Children's Writers Chat 2-27-01
Subject: Children's Writers - what kids
Author: writerbabe
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Children's Writers Chat 2-27-01
Topic: Kids On Books: What We Like to Read
9 p.m. ET (6 p.m. PT), Writers Workshop
Children's Writers chat - writers and illustrators of children's books meet for specific topics and special guest speakers, moderated by HOST WRTR WBABE & HOST WRTR CGaley, with HOST WRTR sUe & HOST WRTR Neely (Greeters).
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<HTML>Children's Writers Chat 2-27-01<BR>
Topic: Kids On Books: What We Like to Read<BR>
Neely f: yes, Sue's daughter is on. for sure.<BR>
Neely f: Are any other guest present yet?<BR>
Benboy28: Yes, I am<BR>
Neely f: Itake that as a RESOUNDING NO.<BR>
Neely f: Ohh nice to see you, Ben.<BR>
Benboy28: I'm Deborah Heiligman's son... I'm 12<BR>
Aplbrk: Connie's (booferkdh) son and daughter will be coming along.<BR>
Aplbrk: Hi, Ben.<BR>
Benboy28: Hello<BR>
HeavnOnRth: I am Eden, Sue's daughter. Hi.<BR>
Aplbrk: Hi, Eden. I'm Barbara!<BR>
Neely f: Welcome to both of you.,<BR>
Benboy28: Eden, youre a guest, right?<BR>
HeavnOnRth: yes.<BR>
Benboy28: coool. me too<BR>
Splash013: I'm Shannon my brothers is here but my mom is stuck in traffic<BR>
Neely f: Ahh , I didn't realize theat Connies' children would be here.<BR>
Aplbrk: Hi, Shannon. You're Connie's daughter?<BR>
Neely f: Ahhh you got to hate that traffic.<BR>
Splash013: ya<BR>
Aplbrk: Nice to meet you. I'm Barbara. Your mom was at my writing group<BR>
today. She's on her way, <BR>
Declan890: Hello?<BR>
Aplbrk: Kyle, are you there, too?<BR>
Splash013: yes<BR>
Aplbrk: Great. Welcome.<BR>
Declan890: Hello? Hello? Is this mic on?<BR>
Splash013: thanks for having us<BR>
Splash013: testing testing 123<BR>
Aplbrk: You can type with one finger until your mom gets there. I know<BR>
she's your typist.<BR>
KewlMusic27: is this the childrens writers group<BR>
Aplbrk: Yup<BR>
Declan890: Sorry. I didn't realize this was a private chat. My apologies.<BR>
KewlMusic27: ok<BR>
Splash013: you better believe it<BR>
Neely f: So I see Kento, Ben, Splash, Heavn. Who am I missing?<BR>
Ant Maze: Hi, I'm Anthony.<BR>
WriterBabe: Hi, gang!<BR>
Aplbrk: Hi, Marilyn.<BR>
WriterBabe: Hey, Anthony!<BR>
Neely f: hey Marilyn!!<BR>
KentoI11: Hi marilyn<BR>
Splash013: hi marilyn<BR>
WriterBabe: I see Eden, Benjamin, Shannon, Kyle, Alison.<BR>
Benboy28: HI marilyn<BR>
WriterBabe: Kento, is that you with a new name?<BR>
KentoI11: Yes, it's Kento.<BR>
Ant Maze: when do we start??????????<BR>
Neely f: lol Kento was the only one I immediately recognozed.<BR>
WriterBabe: Great to see you all. We're expecting two more guests.<BR>
WriterBabe: We'll start in a few moments, Anthony.<BR>
JDkmper: Hello Marilyn, Barbara, Hello Eden<BR>
WriterBabe: We're waiting for two guests and more audience.<BR>
Ant Maze: ok<BR>
Aplbrk: Hi, Sue!<BR>
JDkmper: Howdy!<BR>
WriterBabe: Did you all get my note about protocol?<BR>
JDkmper: Ü<BR>
HeavnOnRth: Hi, Mom.<BR>
Pete n Gun: Hello everyone! <BR>
