Technical Info

 Date: 04-19-90 (19:57)               Number: 3707                               

  To: JAY GERRING                    Refer#: 3693

From: BOB KIEL                         Read: YES


Thanks for the tips


Date: 04-20-90 (07:23)               Number: 3708

  To: SYSOP                          Refer#: NONE

From: WOLFGANG JOHN                    Read: YES

Subj: DATE LOSS                      Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

Hi J.,


With the help from Walt Freedman (70043,2416) on PCMagNet I offer the

following information:


The Date-Loss problem is discussed in PC Magazine of March 27, 1990 on

page 307 under "For the technically curious".  It is part of a

discussion of a utility called "Schedule.Com".  In Walt's words: <It

automatically pops-up at midnight - so BIOS gets reset even if you are

away for days.  Couple that with a screen dimmer that will "wake up"

when SCHEDULE activates at 12.01am and you got a system!!>   Both utils

are in Lib 2 as SCHEDU.ARC (81K) and DIM103.ZIP (13K).  ( From






Date: 04-20-90 (19:27)               Number: 3709

  To: SYSOP                          Refer#: NONE

From: JOE TAIBI                        Read: YES

Subj: Z-LAN AND T1000 LAPTOP?        Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

I just found that the Toshiba 1000 laptop is listed as incompatible with

Z-LAN for what appears to be a very strange reason! It states that it

does not work because the T1000 has DOS 2.1 in ROM and cannot be



First of all, in the two years I've owned a T1000 the only time I've

booted it from the internal ROM has been at airport baggage checks to

prove it is a computer, the rest of the time I boot up with a 3.3 DOS

boot disk...


There are also ROM upgrades available for that machine now but not from

the manufacturer ( from what I understand ) I can get more detail on

this if necessary but what I'm really curious about is why nobody tried

booting it from a floppy to see if the program worked that way?


The boot disk (A: or ROM) is selctable in the T1000 setup, the ROM is

not the only choice. Are they saying that the ROM has an effect even if

a disk with DOS 3.3 is used to boot?


I really would be able to use the Z-LAN if my hunch that booting from

disk would work, especially since my laptop is a T1000! <grin>.





Date: 04-23-90 (08:11)               Number: 3716

  To: WOLFGANG JOHN                  Refer#: 3708

From: JAY GERRING                      Read: YES

Subj: DATE LOSS                      Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

-> The Date-Loss problem is discussed in PC Magazine of March 27, 1990

-> on page 307 under "For the technically curious".


Wolfgang, once again, thanks very much for the follow up!


   - J Gerring 


Date: 04-23-90 (08:19)               Number: 3717

  To: JOE TAIBI                      Refer#: 3709

From: JAY GERRING                      Read: YES

Subj: Z-LAN AND T1000 LAPTOP?        Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

-> The boot disk (A: or ROM) is selctable in the T1000 setup, the ROM is

-> not the only choice. Are they saying that the ROM has an effect even

-> if a disk with DOS 3.3 is used to boot?


Joe, well, it's possible that whoever reported the incompatibility was

not aware that you could select how you wanted the T1000 to boot.  I

will pass you note along to our Compatibility Engineer and have her

change that to "incompatible when booted from original ROM" or something

similar.  Thanks for the info!


   - J Gerring 


Date: 04-25-90 (19:07)               Number: 3736

  To: JAY GERRING                    Refer#: 3717

From: JOE TAIBI                        Read: YES

Subj: Z-LAN AND T1000 LAPTOP?        Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

Well I have not *verified* that it WILL work. I have only tried to pass

along to you that the T1000 doesn't HAVE to boot from the ROM if you

don't want it to. I'd suggest someone in test get a T1000 and try

booting it from A: and see if Z-LAN works. If it does then *I* would

likely BUY that version to add to my current 2.57u setup!! ( I'd hate to

buy it to find that some OTHER oddity makes my T1000 incompatible ).




I'd have to agree just on the evidence, that the T1000 Lap top would not

be compatible IF booted from the ROM. 


Date: 04-25-90 (19:55)               Number: 3737

  To: ALL                            Refer#: NONE

From: SCOTT ERICKSON                   Read: (N/A)

Subj: CABLE                          Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

}e a cable in hand from a potential customer who has strung a

few hundred feet around his building. Customer is a Fortune 1000,

and I need some help. Cable lable says as follows:



LL4985 (Mayber 46185, I have an old piece) CSA AWN S-R PVC

800 300V P/N M3194


Connectors are DB-9, metal mate, so connections can be canged to

accomodate what we need for 2 MBPS adapters. Metal shell, so we

can accomodate a proper ground.


a> Is this even close to the Belden cable?


b> Can we use the existing building cabling?


c> Length limits? One shot is 250 feet. Total network length with

   18 stations will be about 800 - 1200 feet.


d> It will be a hell of a lot shorter if they can't use their exist-

   ing cable.


HELP ???!!!


