Eeeek Bits ISSUE #141 Nov. 1993


³ÛßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßÛ   ISSUE #141    ÛßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßÜ       ÛÛ    ³


³  ÛÜ ÛÛÛ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÛÛÛÛ Û       1993        ßÛÜ ÛÛÛ ÜÜÜÜÜÜ ßÛÛÛÜ ßÜ    ÛÛ    ³


³   Û ÛÛÛ Û        Û ÛÛ Û  (c)1993 E.P.C.     Û ÛÛÛ Û      Û ßÛÛÛ Û    ÛÛ    ³

³   Û ÛÛÛ Û         Û Û Û All Rights Reserved Û ÛÛÛ Û       Û ÛÛÛ Û    ÛÛ    ³


³   Û ÛÛÛ Û   ÜÜÜÜ                            Û ÛÛÛ Û      Üß ÛÛÛ Û  ÛÛÛÛÛÛ  ³






³   Û ÛÛÛ ÛßÛ ÛÛ Û  ßÛß   ßÛß   ßÛß  ÛÛ  ÛÛ   Û ÛÛÛ Û     Û ßÛÛÛÜ Û          ³

³   Û ÛÛÛ Û  Û ß Û                            Û ÛÛÛ Û      Û ßÛÛÛ Û  ÜÛÛÛÛÛ  ³

³   Û ÛÛÛ Û   ßßßß  ÛßßßÛ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿    Û ÛÛÛ Û       Û ÛÛÛ Û  ÛÛ      ³

³   Û ÛÛÛ Û         Û Û Û ³ Brought To   ³    Û ÛÛÛ Û       Û ÛÛÛ Û  ÛÛ      ³

³   Û ÛÛÛ Û        Û ÛÛ Û ³   You By:    ³    Û ÛÛÛ Û      Û ÜÛÛÛ Û  ßÛÛÛÛÜ  ³

³   Û ÛÛÛ Û       Û ÛÛÛ Û ³ Your SysOps  ³    Û ÛÛÛ Û     Û ÜÛÛÛÛ Û      ÛÛ  ³

³  Ûß ÛÛÛ ßßßßßßßß ÛÛÛÛ Û ³      &       ³  ÜÛß ÛÛÛ ßßßßßß ÜÛÛÛß Üß      ÛÛ  ³





³ This publication is protected by all U.S. & International Copyright Laws!  ³

³ NO Part may be changed or reproduced w/o express written permission from   ³

³ The Publishers! Eeeeks is FREE, BUT YOU MUST REGISTER to have it on a BBS! ³

³ You may NOT upload it to any BBS on a regular basis without the express    ³

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³   Û ³                   ³ Û            Eeeek Publishing Co                 ³

³   Û ³(Taghadossi/Black) ³ Û     PO Box 331 Manhattan Bch,CA 90266          ³


³   Û ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Û      "Keep On Eeeeking!"  (Philip Fultz)       ³




³ Little Known Facts #1........Page 4   Silly Signs Seen.............Page 33 ³

³ Mind Games 1993..............Page 5   Little Known Facts #3........Page 34 ³

³ HeadLine BITS!...............Page 6   Quotes 'N' Notes.............Page 37 ³

³ Behind The HeadLines.........Page 7   Things To Do.................Page 38 ³

³ I MYTHed That One...!........Page 10  The Electronic Library.......Page 39 ³

³ Horoscopes By Manfred........Page 11  20 Top Techie Terms..........Page 45 ³

³ Phrase Craze.................Page 16  Reader Survey................Page 47 ³

³ Eeeek Night At The Palace....Page 17  Buy A 486 Today!.............Page 48 ³

³ Terrible Translations........Page 20  Little Known Facts #4........Page 49 ³

³ Laws Beyond Murphy...........Page 23  True Headlines...............Page 52 ³

³ Little Known Facts #2........Page 24  Queen Bee - By Y.O'Conner....Page 53 ³

³ The Chain Letter.............Page 25  Stopped Cold - By J.L.Black..Page 70 ³

³ The Joker's Lair.............Page 30  Strrrrrrrange BITS!..........Page 94 ³

³ Technology Review............Page 31  The W-Eeeek-ly News..........Page 97 ³

³ Buy A 386 Today!.............Page 32  Information Page.............Page 122³



³³ A Friendly ³³ (818)-969-8227  N81 ³³  60+ Phone Lines...  ³³    BBS     ³ ³

³³ Place In   ³³ Professionl Tutors  ³³     ASP Member!      ³³   SysOp:   ³ ³

³³ Cyberspace!³³32 Lines, Family BBS ³³SysOps: Dave 1, Walt 2³³ RamSoft 1  ³ ³

³³612-560-1770³³ 2 FREE WEEKS TRIAL! ³³Call: (213)-933-4050  ³³612-225-1003³ ³




³ Little Known Facts!                                                        ³


³ * Alpha Beta Food Market was the first supermarket in the U.S. making its  ³

³   debut in 1912.                                                           ³

³ * Chop Suey is not Chinese but Chinese-American.  Chop is an English word  ³

³   and suey is from Chinese word sui, meaning "bits" - guess that means we  ³

³   could be Eeeek Sui! in China.                                            ³

³ * Saint Peter's Basilica, completed in 1626, held 50,000 people.  That's   ³

³   7,545 people less than Yankee Stadium.                                   ³

³ * In 1877 Arthur de Lulli wrote "Chopsticks" as a piano exercise.          ³

³ * The largest sculpture in the world is not Mt. Rushmore, but Stone Moun-  ³

³   tain in Atlanta, Georgia.  Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee and Stonewall  ³

³   Jackson are on the face of the mountain.                                 ³

³ * The first department store was built in 1848, The Marble Dry Goods Palace³

³   in New York City.                                                        ³

³ * The Philadelphia Zoological Gardens was the first zoo, opening 1874.     ³

³ * The first U.S. General of black heritage was Benjamin O Davis Sr. in 1940³

³ * The thickness of the ice that covers Antarctica is 6,500 feet.           ³

³ * According to science there is still 140 million square miles of the      ³

³   earth that is not yet explored.  Two thirds of which is the ocean floor. ³

³ * The state once known as "The Land of Steady Habits" was Connecticut.     ³

³ * The Silicon Valley covers 55 miles between San Jose & San Francisco.     ³



³                            Mind Games 1993                                 ³


³  O F S W N R E X W X M A W D H O E M A R O O N M R Y I D   ³ Mmmmmmmmm...  ³

³  M O T H E R W D J X I R M I R P E N Q R W Y M A L L M M   ³               ³

³  A M O K K Z N A A W S X O B A U U S F V A W W C E M I O   ³ What could we ³

³  N M O N K E Y L T X S M R R I E Q E S E R V D A M A N N   ³ do this month ³

³  G M W M O B S T E R I U T O G K R B F I B T T R O I T D   ³ that would be ³

³  O A P H N T N O D P N S A M R A A Y S U A D M O R L E A   ³ different for ³

³  S Y Z Z E E Y O N B G T R U W M M A C E M N K O G B D Y   ³ you guys...?  ³

³  E H Q H S K Z K I Z R A Y A W E Y M B P Q A O N U O H M   ³               ³

³  N E C S O R K B L L F R E C G N I K R A M F R Y E X M A   ³ How About...  ³

³  A M N U R A B B Q I L D N Y V F K Y J U J E Y T A V U L   ³               ³

³  D D B O O M H C R A M I O K R O J A M Y M X L T Y M D E   ³ WORDS THAT    ³

³  N J Y C M K F S E L I M M L P W D T X L E V R A M R D F   ³   START WITH  ³

³  U F A U P Q M E D O M M A K Z M L A C I S U M V X D Y X   ³      THE      ³

³  M X Z M V R M A L L A R D L B M O S T L Y F P J S S O M   ³   LETTER M!   ³









³ HeadLine BITS!                                                             ³


³ * President To Be Carried Live From South Of The Border                    ³

³ * Audience Acclaims Dame May Whitty In Nighty Must Fall                    ³

³ * Esther Williams Wants To Shed Her Bathing Suit And Start Acting          ³

³ * Shelby Man To Head Burial Body                                           ³

³ * Snoose, Snuff, Sniffers Sniff Same Stuff                                 ³

³ * Contents of Empty Bottle Examined In Poisoning Case                      ³

³ * Chemist's Headless Body Starts Search For Rum Suspects                   ³

³ * County Police To Cooperate 10 Percent With City Police To Stamp Out      ³

³   Prostitution                                                             ³

³ * Desperados, Shackled Hand And Foot, Thrown Into Solitary Confinement     ³

³   With Nine Others                                                         ³

³ * Hopewell Jail Is Opened To Public                                        ³

³ * Mother And Daughter Arrested By State Police For Ship Lifting At         ³

³   Supermarket                                                              ³

³ * Justice Department Has Crime Reports Of Cities 3 Feet High               ³

³ * Nurses' Pure Looted At Hospital                                          ³

³ * Gary Civic Body Is Asked To Probe Crime By State Prosecutor              ³

³ * Man Steals $5,000 Load Of Soap And Makes Clean Getaway                   ³

³ * Bicycle Is Stolen From Patrolman With Red Frame                          ³

³ * Salesman Says He Left 4 Large Rings In Malden Motel Bathtub              ³



³ Behind The HeadLines!                                                      ³


³ HeadLine:  She Gave Him The Ax                                             ³

³ Story:  48 year old man was hospitalized today after his wife struck him   ³

³         six times with an ax.  Police arrested the 39 year old woman after ³

³         she admitted hitting him with the ax.  The reason, she said, was   ³

³         "to cure him of his fooling around."                               ³

³                                                                            ³

³ HeadLine:  Child Born By Violence                                          ³

³ Story:  A woman, nearly ready to give birth, was driving her car when an   ³

³         accident occurred.  The woman was thrown from the vehicle and her  ³

³         baby was born, popping out through her abdominal wall.  The 8 pound³

³         4 ounce girl was listed as birth from Caesarean section by         ³

³         violence.  Mother and daughter are doing fine.                     ³

³                                                                            ³

³ HeadLine:  Santa, Slightly Drunk, Gets Stuck in Chimney                    ³

³ Story:  A man, dressed in a Santa suit, got stuck in the chimney of his    ³

³         brother-in-law's home when he attempted to gain entry at 3 a.m.    ³

³         Police and Fire Departments were called.  The man's feet were      ³

³         dangling just past the flue, but he was not thin enough to slip    ³

³         through.  He was not able to navigate for himself because he was   ³

³         intoxicated.                                                       ³



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³ * Pubs, Databases, Online Mags, 80+ phone lines, Shopping, MUCH MUCH MORE* ³

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³  ÚÄÄÄÄÄ¿ÕÍÍÏÍÍÍÍÍÏÍ͸        ³ Eeeek BYTES! is a member of the Hollywood ³ ³

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³  I MYTHed That One!                                                        ³


³ MYTH:  Hair continues to grow on a person even after death.                ³

³                                                                            ³

³ FACT:  Not true, not true at all.  This belief stems from the fact that    ³

³        the tissue shrinks on a corpse thus giving the illusion that hair   ³

³        grows.                                                              ³

³                                                                            ³

³ MYTH:  Nathaniel Hawthorne's ancestor was a judge @ the Salem witch trials.³

³                                                                            ³

³ FACT:  Untrue.  Nathaniel Hawthorne's ancestors were not among the judges  ³

³        at the Witch Trials.  Stephen Vincent Benet wrote "The Devil and    ³

³        Daniel Webster" stating that "Justice Hathorne is a jurist of       ³

³        experience," using the actual spelling of the Hawthorne name until  ³

³        Nathaniel added the 'w' later.  But truth is the members of the     ³

³        justice panel were:  William Stoughton, Sameul Sewall, Bartholomew  ³

³        Gedney, Wait Winthrop, Nathaniel Saltonstall, John Richards, and    ³

³        William Sergeant.  Saltonstall resigned and was replaced by Jonathan³

³        Corwin.  John Ha(w)thorne was involved in the Salem witch trials but³

³        only as an examiner of the accused, not as a judge.                 ³

³        Jonathan's questioning may have been stern enough to make viewers   ³

³        believe him to be a judge, but he was not.                          ³



³                          Horoscopes By Manfred!                            ³


³  Aries [Mar 21 - Apr 19] Don't believe everything you may hear!  This time ³

³  is accented with spirituality & the ability to see things as they really  ³

³  are! These evenings would be best spent by meditating or reflecting on    ³

³  inner views. Taurus actively in the picture.                              ³

³                                                                            ³

³  Taurus [Apr 20 - May 20] A secret comes out of nowhere and you will be    ³

³  forced to deal with the reasons behind it! Someone you don't trust may    ³

³  make unreasonable promise.  A long-standing friendship may be at risk     ³

³  somehow! Capricorn, Sagittarius in background.                            ³

³                                                                            ³

³  Gemini [May 21 - June 20] The spotlight focuses on new purchases,         ³

³  financial benefits, and the completion of a task that's been on your      ³

³  nerves.  Your finances should be watched carefully!  Highlights are       ³

³  trips/visits and possibly a surprise this month. Scorpio asks for your    ³

³  help.                                                                     ³

³                                                                            ³

³  Cancer [June 21 - July 22] Attraction between you and another             ³

³  intensifies. This may be the big month for you!  Romantic adjustment      ³

³  featured.  A business deal looks to work in your favor but you must use   ³

³  your brain. Pisces can be counted upon!                                   ³



³                          Horoscopes By Manfred!                            ³


³  Leo [July 23 - Aug 22] Don't be led by others, Hold fast to your beliefs  ³

³  & truths!  A previous investment will soon pay big dividends. Be aware    ³

³  that a love relationship will intensify soon.  Pay attention to what may  ³

³  otherwise seem like small details.  Libra sees your points.               ³

³                                                                            ³

³  Virgo [Aug 23 - Sept 22] Mate or partner may be in a bad mood this week.  ³

³  Love is in the air & someone finds you appealing! You'll find that you    ³

³  now have a new lease on romance. Now is a good time to get things in      ³

³  order... Gemini, Libra has romantic interest.                             ³

³                                                                            ³

³  Libra [Sept 23 - Oct 22] Your search for love waits down the road a bit.  ³

³  Be Patient!  Investments for the future are indicated now. Someone who    ³

³  has very strong feelings for you confesses! Finances may not be as bad    ³

³  as they seem currently.  However, don't take unnecessary risks! Capricorn ³

³  wants something from you now.                                             ³

³                                                                            ³

³  Scorpio [Oct 23 - Nov 21] Love is in the air & someone finds you very     ³

³  appealing! Watch your mouth but speak up! No one can know how you feel    ³

³  if you don't tell them! Libra very involved.                              ³

³                                                                            ³



³                          Horoscopes By Manfred!                            ³


³                                                                            ³

³  Sagittarius [Nov 22 - Dec 21] Something missing in a relationship will    ³

³  now show up! Take a hot bath & spend some time just spoiling yourself.    ³

³  Now's a lousy time to plan on borrowing!  Sagittarius will be around!     ³

³                                                                            ³

³  Capricorn [Dec 23 - Jan 19] Be honest with someone you've been keeping    ³

³  your feelings hidden from, time to open up! Remember-Patience is a true   ³

³  virtue!  There could be a good reason for celebration in the weeks to     ³

³  come.  Scenario highlights love and romance! Gemini in background.        ³

³                                                                            ³

³  Aquarius [Jan 20 - Feb 18] A long-standing friendship may be at risk      ³

³  somehow! This time would be best spent by meditating or reflecting on     ³

³  inner views.  Speak up! No one can know how you feel if you don't tell    ³

³  them! Leo asks for your help.                                             ³

³                                                                            ³

³  Pisces [Feb. 19 - Mar. 20] Make plans for later in the month to spend     ³

³  time with a friend who needs it now. Appointment this month could lead    ³

³  to exciting discovery. Your love relationship will start to mellow a      ³

³  little! Taurus, Cancer present.                                           ³

³                                                                            ³



³    Advertise on more than 450 BBSes WORLDWIDE at a rate you CAN afford!    ³


³   BIZ CARD AD :  $105.00 A Month  4-Issues  /  $1050.00 A Year  50-Issues  ³

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³   HALF PAGE AD:  $200.00 A Month  4-Issues  /  $2000.00 A Year  50-Issues  ³

³   -----------------------------------------------------------------------  ³

³   FULL PAGE AD:  $350.00 A Month  4-Issues  /  $3500.00 A Year  50-Issues  ³

³   -----------------------------------------------------------------------  ³

³                                                                            ³

³   We No Longer Accept MASTERCARD or VISA -- Sorry about that folks...      ³

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³   To Place An Ad WITHOUT a credit card,  Send a CHECK or MONEY ORDER       ³

³   (DON'T SEND CASH!) with what you want your ad to say or look like to:    ³

³   (Enclose Business Card if Biz Card Ad...)                                ³

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³                           Eeeek Publishing Company                         ³

³                    P.O.Box 331,  Manhattan Beach, CA. 90266                ³

³                                                                            ³



³  Eeeek BYTES! provides both the Business & End-User with A-1 PC Service..! ³



³  -------------------------------------         new when you don't need to? ³

³  TRAINING: We help YOUR                                                    ³

³  people to learn YOUR                          CONSULTATION: Let us help   ³

³ YOUR own        ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ»   you find the best deal!     ³

³  location!                     º ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ º                               ³

³                                º ³       ³ìº   Eeeek BYTES! is a member of ³

³  SYSTEM MAINTENANCE: We        º ³c:>_   ³ìº   The Hollywood Chamber Of    ³

³  will come out once a          º ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ º   Commerce.                   ³

