The Journal & Editorial Personal Reference System
The Journal & Editorial Personal Reference System
Version 2.0
JEPRS(tm) version 2.0
December, 1989
by Louis M. Miranda
6033 East Northwest Highway, #1106
Dallas, TX 75231-7463 USA
JEPRS is a trademark of Louis M. Miranda;
Copyright 1985-1989 Louis M. Miranda.
NOTE: For information on shareware registration, installing
JEPRS on your floppy disks or hard disk, and basic instructions,
please read the file JReadMe.Doc first. It is also helpful if
you have read the following chapters in the User's Guide before
starting on this tutorial:
Chapter 1: Introduction to JEPRS
Chapter 2: Installing JEPRS
Chapter 3: The Main Menu
Chapter 4: Help
Chapter 5: Global Defaults
JEPRS Tutorial, page 2
Table of Contents
Converting Format Files to a Config File . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Upgrading Version 1.x to 2.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Running JConvert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Importing from PaperChase & Current Contents . . . . . . . . . 7
Importing from PaperChase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Current Contents on Diskette . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Practical Uses for Number Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Search Strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
JEPRS's Evolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Defining Format Styles/Journal Definitions . . . . . . . . . . 21
Comma-Delimited Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Creating Printer Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Sample Laser Printer Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Dot Matrix Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Word Processor Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
JEPRS Tutorial, page 3
1 Converting Format Files
to a Config File
1.1 Upgrading Version 1.x to 2.0
Version 1.00, 1.10, and 1.11 of JEPRS used files called Format
files to store configuration and format style information. In version
2.0, these files are called Config files and are incompatible with the
version 1 files! However, I have included a file called JConvert.Exe
for registered users that will automatically convert your Format files
to a Config file.
Before starting the actual conversion, you should do some
preparation. That's because JConvert.Exe can use up to nine of your
Format files to create one all-encompassing Config file. The number
of Format files used, as well as their conversion results are listed
# of Files: Destination in Config file:
1 Directory & filename defaults
5 Printer definitions
3 Format styles/Journal definitions
Thus, JConvert can use up to 9 of your Format files. Of course, if
you have fewer than nine Format files, that's OK too, since you can
just use duplicates of your pre-existing Format files.
The rest of this chapter assumes you will be creating only one
Config file; if you wish to create several, you can do that by either
repeating the steps in this chapter or by using MS-DOS's Copy command
to create duplicate Config files, and then use JEPRS to directly edit
those Config files.
Get a pen and a piece of paper. Look through your Format file(s)
to see which one contains the directory and filename information you
want in your Config file. Write down the name and current directory
of this file.
Now write down the names of up to 5 Format files containing your
various printer definitions. Since JEPRS version 2.0 can support up
to 5 printer definitions in one Config file, you no longer will need
several Format files for this purpose. (If you have less than 5
files, don't worry, we'll deal with this later.)
Now write down the names of up to 3 Format files that contain your
Format style/Journal definitions. JEPRS version 2.0 supports up to 30
Format styles per Config file. (Again, if you have less than 3 files,
we'll deal with this later.)
Now you're all set to start converting.
1.2 Running JConvert
You should have a file called JConvert.Exe in your JEPRS directory.
If you don't, go back to your distribution disk(s) and look for it
there; then copy it to your JEPRS directory or working disk. This
file is the program that will actually convert your Format files to a
Config file.
Enter the program name at the DOS command line (you don't need to
add the `.Exe'):
JEPRS Tutorial, page 4
C:\JEPRS> JConvert
A full-screen message will appear, describing the function of the
program, as well as a warning to be sure you know the names of your
Format files before continuing any further with the program. Notice
that you can press [Esc] now to stop the program. However, if you
don't want to stop, press any other key to continue.
Notice that near the top of the screen is a reminder that pressing
[Esc] at any time will abandon creation of the Config file; if you
press [Esc], the Config file will be deleted but the Format files will
remain intact (in fact, JConvert will never modify or delete your
Format files). Realize that unlike version 2.0 of JEPRS, JConvert
will not ask for confirmation before terminating the program if you
pressed [Esc].
The first prompt asks you for the name of the Config file. The
default name is ``JEPRS.Cfg'', but you can specify any file name (and
a DOS Path, if desired). You can also use JEPRS's standard editing
keys: [Ins], [Del], [Home], [End], left arrow, and right arrow. Just
remember that if you want to edit the filename rather than replace it,
press one of the editing keys before pressing any letters or numbers,
otherwise JConvert will delete the old filename. If the filename you
specified already exists, JConvert will warn you with the message:
...already exists. Overwrite it? (y/n)
Press [Y] to delete the old Config file and replace it with the one
you are about to create. If you press [N], then JConvert will leave
the old file alone, and will terminate the program.
JConvert will then ask you for the name of the Format file
containing the DIRECTORY/FILENAME information. The default name is
``Format.JPR'', but you can enter any filename. Type in the name of
the file you wrote down earlier, and press [Enter]. JConvert then
displays a message that it is reading in the Format file and then
writing to the Config file.
The next prompt is for the FIRST Format file containing PRINTER
information. The default name is the filename you entered for
directory/filename information. Again, you can use that name or enter
any other name. Enter the name one of the files you wrote down
before. The program will then display a message stating that it's
reading in the FIRST printer format, and then writing it to the Config
In a like manner, JConvert then asks you for the SECOND, THIRD,
FOURTH, and FIFTH Format files containing PRINTER information. Just
enter the names of the files you wrote down in the previous section of
this chapter. If you had fewer than 5 Format files with printer
information, just press [Enter] every time you are prompted for a new
filename. In this case, you'll just have duplicate printer
definitions in your Config file. Of course, you will be able to
modify these later on from within JEPRS. When you are finished
converting your files, and you finally start JEPRS with your new
Config file, the printer selection menu at the Global Defaults Menu
will show the title of each printer definition as the Format file from
which it originated.
The last section of the program starts off by asking you for the
FIRST Format file containing FORMATTING CODES. Enter one of the three
JEPRS Tutorial, page 5
names you wrote down on your list. Then JConvert displays a number
corresponding to each of the Format styles as it reads them in and
writes them to the Config file.
It then proceeds to ask you for the SECOND and THIRD Format files
containing FORMATTING CODES. Enter the two remaining Format filenames
on your list. If you don't have 3 Format files, just press [Enter]
when JConvert asks you for the filenames, and it will automatically
use the first filename you entered for formatting codes (and you'll
just end up with duplicate or triplicate codes which you can then
modify at the Global Defaults Menu in JEPRS).
When JConvert has successfully completed the conversion, the
following message will appear:
JConvert finished.
and your computer will beep. You will then be returned to the
operating system.
JEPRS Tutorial, page 6
JEPRS Tutorial, page 7
2 Importing from PaperChase
& Current Contents
Version 2.0 of JEPRS now has the ability to automatically import
both MedLine formatted files and BRS/Colleague files. In this
chapter, I will describe how to use both PaperChase and ISI's Current
Contents on Diskette to create MedLine formatted files for importing
into JEPRS. The concepts provided in this chapter should be
applicable to those people using BRS/Colleague and CL-MEDLINE; it
should just be minor details that are changed.