Scott Erickson

PC Support

Voice (408) 226-6896

FAX:  (408) 578-8748



Date: 04-26-90 (08:16)               Number: 3740

  To: JOE TAIBI                      Refer#: 3736

From: JAY GERRING                      Read: YES

Subj: Z-LAN AND T1000 LAPTOP?        Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

-> Well I have not *verified* that it WILL work. I have only tried to

-> pass along to you that the T1000 doesn't HAVE to boot from the ROM if

-> you don't want it to.


Joe, ok, and now that we know that, I'm willing to say that it's highly

likely that the T1000 will work fine with Z, as long as you boot from a

disk with DOS 3.1 or higher.  I will, however, see if we can get an

evaluation unit in-house to test, but I don't know how long that might



   - J Gerring 


Date: 04-26-90 (08:44)               Number: 3742

  To: SCOTT ERICKSON                 Refer#: 3737

From: JAY GERRING                      Read: NO

Subj: CABLE                          Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

-> Is this even close to the Belden cable?


Scott,  First, I have to warn you that we can't support you on this site

if you do use the installed cabling...  That said, there really is no

way to know if it's close to the Belden cable except to call the

manufacturer of the cable and see if they can tell you.  Barring that,

hooking it up and trying it out is the only way to know if it will work

for sure.  But if it doesn't, there's nothing I can recommend except to

use a supported cable...


   - J Gerring 

Date: 04-27-90 (13:35)               Number: 3752

  To: ALL                            Refer#: NONE

From: STEVEN HEITZNER                  Read: (N/A)

Subj: UPDATE TO NOS                  Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

I am running the 10megabit Eithernet boards and your software Lantastic

Eth. 2.57u and NE-3.  Will I be getting an upgrade, if so when (approx

date) and at what cost???  I got your Ethernet boards.


Date: 04-28-90 (11:55)               Number: 3754

  To: SYSOP                          Refer#: NONE

From: JOHN SOLTOW                      Read: YES


    I noticed in a previous message that you said it is possible to run

a server with both the 2 MBPS and Lantastic-Z systems.  How much extra

memory would I be giving up by adding Lantastic-Z to my server?  We're

looking into adding some of our older portables into the network (when

they're here) to allow then access to the printers.

    Are there any other problems that might be involved that I'm not

aware of?  




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Date: 04-29-90 (15:47)               Number: 3757

  To: ALL                            Refer#: NONE

From: JOE TAIBI                        Read: NO (Has Replies)

Subj: NMDM21.ZIP                     Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

Just found a beta test version of a set of utils that allow common

access to a MODEM SERVER on a NETBIOS LAN. It appears to require a

dedicated machine to be the modem server which makes sense and it

provides a util for each user called VTERM ( No not the same as the one

you're thinking of as far as I could tell ). Since I've seen so many

people express an interest ( no a definite requirement actually ) for

such capability I thought it a good idea to upload it here! Mayne it

will fill the void for somebody! In my current setup I have no need of

such a thing since my LANtastic setup is merely three nodes at present

and TNE serves more than adequately for this when necessary!




Date: 04-30-90 (00:22)               Number: 3760

  To: JOE TAIBI                      Refer#: 3757

From: DANA SNOW                        Read: YES

Subj: NMDM21.ZIP                     Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

Thanks Joe, I'll take a look at it when "J" decides it's safe for public

consumption. (Kind of like the kings food taster - if J lives it gets

posted <grin>)


Date: 04-30-90 (09:26)               Number: 3761

  To: STEVEN HEITZNER                Refer#: 3752

From: JAY GERRING                      Read: YES

Subj: UPDATE TO NOS                  Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

-> I am running the 10megabit Eithernet boards and your software

-> Lantastic Eth. 2.57u and NE-3.  Will I be getting an upgrade, if so

-> when (approx date) and at what cost???


Steve,  We will make an announcement when version 3 becomes avaialable,

and then registered users will be able to upgrade.  The cost will be $50

and the release is currently projected for sometime in late May.   In

addition, we will be sending upgrade notices to all registered users.


   - J Gerring 


Date: 04-30-90 (09:53)               Number: 3762

  To: JOHN SOLTOW                    Refer#: 3754

From: JAY GERRING                      Read: YES


-> How much extra memory would I be giving up by adding Lantastic-Z to

-> my server?


John, the low-level drivers for Z take about 10K more.


-> Are there any other problems that might be involved that I'm not

-> aware of?


Not really, the speed isn't blinding, but Z will certainly do the job

for your printing.


   - J Gerring 


Date: 04-30-90 (09:59)               Number: 3764

  To: JOE TAIBI                      Refer#: 3757

From: JAY GERRING                      Read: YES

Subj: NMDM21.ZIP                     Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

-> Just found a beta test version of a set of utils that allow common

-> access to a MODEM SERVER on a NETBIOS LAN.


Joe, Thanks for letting me know about your upload, I'll take a look at

it and probably post it for download soon.  Thanks,


   - J Gerring 


Date: 04-30-90 (12:32)               Number: 3767

  To: ALL                            Refer#: NONE

From: ERIC SHAMIE                      Read: (N/A)

Subj: LAPTOPS                        Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

I have Lantastic installed on 4 full-size PCs using 2mbps adaptors.

