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The "Phoenix Project Reports"
Are Published By
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Entire Contents Copyright (c) 1992
The Phoenix Project
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- - - - - - - - -
The Phoenix Project is a private, civilian, research
organization formed in 1952 to investigate and correlate
information concerning Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs)
and Extra-Terrestrial (ET) activities. It has no
affiliation with the United States Government or any of
its agencies. Because of the nature of its work the
Phoenix Project does not seek publicity.
Staff members are former military personnel who have
all been associated with intelligence activities, and
have knowledge of covert government operations concerning
UFO's. Their knowledge of the specialized field of
"intelligence correlation," provide unique insights into
various subject matter.
From time-to-time and in the public interest, the
Phoenix Project will publish research reports regarding
certain subjects. A list of reports is available from our
publisher. All correspondence should be addressed to:
The Phoenix Project
C/O Advent Publishing Company
P.O. Box 3748
Carson City, NV 89702
The name "Phoenix" is used by many different publishers
and organizations as a part of the name used in their
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To avoid any false association with or confusion that
might be caused by a similar name, all publications of
the "Phoenix Project" bear the Project's Logo (a
registered trade-mark) and are published exclusively by
Advent Publishing Company. The "Phoenix Project" is not
affiliated with any other publication, publisher,
organization or group.
In particular, there is no affiliation with a publisher
known as America West, any of its publications, or the
individuals known as George and Desiree Green, all of
Tehachapi, California.
- - - - -
Origination, 8/4/89
Revision 1, 7/24/91
Revision 2, 5/5/92
A Special Report and Overview
Prepared by The Phoenix Project
The Top Secret Operation Majestic-12 was established
by order of President Harry S. Truman in 1947. Operation
Majestic-12, was created to take charge of the technical,
sociological and other aspects of the crashed UFOs and
the small alien occupants, dead or alive, that were
recovered. In later years this operation evolved into and
became known as MAJI (the Majority Agency for Joint
Intelligence). MAGI is the most secret of all
intelligence groups and out-ranks all other intelligence
agencies including the National Security Agency (NSA) and
the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). MAJI is
responsible directly and "only" to the President of the
United States.
The TOP SECRET / MAJI project control group is
responsible for every aspect of interface with the alien
lifeforms including security and intelligence, and
disinformation to prevent public or foreign disclosure of
the alien presence. (This is why all documents referring
to "MJ-12" or any other form of that name are wrong).
MAJI is on-going in Washington DC.
MAJIC: Is the security classification of all MAJI and
Aquarius information. MAJIC means "MAJI CONTROLLED."
MAJIC is the highest security classification in the
MJ-1: DIRECTOR OF MAJI. The Director of the CIA is
usually MJ-1 and reports only to the President. Other
members of MAJI are designated MJ-2, MJ-3, MJ-4, etc.
This is the reason MJ-12 cannot be used as a name for the
control group as it would cause confusion in meaning,
i.e., (Is it referring to MJ-12 the person or MJ-12 the
group.) Any reference to MJ-12 is to a person and
nothing else. References and documents referring to
"MJ-12" as a "Group" are incorrect.
MAJI, originally was known as Majestic-12, a group
consisting of twelve members. This group was made up of
a team representing selected government officials, U.S.
intelligence personnel, highly trained scientists,
business executives and military personnel. All were
sworn to total secrecy. MAJI has continued its covert
activities with the knowledge and consent of the last
eight Presidents. (See Exhibit 1, part of the briefing
papers for president-elect Eisenhower.)
The group continues to function today and has had the
responsibility of establishing an ongoing relationship
dating from 1964, with UFO beings (the Greys) from the
third planet of the star system Zeta Reticuli.
Information forwarded to and the activity of MAJI has
always been assigned an Above "Top Secret
classification," known as MAJIC. MAJI, to conceal its
existence, adopted the cover name of "Majestic-12." It
created numerous covert and compartmented sub-divisions
such as Projects Aquarius, Sigma, Snowbird and Garnet, to
name a few. These projects were sheltered by MAJI and
directed by select personnel of the Central Intelligence
Agency (CIA) and the National Security Agency (NSA).
By secret Executive Memorandum NSC 5410, Eisenhower
had preceded NSC 5412/1 in 1954 to establish a permanent
committee to be known as Majority Twelve to oversee and
conduct all covert activities concerned with the alien
question. NSC 5412/1 was created to explain the purpose
of these meetings when Congress and the news media became
curious. Majority Twelve was made up of Nelson
Rockefeller, the director of the CIA Allen Welsh Dulles,
the Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, the Secretary
of Defense Charles E. Wilson, the Chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff Admiral Arthur W. Radford, the Director
of the FBI J. Edgar Hoover, and six men from the
executive committee of the Council on Foreign Relations
known as the "Wise Men." These men were all members of a
secret society of scholars that called themselves "The
Jason Society," or "The Jason Scholars" who recruited
their members from the "Skull and Bones" and the "Scroll
and Key" societies of Harvard and Yale.
The "Wise Men" were key members of the Council on
Foreign Relations. There were twelve members including
the first six from Government positions thus Majority
Twelve. This group was made up over the years of the top
officers and directors of the Council on Foreign
Relations and later the Trilateral Commission. Gordon
Dean, George Bush, and Zbigniew Brzezinski were among
them. The most important and influential of the "Wise
Men" who served on Majestic-12 were John McCloy, Robert
Lovett, Averell Harriman, Charles Bohlen, George Kennan,
and Dean Acheson. It is significant that President
Eisenhower as well as the first six Majestic-12 members
from the Government were also members of the Council on
Foreign Relations. However, not all the "Wise Men"
attended Harvard or Yale and not all of them were chosen
from the "Skull and Bones" or "Scroll and Key" membership
during their college years. [{Research indicates that
various members were chosen on an ongoing basis by
invitation based upon merit and was not confined to those
who had attended only Harvard or Yale}] Further
information regarding this can be obtained from the book
"The Wise Men" by Walter Issacson and Even Thomas, Simon
and Schuster, New York.