2.1 Importing from PaperChase
PaperChase is an easy to use, menu-driven, on-line system for
accessing the National Library of Medicine's MedLine reference
database. PaperChase is available through CompuServe Information
Services, and also directly through Beth Israel Hospital in Boston,
Massachusetts. Your local(?!) medical center library would probably
have information on accessing this system.
I will now assume that you have successfully completed one or more
on-line searches with PaperChase. While still logged on to
PaperChase, choose `P' from the Main Menu for ``Put all references on
print queue''. Then choose `E' for ``Exit PaperChase to print''.
A menu is then displayed for Print Options. At this menu, choose
#2 ``National Library of Medicine format'' (this is the MedLine
The final menu in PaperChase will be titled ``Include on
Printout...''. You have 4 choices:
1) References only
2) References plus abstracts
3) References plus Medical Subject Headings
4) References + abstracts + Medical Subject Headings
Remember that the system charges extra if you download abstracts, but
there is no extra charge for Medical Subject Headings. Therefore, I
would suggest you always use #3 or #4. If you do, then when you
import the file into JEPRS, JEPRS will convert the Medical Subject
Headings into Keywords automatically.
After choosing #3 or #4 above, PaperChase then gives you
instructions for downloading to a file. Follow these instructions
exactly, and make a mental (or physical) note of the filename you used
for your downloaded references. This filename will be crucial for
After exiting PaperChase, start up JEPRS the way you normally do.
Press [U] to go to the Utilities Menu, then press [F2] to get to the
Global Defaults Menu. Press [F]iles, and then [I]mport file, and then
enter the name of the file you just downloaded your PaperChase
references into. Press [Esc] once to return to the Global Defaults
Menu, and once again to return to the Utilities Menu.
At the Utilities Menu, press [I]mport to get to the Import Menu.
At this point, you might want to look in the JEPRS User's Guide to see
what your options are. For now, look at the right side of the screen:
JEPRS Tutorial, page 8
is the default called ``Edit references before importing'' set to Yes
or No? If Yes, then when you press [G]o to start the importing
process, JEPRS will stop at each reference and allow you to discard it
or edit it before importing it; if No, then JEPRS will import all of
the references in the Import file at once.
When you have set the defaults to your liking, press [G]o to start
the importing process. Check the JEPRS User's Guide to see what, if
anything, you should do in order to complete your importing.
Easy, wasn't it? So easy, in fact, that you may not have noticed
something. Some programs (including JEPRS version 1.x) require you to
``clean up'' your import file before actually importing it. But JEPRS
version 2.0 is smart enough to gloss over all the useless information
(it just ignores the small amount of text that PaperChase adds to the
file). This is just part of JEPRS's continuing philosophy of making
your life as easy as possible--let JEPRS do the hard work for you.
2.2 Current Contents on Diskette
Current Contents on Diskette (CCOD) is a PC-based system for
looking at weekly updates of the scientific literature. This section
of the tutorial will instruct you on how to create a MedLine formatted
file while using CCOD. Of course, I assume you have already purchased
CCOD from ISI, Inc., and are receiving weekly updates from them.
Start CCOD the way you normally do (usually by entering `C' at the
DOS prompt), then load one of your weekly issues of Current Contents
into the program. Go to CCOD's Search menu, and define a new search
profile or run an old profile, then press [F5] to view the results of
your search. Use the arrow keys to move the highlight bar around,
then press [I] (for PIC) at each reference you want to import into
JEPRS, or press [M]arkAll if you want to import them all.
To create the actual MedLine formatted file, continue as follows.
Press [F]ile, and at the pop-up FILE menu, choose [A]ll items (that
means all PICed items). This brings up the EXPORT pop-up menu; here,
choose [M]edline style. Once you do, a pop-up dialog box asks you for
the filename: Enter any valid DOS filename (note that you cannot
specify a drive or directory, because CCOD stores all its export files
in your directory called \CCOD\REPORTS). CCOD then exports all your
PICed references to a MedLine formatted file in the \CCOD\REPORTS
directory on your hard disk.
After exiting CCOD, start up JEPRS the way you normally do. Press
[U] to go to the Utilities Menu, then press [F2] to get to the Global
Defaults Menu. Press [F]iles, and then [I]mport file, and then enter
the name of the file you just exported your CCOD references into.
(Remember that CCOD stores its output in the \CCOD\REPORTS directory
on your hard disk, so make sure you include this information with the
Import filename so JEPRS can find the file.) Press [Esc] once to
return to the Global Defaults Menu, and once again to return to the
Utilities Menu.
At the Utilities Menu, press [I]mport to get to the Import Menu.
At this point, you might want to look in the JEPRS User's Guide to see
what your options are. For now, look at the right side of the screen:
is the default called ``Edit references before importing'' set to Yes
or No? If Yes, then when you press [G]o to start the importing
JEPRS Tutorial, page 9
process, JEPRS will stop at each reference and allow you to discard it
or edit it before importing it; if No, then JEPRS will import all of
the references in the Import file at once.
When you have set the defaults to your liking, press [G]o to start
the importing process. Check the JEPRS User's Guide to see what, if
anything, you should do in order to complete your importing.
I have noticed that CCOD has two quirks:
1. It capitalizes the first letter of each word in the title and
every other letter is lowercase. Not only is this inconsistent
with most other programs, they even go so far as to capitalize an
abbreviation, such as `ATP', like this: `Atp' (!) which is
obviously wrong.
2. It makes the journal title in ALL UPPERCASE which, again, is
Because of these two quirks, I suggest you set ``Edit references
before importing'' equal to Yes at the Import Menu in JEPRS. This
allows you to modify your reference citations during importing. Of
course, if these quirks don't bother you, then you can set ``Edit
references before importing'' to No, if you wish.
3 Practical Uses for Number Files
I think that one of JEPRS's most underutilized features is the
Number file. This is a situation I hope to change with the addition
of this chapter to the Tutorial.
When I first started writing JEPRS, back in 1985, one of the
features I required it to have was a way to keep track of a specific
subset of references. This subset would be one that could be created
by the user of the program, for example during a search. Many other
programs will allow you to send the results of your search to a file
or the printer, but once you exit the program, that grouping of
references is lost until you perform another search.
But what if you wanted to add some more references to the result of
that search, and then print the whole thing?
Or what if you're writing a paper and you need a group of
references for the bibliography, but these references would not be
obtainable by a simple search? Most programs don't deal with this
very well. JEPRS will allow you to enter these references at the
keyboard, but what if you made a mistake in a long list of references?
The keyboard doesn't really sound like such a good idea. So I came up
with the idea of a Number file; this has the advantage of both
specificity (you can set up a group of references that wouldn't
necessarily be found together in a search) and modifiability (you can
use JEPRS to add references to a previous list, or use any standard
text editor to remove or change references in a previous list).