I would like to add the 1 - 2 laptops we have to the network.  Is

there a recommended way?  Can I use pocket Ethernet adaptors and have

some machines running with the 2mbps and some using Ethernet? Or,

would it be better to use a Lantastic-Z connection?


Date: 05-01-90 (08:16)               Number: 3770

  To: ERIC SHAMIE                    Refer#: 3767

From: JAY GERRING                      Read: YES

Subj: LAPTOPS                        Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

-> I would like to add the 1 - 2 laptops we have to the network.  Is

-> there a recommended way?  Can I use pocket Ethernet adaptors and have

-> some machines running with the 2mbps and some using Ethernet? Or,

-> would it be better to use a Lantastic-Z connection?


Eric, Well, if you already had Ethernet adapters installed in the PCs

then the Pocket Ethernet adapters would be the easiest way to add in

laptops.  But since you have the 2Mbps adapters then I'd recommend using

LANtastic Z, or 2Mbps cards if the laptops have an available slot.


   - J Gerring 


Date: 05-01-90 (12:10)               Number: 3773

  To: JAY GERRING                    Refer#: 3770

From: ERIC SHAMIE                      Read: YES

Subj: LAPTOPS                        Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

So you don't forsee any problems running both Lantastic NOS and

Lantastic-Z on a single machine?  Also, would there be substantial

advantages to converting all the adaptors to Ethernet...?


Date: 05-01-90 (19:28)               Number: 3774

  To: ALL                            Refer#: NONE

From: RON FAIRCLOTH                    Read: (N/A)

Subj: PRINTER USAGE                  Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

Is there a way to set up a 2 machine LANtastic network, one server and

one workstation, with a seperate individual printer attached to both the

server and the workstation, where the server can use the workstation's

printer (without making the workstation a second server).  If not, how

can you do it making the workstation a second server?


Date: 05-02-90 (08:13)               Number: 3779

  To: ERIC SHAMIE                    Refer#: 3773

From: JAY GERRING                      Read: YES

Subj: LAPTOPS                        Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

-> So you don't forsee any problems running both Lantastic NOS and

-> Lantastic-Z on a single machine?


Eric, nope, it's pretty much designed to work that way...  <smile>


-> Also, would there be substantial advantages to converting all the

-> adaptors to Ethernet...?


Sure, the overall throughput of the LAN would be much higher, especially

for the laptops.  Z is a pretty slow link, the Ethernet adapters are

probably five times faster...


   - J Gerring 


Date: 05-02-90 (08:28)               Number: 3780

  To: RON FAIRCLOTH                  Refer#: 3774

From: JAY GERRING                      Read: YES

Subj: PRINTER USAGE                  Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

-> where the server can use the workstation's printer (without making

-> the workstation a second server).  If not, how can you do it making

-> the workstation a second server?


Ron, A machine must be running as a server to be able to share any of

its resouces.  To make the second machine a server, you first install

the software from the distribution disk, selecting the 'install for

server and redirector' option under the 'install software' option in

NET_MGR.  Then, change the batch file that brings up the LAN on the

workstation to include the SHARE and SERVER commands.  Bring up NET_MGR

on the drive you installed to and set up a printer shared resource (as

on page 6-8 of the NOS User's Manual), exit NET_MGR and reboot the

computer.  When it comes up, you can then log into it from the first

server and NET USE its printer.  


   - J Gerring 


Date: 05-02-90 (10:49)               Number: 3783

  To: JAY GERRING                    Refer#: 3764

From: JOE TAIBI                        Read: YES

Subj: NMDM21.ZIP                     Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

You're welcome. As I said, TNE does all I need in this regard on my

system but since I see so few LAN type utilities out here this one

caught my attention. BTW, from what I've read of  LANtastic 3.0 I can

hardly wait to see it! Now the only problem is I don't recall if I

actually sent in my 2.57u reg card? I need to start a habit of mailing

those types of things immediately before they can get buried in a corner

of a drawer!


Date: 05-03-90 (06:18)               Number: 3790

  To: ALL                            Refer#: NONE

From: MICHAEL BROWN                    Read: (N/A)


What is the best way to hook up a plotter with a serial interce to

a LANtastic LAN?


Date: 05-03-90 (14:05)               Number: 3797

  To: MICHAEL BROWN                  Refer#: 3790

From: JAY GERRING                      Read: YES


-> What is the best way to hook up a plotter with a serial interce to a

-> LANtastic LAN?


Michael,  The best way to do it currently is to hook it to a serial port

on the server, then use the MODE command to redirect one of the unused

LPT ports on your sever to the COM port the plotter is attached to.  In

the NET_MGR program, set up an @PLOTTER device that links to the LPT

port you specify in MODE.  Then, on your workstations, login to the

server and NET USE one of your local LPT ports as the @PLOTTER device

and tell your plotting program to plot to that local LPT port.  The MODE

commands should be run before any of the NOS software, see p. 10-6 of

the NOS User Manual for an example of using MODE to redirect the

server's LPT port to the COM device.


