Herbs to get you through winter

 This Article COPYRIGHT Jan. 1988. Nicholas Morcinek. First

published in Toronto Dimensions magazine Feb. 1988. 



If you would like more info please write: 

Botanic Medicine Society. 

P.O. Box 82. Stn. A. 

Willowdale, Ont. CANADA. 

M2N 5S7. 

Well here we are again, February already and before too long the

Spring and Summer and a whole new crop of fresh herbs to waken up

those flat and jaded Winter taste buds! Can't you just feel the

taste of Spring in the air? Yes I do realise that its not too

easy, particularly if you're driving through a white-out on the

Don Valley Car Park, but one month from now will see the first

stirrings of the new Season. (O.k. so I'm an incurable

optimist!). However, just in case you're not feeling so good 

here's a tip to help you through 'til March.

     If you really do feel down and grumpy there's no better pick

me up than a walk in the garden and if you live in Toronto you

can do exactly that! Just pop down to the Allen Gardens at

Carlton Street and Sherbourne, and spend an afternoon surrounded

by exotic and fragrant plants. The Gardens have many varieties

that were originally collected from every Continent and it is

easy to imagine yourself luxuriating in a tropical paradise in no

time at all.

     You can see and smell the aromatic Jasmine, a plant that has

a long history of medicinal use. You will find the flowers in

China tea, and in all sorts of Asian herbal potions, where their

fragrance is used as a "pick-me-up" or tonic. Just a few drops of

Oil of Jasmine rubbed into the skin or dropped into the bath can

work wonders, lifting away that tired and run-down feeling! You

may find Pomegranates from the Middle East, (still used today to

destroy intestinal parasites), and Carob, grown for its' food

value and delectable chocolate-like flavour. If you travel deeper

into this contained jungle you can find Orchids and Date Palms,

Papyrus and Eucalyptus and dozens of varieties of Peppers and

Spice. If you are lucky you may spot the Piper Methyisticum, or

"intoxicating pepper". It's a pity this fellow doesn't grow here

in Canada as it makes an interesting anti-depressant when

correctly prepared. The whole root is collected and mashed well

together with Coconut milk to form a thin paste. This is then

placed in clean sealed containers and left in a cool place to

ferment for about a month, whereupon the mixture is ready to

drink. The effect is quite unusual, for the active ingredients in

this mixture seem to directly affect the feeling centres of the

brain, producing a warm and gently serene sensation of well-

being. Just what we all need in the middle of a long Canadian

winter eh!


     Seriously though a walk through the Gardens can be an

uplifting experience particularly at this time of year. If you

take along a good herb book, (e.g. A Modern Herbal- Mrs. M.

Grieve), you can check out some of the uses for the plants that

you see, and it becomes very easy to spend the entire day there.

( You could take your camera ). Oh and unlike so many of

Toronto's expositions there's no charge to get in! 

     "Where can I find a good herb class?" If I had a dollar for

every time I've been asked this question..... There are many "so-

called" herb classes that offer only dry text, with no emphasis

placed on plant recognition, or harvesting from the wild and so

students inevitably feel disappointed and cheated. Finally

though, I can feel confident in recommending a new series of

classes being provided here in Toronto by members of the Botanic

Medicine Society. These classes are given by full-time

professional herbalists and cover all aspects of practical

herbalism, from plant recognition to clinical assessment. Classes

start the first week in March. For more details regarding

syllabus and enrolment please call (416) 221-1662, or (416) 534-


Next issue looks at readers letters so if you have any questions

about herbs and herbalism please write to me here at T.D. See you

in the Spring!


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