Splash013: mom says hi<BR>
WriterBabe: When I ask a question and you want to answer it,<BR>
WriterBabe: type !<BR>
JDkmper: Hi Marie<BR>
WriterBabe: That way I'll call on you.<BR>
Benboy28: Sounds cool<BR>
WriterBabe: Hi, Yasmin!<BR>
lgallop1016: Hi<BR>
WriterBabe: I'm going to introduce all of you, too.<BR>
Splash013: marilyn what do we do<BR>
WriterBabe: The other piece of protocol you all need to know is to type GA<BR>
for Go Ahead when you finish <BR>
WriterBabe: speaking.<BR>
WriterBabe: I'll ask some questions. You'll answer them.<BR>
WriterBabe: Then the audience will ask questions.<BR>
WriterBabe: You'll answer them, too.<BR>
Benboy28: Ben'll be right back. He is going to his own computer--Mom <BR>
Splash013: thanks<BR>
WriterBabe: Is Whitney here yet?<BR>
WriterBabe: Guess not.<BR>
WriterBabe: We'll wait two more minutes for her and other folks.<BR>
Benboy28: Im back<BR>
WriterBabe: Welcome back!<BR>
Benboy28: hi marilyn<BR>
WriterBabe: Is everyone ready to begin?<BR>
Benboy28: You bet!<BR>
KewlMusic27: yes<BR>
WriterBabe: If Whitney comes, she can join in.<BR>
Splash013: yes<BR>
KentoI11: Okay<BR>
Ant Maze: yeah.<BR>
WriterBabe: Good. We're going to go into protocol now.<BR>
Sezann: plaese!<BR>
Sezann: please, even<BR>
WriterBabe: That means when it's time for audience participation, type ? for<BR>
a question,<BR>
WriterBabe: ! for a comment, and wait your turn to be called on.<BR>
WriterBabe: Our guests will type ! when they want to answer a question.<BR>
WriterBabe: EVERYONE has to type GA for Go Ahead when you've finished<BR>
WriterBabe: Tonight I'm delighted to welcome eight guests!<BR>
WriterBabe: Which is a first for this chat!<BR>
WriterBabe: I think you all range in age from 10-14.<BR>
WriterBabe: Is that right?<BR>
Splash013: yep<BR>
KewlMusic27: ya<BR>
Ant Maze: yes.<BR>
Benboy28: yes GA<BR>
KentoI11: yesGa<BR>
HeavnOnRth: yes.<BR>
lgallop1016: yes ga<BR>
WriterBabe: So, how about if each of you introduces yourself.<BR>
Ant Maze: !<BR>
Sezann: Was that 8?<BR>
Benboy28: !<BR>
KewlMusic27: !<BR>
WriterBabe: Anthony, you first.<BR>
lgallop1016: !<BR>
Splash013: !<BR>
KentoI11: !<BR>
WriterBabe: Anthony? Want to introduce yourself?<BR>
Ant Maze: hi, i live in San Francisco, CA and i am going to be 12 very soon.<BR>
WriterBabe: Thanks.<BR>
Nopvtpls: Hi all<BR>
WriterBabe: Benjamin, you're next.<BR>
Benboy28: I'm Benjamin Weiner, i'm 12 years old, and I live in Doylestown,<BR>
Benboy28: Pennsylvania<BR>
Nopvtpls: Hi, Ben W.<BR>
HeavnOnRth: !<BR>
Benboy28: Ga<BR>
Nopvtpls: You type exceptionally well for a 12-year-old...<BR>
WriterBabe: Nop, we're in protocol.<BR>
Nopvtpls: What's that mean, please?<BR>
WriterBabe: Ali, your turn.<BR>
KewlMusic27: I'm Alison, age 10, and live in PA. GA<BR>
WriterBabe: Please don't speak out of turn, Nop.<BR>
Nopvtpls: Sorry<BR>
WriterBabe: Read your Instant Message from the Greeter.<BR>
WriterBabe: Yasmin, go ahead.<BR>
WriterBabe: Mina?<BR>
lgallop1016: Hi I am yasmin I am 13 and I live in Brooklyn<BR>
WriterBabe: Mina's my neighbor!<BR>
