Law Students Live Chat 01/18/95

 Subject:  Law Students Live Chat  01/18/95

Author:  Law Students on AOL

Uploaded By:  Rich Dunn

Date:  9/7/1995

File:  950118LS.LOG (19872 bytes) 

Estimated Download Time (17541 baud):  < 1 minute

Download Count:  672

Equipment:  PC or Mac

Needs:  Good timing and a sense of humor

Law students from coast to coast.


OnlineHost You are now in room "Law Students".


RMikeR Hello Rich

Chreee Hey!

Rich Dunn Greetings Mike.

Chreee I was here before and no one was around

Rich Dunn Is the Army paying for your tuition?

RMikeR Not for law school (but the school picked it up).  

RMikeR Hello Chreee

Rich Dunn Not a bad deal.

RMikeR No, I didn't think so either.  

Chreee where are you two?

RMikeR Mercer Univ. (Macon, Ga)

Rich Dunn <-- Berkeley CA (not a law student tho, I'm just keeping the log).

Chreee rich: i know...i read the bb

Chreee :)

Chreee so where is everyone?

Rich Dunn I do the towels in the L.I.N. locker room.

Chreee rich: rough job...:)

RMikeR :)

Rich Dunn System is grinding to a halt.

RMikeR How many weeks have we been doing the chat now?

Chreee system?

Rich Dunn They've grown too fast for their own good.

Chreee oh...LIN

Chreee and AOL

Chreee ?

Rich Dunn Last week was the first.

RMikeR It's a great idea!

RMikeR How was attendance last week?

Rich Dunn First ever scheduled live chat in the almost-5-year history of this forum.

Rich Dunn I got quite emotional.

Chreee hehehehe

Rich Dunn (not really)

Rich Dunn Not many.

Rich Dunn Maybe 8 or 10 total, but that's okay.

RMikeR Chreee:  how do like NY? (am I right--that's where you are?)

Chreee St. John's Law in the evening program

RMikeR 8-10 sounds like a pretty good start.

Rich Dunn Their names will be on the cornerstone of the world headquarters of the L.I.N when it's built.

Chreee it's an interesting place

Rich Dunn Next door to CNN.

RMikeR I'm afraid I'm a bit naive when it comes to NY.

RMikeR Sounds like a fun place though.

RMikeR Do you plan to stay in NY?

Rich Dunn I'm going to go back to my L.I.N. chores.  If anybody wants me, shoot me an IM.

Chreee otay

RMikeR Thanks Rich; we appreciate you (by the way, the towels smell a bit sour).

Chreee i don't know about nyc...i came up here for law school and i dunno if i'll stay yet

RMikeR :)

RMikeR Where from originally?

Chreee i went to undergrad in DC, but hail from Delaware

RMikeR Whereabouts in DC (just curious, no good reason to ask)

Chreee i went to American Univ.

Chreee and you?

RMikeR How did you like DC?  There is a chance (a very small chance) that I might be assigned there.

RMikeR I'm from West Palm Beach, FL. Went to undergrad at Mercer, too.

Chreee assigned there?

RMikeR I'm on a delay of duty with the Army.  Assuming nothing goes wrong with medical exam, will probably

RMikeR be in Army JAGC next year.

Chreee hehehe....i'm thinking about JAG too...haven't decided yet

RMikeR By the way, what year are you in? 3L?

Chreee nope...IL

RMikeR nothing wrong with that.  You've got plenty of time.

RMikeR Any reason in particular that you've considered JAGC?

Chreee yep. 3 and a half more years...

RMikeR Say, that's right--evening program--Sorry, that was lost on me at first.

Chreee i minored in national security policy as an undergrad...poli. sci. and national security

Chreee i study the military a bit...  :)

Chreee might as well join

RMikeR I can imagine.

RMikeR any branch in particular?

Chreee air force or army i guess...i know tons of people in all branches

Chreee shit.

RMikeR What do you do for day job (if you don't mind my asking--if you do, ignore the question)

RMikeR Problem?

Chreee my new torts prof. is using the old edition of the case book...grrrr..

Chreee i just got my book list this evening

RMikeR You have the new edition already or just have something against the old?

Chreee i have the 9th from last semester...this dude is going back to 8th

RMikeR sorry to hear that.

Chreee sigh...i'll have to work a trade with a day student who needs the newer book.

RMikeR what author?