A chosen few were later initiated into the Jason
Society. They are all members of the Council on Foreign
Relations and at that time were known as the "Eastern
Establishment." The Jason Society is alive and well today
but has expanded to include members of the Trilateral
Commission as well. The Trilateralists' existed secretly
several years before 1973. The name of the Trilateral
Commission was taken from the alien flag known as the
"Trilateral Insignia." See Exhibit 10A The Jason
- - - - -
In 1947 and again in the early 1950's, Army and Air
Force military units -- on direct orders from the
Pentagon -- rushed to various sites of UFO crashes
located in the Southwestern part of the United States and
carted away the unearthly remains. Remains consisting of
both crashed UFOs and their alien occupants. The 1947
events prompted the creation of Operation Majestic-12 by
President Truman.
The wreckage and dead bodies obtained from these early
crash retrievals were originally stored at Wright
Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio. According to
military sources who later went against orders and
decided to talk, Hangar 18 was used for this purpose. All
reports of crashed UFOs and extraterrestrial contacts
have always bypassed normal reporting procedures and
channels of the military, and other intelligence
agencies. Instead, they were sent directly to Project
Aquarius. (See Exhibits 2 and 3).
All "hard" information regarding UFOs was routed
directly to Operation Majestic-12. This explains why
other intelligence agencies and Project Bluebook, [the
official and public Air Force investigative activity]
never received this information or knew about crashed
UFOs, recovered spacecraft, or alien beings.
In later years, a joint CIA/AF covert operation, using
six C-124 aircraft, recovered the wreckage, instruments,
dead bodies and alien artifacts of crashed UFOs from
Wright Patterson and other Air Force bases, world-wide,
and moved them to a newly-built, underground, storage
facility at Edwards Air Force, California. The entrance
to this underground facility is through a hangar located
at the end of the same runway now used by NASA's space
shuttles. According to eye-witness testimony, the CIA
agent in charge of this covert operation, wearing the
uniform of an AF Colonel, was William C. Cooper.
Note: The information in the preceding paragraph was
supplied by an eye-witness who participated in the covert
operation described, working side-by-side with the CIA
agent in charge. This witness testifies that this is the
same William C. Cooper, who has been prominent since 1988
in the civilian UFO movement.
The Ultimate Secret, is that MAJI and the U.S.
government has in its possession spaceships manufactured
on other worlds, as well as the occupants of those
interstellar crafts. And, that since 1964, has maintained
radio contact with the aliens through Project Sigma. They
have also entered into various technical and "trade
agreements" with the beings from Zeta Reticuli, named the
Greys. (See Exhibit 4).
Note: Communication with the Greys (by Project Sigma)
has been an accomplished fact since April of 1964.
Therefore, the NASA sponsored "SETI" Program (The Search
for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) is merely being used
as another method to provide covert funding for MAJI
projects under the guise of a legitimate program. (See
Exhibit 5).
The Greys, as their part of the trade agreements, were
to provide MAJI and the U.S. government with various
forms of advanced technology. In exchange, the Greys are
provided with secret bases of operation within the United
States; bases protected by the Greys and U.S. Military
forces. In exchange, MAJI agreed to conceal all knowledge
of their presence.
Part of the "trade agreements" was an exchange program
that allowed the aliens to abduct U.S. Citizens for
experimental medical, psychological and genetic research
purposes -- the Grey's were to provide lists of persons
abducted to the National Security Agency (NSA), for later
government follow-up if such persons, when released,
required medical assistance or psychological adjustment.
During 1972-1973, a period of two years, an area South
of Groom Lake (one of the nation's most secret test
centers in Nevada) was closed and a huge underground
facility was constructed for and with the help of the
Greys. This facility was built South of Area-51 in
another location named Area-S4. This location is just
east of, and adjacent to the Nevada Atomic Test site.
The bargained for technology was set in place, but
could only be operated by the Grey's themselves, to
prevent their advanced technology being used against
them. Another secret underground base was provided the
Greys in a location known as the "Ice Caves" near the Los
Alamos Laboratory Facility in New Mexico. Over a period
of the next six years, four more secret bases were
provided the Greys in other isolated areas of the United
During the years 1979 through 1983, it became
increasingly obvious to MAJI that things were not going
as planned. It became known that many more people (in the
thousands) were being abducted than were being listed on
the official abduction list. The list the Greys were
supplying the National Security Council, and MAJI. It was
apparent that the abductions included much more than the
simple monitoring experiments of an advanced
In late 1979, things had gotten almost entirely out of
hand when it became known that the Greys had implanted a
tiny probe, 3mm. in size, into the brains of certain
abductees before releasing them. MAJI investigators
determined the probe could be used to hypnotically and
telepathically program and monitor the person. In
addition, some abductees were programmed with unknown
post-hypnotic commands. The Greys also implanted tracking
devices just under the skin, on some abductees to monitor
their movements. Attempts, by hypnosis, to determine
the nature of the hypnotic programming and commands
implanted by the Greys, triggered life-threatening
physical symptoms in these individuals making these
efforts unsuccessful. It was later discovered that the
Greys were performing genetic cross-breeding experiments
on some of the human female abductees. In 1983, MAJI
discovered the full magnitude of the Grand Deception put
over by the Greys. They were also shocked when the Soviet
Union (USSR) admitted that they, too, had been deceived
and that the Greys had entered into similar Treaties and
agreements with them. MAJI was in a state of confusion
and near panic as they realized their plans were dashed,
along with their hopes and dreams of obtaining the Grey's
technology and the secrets of interstellar spaceflight.