lgallop1016: GA<BR>
WriterBabe: Shannon and Kyle, tell us about yourselves.<BR>
Splash013: My name is shannon, and my brother is perched over my shoulder<BR>
we live in Chester NJ <BR>
WriterBabe: LOL, Shannon.<BR>
Splash013: he is 10 and I am 12 GA<BR>
WriterBabe: Kento, your turn.<BR>
KentoI11: I'm Kento. I'm 11. I live in Brooklyn.GA<BR>
WriterBabe: Kento's another neighbor!<BR>
WriterBabe: Last, but certainly not least, Eden.<BR>
HeavnOnRth: My name is Eden and I am 11 and I live in WA.<BR>
WriterBabe: Daughter of one of our great greeters--BOEDEN.<BR>
WriterBabe: Thank you all.<BR>
WriterBabe: So, tonight we're talking about books.<BR>
WriterBabe: What do you want from a book? <BR>
WriterBabe: What do you want a book to give you? GA<BR>
Ant Maze: !<BR>
Splash013: !<BR>
Benboy28: !<BR>
WriterBabe: Whew!<BR>
HeavnOnRth: !<BR>
lgallop1016: !<BR>
KentoI11: !<BR>
WriterBabe: Anthony, tell us!<BR>
Ant Maze: excitement, adventure, action.<BR>
PHeeren: hi<BR>
Ant Maze: allsorts of stuffGA<BR>
WriterBabe: Shannon and Kyle, how about you, too?<BR>
WriterBabe: You two, I mean.<BR>
Splash013: happily ever after-S crazy ending-K<BR>
WriterBabe: That's interesting--a difference there!<BR>
WriterBabe: Benjamin, you next.<BR>
Benboy28: I love a book that will make me forget the real world, and go into<BR>
the world of the book. <BR>
Benboy28: Right now I am reading Sci fi and Fantasy<BR>
Benboy28: GA<BR>
WriterBabe: You put that very well.<BR>
Benboy28: THanks<BR>
Benboy28: GA<BR>
WriterBabe: I want to get into why folks like those genres in a moment.<BR>
WriterBabe: Eden, your turn.<BR>
HeavnOnRth: Misterys and scary stuff. I love scary stuff.<BR>
Splash013: !<BR>
WriterBabe: Very scary, or a little scary?<BR>
WriterBabe: GA<BR>
KewlMusic27: !<BR>
HeavnOnRth: very scary.<BR>
WriterBabe: Okay.<BR>
WriterBabe: Mina, how about you?<BR>
WriterBabe: What do you want from a book? GA<BR>
lgallop1016: I like suspence, action and adventure wait and comedy GA<BR>
WriterBabe: Kento, I know you DON'T like scary stuff. What do you like? GA<BR>
KentoI11: I want a good experience. Funny, exciting, basicly anything that<BR>
is interesting.GA<BR>
WriterBabe: Well put. I want a good experience, too!<BR>
WriterBabe: Shannon, go ahead.<BR>
Splash013: I LOVE scary- K<BR>
WriterBabe: Ali, how about you?<BR>
Splash013: GA<BR>
KewlMusic27: i like mystery and books with contemporary settings <BR>
KewlMusic27: i don't like like books that make me cry. GA<BR>
WriterBabe: Thank you all. A number of you like mysteries and fantasies and<BR>
WriterBabe: What are compelling about those genres? GA<BR>
Ant Maze: !<BR>
WriterBabe: Anthony, take it away!<BR>
Benboy28: !<BR>
KewlMusic27: 1<BR>
HeavnOnRth: !<BR>
KentoI11: !<BR>
Ant Maze: I just wanted to ask what type of crying: sorrow, or angryness<BR>
Splash013: !<BR>
WriterBabe: Ali, you can answer that.<BR>
Ant Maze: that's all. GA<BR>
WriterBabe: It's a good question.<BR>
KewlMusic27: I don't like books where people get sick and die.<BR>
KewlMusic27: And books with people being mistreated.<BR>