Chreee where do people get outlines online??  i used them this semester as a guide for organization when maki

Chreee oh...the book is Prosser and Wade (of course)

RMikeR outlines online:  good question.  I haven't seen any yet, but that doesn't mean they don't exist.

RMikeR Hello Neimansgal and Aronio.

Neimansgal Hey - I was just listening until ya'll actually talked about something exciting

Aronio Good evening everyone!

Chreee coolness...there are some scattered all over the place, but they are way old

Chreee hey all

Chreee why not start a new conversation if you don't like the current topic?  :)

RMikeR Chree:  Your torts book:  is it prosser, wade and schartz or just prosser and wade?

Chreee prosser, wade, and schwartz

Aronio Mine is Prosser Wade and Schwartz too.

Neimansgal OK - where do all of ya'll go to school?

Chreee what edition?

Aronio Where do you all go to school?  I go to Cardozo in NYC.

Aronio Hey, you stole my question!!

RMikeR Golly, gee.  I seem to have an 8th edition.  I'll look and see if I have an outline on disk.  What 

Chreee Aronio": try St. Johns...."neighbor"

RMikeR kind of computer you using?

Chreee mike: PC at home, Mac at work

RMikeR Neismansgal:  Mercer Univ. (Macon, Ga)

Chreee no current modem connection at work yet

Chreee new on the job and all

RMikeR It'll be for a Mac if I have an outline.  

Chreee hmm...on Word?

RMikeR Chree:  seems like that book pretty much tracks the hornbook(imagine that!)--should be easy to find a 

RMikeR decent outline.  

Chreee i could probably download it in 10 days when i'm at my family's place

Chreee if that's what you were leading to

Aronio Was this room as popular last time?

RMikeR I don't know what it'll be on.  MacWrite if its old, but I'm using ClarisWorks now.

Chreee shoot...gotta run and call the boyfriend...i'll be back in 30 minutes

Chreee BBL!!

RMikeR Sorry Aronio.  I wasn't here.  What's up with you?  Anything good to talk about?

Rich Dunn Seems to be rush hour on the information superhighway.

Rich Dunn Everybody's gone.

RMikeR Still here.  Sorry, I wasn't paying attention.

RMikeR Hello again, Aronio.

RMikeR Aronio:  Got anything good to talk about?

Aronio Sorry, my roommate disconnected me and I had to resign on.

Aronio Did you see the O.J. ruling?

Aronio Actually Ito's ruling?

RMikeR Not really, just saw the headline.

Rich Dunn Yeah, they can't call it "fresh squeezed" if it's made from concentrate.

RMikeR :/

Aronio take a look, the defense can introduce all of the stuff about his 'wife-beating'

CuddlePal hi!

RMikeR Aronio:  I have to admit, I haven't followed all that close.  Bad news for him, though.

RMikeR Hello, CuddlePal.

CuddlePal hi Mike

Aronio He still won't be convicted, there is no murder weapon and no witnesses, i.e. no case.

CuddlePal glad you guys are still here

Rich Dunn They won't be able to introduce the most recent stuff from the women's shelter, but the famous 911

Rich Dunn tape will be okay.

CuddlePal ah - discussing OJ, I see

Aronio What else?  Opening arguments are tomorrow.

RMikeR Yep.  Imagine law students doing that.

CuddlePal so I've heard

Rich Dunn No, I think the arguments are now scheduled for Monday.

RMikeR Where are you in school Cuddlepal?

CuddlePal Pace

CuddlePal You?

RMikeR Mercer (Macon, Ga)

Chreee back!

Chreee for now

Aronio Did they change opening arguments?  I just heard a short time ago that they were tomorrow.

RMikeR Welcome back chree.

CuddlePal hi chreee

CuddlePal my school has barely talked about the oj case

RMikeR CP:  whereabouts is Pace--Indiana?

Aronio You are right, I just read the article and it says Monday.

CuddlePal no, it's Westchester County, New York

Chreee we haven't even mentioned it...we discussed the McDonalds case more...:)

CuddlePal yes, we discussed McDonald's too

RMikeR CP:  Sorry; my ignorance showing

Rich Dunn Telling people to come on down here and talk that talk.

Chreee Cuddle: are you at Pace?

CuddlePal that's OK

CuddlePal where are you at?

ForrestCat Hi all!