***An Example***
Let me give you an example. You've written a paper or essay, and
JEPRS Tutorial, page 10
now wish to print out a formatted bibliography for articles you've
referenced in your new paper. First you would use JEPRS's Search
and/or List functions to identify the reference numbers for each
reference you want in the bibliography. As you identify each
reference you want included, you press [F8] on the Search Results
screen or the List screen to send the number of that reference to a
Number file. When you're finished, you end up with a sequential list
of reference numbers. You can then use a text editor, for example, to
add comments to your Number file so that if and when you re-use it in
the future, you will know why you have grouped those particular
references together. You could also use your text editor to rearrange
your reference numbers if you did not identify them in the order you
want them formatted (but don't bother sorting them alphabetically by
author: remember that JEPRS can do this itself at the Format Menu).
Here is an example of a commented Number file:
******* This file contains all of the references for the paper I
submitted to the Journal of Irreproducible Results on 23 November
So let's say you submit that paper to the Journal of Irreproducible
Results and the reviewers want some minor changes. After thoughtfully
addressing their concerns, you noticed a recent paper came out that
you would now like to add to the previous references. If you just
want to add it, start up JEPRS, go to the List screen, and press [F8]
when the reference you want to add is on the screen. On the other
hand, if you want to replace one of the references, just go into any
text editor (such as Edlin, or your word processor in DOS Text File
mode) and replace the old reference number with the new one. Then at
JEPRS's Format Menu, specify Input = Number file (and don't forget to
specify the Number filename at the Global Defaults Menu). Then when
you [G]o to start formatting, the modified Number file will be used.
This prevents you from having to re-enter each reference number at the
***Another Example!***
Recall that JEPRS can use Number files as Input not only on the
Format Menu, but also on the Export Menu. So let's say you've just
finished a discussion with a colleague. You tell him/her that you
have five great papers that discuss a new Syrinx 2A vector you can use
for cloning genes, and those references are in JEPRS. Your colleague
JEPRS Tutorial, page 11
may have JEPRS or some other reference management program that can
read in MedLine formatted files. (Or your colleague may even keep
his/her references in (horror!) a generic database system that can
read in Comma Delimited files.) Needless to say, your colleague does
not relish the idea of getting a printout from you and then typing
your references into his/her database. With the number file, there's
an easier way!
All you have to do is start up JEPRS, go to the Search Menu and
then: press [T]erms and specify `K' (for Keywords) and then enter
``Syrinx 2A''; press [G]o to start your search. When the search is
completed, press [F5] at the Search Results screen to Mark all the
references, then press [F8] to send all the Marked references to the
Number file.
Then press [Esc] twice to return to the Main Menu, and go to the
[U]tilities Menu, then select [E]xport Menu. At the Export Menu,
choose [I]nput and then [N]umber file, and choose [O]utput and then
[T]ext file. Then press [G]o to start exporting. JEPRS will then
read in the numbers of those five papers on the Syrinx 2A vector from
the Number file, look up those numbers in the database, format them
according to the MedLine format, and send them out to the Export File.
Voila! Then you just copy the Export File to a floppy disk, hand it
to your colleague, and s/he can read it into his/her program (because
any biomedical reference database program worth its salt can read in a
MedLine formatted file). This procedure may sound complex at first,
but once you try it, you'll see how easy it really is.
***Why Numbered References?***
I fear that I haven't sufficiently explained the advantages of
having hard-coded, permanent numbers for each reference citation. Let
me explain why I instituted them, and how I find them useful in my
everyday experiences.
First a little history on why I created JEPRS. I am a graduate
student in the biomedical sciences; I read a lot of papers! I
accumulate a lot of photocopied reprints! I initially tried keeping
them in folders, based on subject keywords. However, I quickly ran
into the problem of one paper having a primary keyword of both, say,
MYOGENESIS and TRANSFECTION, and not being able to decide which folder
to put it in; and then once I decided, if I wanted to look it up
again, I'd have to remember which folder it was in. So, in fact, the
very first requirement for JEPRS was that it have a numbering system
(one that the user couldn't change, accidentally or otherwise). That
way, I now keep my photocopies in numerical order; if I need to find
papers based on subject, I can now just use JEPRS's Search Menu: this
gives me the reference number, which I then use to look in my filing
cabinet. If a reference becomes outdated, I just throw its photocopy
away, and mark one of its keywords as DELETED; before adding new
references, I do a search for ``DELETED'' in keywords to see if I can
Edit an old reference rather than Add a new one.
4 Search Strategies
The Search facility is one of JEPRS's more powerful functions. You
JEPRS Tutorial, page 12
can specify up to ten search terms, where each term is composed of the
field to search through (for example, authors, titles, and journals)
and the actual text to search for. These fields can be combined in
any order, using AND/OR/NOT Boolean logic operators, as well as
specifying precedence by using parentheses. And yet it remains very
easy to use. (See the chapter on searching in the User's Guide for an
example of a simple search.)
***Example #1***
Let's say you have to give a lecture on muscle cell determination
and differentiation. You know you have many papers in your database
that were authored by Wright, Emerson, Lassar, and Weintraub. The
only problem is, these people are all in different labs. Most
programs only allow you to perform searches using AND (that is, ``find
all papers by Wright AND Emerson AND Lassar AND Weintraub'') which
won't work in this case. But JEPRS can handle this with no problem!
Try the following search by pressing [T]erms at the Search Menu and
entering the text as follows:
Enter Search: A/A/(A+A)
This is a search for (author = Wright) or (author = Emerson) or
(author = Lassar and author = Weintraub)), since Lassar & Weintraub
are in the same lab. This kind of a search, which would be an
extremely common occurrence, is literally not possible in any other
shareware reference management program I have seen. And don't think
that JEPRS only allows you to do this with authors; you can do it with
any and all of the searchable fields (see the Messages window after
pressing [T]erms at the Search Menu to see a list of the searchable
fields, or consult the User's Guide).
***Example #2***
Pretend you're preparing a bibliography on various subtopics within
a more general field. This time, you're going to want to find all
references dealing with DNA, but specifically eukaryotic cell
transfection or prokaryotic cell transformation. You also want to
exclude the older references, which will probably not be as much use
to you. You also want to exclude all Abstracts, since they won't
contain enough information to be really useful in this particular
instance. This search would be entered as follows:
Enter Search: (K+(K/K))+Y-C
This search strategy tells JEPRS to look for all references that deal
JEPRS Tutorial, page 13
with (keywords = DNA AND (keywords = Transformation OR keywords =
Transfection)) AND (year = 1986-1989) but NOT (citation type =
Abstract). Note that the placement of the parentheses is crucial in
this example. If you did not include the parentheses, and entered
your search as simply ``K+K/K+Y-C'', then that would have yielded a
very different answer. Let me demonstrate this by listing some
hypothetical references below:
Ref #1's keywords are: DNA;transfection;
Ref #2's keywords are: transfection; protein;
Ref #3's keywords are: DNA;transformation;
If you entered your search as ``(K+(K/K))'', then the following ref
#'s would match: 1 & 3 (because #1 has `DNA' and `transfection' and
#3 has `DNA' and `transformation'). If you entered your search as
``K+K/K'' (which would be equivalent to entering ``(K+K)/K'', since
JEPRS is just reading and interpreting from left to right) then the
following ref #'s would match: 2 & 3 (because #2 has `transfection'
and #3 has both `DNA' and `transformation').