Ant Maze: ok. GA<BR>
KewlMusic27: ga<BR>
WriterBabe: I don't either. I really don't like books where the dog dies!<BR>
KewlMusic27: me either<BR>
WriterBabe: Ben, what's your take on mysteries and such? GA<BR>
KewlMusic27: GA<BR>
WriterBabe: Ben?<BR>
WriterBabe: Are you there?<BR>
WriterBabe: [Folks, type in your answer in advance if you can so we can move<BR>
Benboy28: I love mysteries for a good exciting book, and I really love when<BR>
ther dramatic, cliffhanger<BR>
Benboy28: GA<BR>
WriterBabe: So, excitement, drama is a hook, eh?<BR>
WriterBabe: Ali, go ahead.<BR>
KewlMusic27: Mysteries are page turners so u can't put the book down!<BR>
KewlMusic27: GA<BR>
Waysu: ?<BR>
WriterBabe: That fits with drama.<BR>
WriterBabe: Hi, Suzanne, I'll call on you in a bit.<BR>
WriterBabe: Eden, go ahead.<BR>
HeavnOnRth: I like them because they have an uncertin ending like life.<BR>
Ant Maze: !<BR>
WriterBabe: You feel that mysteries have an uncertain ending, Eden?<BR>
WriterBabe: I always feel they're more certain than life.<BR>
WriterBabe: GA<BR>
HeavnOnRth: yes.<BR>
HeavnOnRth: ga<BR>
WriterBabe: That's interesting.<BR>
WriterBabe: Kento, you're next.<BR>
KentoI11: I like fantasy alot because it takes me into another place.GA<BR>
WriterBabe: So, so far, we've got page-turning, drama, another place--sounds<BR>
like the elements of a good<BR>
WriterBabe: book to me.<BR>
WriterBabe: Shannon and Kyle, talk to us!<BR>
Splash013: I like that the stuff in fantasy can't ever really happen.So you<BR>
never know what will happen<BR>
Splash013: It's a family thing - we ALL like fantasy ga<BR>
WriterBabe: Surprise. Another element.<BR>
WriterBabe: Anthony, your turn.<BR>
Ant Maze: i think that Harry Potter sort of deserves it's own category,<BR>
because it's such a diverse <BR>
Ant Maze: group of subjects that it would be hard to tell.<BR>
Ant Maze: Ga<BR>
WriterBabe: Hard to tell what? GA<BR>
Ant Maze: the theme of the book.<BR>
WriterBabe: You mean it's a fantasy, it's a school story, it's a<BR>
mystery...etc.? GA<BR>
Ant Maze: we've got Quidditch, magic, adolescence and the a type of racism.<BR>
Ant Maze: Ga<BR>
WriterBabe: Fits into lots of different categories, yes.<BR>
Ant Maze: oh yeah.<BR>
Ant Maze: ga<BR>
WriterBabe: A few more questions from me, then we'll open this to the<BR>
WriterBabe: Where and how do you find the books you like? Teachers,<BR>
friends, parents, elsewhere? GA<BR>
Benboy28: !<BR>
KewlMusic27: !<BR>
Ant Maze: !<BR>
Splash013: !<BR>
WriterBabe: Ben, you're first.<BR>
HeavnOnRth: !<BR>
KentoI11: !<BR>
lgallop1016: !<BR>
Benboy28: I get hooked on one auther or genre and I stay on It. I just<BR>
browse in a book store for any<BR>
Benboy28: book in the category that i am hooked<BR>
Benboy28: on<BR>
Benboy28: like, right now I really like the Hardy Boys.<BR>
Benboy28: GA<BR>
WriterBabe: Oh, I love hearing that! Browsing is wonderful!<BR>
WriterBabe: Ali, go ahead.<BR>
KewlMusic27: my mom gives me some ideas. my teacher helps out. <BR>
KewlMusic27: once i meet Jerry Spinelli and then i read his stuff<BR>