   - J Gerring 


Date: 05-03-90 (18:53)               Number: 3802

  To: SYSOP                          Refer#: NONE

From: DAVISON MOORE                    Read: YES

Subj: BAR CODE                       Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

J., I found the answer to my problem with the entry of function keys. 

There is a gizmo know (not to me until yesterday) as a keyboard wedge,

it allows you to program your bar code input so as to fool the keyboard

scan codes.  In other words I can scan in a "##" in extended 3-9 and

voila (sic) the program thinks it is receiving a keyboard scan code 44

ie. F10.  Ain't science wonderful?  In any event if the inquire ever

raises it's ugly head again, thers your answer, and now you know

something more than you did yesterday and so do I.  Best regards.  Dave.


Date: 05-04-90 (08:00)               Number: 3805   (Deleted)

  To: DAVISON MOORE                  Refer#: 3802

From: JAY GERRING                      Read: YES

Subj: BAR CODE                       Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

Dave, thanks for the followup on the keyboard wedge, I'll have to

remember to keep that one in mind...  Thanks again!


   - J Gerring 


Date: 05-04-90 (11:44)               Number: 3808

  To: ALL                            Refer#: NONE

From: J.C. HASSALL                     Read: (N/A)

Subj: LAN & DESQVIEW                 Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

please see file LAN-DV.HLP for descriptioof my machines, and software in

use.  Versions of software w/time-date stamp, load sequences are given.



Date: 05-06-90 (14:58)               Number: 3815

  To: ALL                            Refer#: NONE

From: DAVE MARTIN                      Read: (N/A)


I thought you might be interested to know that a LANtastic client can

also be a TOPS server.  This enables MACs on a TOPS network to use the

shared resources on a LANtastic network.  


The same thing should be true for Appletalk-DOS.  Has anybody out there

tried it??


If you want to do the TOPS on LANtastic trick be sure to set the TOPS

software interrupt to something other than 5C (5D worked for me) also

set any shared resource to a TOPS 'H' device. 



Date: 05-06-90 (15:15)               Number: 3816

  To: ALL                            Refer#: NONE

From: DENNIS THOMPSON                  Read: (N/A)

Subj: PARADOX 3.0 CRASHES            Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

Help!  Paradox 3.0 hangs the system when running under Lantastic if a

DOS shell is done while in Paradox.  If I just start Paradox, do a DOS

shell (either manually with Ctrl-O or with the PAL "run" command) then

exit, I get an error message: "Can't start Paradox: unable to record

lock\unlock [path]PARADOX.NET. You may have insufficient access."


If I run a PAL menu as well as do a DOS shell, the system crashes upon

exiting Paradox with no error message.


I checked with the Paradox tech support, but they had no idea what might

be wrong (Paradox doesn't officially support Lantastic).


I've tried it with no memory resident programs, no drivers, with various

Lantastic adapter card settings, and nothing seems to fix this.  It

happens only under the circumstances described.  Paradox is working fine

under Lantastic for all other operations.


I have the latest version of Lantastic (2.57) running on Laser 286

micros.  The only possibility I haven't tested is whether there is

something about this make of micro that conflicts with something this

combination of Lantastic and Paradox operations.


Has anyone done DOS shells in Paradox 3.0 under Lantastic WITHOUT

getting error messages or system crashes?  Any ideas about what else I

could try?  I really need to be able to run other programs and DOS

commands while in Paradox. Help!


Date: 05-06-90 (16:10)               Number: 3817   (Deleted)

  To: ALEX KARAHALIOS                Refer#: NONE

From: DAVE MARTIN                      Read: NO




Hope things are going well for you and you are managing to stay sane in

the midst of the huge expansion which must be causing growing pains at



I've an interest in gatewaying other networks to LANtastic and would

like to find a means for a server to access a redirected device.  I

understand that the way that the operating system is written does not

allow this for disk devices (D: etc).  How are other DOS devices

treated?  A long time ago I recall being successful at the server's

being able to use COM1 as a shared resource.  LANtastic seemed to treat

COM1 as a block device I remember.  Is there a route to sharing a

redirected drive hidden here somewhere?  


I also did a bit of work on setting up a system where a server could

send a client a network path to another server.  This worked like a

charm and could ease the management of a large network of networks.  As

it presently stands it has some security problems.  In a network of

distributed servers one can't expect to keep all usernames and ACLs at

each server.  Our solution to this was to assume that if the user could

logon to a server, he had the authority to logon to ANY server, hence

once logged on, his private username was replaced with a globally

accepted username.  


This works but screws up security.  A solution would be to use the ACL

bit pattern from the first logon attempt as the network username so that

security information is carried with the global access right as kind of

a token which is acceptable network wide.  In the present NOS this would

require a very long ACL for each resource.  I suggest that you consider

modifying the NOS to accomodate some kind of global naming and security

authorization scheme.  Clearly, such an approch is necessary to move

from small to big networks.