This caused MAJI to become split along factional
lines. One faction advocating confessing the scheme and
the shambles it had become to the public, begging their
forgiveness and asking for their support. Note: This
faction is responsible for the leaks of sensitive
information regarding the activities of Operation
Majestic-12. The other faction rejected this saying there
was no way they could do that, even though the situation
was untenable, stating there was no use in alarming the
public of either country with the horrible truth.
This second faction won out and their plan to develop
a weapon that could be used against the Greys was
accepted by the Soviet Union. Under the guise of "SDI,"
(a joint US/Soviet effort) the Strategic Defense
Initiative (Star Wars), this weapon was developed. SDI,
has nothing whatever to do with a defense against Soviet
nuclear missiles. The nick-name "Star Wars" was closer to
the truth than the uninformed public realized.
The "alarm," publicly expressed by the Soviet Union
regarding SDI, and its opposition to the program, were
all artfully crafted to conceal the joint nature of the
program and to prevent the Greys learning its real
purpose. The United States and the Soviet Union have been
secret allies since 1983.
Primarily, SDI is a weapon for use against the Greys'
underground bases or any attempted invasion from space.
However, to achieve funding from Congress and support
from the people, and to conceal its real nature from the
Greys, it had to be presented as a defense against a
nuclear strike from the USSR.
The Soviet equivalent of MAJI used the same technique,
the development of a weapon to protect their country from
a U.S. nuclear strike, to obtain covert funding for the
joint effort.
The threat from the Greys is taken so seriously by
MAJI, that President Reagan adamantly refused any
concessions on SDI. He continued to vigorously pursue its
development, and deployment, in spite of uninformed
scientific and congressional opposition. These opponents
never knew its real and intended purpose.
To accomplish the true objectives of the SDI program,
MAJI created another ultra-secret project -- Project
Zeus. Project Zeus is revealed here for the first time.
Project Zeus, created under the umbrella of MAJI, is
charged with the real purpose, direction, management,
development and eventual deployment of the SDI Weapons
System. It was aptly named for the mythical Greek God --
Zeus. Only this time, it would be an angry Zeus hurling
laser and particle beam lightning bolts into the heavens
-- against an alien attack or, deflected by mirrors,
against secret alien bases on the Earth.
In 1984, President Reagan in a public address
established the tone and seriousness of this endeavor
when he deliberately, or inadvertently, let slip the
remarks that the world may one day unite to fight a
threat from outer space. This was followed by a series of
subsequent remarks during the latter days of his term of
office. (See Exhibit 7).
The basic information revealing the existence of
Operation Majestic-12, the crashed UFOs, alien beings,
and their secret bases within the United States, was
obtained through the Freedom of Information Act from the
files of the CIA, NSA, FBI, State Department, the U.S.
Air Force. Other intelligence data obtained by The
Phoenix Project has contributed to this report.
These documents reveal the "Above Top Secret" nature
of Operation Majestic-12. They also verify that the
scientific discovery of all time has been hidden from the
people of Earth, and that both communications and
relationships with extraterrestrial alien beings have
already been achieved. And, that the radical new
technology the Greys possess could alter human
civilization overnight.
Some of these documents obtained by various civilian
researchers, verify the fact that we are not alone in the
universe. The additional information contained in this
report, i.e., notes and comments, and some of the
conclusions (in the addenda) are based on intelligence
information from other confidential sources.
In 1980, Lt. General Daniel O. Graham -- Department of
Defense Strategic Analyst, stated: "We need a bold new
approach. We must stop competing with the Greys in areas
where we can't win, and begin to compete where we have
the advantage."
The result: A book by General Graham entitled "The
High Frontier," and the National Security Agency (NSA)
funded "Project High Frontier." This project used some of
the nation's best engineers and development scientists.
This book and the project were the "red herring"
technique to sell the concept and proposal to Congress,
scientists, and the defense and aerospace industries. It,
supposedly, was a bold, new, defense plan for the United
States and Western Civilization.
This was followed by another book "The Strategy of
Technology" by Stefan Possony and Jerry Pournelle. It
should be mentioned that neither of these two authors
dreamed their book would be used to further promote the
purposes of MAJI and Project Zeus. Its concept was to
abandon the doctrine of Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD),
in favor of Assured Survival, in any conflict with the
The foregoing concepts (a Western Civilization Defense
Plan) and the covert efforts directed against the Greys
(Project Zeus) orchestrated by MAJI, were presented to
President Ronald Reagan. That presentation was
successful. On March 23, 1983, President Reagan made his
famous "Star Wars" speech -- and labeled it "The
Strategic Defense Initiative." Only in later speeches,
near the end of his term in office, did President Reagan
publicly mention the possibility of a hostile encounter
with extraterrestrials.
The importance of this endeavor and the serious nature
of the threat presented by the Greys and the consequences
if Project Zeus were aborted, explain why the President
would not budge from his SDI position, even in the most
critical of nuclear arms' reduction negotiations with the
USSR, or critics in the scientific community and
It also explains why President George Bush, still the
head of MAJI, is continuing to press forward with the SDI
According to public statements by General James
Abrahamson, SDI Project Director, "SDI" research has
turned up five ways the weapon system could, and would
"SDI," (Project Zeus, the covert operation against any
possible space threat, threatening action or invasion
attempts by the Greys), "is based on two technological
"1) That ground-based lasers are a feasible and a
likely way to defend a nation. Enormous lasers could be
built near large hydro-electric plants and operational
nuclear power plants, diverting the enormous output of
these sources to laser weapons. With such enormous lasers
and mirrors, in orbit to redirect the energy, it would
not be necessary to "point and shoot" such weapons; you
could raster an entire target area; sweeping the beam in
a deadly conical pattern to eliminate any target.
