'Arcadia' Time Killers moves list
Reprinted from the May 1993 issue of VGCE
Retyped by Eric Garcia
'Arcadia' Time Killers article by David S. Moskowitz
Designed by Leif Marwede & Jim Zielinski
Character art by Ralph Melgosa, Dale Kerkman, and Scott Artist
Backgrounds by Angel Medina
Tips by Lief Marwede
Button and Joystick Key (From left player position):
H = Head
Ra = Weapon arm, or Right arm
La = Back arm, or Left arm
Rl = Weapon leg, or Right leg
Ll = Back leg, or Left leg
0 0 --0 \ | / 0-- 0 = Straight-up, up-right, right,
| / 0 0 0 \ down-right, down, down-left,
left, up-left
, = means 'then'
+ = means 'and'
TK basics:
Jumping: As with most fighting games, pushing the joystick up will
cause characters to jump. However, in TK, holding the joystick up will extend
the jump.
Decapitation: Hitting all five buttons at once will lop off limbs and
possibly the head if your opponant doesn't defend properly.
Tripping: | + (Rl or Ll)
Defense: There are 3 ways to defend against attacks.
1. Joystick away: This will defend against damage but the blow
will still knock you backwards.
2. 0 + / defends similiarly but your not knocked back as far
\ 0
3. Weapon defend: It's weapon against weapon. This is difficult
to learn, but extremely useful.
Stunning: Unlike other fighting games, characters are stunned not by
overall damage but by the number and severity to the head.
The Warriors:
Mantazz: The most bizarre of the combatants, Mantazz is a hybrid based
on the creature from alien and a preying mantis.
Strategy: Mantazz fighters should take advantage of the ranged attacks.
Also Mantazz should try to back opponents against the wall and use ginsu Chops.
Mantazz's head attack is especially deadly, but the head is attached to a long
exposed neck.
Vs.: Mantazz's arms are sharp enough to be your prime target. Try to
slice them off as soon as possible but don't forget about the eye beams.
Fast eye beam /, |, \ + H
0 0 0
Slow eye beam \ , |, / + H
0 0 0
Low eye beam |, | + H
0 0
Fly (in the air), (0--, 0--, or --0, --0)
Elbow spinning --0(close) + Rl(double tap)
double kick
Super spin that | + Rl
trips opponant 0
Helicopter | + H + Ra + La
decapitation 0
Airplane 0--, 0-- + Ra
Ginsu Chops Flailing La + Ra
Double kick Rl + Ll
Super Extendo | + Rl + Ll
kick 0
Double elbow --0(close) + Ra + La
Matrix: A combination Ripley from the Alien movies and Jedi warriors
from Star Wars(notice the mechanical rear hand)
Strategy: Matrix is the 2nd fastest character whose telescoping rear
hand should be used to attack from a distance. When using the "eat my feet,"
launch another attack immediatly after her feet make contact.
Vs.: The rear arm is her best weapon so chop it off first.
Flying super (in the air), H + Ra + Ll
Head butt
Extension --0, flailing Ll
Eat my Feet | + Rl + Ll
Tornado spin (in the air), Ra + La (be careful though, Once she starts
spinning, it's hard to pull out)
Super Uppercut | + Ra
Airborne (in the air), H + Ra + La + Rl + Ll
Orion: Another character similiar to a Jedi warrior. More mechanical
than Matrix, his gravity controlling body produces some of the more
interesting effects.
Strategy: Take advantage of Orions gravity tricks by jumping back and
forth and then following them up with the hurling kicks. Also, take advantage
of his speed with multiple attacks. Be prepared to defend before launching
another attack.
Vs.: Get underneath and start fire away uppercuts
Spining drill 0, 0, --0, \ , | + Rl
| / 0 0
Gravity throw (in the air), (--0, --0, or 0--, 0--) depending on grav. shift
Forward roll \ + Ra + La
High hurling Rl + Ll
Low hurling | + Rl + Ll
kick 0
Airborne (in the Air), H + Ra + La + Rl + Ll
Musashi: Japan's King Arthur. He was the subject of a 1960's TV series
starring Toshiro Mifune. Musashi also wrote business bible
Strategy: Musashi is especially fast so when you attack, never let up.