KewlMusic27: so i'm reading lots of him. GA<BR>
WriterBabe: So, people who know your tastes?<BR>
KewlMusic27: ya<BR>
WriterBabe: Nice that you got a chance to meet him.<BR>
KewlMusic27: he was great<BR>
KewlMusic27: GA<BR>
WriterBabe: Anthony, why do I get the feeling your dad might have some book<BR>
suggestions for you? GA<BR>
Ant Maze: the books i read mainly come frommy parents. They both love books<BR>
and have a lot of them.<BR>
WriterBabe: Your mom owns a bookstore, yes? GA<BR>
Ant Maze: If they don't give me something, sometimes the publisher sends me<BR>
WriterBabe: And your dad has been a guest here several times--Walter Mayes.<BR>
Ant Maze: not quite. She works in one<BR>
WriterBabe: Whoops, pardon, Anthony. I was close.<BR>
WriterBabe: The publisher sends you stuff? You are fortunate! <BR>
Ant Maze: and my unignorable father is a6 foot 7 inch storyteller.<BR>
WriterBabe: LOL<BR>
Ant Maze: yes, i most certainly am<BR>
Ant Maze: Ga<BR>
WriterBabe: Do the publishers want your comments? GA<BR>
Ant Maze: sometimes, but not always.<BR>
WriterBabe: Okay. Thanks.<BR>
RoxyanneY: ?<BR>
WriterBabe: Shannon and Kyle, you're next.<BR>
Splash013: We go to the bookstore and I know the section I like. <~S/<BR>
Bookstores - and my Mom. <~ K <BR>
Splash013: Shopping in a bookstore is like a recreational activity in our<BR>
house. Ga<BR>
WriterBabe: More browsers!<BR>
WriterBabe: Eden, how about you?<BR>
HeavnOnRth: I love the library and I am always finding something new to<BR>
WriterBabe: Good for you! I'm a major library goer, too--that's where I<BR>
WriterBabe: GA Eden?<BR>
HeavnOnRth: ga<BR>
WriterBabe: Kento, go ahead.<BR>
KentoI11: I just look around stores and libraries till I find something<BR>
KentoI11: My mom likes to get me books too.GA<BR>
WriterBabe: Sometimes you look in my basement!<BR>
WriterBabe: Yasmin, your turn.<BR>
KentoI11: Sometimes.GA<BR>
lgallop1016: My friends tell me what books I should like Marilyn she<BR>
recomends books to me GA<BR>
WriterBabe: Do you usually like the ones I recommend? GA<BR>
lgallop1016: Yeah I do I like ur books too GA<BR>
WriterBabe: Thanks, all. I have many more questions, but I think the<BR>
audience is itching to ask some, <BR>
WriterBabe: too.<BR>
WriterBabe: First question is from one of the best authors around--Suzanne<BR>
Fisher Staples. <BR>
Waysu: Hi! What do you readers think about biographies and memoirs? And<BR>
stories about animals? GA<BR>
WriterBabe: If you don't know her books, find them and read them!<BR>
Waysu: (thanks!)<BR>
HeavnOnRth: !<BR>
Splash013: ! <BR>
WriterBabe: Go ahead, Eden.<BR>
Benboy28: !<BR>
KewlMusic27: !<BR>
Ant Maze: !<BR>
KentoI11: !<BR>
HeavnOnRth: I like biographys because it is almoast like living someone<BR>
else's life.<BR>
HeavnOnRth: ga<BR>
WriterBabe: Great way of putting that!<BR>
WriterBabe: Shannon and Kyle, you're next.<BR>
Splash013: animals are cool but biographies and memoirs are things I read<BR>
when I have to in school.<~ S<BR>
Splash013: I like fictional animals stories - K<BR>
