowing their previous predilection to do just


      A few simple telephone calls have served to clarify much of the

truth of the initial incidents. We must avoid the temptation at times to

"shoot first and ask questions later" which can result in spreading mis-

information ourselves. It is advisable to use tact in approaching wit-

nesses as we have no God-given right to call up strangers and demand

that they answer questions, particularly when sensitive matters may be

in-volved. Is it any surprise that some of these people may not want to

be bothered by every person who plies them with questions?

      A very bizarre but intriguing letter was sent to APRO in either

late 1980 or early 1981 and is commonly referred to by the name of the

initial subject of the letter, a Mr. Craig Weitzel. This letter refers

to a se-quence of events which occurred in the mid-1980's at both

Kirtland AFB and in an area near Pecos, NM and also makes several

statements to the effect that there is a UFO-investigation detachment

stationed at or near Kirt-land. The writer also goes on to mention among

other things that there is at least one "object" stored in the Manzano

storage area. That the letter was at least legitimately received at APRO

can be ascertained by the vehe-ment letter which Jim Lorenzen mailed out

rebuking the gentleman who re-leased this letter without official

permission from APRO. However, can we determine if this letter is a

total hoax or is there even a grain of truth to be found in the

information it conveys? In a conversation I had with Craig Weitzel he

claimed to know nothing of the details related in the letter, and denied

that he took any photographs. Strangely enough, how-ever, he _did_ state

that he and the other did see an unusual silvery object hovering high in

the sky which left the area, to use his words, "exponentially"! He had

been training in mountain rescue operations and he and the others had

spelled out S-O-S on the mountain side using parachutes and were waiting

for the rescue helicopters to spot them. While looking

for these helicopters they notices the silvery "UFO". If this is all

that occurred what could be the reason to fabricate such a letter and

yet give the name and address of a witness who was sure to refute the

claims? Was

it just a bizarre practical joke? The author of the anonymous letter

claims that after Weitzel spoke with AFOSI agent Dody (sic) he did not

want to have anything more to do with the matter and subsequently the

Dody character denied that there had been any photographs. Was this a

circum-stance that could have been expected based on previous experience

with Air Force handling of such matters? Many government and military

witnesses often refuse to talk about their experiences to strangers

either because

of official pressure or simply for the sake of their own privacy.

Motiva-tion again must be considered in efforts to find the complete


      In early October 1987 I had a strange conversation with an indivi-

dual who is unknown to me except by first name and who initially knew

absolutely nothing about my interest in UFOs. During a telephone

conversa-tion which took place totally by chance, the subject of nuclear

weapons came up as this person indicated some knowledge of this

weaponry, being at the time a member of the Air Force. I jokingly asked

to know everything there was to know about Kirtland AFB, but not due to

my interest in nuc-lear weapons per se but because of something else I

thought may be stored at Manzano that "isn't nuclear weapons." After a

momentary chuckle this individual said, "yes...UFOs!" As astounded as I

was I asked for a little clarification, and after relating my interest,

I was told that there are two "objects" stored in the Manzano area from

what this person had heard during conversations by Air Force personnel

in Germany. There had been

some discussion about something which was related to a UFO incident

widely reported in German newspapers in 1981 being similar to something

which "they" had "over here."  Because of the circumstances under which

this conversation occurred and the fact that I had in no way even

alluded to

the subject I believe that this may offer some support to some of the

statements made in the anonymous "Weitzel" letter.

      A final note of interest has come up in the newly released book on

the "flying boomerang" objects reported in recent years in and around

New York state [NIGHT SIEGE, Ballantine 1987]. In the process of

investigating these incidents Hynek and Imbrogno were contacted by an

individual who claimed to work for the NSA. They apparently verified

this to their own satisfaction, and while this person professed that his

interest was only personal, they were struck by the inordinate amount of

interest this per-son showed in their investigations and any evidence

they uncovered. There are even indications that their telephones may

have been tapped. While it is unknown if this man's interest went

further than personal curiosity, it is clear that the investigators felt

there was something unusual about it.  Nevertheless, here is yet another

instance in which the National Security Agency seems to have crept into

the picture.

      Do the facts as outlined here cast reasonable suspicion on the NSA

and its part in official interest in unidentified flying objects? I be-

lieve that they do and that there is justifiable cause to suspect that

the project AQUARIUS which relates (at least in some way) to UFOs is

probably an NSA, or NSA related project. It also still seems that in

spite of the arguments and confusion concerning documents, the

designation "MJ-12" must be considered if not a certainty, than at least

potentially valid. Those who have taken the time to contact witnesses

and obtain their statements and help, have the best chance to make up

their minds for themselves, re-gardless of the confusion concerning

altered documents which seems to be precipitating furiously. We do not

want to throw the proverbial baby out with the bath water simply because

the facts seem confusing. Perhaps even the confusion is being directed

by someone somewhere. We should keep our sights fixed firmly on the

major issues and the facts we _can_ prove in

our efforts to uncover the truth.


Thanks to all those sources both named and unnamed who have contributed

to the facts outlined here.


CUFON Computer UFO Network

Document #: 1


Date Sent: 06-09-1986

Subject: 1947 J.  EDGAR HOOVER FBI




Memorandum for Mr. Ladd

    mr. ________ also discussed this matter with Colonel L.  H. Forney of

MID.  Colonel Forney indicated that it was his attitude that inasmuch as

it has been established that the flying disks are not the result of any

Army or Navy experiments, the matt er is of interest to the FBI.  He

stated that he was of the opinion that the Bureau, if at all possible,

should accede to General Schulgen's request.



I would recommend that we advise the Army that the Bureau does not believe

it should go into these investigations, it being noted that a great bulk

of those alleged discs reported found have been pranks.  It is not

believed that the Bureau would accomplish anything by going into these



(Clyde Tolson)-I think we should do this.  (Dated 7/15)

(J.  Edgar Hoover)-I would do it but before agreeing t o it we must insist

upon full access to discs recovered.  For instance in the SW case the Army

grabbed it and would not let us have it for cursory examination.

CUFON Computer UFO Network

Document #: 2


Date Sent: 06-09-1986

Subject: 1947 AAF W/FBI UFO INVES.





(B) FLYING DISCS-The Bureau, at the request o f the Army Air Force

intelligence, has agreed to cooperate in the investigation of flying

discs.  The Air Forces have confidentially advised that it is possible to

release three or more discs in odd numbers, attached together by a wire,

from an airplane in high altitudes and that these discs would obtain

tremendous speed in their descent and would descend to the earth in an

arc.  The Army Air Forces Intelligence has also indicated some concern

that the reported sightings might have been made by subversive

individuals for the purpose of creating a mass hysteria.



BUREAU BULLETIN NO.  42         -2-

Series 1947

    You should investigate each instance which is brought to your

attention of a sighting of a flying disc in order to ascertain whether or

not it is a bonifide sighting, an imaginary one or a prank.  You should

also bear in mind th at individuals might report seeing flying discs for

various reasons.  It is conceivable that an individual might be desirous

of seeking personal publicity, causing hysteria, or playing a prank.

    The Bureau should be notified immediately by teletype o f all reported

sightings and the results of your inquiries.  In instances where the

report appears to have merit, the teletype s hould be followed by a letter

to the Bureau containing in detail the results of your inquiries.  The

Army Air Forces have asured t he Bureau complete cooperating in these

matters and in any instances where they fail to make information

available to you or make the recovered discs available for your

examination, it should promptly be brought to the attention of the


    Any information you develop in connection with these discs should be

promptly brought to the attention of the Army through your usual liason


CUFON Computer UFO Network

Document #: 3


Date Sent: 06-09-1986





ST-101                                   July 2l, 1966


Cleburne, Texas 76031

Dear Mr.  ___________ _

        Your letter of July 16th has been received.

    For your information, the investigation of Unidentified Flying

Objects is not and never has been a matter that is within the

investigative jurisdiction of the FBI.  I can assure you the photograph

you mentioned does not represent employees of this Bureau and the FBI

has never had custody of an occupant from a foreign planet.

    Enclosed are some booklets pertaining to our activities which I hope

you will enjoy reading.

                                          Sincerely yours,

                                          John Edgar Hoover


Enclosures (2)

Know your FBI

Story of the FBI

NOTE: Correspondent is not identifiable in Bufiles.  The Bureau has had

other inquiries concerning this photograph.  The article which appeared in

a recent issue of this magazine purported to be an actual report of

unidentified flying objects and has been brought to the attention of the

Bureau pre viously.  In view of the fictional aspects of the material and

our relations with "Real" magazine no contact was made with the magazine

regarding the representation of FBI Agents.


CUFON Computer UFO Network

Document #: 4


Date Sent: 06-09-1986

Subject: 1949 FBI MEMO RE: PHOTOS





TO : DIRECT OR FBI                               DATE: January 10, 1949



          OAK RIDGE AREA


     There are being submitted herewith two photographs of reputedly

"flying saucers" which were seen at Oak Ridge, Tennessee, sometime during

July of 1947.  All of the information contained in this letter was

received from George Rateman, Resident Engineer, Air Material Command,

United States Army, who is the principal army technician at the Nuclear

Energy for the Propulsion of Aircraft Research Center at Oak Ridge,


     Mr. Rateman advised that the attached photographs were taken by

______ in July of 1947.  He stated that interview with _______ revealed

that he had been snapping photographs of his family in front of his

residence at 218 Illinois Avenue, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, late in the

afternoon, when he looked into the sky and observed the vapor trail as

exhibited by the photograph numbered "1."  __________ stated that he took

a snap of this trail, was winding the film to the next number, when he

looked into the sky and observed the ball of fire as shown in photograph

2.  _______ made these photographs available to reporters of the Knoxville

News-Sentinel and a story concerning them was run in that paper; however,

as shown by the photostatic copy of the newspaper clipping, which is also

being submitted herewith to the Bureau, the print was very indistinct; the

news story did not contain any factual information; and it was regarded

generally by the public at the time as a possible trick.