³  month and optimize            ÈÍÍÑÍÍÍÍÍÑÍͼ                               ³

³  your systems, check         ÕÍÍÍÍÏÍÍÍÍÍÏÍÍÍ͸   DON'T PAY TOO MUCH !!!!!  ³

³  for viruses, and            ³  ß ß ß ß ß ß  ³                             ³

³  answer employees'     ÚÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÁÄÄÄÄ¿  Our prices are VERY   ³

³  questions!            ³ @þþ              ³ Ä/ÄÄÄ ³  competitive, and you  ³

³                        ³ºººººººººººº      ³~~~~~~~³  simply cannot find    ³


³  We will set you up         (310)-462-4742           reliable to entrust   ³

³  with customized programs   ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ           with your computers!  ³

³  or menus of your specs!                                                   ³

³                              EEEEK BYTES! (tm)(sm)     CALL US TODAY!      ³



³ Phrase Craze!                                                              ³


³ * Stand Pat - refusing to budge, resistance to all change.  Though most    ³

³   believe the phrase comes from the poker table this is not the case.  It  ³

³   actually comes from jobs done with the hands to form an something into   ³

³   shape.  For example, a potter's clay, patting butter, or dough once had  ³

³   to be patted into shape.  Once it achieved the desired shape it was said ³

³   to be pat or standing pat.  Poker players picked the phrase up and used  ³

³   it when a player needed no cards or wished to bluff, giving that idea.   ³

³ * Funny bone - that portion of the human anatomy running from the elbow    ³

³   to the shoulder.  Not one person can be credited with the term funny     ³

³   bone, which most of us know, when bumped, is not funny.  Human anatomy   ³

³   was a mystery, at least until recent times, but skeletons were common,   ³

³   making the bones the easiest to study.  That bone was named humerus,     ³

³   which is Latin for upper arm.  Someone jokingly, it is believed, called  ³

³   it humorous and funny bone came about as a result.                       ³

³ * Putting on the Dog - a vulgar display of wealth.  The term comes from the³

³   Civil War period when those who provided goods to the army became very   ³

³   wealthy as a result.  With their new found wealth they attempted to be   ³

³   socially accepted by showing that wealth and making a vulgar display of  ³

³   opulence.  The wives of these merchants took to having lap dogs, and the ³

³   phrase was born.  Any flashy display of wealth or status.                ³



³                       Halloween Party News (part 1)                        ³


³ Well folks, on 10/31/93 (although it WAS a Sunday and many of you had to   ³

³ get up early and go to work the next day...) we still had a pretty good    ³

³ turnout at The Palace.                                                     ³

³                                                                            ³

³ During the afternoon event, we managed to provide a safe and fun time for  ³

³ over 750 children.  It was a blast doing the haunted house, and our thanks ³

³ go out to allllll the volunteers from BBSes who helped out!  You did an    ³

³ absolutely WONDERFUL job and not only did the kids enjoy themselves, but   ³

³ everyone did!  In fact, the owner of the Palace said it was the most fun   ³

³ she'd had since she was a kid!  You all really put out a lot of HARD work  ³

³ and it WAS appreciated!                                                    ³

³                                                                            ³

³ The evening event could have been bigger, but (grumble grumble) we really  ³

³ do understand not wanting to party on a Sunday night!   Those of you who   ³

³ DID show up, helped Eeeeks and the Palace break even on costs for having   ³

³ the Palace open from 7 am through 2 am (19 full hours)!                    ³

³                                                                            ³

³ And a BIG thanks to all the Sysops, Boards & Users who donated monies to   ³

³ help pay for the decorations and candy for the afternoon event!  We could  ³

³ not have done it without any of you!                                       ³



³                       Halloween Party News (part 2)                        ³


³ We would also like to thank all those who are not part of the BBS world,   ³

³ but who donated time and money and energy...especially Luis Alvarado of    ³

³ the Hollywood Holiday Inn, who donated sooooooo much time, energy and $ !  ³

³                                                                            ³

³ The Comedy showcase turned out to be two regular comedians, Roger Kabler   ³

³ (the Zima man) who kept everyone laughing, and a special appearance from   ³

³ Adam Corolla.  Since no one was brave enough to sign up, the 14.4 bps fax  ³

³ modem was returned to the company who donated it.                          ³

³                                                                            ³

³ The costume contest was being judged by 5 people walking around through    ³

³ the party, and the prizes were awarded to: (CONGRATS TO ALL!!)             ³

³                                                                            ³

³ Most Original: Holly Speriglio - She came as the witch from a Disney film  ³

³ (Not A BBSer)  Her prize was a night for 2 at the Hollywood Holiday Inn    ³

³                                                                            ³

³ Best Costume: Nicole Ant•n - She came as a golden spacewoman.  (She is not ³

³ a BBSer, but may be after the prize!) A 14.4 Fax Modem for her PC!         ³

³                                                                            ³

³ Worst Costume: Charles Stein - He came as a fighter pilot. (He is on KBBS  ³

³ & After Hours) - His prize was a 9600 Fax/2400 bps Modem!                  ³



³                       Halloween Party News (part 3)                        ³


³ A future article will encompass all of the evening's events and more!      ³

³                                                                            ³

³ But EVERYONE deserves a BIGGGGGGGGGGGG thanks from Eeeeks & The Palace!    ³

³                                                                            ³

³ Thanks To: The RS232s, Plain James, & JD Hall and Crossfire - our music    ³

³ for the evening...Roger Kabler - Comedian extrodenaire...Steel Fyre as     ³

³ Beetlejuice...Magician with mystifying talents and all the BBSes that      ³

³ participated (in alphabetical order):                                      ³

³                                                                            ³

³     1.  After Hours BBS                  12.  KBBS BBS                     ³

³     2.  Annex BBS                        13.  L.A. Online BBS              ³

³     3.  Avatar BBS                       14.  Modem Butterfly's BBS        ³

³     4.  Baud Town BBS                    15.  The Motherboard BBS          ³

³     5.  Beyond Eternity BBS              16.  Pasadena Online BBS          ³

³     6.  Blazin' Bytes                    17.  Pro-Line BBS                 ³

³     7.  Camelot                          18.  SoapBox BBS                  ³

³     8.  Chatterbox BBS                   19.  Talk Salad                   ³

³     9.  Dreamscape                       20.  Westside BBS                 ³

³    10.  Fireside BBS                     21.  Ye Olde Pleasure Shoppe      ³

³    11.  Infomat BBS                      22.  The Underground Informer     ³



³                        Terrible Translations!                              ³


³  Perdue's "It takes a tough man to make a tender chicken" in Spanish is:   ³

³  "It takes a sexually stimulated man to make a chicken affectionate."      ³

³                                                                            ³

³  When Vicks first introduced its cough drops on the German market, they    ³

³  were chagrined to learn that the German pronunciation of "v" is f - which ³

³  makes "Vicks" in German the phonetic equivalent of "sexual penetration."  ³

³                                                                            ³

³  When Gerber first started selling baby food in Africa, they used the same ³

³  packaging as here in the USA - with the cute baby on the label.  Later    ³

³  they found out that in Africa that companies routinely put pictures on    ³

³  the label of what's inside since more people can't read.                  ³

³                                                                            ³

³  When Pepsi started marketing its products in China a few years back, they ³

³  translated their slogan, "Come alive, you're in the Pepsi generation"     ³

³  pretty literally.  The slogan in Chinese really meant, "Pepsi Brings Your ³

³  Ancestors Back from the Grave."                                           ³

³                                                                            ³

³  When Coca-Cola first shipped to China, they named the product something   ³

³  that when pronounced sounded like "Coca-Cola." The only problem was that  ³

³  the characters used meant "Bite the wax tadpole."                         ³





³°°³ Eeeek BITS! Has been around 3 years now, and we are in 42 U.S. states³°°³

³°°³ & 16 Countries, and our readership continues to grow constantly...!  ³°°³




³°°³°°³ If YOU haven't thought about ELECTRONIC ADVERTISING, consider  ³°°³°°³

³°°³°°³ the ENTIRE MARKET you are missing out on!  People who read us  ³°°³°°³

³°°³°°³ vary in age from 12 to 75, with the average reader being 35-45 ³°°³°°³

³°°³°°³ years old, $40,000+ yearly, White-Collar job, & consider them- ³°°³°°³

³°°³°°³ selves computer-literate. (Results from ongoing surveys in EB) ³°°³°°³


³°°³°°³             ELECTRONIC ADVERTISING:                            ³°°³°°³

³°°³°°³               It MAKES sense and SAVES cents!                  ³°°³°°³




³°°³ Contact Eeeek BITS! PO Box 331, Manhattan Beach, CA  90266  - OR -   ³°°³

³°°³ Call us at: 310-462-4742 - Punch in YOUR number & the "#" CALL TODAY ³°°³





³** Call Today.... Find out what everyone else is talking about...KBBS !! ***³


³ Northridge.: 818/886-0872 ³      More Than      ³ Culver City: 213/558-0145³

³ N Hollywood: 818/505-9848 ³    *ONE MILLION*    ³ Compton....: 213/532-1700³

³ Glendale...: 818/507-1365 ³    Calls Logged!    ³ Montebello.: 213/722-2207³

³ Agoura: 818/889-2546 ÉÍÍÍÍÏÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÏÍÍÍÍ» Simi..: 805/520-7323³

³                      º ÛÛ  Û  ÛÛÛÛÛÜ  ÛÛÛÛÛÜ  ÛÛÛÛÛÛ º                     ³

³ 9600 v.32 Dual Stnd. º ÛÛ ÛÛ  ÛÛ  ÛÛ  ÛÛ  ÛÛ  ÛÛ   ß º    No Sign-Up Fees  ³

³   (818) 886-1397     º ÛÛ ÛÛ  ÛÛÜÜÛß  ÛÛÜÜÛß  ÛÛÜÜÜ  º                     ³

³                      º ÛÛÛÛ   ÛÛßßÛÜ  ÛÛßßÛÜ      ÛÛ º      FREE TRIAL     ³

³ PC Pursuit: D/CAGLE  º ÛÛ  Û  ÛÛ  ÛÛ  ÛÛ  ÛÛ  Ü   ÛÛ º      ~~~~~~~~~~     ³

³   (818) 994-0442     º ÛÛ  Û  ÛÛÛÛÛÛ  ÛÛÛÛÛÛ  ÛÛÛÛÛÛ º   Adults 21+ Only   ³


³ Over 10,000 IBM Filesº ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ  Ü   ÜÜÜ Ü  Ü ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ º Monthly Parties     ³

³ Over 2,500 Mac Files º   Û   Û  Û    Û  ÛÜ Û Û   Û ß º Catnet BBS Network  ³

³ Over 1,000 Photos    º ÜÜÛ ÛÛÛ  Û    Û  ÛÛÜÛ ÛÜÜ ÛÜÜ º Online Publications ³

³ Over 1,400 Clip Art  º   Û Û    Û    Û  Û ÛÛ Û     Û º Over 2,000 calls/day³

³ 100s Windows 3 Files º ÜÜÛ ÛÜÜ  ÛÜÜ ÜÛÜ Û  Û ÛÜÜ ÛÜÛ º *Wild Group Chats!* ³



³* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CALL US TODAY! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *³

³ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *--------------* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ³



³ Laws Beyond Murphy!                                                        ³


³ * If a good thing is going, someone will ultimately come along to change it³

³ * Just because someone lives in a king's house doesn't mean he's a king.   ³

³ * An enemy will make you take action faster than a friend.                 ³

³ * Old age is difficult to comprehend since we never lose the mental image  ³

³   of ourselves when we were in our 20s.                                    ³

³ * If you need directions, the person you stop to ask will be a tourist.    ³

³ * If you are paid to make a decision then make it, even if it is wrong.    ³

³ * In computer usage if the computer is down it, more often than not, means ³

³   user failure, not machine failure.                                       ³

³ * A computer expert will always remember to turn on the computer before    ³

³   attempting to operate it.                                                ³

³ * Winning is not the fun, but defeating another is the fun.                ³

³ * Any situation that seems improbable can be solved but only with another  ³

³   improbable situation.                                                    ³

³ * If anything is possible, everything is also impossible.                  ³

³ * You'll never read a report that says 'four out of five doctors recommend ³

³   another doctor.'                                                         ³

³ * Money can often times ruin a good idea.                                  ³

³ * Nothing spoils faster than a poor man who wins the lottery.              ³

³ * If your hat has more character than you - you're in trouble.             ³



³ Little Known Numeric Facts!                                                ³


³ * The seven dwarfs i Disney's Snow White, Bashful, Doc, Dopey, Grumpy,     ³

³   Happy, Sleepy and Sneezy, were so named by the studio not Brothers Grimm.³

³ * Saint Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) set forth the seven deadly sins:  anger,³

³   covetousness, envy, gluttony, lust, pride, and sloth.                    ³

³ * The five longest rivers in the world are:  Nile, Africa; Amazon, South   ³

³   America; Mississippi, United States; Yangtze, China; Ob Irtysh, USSR.    ³

³ * Seven virtues are:  faith, hope, charity, prudence, justice, fortitude,  ³

³   and temperance.                                                          ³

³ * The seven Wonders of the world are:  The Pyramids of Egypt, The Hanging  ³

³   Gardens of Babylon, The Statue of Zeus at Olympia, The Temple of Artemis ³

³   at Ephesus, The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, The Colossus of Rhodes, and  ³

³   lastly The Pharos at Alexandria.                                         ³

³ * An obsolete unit of measurement is the gry - it equaled to 0.008 inch.   ³

³ * Henry VIII had six wives, they were:  Catherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn,  ³

³   Jane Seymour, Anne of Cleves, Catherine Howard, and Catherine Parr.  He  ³

³   either divorced them or they died during marriage with exception of one. ³

³   In order listed:  divorced, beheaded, died in childbirth, divorced,      ³

³   beheaded, survived him.                                                  ³

³ * Of The Seven Wonders Of The World only the pyramids has survived.        ³

³ * 7 colors of a rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. ³



³                   CHAIN LETTER (FOR HUMOR ONLY !!)                         ³


³  Written By: The Dream Vampyre {only reference we could find} HUMOR ONLY!  ³

³                                                                            ³

³  Yes, you lucky member of the undead community, you are fortunate enough   ³

³  to have received a copy of this Chain Letter.  The rules are very simple. ³

³  First, copy this letter 20 times onto white lined paper (college ruled)   ³

³  with a No. 2 pencil.  Xerox copies are not acceptable.  Then, get a phone ³

³  book and tear out random pages, picking a random person from each page    ³

³  (darts work remarkably well for this activity).  Send a copy to each      ³

³  person, and make sure they get it!                                        ³

³                                                                            ³

³  Find out where they live, follow them home, sit in their trees, but MAKE  ³

³  SURE THEY READ THIS LETTER!  Then, and only then will the magic of this   ³

³  chain letter be given unto you.                                           ³

³                                                                            ³

³  This letter has been circulating since the beginning of the sixth century.³

³  Many of the most infamous people in history have received this letter.    ³

³  Vlad Tepes, in fact, would mail this letter to his enemies if he was out  ³

³  of stakes.  Vlad got the letter from a soon-to-be-beheaded mailman &      ³

³  followed the instructions as he read them (in Rumanian, of course).  What ³

³  did he get?  He became one of the most famous figures in world folklore.  ³



³                   CHAIN LETTER (FOR HUMOR ONLY !!)                         ³


³  The Countess Erzabet Bathory got the letter as well.  It was soon after   ³

³  she had finished disemboweling her seventh chaimbermaid when she opened   ³

³  it.  She laughed at it and used it as kindling to burn her cook to death. ³

³  What happened to her?  She died alone and ignominiously, never to be      ³

³  heard from again.                                                         ³

³                                                                            ³

³  Many other famous historical figures have received this letter.  An       ³

³  archeologist found a copy in the tomb of Pope Innocent, copied over in    ³

³  the Pope's own hand.  Henry VIII used to give copies out to prospective   ³

³  wives.  Needless to say, most of them ignored it.                         ³

³                                                                            ³

³  As you can see, if you break the chain, you will have very bad luck.      ³

³                                                                            ³

³  General Custer didn't send out his copy. We needn't say more. If you keep ³

³  the chain going many things will happen to you.  First of all, you will   ³

³  probably lose the respect of every person you know, and will more than    ³

³  likely get hit at least once by an angry recipient.  If you choose to     ³

³  send it out by Internet, you could very well be barred from the system,   ³

³  but many people have, despite these minor setbacks, sent the letter out   ³

³  and received the luck they deserved.                                      ³



³                   CHAIN LETTER (FOR HUMOR ONLY !!)                         ³


³  Mary Flo Jackson of Parson, Alabama sent the letter, & a few days later   ³

³  she found the remote for the TV, lost for 6 years in the couch cushions.  ³

³  She also found a bowling ball, her hairbrush, and her youngest son, Buck. ³

³                                                                            ³

³  Lenny Graves of Albany, NY sent his copy. In fact he used his position at ³

³  the post office to send it to far more than 20 people without postage. He ³

³  was fired from his job & proceedings began for his mail fraud conviction. ³

³  Disgruntled, he walked into his former place of employment & shot everyone³

³  before giving up to the police. He was sentenced to die in the electric   ³

³  chair at midnight on 3/17. At 11:53 PM, however, the luck of the chain    ³

³  letter kicked in and he was allowed by the prison officials to take the   ³

³  light bulb out of his mouth during the procedure, thereby saving him from ³

³  the humiliation of dying as an Uncle Fester look-alike.                   ³

³                                                                            ³

³  As you can see, it would be to your advantage to distribute this letter.  ³

³  This little piece of advice goes with it, in the hopes of making your     ³

³  life a little better: You can get more with a kind word and a gun than    ³

³  you can with a kind word.                                                 ³

³                                                                            ³

³  Yours through eternal chain mail, Dymphna                                 ³




³³ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿³       Up Ahead,               ³ Honest, Reliable ³³