Planet-based laser weapons of such power could reach
beyond the Moon to engage and destroy hostile spaceships.
"2) Press ahead with the research, development and
deployment of high-powered particle beam weapons from
orbiting space platforms and ground based installations."
(See Exhibit 8).
MAJI's plans called for the funding, planning,
development, testing, and operational aspects of Project
Zeus to be concealed within the compartmented SDI
program. NASA, without knowledge of the real purpose
would orbit the necessary tracking and data relay
satellites, and Department of Defense (DOD) payloads of
laser mirrors. These SDI payloads were disguised and
classified as military communication, spy, and
navigational satellites.
ADDENDA - continued
On April 4, 1983, Project Zeus "got off the ground"
with the maiden flight of the Space Shuttle Challenger --
a clear indication of the high-priority this project
commanded. The first of the SDI Tracking and Data Relay
Satellites (TDRS-A) was placed in orbit.
This was followed on August 30, 1984, when the Shuttle
Discovery, on its maiden flight, launched SYNCOM IV-2 the
second communications satellite for the Department of
Defense (DOD).
The SYNCOM satellites are DOD's high-priority command
and communications links with all U.S. military forces
worldwide. The on-going NASA Missions concerned with
Project Zeus and SDI, are identified in the attached
Note: It is obvious that the Greys became suspicious
of the intense launch activity of NASA and the number of
Defense Department (DOD) payloads being placed in orbit
-- more than would logically be needed to counter a
nuclear strike by the USSR.
Evidence to support this is their increasing
surveillance of the Space Shuttle missions and the
reported intercept, boarding, and inspection of the
Shuttle Discovery's cargo on 3/13/89. (See Exhibit 9).
They must suspect the real purpose of the SDI program. If
future SDI or DOD missions are interfered with it will
confirm this premise.
Operation Majestic-12 -- was created by the executive
order of President Truman on September 24, 1947, and its
first head was Dr. Vannevar Bush, the president's Chief
Science Advisor. The current head of Majestic-12 known
variously as Majority Twelve, Majority, MJ-12, Majority
Agency for Joint Intelligence (MAJI), was Vice President
and former CIA Director George Bush (1988). As of 1/8/89,
President George Bush. Today, this group operates under
the "public name" of the Senior Interagency Group (SIG).
The organizational structure of MAJI, is as follows:
GRUDGE/PROJECT AQUARIUS: An umbrella group consisting
of MAJI, the CIA and the NSA in which all the various
compartments dealing with ET-related issues perform their
various functions. Under Project Aquarius four groups,
each consisting of several hundred persons, conducts
secret UFO investigations and research in four assigned
areas of the United States. (See Exhibit 6)
Separate projects under the umbrella of Project
Aquarius are:
PROJECT GRUDGE: This project was originally
established in 1953, by order of President Eisenhower and
is under the control of the CIA, NSA, and MAJI. Project
Grudge went underground and another project, Project
Sign, was established as a cover operation.
In 1960, the Project's name was changed from Project
SIGN to Project Bluebook. Project Aquarius, became the
overall umbrella operation controlling all these
projects. Project Aquarius was funded by CIA confidential
funds (non-appropriated). The Project assumed full
responsibility for investigation and intelligence of
UFOs/IACs in December 1969 after Project Grudge/Blue Book
was closed. The purpose of Project Aquarius was to
collect all scientific, technological, medical and
intelligence information from UFO/IAC sightings and
contacts with alien lifeforms. This orderly file of
collected information has been used to advance the United
States' Space Program and provided the data needed to
develop present stealth technology.
AQUARIUS; PROJECT PLATO: Originally established as
part of Project SIGN in 1954 to establish diplomatic
relations with the Aliens. This Project was successful
when mutually acceptable terms were agreed upon. These
terms involved the exchange of technology for secrecy of
the Alien presence and non-interference in Alien affairs.
This Project is controlled by a secret task force
headquartered at the Los Alamos National Laboratories in
New Mexico and is ongoing.
AQUARIUS; PROJECT SIGMA: Conducts electronic
communications with extraterrestrials, part of an
on-going contact project run by and through the NSA since
as early as late 1963 which led to the Holloman AFB
incident of April 25, 1964. (See Exhibit 4).
AQUARIUS; PROJECT GARNET: Closed down, supposedly, on
completion of its studies. Project Garnet's purpose was
to investigate extraterrestrial influence on human
affairs and evolution.
established in 1954, the mission of Project Redlight was
to test fly recovered alien craft. This project, carried
out at Area 51 (Groom Lake) and Area S4 in Nevada was
postponed after every attempt resulted in destruction of
the craft and the death of the pilots. Project Redlight
was resumed in 1972 and has since been partially
successful. UFO sightings of craft accompanied by black
helicopters are Project Redlight's assets. This project
is ongoing at Area 51 in Nevada.
REDLIGHT; PROJECT SNOWBIRD: Originally established in
1954. Its mission was to develop [using conventional
technology] and fly a flying saucer type craft for the
public. This project was successful when a craft was
built and flown in front of the press. This project was
used to explain UFO sightings and to divert public
attention from Project Redlight.