     Later, it was learned by Rateman And _________ that _________ had

made several copies of this photograph and had distributed them among his

aquaintances at Oak Ridge, Tennessee.  Upon ___________ finding that the

photographs had received some distribution, he requested Rateman as Head o

f the Compliance and Investigations Division, to recover as many as

possible of the photographs, advise the persons in whose possession they

were found to say nothing to anyone concerning them, and to return the

said photographs to him for transmission to the United States Air Force

Intelligence Service.  Rateman advises that he succeeded in rounding up

twenty four copies of these photographs, and that, according to the

statements of ________, no more copies were made or distributed.  Rateman

further stated that _______ had appeared extremely concerned over the

matter and seemed quite emphatic that the matter should be given no more

publicity than was absolutely necessary.  Rateman also advised that he

studied the negatives from which the reproductions were made, and they

appeared to be authentic in that trick photography should have been

apparent, but from the ______________ __________ ______.








Office Memorandum                         UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT

TO: DIRECTOR, FBI                             DATE: March 22, 1950




The following information was furnished to SA [blanked] by

[                               blanked                                ]

[                               blanked                                ]

An investigator for the Air Forces stated that three so-called flying

saucers had been recovered in New Mexico.  They were described as being

circular in shape with raised centers, approxi-mately 50 feet in

diameter. Each one was occupied by three bodies of human shape but only

three feet tall, dressed in metallic cloth of a very fine texture. Each

body was bandaged in a manner similar to the blackout suits used by speed

flyers and test pilots.

According to Mr. [blanked] informant, the saucers were found in New

Mexico due to the fact that the Government has a very high-powered

radar set-up in that area and it is believed the radar interferes

with the controling mechanism of the saucers.

No further evaluation was attempted by SA [blank] concerning the above.





                                                        23 September 1947

SUBJECT: AMC Opinion Concerning "Flying Discs"

TO:      Commanding General

         Army Air Forces

         Washington 25, D.C.

         ATTENTION: Brig. General George Schulgen


1.  As requested by AC/AS-2 there is presented below the considered

opinion of this command concerning the so-called "Flying Discs."  This

opinion is based on interrogation report data furnished by AC/AS-2 and

preliminary studies by personnel of T-2 and Aircraft Laboratory,

Engineering Division T-3.  This opinion was arrived at in a conference

between personnel from the Air Institute of Technology, Intelligence T-2,

Office, Chief of Engineering Division, and the Aircraft, Power Plant and

Propeller Laboratories of Engineering Division T-3.

2.  It is the opinion that:

  a.  The phenomenon reported is something real and not visionary or


  b.  There are objects probably approximately the shpe of a disc, of such

      appreciable size as to appear to be as large as man-made aircraft.

  c.  There is the possibility that some of the incidents may be caused

      by natural phenomena, such as meteors.

  d.  The reported operating characteristics such as extreme rates of

      climb, maneuverability (particularly in roll), and action which must

      be considered evasive when sighted or contacted by friendly aircraft

      and radar, lend belief to the possibility that some of the objects

      are controlled either manually, automatically or remotely.

  e.  The apparent common description of the objects is as follows:

      (1) Metallic or light reflecting surface.

      (2) Absence of trail, except in a few instances when the object

          apparently was operating under high performance conditions.

      (3) Circular or elliptical in shape, flat on bottom and domed on


      (4) Several reports of well kept formation flights varying from

          three to nine objects.

      (5) Normally no associated sound, except in three instances a

          substantial rumbling roar was noted.

      [6] Level flight speeds normally about 300 knots are estimated.

Continued on Next One





                  ARMY AIR FORCES 23 SEPTEMBER 1947


   f.  It is possible within the present U.S. knowledge - provided

       extensive detailed development is undertaken--to construct a

       piloted aicraft which has the general description of the object in

       subparagraph (e) above which would be capable of an approximate

       range of 700 miles at subsonic speeds.

   g.  Any devlopments in this country along the lines indicated would be

       extremely expensive, time consuming and at the considerable expense

       of current projects and therefore, if directed, should be set up

       independently of existing projects.

   h.  Due consideration must be given the following:

           (1) The possibility that these objects are of domestic origin

               -the product of some high security project not known to

               AC/AS-2 or this command.

           [2) The lack of physical evidence in the shape of crash

               recovered exhibits which would undeniably prove the

               existence of these objects.

           (3) The possibility that some foreign nation has a form of

               propulsion possibly nuclear, which is outside of our

               domestic knowledge.

3.  It is recommended that:

   a.  Headquarters, Army Air Forces issue a directive assigning a

       priority, security classification and code name for a detailed

       study of this matter to include the preparation of complete sets of

       all available and pertinent data which will then be made available

       to the Army , Navy, Atomic Energy Commission, JRDB, the Air Force

       Scientific Advisory Group, NACA, and the RAND and NEPA projects

       for comments and recommendations, with a preliminary report to be

       forwarded within 15 days of receipt of the data and a detailed

       report thereafter every 30 days as the investigation develops.  A

       complete interchange of data should be effected.

4.  Awaiting a specific directive AMC will continue the investigation

    within its current resources in order to more closely define the

    nature of the phenomenon.  Detailed Essential Elements of Information

    will be formulated immediately for transmittal thru channels.

                                           N.F. TWINING

                                           Lieutenant General, U.S.A.


                     The Seattle Times Friday, May 8, 1987

60,000 sightings can't be wrong, Seattleite insists, "The bottom line is:

Don't believe me, but do read what is available." Dale Goudie

By Peter Lewis Times Staff Reporter


------In their most commonly reported from, the aliens have large heads

and stand 3 to 4 feet tall.  Their enormous eyes rest under a transparent

helmet. Clad in jumpsuits adorned with insignias, the humanoids walk in

sure, positive movements.  Far out?  Maybe so, but that's where they

probably come from.  And Seattle resident Dale Goudie has talked to people

who say they've seen them.  Goudie has spent the past 14 years researching

UFOs and using the Freedom of Information Act to collect federal documents

that he contends prove UFOs exist.  The official position of the U.S. Air

Force, for example, is that it got out of the UFO business when Project

Bluebook ended in 1969.  But Goudie says the Bluebook was succeeded by

Project Aquarius.  Since 1942, there have been an estimated 60,000 UFO

sightings in the United States alone and only 5 percent of sightings are

actually reported, Goudie says.  Feeding characteristics of the 60,000

sightings into a computer, 250 different shapes emerged, suggesting to

Goudie that there may be more than one species involved in UFOs.  "The

bottom line is: Don't believe me, but do read what is available," says

Goudie, who has dedicated a room in his home to countless files and papers

on UFOs.  "The real problem is, no one wants to take the responsibility of

telling the American public this (UFOs) is real."  Consider a series of

once classified material on Project Aquarius: An Air Force document dated

Nov. 17, 1980, from the Office of Special Investigations at Rolling Air

Force Base in Washington, D.C., to OSI at Kirtland Air Force Base in New

Mexico refers to a "request for photo imagery interpretation."  Other

papers indicate that the request stemmed from a series of "alleged

sightings of unidentified aerial lights" over the Manzano Wepons Storage

Area at Kirtland between Aug. 8 and Sept. 3, 1980.  An analysis of at

least two pictures of the sightings concluded that the film was unaltered

and that they were "legitimate negative(s) of (an) unidentified aerial

object," according to the Nov. 17, 1980, document.  Of the two confirmed

sightings, one "contained a trilateral insignia on the lower portion of

objects..."  The document also states: "The official U .S. government

policy and results of Project Aquarius is still classified top secret with

no dissemination outside official intelligence channels. ...Because of a

chance of public disclosure, no knowledgeable personnel with SPA (it's not

clear if SPA stands for Special Project Aquarius, or something else) will

be provided..."  But another Air Force document dated Jan. 25,1983, says

"possible unauthorized release of classified material" cast doubt on the

authenticity of the Nov. 17, 1980, document.  The later document says the

earlier one included nonexistent officers, and it sought to discredit the

validity of the purported imagery interpretation.  When a Freedom of

Information request letter dated Feb. 20, 1986, sought information on

Project Aquarius, the National Security Agency responded, in part, with a

letter dated March 3, 1986: "Please be advised that Project Aquarius does

not deal with unidentified aerial objects.  We, therefore, have no

information to provide you on the subject."  But when Sen.  John Glenn

wrote the National Security Agency on Jan. 7 of this year on behalf of a

constituent who was having trouble getting responses to Freedom of

Information requests about Project Aquarius, the reply letter, dated Jan.