CuddlePal hi cat

RMikeR hello cat

Chreee i'm at St. John's in Queens

CuddlePal i almost applied there

Chreee yeah?

CuddlePal do you like it, chreee?

ForrestCat Another small group huh?

CuddlePal how big was the group last week?

Rich Dunn It'll take a while to catch on.

Chreee i like it in general...but replacing the 10 hours day students spend on a 5th class with a 40 hour 

Chreee work week is tough

ForrestCat About the same size, but I had to leave early...

CuddlePal you go part time?

RMikeR cat:  how's Seattle right now?

Chreee yep...four classes...four nights a week (two per night)

ForrestCat As a west coast person the time is a bit rough for me.

CuddlePal it must be really tough to go at night and work too

ForrestCat Cuddle-Good idea!

Chreee i'm not in classes yet...this is late...:)

RMikeR Actually, as an east coast person, its worse.  My wife thinks I'm nuts to be in here on the computer.

Chreee mike: hehehehe

CuddlePal my husband thinks the same

CuddlePal i have a 9:30 AM class

CuddlePal tomorrow

Chreee we just finished finals last week

ForrestCat I know, I know there is no perfect time.

CuddlePal wow!  just finished finals?

ForrestCat Last week?

CuddlePal we finished ours on December 22nd

ForrestCat Dec 14th here

CuddlePal i'm just getting grades back now

Chreee last friday...snow date was saturday

RMikeR cat:  showing my ignorance yet again:  just what time is it there?

ForrestCat 8:18pm

CuddlePal Where does everyone go to school?

CuddlePal (this is a variation of the age/gender check in the normal rooms)

Chreee we go back this coming monday...a whopping 10 days off...woo woo

ForrestCat Time for me to be working on property

Chreee <-- St. John's

CuddlePal yuck - property

ForrestCat Chree  Sorry :(

Chreee forrest: awww

RMikeR cat:  come on.  just a bit longer.

WR2F Larry Hahvahd.

CuddlePal like the accent!

RMikeR cat:  peer pressure!

Chreee Larry: what year...

Aronio How come nobody is talking?

WR2F Larry Ah forgot to pahk my cah.

ForrestCat Hey were up to 7 people.

WR2F Larry 2161.

Chreee aronio: we are.

RMikeR sorry aronio

Aronio Oh, it is just my frozen screen.  Sorry.

WR2F Larry I'm not a law student...just a wannabe.

Chreee larry: uh...okay

ForrestCat School class check?

CuddlePal oh - we thought you really went to hahvahd

RMikeR 3L (Mercer)

CuddlePal see how gullible we are?

CuddlePal 1L (Pace)

ForrestCat Larry-Sorry to hear that.

WR2F Larry Typical'll believe anything.

CuddlePal apparently

ForrestCat 1L (Seattle U formally UPS)

CuddlePal :)

Chreee 1L (outta 4 years)

CuddlePal so, it really isn't as bad as we thought it would be, is it?

WR2F Larry I have no interest in being a father cured me of that.

RMikeR Larry:  How so?

ForrestCat Nah, worse.

RMikeR Should I ask?

WR2F Larry He's a lawyer!

CuddlePal no, cat really!

ForrestCat I loved school until I got my grades.

CuddlePal oh - sorry

CuddlePal i've gotten three and am still waiting for two

CuddlePal they make you wait forever

Chreee i have no grades yet...i don't want them...we are on a warped grading system

ForrestCat This too shall pass...

CuddlePal it's frustrating

RMikeR Cat:  That too shall pass (I hope).

RMikeR Hey: you took my line.

CuddlePal Hey 1Ls - what's your favorite and least-favorite course?

RMikeR what're you thinkin' Pal?

CuddlePal about what?

ForrestCat The other 1L sections at my school are still waiting on most grades.

RMikeR Sorry.  Misread the screen.  That was Cat that stole my line.

CuddlePal oh, you're forgiven

ForrestCat Meow Meow Mike

RMikeR Thanks

Chreee favorite: the one's i haven't had yet...least favorite: all the ones I *have* had

RMikeR Easy, now.

CuddlePal :)

ForrestCat Favorite-Property

CuddlePal My least favorite is property!

ForrestCat Least-Contracts

CuddlePal Can't stand playing "Name that Estate"

WR2F Larry What I can't figure out come law students have time to gas on AOL?