We've just acquired MIT's Project ATHENA NOS for a 300 node workstation

network.  It uses a security server called KERABOS (the three headed dog

that guards the gates of hell) to control access to the network

resources by means of authenticating a user by a logon procedure then

giving the user a token which allows access to resources wherever they

may be on the network.  Security info must be part of that token. I'll

know for sure next week more details of how it works.


I've a line on an extremely good DOS programmer who could work on

projects like this.  Unfortunately, he came along after I had committed

all of my funds.  This guy writes device drivers that work first time. 

The first thing he did for me as a favor was to write a device driver

which disables the keyboard during bootup then re-enables it after

the NOS has been installed to prevent hacker access to the server.


I'm about to be forcably logged off.  bye.


Dave Martin .... Let me know if you want some programming.


Date: 05-06-90 (18:06)               Number: 3818

  To: JOHN CROUCH                    Refer#: 3682

From: MIKE KING                        Read: YES

Subj: LAN PHONE                      Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

the next release of lantastic will


Date: 05-07-90 (07:28)               Number: 3822

  To: JAY GERRING                    Refer#: 3762

From: JOHN SOLTOW                      Read: YES


>the low-level drivers for Z take about 10K more.


    Does that mean that I would be giving up JUST another 10K, or that I

would be giving up an additional 40 or 50K (or whatever it is) and that

the additional memory given up would be 10K larger than a 2MBS TSR.  



Date: 05-07-90 (09:08)               Number: 3830

  To: JOHN SOLTOW                    Refer#: 3822

From: JAY GERRING                      Read: YES


-> Does that mean that I would be giving up JUST another 10K, or that I

-> would be giving up an additional 40 or 50K (or whatever it is) and

-> that the additional memory given up would be 10K larger than a 2MBS

-> TSR.


John,  Well, on a server that is currently running a 2Mbps set up, you

will add 10K to the total overhead.  On the Z workstation (presumably a

laptop), the full overhead will be about 10K more than a 2Mbps

workstation.  Sorry for not being a little more clear on that before... 


   - J Gerring 


Date: 05-07-90 (19:40)               Number: 3832

  To: SYSOP                          Refer#: NONE

From: LARRY WESTHAVER                  Read: YES

Subj: TECH.ZIP                       Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

J, When the new 3.0 NOS is released will there also be a new updated

version of the TECH.ZIP file for those of us who like to roll-our-own

LANtasic utilities?  I sure hope so...


One more question, When the AUE_IO value (the 40 bit unsigned binary

number) returned by the GET ACTIVE USER INFO interrupt call reaches its

limit what happens???? Does this 5 byte number simply rollover to zero

or does the NOS go supernova and explode under the weight of such

massive data I/O???? :-)  No really.... What happens?  


Likewise, what happens to the AUE_requests (the 24 bit unsigned number)

when its limits are exceeded?  I need to know since I leave my server

activity monitor (SAM.EXE) running for days at a time and the

AUE_requests count gets way up there.  Do I need to log out and log back

in again once in a while to reset the count or am I safe in letting the

number skyrocket?


PS. For any users of SAM, I have a new version that fixes the problem of

the DOS date not being kept current when the server is left running

unattended for several days at a time.  I'll upload it as SAM105.ZIP


                                        Thanks in advance,




Date: 05-07-90 (19:43)               Number: 3833

  To: SYSOP                          Refer#: NONE

From: LARRY WESTHAVER                  Read: YES

Subj: LANTASTIC NOS 3.0              Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

J, I just double checked the bulletins here and I don't see a release

date for NOS version 3.0.  When will this version be released to the

existing LANtastic userbase as an upgrade?





Date: 05-08-90 (07:34)               Number: 3835

  To: ALL                            Refer#: NONE

From: PAUL LAW                         Read: (N/A)


We a just getting started in the LAN area.  We have just installed

LANTASTIC cards in three machines and want to use them to backup to tape

each night.  Can anyone recomend hardware/software that will enable each

of us to backup to a tape drive on the LAN without compromising

security.  For example: If the tape drive is in my PC does my boss have

to give me access to all his confidential files in order to backup his

hard disk?  Any suggestions?


Date: 05-08-90 (08:05)               Number: 3837

  To: LARRY WESTHAVER                Refer#: 3833

From: JAY GERRING                      Read: YES

Subj: LANTASTIC NOS 3.0              Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

-> I just double checked the bulletins here and I don't see a release

-> date for NOS version 3.0.  When will this version be released to the

-> existing LANtastic userbase as an upgrade?


Larry,  NOS 3.0 is currently scheduled for release at the end of this

month.  There is no announced date as of now, so it could slide a

little, but the target date is late this month.  Sorry I can't be more



   - J Gerring 


Date: 05-08-90 (10:08)               Number: 3839

  To: LARRY WESTHAVER                Refer#: 3832

From: JAY GERRING                      Read: YES

Subj: TECH.ZIP                       Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

-> When the new 3.0 NOS is released will there also be a new updated

-> version of the TECH.ZIP file for those of us who like to roll-our-own

-> LANtasic utilities?