The Boolean logic operators can be very powerful, but they can
sometimes confuse people, too. If you are in doubt as to how a search
will be interpreted, use parentheses to force a particular
interpretation. Too many parentheses can't hurt!
5 JEPRS's Evolution
I first started writing JEPRS at the end of my senior year in
college, strictly as a tool for my own use. As the program
progressed, other people became interested in it, and I got the idea
to sell it via shareware. Many programs, whether commercial or
shareware, contain only a fraction of the features that JEPRS has.
There are only one or two programs I know of that have more features,
but these cost approximately $500 each. Therefore, I'm hoping that
JEPRS will satisfy the needs of cost-conscious consumers that none-
the-less need a program that is more powerful and easier to understand
than the garden variety programs. Here is a brief rundown of how
JEPRS has evolved over the past five years.
Version 1.00 [Pascal]: 27 May 1987; 64740 bytes.
Distribution limited.
Written in `Pascal' language.
Required 64k memory to run.
Only supported underlining;
Printer codes limited to 3 characters;
Could only search for 1 or 2 terms.
Database storage:
Each reference took 1000 bytes of storage, regardless o f
JEPRS Tutorial, page 14
Beginning in September 1987, JEPRS was converted to the `C' language.
Version 1.00 [C]: 05 December 1988; 71636 bytes.
First release to general public.
Requires 128k memory to run.
Database structure:
Rewrote database file structure: incompatible with `Pascal'
version but files only take as much disk space as necessary;
Now requires both database file and "key" file;
Keywords field increased from 2 lines to 5 lines;
Removed "status" field.
Main Menu is now a "point and shoot" menu.
Added program/computer status to Main Menu.
Added Ordering Information;
Added DOS Gateway (run DOS without exiting JEPRS);
Added MedLine file import;
Added disk space information;
Printer codes up to 40 characters;
Formatting codes up to 80 characters;
Added output to text file option;
Added MedLine file export;
Support for boldface, italic, superscript, and subscript;
Allowed Heading/title for first page of output, and Header
(including page number) for each additional page;
User-definable page length and top and bottom margins;
Included support for outputting ref number;
Searching is now 2-3 times faster;
Added search by Editor and/or Publisher;
On-screen examples of correct and incorrect search terms;
Allow <Esc> to terminate search early;
Displays status of search on screen during search;
Adding/Updating References:
Now uses menu at top of screen;
Allows user to return to a reference and edit it before saving or
abandoning it;
<Home> moves cursor to beginning of line;
<End> moves cursor to end of line;
<PgUp> moves cursor to first line of title;
<PdDn> moves cursor to first line of keywords;
Exit program: now requests confirmation before exiting.
Version 1.10: 26 March 1989; 81082 bytes.
First release to bulletin boards (Zenith Forum on CompuServe and
Zenith/HUG Bulletin Board) and shareware distribution companies
(Public Software Library).
Allows import of Current-Contents-on-Diskette files;
Can press <Esc> at menu to return to Main Menu;
JEPRS Tutorial, page 15
Can press <Esc> during output to text file or printer to
terminate output;
Formatting codes can be up to 100 characters;
This module was completely rewritten!
Easy to use menu system;
Pre-programmed defaults modifiable by user;
On-screen help messages (even without Help file);
Start and end search anywhere in the database;
Stop search after specified number of successful matches;
Can turn case-sensitivity on or off before searching;
Output to any combination of screen, text file, number file, or
printer, without having to press function key for each reference
that was found;
Can sort output by first author;
Can specify up to ten(!) search terms with and/or/not "Boolean"
logic, and can use parentheses to force specific interpretation
of search order;
Can modify search up to 3 times, and now displays number of
references already found along with your original search terms;
Version 1.11: 09 July 1989; 81434 bytes.
Distribution: Now distributed via Dallas-PC RBBS; CompuServe
Science, Zenith, and IBM Applications forums; Heath/Zenith Users'
Group BBS; Shareware Distribution Network; and the Public
(software) Library.
Bug Fix:
In version 1.10, if you pressed any function key not listed on
the bottom of the List screen, you were prevented from entering
any new numbers to List. This bug has been fixed.
Command Line Options:
New command line options were added to allow users with a color
video card (e.g., CGA or EGA) with a monochrome screen (amber or
green) to user JEPRS and see all the text on screen.
Version 2.00: November 1989; 138,028 bytes
Requires at least 320k computer to run program.
Output to Text files and Number files is now significantly faster;
User Interface:
The user interface has been completely rewritten, and is an
enhanced version of JEPRS 1.1's Search menu; it now features
pull-down menus, pop-up dialog boxes, on-screen instructions and
messages, and user-definable (and save-able) defaults;
A new, consistent color scheme has been implemented, which should
be easier on the eyes of those of you with color monitors!
On-line Help:
You can now scroll through the Help screens with the arrow keys,
the PgUp & PgDn keys, and Home and End.
The Search Menu hasn't changed significantly, but how the found
references are displayed is COMPLETELY NEW! Each reference is
displayed in a condensed, one-line format. You can scroll
through the found references using the up & down arrow keys and
JEPRS Tutorial, page 16
PgUp and PgDn. The complete reference can be displayed by
pressing Enter, and can then be directly edited by pressing F4.
PgUp & PgDn will display only the found references, thus allowing
you the option of looking at the entire reference rather than
just a 1-line summary. In the 1-line format, you can Mark and
UnMark references by pressing the '*' key; Marked references can
be output as a group to any combination of printer, text file,
and number file.
You can now exit the Search Results screen and do anything else
with JEPRS; then by pressing F3 at the Search Menu, you can
redisplay your previous search results without having to perform
the search over again.