CuddlePal well, we have to relax sometimes, larry

ForrestCat Classic avoidance Larry

Chreee Larry: gotta put the books down sometime...and i'm on my one week'

Chreee week's break

RMikeR Larry:  good question.  We're just practicing for real life lawyering when we can do this and then

CuddlePal so - no one has a favorite class?

RMikeR bill someone for it.

CuddlePal good answer, mike

ForrestCat Mike :)

Chreee i'm waiting for international law and constitutional law...

CuddlePal I'm taking constitutional law this semester

CuddlePal BORING textbook

CuddlePal but interesting professor

Chreee hehe

RMikeR I really enjoyed con law.

CuddlePal The textbook is slow death

RMikeR ours was too.

Chreee we have legal research and writing AND con. law next fall....ewwww

CuddlePal i have to keep my eyelids open with toothpicks

WR2F Larry Well good for you.

CuddlePal I had legal research/writing this semester

RMikeR professor made it quite enjoyable though.

Chreee cuddle: they don't let us take it till 2L fall (evening students only that it)

RMikeR I'm sorry Pal, you had or you have it this semester?

WR2F Larry Any good new lawyer jokes?

ForrestCat I have a full year of legal writting now and will have another semester as a 2L

CuddlePal I have con law this semester

Chreee forrest: ack!

RMikeR Not here, but if you've got one I'm sure I'll enjoy it.

CuddlePal and legal research and writing this semester and last semester

CuddlePal yeah, we all like a good lawyer joke

ForrestCat Chree  It's ok that is my best grade

RMikeR law student jokes are even better

RMikeR just look around

CuddlePal haven't heard any law student jokes!

CuddlePal what is your best grade, cat?

RMikeR sorry, I couldn't resist.

Chreee i'm trying to save up and work overtime so i can take research and writing during the summer

CuddlePal another good answer, mike

ForrestCat Legal writing

WR2F Larry many law students does it take to change a light bulb?

CuddlePal yeah - tough course though

CuddlePal how many larry?

RMikeR thanks, i'm really trying very hard.

CuddlePal well, we're proud of you, mike

WR2F Larry Dunno...Im axing you...

ForrestCat None-They have a paralegal do it?

CuddlePal oh

Chreee WR2F: if the party of the first party "lightbulb" consents and is of age and....

CuddlePal good answer, cat

CuddlePal you too chreee

WR2F Larry That's what I figured, Chreee...

ForrestCat Chreee :)

CuddlePal how many psychologists does it take to change a light bulb?

RMikeR wow.  i'm out of my league.  you guys (gals) are good.

Rich Dunn One.

CuddlePal only if the lightbulb really wants to change

Chreee NYU ran a whole page of law student jokes in a parody mag. on campus a few months back

WR2F Larry It probably takes at least 5 lawyers and a trip to the Supreme Court to get that

WR2F Larry dang light bulb changed.

ForrestCat Cuddle :)

ForrestCat Larry-It would take more lawyers if you're going to the SC

CuddlePal and alot of billable hours

RMikeR well, i hate to go, but the wife calls.  Early morning tomorrow.

Chreee night mike

CuddlePal goodnight mike!

ForrestCat Bye Mike.

Chreee i need to track down my boyfriend...he should be back from the swim meet by now

RMikeR enjoyed it.  See y'all (that's georgia-speak for you).

ForrestCat swim meet?

Chreee he swims for NYU

CuddlePal hi St Simmons

ForrestCat Stroke?

StSimmons Hi

WR2F Larry One psychologist...but the light bulb has to want to change.

Chreee long distance free...

ForrestCat Hi StSimmons

CuddlePal yes, we said that awhile ago, larry

Chreee hey StSimmons

WR2F Larry If not, that would require intervention...

ForrestCat Former swimmer. always curious

WR2F Larry OK I was AFK...sorry.

CuddlePal afk?

StSimmons Hey, FC thanks for the reply.

CuddlePal Larry, what is AFK?

ForrestCat St-School and grade?

Chreee forrest: yeah...he's doing ok...hoping to qual. for nats this month...if he does i'm gonna go with

WR2F Larry Away From Keyboard.

CuddlePal oh!

CuddlePal thanks

StSimmons currently?

WR2F Larry BRB = Be Right Back.

CuddlePal that one i know

ForrestCat Best of luck! 

Chreee BBL

WR2F Larry BAK = Back At Keyboard.

CuddlePal ?

CuddlePal BBL?