AQUARIUS; PROJECT PLUTO: Established to evaluate all
UFO/IAC information pertaining to the alien space
visitors. This project is ongoing. Pluto is the proword
for Pounce.
PLUTO; PROJECT POUNCE: Originally known as Project
Moondust, this project, was formed to recover all
downed/crashed craft and aliens and provided cover
stories and operations to mask the true endeavor when
necessary. Covers which have been used: crashed
experimental aircraft, construction, mining, etc. This
project has also been successful and continues to this
AQUARIUS; PROJECT GABRIEL: This project was tasked
with developing a low frequency pulsed sound generator
when it was determined that the alien weapons and craft
would be vulnerable to this weapon. It is questionable
whether this project exists today. It was derived from
technology captured from Germany during and after WWII.
Intelligence sources have verified its previous existence
but cannot verify whether it is ongoing or has been
AQUARIUS; PROJECT EXCALIBUR: Established to develop
a weapon which would destroy the alien underground bases
and any future underground bases which the aliens might
construct. It is to be a missile capable of penetrating
1000 meters of tufa/hard packed soil such as that found
in New Mexico with no operational damage. Missile apogee
is not to exceed 30,000 feet AGL. Impact must not deviate
in excess of 50 meters from a designated target. The
device is designed to carry a 1-megaton nuclear warhead.
This project is ongoing at the WX Division, LANL, Los
Alamos, New Mexico but is still in development.
In a secured area of the basement of CIA Headquarters
in Langley, Virginia are sixteen columns of file cabinets
containing thousands of folders of documented information
collected from the beginning of the United States'
investigation of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) and
Identified Alien Crafts (IAC). These are the files of
Operation Majestic-12 and Project Aquarius and are known
as "The Bible." This Bible contains all the various
reports on aspects of alien visitations. Each president,
since Truman, has been briefed on Operation Majestic-12.
Some past and present members of Operation Majestic-12
and MAJI include:
Dr. Vannevar Bush - Science Advisor to President
Dr. Detley Bronk -- Former John's Hopkins
General Nathan Twining -- Former Air Force Chief
of Staff.
Richard Helms -- Former Director, Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA).
General Robert Cutler -- Former Asst. to President
Admiral Roscow H. Hillenkoetter -- Former Director
of CIA
Nelson Rockefeller - Advisor, President Eisenhower
- Jason Society.
Averill Harriman - Council on Foreign Relations
(CFR) - Jason Society.
George Kennan - CFR - Jason Society.
Charles Bohlen - CFR - Jason Society.
Allen Dulles - Former Director CIA - Jason
Dean Acheson - Presidential Adviser - CFR - Jason
John Foster Dulles - Former Secretary of State -
Jason Society.
Charles E. Wilson - Former Secretary of Defense -
Jason Society.
Adm. Arthur W. Radford - Former Chairman, Joint
Chiefs of Staff - Jason Society.
J. Edgar Hoover - Former Director FBI.
Harold Brown -- Former Secretary of Defense.
General Vernon Walters -- Former Defense
James Scheslinger -- Former White House Press
Admiral Robert "Bobby" Inman -- National Security
Agency (NSA).
John J. McCloy - (CFR) - Jason Society.
Robert Lovett - CFR - Jason Society.
Dr. Henry Kissinger -- CFR - Former Presidential
Gordon Dean - CFR.
Lt. General Daniel O. Graham -- Former Defense
Dr. Theodore Von Karmon -- Former Jet Propulsion
Dr. Edward Teller -- Physicist -- Father of the
Zbigniew Brzezniski - (CFR) - Jason Society.
Dr. Lew Allen -- Former Director CIA. Currently
Director Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
John Poindexter -- Former Head of the National
Security Agency (NSA).
William Webster -- Former Director - CIA.
George Bush -- Former Director CIA. Currently
President of the United States.
Robert M. Gates -- Director CIA (1991).
The existence of Operation Majestic-12 has been
revealed by the dissident element within Majority Twelve
and leaked to the public on at least three occasions:
1) On April, 9, 1983 -- To independent television
documentary producer Linda Howe. Ms. Howe was under
contract with HBO (the cable TV network) to produce a
documentary entitled "UFOs -- The ET Factor." On the
above date, Ms. Howe was shown a document regarding
Majestic-12, by an Air Force officer. It was entitled "A
Briefing Paper for the President of the United States of
America on the Subject of Unidentified Flying Vehicles."
The name "Majic" was prominent at the head of the
document. (See Exhibit 1)
Note: Former Agent Richard Doty, Air Force Office of
Special Investigations, is the officer mentioned in the
above paragraph.
In December 1984, via the mail, in a plain brown
envelope, to private UFO investigator Bill Moore and his
film producer friend, and associate, Mr. Jaime Shandera.
Mr. Bill Moore is a well known private UFO investigator,
and is co-author, with Charles Berlitz, of the book "The
Roswell Incident." Unknown to the public is the fact
that Bill Moore was recruited as an agent of the CIA.
The envelope contained an undeveloped roll of 35mm
film. When the film was processed it contained a
photograph of a briefing paper prepared for
President-elect Eisenhower, and other documents. The
first page of the document is reproduced and shown as
Exhibit A. Other sections of the document contained
information regarding details of crashed UFOs and
humanoid bodies, and information regarding the
ultra-secret Operation Majestic-12 group which deals with
these issues.
3) On May 31, 1987, when the existence of an
ultra-secret U.S. UFO Project -- "Majestic," was
published on the front page of the London Observer, a
British newspaper. British writer Timothy Good, had
obtained the information through sources connected with
England's Ministry of Defense. In 1988, it was alleged
that Bill Moore had become an agent of Operation
Majestic-12 and had been "planted" in the civilian UFO
movement for the purpose of providing dis-information to
mis-guide and confuse other UFO researchers.