³³³  AFTER HOURS BBS!   ³³  You have just entered...     ³ ÜÜ ÜÜ ÜÜ ÜÜ Ü  Ü ³³

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³³³  Unfriendly Texan"  ³³ ßÛß Û Û Ûßß                   ³ ÛÜ ÛÜ ÛÜ ÛÜ Û ßÜ ³³

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³  Beyond Eternity: 310-371-3734 - CA   U.S.Datanet: 617-868-2965  - MA      ³

³  Chat-Line: 403-299-0180    - CANADA  Trinity BBS: 44-392-410210 - UK      ³

³  JIX BBS:    81-6-351-6074  - JAPAN   World Data : 886-2931-3045 - TAIWAN  ³

³---------- Official Distribution Sites U.S. & International-----------------³

³ AL AR AZ                                  Welcome: FRANCE!        SWEDEN   ³

³ CA CO CT     ÛÛÛÛÜÜÜÜÜÜ                                     ÛÛÜ   AUTRALIA ³













³ ------------------------- ßÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ    ßß  ßÛÛ      SCOTLAND       ³

³  42 States &     WE'RE      ßß ßÛÛÛÛÛß    ßß        ÛÛÛ   ---------------- ³

³  16 Countries    FREE !          ÛÛÛ                 ßÛÛ   PC PURSUIT @    ³

³ --------------------------------------------------------     d/CALAN       ³



³                  The Joker's Lair........................                  ³


³ A lawyer had a summer house to which he retreated for several weeks of the ³

³ year. Each summer he would invite a different friend of his to spend a week³

³ or two up at this place, in a backwoods section of Maine. On one particular³

³ occasion, he invited a Czechoslovakian friend to stay with him. The friend ³

³ eager to get a freebee off a lawyer, agreed. Well, they had a splendid time³

³ in the country living in the great outdoors. Early one morning, the lawyer ³

³ & his companion went out to pick berries for breakfast. As they went around³

³ the berry patch, gathering blueberries & raspberries in huge quantities,   ³

³ along came two huge Bears - a male & a female. Well, the lawyer, seeing the³

³ two bears, immediately dashed for cover. His friend wasn't so lucky, & the ³

³ male bear swallowed him whole. The lawyer ran back to his Mercedes, tore   ³

³ into town as fast has he could, & got the sheriff. The sheriff grabbed his ³

³ shotgun & dashed back to the berry patch with the lawyer. Sure enough, the ³

³ 2 bears were still there. "He's in THAT one!" cried the lawyer, pointing to³

³ the male, while visions of lawsuits from his friend's family danced in his ³

³ head. He had to save his friend. The sheriff looked at the bears, & without³

³ batting an eye, took careful aim, & SHOT THE FEMALE. "Whatdya do that for!"³

³ the lawyer shouted, "I said he was in the other!"                          ³

³ "Exactly," replied the sheriff, "& would YOU believe a lawyer who told     ³

³ you that the Czech was in the Male?"                                       ³



³                           Technology Review...                             ³


³ MULTIMEDIA MODEM: AT&T said they will start selling a multimedia modem by  ³

³ early '94. The modem will let you send and receive data (including visual  ³

³ images) while talking on the phone. Up until this, one could use the phone ³

³ line either for conversation OR data, but not both simultaneously. The new ³

³ modem will be called the DataPort 2001, & will retail for $600. The modem  ³

³ uses a technology called VoiceSpan which effectively splits a single phone ³

³ line into 2 "virtual channels". One will transmit audio, the other will be ³

³ used for high-speed data/images.                                           ³

³                                                                            ³

³ CABLE: Ameritech would like a federal cable law found unconstitutional.    ³

³ The Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984 keeps Ameritech from providing ³

³ cable tv services in areas where they also provide local phone service.    ³

³ Ameritech said they want to build a video dial tone platform from which an ³

³ affiliate, among others, could provide cable tv services. They also want to³

³ provide interactive services including video-on-demand, entertainment,     ³

³ educational, shopping, medical info & home security services. Ameritech &  ³

³ other Baby Bells have long complained they've been held back by ancient    ³

³ laws while long-distance carriers & cable tv companies move quickly into   ³

³ other areas of telecommunications. All the phone companies likely will go  ³

³ to court to try to win the right to offer TV in their regions.             ³



³             LATEST & LOWEST PRICES!!  Did You Pay More?????                ³

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³ IF YOU PAID MORE THAN $1100.00 You Didn't Call Eeeek BYTES! (310)-371-4260 ³



³                          Silly Signs Seen!                                 ³


³ Sign at a Copenhagen airline: We take your bags and send them in all       ³

³ directions.                                                                ³

³                                                                            ³

³ Sign in a Paris hotel elevator: The lift is being fixed for the next day.  ³

³ During this time, we regret that you will unbearable.                      ³

³                                                                            ³

³ On a menu of a Swiss restaurant: Our wines leave you nothing to hope for.  ³

³                                                                            ³

³ Sign in a Yugoslavian hotel: The flattening of underwear with pleasure is  ³

³ the job of the chamber-maid.                                               ³

³                                                                            ³

³ Quoted from a brochure of a car rental firm in Tokyo: When a passenger of  ³

³ foot heave in sight, tootle the horn, trumpet him melodiously at first,    ³

³ but if he still obstacles your passage then tootle him with vigor.         ³

³                                                                            ³

³ In the office of a Roman doctor: Specialist in women and other diseases.   ³

³                                                                            ³

³ In a Bangkok dry cleaners: Drop your trousers here for best results.       ³

³                                                                            ³

³ Outside a Paris dress shop: Dresses for street walking.                    ³



³ Little Known Facts About Sports!                                           ³


³ * The first Army-Navy football game was won by Navy 24 - 0.  Played at     ³

³   West Point November 29, 1890.                                            ³

³ * The first pro football player was:  William "Pudge" Heffelfinger.  He    ³

³   made his debut 11-12-1892 and was paid $500 for his first game.          ³

³ * The last bare knuckle fight in pro boxing was fought by John L. Sullivan ³

³   against Jake Kilrain.  Kilrain was knocked out in the 75th round.        ³

³ * The first World Series was won by the Boston Red Sox against the Pitts-  ³

³   burgh Pirates 5 games to three (they used to play best of 9 series).     ³

³ * The first Indy 500 was held May 30, 1911, when Ray Harroun won in 6 hours³

³   42 minutes, 8 seconds with an average speed of 74.59 miles per hour.     ³

³ * Gertrude Ederle was the first woman to swim across the English Channel   ³

³   in 1926.  It took her 14 hours, 39 minutes, and she beat the record of   ³

³   all prior swimmers, including men.                                       ³

³ * Bobby Jones is the only golfer to win the grand slam.                    ³

³ * The first All-Star baseball game was played July 6, 1933.                ³

³ * Ty Cobb holds the record of stealing home 46 times.                      ³

³ * Lou Gehrig played in 2,130 consecutive games between 1925-39.            ³

³ * Longest golf drive in PGA History was 406 yards made by Jack L. Hamm in  ³

³   1986.                                                                    ³

³ * The first Superbowl was held in 1967- Packers and KC Chiefs, Packers won.³



³ Beyond Eternity BBS:     .         .             .    *     .     .     .  ³

³. (310)-371-3734.     .         .           .        .    .      .     .    ³

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³   .   .            ³³³³³³³³³  .      .    . ÜÜÜÜÜÜ         .  .    .  .    ³

³.   *       .   Þ   ³³³³³³³³³ .   ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ³³³³³³³³ .  ÜÛÜ   ÜÜÜÜÜÜ   .  . ³

³  .  .    Ý     ±±  ³³³³³³³³³  . ººººººººººº³³³³³³³³  ÜÛÛÛÛÛܳ³³³³³³³ .   . ³

³.        ÝÝÝ   ±±±± ³³³³³³³³³ ³  ººººººººººº³³³³³³³³  ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ³³³³³ÝÝÝÝÝ  ººº³

³ ÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÝÝÝÝÝ ±±±±±±³³³³³³³³³ ³  ººººººººººº³³³³³³³ººººººººÛÛ³³³³ÝÝÝÝÝÝÝ ººº³

³ºººººººÝÝÝÝÝÝݱ±±±±±³³³³³³³³³²²² ºººººººÝÝÝÝÝÝݳ³³³ººººººººÛÛ³³³ÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝݺºº³









³ ***************** OFFICIAL U.S. DISTRIBUTION SITES:  ********************* ³


³ W.COAST: Beyond Eternity:     ³ 310-371-3734      ³ CALIFORNIA             ³

³          CHATTERBOX! BBS      ³ 818-995-6959      ³ CALIFORNIA             ³

³ M.WEST:  Chicago Syslink      ³ 708-795-4442      ³ ILLINOIS (Fidonet)     ³

³ E.COAST: U.S.Datanet:         ³ 617-868-2965      ³ MASSACHUSETTS          ³


³          Chat-Line:           ³ 403-299-0180      ³ CANADA                 ³

³          Trinity BBS:         ³ 44-392-410210     ³ UNITED KINGDOM         ³

³          JIX BBS, ASIA:       ³ 81-6-351-6074     ³ JAPAN                  ³

³          World Data Exchange: ³ 886-2-931-3045    ³ TAIWAN                 ³


³ ³REGISTERD   .       .  CHAT-LINE BBS   ³ ³ Other On-Line Magazines Are  ³ ³

³ ³DISTRIBUTORS  .   ÛÜ   403-299-0180    ³ ³ Available on Beyond Eternity ³ ³

³ ³ONLY!   .    _Á_  °°Û     .           .³ ³ As Well:                     ³ ³

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³ ³ New & Back ޲ݲÀÄ°°°° ³þ þ³úÚÄÙ    ³±±³ ³Û GameMaster's Journal       Û³ ³





³                         Great One-Liners!                                  ³


³       Childish game: one at which your spouse beats you.                   ³

³               Columbus had a fourth ship - it sailed over the edge.        ³

³       Don't play stupid with me, I'm better at it!                         ³

³               Eagles fly, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.   ³

³       Forget everything, as one day everything will forget you.            ³

³               Glory is fleeting, but obscurity is forever.                 ³

³       Go ahead, jump.  100,000 lemmings can't be wrong.                    ³

³               Ignorance is the mother of fear.                             ³

³       If space is a vacuum, who changes the bags?                          ³

³               It's not cute being this easy.                               ³

³       Let the meek inherit the Earth, I want the stars!                    ³

³               Madness takes its toll; please have exact change.            ³

³       Mary had a little lamb.  The doctor was surprised.                   ³

³               Paranoid: someone who just figured out what's going on.      ³

³       Reason is the wise man's guide, example the fools.                   ³

³               Shell to DOS...Come in Dos, do you copy?  Shell to DOS...    ³

³       Starfleet Academy has a drama department?                            ³

³               Syntax?  Why not?  They tax everything else!                 ³

³       There are no ESC keys on prison PCs.                                 ³

³               Work is for people who don't know how to fish.               ³



³ TO DO's (Our Picks Of Places To Go & Things To Do!)                        ³


³ The Palace          ³ The Palace is not only one of Hollywood's classic    ³

³ 1735 North Vine     ³ clubs (Known for years as The Hollywood Palace...),  ³

³ Hollywood, CA 90028 ³ it is Hollywood's most exciting dance club today!    ³

³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ Along with the many concerts, the restaurant makes   ³

³  (213)-467-4571     ³ absolutely superb food, & the people are the friend- ³

³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ liest around!  Every Sunday night is: RETROLICIOUS!  ³

³ Nightclub, Bar and  ³ (the new wave name for Oldies is Retro...) Stop in   ³

³ Restaurant          ³ & when you get there, tell them Eeeek's sent you!    ³


³ Knott's Berry Farm           Buena Park      CA              (714)220-5200 ³

³ Sea World                    San Diego       CA              (619)226-3901 ³

³ Universal Studios            Hollywood       CA              (818)508-9600 ³


³ Cabrillo Marine Museum       3720 Stephen While San Pedro    (310)548-7562 ³

³ CA Museum of Science         700 State Dr. Exposition Pk     (213)744-7400 ³

³ Hollywood Studio Museum      2100 N Highland Ave             (213)874-2276 ³


³ The Comedy Store           8433 Sunset Blvd                  (213)656-6225 ³

³ The Comedy & Magic Club    1018 Hermosa Ave Hermosa Beach    (213)372-1193 ³

³ The Comedy Club            49 S. Pine Long Beach Ca          (310)437-5326 ³




³ ³ Introducing the EEEEK ELECTRONIC LIBRARY E-Books (tm)   ALL UNDER $10! ³ ³


³           (c)1993 Eeeek Publishing Company - All Rights Reserved!          ³

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³                   °°            °°                                         ³


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³ ³ form and info is on the page after that!  MORE BOOKS COMING EACH WEEK! ³ ³




³ The Eeeek Electronic Library: E-BOOKS AVAILABLE                            ³


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³ C: Beginning Guitar........By C.Kirkendoll  ( Learn Guitar Easily )  $7.00 ³

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³ P: Modems & BBSing For Beginners            ( Basic Instruction   )  $5.00 ³

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³ R: Word Perfect Tips & Tricks 1             ( How To Utilize WP   )  $5.00 ³

³ S: dBASE Tips & Tricks 1                    ( How To Write In DB  )  $5.00 ³

³ T: PC Shopping Tips                         ( How To Shop For PCs )  $5.00 ³



³ The Eeeek Electronic Library: E-BOOKS AVAILABLE                            ³


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³ 3: PC Glossary                              ( Terms & Meanings    )  $4.00 ³

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³ 8: Just The Fax, M'am!                      ( Fax Numbers         )  $4.50 ³

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³10: Unique Gift Ideas...                     ( What It Says...     )  $4.00 ³

³11: Eeeek! A Ghost!                          ( Ghost Stories       )  $4.00 ³

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³14: Eeeek-mas Carols                         ( Bizarre Xmas Carols )  $5.00 ³



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³³ Call: (213)-933-4050   ³  ³Þ(216)861-0469³³.Sysop:Nancyt4³³ Welcome Too! ³³






³  1. DIFFERENT APPROACHES BEING TRIED: No one knows how to approach this.   ³

³                                                                            ³

³  2. CLOSE PROJECT COORDINATION: We know whom to blame if it goes under.    ³

³                                                                            ³

³  3. EXTENSIVE REPORT BEING PREPARED: We hired 3 know-it-alls.              ³

³                                                                            ³

³  4. MAJOR TECHNICAL BREAKTHROUGH: It works OK, but it looks very Hi-Tech.  ³

³                                                                            ³


³     schedule the customer will be grateful for anything he can get from us.³

³                                                                            ³

³  6. PRELIMINARY TESTS INCONCLUSIVE: Prototype exploded when switch was hit.³

³                                                                            ³

³  7. RESULTS WERE GRATIFYING: It works and we're not asking questions.      ³

³                                                                            ³

³  8. ENTIRE CONCEPT ABANDONED: The only person who understood it has quit.  ³

³                                                                            ³

³  9. IT IS IN THE PROCESS: It's bogged down in red tape obstructions.       ³

³                                                                            ³

³ 10. WE WILL LOOK INTO IT: Forget it! We have enough problems already.      ³





³ 11. PLEASE NOTE AND INITIAL: Let's spread the responsibility for this.     ³

³                                                                            ³

³ 12. WHAT IS YOUR THINKING: We'll listen as long as it doesn't interfere.   ³

³                                                                            ³

³ 13. GIVE US YOUR INTERPRETATION: I can't wait to hear your foolish ideas.  ³

³                                                                            ³

³ 14. LET'S DISCUSS: Come into my office, I'm lonely.                        ³

³                                                                            ³

³ 15. ALL NEW: Parts not interchangable with old design.                     ³

³                                                                            ³

³ 16. RUGGED: To heavy to lift.                                              ³

³                                                                            ³

³ 17. LIGHTWEIGHT: Lighter than rugged.                                      ³

³                                                                            ³

³ 18. YEARS OF DEVELOPMENT: One finally worked.                              ³

³                                                                            ³

³ 19. ENERGY SAVING: Acheived when power is turned off.                      ³

³                                                                            ³

³ 20. NO MAINTENANCE: Impossible to repair.                                  ³

³                                                                            ³



³                            READER SURVEY 1993                              ³


³  1: YOUR AGE GROUP IS?                                                     ³

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³ Little Known Facts About Presidents!                                       ³


³ * George Washington had to borrow 600 pounds to get from Mt Vernon to      ³

³   New York City for his inauguration.                                      ³

³ * The first mansion for the president was at:  1 Cherry Street, New York   ³

³   City.                                                                    ³

³ * James K. Polk was the first Speaker of the House to be elected President.³

³ * Woodrow Wilson kept sheep at the White House - he stated it was an effort³

³   to help out during World War I.                                          ³

³ * Dwight D. Eisenhower changed the name of the presidential retreat from   ³

³   Shangri-La to Camp David in 1953 - naming for his grandson.              ³

³ * Wm Henry Harrison served in the office of the President only 31 days then³

³   died; James A. Garfield ran a close second when he died six months after ³

³   taking office from a gunshot wound.                                      ³

³ * Only four U.S. Presidents have been assassinated.                        ³

³ * Harold Edward Stassen , governor of Minnesota, ran for president, in all ³

³   seriousness, three times.                                                ³

³ * Virginia holds the record of being the birthplace for the most presidents³

³   The record being 8 with Ohio coming in second with seven.                ³

³ * Executive departments of the president's cabinet are:  Agriculture,      ³

³   Commerce, Defense, Education, Energy, Health, House, Interior, Justice,  ³

³   Labor, State, Transportation, Treasury and Veterans Affairs.             ³



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³                             True Headlines!                                ³