27, said in part: "Apparently there is or was an Air Force project by that

name which dealt with UFOs.  Coincidentally, there is also an NSA project

by that name.  The NSA project does not deal with UFOs.. .."  It is

Goudie's contention that the responses about Project Aquarius demonstrate

the government is saying one thing and doing another.  He theorizes that

the government is reluctant to admit the existence of even one UFO because

as soon as it does, it fears opening the door to mass hysteria.  Spokesmen

for the Pentagon, the Air Force and the National Security Agency either

declined comment or denied that any government agency is actively

investigating UFOs.  The Air Force quit studying UFOs in 1969 after a

$500,000 study conducted by the University of Colorado concluded that "UFO

phenomena do not offer a fruitful field in which to look for major

scientific discoveries," according to Capt. Jay DeFrank.  DeFrank noted

that in 1977, President Carter asked the National Aeronautic and Space

Administration to look into the possibility of resuming active

investigation of UFOs.  This is the same man who in 1973, when he was

governor of Georgia, said, "I don't laugh at people anymore when they say

they have seen UFOs because I've seen one myself."  NASA spokesman Dave

Garrett recalls that agency's response to the president:  "We said, 'Thank

you, but no thank you.'  We have never been in the business."  Dennis

Chadwick, chief spokesman for the National Security Agency at Fort George

Meade in Maryland, an arm of the pentagon, would not say whether NSA or

any other government agency is actively investigating UFOs.  Goudie, a

45-year-old freelance ad man and former TV talk-show producer, is not

deterred by the government's stance.  Two years ago, he established a

computerized UFO bulletin board - CUFON (for Computer UFO Network) - that

has more than 1,400 members.  It spits out information, free of charge, to

anyone with a computer and a modem.  He also runs UFO Information Service

International, a global network of UFO sightings, and Puget Sound Aerial

Phenomena Research Inc.  None of these enterprises, he says, is a

money-making operation.  Goudie says he and others like him have been

helped in their many Freedom of Information requests by military personnel

who want the public to know about UFOs, but who can't afford to be named.

Many of the documents he's obtained indicate that "suspicious unknown air

activity" has occurred at top-security military installations where

nuclear weapons are stored.  The documents relating to UFOs dropping in on

Air Force bases have been published elsewhere - and professional skeptics

such as Phillip Klass, an editor with "Aviation Week & Space Technology,"

have written books debunking the authenticity of those and others

sightings.  But Goudie notes the government itself has never volunteered

any information, much less any explanations, about UFOs at military bases.

"You can explain anything away," says Goudie, referring to Klass and the

other debunkers.  "But these aren't solid answers." Goudie also says he

has consulted with "optical physicists" who have performed "video-negative

photoanalysis" of videotapes of UFOs to substantiate that the object are

not of this earth.  Goudie also says he has interviewed about 40 people

over the years who claim to have been abducted by UFOs.  All occurred in

rural areas, including some episodes outside Redmond, in Maple Valley and

north of Seattle.  He thinks about three-fourths of them are telling the

truth.  In many cases, the victims have suffered physical scars that they

didn't have before their encounter, Goudie says.  "I've tried to get these

people to come forward.  They don't want anything to do with newspapers.

They're scared to death of losing their jobs..."  Considering the threat

to national security and the risk to civilians, Goudie believes the

government has an obligation to be more forthcoming.  You don't have to

look to far away places for physical evidence of UFOs, according to

Goudie.  He has a videotape of an object flying over Tacoma in 1982,

enhanced by a process known as "video photo analysis" which allows the

viewer to see vertical and horizontal lines within what Goudie calls "the

plasma" that covers the true shape within.  He expects the video to air on

Sunday's "Town Meeting" on KOMO.  Television, specifically a Dick Cavett

show that aired in 1973, started Goudie's preoccupation with UFOs.  He's

since appeared on CNN's Larry King Show and CBS-TV network news shows,

among others.  He spent countless hours and dollars pursuing UFOs.  His

goal, he says, is to see the subject become an area of serious scientific

inquiry.  "I'm doing it because I think people deserve the facts, and no

one's taking the time to do it."

                             DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE

                             _th Security Police Squadron

                               APO San Francisco  96239

SUBJECT: Response for request of Information in Relation to UFO Contact

and Other Related Information

TO: Len Stringfield

1. In January of 1978, I was station at McGuire AFB, NJ.. One evening ,

during the time frame of 0300hrs. and 0500hrs., there were a number of UFO

sightins in the area over the air field and Ft. DIX Army camp. I am a

security policeman and was on routine patrol at the time. N.J. State

Police, and Ft. Dix MP's were runnig code in the direction of Brownsville

N.J.. A state trooper then entered Gate #5 at the rear of the base

requesting assistance and permission to enter.  I was dispatched and the

trooper wanted access to the runway area which led to the very back of the

air field and connected with a heavily wooded area which is part of the

Dix training area. He informed me that a Ft. Dix MP was pursueing a low

flying object which then hovered over his car. He described it as oval

shaped, with no details, and glowing with a blueish green color. His radio

transmission was cut off. At that time in front of his police car,

appeared a thing, about 4ft. tall, greyish brown, fat head, long arms, and

slender body. The MP panicked and fired five rounds from his .45 Cal into

the thing, and one round into the object above. The object then fled

straight up and joined with eleven others high in the sky. This we all saw

but didn't know the details at the time. Anyway, the ting ran into the

woods towards our fenceline and they wanted to look for it. By this time

several patrols were involved.

2. We found the body of the thing near the runway. It had apparently

climbed the fence and died while running. It was all of a sudden hush-hush

and no one was allowed near the area. We roped off the area and AF OSI

came out and took over. That was the last I saw of it. There was a bad

stench coming from it too.  Like ammonia smelling but it wasn't constent

in the air. That day, a team from Wright-Patterson AFB came in a C141 and

went into the area. They crated it in a wooden box, sprayed something over

it, and then put it into a bigger metal container. They loaded it in the

plane and took off. That was it, nothing more said, no report made and we

were all told not to have anything to say about it or we would be court


3. I will be getting out of the air force in about two months. Do Not

disclose my name as I could get into trouble. I am interested in pursuing

this and other matters if you need help. Forgive me for not signing this

but I can't take any chances. Please reply to the above address and my

parents will forward it to me or I will be home already. Don't send it

here because they monitor all mail closely and I again don't want to take

any chances.


This file contains the;  (1) My reason for releasing this

information to the public,  (2) My credentials,  (3) The

validity of the information (% from sources, % from my own

knowledge, % from research),  (4) The existance of one other

person to whom I gave the information in 1972 in anticipation

of one day needing to validate the information.

(1)  I have 2 reasons for releasing this information at this

time.  (A)  When I first saw the information I was sure that

the government would handle the situation and not allow the

people to be abducted, injured, or just disappear.  My belief

in the government has proven false.  Not only has it not been

handled but the situation has deteriorated and the incidents

have increased worldwide.  What has happened is against the

Constitution of the United States of America which I have

sworn to uphold and protect.  What is happening is against

every law in every state.  What is happening violates the

human rights of every citizen of the world.  It could happen

to any member or members of my family or your family at any

time.  I am a loyal american and have never divulged any of

my countrys secrets and except for this one I never will.  I

do not believe that revealing this secret is against the law

as the secret itself violates every law that has ever been

written.  Senator Barry Goldwater was the Chairman of the

Senate Commitee which aproved funds for the CIA and has

stated publicly that he has no knowledge of any of this.

That means and it is a fact that the Congress is ignorant of

what is going on.  In fact I believe that it is my duty to

expose it as thoroughly and as quickly as possible.  I only

regret that I have waited so long.  I waited because I

believed so much in our system of government.  THE UNITED


to get the information out it became obvious that soon the

government would discover what I am doing and my life would

be in danger.  I believe that my life is now in danger and

the only way to protect myself is to go public with the

information.  I realize that the information is hard to

swallow and that many people will not believe it.  I also

realize that I have exposed myself to ridicule.  So be it.

If I am prosecuted or harmed in any way you all will know

that the information is correct.  If I suddenly disappear you

will all know that the information is correct.

(2)  I am the son of an Air Force officer and was reared on

Air Force bases all over the world.  My father was a pilot.

As a child I repeatedly overheard pilots and airmen discuss

strange stories involving UFO's, Foo Fighters, strange

crashes of craft "not from here", and other subjects that

were exciting to me at the time.  I graduated from High

School in Japan and shortly there-after joined the Air Force.

I finished basic at Lackland Air Force Base and was assigned

to the Strategic Air Command.  I was an Aircraft and Missile

Pneudraulic Technician.  During my training instructors would

regale us with tales of lonely nights spent on flight lines,

alert pads, and missile silos.  They told of strange alien

craft that would come down and paralyse the men on station

and then remove the warhead from the missile and disappear at

fantastic speed.  I met a sargeant who told me that he was

part of a team that transported such a large crashed disk

that it could only be moved at night on back roads and fences

and poles had to be torn down and replaced as the convoy

passed.  I listened to all these stories and wondered what

was going on but didn't really believe them.  I was

discharged from the Air Force in 1965.  I was very

adventurous at the time and joined the navy in December of

1965.  I volunteered for submarines and was assigned to the

USS Tiru (SS-416) at Pear Harbor, Hawaii.  On a cruise to the

Portland Seattle area, while on lookout a UFO the size of an

Aircraft carrier rose up out of the water and disappeared

into the clouds while we were on the surface and I was the

Port lookout.  It descended back down into the water and rose

back up into the clouds again several times.  It was

witnessed by myself, The Starboard lookout, The Officer of

the deck, The Captain, and the Chief Quartermaster who took

pictures.  We were told not to discuss it with anyone ever.