Use the back hand extensively as you would with Matrix, but because it's
vulnerable, get in close.
Vs.: Try to aim for the head it's slower and more vulnerable than the
rest of him.
Butterfly (--0 flail Ra), or (--0 + Ra + La)
Quick slice --0 flail La
Airborne Decap (in the air), H + Ra + La + Rl + Ll
Flip to Rl + Ll
Back Slam | + Rl + Ll
Groin slice | flail Ra
double 0
Quick groin | flail La
slice double 0
Lord Wulf: King Arthur down to the battle cry, "Excalibur!"
Strategy: Wulf is one of the slower characters so keep your distance.
His sword itself is one of the longer weapons.
Vs.: Learn to defend against the sword and get in close.
Lightning Bolt 0-- + H, --0
Fast decap H + Ra + La
Sword in Rl + Ll
ground kick
Super kick | + Rl + Ll
Super uppercut --0(close) + La
Quick slide --0, --0, La
Airborne Decap. H + Ra + La + Rl + Ll
Rancid: A hard-edged punker loosely modeled after Ash from the Evil
Dead films.
Strategy: When fighting with Rancid, think high and low (e.g., use
airborne and crouching attacks only). Try jumping off of the back wall into an
airborne chain ride.
Vs.: Use numerous small jumps and get inside.
Chain Ride 0--, /, | , \ , --0 + Ra + La
(a dive) 0 0 0
Airborne Chain 0 , 0, --0, \ + Ra + La
Ride | / 0
Head dance (pounding on the face mid-air): (in the air), Rl + Ll and push the
Joystick in the direction you want to do your multiple attacks.
Groin Launch --0 + Ra + La
Leif: Strata wanted a Conan Character with a sharp weapon.
Strategy: Lief's a slow one so don't think subtle. Go for the head
splitter and running head butt as often as possible. Your best defense is the
Vs.: If possible, keep your distance or at least stay airborne since
the cuisinart can be jumped over.
Fast Decap 0-- + H + Ra + La + Rl + Ll
Cusineart | + Ra + La , spin from --0 clockwise to produce more spins
Super Kick | + Rl + Ll
Axe pole Vault Rl + Ll,(in the air), (Ra(high) or La(low))
Head splitter (in the air), Ra + La
Running Head --0 + H
Stop 0--
Slide |
Don't let the helmet fool you crashing into wall will stun Lief
Flying Cusinart --0, \ , | , /, 0--, 0 , 0 , 0 , Ra + La
0 0 0 \ | /
Thugg: Originally panned to be a Tomahawk waving Indian, Thugg left
that shtick to Jane Fonda and became a more politically correct caveman.
Strategy: the Slowest character, Thugg is also Leif Leif Marwede's
favorite for he has the most possible combonation attacks than anyone else.
Against airborne characters Thugg should try to get underneath them and then
Super kick.
Vs.: Thugg is slow get in close and flail away.
Spit fast /, | , \ , H
0 0 0
Spit slow \ , | , /, H
0 0 0
Flip Combo --0 + Rl + Ll (to launch) ,
(in the air), (Ra(axe chop) or La(skull crush))
Body Launch | + Rl + Ll
While legs are extended:
La for lobbing launch
Ra for medium range attack
Ra + La for quick Launch
Running --0 + H
Head butt
Stop 0--
Slide |
(Hitting a wall will damage Thugg)
Pound the 0-- + Ra
(will bounce opponant torwards you. Flail on Ra to do it faster)
Super uppercut --0(close) + La
Super kick Rl + Ll
Fist Axe --0(close) + Ra + La
Double shot
Elbow-Low kick | + Ll
double 0
Fast decap 0-- + H + Ra + La + Rl + Ll
Death: Anyone who fights everyone gets to fight Death for immortality.
Deaths are fast and long ranged, so plan on counter attacking(i.e., defend then
attack). In the 2nd or 3rd round when Death gets dazed, you must decapitate
him(?) or else the Dark Angel will fully regenerate and renew the battle."
| Eric Garcia |
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