³ A few choice ones gleaned from local paper and Columbia Journalism review: ³

³                                                                            ³

³ "Severed Leg Follows Victim After Accident"    Albuquerque Tribune 7/3/78  ³

³                                                                            ³

³ "The Dead Were in Town for Wedding"    Oregon Journal 7/25/77              ³

³                                                                            ³

³ "Dismemberment Killer Convicted (subtitle: Thank God the jury could        ³

³  put the pieces together")    Enterprise (Brockton, Ma) 8/9/85             ³

³                                                                            ³

³ "How to Combat that Feeling of Helplessness with Illegal Drugs"            ³

³  Royal Gazette (Bermuda) 5/9/85                                            ³

³                                                                            ³

³ "Crack Found on Elementary School Students" Wisconsin State Journal        ³

³  (Madison, Wi) ND                                                          ³

³                                                                            ³

³ "Utah Girl Does Well in Dog Shows"  Salt Lake Tribune 12/30/81             ³

³                                                                            ³

³ "Stiff Opposition Expected to Casketless Funeral Plan" Toronto Star 4/7/76 ³

³                                                                            ³

³ "Few have Entered Miss Carmichael"   Courier (Carmichael, Ca) 3/26/75      ³



³              Queen Bee - Submitted/Written By: Yosmin O'Connor             ³


³  The stop was inevitable.  There was not much known about Vorg, except     ³

³  that it was not a friendly planet.  It was believed that a nymph          ³

³  ruled the planet putting all those who landed on it under her spell,      ³

³  but no one had ever seen her.  Only small crafts ever ventured there,     ³

³  and it was usually under some sort of emergency; like this time.          ³

³                                                                            ³

³  The craft was old and in constant need of repairs, but it was his         ³

³  only way out of the hell hole where he had been for the last ten          ³

³  years.  That was a very long time to be away from his beloved Earth.      ³

³  He was tired of bad tasting water and dehydrated food that he had to      ³

³  eat from a pouch.  He did not feel like waiting around for another        ³

³  month before an interstellar ship arrived in Xuchl.  He had waited        ³

³  too long already.                                                         ³

³                                                                            ³

³  He heard that there was a mother ship stationed on one of the moons       ³

³  of the planet Caray.  That ship was ready to move in a week.  It's        ³

³  destination was Jupiter.  He should reach Caray in about a week, if       ³

³  nothing went wrong.  That thought seemed to pound on his head like an     ³

³  omen.  He was tired and lonely like never before.  He had to go home      ³

³  before he lost his sanity.                                                ³



³              Queen Bee - Submitted/Written By: Yosmin O'Connor             ³


³  For one reason or another, they stopped on every satellite on the         ³

³  way.  The rumors and superstitions about the planet were beginning to     ³

³  bother him.  He began to feel anxious and irritable.  Why here?  Why      ³

³  now that he had finally found a way home?                                 ³

³                                                                            ³

³  The craft landed on a vast looking desert.  There were two                ³

³  rectangular shaped buildings that reminded him of Earth.  They stood      ³

³  like sentinels guarding an oasis amid a vast desert of red colored        ³

³  dirt.  He was compelled to find out what there was in them.  The sun      ³

³  shone bright orange on the horizon casting livid rays across a            ³

³  yellowish sky.  It looked hot.                                            ³

³                                                                            ³

³  The instant Jack stepped out of the craft, he felt like all the           ³

³  oxygen had been removed from his lungs.  The heat burnt into his          ³

³  nostrils and chest.  It was excruciating.  He checked his gear for        ³

³  some malfunction on the atmospheric readings. Everything checked.         ³

³  There was oxygen.  His clothes felt brittle. His chestnut brown hair      ³

³  felt stiff and his honey brown eyes stung with the intense heat.  He      ³

³  could not understand why anyone would want to stay here out of their      ³

³  own free will.                                                            ³



³              Queen Bee - Submitted/Written By: Yosmin O'Connor             ³


³  There was no visible sign on the outside.  There was an open door in      ³

³  one of the buildings.  He assumed it was open to the public.  He          ³

³  walked in looking around for any signs of intelligent life. The place     ³

³  looked vaguely familiar, like a saloon in an old western picture          ³

³  show.  There was a man behind a counter who looked human.  He walked      ³

³  up to the man and asked him in the S.U.T.L. (standard universal           ³

³  traveler's language) where he could find a place where natural food       ³

³  was served.  The man nodded, and without saying a word, showed him to     ³

³  a large room adjacent to the hall in which they had just been.  He        ³

³  pointed to the tables, and left.                                          ³

³                                                                            ³

³  There were other men already sitting at tables in the dining area.        ³

³  The tiled floor had the look of burnt clay.  Everything seemed to be      ³

³  covered with the reddish Vorgan dirt. Ceiling fans, that hung low on      ³

³  long heavy wires, rotated in a slow even pace.  Just a little too         ³

³  slow for that kind of heat, he remembered.  The men seemed to be          ³

³  playing some kind of table game that reminded him of the chess            ³

³  players of Earth.  They were in deep concentration.                       ³

³                                                                            ³

³  A few moments later a very beautiful young lady came out with a menu      ³



³              Queen Bee - Submitted/Written By: Yosmin O'Connor             ³


³  on her hand.  He ordered the stew.  After what seemed an eternity,        ³

³  the young woman came out carrying a tray with a bowl of stew. She was     ³

³  so beautiful and so young.  Her breasts were beginning to protrude        ³

³  beneath her dress, and her hips were becoming rounded.  She must have     ³

³  been in her early teens.  She had bright green eyes and honey brown       ³

³  hair she wore tied at the back of her neck with a golden bow.  He         ³

³  followed her every movement as she laid the bowl of stew on the table     ³

³  before him.  She had a spring in her step and a cute way of making        ³

³  her skirt move as she walked.  He had focused so much of his              ³

³  attention on her that he did not notice what the stew was made of, he     ³

³  only knew that it had been satisfying.  She had managed to take his       ³

³  mind off his food and on to her. He thought of how she had looked at      ³

³  him, of her ingenuous and child like smile.                               ³

³                                                                            ³

³  When she brought the ticket to him, he felt the impulse to touch her      ³

³  hand.  He only wanted to ask her name.  She withdrew from him as if       ³

³  she had been burnt, and run out of the room.  All the men turned at       ³

³  once.  The man from behind the counter approached him and pulled him      ³

³  into the other room.  Jack was perplexed.  All he wanted to know was      ³

³  her name.  Was that such a crime?  The innkeeper explained in a           ³



³              Queen Bee - Submitted/Written By: Yosmin O'Connor             ³


³  broken down U. T. language that women on Vorg were very closely           ³

³  guarded against strangers.                                                ³

³                                                                            ³

³  "Our queen is very jealous.  It is forbidden to approach any of our       ³

³  women, and even more so to dare to touch them.  The majority of our       ³

³  women are kept from the view of strangers; only my daughter is            ³

³  allowed to help me with the inn.  I know that you are not acquainted      ³

³  with our customs, so all I can do is warn you to be careful lest our      ³

³  queen finds out.  All strangers are in danger here.  Try to make your     ³

³  stay as short as possible." Jack went back to his table.  The men         ³

³  resumed their places at the tables, and everything was quiet again.       ³

³                                                                            ³

³  Suddenly, he found himself being transported. He found himself in a       ³

³  room that was covered from ceiling to floor with human hair. This was     ³

³  the first time he saw her. The most beautiful woman ever imaginable       ³

³  to any man. She stood there in front of him like a goddess, full of       ³

³  glory and beauty. This was the fateful moment of his enchantment.         ³

³                                                                            ³

³  She spoke, "I am Rehna, Queen of Vorg.  I am as timeless as time          ³

³  itself, ever-changing as the universe.  All things happen because of      ³



³              Queen Bee - Submitted/Written By: Yosmin O'Connor             ³


³  me, and through me.  I am the ultimate law.  Without me there is no       ³

³  life.  All that moves will move towards me, and all that breathes         ³

³  will breath through me.  I am the ultimate goal. I am Rehna, queen of     ³

³  Vorg.  I am all knowledge, all power.  I am love. You must yield to       ³

³  me.  I am your God. Without my will you cannot exist.  Without my         ³

³  love you cannot thrive. I offer you a place next to mine, Jack of         ³

³  Earth.  I offer you life thorough me, love unbound.  I offer you          ³

³  unity with a God".                                                        ³

³                                                                            ³

³  Her voice was hypnotizing.  He felt seduced, and then ravished.  Her      ³

³  skin was white as milk.  Her breasts were firm but not too generous.      ³

³  Her waist was small.  Her hips were slightly rounded.  Her legs were      ³

³  long and muscular as a dancer's.  The transparent bright pink gown        ³

³  she wore only enhanced her raven black hair and her amethyst colored      ³

³  eyes.  Her body towered above his own which he had always considered      ³

³  to be a very tall two and a half meter height.                            ³

³                                                                            ³

³  He gave in to her willingly.  He felt her body on his, and a splurge      ³

³  of emotion drained him.  He knew she was there receiving him              ³

³  completely, but it all seemed like a dream.  He reached out to touch      ³



³              Queen Bee - Submitted/Written By: Yosmin O'Connor             ³


³  her, caressing her naked waist.  He felt his legs turn to jelly, and      ³

³  he swooned into a state of euphoria.  He felt drugged by her              ³

³  lovemaking.  He wanted her.  Each time he touched her, he wanted her      ³

³  more.  He was afraid to wake up and find her no longer there.  She        ³

³  was so beautiful, so sexy.  She was a fantasy come true.  He              ³

³  became... her slave.                                                      ³

³                                                                            ³

³  Once again she spoke, "There is a spark in your eyes and                  ³

³  wholesomeness in your smile, Jack of Earth, that is no longer seen        ³

³  among the men of Vorg.  You give me pleasure, and for that, I offer       ³

³  you pleasure.  You see me differently than the men of Vorg.  You like     ³

³  change.  I offer you change".                                             ³

³                                                                            ³

³  Deep within his bewitched mind, there was a spark of perplexity and       ³

³  bewilderment at his predicament with this woman.  There had been no       ³

³  woman that could have set a trap so well designed for him, and there      ³

³  had been many who had tried.  Yet, there was something different          ³

³  about Rehna he could not quite figure out.  She was woman and fantasy     ³

³  all at once.  She seemed to know his every move before he had even        ³

³  thought about it.                                                         ³



³              Queen Bee - Submitted/Written By: Yosmin O'Connor             ³


³  He tried to think of his own family on Earth, of the news of his          ³

³  infant daughter, but the effort was futile.  The more he thought of       ³

³  them, the stronger her image became.  He was like a crazed man,           ³

³  without escape, devoid of proper will.  He tried to erase her image       ³

³  from his mind, but as he did, she began to change once again.  She        ³

³  became even more beautiful each time.  She was like a chameleon,          ³

³  changing with the mood.                                                   ³

³                                                                            ³

³  He had no idea how long he had lain on that plush human hair carpet       ³

³  of many colors.  Rehna was no longer there.  He felt almost               ³

³  disappointed, afraid of being abandoned.  What had she done to him?       ³

³  Was this his doom?  Would he ever be able to escape her?                  ³

³                                                                            ³

³  For a moment he thought it had all been a dream, but her image            ³

³  haunted him like a ghost.  He could still feel her presence there.        ³

³  He looked around the room for a possible way out.  There was none         ³

³  evident.  He tried to get to his feet, but his strength failed him.       ³

³  He felt powerless.                                                        ³

³                                                                            ³

³  As if from nowhere, she appeared again to entice him.                     ³



³              Queen Bee - Submitted/Written By: Yosmin O'Connor             ³


³  "I see you are feeling better, Jack of Earth.  I am pleased indeed",      ³

³  she said.  "You must have many questions about our world.  Nothing        ³

³  you should concern yourself with, I assure you.  nevertheless, I will     ³

³  satiate your curiosity.                                                   ³

³                                                                            ³

³  Men of Vorg need not be bothered with politics or running of affairs      ³

³  of the state, as you accustomed in your world, Jack of Earth.  Oh         ³

³  yes, I am acquainted with your customs, and I am totally aware of the     ³

³  failure in them.  A male dominated society can never thrive. It can       ³

³  lead only to disaster, as your history well demonstrates.  Wars have      ³

³  been created because of men's arrogance.  Many empires have fallen,       ³

³  and many lives lost because some male wanted the ultimate power.  Power   ³

³  is a dangerous tool for the immature mind.  Males play games with life    ³

³  of their kind.  What must another life form expect from a society such    ³

³  as that?                                                                  ³

³                                                                            ³

³  In Vorg we train our young males to work, and our females to give         ³

³  pleasure to our males.  I have learned from your world that               ³

³  sensuality is very important to the males.  They will even pay for        ³

³  pleasure from a stranger, Jack of Earth.                                  ³



³              Queen Bee - Submitted/Written By: Yosmin O'Connor             ³


³  We of Vorg do not have that problem.  Our females are well trained in     ³

³  the arts of the senses, and as you saw in the inn, they are also very     ³

³  beautiful.  When they reach the age of sexual maturity they are           ³

³  allowed to choose their mates, the which in turn, with honor, cherish     ³

³  her until the end of their days.  Is not that what your own marriage      ³

³  vows proclaim?  And is it not true that it is the breaking of those       ³

³  vows that have caused your society to crumble?  What is the main          ³

³  cause of this breakage, Jack of Earth, if it is not the desire for        ³

³  other more enticing female?"                                              ³

³                                                                            ³

³  As she spoke these words, her shape became voluptuous and enticing.       ³

³  Her hair was now red as fire.  Her eyes were green like emeralds.         ³

³  She continued, "I assure this union with our trained females.  The        ³

³  males are content with their own menial labors, as long as the females    ³

³  give pleasure to their senses.  Do you not agree that this is what Earth  ³

³  has needed all along, Jack of Earth?  I offer you paradise, a privileged  ³

³  many males had hoped for, but only you can have".  Rehna stopped speaking,³

³  and as she did, her transparent gown began to sparkle with what seemed a  ³

³  thousand lights. It was pale blue like the morning Earth sky.  Her hair   ³

³  was now blond as early harvest wheat, and her eyes were like aquamarines. ³



³              Queen Bee - Submitted/Written By: Yosmin O'Connor             ³


³  He noticed then that there was something familiar in all the shapes       ³

³  she chose.  These women were the women of his fantasies.  How many        ³

³  times had he made love to them in his life time? They were like old       ³

³  friends to him.  What had made Rehna look more beautiful than he had      ³

³  imagined them is that she had given them life.  Was this her              ³

³  enchantment?  If this was so, what was she really like?  Was he only      ³

³  seeing what he wanted to see and not Rehna at all?  And what about        ³

³  the girl at the inn, had she also been a chameleon?  Had the men of       ³

³  Vorg become slaves to these creatures of the imagination?                 ³

³                                                                            ³

³  He clasped his hands to his head in desperation.  What had become of      ³

³  him?  Where had that strong willed man gone?  Was he doomed to live       ³

³  in slavery for the rest of his days?  He knew there had to be an          ³

³  answer.  He had to get free, to let the men of Vorg know of her           ³

³  enchantment.  But could he?  Would they listen?  And even if they         ³

³  did, had these men become as powerless as he felt then?  As he thought    ³

³  this, she let out a shrill screech that pierced deep into his skull.      ³

³                                                                            ³

³  She shouted with rage, "Why must you fight me, Jack of Earth?  I          ³

³  offer you unequalled glory, and yet you fight me.  Why must you have      ³



³              Queen Bee - Submitted/Written By: Yosmin O'Connor             ³


³  it all?  Why can you not understand that women are superior to you?       ³

³  You must be kept from destroying the universe.  You must be kept here     ³

³  on Vorg, under my surveillance.  Can you not understand that I am the     ³

³  supreme power?" Her shape changed faster and faster as if undesired       ³

³  as to which one she should keep. "You are not helping me!" she            ³

³  shouted almost breathless, frustrated and vulnerable.  She was almost     ³

³  like a child.  He almost felt sorry for her.  He wanted to touch her,     ³

³  to hold her in his arms and make everything all right again.  The         ³

³  image of an infant girl came to his mind.  It was his daughter.  She      ³

³  had managed to trap him again!  The thought of what his daughter          ³

³  might look like, had brought him back to reality.                         ³

³                                                                            ³

³  She was no longer there.  He looked up from his comfortable bed to        ³

³  find an opening on the wall that had not been there before.  He           ³

³  strode towards the opening as if afraid to be caught.  There was only     ³

³  darkness on the other side.  He slid through what seemed just barely      ³

³  enough room for his body.  The opening began to narrow as he passed.      ³

³  closing completely behind him.                                            ³

³                                                                            ³

³  Stepping out of that opening was like stepping into another dimension.    ³



³              Queen Bee - Submitted/Written By: Yosmin O'Connor             ³


³  There were gigantic slabs of onyx, jade, marble, and many other precious  ³

³  stones, cut and hollowed out into buildings.  The hot orange sun sank its ³

³  rays into their rough exteriors easing the surrounding areas of its       ³

³  intense heat.  The sight reminded him of Rehnas eyes, beautiful and cold. ³

³  He realized then what was different about her.  She was a woman made of   ³

³  stone, priceless, and untractable.  She was like these buildings that     ³

³  absorbed all the heat of the sun to keep from freezing.  She needed the   ³

³  heat of the humans to stay alive.  He had never truly touched her.  All   ³

³  that he had felt when they made love, was in his own imagination.  That   ³

³  had been the reason that she seemed to know his fantasies.  It had been   ³