Upon docking at Pearl upon our return a man in plain clothes

came aboard and talked to each of us with only the Captain

present.  He identified himself as an Intelligence Officer

(ONI) and asked me what I saw.  I began to tell him and he

yelled at me to stop and then he again asked me what I saw.

I told him that I had not seen anything and he smiled at me

and told me I was a very good sailor.  He told me that was

the right answer and dismissed me.  I soon grew tired of the

cramped quarters of a Submarine and de-volunteered.  The rest

of my history is as follows.

My primary military occupation is Quartermaster (Navigation)

My secondary NEC is 9545 (Internal Security)

Uss Tombigbee (AOG-11)  Pacific and Vietnam sea duty.

Camp Carter, Vietnam    Naval Security and Intelligence

                        Danang Harbor Patrol (gather

                        intelligence and secure the harbor)

                        and Cua Viet (DMZ) river patrol duty

                        (gather intelligence and secure the


USS Charles Berry DE-1035  Pacific sea duty

CINCPACFLT STAFF        Commander in Chief of the Pacific

                        Fleet Staff - OPSTAT reporting and

                        Naval Intelligence Briefing Team

                        Petty Officer of the Watch in the

                        Command Center

USS Oriskany CVA-35     Pacific sea duty.

Honorable Discharge     December 1975  Rank E-6

Since leaving the navy I have worked at several companies

engaged in work for the government or the intelligence

community.  Some of this work involved training foreign

military personnel.  I have also obtained a college degree in

photography.  This is a field I have long been interested in.

I am not now connected with the government or the

intelligence community except for friends that I have made

over the years.  Most recently I have been involved in

management of civilian training facilities.

Admissions Representative

Airco technical Institute

Long Beach, California

Admissions Representative

Adelphi Business College

Anaheim, California

Executive Director

Adelphi Business College

Van Nuys, California

Marketing Executive

United Education & Software

Encino, California

Executive Director

Pacific Coast Technical Institute

Anaheim, California

Executive Director

Currently   The institute where I am presently employed is

known to 3 of you and I do not wish it to be disclosed as the

release of this information could have adverse affects upon

my employment.

(3)  Approximatly 50% of this information comes from

documents that I saw with my own eyes and I personnaly know

it to be true and absolutely accurate.  I saw and read GRUDG/

BLUE BOOK REPORT NO. 13.  I saw and read the MAJESTY document

which contained the Aquarius information.  I was present at a

briefing where much more information was discussed and some

of it has become cloudy over the years but has come back to

me when I saw information on that subject.  About 50% of the

information comes from my sources who will remain un-named.

About 60% of the information is backed up by research and

information available to you all however the information is

not generaly shared.  It is out there in various places and

on various boards.  Due to the potential monetary value of

the information I believe that it probably never will be


(4)  In 1972 I related this information to one other person

for self protection and so that the information could be

verified at some latter date should the government not handle

the situation.  I gave him the information on the eve of my

wedding.  The last person to person contact I had with him

was in 1974.  The last contact of ANY kind was in 1976 or

1977 by phone.  I have not seen him, written to him, phoned

him, or had any contact with him at all since that time.  I

maintained this distance to prevent any accusation of

collusion or hoax should it ever be neccessary to release the

information.  I also did it for his protection so that he

would not be involved if the government should decide to harm

me before the information could be released.  I have him a

copy of the information in the form of a copy of an original

document.  I retained the other copy but mine was destroyed

in a storage fire.  He can and will verify the information to

the right person with the right code (which we agreed upon)

to release it.  3 of you have his name, the last place he

lived in 1976, and the code.  I will not contact him until

the information is verified.  He can validate my intelligence

background and the information.  He can state all of this

truthfully and because of our seperation over the years will

be able to pass any lie detector test to prove this is not a

hoax.  I would also be able to pass the same test or any

other test, sodium pentathol etc.

I have also received a call from a man named Christopher who

called from an area code in Maryland.  By his conversation

with me on the phone I know that he has also seen the MAJESTY

information and the AQUARIUS document.  I also know that he

is a member of Compuserve.  That is all I know about him.  I

left out a graphic on the reconstructed document that I

posted in my MAJIC file and he questioned the ommission.  It

is a minor detail that I did not think important but he

spotted it.  The only way he could have known that the

graphic was missing would be that he has seen it himself.

The graphic was 2 lightning bolts which strike at the bottom

of the finned rocket which is enclosed in the circle.  Since

I could not put graphics in the document I only included a

short description.

I tested my father once by relating that I had seen

information while in the navy that the Government had

recovered UFO's which had crashed.  I did this to guage his

reaction because I knew that at one time when I was very

little he was the radar Officer at White Sands Proving

Ground.  He gave me a very knowing look and advised me not to

talk about it.  I have never discussed the matter with him






Milton William Cooper  (Bill)

iefing Team

                        Petty Officer of the Watch in the


The is only one of many files which I intend to upload that

substantiate the information contained in my MAJIC.TXT.

                                    Bill Cooper

A series of PROJECT GRUDGE/BLUE BOOK reports have been

released over the years in connection with the USAF's

investigation into UFO's which was supposedly terminated with

the release of the Condon report in the late 1960's.  Reports

1 through twelve of GRUDGE/BLUE BOOK were generally innocuous

and contained no classified or truly sensitive material.

There was a final report, #14 which was widely circulated and

about which an entire book was written:  FLYING SAUCERS: AN


NO. 14 by Leon Davidson: the fifth edition was published in

1976 by Blue-Book Publishers; 64 Prospect St., White Plains,

New York 10606.  Missing from public view, however, was

report #13.

Several years ago, Bill English, son of an Arizona state

legislator and former captain in the Green Berets had been

asigned to an RAF 'listening post' north of London as an

information analyst.  English was, in the course of his

duties, asked to prepare an analysis of the elusive GRUDGE 13

report.  On his discharge from his work at the 'listening

post' he returned to the United States and began to do a

little UFO research on his own.  English had been no stranger

to the UFO phenominon.  In Viet Nam he was a member of a

Special Forces investigative team that went in to retrieve a

B-52 that was forced down by a UFO and all the occupants

killed.  Communications had been received from the B-52

before it went down to the effect that it was "...under

attack by a UFO..", A "...large light...".  The plane was

found intact, sitting in the jungle.  There was no swath

indicative of a crash landing.  Only the bottom of the

fuselage showed any damage, there was no damage to the

underside of the engine pods.  Although the plane was

completely intact the entire crew had been mutilated.

English, through contacts he still maintains has determined

that the US Government 'most definately' supports a 'project

dealing specifically with UFO's and captured aliens'.

According to what he has learned, the US government captured

a trio of aliens, and that as of mid 1981, one of the beings

was still alive in captivity.  English also claims that "at

one point in the early 1950's until the mid 1960's the Air

Force maintained relocation and debriefing colonies for

people who had experienced close encounters of the 3rd and

4th kind.  They were isolated for all intents and purposes

for the rest of their lives.  He doubts that these colonies

are still in existence.

English dictated 2 audio casettes outlining what he

remembered from the Grudge 13 report.  These audio casettes

were transcribed into hand written notes by another person.

The information contained therein indicated what had been

suspected all along: that the US government was involved in

the greatest deception in the history of mankind and that not

only did flying saucers exist but that the government had

several in secret storage and had captured at least 3 live


The following is a summary of what Bill English remembers

from what he read during that day in June, 1977 of PROJECT



In Box, diplomatic pouch under lock and key system.  Lock had

been opened, pouch was easily accessed.  Standard diplomatic

couriers pouch marked American Embassy Couriers, contained

pouch serial number JL327Delta (JL327D?).  Inside a

publication with red tape which indicated code red security

precautions and an Air Force disposition form.  Disposition

form was standard white page copy, title was 'Analysis

Report'.  Further down was "Analyse enclosed report under

code red measures. give abstract breakdown and report on

validity.  Observe all code red measures.  Analysis required

immediately'.  Underneath were a series of dashes then the

letters NDF then another series of dashes.  Below that, lower

left hand corner were the initials WGB.

Publication was withdrawn from pouch.  It measured

approximately 8" by 11" with gray cover.  Heavily bound,

paper back style similar to technical manuals.  Across the

center front it read, "Grudge/Blue Book Report No. 13".  It

was dated 1953-(1963).  In the lower right hand corner was

AFSN 2246-3.  In upper left hand corner was the word

'annotated'.  Across the front upper right hand corner to

lower left hand corner was red tape indicating code red

security measures.  Across the front was stamped in red ink

'Top Secret Need To Know Only Crypto Clearance 14 Required'

Inside front cover upper left hand corner were hand written

notations in ink which were blacked out by black felt pen.

Inside cover sheet was basically the same information as the

cover.  Second page was title page.  Next page after that was

an appendix with numerous notations made in it.  Notations

dealt with inserts of what appeared to be photos and

additional notes.  At bottom of third page it read G/BV Page

1 of 624 pages.  Title page was subject letter.  Complete

list of appendix not remembered.  Title.  Some notes on the

practical applications of the Worst Nemo equations.

