FLOURINE (9) (Gaseous)  6F=18(109.8 min.)B+
Atomic radius:.57Deg. A (Quantum mech. value for a free atom)
Atomic volume:17.1 cm(3)/mol at 300Deg. Kelvin
Atomic weight:18.998403 (Based on Carbon 12)
Boiling point:84.95Deg. Kelvin
Covalent radius:.72Deg. A
Crystal structure:Cubic
Density:1.696 g/l at 273Deg. Kelvin and 1atm
Electrical conductivity:
Electron configuration:1s(2)2s(2)p(5)
Electronegativity:3.98 (Pauling's)
First ionization potential:17.422 V
Heat of fusion:.2552 kJ/mol at melting point
Heat of vaporization:3.2698 kJ/mol at boiling point
Melting point:53.48Deg. Kelvin
Oxidation states:-1
Specific heat capacity:.82 Jg(x.1) K(x.1) at 300Deg Kelvin
Thermal conductivity:.000279 W cm(x.1) K(x.1) at 300Deg. Kelvin
Description:A gaseous element.


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