³  a fantasy created in his mind, and made real to him, by her.  The only    ³

³  things she could not camouflage, were her stone eyes.                     ³

³                                                                            ³

³  He found himself in the middle of a multitude.  The crowd was             ³

³  tumultuous and loud.  He tried to stop someone on the street.  He         ³

³  noticed that it was the innkeeper.  He gestured for Jack to follow.       ³

³  They came to a marble building.  It was rough cut on the outside and      ³

³  polished to a high gloss on the inside.  This was the first time he       ³

³  had noticed how barren Vorg was.  There had been no vegetation on         ³

³  sight, only the reddish dirt, and stone buildings.  Inside the marble     ³



³              Queen Bee - Submitted/Written By: Yosmin O'Connor             ³


³  building there were some things that resembled plants.  He suddenly       ³

³  felt very homesick for his planet Earth.  The place began to fill         ³

³  with people.                                                              ³

³                                                                            ³

³  "Come", said the innkeeper, "this way.  We may be alone for a span.       ³

³  After you were gone for a while, we began to fear for your life.  He      ³

³  was about to speak when he heard the multitude pour into the hall.        ³

³  The Queen appeared in all her glory.  She stood in front of the           ³

³  multitude, and with a voice like thunder she began to speak;              ³

³                                                                            ³

³  "There is a traitor among you who has stolen your women.  He is an        ³

³  outsider who thought he could fool your Queen.  He has violated your      ³

³  Queen's gratitude.  If you want to see your women again, you must         ³

³  shut his mind forever, for, as long as he thinks among you, you are       ³

³  not safe".                                                                ³

³                                                                            ³

³  For the first time, Jack found the words pour out of his mouth as if      ³

³  they were water.  "I discovered her secret" he said. "I unmasked her      ³

³  beauty".                                                                  ³

³                                                                            ³



³              Queen Bee - Submitted/Written By: Yosmin O'Connor             ³


³  The innkeeper grabbed him by the arm with force.  He pulled him out       ³

³  to another hall and onto the street again.  "Hurry" he said, "you         ³

³  must think on the ship or you will not get out of here alive.  Think      ³

³  on the ship!  It is your only way out!  You must say no more to me,       ³

³  or anyone else!  Go, before it is too late! Go!"                          ³

³                                                                            ³

³  Jack did as he was told and soon found himself at the launching area.     ³

³                                                                            ³

³  The navigator came running towards him as he spoke.  "Hey Jack, where     ³

³  have you been?  We've been looking all over for you.  All hell broke      ³

³  loose in this wacky planet.  We have been ordered to evacuate             ³

³  immediately.  It seems there is a furious lady on the lose. Come on,      ³

³  we have to get out of here!  There is someone who wants to see you.       ³

³  He'll explain everything".                                                ³

³                                                                            ³

³  Jack was glad to leave.  He was already twenty hours behind schedule      ³

³  for the mother ship.  He thought of the innkeeper and his daughter.       ³

³  Was she one of Rehna's specially trained drones, or was she just          ³

³  another warm blooded female.  He wondered if the innkeeper would ever     ³

³  see his daughter again?                                                   ³



³              Queen Bee - Submitted/Written By: Yosmin O'Connor             ³


³  He walked into the ship to find the innkeeper waiting for him.  He        ³

³  helped Jack get into his suit, as he explained his side of the story,     ³

³                                                                            ³

³  "Many of us already had our suspicions about Rehna, but we also felt      ³

³  sorry for her.  Yes, I know that it is also part of her enchantment,      ³

³  but she has been good to us.  I always feared for my daughter's life      ³

³  though, so I kept quiet.  Rehna was always very sure of her powers.       ³

³  As long as we acted enchanted, everything was alright.  There will        ³

³  come a time when my daughter will become a threat to her.  When my        ³

³  wife died a few hours after having landed here, I decide to make Vorg     ³

³  my home.  My daughter was an infant then and I had no real home on        ³

³  Earth.  Rehna became like a mother to her, and lover to me.  She was      ³

³  not angry, she was afraid.  I could feel her loneliness in a barren       ³

³  world that was Vorg.  She was alone and unable to live anywhere else.     ³

³  She needed the intense heat of Vorg to survive; and yet, she had made     ³

³  it tolerable for her guests.  When she found humans to have warm          ³

³  blood, she wanted to fill her planet with them.                           ³

³                                                                            ³

³  Afraid that a human female would rob her of them, she made the men        ³

³  forget them by creating the women of their fantasies.  The                ³



³              Queen Bee - Submitted/Written By: Yosmin O'Connor             ³


³  enchantment was created, and Earth men were kept as her own sexual        ³

³  partners.  She was like the queen bee with her drones, but she had        ³

³  continued to be barren like Vorg.  The last of a race that fought for     ³

³  survival hoping to give birth to a semi-human child who could survive     ³

³  on human conditions.  There are no other children on Vorg.  My daughter   ³

³  became her fantasy, making believe that it was part of her, but she was   ³

³  also very jealous of her as she began to reach puberty. I knew I had to   ³

³  leave Vorg soon, but I was reluctant.  I love Rehna". There was pain in   ³

³  his voice as he said these final words. They walked to their seats and    ³

³  strapped themselves in.  Someone was there already waiting for them.  It  ³

³  was the innkeeper's daughter. The innkeeper continued with his story,     ³

³  "Rehna had always tried to make the illusion of a perfect human society,  ³

³  as she understood it,  but she could not create children, her only flaw   ³

³  in her perfect society.  She could make sexual fantasies seem real, but   ³

³  she could not create the sense of the human family".  The innkeeper       ³

³  stopped speaking and sank into a prolonged silence.                       ³

³       The ship's engines began to roar, an all too familiar sound to Jack. ³

³  He had begun to think that he would never see the old girl again.  He     ³

³  almost felt love for the old, rusty, and unreliable craft.  She would     ³

³  be the one to take him home, to the Earth that he missed so much..        ³



³ Stopped Cold!               by J. L. Black                                 ³


³ Aud had just walked through the door, when the phone started ringing.      ³

³ 'They ring all day at work,' she thought, 'is there no rest?' It rang      ³

³ again.  Where is Carol now, she questioned, as she reached for the phone   ³

³ just as it started to ring again.                                          ³

³                                                                            ³

³ "Hello," Aud listened for a response.  "Hi Jim.  How are you?" She         ³

³ waited, "No, I haven't been over to the house yet.  And yes, Carol is      ³

³ still here with me." As she waited for Jim to say something more, she      ³

³ reached over to the cupboard and grabbed a glass, then walked across the   ³

³ kitchen, pulling the long curled telephone cord behind her, towards the    ³

³ refrigerator.  She balanced the receiver between her cheek and shoulder,   ³

³ pulled open the refrigerator door and reached in for a bottle of orange    ³

³ juice.  Carried it back to the counter and poured herself a full glass.    ³

³                                                                            ³

³ "Yes, I suppose two and half weeks is a little much.  And you are so       ³

³ right, she does need to get back on her own.  So do I, if you know what I  ³

³ mean."                                                                     ³

³                                                                            ³

³ She took a sip of the orange juice and continued to listen to Jim, as she  ³

³ leaned back against the counter, slipped her high heels off and kicked     ³



³ Stopped Cold!               by J. L. Black                                 ³


³                                                                            ³

³ them into the corner near the back door.                                   ³

³                                                                            ³

³ "When?" she paused.  "Tomorrow night?  Well," she hesitated a moment,      ³

³ "Sure, why not?  I think that would be great.  A little dinner and         ³

³ dancing might be just the right thing now.  I know I could stand an        ³

³ evening out."                                                              ³

³                                                                            ³

³ Jim interrupted Aud.                                                       ³

³                                                                            ³

³ "Oh she'll agree to go.  If I say she'll go, she'll go.  Don't worry       ³

³ about her.  What time?"                                                    ³

³                                                                            ³

³ "Eight, that's fine, see you then."                                        ³

³                                                                            ³

³ Aud hung up the phone and started towards the living room.  Stopped,       ³

³ turned back around and sat her, now empty glass on the counter.  She went  ³

³ back to the living room.  There she found a note tape to the top of the    ³

³ glass coffee table.  It said: 'Gone shopping.  Salad in frig for you.      ³

³ See you around nine. Carol.'                                               ³



³ Stopped Cold!               by J. L. Black                                 ³


³ Great, no job, no money coming in, and she's out shopping, Aud thought.    ³

³ This is the third time this week.  Aud waded up the note, and said out     ³

³ loud, "And there's little chance she is just looking and not buying." She  ³

³ walked to the hallway and down the hall to her bedroom.  She changed her   ³

³ clothes, putting on an old exercise suit that was extremely comfortable    ³

³ to lounge around the house.  She reflected back to the beginning of the    ³

³ week, mentally figuring how much Carol had already spent.  She could       ³

³ account for at least four hundred dollars thus far.  She walked back to    ³

³ the living room, stretched out on the sofa, and said to the empty room,    ³

³ "She has no concept of money, business or anything.  I'm not so sure       ³

³ we're related."                                                            ³

³                                                                            ³

³ It was five minutes of eight when Jim and Bob Pearson, from the office,    ³

³ pulled up in front of Aud's house.  Bob seemed to be the logical choice    ³

³ for the second escort, since he and Aud had dated on other occasions.      ³

³                                                                            ³

³ Both men walked to the front door.  Jim rang the bell, they waited for a   ³

³ response.                                                                  ³

³                                                                            ³

³ "It'll probably take ten minutes for them to answer," Jim said to Bob.     ³



³ Stopped Cold!               by J. L. Black                                 ³


³ "Carol is always slow getting ready for anything."                         ³

³                                                                            ³

³ "That's right!", Bob replied, "you dated her before Randy, didn't you!"    ³

³                                                                            ³

³ "How did you know that?", Jim asked, as he reached out and rang the bell   ³

³ again.                                                                     ³

³                                                                            ³

³ "Aud told me one time, quite awhile ago actually."                         ³

³                                                                            ³

³ They stood in silence now, waiting for the door to be opened.  A moment    ³

³ passed, and suddenly there stood Aud before them.  Jim's eyes fixed on     ³

³ her.  Her beauty more magnificent than he had recalled.  His gaze was      ³

³ transfixed on her form.  She wore a soft blue gown, cut low in the front   ³

³ with spaghetti straps.  Her hair was pulled back from her face, and was    ³

³ soft with wind swept curls, an it highlighted her high cheek bones and     ³

³ accented her beautiful green eyes.  Jim stared at her in a trance like     ³

³ state.  He rebuked himself for not having noticed how ravishing she was.   ³

³ He knew she was beautiful, but what he saw now was beyond even beauty.     ³

³                                                                            ³

³ "Well Jim, are you coming in or not?" His stare was finally broken with    ³



³ Stopped Cold!               by J. L. Black                                 ³


³                                                                            ³

³ Aud asking him the question.                                               ³

³                                                                            ³

³ "Ah, yes," Jim responded, attempting to regain his composure. "Yes,        ³

³ sorry.  You look enchanting tonight Aud," he said as he stepped into the   ³

³ house.                                                                     ³

³                                                                            ³

³ "Thank you Jim.  Carol isn't ready yet, of course. You know how she is     ³

³ Jim.  Jim?  Oh, Jim?" Aud said, finally waving her hand in front of his    ³

³ eyes.  "Are you on another planet?"                                        ³

³                                                                            ³

³ "No, sorry," he shook his head, trying to force himself to stop staring    ³

³ at Audrey.  "I was lost in my thoughts I guess, sorry," he said,           ³

³ embarrassed by his behavior now, for he realized Bob was staring at him    ³

³ along with Aud.                                                            ³

³                                                                            ³

³ "I said Carol's late, as usual."                                           ³

³                                                                            ³

³ "Oh, we've got plenty of time, " Jim responded, finally regaining his      ³

³ control.                                                                   ³



³ Stopped Cold!               by J. L. Black                                 ³


³ "Hi Bob," Aud said, as she lightly brushed his cheek with her lips.  A     ³

³ small, friendly kiss hello, but one that transmitted the idea it was       ³

³ nothing more than friendly.                                                ³

³                                                                            ³

³ "Hi Aud.  You look fabulous.  More beautiful than ever."                   ³

³                                                                            ³

³ "Thanks, I hope you'll both excuse me.  I've got to try and hurry Carol    ³

³ along.  Why don't you go into the living room and make yourselves          ³

³ comfortable.  Bob, you remember where the booze is?  Fix yourselves a      ³

³ drink." Aud said, as she walked down the hall and disappeared from the     ³

³ two men's sight.                                                           ³

³                                                                            ³

³ Jim and Bob walked into the living room.  Jim sat down on the couch, and   ³

³ Bob walked towards the kitchen door, "So Jim, what would you like to       ³

³ drink?"                                                                    ³

³                                                                            ³

³ "Nothing right now, thanks Bob.  But you go ahead if you like."            ³

³                                                                            ³

³ "Okay, will do." Bob disappeared into the kitchen and a few minutes later  ³

³ returned carrying a glass filled with mostly ice, but from the smell, Jim  ³



³ Stopped Cold!               by J. L. Black                                 ³


³ determined it was bourbon and water.  Bob sat down in the chair opposite   ³

³ the couch.                                                                 ³

³                                                                            ³

³ The self imposed silence was finally broken by Bob, "Boy, Aud is really    ³

³ great looking don't you think Jim?"                                        ³

³                                                                            ³

³ "Yes she is," he said, as he pictured her in his thoughts.  "Really great  ³

³ looking," he said again, as if in a dream state.                           ³

³                                                                            ³

³ Aud finally came back with Carol in hand.  Carol looked great too, Jim     ³

³ thought, but nothing like Aud.  Carol always looked good, but she just     ³

³ didn't have the elegance and style Aud had.  Class, that was what Carol    ³

³ lacked.  She had beauty, but not the class.  He could feel his emotions    ³

³ stir as he looked at Aud again, a dull gnawing in his stomach, or was it   ³

³ his heart.                                                                 ³

³                                                                            ³

³ "Carol you look wonderful," Jim finally said.  "Are you ready now?" He     ³

³ walked over and kissed her gently on the cheek.  Then held her close to    ³

³ him, as if comforting a younger sister more than hugging a girlfriend.     ³

³                                                                            ³



³ Stopped Cold!               by J. L. Black                                 ³


³ "Oh Jim, are you sure we should go out this soon after," her words         ³

³ stopped short.  But before Jim answered she continued, "People are libel   ³

³ to think it funny, you know odd.                                           ³

³                                                                            ³

³ "She was timid in the way she spoke and showed her uncertainty.  "Assure   ³

³ her Jim.  She's been asking me the same thing all day," Aud said, as she   ³

³ touched Jim's arm.  "Nobody will think anything.  They'll just think       ³

³ those two guys are pretty lucky to have such beautiful ladies with which   ³

³ to spend the evening.  Okay?" Jim reached out and gingerly lifted Carol's  ³

³ chin, looked into her eyes, "Come now, let's go.  I want to show everyone  ³

³ these two beauties." He winked at Carol.  She reached for his arm and      ³

³ they walked toward the front door.  Reservations were made for nine        ³

³ o'clock.  Jim knew Carol would be late, experience told him.  Dinner was   ³

³ to be at Cher de Cher, the most elegant French restaurant in town.  Once   ³

³ dinner was over, they would adjourn to the top floor of the building for   ³

³ dancing at the Heaven's Close Ballroom.                                    ³

³                                                                            ³

³ As they were being seated by the maitre d', Jim asked Carol to dance.      ³

³ Carol said she would be delighted, so they danced, not one, but two        ³

³ dances.  When they returned to the table Jim call to a waiter to order     ³



³ Stopped Cold!               by J. L. Black                                 ³


³ drinks for he and Carol.  Aud and Bob had already ordered.                 ³

³                                                                            ³

³ "Please Jim, let's dance again.  I enjoy it so much!"                      ³

³                                                                            ³

³ "Ohhh," Jim said to Carol, almost breathless.  "I don't think I could      ³

³ just now."                                                                 ³

³                                                                            ³

³ "I'll dance with you Carol," Bob said.  "Aud said she didn't feel much     ³

³ like dancing tonight, but I sure do," he announced eagerly.                ³

³                                                                            ³

³ "You don't mind, do you Jim?" Carol questioned, as she stood and moved     ³

³ towards the dance floor with Bob already on her arm.                       ³

³                                                                            ³

³ "No, you children run along and have fun." Jim joked, then leaned back in  ³

³ his chair to relax.                                                        ³

³                                                                            ³

³ Off to the dance floor Carol and Bob headed, leaving Jim and Aud alone.    ³

³ A dream come true for Jim, for this was indeed what he had hoped would     ³

³ happen.  His drink was served.  He was sitting opposite Aud.  He glanced   ³

³ over at her.  She was looking at Bob and Carol on the dance floor.  She    ³