4/4/83 -- Project Zeus - SDI -- Shuttle Challenger,
Mission STS-6
NASA, KSC Release # 107-86
The first flight of the Shuttle Challenger lifted off
at 1:30 p.m. EST this date. Payload: TDRS-A, a tracking
and data relay satellite, deployed on the first day of
the mission. This mission also included the first
spacewalk which lasted 4 hours and 17 minutes.
Commander: Paul H. Weitz
Pilot: Karol H. Bobko
Mission Specialists:
Donald H. Peterson
Dr. Story Musgrave
8/30/84 -- Project Zeus -- SDI -- Shuttle Discovery,
Mission STS-41-D.
NASA: Release # PMS-204-A
The was the maiden flight of the Space Shuttle
Discovery. It was launched at 8:41 a.m., this date.
Payload: Two communications satellites (SBS-D and Telstar
3-C) and one SYNCOM IV-2 for DOD.
Commander: Henry W. Hartsfield, Jr.
Pilot: Michael L. Coats
Mission Specialists:
Judith A. Resnick (female)
Steven A. Hawley
Richard M. Mullane
Payload Specialist: Charles D. Walker (McDonnell Douglas)
11/8/84 -- Project Zeus - SDI -- Shuttle Discovery,
Mission STS 51-A
NASA: Release # PMS-204-A, January 1988
The Shuttle Discovery was launched at 7:15 a.m. this
date. STS 51-A had two primary objectives, to deploy the
ANIK-D2 (a Canadian communications satellite) and SYNCOM
IV-1 for DOD. In addition, to capture and return to Earth
two satellites placed in improper orbits by a faulty
launch from STS 41-G.
Payload: ANIK-D2 and SYNCOM IV-1 (DOD)
Commander: Frederick H. Hauck
Pilot: David M. Walker
Mission Specialists:
Joseph P. Allen
Anna L. Fisher (female)
1/24/85 -- Project Zeus - - SDI -- Shuttle Discovery,
Mission STS-51-C.
NASA, KSC Release # PMS-205, August 1986
This was the first Space Shuttle mission totally
dedicated to the Department of Defense. Its cargo was
Commander: Thomas C. Mattingly
Pilot: Loren H. Shriver
Mission Specialists:
James F. Buchli
Ellison S. Onizuka
Payload Specialist: Gary E. Payton, USAF
Note: The payload was two orbiting spy satellites and
three orbiting laser mirrors for SDI.
4/12/85 -- Project Zeus -- SDI -- Shuttle Discovery,
Mission STS-51-D.
NASA, KSC Release # PMS)005, August 1986
Discovery lifted off from KSC at 8:59 a.m. EST this
date. Payload: An Anik C-1 spacecraft (Satellite) for the
Canadian government, and SYNCOM IV-3 spacecraft with
satellite for the Defense Department (DOD).
The SYNCOM series of rocket propelled communication
satellites each comes with its own booster stage,
identical to the third stage booster of a Minuteman
Missile. These satellites are used primarily for
Department of Defense (DOD) high-priority communications.
Commander: Karol H. Bobko
Pilot: Donald E. Williams
Mission Specialists:
M. Rhea Seddon (female)
S. David Griggs
Jeffrey A. Hoffman
Payload Specialist: Charles D. Walker, McDonnell Douglas
Observer: E. H. "Jake" Garn - U.S. Senator.
This flight included the first flight of an elected
official, Senator E. H. "Jake" Garn (R-Utah), Chairman of
the Senate committee with oversight responsibilities for
NASA's budget.
6/17/85 -- Project Zeus -- SDI -- Shuttle Discovery,
Mission STS-51-G.
NASA, Release PMS-005, August 1986
The Shuttle Discovery was launched at 7:33 a.m., this
Payload: Three communication satellites (1 for Saudi
Arabia, 1 for Mexico and 1 Telstar for AT&T). In
addition, seven unnamed canisters were launched. Also
launched was the (HPTE) High Precision Tracking
Experiment for the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) --
Star Wars.
Commander: Daniel C. Brandenstein
Pilot: John O. Creighton
Mission Specialists:
Shannon W. Lucid
Steven R. Nagel
John M. Fabian
Payload Specialists: Patrick Baudry (France) Prince
Salman Al-Saud (Saudi Arabia)
8/27/85 -- Project Zeus -- SDI -- Shuttle Discovery,
Mission STS-51-I.
NASA: Release PMS-005
The Shuttle Discovery was launched at 6:58 a.m., this
date. This mission had the unusual responsibility of
recovering and repairing the SYNCOM IV-3 Satellite
launched by Discovery in April (Mission STS-51-D,
In addition, SYNCOM IV-4, for the DOD was launched and
deployed on 4/29/89. Two communications Satellites were
also launched: one for Australia and one for the American
Satellite Company.
Payload: SYNCOM IV-4 (DOD), Aussat-1, ASC-1.
Commander: Joe H. Engle
Pilot: Richard O. Covey
Mission Specialists:
James Van Hoften
John M. Lounge
William S. Fisher
10/3/85 -- Project Zeus -- SDI -- Shuttle Atlantis,
Mission STS-51-J.
NASA Release # PMS-005 KSC
This was the maiden flight of the Shuttle Atlantis and
the second mission dedicated solely to the Department of
Defense (DOD). Its cargo was classified. The mission was
declared successful.