Table of Contents, Part 1.  "On the design of generators to

accomplish strain free molecular translation".  Part 2, "The

generation of space time discontinuums, closed, open and

folded".  Part 3, "On the generation of temporary psuedo

acceleration locas".  Part 1, Chapter 1, "design criteria for

a simple generator and control system referring to equation

17 appendix A".  Part 2 Chapter 1, "Continuation of Einsteins

Theory of Relativity to final conclusion".  Part 3, Chapter

1, "Possible applications of Einsteinian theory of relativity

at conclusion".

Part 1, chapter 2, reports of UFO encounters, classification

"Close Encounters of the 1st kind", subtitle sightings and

witnesses.  Part 2, Chapter 2, "Close Encounters of the 2nd

kind", subtitle UFO sightings witnessed within close

proximity.  Part 3, Chapter 2 "Close Encounters of the 3rd

kind", subtitle UFO encounters and extraterrestrial life

forms witnessed and personal encounters.  Subtitle, "Colonies

relocation thereof".  Case histories.  Chapter 3 Part 1,

titled "Military kEncounters with UFO's".  Part 2 Chapter 3,

"Military Reports Concerning sightings on Radar and

Electronic Surveillance of UFO's".  Subsection 2, Analysis

Report, J. Allen Hynek, LtCol. Friend.  Appendix continued on

for about 5 pages.  Opening subject page consisted of a

report of the findings as written by LtCol. Friend and his


Must stress at this point that the version seen was

annotated.  There were inserts that were added to this copy

after it had been initially printed.  Sections remembered

very vividly are the photographs and the reports concerning

captive sights of various UFO's to include Mexico, Sweden,

United States and Canada.  There were also what was then

classified Close Encounters of the 3rd kind.  It was made

very clear that these people whom it was determined had

genuine CE 3's were move in the middle of the night by Air

Force personnel and relocated to various sites in the mikwest

and northwest parts of the United kStates.  In many cases

these people experienced physical ailments from exposure to

various types of radiation.

One case especially noted and remembered very vividly was

entitled 'Darlington Farm Case' out of Ohio.  Case apparently

took place in October 1953.  Man, wife and 13 year old son

were sitting down at dinner table.  As they sat there the

lights in the farm house began to dim.  Dogs and animals

raised rucus on outside.  13 year old boy got up from dinner

table to see what was going on.  Called his mother and father

to come look at the funny lights in the sky.  Father and

mother got up and as they got up the son went outside into

the yard.  Father and mother went out onto the porch.  When

they got out on the porch one of the dogs broke loose from

leash beside house and came running around front.  Boy began

chasing it out into the open field.  As mother and father

watched the light came down from the sky.  They described it

as a round ball of fire and it began to hover over field

where boy and dog had run to.  As they stood and watched, the

mother and father heard the boy start screaming for help

whereupon the father grabbed his shotgun which was right next

to the door and began to run out into the field with the

mother following.  When the father got to the field he saw

his son being carried away by what looked like little men,

into this huge fiery looking object.  As it took off the

father fired several rounds at the object, to no avail.  They

found dog, its head was crushed but no sign of boy or any

other footprints of the little men who apparently carried him

off.  Father immediately called Darlington police and they

immediately came out to envestigate.  The official report

read that the boy had run off and was lost in the forest

which bordered the farm.  Within 48 hours the Air Force made

the determination that the family was to be relocated and the

mother and father were picked up by Air Force Intelligence

and all personal belongings and possessions were loaded into

U.S. Air Force trucks and moved to a notrhwestern relocation


The mother was in shock and had to go through a great deal of

psychotherapy and deprogramming as did father.  One

interesting aspect about this case was classification under

the Air Force report which read it was a genuine CE 3 and

that for the good of the national security the mother and

father had been relocated to relocation zone Z21-14.  Not

sure whether this indicated map grid coordinates or latitude

longitude.  According to the report there were at least 4

relocation sites across the United States.  Depending upon

which type of encounter these people had, the report

indicated that there were extensive medical facilities

available at these relocation sites to deal with all medical

emergencies up to and including radiation poisoning.  The

report mentioned a site located in the Utah-Nevada area, but

no indication of its purpose or what it was for.

Report gave a clear indication of reports of human

mutilations, most notably was a case witnessed by Air Force

personnel in wich an Air Force Sgt. E-6 by the name of

Jonathon P. Lovette was observed being taken captive aboard

what appeared to be a UFO at the White Sands Missle Test

Range in New Mexico.  This abduction took place in March of

1956 at about 0300 local and was witnessed by Major William

Cunningham of the United States Air Force Missile Test

Command near Holloman Air Force Base.

Major Cunningham and Sgt. Lovette were out in a field

downrange from the launch sites looking for debris from a

missile test when Sgt. Lovette went over the ridge of a small

sand dune and was out of sight for a time.  Major Cunningham

heard Sgt. Lovette scream in what was described as terror or

agony.  The Major, thinking the Sgt. had been bitten by a

snake or something ran over the crest of the dune and saw

Sgt. Lovette being dragged into what appeared to him and was

descrived as being a silvery disk like object which hovered

in the air approximately 15 to 20 feet.  Major Cunningham

described what appeared to be a long snake-like object which

was wrapped around the sargeants legs and was dragging him to

the craft.  Major Cunningham admittedly froze as the sargeant

was dragged inside the disc and observed the disc going up

into the sky very quickly.  Major Cunningham got on the jeep

radio and reported the incident to Missile Control whereupon

Millile Control confirmed a radar sighting.  Search parties

went out into the field looking for Sgt. Lovette.  Major

Cunninghams report was taken and he was admitted to the White

Sands Base Dispensary for observation.

The search for Sgt. Lovette was continued for 3 days at the

end of which his nude body was found approximately 10 miles

downrange.  The body had been mutilated; the tongue had been

removed from lower portion of the jaw.  An incision had been

made just under the tip of the chin and extended all the way

back to the esophagus and larynx.  He had been emasculated

and his eyes had been removed.  Also, his anus had been

removed and there were comments in the report on the apparent

surgical skill of the removal of these items including the

genitalia.  The report commented that the anus and genitalia

had been removed 'as though a plug' which in the case of the

anus extended all the way up to the colon.  There was no sign

of blood within the system.  The initial autopsy report

confirmed that the system had been completly drained of blood

and that there was no vascular collapse due to death by

bleeding.  Subcomment was added that this was unusual because

anybody who dies or has complete loss of blood there is

vascular collapse.  Also noted was that when the body was

found there were a number of dead predatory type birds within

the area who apparently had died after trying to partake of

the sargeants body.  There were a number of extremely grisly

black and white photos.  From all indications the body had

been exposed to the elements for at least a day or two.  The

New Mexico sun in the desert is extremely hot and

dibilitating under normal circumstances.

In this section of the report it also indicated that there

were numerous occasions in which a UFO tracked alongside of a

fired missile and on one occasion said missile was observed

being taken aboard a UFO while in flight.  The speeds

indicated were absolutely phenomenal.  (English's father had

told him privately that on more than one occasion he had

personally tracked what they termed as 'foo fighters'.

English's father was an electronic engineer by profession and

was fairly well versed on electronics engineering and design

and on more than one occasion he was involved in telemetry

programming of milliles.  English's father is currently a

state legislator in Arizona.)

The report also indicated that there were a number of

recovery teams that were activated specifically for the

purpose of recovering any and all evidence of UFO's and UFO

sightings.  Most notably recorded in publication was what

they called Recovery Team Alpha.  It was reported that Alpha

had been extremely active in a number of areas and on certain

occasions had travelled outside of the continental United

States.  Alpha was based out of Wright Patterson Air Force

Base and was on the move constantly.

Further information in the report consisted of such things as

reported sightings and where air force planes had been

destroyed or had combat encounters or had been attacked by

UFO's.  Also there were autopsy reports of various human


About midway through the report came a section which dealt

specifically with photographs.  Each photo was labeled and

appendixed to certain reports.  A number of photos in there

dealt with a recovery program of some type that took place in

the southwestern part of the United States.  They did not

give a location name but they did give grid coordinates for

that area.  There is no clear indication to exactly where it

was.  The photos dealt with special teams that were called in

to recover a crashed UFO.  It also dealt with alien bodies

and autopsy reports, autopsy type photographs, high quality,

color, 8 x 10, 5 x 7.

Photo number 1 showed an alien being on an autopsy table

which is a metal with runnels and traps underneath to trap

fluid and feces.  Body appeared to be an little short of 4

feet.  Table was about 7 foot.  No clothing on body, no

genitalia, body completely heterous, head was rounded

cranium, slightly enlarged, eyes almond shaped, slits where

nose would be, extremely small mouth, receeding chin line,

holes where ears would be.  Photo was taken at angle, side

view, looking at body from 45 degrees elevation, left hand

was visible, head was facing to left, body was right to left

position (head on right, feet on left), eyes were closed

appeared oriental-looking and almond shaped, left hand slight

longer than normal, wrist coming down just about 2 to 3

inches above the knees.  Wrists appeared to be articulated in

a fashion that allowed a double joint with 3 digit fingers.

Wrist was very slender.  There was no thumb.  A palm was

almost non-existent.  The three fingers were direct extension

from the wrist.

Color of the skin was bluish gray, dark bluish gray.  At base

of the body there was a darker color, indicating body was

dead for some time.  Body fluid or blood had settled to base

of body.  This indicated that body had been examined before

beginning autopsy.