³ Stopped Cold!               by J. L. Black                                 ³


³ turned her head back towards Jim, "They're a cute couple, don't you        ³

³ think?"                                                                    ³

³                                                                            ³

³ He did not answer.  He was transfixed by her beauty.  The hint of red in   ³

³ her long auburn hair shined from the candle light, which sat on the table  ³

³ between them.  Her green eyes seemed to sparkle in the dimly lighted       ³

³ room.  He sat staring, not meaning to, but still he stared.  She smiled    ³

³ at him, a soft, gentle curve of the lips and said quietly, "You okay?"     ³

³                                                                            ³

³ "Sure," he hesitated, "Sure, why wouldn't I be?" he answered as quietly    ³

³ as she had asked.                                                          ³

³                                                                            ³

³ Her attention was now fully towards him. "Jim, why haven't you taken       ³

³ Carol out before tonight?  She was available, and with the way you used    ³

³ to feel about her, I thought you might..."                                 ³

³                                                                            ³

³ "I don't feel the same way about her," Jim interrupted, speaking still     ³

³ softly and quietly.                                                        ³

³                                                                            ³

³ "Oh, I'm sorry.  I guess I was being rather presumptuous."                 ³



³ Stopped Cold!               by J. L. Black                                 ³


³ They exchanged glances, both remained silent for a few minutes.            ³

³                                                                            ³

³ "Is there someone else?" Aud finally asked when her curiosity got the      ³

³ best of her.                                                               ³

³                                                                            ³

³ Jim smiled, a broad smile, reached out to touch her hand and said softly   ³

³ and with tenderness, "I've rather taken an interest in Carol's sister,     ³

³ more than in Carol."                                                       ³

³                                                                            ³

³ Surprise is not the word to accurately describe Aud's thoughts, but it     ³

³ was all she could think of at the moment.  She said nothing, but felt      ³

³ certain her mouth had dropped open, from the shock of what Jim had just    ³

³ said.  She tried to smile, but was certain she had not succeeded.  She     ³

³ was not bothered by the idea of her and Jim together, she had just not     ³

³ thought of it before.  Well, she had thought of it, when they were in the  ³

³ kitchen planning Randy's funeral.  But she dismissed it from her           ³

³ thinking, believing Jim was interested in Carol.  Now, as she looked       ³

³ across the table at Jim, his eyes fixed on her, she thought she did not    ³

³ truly mind this idea at all.  She did not know if what she felt about Jim  ³

³ was actually a romantic feeling, perhaps more of a feeling of secure       ³



³ Stopped Cold!               by J. L. Black                                 ³


³ involvement.  Jim was, as she believed, a solid individual whose           ³

³ personality and temperament seemed to be always consistent, as was her     ³

³ own, at least her's was until Carol moved in with her.  This may not be a  ³

³ bad idea at that, she thought, looking back at Jim, who by now, had        ³

³ removed his hand from her arm and turned his attention to the dance        ³

³ floor.                                                                     ³

³                                                                            ³

³ "That's very kind of you," Aud finally said.                               ³

³                                                                            ³

³ "I didn't say it to be kind," Jim's attention reverted back to Aud's       ³

³ eyes.                                                                      ³

³                                                                            ³

³ "I know.  I don't believe I choose the right words," Aud paused, trying    ³

³ to think how she should phrase what she wanted to say next.  "I'm pleased  ³

³ by your interest.  And would not thwart it at all."                        ³

³                                                                            ³

³ Before Jim had a chance to utter a word of response, Bob and Carol were    ³

³ back at the table.  Bob pulled the chair out for Carol and then sat down   ³

³ as he said, "Boy what a group, can they play or not?"                      ³

³                                                                            ³



³ Stopped Cold!               by J. L. Black                                 ³


³ "They sure can.  Great music.  We'll have to dance some more.  What a      ³

³ good idea this was Aud, I'm having a lot of fun," Carol said almost        ³

³ bubbling over with enthusiasm.                                             ³

³                                                                            ³

³ "Good, honey," Aud said, as she patted Carol's arm pulling her stare away  ³

³ from Jim.  "I'm glad." The looks they exchanged, despite the intrusion of  ³

³ Bob and Carol, was not mistakable.  Jim understood exactly what Aud meant  ³

³ by 'I'm pleased by your interest.' It meant to him the field was open and  ³

³ clear for the two of them to become involved.                              ³

³                                                                            ³

³ The evening over, Jim lay on his bed trying to find sleep.  But it would   ³

³ not come.  His mind was charged with energy, while his thoughts bounced    ³

³ about, always coming back to Aud.  He could feel the sensation of          ³

³ emotions intensify within his chest when he envisioned her.  Like a        ³

³ schoolboy, in love for the first time, he was enraptured and apprehensive  ³

³ all at the same time.  His apprehensiveness was not because he feared      ³

³ commitment, but because of his former involvement with Carol.  His dreams  ³

³ were no longer surrounded by a misty film but were coming into the         ³

³ sunlight.  Finally, the sleep he could not find, found him.                ³

³                                                                            ³



³ Stopped Cold!               by J. L. Black                                 ³


³ It was early, five o'clock at least, Aud thought, as she rolled over to    ³

³ reach for the ringing phone.  "Who could that be," she mumbled, still      ³

³ half asleep.                                                               ³

³                                                                            ³

³ "Hello!", she said in a rather hoarse voice. Clearing the sleep from her   ³

³ throat, she again said, "Hello," more softly this time.                    ³

³                                                                            ³

³ "Jim?  Why so early?", her tone altered greatly now, becoming softer yet.  ³

³ She sat up in bed and leaned on her elbow listening with the phone         ³

³ pressed to her ear.                                                        ³

³                                                                            ³

³ "Lunch? Well, I don't usually," she hesitated briefly,                     ³

³                                                                            ³

³ "Oh why not, what time?"                                                   ³

³                                                                            ³

³ "One, all right.  Shall I meet you?"                                       ³

³                                                                            ³

³ "No, that's fine, I'll see you there at one," she hung up the phone,       ³

³ stretched back down on the bed, pulled the covers up to her chin.  She     ³

³ thought, perhaps she should have asked Jim for his help today.  She and    ³



³ Stopped Cold!               by J. L. Black                                 ³


³ Carol were going over to the house and start packing up Randy's things.    ³

³ She stretched again, trying to reach her toes to the end of the bed, no,   ³

³ she thought, I can do this myself, besides, he's got to go to work today.  ³

³ She rolled over on her side, a faint smile on her lips, and drifted back   ³

³ to sleep.                                                                  ³

³                                                                            ³

³ Senior sat staring out his window.  He was not thinking about anything in  ³

³ particular.  He turned back to his desk.  He glanced over the files        ³

³ laying on his desk.  He picked up one labeled 'Kuper', he opened the       ³

³ jacket of the folder and completed one of the forms attached to the top    ³

³ of the file, and signed the form. Then closed the cover and tossed the     ³

³ file in his 'out' basket.  He reached for another file and did the same    ³

³ with it as he had done with the 'Kuper' file, and still another file he    ³

³ completed and tossed into his 'out' basket.  He reached out for the only   ³

³ file left on his desk.  His fingers began flipping through the pages of    ³

³ information, it was the file marked Dolan.                                 ³

³                                                                            ³

³ Three other cases solved already, he snapped at himself mentally, but not  ³

³ this one.  The telephone listings had come in long ago, but nothing        ³

³ unusual was found there.  He had not spent much time studying them, but    ³



³ Stopped Cold!               by J. L. Black                                 ³


³ what he had looked at, seemed to confirm what Fisher had said.  There      ³

³ were several phone calls to the phone numbers of vendors he had supplied   ³

³ to Senior.                                                                 ³

³                                                                            ³

³ Senior stood, stuck his hands in his back pockets and moved towards the    ³

³ window.  Audrey Wood's office confirmed, his thoughts continue to go over  ³

³ his information, that she did have the habit of staying late.  Not only    ³

³ did the employees confirm this, but one had even phoned her at work the    ³

³ night Dolan was murdered.  The message units appeared on the employees     ³

³ phone bill, which she mailed to Senior at his request.  The date and the   ³

³ time of the conversation was clearly there, starting at six-twenty-seven   ³

³ and lasting thirteen minutes.                                              ³

³                                                                            ³

³ Bob Pearson's story checked out, to a point.  Wendy remember seeing him    ³

³ come in and she made a special point to talk to him.  She likes him a      ³

³ lot, she had told Senior, so she went out of her way to speak to him       ³

³ whenever he came to The Spa.  She said she went over and spoke to him      ³

³ again when he was leaving at six forty-five.                               ³

³                                                                            ³

³ Carol Dolan had been seen, and remember by a clerk at the supermarket.     ³



³ Stopped Cold!               by J. L. Black                                 ³


³ She was not positive as to the exact time, but believed Mrs. Dolan came    ³

³ in about six fifteen or there about.  She knew it was not six thirty       ³

³ though, because at six thirty on the dot, she closed her check stand and   ³

³ went on a break.                                                           ³

³                                                                            ³

³ Who did this, how did they do it, and with what, Senior questioned         ³

³ himself.  There has to be an answer to all of this, he continued his       ³

³ thinking, probably one so simple we have all missed it.                    ³

³                                                                            ³

³ The phone rang, breaking his course of deliberation, he turned and         ³

³ answered.                                                                  ³

³                                                                            ³

³ "Yes Winny," he listened carefully as his wife tried to hurry in asking    ³

³ him questions, as if hurrying would stop her invasion into his police      ³

³ world.                                                                     ³

³                                                                            ³

³ "I don't care Hon.  Pick whatever you want to have catered.  What do your  ³

³ parents like?"                                                             ³

³                                                                            ³

³ He listened, for what seemed to him, to be forever.                        ³



³ Stopped Cold!               by J. L. Black                                 ³


³ "Then get that, all of them.  Gosh, they only have a fiftieth wedding      ³

³ anniversary once, so get everything you'd like."                           ³

³                                                                            ³

³ He shifted his weight from one foot to the other, acting as though he was  ³

³ becoming impatient with the intrusion.  "I don't care.  Get the            ³

³ centerpiece you like.  I liked the idea you suggested," he waited as she   ³

³ started to talk again, finally he interrupted, "Hon, I've got to go.       ³

³ It's still two weeks away, so don't worry so much.  It will come           ³

³ together.  Talk to you tonight, love ya hon, bye."                         ³

³                                                                            ³

³ He reached back across the desk, placed the phone back on the cradle, sat  ³

³ down at the desk and began thumbing through the pages of data in the       ³

³ Dolan file.                                                                ³

³                                                                            ³

³ The air is stale in here Aud thought, as she walked into Carol's house,    ³

³ alone.  "First thing", she said out loud, "get the windows open and some   ³

³ air in here." She said it out loud as if it gave her comfort about         ³

³ entering the house.  She felt a strange and eerie sensation as she walked  ³

³ up to the door and unlocked it.  She did not think she would react in      ³

³ this fashion, but she felt as though her skin was crawling with            ³



³ Stopped Cold!               by J. L. Black                                 ³


³ goosebumps.  Not from fear, but the uneasiness of entering a house where   ³

³ someone had been murdered.  It was a sensation of foreboding, feeling the  ³

³ dubious hint of evil in the air.  She moved about the large house with     ³

³ caution, opening every window she could.  She then went to the front       ³

³ entrance, picked up all the mail, carried over and placed it by her        ³

³ purse.  A reminder to take it with her when she left.  She pushed the      ³

³ sleeves of her sweater up to her elbow, clapped her hands, saying aloud,   ³

³ "now to work."                                                             ³

³                                                                            ³

³ Aud slowly, methodically, climbed the stairs to the master suite.  She     ³

³ carried two empty boxes, which along with suitcases would provide storage  ³

³ for Randy's clothes.  She had secretly dreaded this undertaking, but knew  ³

³ she would end up doing it alone.  She did not feel she could ask anyone    ³

³ else to perform this task, for she felt it her responsibility to her       ³

³ younger sister.  As she reached the closed door of the suite she           ³

³ reluctantly grasped the knob and with precision turned it slowly.  When    ³

³ it clicked, indicating it was now ready to be opened, she flinched, as if  ³

³ she half expected Randy to pull on it from the inside.  She leaned with    ³

³ her back against the wall, letting go of the knob.  'Get hold of           ³

³ yourself,' she demanded.  She stood resting with her back to the wall,     ³



³ Stopped Cold!               by J. L. Black                                 ³


³ attempting to force herself to become clearheaded in what she was          ³

³ reasoning.  She endeavored to recapture control of her emotional reaction  ³

³ to being in this house.  When she felt she had done so, she moved once     ³

³ again towards the door, pushed it open and walked into the master suite.   ³

³ Aud stood, surveyed the room and the location of the bureau, the wardrobe  ³

³ and the closet door.  She began with the bureau.  Pulling the drawers      ³

³ completely out of the it, she placed them on the bed.  She then walked to  ³

³ the closet entrance, opened the door and flipped on the light.  It was a   ³

³ large walk-in closet.  Suitcases were stored at the end of its length.     ³

³ She walked down, found the ones marked RMD, the M for Michael, Randy's     ³

³ middle name, picked them up and moved back to the bed.  Once this task     ³

³ was completed everything else went fairly quickly.  As Aud worked, the     ³

³ feelings she had experienced before began to disappear and she became      ³

³ more relaxed in her work efforts.  Finishing nearly everything in the      ³

³ master suite except the closet, she carried the items downstairs, one at   ³

³ a time.  Placed them in the foyer, to be taken, later, out to the garage   ³

³ for temporary storage.                                                     ³

³                                                                            ³

³ The next room she would do, she decided, was the study.  Randy had a       ³

³ personal computer he kept in the study.  Carol had told Aud to take it     ³



³ Stopped Cold!               by J. L. Black                                 ³


³ and anything else that went with it to use at the office or at home.  She  ³

³ looked at her watch, "Oh my God," she said, when she saw it was twelve     ³

³ seventeen.  She shoved a suitcase out of the way of the front door, ran    ³

³ about the house closing all the windows as quickly as she could.  Went     ³

³ quickly out the front door, slamming it behind her.  Almost at a run, she  ³

³ raced to her car, got in and sped off to meet Jim for their luncheon       ³

³ date.  Jim sat, patiently waiting.  Looking at everyone who entered the    ³

³ restaurant.  Finally he saw Aud hastily walk in and over to him.           ³

³                                                                            ³

³ "Sorry I'm late.  I got tied up," Aud said as she sat down in the booth    ³

³ next to Jim.                                                               ³

³                                                                            ³

³ "It's all right.  I was a little late myself," he lied.                    ³

³                                                                            ³

³ Aud picked up the menu which was placed in front of her by the waiter and  ³

³ started to examined the things offered.                                    ³

³                                                                            ³

³ "You don't need that," Jim said, as he reached over and took the menu      ³

³ from her hands.  "There's only one thing you order here.  Fettucini and    ³

³ wine." He laid the menu down, reached back and lovingly took Aud's hand,   ³



³ Stopped Cold!               by J. L. Black                                 ³


³ "I'm glad you're here."                                                    ³

³                                                                            ³

³ She smiled, "So am I." She did not try to remove her hand from his, she    ³

³ moved into him instead, she felt warm, relaxed and secure in her new       ³

³ position next to him.                                                      ³

³                                                                            ³

³ By the time lunch was served they had already made the arrangements for    ³

³ the evening.  Jim would suggest to Bob Pearson to call Carol and take her  ³

³ dancing.  This way Aud and he could go out along, and she would not be     ³

³ worried about Carol's feelings being hurt because of her and Jim's new     ³

³ found relationship.  She also would not have to worry about leaving her    ³

³ home along in the evening for the first time.  Aud's job was to see to it  ³

³ that Carol accepted Bob's offer.                                           ³

³                                                                            ³

³ Neither really ate.  They both played with the food before them.  They     ³

³ talked, quietly, almost secretly about nothing and everything.  Neither    ³

³ mentioned Carol again, or Randy, or what had happened.  It was as if       ³

³ these people and events of the past weeks had not been apart of their      ³

³ world.  They were as far detached from those events as feasible.  They     ³

³ were captured by each others thoughts and energies and the chemistry       ³



³ Stopped Cold!               by J. L. Black                                 ³


³ between them was exploding with new revelations.  At two fifteen Jim       ³

³ realized he had to get back to the office.                                 ³

³                                                                            ³

³ "Aud, I've got to get back to work.  I wish I could spend the rest of the  ³

³ day with you, into the evening and on, but duty calls, and all that." Jim  ³

³ said, as he stood, held his hand out for Aud.  She reached for it and      ³

³ slid out of the booth.  Placed her arm inside his and they walked          ³

³ leisurely towards the cashier.  Jim paid the tab, walked Aud to her car,   ³

³ kissed her gently and with some hesitation.  "I'll see you tonight," he    ³