Splash013: ga<BR>
WriterBabe: Because you have to read them in school, you're not interested<BR>
in reading them for fun? GA<BR>
Splash013: no - I think they're boring. S<BR>
Splash013: ga<BR>
WriterBabe: That's a shame. Some of them are like great detective stories!<BR>
WriterBabe: Ben, go ahead.<BR>
Benboy28: I dont really like nonfiction that much, because I like books to<BR>
take me away from the real <BR>
Benboy28: world<BR>
Benboy28: so nonfiction isnt very enjoyable for me<BR>
HeavnOnRth: !<BR>
Splash013: !<BR>
WriterBabe: Uh oh. What do your parents think of that? They're both<BR>
non-fiction writers! GA<BR>
Benboy28: I like fictional animal stories as long as no one dies<BR>
Benboy28: Well, I like their books!! lol<BR>
Benboy28: GA<BR>
Waysu: !<BR>
WriterBabe: LOL. <BR>
WriterBabe: Ben's mom is Deb Heiligman and his dad is Jonathan Weiner, who<BR>
only won the PULITIZER PRIZE!<BR>
WriterBabe: Ha ha!<BR>
WriterBabe: Ali, go ahead.<BR>
KewlMusic27: i like them a lot! i read a bio of Helen Keller that i loved!<BR>
and now....<BR>
KewlMusic27: i'm reading a bio of Michelle Akers!<BR>
KewlMusic27: and i love it! GA<BR>
WriterBabe: So, we have a wide range of tastes here.<BR>
WriterBabe: Suzanne, do you want to make a comment before I call on the rest<BR>
of our guests? GA<BR>
Waysu: You're presenting us writers with a good challenge! GA<BR>
WriterBabe: Yes, not to be boring!<BR>
WriterBabe: Anthony, your turn.<BR>
Ant Maze: I find biographies and memoirs less enticing than fiction. Animal<BR>
books are fine.Ga<BR>
WriterBabe: Kento, go ahead.<BR>
KentoI11: I don't like biographies that much. They are usually boring. I<BR>
like animal stories.<BR>
WriterBabe: Does it bother either you or Anthony if the animal dies? GA<BR>
KentoI11: I just finished one called Frightful's Mountain. It was good. GA<BR>
KewlMusic27: !<BR>
Splash013: !<BR>
KentoI11: !<BR>
WriterBabe: Kento and Anthony, you can answer that. GA<BR>
KentoI11: Sometimes it is touching. Sometimes it is too sad.<BR>
Ant Maze: !<BR>
WriterBabe: Anthony, go ahead.<BR>
Ant Maze: Not really, but if it's an animal i like in the story, or if it's<BR>
the title character<BR>
Ant Maze: i fit's just a minority, it really doesn't matter<BR>
Ant Maze: to me, at least.GA<BR>
WriterBabe: I was one of those kids who nearly punched the TV when Old<BR>
Yeller died. I never got around <BR>
WriterBabe: to reading the book.<BR>
WriterBabe: Eden, take it away.<BR>
HeavnOnRth: I like fantesy but I like biographys because I have an<BR>
inteterest in the past.<BR>
HeavnOnRth: ga<BR>
WriterBabe: That's neat. <BR>
WriterBabe: Shannon and Kyle, you're next.<BR>
Splash013: I hate it when the animal dies. - K ga I thought Ben described<BR>
why I don't like bio's<BR>
Splash013: well- because I like to read to get away from reality. <BR>
Splash013: Biographies put you in the middle of someone else's reality. <BR>
Splash013: (that was S) ga<BR>
WriterBabe: Thanks.<BR>
WriterBabe: Okay if I take another question, guests?<BR>
Ant Maze: !<BR>