Commander: Karol J. "Bo" Bobko
Pilot: Ronald H. Grabe
Mission Specialists:
David C. Hilmers
Robert L. Stewart
Payload Specialist: William Pailes (USAF)
1/28/86 -- Project Zeus -- SDI -- Shuttle Challenger,
Mission STS-51-L.
NASA: Release # PMS-005
The Shuttle Challenger was launched at 11:37 a.m.,
this date. This was the first mission which included 2
women on the crew. At just under 74 seconds into the
flight an explosion occurred, which caused the loss of
the Shuttle Challenger and its crew.
Payload: A TDRS (Tracking and Data Relay) Satellite for
SDI, a Spartan free flying module designed to operate
independently of Challenger and to be used for observing
Halley's Comet with two ultra-violet spectrometers and 2
Commander: Francis R. Scobee
Pilot: Michael J. Smith
Mission Specialists:
Judith A. Resnick (female)
Ellison Onizuka
Robert E. McNair
S. Christa McAuliffe (female) Teacher, passenger and
Payload Specialist: Gregory B. Jarvis (Hughes Aircraft
9/29/88 -- Project Zeus -- SDI --Shuttle Discovery,
Mission STS-26.
NASA Pub # MR-026, NASA Facts, KSC Release No. 27-89
Payload: A 4,905 pound communications Satellite (The
Tracking and Data Relay Satellite-TDRS) one of the
largest and heaviest applications satellites ever sent
into orbit. TDRS-C was the prime objective of the
mission, and is expected to improve Earth-to-space and
space-to-earth voice and data exchanges. TDRS-C will
increase the capacity of command data flows for unmanned
research and applications satellites orbiting at
relatively low altitudes. The STS-26 crew are all
experienced astronauts.
Commander: Frederick H. Hauck (Capt. USN)
Pilot: Richard Covey (Lt. Col. USAF)
Mission Specialists:
David C. Hilmers (Lt. Col. USAF)
John M. Lounge (USN, Retired)
George D. Nelson - Astronomer
The TDRS-C satellite was lifted to its 22,302 mile
orbit by an AF IUS rocket, after being deployed by the
shuttle, for positioning over the equator north of the
Phoenix Islands, south of Hawaii, in the Pacific Ocean
(171 Degrees west longitude). There the satellite can
work in tandem with an identical TDRS-1 positioned in
geosynchronous orbit in 1983 over the Atlantic Ocean near
Fortaleza, Brazil (41 degrees west longitude). These two
satellites can act as data relays for other satellites.
TDRS-C will maintain nearly uninterrupted
communications with the ground and will rapidly transmit
huge volumes of data.
So vast is the capacity of these two satellites that,
at their highest transmission rates, they can in a single
second transfer data equaling the contents of a 20-volume
encyclopedia with 1200 pages in each volume and 2000
words on each page.
A third Tracking and Data Relay Satellite, TDRS-D,
will be launched at a later date and deployed over the
Atlantic Ocean. It will replace TDRS-1, which will be
relocated south of White Sands, New Mexico where it will
serve as an in-orbit spare.
One communications experiment inside the shuttle
spacecraft was the testing of a new voice communications
system using infrared waves rather than standard radio
frequencies. An advantage of infrared is it cannot pass
through the spacecraft's windows as can radio waves.
Infrared communications would prevent a spacecraft from
eavesdropping, thus protecting sensitive astronaut
conversations, and enhancing security, and the crew's
Note: This extraordinary procedure must pertain to the
Greys. Note the word "spacecraft." Whose? Earlier NASA
Missions had reported UFO encounters. The Greys are
12/2/88 -- Project Zeus -- SDI -- Shuttle Atlantis,
Mission STS-27.
NASA Facts, KSC Release No. 84-88
The newest shuttle Atlantis lifted off today from
Kennedy Space Center on a classified mission for the
Department of Defense.
This flight is the first of three national security
missions conducted in fiscal 1989 by NASA for the Defense
Department. STS-27 will have a five-member crew. All are
military personnel.
Commander: Robert L. Gibson (Cmdr. USN)
Pilot: Guy S. Gardner (Lt.Col. USAF)
Mission Specialists:
Richard M. Mullane (Col. USAF)
Jerry L. Ross (Lt.Col. USAF)
William M. Shepard (Cmdr. USN)
The Shuttle Atlantis has flown twice before: Mission
51-H in October 1985, a classified DOD mission; and 61-B
in November 1985.
Note: The payload consisted of two orbiting mirrors
for SDI (Project Zeus) and a communications and spy
satellite for DOD.
3/13/89 -- Project Zeus -- SDI -- Shuttle Discovery,
Mission STS-29.
NASA Facts, KSC Release No. 8-89
The Space Shuttle Discovery launched at 9:57 a.m. EST
today has as its primary objective the deployment of a
Tracking and Data Relay Satellite (TDRS-D).
The TDRS-D, to become TDRS-4 in orbit, will be
deployed on the first day of the mission. The satellite
will join TDRS-1 and -3 in orbit to provide high-capacity
communications and data links.
TDRS-1, also designated TDRS-East, is now in
geosynchronous orbit over the Atlantic Ocean just east of
Brazil. TDRS-3, designated TDRS-West, was launched by
Discovery on mission STS-26 in September of 1988, and is
positioned over the Pacific Ocean south of Hawaii. TDRS-4
will replace TDRS-1 over the Atlantic as TDRS-East.
TDRS-1 will then be relocated south of White Sands, New
Mexico where it will serve as an in-orbit spare.
The five member crew of Discovery for STS-29 are:
Commander: Michael L. Coats (Capt. USN)
Pilot: John E. Blaha (Col. USAF)
Mission Specialists:
James F. Buchli (Col. USMC)
Robert C. Springer (Col. USMC)
James R. Bagian (M.D.) Civilian Doctor
In addition to launching the TDRS Satellite, the crew
of Discovery will conduct numerous scientific experiments
and photograph the Earth with a hand-held IMAX camera.