If you press Esc during searching, you are now prompted for
confirmation before terminating the search;
As implied under ``User Interface'' (above), the Format Menu is
now a true menu with pull-down selection boxes, rather than an
endless series of prompts;
Formatted output can now be directed to any combination of
printer, text file, and screen;
Formatted output is now at least 2x as fast as previous versions;
Input is any one of keyboard, number file, or reference file;
You can now specify a range within the reference file as input;
If using keyboard as input, the number is automatically
incremented every time you press Enter;
There is now a choice of up to 30 user-definable Format Styles;
If you press Esc during formatting, you are now asked for
confirmation before terminating output;
During formatting, you can now press ScrollLock to pause the
screen output;
Formatted output can now be sorted by author and year;
You can now specify a page number in the heading of the output,
and you can tell JEPRS what page # to start numbering at;
If outputting in a comma-delimited format, you can now replace
all occurrences of a double quote mark ('"') in your output with
other single character you specify;
List References:
There is no longer a separate Update function; now you edit your
references by just pressing F4 at the List Reference screen;
JEPRS automatically increments the reference number every time
you press Enter;
If you enter an incorrect or invalid number, the program will now
display the nearest correct reference number rather than just
an error message;
UTILITIES MENU IS NEW; Includes Export, Import, and Compress
Export References:
MEDLINE-formatted references can now be output to any combination
of screen, text file, or printer;
Input can be any range within the reference file, keyboard input,
or a number file;
JEPRS Tutorial, page 17
Keywords can be converted to uppercase during output;
JEPRS-specific printer codes can be stripped from your references
during output, thus providing compatibility with other programs;
Import References:
In addition to MEDLINE files from PaperChase and Current Contents
on Diskette, JEPRS can now import files from BRS/Colleague and
Instead of displaying the lines that were ignored during the
import, JEPRS now displays a graphical representation of how much
of the file was imported after each reference;
You are given the choice of importing the references all at once
(the way JEPRS version 1.1 did it) or import one at a time; when
importing one at a time, you are placed in Edit mode and you can
edit the reference before adding it to the database or discard it
altogether before continuing to the next imported reference;
Items within the MEDLINE references that are usually not of
interest to most people (such as source of funding and keyword
subheadings) can be optionally ignored;
Compress Database:
Using this feature allows you to compress your database after
entering and modifying a large number of references, thus
conserving disk space;
GLOBAL DEFAULTS IS NEW; it replaces the old Options choice on the
Main Menu in version 1.1; and Global Defaults can now be accessed
from the Main, Search, Format, and Utilities Menus
Global Defaults:
File name specification is now by a pull-down menu and pop-up
prompt windows;
For advanced users, Go-To-DOS now uses the ComSpec specification
rather than just Command.Com; this allows you to use alternative
DOS command processors;
From within the JEPRS program, you can now:
Turn beeping on or off;
Use formatting in text file output (or not);
Select one of the 5 Printer Defintions to use for output;
Save the file name and default specifications i n t h e
Config file (see below);
Select one of the 30 Format Styles to modify;
Select one of the 5 Printer definitions to modify (see
Turn JEPRS into Color Mode or Black & White Mode, and turning
format blinking on and off;
Send a Form-feed to your printer to eject the last page;
Get Ordering Information;
CONFIG FILE IS NEW; it replaces the old Format.JPR file in version
(but don't worry; registered users of version 1.10 and 1.11 will
receive a free conversion program to convert your previously
defined formats into the new Config file format)
Config File:
This file is editable from within JEPRS at the Global Defaults
menu; it contains space for saving all the defaults (such as beep
on/off, color mode, etc.), all 30 of your Format Styles, and 5
JEPRS Tutorial, page 18
Printer Definitions;
Can modify Format Styles (journal formats) and Printer commands
without exiting JEPRS (you no longer need an external editor to
Can program up to thirty journal formats, all within one file (no
longer need multiple format files);
Can program up to 5 printers in one file (no longer need one
format file for each printer);
The Config file you specify is automatically loaded when you
start JEPRS, so that you no longer have to set up your defaults
you start the program over again--it's all saved for you!
The on-line Help file (accessed by pressing the F1 key) has been
doubled in size;
The printed documentation is now bound with a ring binder such
that the pages lie flat when opened;
The Tutorial was completely rewritten and now takes you through
several sample sessions, such as Importing & Searching
References; It also has chapters covering how to setup Format
Style and Printer definitions;
The User's Guide was significantly enhanced, including: A table
of contents and an index; and more detail on entering Journal,
Book, Chapter, and Abstract citations;
Version 2.01: 17 December 1989; 138,686 bytes
Several new features have been added:
You can now directly export your files in word processor formats:
examples are given for WordStar 3.3 and WordPerfect 4.2 (which
can be used in WordPerfect 4.2, 5.0, and 5.1);
This feature is made possible by two modifications to Printer
Definitions: if you set page length to zero then no Title or
Header is sent to the output, and if you set characters per line
to zero, then JEPRS sets char/line to infinity;
You can now export in Comma Delimited format: a sample is given
in the Tutorial, and a sample Printer Definition and Journal
Definition are provided in the Config file;
When Exporting, if you turn screen output off, there is now a
status line that tells you which references have been exported;
A number of bug fixes have also been instituted:
Text file formatting now works correctly (in version 2.00, it
worked only on page one!);
Search screen output now works correctly if the screen output has
been turned off.
In version 2.00, you would get a "NULL pointer assignment"
message if you abandoned Number file output during a search; this
no longer happens;
Exporting references: if any keyword is >70 char, it is truncated
to prevent JEPRS errors;
A bug in version 2.00 prevented JEPRS from handling more than
1000 references at a time (you could import them or add them, but
you couldn't display them); this has been corrected;
JEPRS Tutorial, page 19
During Formating or Exporting in version 2.00, if you specified
Input=Reference File and you specified a Begin # larger than an
End #, JEPRS crashed! This has been fixed.
A number of small improvements in the Messages screens have been
JEPRS Tutorial, page 20
JEPRS Tutorial, page 21
6 Defining Format Styles/
Journal Definitions
Probably JEPRS's most powerful feature is its ability to let you
define 30 Format styles and use these to format the output from your
database. (By the way, a ``Format Style'' is the same thing as a
``Journal Definition''.) Recall that you can define different output
styles for Journal, Book, and Abstract citation types (JEPRS
automatically checks each reference to see whether it was defined by
you to be a journal, book, or abstract, before choosing which format
to output).
To modify any or all of the Format styles, start up JEPRS and go to
the Main Menu. Press [F2] to go to the Global Defaults Menu, then
press [D]efaults, and then [J]ournal definitions. This will bring up
a selection menu for the Format styles; use the arrow keys and [PgUp]
and [PgDn] to highlight the style you wish to edit, then press [F8] to
make your selection.
You should now be at the Global Defaults: Journal Definition
screen. Here is where you can enter the codes for formatting
references. Review the section in the User's Guide on what each of
the codes means. A summary of each code's meaning is displayed at the
bottom of the screen.
Modifying journal definitions is very straightforward, once you get
the hang of it. Your first few tries may be a little intimidating, so
let me first give you an example of a ``typical'' entry.
Note: If you are reading this as the laser-printed documentation
provided by the author then the underlining, italics, etc., will
appear on the paper just as they would with JEPRS output. However, if
you are reading this from the JTutor.Doc file supplied with the
program, then all of the text will appear normal and it won't be of
much help. As an alternative, you can try printing out some examples
using the Format styles provided in the program, or you can register
with the author and be provided with the original laser-printed
The best way to enter a new formatting style is to first find an
example of a reference with the most information. For example, for a
book format, find out what is required for formatting the book title,
chapter title, publisher, editor, volume, pages, and year. Let's say
you are entering a new formatting style that when printed out should
look like this:
1. Miranda, LM, Lin, VK, and Wright, WE. (1989) Cloning and
expression of Myogenin: A gene that can direct vertebrate myogenesis.
In: Proceedings of the Southwestern Developmental Biology Symposium.
(John Jones, Ed.) Alan R. Liss, Inc., 7:34.
We'll do this step by step.
1. The first thing that JEPRS expects in the formatting
instructions is the text that connects the last two authors; in this
JEPRS Tutorial, page 22
case it's ``and '' (don't forget the space), so that so far your
format is:
2. Once the `connector word' is specified, everything else is
sequential; that is, you start at the beginning of the citation and
specify, character by character, the text and fields/codes to be
printed. In our example, the first item printed is a number; each
reference will be numbered sequentially (regardless of their original
number in the database). This requires the use of JEPRS's \# code, so
now your definition looks like this:
and \#
3. As I said, you build up your format character by charcter and
code by code. Therefore, since in our example the number is followed
by a period and two spaces, that is what your format should look like:
and \#.