Picture showed beginning stages of autopsy, following

standard procedure, body was slit from crotch to just under

chin and green viscuous liquid was in evidence.  There were

internal organs but these could not be identified.  Photos

thereafter concerned specific areas of internal organs of

what appeared as small cluster of a multi-valve heart or at

least 2 hearts within the cadaver.  No accurate description

of autopsy report or what was found within corpse

accompanying photos.  Indication that there was no stomach or

digestive track per se.  Later analysis showed that fluid

within body was chlorophyl-based liquid which apparently

dealt with photosynthesis or similar process.  The report

theorized that nourishment was taken in through mouth,

however since there is no digestive track or anything of this

nature, the waste products were excreted through skin.

One section of report did specify that cadavers were

extremely odorous, but this could be accounted for by either

deterioration or a number of things, but theory was that

waste was excreted through pores of skin.  They could only

theorize in report because there was no xenobiology.

A report by Dr. J. Allen Hynek was recalled vividly which

indicated that he had also studied the information provided

by this particular case and that he felt that it was indeed a

genuine UFO capture and subsequently the alien was part of

UFO.  Dr. Hynek was non-committal but did however sign the

report.  Also indicated in report that he did not view bodies

personally, but viewed photographs and accompanying reports

from autopsies.

Other photos dealt with a number of bodies which were

vivisectioned in various ways.  At one point, a head was

removed from body and photographed and autopsy was performed

on head.  The cranium was opened and brain matter was

photographed and evident.  Interesting thing about photo was

that there was a ridgebone or dividing partition-type bone

running directly through center of skull, from front to back,

as though dividing two brains, one from the other.  This

seemed apparent from the picture.  The skin was completly

removed from cranial structure and the skull was layed bare

as much as possible.

At one point the skull was cut directly in half and photo

showed under developed esophagus and nasal cavaties.  No

clear photo of eye orbs as we know them, just photos of

complete vivisection of skull itself.

Numerous photos of flesh of the being starting with cutaneous

and subcutaneous microphotographic plates.  Appeared to be

cellular studies done under microscope and electron

microscope type photos.  Extreme magnification of tissue



This concluded Bill English statement which was transcribed

from 2 casette tapes.  I obtained this handwritten memorandum

in August of 1987 from Paul Bennewitz during my visit with

him in Albuquerque.  In September of 1988 I received a call

from Bill English.  I asked for a chance to meet him and

discuss the Grudge 13 report.  He said that this could be

arranged but that the meeting would have to be on his terms

for security reasons.  He explained that there had been

several attempts on his life by persons unknown since he had

made the casette tapes about 6 years ago.  We arranged a

meeting at a small airport in Virginia on September 16.  I

was to sit in the lobby with by black flight bag and for

identification purposes I told Bill what I would be wearingj.

I had no telephone number for Bill.

As I walked in the small airport lobby after a 3 hour drive

from Richmond I immediatily noticed 2 gentlemen who seemed

'out of place' for this locale.  Both were wearing pin

striped 3 piece suits, both had on dark glasses.  One was a

black gentleman.  One was stationed inside the lobby door

looking out at the parking lot, one was leaning up against an

airline counter.  I sat down and after a few minutes was

approached by a tall, bearded man in jeans and a heavy

jacket.  He asked if I wanted to have a drink.  We walked

outside and he introduced himself as Bill English.  We drove

in Bills car into town to a local bar.  About 5 minutes after

we ordered and had started to talk, the men I had seen at the

airport came into the bar and sat down.  We left for Bill's

house and never saw the men again for the next 2 days.

During the next 2 days I stayed with Bill and his wife and 2

children in a small trailer in the middle of a field at his

farm.  I asked him endless questions concerning the Grudge 13

document, how he happened to see it, what happened to him

after he saw it and literally thousands of questions about

the content of the document.  My impression of Bill English

was that he was totally honest, that he stood behind his

statements and recollection of the Grudge 13 papers, that he

was a devoted husband and father to his wifes 2 children.

That Bill English was ready to come forward and enter into

any debate regarding the legitimacy of the document and his

recollections thereof.  Of Bills compassion for his father

and his fathers feelings concerning Bill and the reasons for

their occasional disagreements.  I have tremendous respect

for Bill and what he has tried to do in getting this

information out to the public.  It has been at tremendous

personal risk not to mention the ridicule by sponsered agents

such as Bill Moore who has stated that the Grudge 13 papers

are a fraud.  (How would Bill Moore know?)

What follows is additional information about the Grudge 13

papers that I obtained from Bill during my visit.  In

addition to the following Bill painstakingly drew many

sketches of the photos of different types of flying saucers,

the equipment obtained from them including a sketch of the

football sized nuclear generator and sketches of the autopsy


From my notes taken during our 2 day meeting:  Bill described

a photo taken of 3 live aliens.  Very clear photo, aliens

standing against white tile wall, looking confused as if they

hsd been shoved, were looking in different directions.

Report said that aliens had contacted a U.S. Intelligence

Agency for initial 2 meetings, one at Holloman one at


U.S. Air Force relocation personnel (for persons involved in

close encounters) were referred to in report as 'men in


Major Cunningham was initially accused of murdering Sgt.

Jonathon P. Lovette.  Charges were later dropped.

Bill English's place of employment in England was RAF

Security Services Command, RAF Chicksands.

Entire Grudge 13 report was written as if report was geared

toward preparation of defenses.

Report told of ultrasonic weapons found in Germany at the end

of WW II that could shatter 4" thick armour.

Report told of sensitive military and industrial areas at

which personnel experienced missing time.

Report told about missing time expereinced with personnel

associated with North American x-15 rocket plane project.

Report stated that there were 17 different extraterrestrial

species accounted for up to the time of the report.

Extraterrestrials were referred to as A.L.F.'s, Alien Life

Forms in the report.

Report referred to one UFO that was recovered and test flown.

The UFO blew up as the 2 Air Force pilots aboard attempted to

leave the atmosphere.  English recalls the date as the mid


Report refers to flying saucer program as Project 'Red Light'

and that a secret installation had been constructed in the

middle of the Atomic Energy Commission testing ground in


At the time of the report 11 alien cadavers were being kept

at Wright Patterson Air Force Base.

That additional alien cadavers were being stored at 4 to 5

other medical institutions.

That 2 flying saucers of extraterrestrial origin had been

tested in the wind tunnel at Langley, Va.

That at the time of the report, 1 damaged disc was at Elgin

Air Force Base in Florida.

That at the time of the report there had been 2 UFO incidents

at Ft. Riley, Kansas.

That at the time of the report a detachment of the Alpha

recovery team was based at Randolph Air force Base.

The report discussed civilian and military personnel who had

been terminated 'to eliminate potentially dangerous elements

to the national security'.

That General James Doolittle had been mentioned several times

in the report with the notation that "His (Doolittle's)

predictions might be correct".  There was no indication of

what those predictions might have been.

A short segment containing the quotation, "By presidential

order, certain aspects of research had been undertaken."

This report about Bill English and the Grudge 13 papers was

prepared by John Lear, 1414 Hollywood Blvd., Las Vegas,

Nevada 89110, telephone number (702) 438-8181, on October 7,


This report was typed onto disc verbatim from the original

document which was sent by John Lear via Federal Express and

arrived on October 8, 1988 by Bill Cooper.  I Bill Cooper do

swear that no changes were made and do swear that this is an

exact verbatim copy of the original.



I, William S. English, do hereby state and affirm that I

have met with Mr. John Olson Lear, on September 16-17, of

1988, and that we discussed my original report on my viewing

of the Grudge/Bluebook Report 13, in June of 1977.

I Further state that whatever opinions Mr. Lear form or

express on this matter are entirely his own, and that I stood

behind my statements made originally when I came forward with

this matter, and that I continue to stand behind my

statements to this date.

I further state that anyone saying that they have an

admission from me personally that this was a hoax is a liar

and that if I was in fact perpetrating a hoax I could have

found a better way of doing it.  Instead I have chosen to

allow time to either prove or disprove my claims on the

information on this matter.  Time it seems has proven the

validity of my statements.

I welcome the chance to defend my position in either public

or rivaedebate an will otinue t tand bhind by

rginal reprt.


William S. English (signature)

William S. English

September 17, 1988

Gladys, Virginia

I Bill Cooper do swear that I typed this verbatim on to disc

on October 8, 1988 and do swear that no changes have been

made and do swear that this is a verbatim copy of the



s additional information about the Grudge 13

papers that I obtained from Bill during my visit.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  I have just met with a man who has been able to substantiate

certain sections of my MAJIC.TXT.  You will all find the

following text very interesting.  In order to confirm his

knowledge I performed several tests which will you will spot

in the text.  His revelations were not solicited, I merely

asked him to read the MAJIC.TXT and call me if he wished to

talk.  I met him through friends.  This is the text of two

meetings which I had with him.  The first occurred when we

were introduced.  The second occurred on Christmas Eve and

was the most revealing.

I attended a Christmas party given by a friend who I have

known for many years.  During the evening my friend took me

aside and told me that a man was present that he thought I

should meet.  My friend told me that because of the

information that I had recently released this man might be

able to give me information.  I asked why he thought so?

My friend told me that the man had been in the Army for 21

years and was assigned to DELTA SECURITY.  I was immediately

interested and asked to be introduced.