Of course!  Actually, there won't be many changes (if any), but there

will be several additions.


-> When the AUE_IO value (the 40 bit unsigned binary number) returned by

-> the GET ACTIVE USER INFO interrupt call reaches its limit what

-> happens???? Does this 5 byte number simply rollover to zero or does

-> the NOS go supernova and explode under the weight of such massive

-> data I/O?


Well, let's see, that's a 40 bit number, so at 1000 bytes of I/O per

second, it would take about 35 years for it to overflow.  Barring a

power outage, and acts of God (which would cause the server to have to

be rebooted and reset the number), it would roll over to zero!  <grin> 

Just having a little fun, but seriously, yes, it would reset itself...


-> Likewise, what happens to the AUE_requests (the 24 bit unsigned

-> number) when its limits are exceeded?


Same thing, only it's more probable that this would happen during your

career!  Actually, it could happen in as little time as a week

(depending on how many requests SAM is making), but it will also roll

over to zero.


Have a good one!


   - J Gerring 


Date: 05-08-90 (11:58)               Number: 3840

  To: SYSOP                          Refer#: NONE

From: PING WU                          Read: YES

Subj: INT9FIX                        Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

I had experienced the "Left-shift-on state becoming active when no shift

key is pressed" phenonmenon on a few of my machines here before becoming

aware of INT9FIX.ZIP, which I have since downloaded and read.


My question is whether this is a possible problem with all machines, or

only (as seems to be inferred in KBFIX.DOC) with AT type machines.  I.e.

are PS/2's immune?  Are PC/XT's with enhanced keyboards (is such a thing

possible?) immune?  Is there something more definitive to determine

whether a machine is susceptible/immune? eg. type of keyboard

controller?  Can I determine whether a particular machine is

susceptible/immune by inspecting certain RAM/ROM locations or I/O ports?


Sorry, didn't mean to run-on.  I'm sure you've got the drift of my



Look forward to your reply.




Ping Wu.


Date: 05-09-90 (06:45)               Number: 3845

  To: JAY GERRING                    Refer#: 3830

From: JOHN SOLTOW                      Read: YES


> Sorry for not being a little more clear ...


    Actually your reply was alot easier to understand that the question.

 Thanks again.  It sounds like it is exactly what we need. 


    Ò     ÖÄÄ·

  Ò ºohn  ÓÄÄ·oltow

  ÓĽ     ÓÄĽ


Date: 05-09-90 (08:10)               Number: 3849

  To: PING WU                        Refer#: 3840

From: JAY GERRING                      Read: YES

Subj: INT9FIX                        Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

-> My question is whether this is a possible problem with all machines,

-> or only (as seems to be inferred in KBFIX.DOC) with AT type machines.

-> I.e. are PS/2's immune?  Are PC/XT's with enhanced keyboards (is such

-> a thing possible?) immune?


Ping, The problem will most likely occurr with 286, 386, and 486

machines.  It's possible that some XTs may have extended BIOS functions

that can talk to an enhanced keyboard.  The BIOS has to be able to

understand the enhanced scan codes, and most XTs don't do this.  In any

case, you can run the KBFIX program, and it won't install unless it

finds the right code in DOS.  It won't hurt anything to run INT9FIX, so

there's no harm in trying it on an XT if you are having the problem



   - J Gerring 


Date: 05-09-90 (10:31)               Number: 3854

  To: SYSOP                          Refer#: NONE

From: PING WU                          Read: YES

Subj: INT9FIX                        Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

Thanks for your quick reply.  I will probably do exactly as you

suggested.  I have to admit, however, that programs that patch DOS and

depend on specific coding do make me alittle nervous.  Is that



Nervous enough that I would be willing to trade a few hundred bytes of

RAM for a more traditional TSR approach, if such a thing would work.  I

considered, as a result, trying to write a TSR that would intercept the

INT9 vector and then simply disable the keyboard before sending control

back to wherever it was going.  (I guess for completeness it should

perhaps insure the keyboard was re-enabled as control was passed back

out.)  But time, lack of info, and the fact I have machines ranging from

XT types, to AT types, to PS/2 types, to 386 machines, some of which I

think use completely different keyboard controllers, will prevent me.


Re that last point (that eg. PS/2's use a different keyboard

controller). I guess that's what made me wonder if PS/2's might

be immune, and whether the fix had been tried on PS/2's.  I noticed that

at least KBDFIX.SYS basically just checks if the first non-JMP

instruction in the BIOS routine is STI and if so points the vector at

the next instruction after the STI, so even if the keyboard handling

routine was completely different from the expected, it would still

patch.  I assume this is safe?  Also I know that bypassing the STI is

pretty safe in a standard AT-bios keyboard handling routine since

several CLI/STI pairs are subsequently executed as part of the

interaction with the keyboard controller, but is this also the case with

XT's ?  PS/2's ?


Anyway, sorry to run-on, but I was just wondering.