4. After those spaces comes the authors. But here you have to
make a choice among four possible codes: \F, \L, \1, and \A. Since in
this case every author is listed last name first, the code is \L.
Since the authors are not italicized or underlined or anything else,
then just add this author code to the end of the current definition:
and \#. \L
5. The authors are followed by a period, two spaces, and then the
year in parentheses. Since the year code is \Y, your definition now
looks like this:
and \#. \L. (\Y)
6. Next comes two spaces and the title, which is in italics. The
title code is \T and the italics code is \~. Since italics codes are
toggles, you must put one code before the title, and one after:
and \#. \L. (\Y) \~\T\~
7. Following that comes the text ``In:'' and the journal/book name
(and a period) which is underlined. The journal code is \J and the
underline toggle code is \_, so now you have:
and \#. \L. (\Y) \~\T\~ In: \_\J.\_
8. Now comes the editor, in parentheses with ``, Ed.'' appended to
it. This would look like:
and \#. \L. (\Y) \~\T\~ In: \_\J.\_ (\E, Ed.)
9. After the editor comes the publisher (\Pu):
and \#. \L. (\Y) \~\T\~ In: \_\J.\_ (\E, Ed.) \Pu
10. Soon to follow is a comma, a space, and the volume which is in
bold face. The volume code is \V and the boldface toggle is \B,
and \#. \L. (\Y) \~\T\~ In: \_\J.\_ (\E, Ed.) \Pu, \B\V\B
11. Immediately following the volume is a colon, the page number,
JEPRS Tutorial, page 23
and a period to end it. Since the page code is \Pa, you now have:
and \#. \L. (\Y) \~\T\~ In: \_\J.\_ (\E, Ed.) \Pu, \B\V\B:\Pa.
12. Of course you always want to end each reference citation with
a carriage return so the next one starts on the following line. To do
this, add a new-line code \/ (that's a backslash followed by a forward
slash, not a capital `V'!). If you want a blank line between
citations, add another new-line, so now it looks like this:
and \#. \L. (\Y) \~\T\~ In: \_\J.\_ (\E, Ed.) \Pu,
So now you're done, right? Wrong. There is one thing else you
might want to consider. Some books might not have chapter titles or
an editor or a volume number. If JEPRS tried to format these books
with the format style given above, it would look like this:
2. Miranda, LM, and Wright, WE. (1999) In: Muscle
differentiation and you! (,Ed.) Smith Books, Inc., :234.
That looks quite unprofessional! But JEPRS can get around this
with its ``optional inclusion'' codes. Anything within these codes is
not printed if the field also within these codes is empty. Since the
Title, Editor, and Volume fields above are empty, you could specify
optional inclusion codes around their text to prevent it from printing
out (of course, if those fields do have text in them, they will print
out normally). Here is how I would modify our sample format using
optional inclusion codes (\< and \>):
and \#. \L. (\Y)\< \~\T\~ In:\> \_\J.\_\< (\E, Ed.)\> \Pu,
As I've modified it, those codes tell JEPRS not to print `` \~\T\~
In:'' if there is no Title; not to print `` (\E, Ed.)'' if there is
no Editor; and not to print ``\B\V\B:'' if there is no volume.
Therefore, our sample would be printed like this:
2. Miranda, LM, and Wright, WE. (1999) Muscle differentiation and
you! Smith Books, Inc., 234.
Now that's much better! There are some things you should consider
when using optional inclusion codes:
** Only one field can be included in the optional inclusion; in
other words, ``\< In: \J \>'' is legal, but then ``\< \T In: \J \>''
is illegal because it includes both the Title and Journal fields.
** You won't need them around every field, since I doubt you'll
ever come across a reference with no authors or no title!
** The total number of characters within an optional inclusion
cannot exceed 40 characters. It is hard to imagine anyone exceeding
this limit, but if you find that you do, let me know and I'll try to
extend it.
That's it for the Format Style codes. If you have a format that
you can't seem to get to work, send me a copy and I'll see if I can
help you. The one major journal that is not amenable to this kind of
JEPRS Tutorial, page 24
formatting is Science, which has both footnotes and multiple
references in its bibliography. My recommendation for that case is to
use JEPRS to send the formatted references to a Text File, then import
this into your word processor and modify it there.
***Printer Codes in References***
Here's something to keep in mind regarding formatting codes:
Because JEPRS evaluates these codes as it runs (kind of like a
language interpreter) there is nothing preventing you from entering
these codes into your references. For example, if some of your
references discuss something about the ``c-myc oncogene'' then instead
of having just ``c-myc oncogene'' as a keyword, you can have ``c-
\~myc\~ oncogene'' as a keyword. Then it will print out like this:
``c-myc oncogene''.
There is a definite advantage to this: it can make your searches
more specific. For example, if you search for ``myc'' you will find
references both to ``c-myc'' as well as ``mycoplasma'', whereas if you
search for ``\~myc\~'', you will only find what you want:
6.1 Comma-Delimited Output
A new feature in version 2.0 of JEPRS is the ability to format your
output in `comma-delimited' form. This format can be used by many
standard database systems (such as dBase) as a method of input. This
feature thus allows you to output in comma-delimited so that you can
import it into your favorite database. This is useful if a colleague
of yours doesn't use JEPRS: it provides compatibility between the two
systems. It also gives you an ``escape hatch'': if, in the future,
you decide to use a reference management program other than JEPRS,
then all your work isn't put to waste--you can just use comma-
delimited output to convert your JEPRS database into the new database
program's system.
Comma-delimited is generally defined as the following:
** Each text field is surround by double quote marks ("like this")
and separated by commas.
** Each record (that is, each entire entry in the database) is on
one line, and records are separated by a carriage-return/line-feed
A very simple example would be:
"1","Wright WE","Myogenesis","Cell","44:1","1997"
"2","Jones RR","Anatomy","Science","2345:33","1996"
"3","Doe J","The Cell","Nature","9932:423","1997"
***Requirements for Comma-delimited Output***
Making a comma-delimited output file requires two major steps:
1. Creating a printer definition in which all the text fields are
empty, and all the numeric fields are zero (0). Note: By setting the
``Characters per line'' field in the Printer Definition to zero, you
are really telling JEPRS to set it to infinity.
2. Creating a Format style/journal definition in which you enter
the codes for how you want your fields output. As just described
above, your Format style definition must have each field enclosed in
double quote marks and separated by commas.
JEPRS Tutorial, page 25
***A Sample Format Style***
Here is a sample Format style for comma-delimited output (note that
there is just a space as the `connector word' at the beginning of the
(Don't forget the \/ at the end of the definition, so that each record
is placed on a different line.) This is just a sample of a Format
style for comma-delimited output. You can arrange the fields in any
order you like, and you can even exclude specific fields if you like.
Note that JEPRS provides you with 4 options for outputting the
authors: \A, \F, \L, and \1. However, \F, \L, and \1 all add
extraneous commas that are great for bibliographies, but wreak havoc
on programs trying to import references in comma-delimited form.
Therefore, I recommend you use only \A to specify the authors field in
formatted output for comma-delimited.