My friend introduced me to a tall, lean, fit man who was in

his late 60's.  I was impressed with his physical fitness.

His hair was grey and he stood with the bearing of one who

had spent many years with the military.  He was mentally

sharp and showed no effects of his age.

After we had been introduced I told him that I too had spent

many years in military service, the Navy.  I asked him where

he had been stationed.  He replied that he had spent a lot of

time in Colorado, Mew Mexico, Nevada, and at Edwards Air

Force Base.  I commented that I thought it strange that an

Army man would be stationed at Edwards.  "Oh, he said, I was

with Delta Security and we had a lot to do with intra-service

projects." "We provided security for several services." I

then asked him if he had ever heard of Project REDLIGHT.  His

eyes narrowed and he seemed uncomfortable.  In fact he looked

around the room as if looking for somewhere else to go.  "I

may have, he replied, but you know from your Navy days that I

can't discuss what I was involved with."  I told him that in

a way I was involved with it also and then I told him that I

was with Naval Intelligence for a time.  We exchanged small

talk but clearly he was uncomfortable since my mention of

REDLIGHT.  I excused myself then found my friend again.  I

asked my friend if he still had his copy of my MAJIC.TXT and

if he did would he get it for me.  He left the room and then

came back and handed me the file.

I waited until I saw that the Ex-Army man was leaving and

then went out to his car with him.  I asked him if he would

look at something that I would draw.  He said yes but really

had to leave.  On the back of the MAJIC.TXT file I drew the

TRILATERAL insignia.  I said nothing.  He grabbed the file

and asked me where I had seen the insignia.  I told him I had

seen it while with Naval Intelligence and asked him if he

knew what it was.  "Yes, he said, it is on a piece of

equipment.  Do you know what the equipment is?"  I told him

that it makes no sound.  "You know then what REDLIGHT really

is, he said."  I replied that I did.  I told him that the

papers he held was a file explaining the whole thing and that

I would like him to read it and then call me if he would be

willing to talk to me about his experiences.  I told him that

I have never revealed sources and would never reveal him as

the source of the information.  He looked me right in the eye

and said, "If you even tell anyone about this conversation I

will call you a liar right to your face."  I told him that I

understood fully.  I asked him how long he had known my

friend.  He said he had known him for about 7 years.  I told

him to ask our mutual friend about me so that he would feel

more comfortable about me.  He took the file and left.

A few days later he called me and asked to meet me during the

day at a local park on Christmas Eve.  We arranged the time

and met at a picnic table at the park.

The first thing that he said was that he never wanted his

name connected with anything that I ever did or said and that

he never wanted to see me again after our meeting.  I agreed

to those terms.  He then gave me his telephone number and

asked me to call him if I ever thought that his identity had

been compromised in any way.  I agreed to that also.

I then asked him why he had agreed to talk to me about his

involvement.  "For the same reason that you are talking about

it, he replied, the whole thing is very grim and it won't get

better."  I asked him if he wanted me to ask questions or if

he would just like to narrate.  He told me to ask questions

and when I pulled out my tape recorder he told me not to use

it because voice identification was possible.  I knew that

this was possible and again consented to his terms.  I asked

if I could take notes and he agreed to notes only.

Bill----Where did you see the TRILATERAL INSIGNIA that I drew

        for you at the party and that you saw in my file?

Man-----On a flying saucer that I guarded at Edwards Air

        Force Base.  I saw it again on different saucers when

        I was at Area 51 in Nevada....Your file is pretty

        accurate as to what I know....I was surprised by the

        extent of your knowledge.

Bill----I saw some of the information and have other sources.

        That file is the product of 17 years of searching.

        In fact a lot of it came from doing what we are doing

        now, just talking to people.  Can you tell me how you

        came to see the saucer at Edwards?

Man-----I was assigned to guard a hanger at Edwards, at the

        time I didn't know what was in it.

Bill----What was the name of the hanger?

Man-----The hanger had no number or name.  We called it the

        Delta hanger.

Bill----Can you tell me where it is located?

Man-----It is on the North Base.  Its the only hanger off by

        itself and no one is allowed near it without a

        special badge and clearance.

Bill----What does the badge look like?

Man-----It is a red badge with a black triangle on the face

        of it and personal information on the

        any other ID.

Bill----How did you see the saucer?

Man-----The hanger is only entered through one door.  Inside

        the door is the guard room.  On the other side of the

        guard room is a door that goes into an office.  On

        the other side of the office is another door.  We

        were not allowed out of the guard room but one night

        the duty officer asked me if I knew what I was

        guarding.  I said no that it was not my job to know.

        He asked me if I would like to see.  I thought he was

        checking me out and told him it wasn't necessary.  He

        motioned for me to follow him and then took me

        through the office and into the hanger.  I saw the

        saucer sitting on legs and it seemed to have jacks

        under it also.

Bill----Can you describe it for me?

Man-----It was about 30 feet in diameter, metal but not

        shiny.  Like tarnished silver.

Bill----How thick was it?

Man-----About 15 to 18 feet thick.......It had the insignia

        on the underside and again on the top.

Bill----Did you see any openings?

Man-----No but I only saw one side and it was only for about

        3 or 4 minutes.

Bill----Was it round?

Man-----Oh yes...just like the movies.

Bill----Were there any windows?

Man-----There was what looked to be windows around the raised

        portion but I could not see inside.

Bill----Were they round?

Man-----No, they were rectangular....I also saw a groove

        around the saucer about 4 feet from the edge all the

        way around and it was on the top and bottom.  There

        was an area on the bottom that looked like vents or


Bill----What did the Officer say to you?

Man-----Only that he did not show me anything and we went

        back to the guard room then he left.

Bill----Isn't that unusual?

Man-----Everything I did or saw on Delta was unusual.  I saw

        people break down and cry for no reason at times.

        When things like that occurred you would never see

        that man again.

Bill----What happened to them?

Man-----I don't know and didn't ask.

Bill----Lets deviate from this for awhile.  Do you mind?

Man-----No, I don't.

Bill----How did you get into Delta security?

Man-----I was recruited into the National Recon Organization

        and went to Fort Carson Colorado.  After a lot of

        training I was screened for Delta and then assigned

        to Delta.

Bill----Why did they recruit you?

Man-----I was told that it was because I was an orphan.  If

        something happens to someone connected to a secret

        project and they have family, the family could

        compromise the project in just trying to find out

        what happened to their loved one.

Bill----Is everyone in Delta orphans?

Man-----Just about, either that or their family died or was

        killed later in life.

Bill----Didn't that bother you?  I mean what could be so

        secret that they have to use orphans?

Man-----Some of the things I've seen......The stories...

        especially concerning dreamland....Did you know there

        are bounty hunters connected with dreamland?

Bill----What do you mean?

Man-----If you work at Dreamland and go on leave or pass and

        are not back on time or if someone doesn't come back

        they send bounty hunters after you.......Thats where

        the know what I mean... live....there

        is an underground facility.......I don't think I

        should say anymore.....Most of the time I was there I

        can't even remember anyway.....We were supposed to

        talk about Redlight.

Bill----I don't remember agreeing to talk only about

        Redlight....Is this a new condition?

Man-----Yes, I don't want to talk about anything else........

        I will tell you that very strange things happen at


Bill----What do you mean when you say you can't remember?

Man-----I can't remember....I really don't want to talk about

        Dreamland.....I won't talk about it.

Bill----Please don't tantalize me.  Either talk about it or

        don't but don't do this to me.  What else can you say

        about Dreamland?  Can you tell me where it is?

Man-----No, I can't talk about it.  This is all very

        dangerous and I am married now.....I just can't take

        a chance.

Bill----Ok, tell me about Area 51.

Man-----Area 51 is at Groom Lake in Nevada.  Its the

        headquarters of Redlight.......The saucers are flown

        there.  Its part of the test range...Its on the map..

        its just a dry lake bed with a Top Secret

        installation built on and around it.

Bill----Have you seen one fly?

Man-----Yes, they are incredibly fast and make no noise at


Bill----Is the one at Area 51 the same as the one at Edwards?

Man-----One was the same....the other one I saw looks like a in a womans engagement ring.....if

        you take the diamond out of a ring and turn it upside

        down......thats what it looks like.

Bill----You mean literally like a diamond?

Man-----No, but the shape is the really

        glows....but only when it flys.  On the ground it is

        the same metal as the saucer at Edwards....when it

        flys it glows like the sun and sometimes changes


Bill----How close were you when you saw it?

Man-----Not one was allowed to get close....

        I think it emmitted radiation because we were all

        required to wear dosimeters and they had to be

        checked daily.

Bill----You mean it was atomic powered?

Man-----I don't know.....I only know there was a definate

        radiation hazard and our dosimeters were checked

        daily.  We turned them in to be checked and were

        issued new ones every day.

Bill----How long did you stay at Area 51?

Man-----The first time was for 3 months....Nobody ever stayed

        more than a few months.  The second time I was there

        was for almost 5 months.....its like wartime there

        were no passes while at Area 51....we had excellent

        recreation facilitys though.

Bill----I hate to press you but I would like to know more

        about Dreamland.  My information seems to conflict

        with yours.  I have information that the Alien base

        is in New Mexico, is that where Dreamland is?

Man-----There is more than one base and I have to go now....

        I should not be talking to you about anything at all.