³ whispered in her ear as he hugged her good bye.                            ³

³                                                                            ³

³ "Okay, tonight," she said, as she kissed him again, tenderly on the cheek  ³

³ just in front of his ear.                                                  ³

³                                                                            ³

³ Aud drove back to Carol's house, lost in her thoughts about Jim.  She had  ³

³ mixed emotions, in all truth, about this relationship.  She felt           ³

³ wonderful about him and excitement about the warmth of their swift         ³

³ enthrallment with one another.  But she continued to query herself,        ³

³ asking, 'Where is this going?'.  She knew what she wanted from their       ³

³ relationship.  She wanted a companion, instead of a one night stand.  She  ³



³ Stopped Cold!               by J. L. Black                                 ³


³ felt Jim could be this for her.  She also felt the need, especially now,   ³

³ for reassurance, not forever, but for a while.  She wanted a security      ³

³ blanket and Jim also filled that need and desire.  She did not want        ³

³ anything more than that, she reasoned, and decided she would not permit    ³

³ herself to commit to anything beyond that form of emotional involvement.   ³

³                            to be continued next month....                  ³


³ Cold season is coming - so let's dispell an old wives tale right now.  It  ³

³ isn't true that you should feed a cold or starve a fever.  If you want one ³

³ simple solution to a cold or a fever then you should drown them both.      ³

³ Both colds and fevers are helped by liquids.  In either case, cold or fever³

³ the body becomes dehydrated so extra liquids can only help.                ³

³ In addition, if you have a cold you should eat, simply because your body   ³

³ is telling what it has a need for.  Also add some vitamin C to your diet.  ³

³ Doctors now acknowledge that there is some benefit to vitamin C.           ³

³ As to how one can catch a cold, well the old wives tale that you can catch ³

³ a cold by going out into the night air, or being in the rain, it just isn't³

³ true.  Being in the rain, perhaps, if you aren't protected properly and you³

³ get soaked.  Truth is a cold is nothing more than the body trying to force ³

³ you to get rest and take it easy.                                          ³



³ Strrrrrrrange BITS!                                                        ³


³ Joyce was home alone one night.  She was in bed, lights out, about to fall ³

³ asleep, when she felt someone sit on the end of the bed by her feet.  She  ³

³ thought it was her husband Frank, but no light went on in the room.  She   ³

³ felt the pressure then rise from the bed, but heard no sound.  She got up  ³

³ and started out into the hall to look for her husband.  She did not see    ³

³ him.  What she did see put a cold chill down her spine.  There before her, ³

³ floating down the hallway, was a figure.  She never saw the full face of   ³

³ the figure but recognized that it was not her husband.                     ³

³ Another incident to occur was the sound of children's blocks being rolled  ³

³ across the third floor apartment.  Though the apartment was empty, the     ³

³ sounds continued for days.                                                 ³

³ Another night, Joyce and Frank had gone to bed and their two year old son  ³

³ came into their room during the night complaining of noises he heard.  They³

³ placed him in the bed with them and Joyce stayed awake until he fell asleep³

³ again.  Next morning Joyce and Frank found every piece of furniture in the ³

³ living room had been turned over and one chair has been slashed to pieces. ³

³ Though Frank and Joyce had a trained watchdog, the dog made no sound all   ³

³ through the night.                                                         ³

³ But the strangest of all events to take place in the house was the sounds  ³

³ of a party going on and on into the wee hours of the morning.  A piano     ³



³ Strrrrrrrange BITS!                                                        ³


³ was being played, accompanied by other loud music.  One could hear glasses ³

³ clinking with ice and together in the form of toasts.  People would talk,  ³

³ though the sounds of the voices were hushed, as if far away.  Others in    ³

³ the converted private home; converted to an apartment building, would      ³

³ complain about the noise caused by the party.  Frequently the noise would  ³

³ come from the third floor apartment.  Though the majority of the time the  ³

³ apartment on the third floor was vacant.                                   ³

³ Along with all of this, as if it weren't enough, objects and personal items³

³ would suddenly disappear.  One might be able to explain small objects being³

³ misplaced but when Frank was changing his clothes one evening he laid out  ³

³ a pair of trousers on a chair in the bedroom.  He went back to the closest ³

³ to select a tie, only a moment did he have his back to the chair the       ³

³ trousers were sitting upon, but now the trousers were no place to be found.³

³ Frank searched throughout the entire house but never did find them.        ³

³ The history of the building is it was built in 1939.  It is a six story    ³

³ building with about 100 different tenants.  Though at one time the first   ³

³ three floors was used as a private home.  It has been investigated by      ³

³ professional psychic groups, but without much success in the area of iden- ³

³ tification of the spirits.  Some psychics believe it is not haunted at all ³

³ but a time warp where something from the past crosses over into the        ³



³ Strrrrrrrange BITS!                                                        ³


³ present.                                                                   ³

³ Prior to the building being built in 1939 there had been a rooming house   ³

³ and bar.  The entire area, at one time, had been much the same, bars and   ³

³ rooming houses; better known as a red light district.                      ³

³ The identities of the ghosts have never been determined.  It could be old  ³

³ sailors that once attended the bar.  It is difficult to tell.  But one     ³

³ thing is certain, the party still continues.                               ³

³ The personalities of the ghosts seems to be mostly mild with exception to  ³

³ the single incident when the chair in the living room was sliced to pieces.³

³ The location of the apartment house is in the Chelsea are of New York City.³

³                                                                            ³

³ Have you a story of a haunting?  If so, write us and tell us about it.     ³

³ If it is within driving range of Los Angeles we'll even help investigate   ³

³ the haunting.  We will keep the investigation and your name confidential   ³

³ if you wish.  Please submit stories to:                                    ³

³                 Eeeek Publishing Company                                   ³

³                 P O Box 331                                                ³

³                 Manhattan Beach, CA 90266                                  ³

³ Enclose your phone number if you wish an investigation so we can call you  ³

³ for preliminary information.                                               ³



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³  ßÛßßßßßßÛ                The W-Eeeek-ly News (tm)              ÛßßßßßßÛß  ³

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³  ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß           November 1993                ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß  ³



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³         Students With Special Skills, Talents Often Not Challenged         ³


³  US Newswire: Many of the nation's most talented students are part of a    ³

³  "quiet crisis" in which they sit bored & unchallenged in the classroom,   ³

³  according to a report to educators gathered for the National Association  ³

³  for Gifted Children annual conference being held in Atlanta this week.    ³

³                                                                            ³

³  Magnifying the problem, the same students are not encouraged to master    ³

³  rigorous and complex material or to work hard.  The result -- children    ³

³  who could excel but who don't reach their full potential.  This is an     ³

³  especially troubling situation among poor and minority students whose     ³

³  talents are often unrecognized. The report, National Excellence: A Case   ³

³  for Developing America's Talent, was prepared by the U.S. Department of   ³

³  Education's Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI).        ³

³  Gifted and talented children are defined as those with outstanding talent ³

³  or those that show potential for high-level achievement in intellectual,  ³

³  creative and/or artistic areas, with unusual leadership capacity, or who  ³

³  excel in specific academic fields compared with others of their age,      ³

³  experience or environment.                                                ³

³                                                                            ³

³  The report is the first comprehensive study in 20 years on the status of  ³

³  gifted and talented education.  Among the report's findings:              ³



³         Students With Special Skills, Talents Often Not Challenged         ³


³  o Compared with top students in other industrialized countries, American  ³

³  students perform poorly on international tests, are offered a less        ³

³  rigorous curriculum, read fewer demanding books, do less homework, and    ³

³  enter the work force and postsecondary education less well prepared.      ³

³                                                                            ³

³  o Most elementary gifted students have mastered between a third and       ³

³  one-half of the year's curriculum before the first day of class, yet most ³

³  teachers make few provisions for their special needs.                     ³

³                                                                            ³

³  o Poor and minority students with outstanding talents are especially      ³

³  neglected.  More than one in five children live in poverty in the United  ³

³  States, yet most programs that serve poor students focus on the problems  ³

³  they bring to school, rather than helping them develop their strengths.   ³

³                                                                            ³

³  The report makes recommendations to help enhance student learning:        ³

³                                                                            ³

³  -- set content standards and use a curriculum that challenges all         ³

³  children, including the most talented.  Schools should provide            ³

³  challenging learning opportunities that offer students variety and        ³

³  flexibility and encourage students to pursue learning both in and out of  ³



³         Students With Special Skills, Talents Often Not Challenged         ³


³  school; recognize that intelligence takes many forms and should be        ³

³  assessed through a variety of criteria.  Educators should identify        ³

³  outstanding talent by observing students in settings that enable them to  ³

³  display their abilities, rather than relying solely on test scores;       ³

³                                                                            ³

³  -- increase access for poor and minority children to early childhood      ³

³  education programs that focus on children's strengths, not their          ³

³  deficiencies;                                                             ³

³                                                                            ³

³  -- make high-level achievement for poor and minority children possible by ³

³  removing barriers to advanced learning opportunities; and,                ³

³                                                                            ³

³  -- develop teacher skills in teaching high-level curricula.               ³

³                                                                            ³

³  Copies of the report are available from the Gov't Printing Office,        ³

³  Superintendent of Documents                                               ³

³  P.O. Box 371954                                                           ³

³  Pittsburgh, Pa. 15250-7954                                                ³

³  or call the GPO Order Desk 202-783-3238.  Order stock #065-000-00603-1 at ³

³  a cost of $3.00.                                                          ³



³       Statement by President of the Association of Concerned Taxpayers     ³


³ US Newswire: Following is statement on congressional spending by Gordon    ³

³ S. Jones, president of the Association of Concerned Taxpayers:             ³

³                                                                            ³

³ We all know that Representatives and Senators mislead their cnstituents,   ³

³ but the degree of hypocrisy revealed in a just- completed study by the     ³

³ Association of Concerned Taxpayers (ACT) is astounding.  In August,        ³

³ Congress passed a budget containing more than $240 billion in new taxes.   ³

³ Then members went home and explained that they had done so because we had  ³

³ convinced them how important it is to reduce the deficit.  They acted as   ³

³ if the new taxes were our fault.                                           ³

³                                                                            ³

³ ACT decided to see just how opposed our representatives are to increased   ³

³ federal borrowing.  The answer, found in the 1993 ACT Sincerity Ratings    ³

³ is: NOT VERY.                                                              ³

³                                                                            ³

³ ACT evaluated six votes in the House and six in the Senate which presented ³

³ explicit tradeoffs between increased deficits and spending cuts.  On those ³

³ votes, 204 Representatives and Senators voted every single time for more   ³

³ spending. Of these 204 deficit spenders, 191 of them had supported the tax ³

³ -laden budget plan.  So much for their aversion to higher deficits.        ³



³       Statement by President of the Association of Concerned Taxpayers     ³


³ Other taxpayer groups examine total spending, government waste, and other  ³

³ factors.  ACT's rating is based on a narrow selection of votes, where the  ³

³ tradeoff between borrowing & spending is explicit. ACT makes no judgement  ³

³ about the desirability of extended unemployment benefits, for example, or  ³

³ relief for Midwest flood victims, or the new program of National Service.  ³

³ These may very well be defensible expenditures. But if Congress is going   ³

³ to vote for this spending, it has to find a way to pay for it.             ³

³ It's clear that a majority in Congress is simply not really opposed to     ³

³ deficit spending. The argument that they vote for more taxes because       ³

³ borrowing is objectionable just won't wash. However justified a new        ³

³ spending proposal might be, there isn't any more money. Until our          ³

³ representatives grasp that fact, there is no hope for true budget control. ³

³ President Clinton continues to propose new spending programs, and Congress ³

³ continues to borrow to pay for them, not having the courage cut back on    ³

³ existing programs.                                                         ³

³                                                                            ³

³ The ACT survey shows very clear differences in the attitudes of the 2 major³

³ political parties toward deficits. The average Democrat had a Sincerity    ³

³ Rating of 9.61%, while Republicans had an average of 95.31%. The study's   ³

³ available at ACT, 1301 Connecticut  Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C.  20036. ³



³          Bad Medicine for Future Generations Says Third Millennium         ³


³  US Newswire:                                                              ³

³  Third Millennium today released a statement which diagnoses the Clinton   ³

³  administration's health-care proposal and finds it afflicted by two       ³

³  ailments: fiscal irresponsibility and generational unfairness.            ³

³                                                                            ³

³  Third Millennium's statement calls on members of Congress to rid the plan ³

³  of these conditions before prescribing it to the American people.         ³

³                                                                            ³

³  "Young Americans are running for cover," said Jonathan Karl, co- chairman ³

³  of this national organization of business people, journalists, students   ³

³  and community activists born after 1960.  "Rather than making the tough   ³

³  choices today, the Clinton administration proposes shifting the           ³

³  government's health-care tab onto future generations."                    ³

³                                                                            ³

³  Third Millennium fears the administration's new subsidy of early          ³

³  retirees' medical insurance bills will balloon into yet another bloated   ³

³  federal entitlement program.  Also, the administration's strict reliance  ³

³  on community rating will boost dramatically the insurance costs for young ³

³  Americans even though their incomes and consumption of health care are    ³

³  generally lower than those of older Americans.                            ³



³    New NRDC Report Uncovers True Costs of Car, Bus, Train Transportation   ³


³  US Newswire: A new study released today by the Natural Resources Defense  ³

³  Council reveals that American taxpayers incur costs of well over a        ³

³  trillion dollars a year riding cars, buses & trains in the U.S.           ³

³                                                                            ³

³  The report, titled, "The Price of Mobility," is the first-ever attempt to ³

³  estimate the full range of costs -- to individuals, to government & to    ³

³  society -- for the three most popular modes of ground transportation.     ³

³  The study reveals that societal costs -- defined as the external costs &  ³

³  subsidies associated with energy use, congestion, subsidized parking,     ³

³  accidents, noise, building damage & air & water pollution -- have been    ³

³  previously unaccounted for, but make up nearly a third of the cost of car ³

³  transport. NRDC conducted the study to be used as a resource for transpor-³

³  tation planners to assess the true cost of these transportation modes,    ³

³  before investing in new transportation projects.                          ³

³                                                                            ³

³  "Transportation planners will head down the wrong road if they don't      ³

³  consider the true costs of getting around in America," said Peter Miller, ³

³  NRDC scientist & co-author of the two-year study.  "The ticket to wise,   ³

³  sustainable transportation systems is understanding their full costs to   ³

³  society, to the government & to the individual."                          ³



³    New NRDC Report Uncovers True Costs of Car, Bus, Train Transportation   ³


³  NRDC's report found that auto, bus & rail transport costs Americans $1.2  ³

³  to $1.6 trillion annually.  "That's equal to about one-quarter of the     ³

³  annual GNP, & more than the total national annual expenditures on either  ³

³  education or health.  It's a mammoth investment," said Miller.  "It's     ³

³  critical that transportation investment decisions take into account a     ³

³  broader range of costs."                                                  ³

³                                                                            ³

³  The report reveals that automobile costs tower over bus & rail in         ³

³  absolute terms accounting for 98% of total costs, or $4,000 per capita.   ³

³  Rail & bus, modes used much less frequently by Americans, account for     ³

³  just 2% of transportation costs, or $100 per capita.  While societal costs³

³  are highest for cars, they account for only 12% & 10% of bus & train costs³

³  respectively.  Direct government subsidies, on the other hand, are largest³

³  for rail & bus, accounting for approximately 60% & 55% of their total     ³

³  costs, respectively.  Cars recover less than 5% of their costs from the   ³

³  government.                                                               ³

³                                                                            ³

³  Direct costs to individuals -- the price of buying a car, or purchasing a ³

³  train ticket -- are highest for cars & account for over 60% of that       ³

³  total, but less than 30% for bus & rail.                                  ³



³   Exit Poll Suggests School Choice Initiative Still Alive in California    ³


³  US Newswire: Choice in education is not dead.  More than half of those    ³

³  who opposed Proposition 174 yesterday are prepared to support a different ³

³  school choice initiative, while only 18% of Californians are fully        ³

³  opposed to the concept of choice in education.                            ³

³                                                                            ³

³  These startling exit poll results suggest that a revised school choice    ³

³  initiative could still earn the support of California voters.  Dr. Frank  ³

³  Luntz, president of Luntz Weber Research & Strategic Services, concluded  ³

³  that the combined fears of extremists setting up unregulated schools,     ³

³  coupled with the concern that per pupil funding might be reduced, dealt a ³

³  fatal blow to Proposition 174.                                            ³

³                                                                            ³

³  The Luntz Weber exit poll, which was commissioned jointly by American     ³

³  Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) and Americans for Tax Reform          ³