Note also that there is a Default on the Format Menu that allows
you to specify a replacement character for the double quote character
if it appears in your references. This will avoid the following
You have a reference that contains the keyword
Open reading frame/"ORF"
If you tried outputting this as comma delimited, and you specified the
Format Style as
then JEPRS would substitute as follows:
"Your title here","Open reading frame/"ORF""
which, I can assure you, will mess up your database program importing.
That's because it will look at that line and think the title is
"Your title here"
which is correct, but it will think the keyword is
"Open reading frame/"
and it will probably just discard the "ORF"". Therefore, if you use
the Replace " with... Default on the Format Menu, then you can
substitute a single quote character for the double quote character.
Then JEPRS would create the output like this
"Your title here","Open reading frame/'ORF'"
and the keyword would be correctly seen as
"Open reading frame/'ORF'"
by your database program.
With the above caveats in mind, creating your own file for comma-
delimited output should not be any problem at all. If you have any
questions or suggestions for improvements in the comma-delimited
output feature, please let me know.
JEPRS Tutorial, page 26
7 Creating Printer Definitions
This section of the Tutorial will give you instructions on how to
create or modify a printer definition for your printer. This is a
topic that many novices find intimidating, but I'll try to show you
that it can be very easy to do. Just have a copy of your printer's
manual handy, and follow the step by step instructions here.
Keep in mind that JEPRS allows you to define up to 5 printer
definitions in your Config file. Why would anyone have five
printers?! There are in fact several scenarios where more than one
printer definition would be useful:
** You have one type of printer at home, and another type of
printer at work. For example, you might have a laser printer at work,
and a dot matrix at home.
** Your printer supports several fonts. Many dot matrix printers
can support 10 characters per inch (cpi), 12 cpi, and 16.66 cpi. Many
laser printers support fonts of different sizes and typestyles. You
can use a separate JEPRS printer definition for each font.
** You use WordPerfect or WordStar. I'll show you how to
configure your printer definitions so that you can use JEPRS to send
your formatted output to a Text file (instead of the printer) and then
use this Text file in your word processing program.
7.1 Sample Laser Printer Definition
Before continuing with a sample definition, first review the
chapter in the User's Guide on the Global Defaults Menu, especially
the section on Printer Definitions. That section of the chapter will
explain to you what kinds of information JEPRS is expecting when you
define a printer. If you read that section before continuing here,
you will have a much better understanding of how to modify the printer
definitions to suit your particular needs.
Now I'll assume you're editing the printer definition at the screen
entitled ``JEPRS Global Defaults: Modify Printer Formats.'' If
you're not there now, see the User's Guide for information on how to
get there (see the chapter on Global Defaults Menu, section on Printer
The sample I am going to create is for a printer definition for a
Hewlett-Packard LaserJet IIP printer. Of course, for your own
printer, you would substitute the names and commands present in your
printer's manual for the commands I'm entering here. But this
tutorial will provide you with the basis for understanding which codes
to enter, and how to enter them.
When you first get to this menu, the cursor is placed after
``Printer Name:''. At this point, enter the name you want to appear
on the JEPRS menu for selecting printers. In other words, enter a
short descriptive name, such as your printer and font. In this
example, I will be creating a definition for an HP LaserJet IIP with a
12 pitch (that is, 12 characters per inch) Courier font; therefore,
the name I will choose to enter into JEPRS is:
HP LaserJet IIP, 12 pitch Courier
JEPRS Tutorial, page 27
The next field of information JEPRS wants to know is the ``Printer
Initialization Code.'' This is the sequence of codes JEPRS sends to
your printer at the beginning of printer output on the Format Menu.
What kinds of codes would you want here? This is where you would tell
your printer the font you want to use, specifying the point size,
typestyle, and/or pitch. For example, on a dot matrix printer, you
might want to specify printing at 16 characters per inch (compressed
type). In my example, I'm going to tell the LaserJet to print in a
Courier typestyle, 10 point (size), 12 pitch (12 char/inch), 8 lines
of text per vertical inch, and 88 lines per page.
To do that, now get out the printer's reference manual. In the
back it probably lists all the codes for everything you want it to do.
For example, the LaserJet IIP manual says this is the code to enter
for 12 pitch spacing:
(where <Esc> refers to the <Esc> character, also know as ASCII char
#27). Likewise, the HP manual shows that the following codes are for
10 point size, Courier typeface, 8 lines per vertical inch spacing,
and 88 lines per page, respectively:
OK, it was easy enough finding the printer codes, but now how do you
enter them into JEPRS?! Don't worry--that's also very easy.
***Entering Special Codes***
For most of the codes, you just type in the code at your keyboard.
But some special codes require an extra step. For example, if you
tried entering the <Esc> code by pressing the [Esc] key at your
keyboard, JEPRS would interpret this as you asking to go to the menu
at the top of screen (notice that at the bottom of JEPRS screen it
says ``[Esc]=Menu''). So how do you enter a special code like <Esc>?
Easy: just press [^P] before pressing the [Esc] key. That is, hold
down the key marked [Ctrl] and tap the [P] key once. You won't see
anything on the screen, but then you can press the [Esc] key, and
JEPRS will now interpret that as an <Esc> character, rather than the
JEPRS command to return to the menu. (IBM-compatible computers show
an <Esc> on the screen as an arrow pointing left.)
There is another way to enter special codes, if you know their
ASCII value. ASCII (pronounced ``As-key'') is the American Standard
Code for Information Interchange. It is simply a standard code so
that different computers can talk to each other. In this code, every
letter and digit has a code. For example the code for the letter `A'
is 65, the code for `B' is 66, and so on. In a similar manner, the
<Esc> character has a code of 27. Most printer manuals have an ASCII
table at the back. You can use this information to enter the <Esc>
character without pressing the [Esc] key. Just as before, press [^P]
before entering the code for <Esc>, but this time instead of pressing
the [Esc] key, hold down the [Alt] key and enter the ASCII code on the
number pad on the right side of your keyboard. That is, to enter the
code for <Esc> (which is 27), hold down the [Alt] key and press [2]
and then [7], and then let go of the [Alt] key.
JEPRS Tutorial, page 28
***Back to the Example...***
Now that you know how to enter special codes, entering the printer
codes for the LaserJet is easy. Since I want to have 12 pitch, 10
point, Courier type at 8 lines per inch, 88 lines per page, I need to
enter the code
into JEPRS's ``Printer initialization code''. So press [^P] and then
[Esc] to enter the <Esc> character, then type in ``(s12.00H'', then
[^P] and [Esc] and type ``(s10.0V'', then [^P] and [Esc] and type
``(s3T'', then [^P] and [Esc] and type ``&l8D'', then [^P] and [Esc]
and type ``&l88P'', and press [Enter].