Chreee be back later

Chreee :)

WR2F Larry I'm going AFK...BRB

Rich Dunn LAW <-- Larry's a wanker.

CuddlePal aha

Chreee hahahahahahaha

ForrestCat Oh yea, Larry do you know who owns Blackacre?

CuddlePal that damn Blackacre!

ForrestCat Rich :):):):):)

Chreee NOT BLACKACRE?!?!?!!?!!!!

CuddlePal I'm so damn sick of blackacre!

Chreee What was your longest exam question and how long was it?

Rich Dunn (I can say that, 

ForrestCat Sorry, I lost control :(

CuddlePal Well, Torts took the cake!

Rich Dunn cause I KNOW he is).

Chreee how long?

CuddlePal there was the world's longest fact pattern

CuddlePal oh, a few pages

Chreee how many?

WR2F Larry <---BAK

CuddlePal two and a half?

ForrestCat Rich- Not sure I want to know how you know...

CuddlePal something like that

CuddlePal and just about everything went wrong that could go wrong

WR2F Larry Rich is a heterosexual.

Chreee I had one fact pattern that was (no joke) three and a half legal pages long

CuddlePal it was fun though

ForrestCat Longest exam 3.5 hours

CuddlePal yuck!

Rich Dunn Larry and I have been hating each other from a distance for years.

CuddlePal that yuck was in response to the 3 1/2 pages

ForrestCat Chree YUCK!

WR2F Larry 5 years.

CuddlePal I haven't gotten my Torts grade back yet

ForrestCat Rich- Sounds great.

Chreee no doubt...took 10 minutes to begin to comprehend the question!

WR2F Larry what is a fact pattern?

CuddlePal alot of facts, larry

Chreee larry: a law exam question...senario

CuddlePal that you have to put together into something coherent

ForrestCat Dicta

Rich Dunn We were stationed in the U.K. together back when F. Lee Baily was a 1L.

WR2F Larry Sounds interesting...I'll bet I could do this law thang...but can't take the pressure of

WR2F Larry law school...

CuddlePal i doubt you go back that long!

Chreee i am REALLY going to call mny boyfriend...bbl if anyone is still here

CuddlePal bye chreee

ForrestCat Bye Chreee

WR2F Larry Rich and I go back to about 1989, axeually...

CuddlePal so, i guess i should probably sign off too - i'm so tired

CuddlePal and early class tomorrow

Rich Dunn I got my grades today.  B+ in Administrative Law, C+ in Discovery.  Shoots down my average.

ForrestCat I should go as well.

CuddlePal well, the B+ is good

Rich Dunn So I'm not going to take any courses in the Spring.

WR2F Larry What do they mean by "discovery?"

ForrestCat Rich where do you go to school and why are you worried about B+

CuddlePal taking off, cat?

WR2F Larry Is that another term for fact finding?

CuddlePal in a way, larry

WR2F Larry What's the difference?

Rich Dunn Paralegal courses at SFSU.

Rich Dunn I've been taking them for two years straight.

Rich Dunn Sort of burned out I think.

ForrestCat Hey, you folks have more rain then we do :)

WR2F Larry SFSU = Than FranthithKo Thate Univerthity.

CuddlePal :)

ForrestCat Rich how much longer?

Rich Dunn Only need one more course, but will wait till Fall.

CuddlePal well, good luck

Rich Dunn Will probably do a 3-unit field experience course at SF Small Claims.

WR2F Larry Hey Cuddle...we're almost neighbors...I'm in Delaware.

ForrestCat Then, will you leave AOL for a life of riches?

CuddlePal almost, Larry

Rich Dunn No, I'm here for the duration.

WR2F Larry What kind of business are you in?

CuddlePal well, goodnight all - 

ForrestCat Bye Cuddle

WR2F Larry An AOL girlfriend of mine is in Lawrenceville, NJ

CuddlePal bye!!!!

WR2F Larry Cya, Cuddle...

Rich Dunn Bye.

WR2F Larry Bah.

ForrestCat Well boys it's time for me to say ciao.

WR2F Larry <---AFK...getting a glassa whine...

ForrestCat Hey Rich how about advertising this a bit more?

Rich Dunn Well, glad you could make it again.

Rich Dunn Okay, will try to.

ForrestCat BYE BOYS...

Rich Dunn Hopefully we'll get a better showing for Roberta.

WR2F Larry Cya Forrest...


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