³  Foundation (ATRF), revealed a number of findings about the future of      ³

³  school choice in California:                                              ³

³                                                                            ³

³  -- Three-fourths of all California voters grade the California education  ³

³     system with a "C" or less.  A scant 3% give the system high marks      ³

³     ("A"), while 12% would fail ("F") the schools that teach them.         ³



³   Exit Poll Suggests School Choice Initiative Still Alive in California    ³


³  -- The single most important element in a school choice initiative is the ³

³     guarantee that per pupil funding will not be reduced.  Fully 73% of the³

³     state (& 72% of those who voted against Proposition 174 yesterday) say ³

³     they would support choice in education if this guarantee were included.³

³                                                                            ³

³  -- There is political capital in endorsing school choice. One-half (49%)  ³

³     of the electorate would be more likely to vote for a public official   ³

³     who supports school choice as compared with only 28% who would be less ³

³     likely to vote for a "pro-school choice" public official.              ³

³                                                                            ³

³  -- For a school choice initiative to pass, voters will demand adequate    ³

³     & effective safeguards to prevent extremists setting up schools. Fully ³

³     two thirds (65%) of those who opposed 174 yesterday would be prepared  ³

³     to back a future school choice initiative if they were convinced that  ³

³     these safeguards could be put in place.                                ³

³                                                                            ³

³  -- Voters want a school choice initiative that will benefit all students, ³

³     not just the poorest students.  Only 24% of the voters would support   ³

³     choice in education if it were targeted ONLY to lower income students. ³

³                                                                            ³



³   Exit Poll Suggests School Choice Initiative Still Alive in California    ³


³  -- Gov. Wilson's opposition to Proposition 174 had no impact on the vote. ³

³     Only 5% of the electorate was either "very" or "somewhat" influenced by³

³     Wilson's opposition, and 85% said it had absolutely no influence       ³

³     whatsoever on their vote.                                              ³

³                                                                            ³

³  -- CA voters rank the P.T.A. as the single most credible organization in  ³

³     the education debate by a 2-1 ratio over the CA Teacher's Association  ³

³     & a 5 to 1 ratio over the American Federation of Teachers.  This       ³

³     suggests that parents are more "believable" than teachers in the school³

³     choice debate.                                                         ³

³                                                                            ³

³  Luntz predicted "The vast majority of the electorate is supportive of     ³

³  school choice, but with reservations. They are clearly prepared to        ³

³  re-evaluate last night's vote if given the chance.  If the Prop 174       ³

³  forces go back to the drawing table and try again, there is no reason why ³

³  they cannot win the next round."  The Luntz Weber Research survey of 612  ³

³  registered voters, of which 313 voted in the initiative election, was     ³

³  conducted Tuesday evening by phone. Margin of error is + or - 4% for      ³

³  entire sample, & + or - 5.5% for sub-samples of voters and non-voters.    ³

³                                                                            ³



³             Voters Send Strong Anti-Tax Message in '93 Election            ³


³  US Newswire:                                                              ³

³                                                                            ³

³  Voter anger over tax hikes played a key role in yesterday's elections,    ³

³  according to the National Taxpayers Union (NTU), the nation's largest and ³

³  oldest taxpayer organization.                                             ³

³                                                                            ³

³  "Voters across the country sent the old guard of tax & spend politicians  ³

³  into retreat, while apparently approving strong anti-tax measures in      ³

³  Washington & Texas," said David Keating, executive vice president for NTU.³

³                                                                            ³

³  "New Jersey voters tossed out their governor, who raised taxes, while     ³

³  keeping strong Republican control over both houses of the legislature,"   ³

³  Keating observed.  "And to make sure they never have to wait until the    ³

³  next election to toss out tax-hiking politicians, Garden State voters     ³

³  overwhelmingly approved a measure allowing for recall of elected          ³

³  officials." Voters tossed out Democratic legislators in record numbers in ³

³  1991 after they approved massive tax hikes proposed by Gov. Jim Florio.   ³

³  "Voter aversion to new taxes was also a factor in George Allen's come-    ³

³  from-behind gubernatorial victory in VA, where Allen has promised not to  ³

³  raise taxes.                                                              ³



³             Voters Send Strong Anti-Tax Message in '93 Election            ³


³  "The latest trend in the tax revolt -- voter approval requirements for    ³

³  new taxes -- apparently has continued with important victories in         ³

³  Washington state and Texas," said Keating.  "Virtually all new state      ³

³  taxes in Washington would require voter approval, while Texas voters      ³

³  banned a state income tax unless it has voter approval.  Voter disgust    ³

³  with high-tax politicians propelled term limits for elected officials to  ³

³  victory in Maine and New York City."                                      ³

³                                                                            ³

³  Measures to Raise Taxes or Make it Easier to Raise Taxes:                 ³

³                                                                            ³

³  California: Proposition 170 proposed reducing the two-thirds voter        ³

³  approval requirement to pass school bonds to a simple majority vote.      ³

³  This would have made it easier to raise local property taxes for schools. ³

³  Defeated, 31% Yes, 69% No.  Proposition 172 proposed making permanent a   ³

³  temporary half-cent sales tax increase, with revenues earmarked for       ³

³  "public safety" programs.  Approved, 58% Yes, 42% No.                     ³

³                                                                            ³

³  Colorado: Referendum A proposed reinstating a 0.2% sales tax on           ³

³  tourist-related items that expired earlier this year.  Defeated, 45% Yes, ³

³  55% no.                                                                   ³



³             Voters Send Strong Anti-Tax Message in '93 Election            ³


³  Oregon: Measure 1 proposed a new 5% state sales tax for public schools.   ³

³  This is on the Nov. 9 ballot.  Polls show it losing.                      ³

³                                                                            ³

³  Measures to Limit or Cut Taxes:                                           ³

³  New Jersey: Public Question 1 proposed a constitutional amendment to      ³

³  allow recall of elected officials.  Many voters would have used such a    ³

³  provision, had it been in effect in 1990, to recall Florio after he       ³

³  raised taxes.  Approved, 70% Yes, 30% No.                                 ³

³                                                                            ³

³  Texas: Proposition 4 proposed a constitutional amendment prohibiting a    ³

³  personal income tax without voter approval and, if an income tax is       ³

³  enacted, dedicating the revenue to education and limiting the rate of     ³

³  local school taxes.  Approved, 69% Yes, 31% No.                           ³

³                                                                            ³

³  Washington: Initiative 601 proposed a strong limit on the growth of state ³

³  spending. Winning by over 10,000 votes, with 97% of the vote counted. WA  ³

³  state may have become the 3rd state in 2 years to require voter approval  ³

³  for new taxes to become law. Initiative 602 proposed a law repealing tax  ³

³  increases adopted earlier this year by the legislature and limiting state ³

³  tax increases. Defeated, 44% Yes, 56% No.                                 ³



³           Freedom Forum First Amendment Center to Release Report           ³


³  US Newswire:                                                              ³

³  A major study pinpointing the sources of tension between the medical      ³

³  profession and the news media will be released Tuesday, Nov. 9, at the    ³

³  annual meeting of the American Heart Association by The Freedom Forum     ³

³  First Amendment Center at Vanderbilt University.                          ³

³                                                                            ³

³  The report, "Under the Microscope: The Relationship between Pysicians and ³

³  the News Media," on the causes of negative attitudes that doctors and     ³

³  reporters have towards one another and makes recommendations to heal the  ³

³  relationship.                                                             ³

³                                                                            ³

³  The eight-month study was conducted by Rita Rubin, associate editor for   ³

³  U.S. News & World Report, and Dr. Harrison Rogers, a former president of  ³

³  the American Heart Association, while they were 1992-93 Visiting          ³

³  Professional Scholars at the center.                                      ³

³                                                                            ³

³  The report draws on extensive interviews with doctors and medical         ³

³  reporters in addition to a survey of 973 physicians, 423 members of the   ³

³  American Medical Association House of Delegates, 143 medical reporters    ³

³  and 536 members of the Associated Press Managing Editors' association.    ³



³           Freedom Forum First Amendment Center to Release Report           ³


³  This is the second of three reports to be released by The Freedom Forum   ³

³  First Amendment Center, formed in 1991 to examine all First Amendment     ³

³  issues.  A report on religion and the news media was released in          ³

³  September, and a study is forthcoming on strained relations between the   ³

³  news media and business professionals.                                    ³

³                                                                            ³

³  EVENT:   Release of "Under the Microscope: The Relationship               ³

³           between Physicians and the News Media." Dinner                   ³

³           will follow.                                                     ³

³  TIME:    Tuesday, Nov. 9, 1993, 6:30 p.m.                                 ³

³  PLACE:   Atlanta's Westin Peachtree Plaza, the Peach Room                 ³

³                                                                            ³

³  The Freedom Forum First Amendment Center at Vanderbilt University is an   ³

³  independent operating program of The Freedom Forum.  The center was       ³

³  announced by The Freedom Forum, one of the nation's largest foundations,  ³

³  on Dec. 15, 1991, the 200th anniversary of the ratification of the Bill   ³

³  of Rights to the U.S. Constitution.  The First Amendment Center's mission ³

³  is to foster a better public understanding of and appreciation for First  ³

³  Amendment rights and values, including freedom of religion, free speech & ³

³  press, and the right to petition government and to assemble peacefully.   ³



³     Decision on Gay Ban is "Justice Denied" Human Rights Campaign Fund     ³


³  US Newswire: Tim McFeeley, executive director of the Human Rights         ³

³  Campaign Fund, the nation's largest lesbian and gay political             ³

³  organization, issued the following statement on the U.S. Supreme Court's  ³

³  decision to lift District Court Judge Hatter's injunction on the          ³

³  Pentagon's policy of discrimination against lesbian and gay Americans:    ³

³                                                                            ³

³  "Justice has been delayed, and therefore denied, to lesbian and gay       ³

³  patriots.  While the court has not repudiated the underlying rationale of ³

³  Judge Hatter's decision in the Meinhold case, it has lifted the           ³

³  injunction forbidding the Pentagon to discriminate on the basis of sexual ³

³  orientation.  By supporting the Administration's request, the court has   ³

³  endorsed a double standard for lesbian and gay service personnel.  Keith  ³

³  Meinhold is protected but others are not.                                 ³

³                                                                            ³

³  "Judge Hatter's ruling has been in affect for close to a month, and no    ³

³  evidence exists that unit cohesion or morale has been adversely affected. ³

³  The court should have allowed the Hatter ruling to stand until the U.S.   ³

³  Court of Appeals had an opportunity to rule.  We have lost a skirmish in  ³

³  the larger battle to end discrimination against competent and qualified   ³

³  Americans who want to serve our country.  We will ultimately prevail."    ³



³ NRC Proposes Amendments to Security Requirements for Nuclear Power Plants  ³


³  US Newswire: The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is proposing to amend its  ³

³  physical protection regulations for operating nuclear power plants.       ³

³  The amendments would modify the design basis threat for radiological      ³

³  sabotage to include the use of land vehicles by adversaries for           ³

³  transporting personnel, hand-carried equipment and explosives.            ³

³                                                                            ³

³  Nuclear power plant licensees are required to implement a system that     ³

³  protects against acts of radiological sabotage, and specifically against  ³

³  the design basis threat for radiological sabotage as set out in the       ³

³  commission's regulations.                                                 ³

³                                                                            ³

³  Based on current information derived by continually monitoring and        ³

³  evaluating the worldwide threat environment and briefings by various      ³

³  government intelligence agencies, the NRC has concluded that there is no  ³

³  indication of an actual vehicle threat against the domestic commercial    ³

³  nuclear industry.  However, based on the recent bombing of the World      ³

³  Trade Center and the unauthorized intrusion at the Three Mile Island      ³

³  nuclear power plant, the NRC believes that a vehicle intrusion or bomb    ³

³  threat to a nuclear power plant could develop without warning in the      ³

³  future.                                                                   ³



³ NRC Proposes Amendments to Security Requirements for Nuclear Power Plants  ³


³  To maintain a prudent margin between the current threat estimate (low)    ³

³  and the design basis threat (postulated as higher for conservatism), the  ³

³  NRC is proposing to amend its regulations to modify the design basis      ³

³  threat for radiological sabotage to include protection against malevolent ³

³  use of vehicles at nuclear power plants.                                  ³

³                                                                            ³

³  The proposed amendments, which are to Part 73 of the commission's         ³

³  regulations, would include -- within the design basis threat that         ³

³  licensees are required to protect against -- the use of a                 ³

³  four-wheel-drive land vehicle for the transport of personnel,             ³

³  hand-carried equipment or explosives.  The amendments would provide a     ³

³  process to allow for alternative measures to protect against sabotage.    ³

³                                                                            ³

³  Licensees would be required to establish vehicle control measures to      ³

³  protect the facility from use of a land vehicle to gain unauthorized      ³

³  proximity to vital area barriers.  They would also be required to assess  ³

³  whether the measures taken to protect against vehicle intrusion provide   ³

³  protection against a vehicle bomb consistent with design goals and        ³

³  criteria specified by the commission.  Licensees who could not            ³

³  demonstrate that they fully meet the commission's design goal for         ³



³ NRC Proposes Amendments to Security Requirements for Nuclear Power Plants  ³


³  protection against a vehicle bomb would have the option of proposing      ³

³  alternative measures for protection against this threat.                  ³

³                                                                            ³

³  Programs of licensees who are in the process of decommissioning or are    ³

³  contemplating decommissioning in the near future would be evaluated on a  ³

³  case-by-case basis by the NRC to determine if full or partial exemption   ³

³  from the new rule is appropriate.                                         ³

³                                                                            ³

³  The rule calls for licensees authorized to operate a nuclear power plant  ³

³                                                                            ³

³  (1) to submit (within 90 days of the effective date of the final rule)    ³

³      a summary description of the proposed vehicle control measures and    ³

³      the results of their cost-benefit analysis                            ³

³                                                                            ³

³                                     and                                    ³

³                                                                            ³

³  (2) to fully implement the required vehicle control measures or the site- ³

³      specific alternative measures as approved by the Commission within    ³

³      360 days of the effective date of the final rule.                     ³

³                                                                            ³



³         Ecosystem Management, New Partnerships In Agency's Future          ³


³  US Newswire: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is embarking on a broad   ³

³  new effort to become the international leader in ecosystem management and ³

³  conservation of biodiversity, while emphasizing partnerships with states, ³

³  conservation groups, and private landowners, Director Mollie Beattie      ³

³  announced during her inaugural meeting with agency employees.             ³

³  In addition, the Service will promote diversification of its workforce    ³

³  and encourage better opportunities for urban residents to enjoy the       ³

³  nation's bountiful fish and wildlife resources, Beattie said.             ³

³                                                                            ³

³  "No other agency is as prepared as we are to make ecosystem conservation  ³

³  its primary mission -- this is our mission," she told a gathering of 600  ³

³  Washington office employees. "In the coming years, we will accomplish it  ³

³  from the old growth forests in the Pacific Northwest to the bayous of     ³

³  Louisiana to the 'river of grass' in Florida."                            ³

³                                                                            ³

³  For example, Beattie said, the Service will seek to make the 491 National ³

³  Wildlife Refuges "anchor points for biodiversity and ecosystem            ³

³  management.... Each refuge will have its own unique land management       ³

³  plan...showing the public where we are, where we are headed, and how they ³

³  can participate."                                                         ³



³         Ecosystem Management, New Partnerships In Agency's Future          ³


³  Beattie also reaffirmed the Service's historic commitment to recreational ³

³  use of wildlife. If ecosystems are kept healthy, she said, there will be  ³

³  abundant fish and wildlife so "Americans can enjoy our wildlife resources ³

³  in whatever way they choose."                                             ³

³                                                                            ³

³  For the Service to be successful, however, the American people must       ³

³  understand that all species, including human beings, are connected, she   ³

³  said. As a result, the Service will make outreach and public education a  ³

³  high priority in the coming years.                                        ³

³                                                                            ³

³  "People need to understand that the choice between people and animals,    ³

³  between the economy and endangered species, is a false one," she said.    ³

³  "There is no choice. Our fate is inexorably linked to the state of the    ³

³  ecosystems that make up the global environment in which we live."         ³

³                                                                            ³

³  Americans "cannot dump contaminents into a river on Monday and expect to  ³

³  catch a fish on Friday," she said. "They cannot drain a wetland on        ³

³  Tuesday and expect to see ducks on Saturday... They cannot eliminate the  ³

³  habitat of their fellow species and expect our own to survive."           ³

³                                                                            ³



³         Ecosystem Management, New Partnerships In Agency's Future          ³


³  Beattie emphasized that the Service will seek partnerships with and the   ³

³  involvement of state and local governments, conservation organizations,   ³

³  business, and private landowners.                                         ³

³                                                                            ³

³  The Service already has been part of many highly successful partnerships, ³

³  including the North American Waterfowl Management Plan, which has         ³

³  protected, restored or enhanced more than 2 million acres of wetlands     ³

³  across the country, and the Partners for Wildlife program, which has      ³

³  restored more than 200,000 acres of wetlands on private lands.            ³

³                                                                            ³

³  Beattie said the Service will build on these partnerships and expand into ³

³  new areas of cooperation, especially working with private landowners.     ³

³                                                                            ³

³  Beattie also said one of her goals is to increase the diversification of  ³

³  the Service's workforce by hiring and promoting women and minorities.     ³

³                                                                            ³

³  Such diversification is a "practical necessity" for helping the service   ³

³  accomplish its goals, she said. People who come from different            ³

³  backgrounds have different perspectives on how problems can be solved and ³

³  goals achieved.                                                           ³



³         Ecosystem Management, New Partnerships In Agency's Future          ³


³  "The richness of experience is an asset, and its absence is an enormous   ³

³  liability," she said.                                                     ³

³                                                                            ³

³  As part of this effort, the Service will reach out to people, such as     ³

³  inner city children, who do not have easy access to natural resources and ³

³  may be less likely to grow up to become fish and wildlife biologists.     ³

³                                                                            ³

³  "The Service has done a fine job of reaching out in a variety of          ³

³  ways...," Beattie said. "I plan to expand this outreach even more in the  ³

³  coming years,"                                                            ³

³                                                                            ³

³  To faciliate the outreach and partnership effort, Beattie proposed and    ³

³  internal reorganization of the agency. Deputy Director Ken Smith would    ³

³  head a new division includes the public affairs and legislative services  ³

³  offices, along with the Federal Aid Program.                              ³

³                                                                            ³

³  In addition, the Offices of International Affairs, Management Authority,  ³

³  and Scientific Authority would be placed under a newly created post of    ³

³  Assistant Director for International Affairs.                             ³

³                                                                            ³



³             (c)1993 Eeeek Publishing Company -Taghadossi/Black.            ³


³   BEYOND ETERNITY BBS: 310-371-3734 (12-9600)  310-370-9464 (3-2400)       ³

³                                                                            ³

³   Contact the #5 Account, The Editor, for info, ad rates etc.              ³


³   EEEEK PUBLISHING COMPANY   P.O. Box # 331, Manhattan Beach CA 90266      ³


³   The following material is COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL! You may NOT Change or    ³

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