The next field JEPRS asks for is the ``Printer Reset Code''. This
code is sent by JEPRS to your printer whenever you have finished
printing from the Format Menu. What kind of codes would you want to
send? Probably the only thing you want to send is a ``reset'' code
which will return your printer to its default settings. For the HP
LaserJet series, this code is
so I would enter that as [^P] then [Esc] and then type ``E'' and press
The next field is ``Title''. This is where you enter text that
JEPRS will print on the top of the first page of output from the
Format Menu. You might want to enter something like ``Bibliography''
here. Note that JEPRS does not automatically center this text. So
you might want to add a few <Tab>s to get the text centered. But--
Ooops!--you can't enter a <Tab> directly, because JEPRS considers it a
special code, just like the <Esc> character. To enter a <Tab>, you
must first press [^P] to enter a special character, and then press the
[Tab] key. Repeat this for as many <Tab>s as necessary. On an IBM or
compatible PC, the <Tab> character looks like a small circle.
The next field is the ``Header''. Here is where you enter text
that you want printed on the top of each page that JEPRS sends to the
printer at the Format Menu. You might want to enter something like
``JEPRS Output from Ref1.JPR on 16 Dec 1989''.
``Left margin'' is the next field. You can enter how many spaces
you want JEPRS to skip before printing text on a line. In my example,
I'm using a 12-pitch font so to get a 1-inch left margin, I will enter
``12'' in this field.
Next comes ``Characters per line''. Again, using the example of a
12-pitch font, I want 78 characters per line (that's because the paper
width is 8.5 inches, there are 12 characters per inch, and I want 1-
inch left and right margins, so that's: 8.5 - 1 - 1 = 6.5 x 12 cpi =
78). So I will enter ``78'' here.
``Pause after each page'' is usually ``No''. The only time you
want to set this to ``Yes'' is if you have to feed each sheet of paper
to the printer by hand. If ``Yes'', then after JEPRS prints each
page, it pauses and asks you to press any key to continue. I will
enter ``No'' here.
The next thing JEPRS wants you to enter is ``Top Margin''. This
tells JEPRS how many lines to skip at the top of each page. I will
enter ``5'' here to give a 1-inch top margin (that's because JEPRS
adds 3 lines to the top margin for the Header and the Title, so the
total is really 8 lines; and remember that I have previously set the
JEPRS Tutorial, page 29
vertical line spacing to 8 lines/inch, so this will give me a 1-inch
top margin).
``Lines per page'' tells JEPRS how many lines to send to the
printer before sending a <Form-Feed> character (the <Form-Feed>
character tells the printer to eject the current page). I'm using 11-
inch long paper, and (remember) using 8 lines of characters per
vertical inch, so that gives me a total of 88 lines. But I'm also
leaving a 1-inch top margin, and I want to leave a 1-inch bottom
margin, so the number I'll enter is ``72''. (Note that this Lines Per
Page is not the same as the printer's own Lines Per Page; that is, in
the initialization codes I entered 88 Lines Per Page for the printer
[for letter size paper], but I entered only 72 Lines per page here, so
that JEPRS will actually print 72 lines per page!)
The last of the short-answer questions is ``Form feed last page''.
When JEPRS is done printing, and less than the ``Lines per page''
number of lines has been sent to the printer, JEPRS doesn't
automatically send a <Form-Feed> to the printer. This is OK with dot-
matrix printers, since you can just pull out the last page yourself.
But if you have a laser printer, the last page will be stored in the
printer's memory, but won't actually be printed until it gets a <Form-
Feed> character (that's why if you use the [PrtScr] key with a laser
printer, it doesn't seem to print right away). Therefore, I recommend
you set this to ``Yes'' if you have a laser printer. In that I'll set
the example printer definition to ``Yes'' since it's a LaserJet IIP.
The next section of fields are the character attribute fields.
These fields allow you to enter codes for boldfacing, underlining,
italicizing, superscripting, and subscripting portions of your
references. Just enter the codes your printer requires for each of
these attributes.
For our example, the LaserJet IIP printer, the codes are as
Attribute On Code Off Code
Underline <Esc>&d3D <Esc>&d@
Boldface <Esc>(s3B <Esc>(s0B
Italic <Esc>(s1S <Esc>(s0S
Two things to note: First, the <Esc> character above is entered by
pressing [^P] before pressing [Esc]. And, second, the LaserJets have
no built-in ability to handle super- and sub-scripts, so I have left
those fields blank on purpose.
The last field entry is for ``Comments''. JEPRS ignores what you
enter here; it is for your use only. You would probably just enter a
short description of all your commands. In the example, I will enter
Courier: 12 pitch, 10 point font at 8 lines per vertical inch, 88
lines per page.
7.2 Dot Matrix Example
Now let me give you some examples from a dot matrix printer manual.
One very popular series of printers is Panasonic's KXP... series. In
the back of the KXP-1080 printer manual, I looked up the code for
`Font Selection: Selects NLQ or Draft Font'. The manual states that
JEPRS Tutorial, page 30
NLQ (Near Letter Quality) text is selected by using the command
ESC+x+n where n = 1 or 49 or 129 or 177
The way that I have been representing codes, that would look like this
where <Esc> is entered by first pressing [^P] and then pressing [Esc],
`x' is entered just by pressing the [x] key on your keyboard, and [1]
is entered by first pressing [^P] and then holding down [Alt],
pressing [1] on the numeric keypad (not the [1] on the top row of the
keyboard!), and then letting go of the [Alt] key. (The [1] is the
ASCII code 1.)
Likewise, the Panasonic manual states that to turn on Draft
Printing Mode, use the command
ESC+x+m where m=0,48,128,176
In my own nomenclature, that code would look like this in JEPRS
where <Esc> is entered as a special code, and [48] is entered as an
ASCII code.
Warning! Note that Panasonic gives you the option of entering the
ASCII codes [0], [48], [128], or [176] in the Draft Printing Mode
example above, but that I entered [48] instead of [0]. That's because
JEPRS can't send the ASCII code for [0] to your printer (trust me!).
So if your printer manual gives you an option of sending something
instead of ASCII [0], use any of the other choices, but don't use [0].
7.3 Word Processor Examples
In addition to (or instead of) using your 5 available printer
definitions for real printers, you can use them for word processor
input. In this case, when you select Output on the Format Menu,
choose Text file instead of Printer. This will send all the codes to
the Text file instead of your printer. You can then use the text file
as a normal file in your word processor.
JEPRS comes pre-configured with a printer definition for
WordPerfect (for versions 4.2, 5,0, and 5.1), and WordStar. You can
probably create your own definition if you use a word processor that
is not one of those pre-defined for you. Here are some salient points
to keep in mind when creating a definition for a word processor:
** Leave the following fields blank: ``Printer initialization
code'', ``Printer reset code'', ``Title'', and ``Header''. Use your
word processor's features for each of those commands after you import
the Text file into your word processing program.
** Set the following fields to ``0'': ``Left margin'',
``Characters per line'', ``Top margin'', and ``Lines per page''. This
ensures that JEPRS does not try to format your output in a way that is
incompatible with your word processor.
** Set the attribute on/off commands (e.g., underline, boldface,
etc.) to the codes used by your word processing program. You can find
this out by creating a very short document with your program, like
Now testing bold
and then using MS-DOS's Type command to view the file; you should see
odd characters surrounding the word `bold': these are the on/off
codes your word processor uses for boldfacing.
JEPRS Tutorial, page 31
The previous hints should allow virtually any word processor to be
used with JEPRS.
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