Date: 05-09-90 (22:28)               Number: 3858   (Deleted)

  To: ALL                            Refer#: NONE

From: STEVEN PURVIS                    Read: (N/A)

Subj: NETSEND                        Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

I recently tried the netsend program.  Its ok, but does not work well

with Automenu (r), the menu program we use.  I've seen other networks

with a chat mode feature that works great with Automenu.  Is there a

better "chat" program that will run with LANtastic (the network of our

choice) ?


Date: 05-10-90 (08:30)               Number: 3859

  To: PING WU                        Refer#: 3854

From: JAY GERRING                      Read: YES

Subj: INT9FIX                        Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

-> I would be willing to trade a few hundred bytes of RAM for a more

-> traditional TSR approach, if such a thing would work.


Ping, That's what the program INT9FIX.EXE does, it is a TSR that loads

from your autoexec.bat before any other programs, disables the keyboard

until control passes back through it.  If the KBFIX patch to DOS seems

dangerous to you, then this is the program to use.  


-> is this also the case with XT's ?  PS/2's ?


We haven't seen this problem happen on anything but AT type machines, so

far.  If it does happen on an XT or PS/2, then it's much more likely to

be an acutal hardware problem (a dying keyboard), rather than anything

else.  So far, we have not had any reports of PS/2s having the problem,

and as far as we know, all XTs that have had a similar problem have been

fixed by replacing the keyboard.  


   - J Gerring 


Date: 05-10-90 (08:51)               Number: 3863

  To: STEVEN PURVIS                  Refer#: 3858

From: JAY GERRING                      Read: YES

Subj: NETSEND                        Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

-> Is there a better "chat" program that will run with LANtastic (the

-> network of our choice) ?


Steve, not yet, but our version 3.0, currently scheduled for release at

the end of this month, does have a chat feature.  It should be easy to

add it as an option to Automenu...


   - J Gerring 


Date: 05-10-90 (11:47)               Number: 3864

  To: JAY GERRING                    Refer#: NONE

From: PING WU                          Read: YES

Subj: INT9FIX                        Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

-> We haven't seen this problem happen on anything but AT type machines

-> so far.


Great.  Neither have I.  So I'll use one of your fixes on my AT types

and leave my PS/2's and XT types alone.  Thanks.


I hate to do this, but if you've got the time, I've got a follow-up

question (strictly for my enlightenment only).  Why does INT9FIX.EXE

mask IRQ0, which KBFIX.DOC mentions can have various side effects,

rather than inhibiting the keyboard?


Ping Wu.


Date: 05-10-90 (19:26)               Number: 3865

  To: SYSOP                          Refer#: NONE

From: GARY SAAKE                       Read: YES

Subj: LANTASTIC VOICE...             Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

Just saw an ad for lantastic voice. Is there any literature available?

Is this part of NOS 3.0 or a seperate package? Ok, c'mon guys, give us

an idea of what 3.0 MIGHT include. We promise not tell a soul <grin>.




Date: 05-11-90 (08:35)               Number: 3866

  To: GARY SAAKE                     Refer#: 3865

From: JAY GERRING                      Read: YES

Subj: LANTASTIC VOICE...             Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

-> Just saw an ad for lantastic voice. Is there any literature

-> available? Is this part of NOS 3.0 or a seperate package?


Gary, LANtastic voice is both part of NOS 3.0 and a separate package,

depending on how you use it.  Voice messaging is built into NOS 3.0, you

just need the voice card to completely enable it.  About the only

literature I know of for it right now is the bulletin in this



-> give us an idea of what 3.0 MIGHT include. We promise not tell a soul

-> <grin>.


Ok, ok, I will!  Just read bulletins 2 (v3.0) and 3 (Voice) and you'll

get an idea of what we're doing! <grin back>


   - J Gerring 


Date: 05-11-90 (09:54)               Number: 3867

  To: PING WU                        Refer#: 3864

From: JAY GERRING                      Read: YES

Subj: INT9FIX                        Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

-> Why does INT9FIX.EXE mask IRQ0, which KBFIX.DOC mentions can have

-> various side effects, rather than inhibiting the keyboard?


Ping,  Well, the programmer who wrote it says that it could be done

either way, but he felt the safest way was to mask the timer interrupt

while the keyboard handler was running, that way nothing could interrupt

it (which is one way the scan codes get stepped on). All KBFIX does,

however, is to find the entry point for the keyboard handler in DOS and

tell it to skip one instruction, which is to re-enable the keyboard

interrupt.  This happens at the end of the routine also, so there's

really no danger of the keyboard not being able to send scan codes again

later.    I hope that's a good explanation, at least it's how I

understood it! 


   - J Gerring 


Date: 05-11-90 (10:21)               Number: 3868

  To: JAY GERRING                    Refer#: NONE

From: PING WU                          Read: YES

Subj: INT9FIX                        Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

Thanks !!


Ping Wu.


Date: 05-12-90 (09:00)               Number: 3871

  To: ALL                            Refer#: NONE

From: FRANK BARTLETT                   Read: (N/A)


I have tried to use Network Eye to control a remote system that is

running Desqview. The Network Eye can work with the active/foreground

process, but it will not allow me to change tasks. I have tried

reassigning the Desqview activation key(s), but with no success. 