Neely f: %&%&--- 10 MINUTE WARNING ---%%&%&<BR>
WriterBabe: I know Roxy has one.<BR>
RoxyanneY: How much influence does cover art have on your book purchasing<BR>
decision? Back cover copy? <BR>
Splash013: !<BR>
RoxyanneY: And do you all like to read short stories and articles in<BR>
magazines? GA<BR>
Benboy28: !<BR>
HeavnOnRth: !<BR>
Ant Maze: !<BR>
KewlMusic27: !<BR>
KentoI11: !<BR>
WriterBabe: Wahoo!<BR>
WriterBabe: Big question!<BR>
WriterBabe: Shanno and Kyle, you're first.<BR>
Splash013: It's huge. There are so many books - the cover draws my attention<BR>
to it first. - S<BR>
RoxyanneY: you can always count on me, Marilyn :)<BR>
WriterBabe: Ben, go ahead<BR>
Splash013: It matters alot to me - my favorite first author Eric Carle was<BR>
my favorite <BR>
Benboy28: Since I browse, the colorful books catch my eye first, so I would<BR>
look at those first<BR>
Splash013: because I liked his art. - K<BR>
Splash013: ga<BR>
Benboy28: I dont read articles much<BR>
WriterBabe: Sorry, Shannon and Kyle--didn't mean to interrupt you.<BR>
WriterBabe: GA, Ben?<BR>
Benboy28: GA<BR>
WriterBabe: Eden, like snazzy covers? <BR>
HeavnOnRth: I look at the artwork on the cover and it makes me just want to<BR>
come over and cheak it out. <BR>
HeavnOnRth: ga<BR>
WriterBabe: Do you read magazines, Eden? GA<BR>
HeavnOnRth: Not that much. ga<BR>
WriterBabe: Anthony, your turn.<BR>
Ant Maze: I really don't care about the cover art until after i've read the<BR>
book, to see how well it <BR>
Ant Maze: describes the story. I read lots of magazines, imstead of<BR>
newspaper to see what's going on <BR>
Ant Maze: in our huge world.GA<BR>
Neely f: ~~~---___ 5 MINUTE WARNING __---~~~<BR>
WriterBabe: That's great, Anthony, about the cover art. I suspect it's<BR>
unusual, too.<BR>
WriterBabe: Ali, how about you?<BR>
Ant Maze: !<BR>
KewlMusic27: i think it has nothing to do with whats inside the book-it<BR>
sometimes art misleads u! GA<BR>
WriterBabe: Anthony, follow-up?<BR>
Ant Maze: why do you think it's unusual?<BR>
WriterBabe: I think most people are drawn to covers.<BR>
WriterBabe: And not just kids--adults, too.<BR>
WriterBabe: You all know that authors have little say over our book covers,<BR>
Ant Maze: great to see that i'm diverse. Yeah, i do. GA<BR>
Splash013: !<BR>
WriterBabe: It can be very frustrating when the cover of one's book is bad<BR>
or doesn't represent <BR>
WriterBabe: what's inside, as Ali said.<BR>
WriterBabe: Kento, your take on this. Then, Shannon and Kyle.<BR>
KewlMusic27: !<BR>
KentoI11: Back cover copy has a big influence on my choice. My teacher told<BR>
me not to pay attention <BR>
KentoI11: to the covers. I usually look at the title first anyway. GA<BR>
WriterBabe: You like to read a bit of the book then, Kento, yes? GA<BR>
WriterBabe: Shannon and Kyle, go ahead.<BR>
Splash013: I didn't know that - K (i did because JK Rowlings said in an<BR>
interview that she liked her <BR>
Splash013: American cover for Harry Potter best - but she had no control. -<BR>
Splash013: !<BR>