        Its all too dangerous....even more than you

        think.....I don't know everything but I know that its

        way out of control and to tell you the truth I'm

        afraid of what is going to happen.....Don't ask me

        what because I don't know but........I know something

        is going to happen.......Giant underground shelters

        are being built under Groom Lake.....and in other

        places.  From reading your papers you know more about

        a lot of this than I do.....I really do have to go

        now....Its Christmas Eve and I live a ways off.

Bill----Before you go would you look over these notes and

        make sure they're right?

Man-----I watched you write and its right.  What are you

        going to do with those notes?

Bill----I'll make a file and release this in the form of an

        interview without identifying you.

Man-----If you do I'll call you a liar.

Bill----I won't identify you and just so you will feel better

        I have never identified any of my sources.  If you

        ever want to talk again you have my phone number.

Man-----I don't think had better be real careful...

        I mean about yourself....I really wouldn't give

        anyone else those notes....You should think about it.

Bill----What do you think will happen?

Man-----The same thing that has happened to ......some others should just drop can

        do anything.

The rest was just parting conversation.  He seemed to be very

sincere and very worried about what he was telling and

worried about my safety as well as his own.

This is the second person who has described a saucer at

Edwards, the same security badge, and reference to Dreamland

keeps coming up with these people.  This is the first time I

have heard that there is more than one alien base and it is

the first time I have heard of bounty hunters.  I think the

reference to a radiation hazard and the use of dosemeters is

also significant in view of the incident in Texas involving

the two women.  John Lear told me that Dreamland was at

Edwards.  Personally I do not know the location.  Just the

name "DREAMLAND" is so far away from the normal military

trend of naming projects and places that it provokes

questions.  I would like to point out that at one point my

sources told me the alien base was at Dreamland then they

told me it wasn't true and backed away from it.  The name

keeps cropping up in connection with the alien base.

Reference to loss of memory is also common with abductees.  I

found this interview to be personally disturbing.

Where possible I wrote down the questions and answers and

those are written exactly as asked and as answered.  At some

points the conversation is reconstructed from my notes but

was done as soon as I arrived home and I am certain that it

is accurate.  Having just met this man I have no clue as to

his motives or to the accuracy of the information.  However I

do believe he was sincere and the range of emotions he

expressed would have been difficult for even a very good

professional actor.

(NOTE!  A "dosemeter" is (or was when I was in service) a

piece of film in a small badge that is worn by personnel when

working in areas where they may be exposed to radiation.

If the film is hit by a dose of radiation it is exposed.  The

amount of film exposure determines the exact dose of

radiation.  When I was in the Strategic Air Command I had to

wear one because the alert pad aircraft carried nuclear

weapons.  Our dosemeters were checked weekly.  If the

dosemeter indicated that you had been exposed to radiation

then you had to go through a decontamination procedure.

During my time in service my dosemeter never indicated any

exposure to radiation.  This explanation is offered for those

of you who may not have known what a dosemeter is.)



                      \     *     /

                       \    *    /

                        \   *   /

                         \  *  /

                          \ * /


                      O     *     O


                          / * \

                         /  *  \

                        /   *   \

                       /    *    \

                      /     *     \

                     /      *      \

                    /       *       \

                   /        *        \


This is another TRILATERAL INSIGNIA that appeared in the

MAJESTY papers.  It is worn on the alien uniforms (like one

piece tight coveralls).  It is also displayed on various

alien craft.  The astericks down the middle should be a

straight line but I was unable to do that on my computer.

The O's are really small circles but could not do that on my

computer either.  The triangle should be equilatral but again

I could  not do that on my  computer.  I do not know what

this means.  It has also been seen from the air at some

landing sites.

                      \           /

                       \         /

                        \       /

                         \     /

                          \   /

                           \ /



                          / * \

                         /  *  \

                        /   *   \

                       /    *    \

                      /     *     \

                     /      *      \

                    /       *       \

                   /        *        \

                  /         *         \

This insignia is used to mark landing sites and bases it is

layed out so as to be seen from the air above the site.  The

same notes apply to this insignia.  I do not know  what it



                        ROBERT'S STORY

Robert _____ ______, a young man in his early 20's came to

work at my shop as a temporary help during the 2nd week of

October 1986.  The first day at work, he approached me asking

about my interest in the UFO phenomenon.  Then he smiled,

paused, and waited for my reaction.  I told him that I was

interested, particularly in the crash/recovery of saucers and

bodies of occupants.  That I was secondly interested in the

rumors pertaining to an "alien" and intelligence group

alliance set up years ago.

He then told me he would reveal something to me pertaining to

my second interest as mentioned above.  He told me the

following (condensed by me):

1.  He was in the military headquartered with the 4th

Engineering Group at Fort Carson, Colorado.  Just got out 2

months prior to the date of telling me this.

2.  He showed me a military I.D. card from Fort Carson and

another with a strange checker board design on it.

3.  He  said he had a Super Top Secret clearance and worked

as a laboratory assistant in southwestern Colorado associated

with the Delta Group out of Fort Carson.

4.  He witnessed cryogenic experimentation going on with

human beings.  This experimentation was conducted by both

"aliens" and some Super Secret intelligence group.

5.  "Some high ranking military and scientific personnel were

taken down to cryogenic temperatures through a process of

draining their blood and pumping a chemical mixtur into the

circulatory system to prevent cell destruction during the

freezing and thawing periods."  "The "aliens" were the only

ones who knew the mixture formula and the gradual thawing

process.  They at first refused to give the formula and

process to the scientific team, and threatened to leave the

above mentioned personnel in that cryogenic state forever

unless the scientists cooperated on some certain issues."

6.  He also told me about some "alien" technics concerning

time travel, Dimensional travel, related to unified field


After revealing these seemingly fantastic things to me over a

3 week period of time he quit the temporary fob here.  I

finally found out that his father Robert _________ Sr.

(Robert used to be Robert _________ Jr. before his father and

mother divorced and he took the name of his mothers second

husband, ______.)  worked with me in the metal finishing

department.  The following was told to me by Robert _________

Sr. on Dec 16, 1986:

"On the evening of Wednesday, Dec. 3, 1986, my son Robert

______ called me via the telephone (he hadn't been home for

over a week) he soundeed as if he were scared to death.  He

said   I have to go back to Colorado immediatly.  I asked

why.  He said,  The bounty hunters found me and told me that

I had to go back with them to the base in Colorado because I

know to much.  I asked if there were any way he could beat

them and get out of it?  Robert stated,  They said there is

no way out.  In fact the chief bounty hunter confronted me

face to face.

Evidently Robert Jr. tried to beat the bounty hunters.  His

alleged body was found in room #5 of the Walls Motel in Long

Beach, California, with a gun in his hand and a bullet hole

through his head.   Drugs were found in the room, but not in

his body.  (he was not the drug type).

The Long Beach Police Dept. investigated the case which ended

very abruptly with no explanation.  When I asked them why the

case was closed so quickly, they snapped back,  Its none of

your business.  The final autopsy report stated that the

death was a drug related suicide.

I was not allowed to see the body for one solid week.  I

would call the police, they would say the body was at the

funeral parlor.  The funeral parlor would say we don't have

the body.  This went on back and forth for that one solid

week.  (Dec. 5th - Dec. 12th, 1986)  When I was finally

allowed to view the body, I immediatly could tell it was not

him!!  This body, alleged to be Robert ______, was about 20

Lbs heavier and about 3 to 4 inches shorter than my son.

That was not Robert even tho the basic facial feature's were


One very significant thing that Robert stated to me before

his alleged death was,  Dad, they are comming to take me

away.  I will give you a code name ______________ (only

Robert and his father know that code name).  If you receive a

letter, telephone call, or by messenger, sometime in the

future, this code name, you will know that I am alive.  They

need me for my special DNA, that is why I have to go back.

Robert has special Occult Powers and has an interest in witch

craft.  he says all of this UFO stuff is directly related to

witch craft and the occult.

In February - April 1987 both Robert _________ Sr. and myself

were under surveillance by what we considered an agent from

the cover-up group.  He went by the name of John Chunn.  We

finally confronted him face to face concerning all of this.

Needless to say he quit work that day and never came back.

Robert Sr.  has been harassed several times by an individual

who wanted Robert Sr. to go to the 4 corners area with him .

On April 16, 1987, he said he would reunite him with his son.

_________ backed out the last minute.

Later Robert Sr. was picked up by the police for no reason at

all and held for one week.  When he hot back home he found

out that his place had been ransacked.

On Nov. 9, 1987, a person riding a motercycle and dressed

like a biker approached _________ identifying himsself as Lt.

eed or Reade and claimed that he had a Top Secret clearance

and had access to the files pertaining to the projects that

his son was still involved in.  He said that he would place

_________ in touch with Robert ______ and said he was working

in an underground base.  He said you cannot find this base on

any maps or in any military directories.

Robert ______  was in the following unit.



FBG 31905

Fort Carson, Colorado

His Commanding Officer was Capt. Dana _. ______

Well ____ there it is for what it is worth.  You can get in

touch with Robert Sr. at _________________________________

(NOTE!  All names addresses and phone numbers are in the

original document and all of this information checks out with

the Long Beach Police Dept. and with Robert Sr. whom I have

talked to.  The information was sent to a friend of mine in

exactly this form and he forwarded it to me in exactly the

form that I have typed it to disc.   Bill Cooper)









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