4/26/89 -- Project Zeus -- SDI -- Magellan Venus
Probe, Shuttle Atlantis,
Mission STS-30.
AP Wire:
The Atlantis commander says his crew is mighty proud
to be part of the first space shuttle planetary mission
scheduled to blast-off this Friday. The countdown, which
started Tuesday, continued toward a liftoff at 2:24 p.m.
Six hours after launch, astronauts Mark Lee and Mary
Cleave are to release the 7,600-pound Magellan probe and
a rocket to propel it on a 468-day journey to Venus.
Magellan is to reach its destination in August 1990,
swooping into orbit around Venus to begin a 243-day
period during which it is to map up to 90 percent of the
cloud-shrouded planet's surface with the probe's high
resolution radar system.
"We're not really in charge of the deep space probe,"
said Commander David Walker. "We're fortunate enough to
be part of the team that gets to send it up there. The
rest of the NASA team will make sure that it gets to
Venus and does its job."
UPDATE: NASA, KSC Release # 24-89, March 1989
Magellan marks the first U.S. planetary mission since
Pioneer Venus 12 in 1978. It also kicks off a core
program of solar system exploration involving NASA and
organizations from the United States and the
international community.
Project ZEUS: One of the payload experiments on this
Shuttle Mission includes the Mesoscale Lighting
Experiment, a NASA sponsored effort involving several
universities. Its objective is to study the visual
characteristics of large scale lighting in the upper
Note: Part of the Project Zeus effort to study laser
beam diffusion in the upper atmosphere.
In addition, as another experiment, the Shuttle
Atlantis will act as a calibration point for a third
experiment involving the Air Force Maui Optical System
Facility in Hawaii.
Note: Project Zeus - SDI Experiment.
Although unstated in this NASA Release, Atlantis is
acting as an orbital target being tracked by the Air
Force facility (SDI ground based laser facility) named in
the above paragraph.
1989 -- 8/8/89 -- Project Zeus - SDI -- Shuttle
Columbia -- Mission ??
AP Wire & Mercury News Service 7/27/89
The Space Shuttle Columbia lifts off with five
military astronauts and a classified Pentagon spy
satellite. Columbia will be making the 30th shuttle
flight and the fourth this year, solely dedicated to the
Defense Department. For national security purposes, the
Pentagon would not permit NASA to announce the exact
liftoff time or the length of the mission.
Note: The payload is the last of 4 orbiting laser
mirrors for SDI. With this mission completed, SDI becomes
partly operational. It is estimated that SDI will become
fully operational within the next 12 months, barring
unforeseen events.
Note: The following NASA launch information was
derived from the American Academic Encyclopedia. The
Project Zeus (SDI) comments, are those of the Phoenix
1989 -- 8/13/89 -- Project Zeus - SDI - Shuttle
The 30th mission, flown by Brewster H. Shaw, Jr., and a
crew of four, orbited another military satellite.
1989 -- 11/22/89 -- Project Zeus - SDI - Shuttle
The 32d mission, flown on Discovery by Frederick M.
Gregory and a crew of four, launched a spy satellite.
1990 -- 1/9/90 -- Project Zeus - SDI - Shuttle
On Jan. 9, 1990, Daniel Brandenstein and a crew of four
flew Columbia to launch Syncom IV and to retrieve the
Long Duration Exposure Facility, a research satellite
left in space for six years.
1990 -- 2/28/90 -- Project Zeus - SDI - Shuttle
Another spy satellite mission followed on Feb. 28-Mar. 4,
1990, when John O. Creighton and a crew of four flew
1990 -- 4/24/90 -- Project Zeus - SDI - Shuttle
The long-awaited Hubble SPACE TELESCOPE was finally
placed in a high orbit by Discovery's crew of four,
commanded by Loren J. Shriver, during the Apr. 24-29,
1990 flight, but Columbia, scheduled for launch the
following month, was grounded by a series of hydrogen
leaks, as was Atlantis.
1990 -- 11/15/90 -- Project Zeus - SDI - Shuttle
The 37th flight of the space shuttle program took place
on Atlantis, from Nov. 15-20, 1990, carrying a secret
military payload into orbit. Unconfirmed reports
suggested that Atlantis carried a spy satellite intended
to monitor activities in Iraq and the Persian Gulf
region. Mission commander was Air Force Col. Richard O.
Covey, and he was assisted by a crew of four.
1991 -- 4/28/91 -- Project Zeus - SDI - Shuttle
Space shuttle Discovery was launched on Apr. 28, 1991,
and returned to Earth on May 6. Its military mission was
concerned with collecting data for the Strategic Defense
Initiative ("Star Wars") antimissile program. Mission
commander was U.S. Navy Capt. Michael L. Coats. He was
assisted by a pilot and crew of four.
1991 -- 8/2/91 -- Project Zeus - SDI - Shuttle
Flight number 42 for the Space Shuttle program--and the
ninth for the Atlantis--was launched on Aug. 2, 1991, and
returned safely to Earth on August 11. The crew, under
the command of Air Force Col. John E. Blaha, consisted of
three men and one woman. The mission successfully
deployed the Department of Defense's large Tracking and
Data Relay Satellite, sending it into an orbit about
22,000 miles (35,400 km) above the equator. The mission
also conducted experiments on the ozone layer, made
medical experiments, and tested computer and mechanical
...end of file
[ For a complete, printed copy of the entire document,
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at the address supplied. ]
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