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                                 February 23, 1992



              This file shared with KeelyNet courtesy of Bob Aldrich.


                                                         January 6, 1992

                                 ALUMALOID SOLAR FILM

       At last! A new development in solar cell technology! A 72% efficient

       film you can  stick  on your window and have solar electricity.  Or,

       buy window panes with the material etched on! For Cheap! It will

       cost pennies per watt.  resent solar technology will produce no more

       than 15% efficiency.

       Dr. Alvin Marks, who used to work  for  Polaroid  Land, who holds at

       least 117 patents, has some experience with photons. His background

       knowledge is in polarizing films. He has created a  solar cell using

       quantum mechanics to  collect  the  energy of a photon at a specific

       frequency.  It is  patterned after  the  photosynthesis  process  of


       He uses a  three  dimensional  thin-film array by which  the  photon

       gives up it's energy as it passes a sort of micro-rectifier-antenna,

       called a Rectenna.

       Two layers of  these  antennas  are etched onto a thin approximately

       one micron-thick conductive polymer film. As the light photon passes

       the first layer, it gives up 40% of  it's energy as electricity, and

       at the second layer gives 32% more, totalling 72%!  These principles

       have been well known for some time but haven't to date been used for

       converting light to electric power.

       This technology has  been  patterned  after  the photosynthetic cell

       that has been developed by the French.  It  is tuned to the angstrom

       length of light that contains the most recoverable energy.

       He first developed  the technology in the form of  a  thin  film  of

       plastic, but now  has  also  developed  an electron beam-writer that

       will etch the circuits on glass.  These  are  actually circuits that

       tune into the frequency of the light, and convert it to electricity.

       One hundred square  miles  of  this  glass  would   produce   enough

       electricity to power the entire country!

       His company is called Photo-Therm, reportedly he is selling stock.

                                      Page 1

            He can be reached at:

            Dr. Alvin Marks


            359 Main st.

            Athol, Massachusetts, 01331.

            They/he are in the phone book also.

            Write there for more information and an informative tape.

       He got his  first  $300,000 funding from private colleges back east,

       but he left it open, (hasn't sold out) because he doesn't want it to

       be bought up by big industry. He is looking for more money. He needs

       $875,000 to do his basic research.

       Patent # is 4,445,050. April 24,  1984.  Device  for  conversion  of

       light power to electrical power.

       PhotoTherm has signed  accords  with  China, to make  Solar  Cooking


       At date of  this  file,  he  has  projected  about 7 months till the

       poduction prototype is set up, and  then  another  8  months  to  do

       production. He is  a  production expert, this is what  he  did  with

       Polaroid. Barring obstruction,  we  are  probably  about a year away

       from pennies-per-watt Rectenna solar film or panes.

                                   Source: Survivor Club BBS 213-663-1301


         If you have comments or other information  relating to such topics

         as  this paper covers,  please  upload to KeelyNet  or send to the

           Vangard  Sciences  address  as  listed  on the  first  page.

              Thank you for your consideration, interest and support.

           Jerry W. Decker.........Ron Barker...........Chuck Henderson

                             Vangard Sciences/KeelyNet


                     If we can be of service, you may contact

                 Jerry at (214) 324-8741 or Ron at (214) 242-9346


                                      Page 2


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