WriterBabe: Oh, everyone here can tell you horror stories about book covers!<BR>
WriterBabe: Follow-up, Shannon and Kyle? GA<BR>
Ant Maze: !<BR>
Splash013: Even if I like the cover - it's the title and back cover that<BR>
really help me<BR>
Splash013: decide on what book to buy. - S<BR>
Splash013: ga<BR>
WriterBabe: Ali, last comment.<BR>
WriterBabe: [Titles we DO have control over--most of the time!]<BR>
KewlMusic27: when a book cover misleads u it's REALLY frustrating<BR>
KewlMusic27: i like book flaps<BR>
KewlMusic27: GA<BR>
RoxyanneY: (note to Art Directors...)<BR>
WriterBabe: Wow! The publishers keep telling us kids don't read the<BR>
flaps--and then they give away the <BR>
WriterBabe: whole plot in them!<BR>
WriterBabe: LOL<BR>
Ant Maze: I feel that it is unfair to the people that didn't get their<BR>
questions answered.Have another<BR>
WriterBabe: Well, I'm sorry to say we've run out of time.<BR>
KewlMusic27: lol GA<BR>
Ant Maze: one of these.<BR>
WriterBabe: I'd LOVE to have you all back!<BR>
Neely f: ------ The bell tolls 10pm. ----<BR>
WriterBabe: Audience, shall we have these guests return?<BR>
WriterBabe: I think you're all amazing!<BR>
Melduvall: yes <BR>
RoxyanneY: Yes, absolutely.<BR>
MudderGG: yes<BR>
SMiles1012: yes<BR>
KewlMusic27: we rock<BR>
WriterBabe: A big round of applause!<BR>
SAK515: yes<BR>
WriterBabe: You do indeed rock!<BR>
SMiles1012: deffinatly<BR>
JDkmper: YES<BR>
lgallop1016: Yeah <BR>
Neely f: ()()()((()()()( Clapping )()()()()<BR>
Ant Maze: whoop de doo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<BR>
Pete n Gun: Yes. Thank you - wonderful guests! Keep reading.<BR>
MudderGG: They make me want to write better.<BR>
KewlMusic27: *<:)<BR>
SAK515: applause applause<BR>
KewlMusic27: lolololol<BR>
Waysu: yes -- thanks all!<BR>
WriterBabe: Let's have another chat with you all in the fall. How about<BR>
Benboy28: THis has been tons of fun!!!<BR>
Splash013: thanks<BR>
Splash013: (S & K)<BR>
Ant Maze: hiphiphoorayhiphiphoorayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy<BR>
Benboy28: sounds great!<BR>
JDkmper: Thank you readers. You are very helpful and bright. Keep reading!<BR>
KewlMusic27: thanks!<BR>
PBRwriter: Good job, guys. We love talking to you like this.<BR>
Benboy28: Bye!<BR>
JDkmper: Thank you Marilyn and staff. This was truly informative. Great<BR>
Ant Maze: bye and thanks for letting me visit<BR>
LYPHIS: Thank you - How exciting Marilyn and the kids were just Great!<BR>
JDkmper: Happy writing & reading) everyone. Nighty night. (sÜe)<BR>
HeavnOnRth: Bye I had a nice time chatting. Thank you.<BR>
RoxyanneY: I'm wondering if any of these kids would like a part-time job as<BR>
a manuscript reader.<BR>
Benboy28: SURE<BR>
LYPHIS: tee hee\<BR>
lgallop1016: Good night I had funchating <BR>
Benboy28: LOL<BR>
KentoI11: Thanks, Bye from Brooklyn.<BR>
Splash013: sure<BR>
Benboy28: BYE<BR>
Splash013: goodnight<BR>
JDkmper: (Mine has one Roxy)<BR>
WriterBabe: Thank you, Anthony, and Eden, and Shannon, Kyle, Kento, Yasmin,<BR>
Ali, Ben!<BR>
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