The latest rev. of Desqview

documentation makes reference to being compatible PCAnywhere, so it

would appear that this sort of control should be possible. Can you help

me out in this area?


Date: 05-12-90 (12:41)               Number: 3872

  To: ALL                            Refer#: NONE

From: JAMES WEISS                      Read: (N/A)


This is probably and oooooold trick to most of you, but I'll post it



One way to get the most out of this message base is to call every "n"

days and capture all the new messages to a text file.  Once offline, dig

out your indexing program, and index the new capture file.  Then, once

you have a question about something here, use your indexer to search

your capture files for keywords.


This has two benefits:

1) it saves you $$$ on connect time, and

2) it saves our heroic sysop from answering the same questions over and



It's a great time/frustration saver - try it!





Date: 05-12-90 (14:33)               Number: 3874

  To: ALL                            Refer#: NONE

From: SANDY SILVERBERG                 Read: (N/A)


Hey guys.  Is there any kind of a monitor and/or diagnostics utilities

under development?  Occasionally we get a sticky problem that is very

intermittent and everything we know to check looks OK.  Some sort of

monitor would help.

Also, a reference manual on performance and tuning of an installed


Typical tuning situations could be explained.

Sandy Silverberg, Ideasign, Inc.


Date: 05-12-90 (14:39)               Number: 3875

  To: ALL                            Refer#: NONE

From: SANDY SILVERBERG                 Read: NO (Has Replies)


I have a customer running a 2-station network using WD Ethernet cards

and AI-NOS.  I am getting intermittent server hangs when both machines

(server is non-dedicated 386/25) are using FOXPRO application.  The

situation as described to me doesn't seem to be isolatable and the

problem cannot be recreated at will.  I am reasonably comfortable that I

don't have any memory conflicts (have checked with System Sleuth and

Manifest) or IRQ conflicts.  Hangs do seem to happen occasionally when

printing from either workstation.  Any thoughts?  If you need more

specific details, I can provide. By the way, both the WD driver,

AI-LANBIOS, and REDIR are being loaded high on both machines using QEMM

V5.  Help.

Sandy Silverberg, Ideasign, Inc.


Date: 05-14-90 (02:15)               Number: 3876

  To: JAY GERRING                    Refer#: 3780

From: RON FAIRCLOTH                    Read: YES

Subj: PRINTER USAGE                  Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

Thanks, appreciate your help.


Date: 05-14-90 (02:22)               Number: 3877

  To: ALL                            Refer#: 3780

From: RON FAIRCLOTH                    Read: (N/A)


In the bulletin on compatible programs, IBM'S DOCTOR'S OFFICE MANAGER II

(DOMSII) is mentioned, and it's stated that a minor change in the net is

required.  What is the change, I can't get the program to find the

network.  It keeps telling me to install IBM PC LAN and I'd rather not.



Date: 05-14-90 (08:48)               Number: 3879

  To: FRANK BARTLETT                 Refer#: 3871

From: JAY GERRING                      Read: YES


-> The Network Eye can work with the active/foreground process, but it

-> will not allow me to change tasks. I have tried reassigning the

-> Desqview activation key(s), but with no success.


Frank,  Unfortunately, the current version of TNE won't work with DV. 

It is not "DV aware," so it tries to keep control when DV wants it.  I

run DV also, and what I do is to use the TNE-USE program in it's own

window.  I've set it up so that DV won't close the window when you hit

ALT to exit from TNE-USE, which is what you need to do each time you

want to switch from that window.  Then, when I switch back to it, I hit

F3 to recopy the line that invokes TNE-USE.  It's not perfect, but it

works for now...


   - J Gerring 


Date: 05-14-90 (09:00)               Number: 3881

  To: SANDY SILVERBERG               Refer#: 3874

From: JAY GERRING                      Read: YES


-> Is there any kind of a monitor and/or diagnostics utilities under

-> development?  Occasionally we get a sticky problem that is very

-> intermittent and everything we know to check looks OK.  Some sort of

-> monitor would help.


Sandy, no, we don't have anything like that under development...  Do you

have LANCHECK version 3.0?  It's available for download here.  Other

than that, what sort of things would you want a mointor program to do? 

About the only thing I can think of that could tell you what happened

after an intermittant failure is a debugger, something like Periscope. 

If you have some concrete ideas, I can pass them along to engineering as

a suggestion, tho!

-> a reference manual on performance and tuning of an installed network



Well, the new manual that will be out with version 3.0 is completely

revised and now has a "user's guide" that's pretty basic and a

"reference manual" that covers everything in more detail.  It will be

included in the price of the upgrade, once 3.0 becomes available.


   - J Gerring 


Date: 05-14-90 (09:14)               Number: 3882

  To: RON FAIRCLOTH                  Refer#: 3877

From: JAY GERRING                      Read: YES


-> In the bulletin on compatible programs, IBM'S DOCTOR'S OFFICE MANAGER

-> II (DOMSII) is mentioned, and it's stated that a minor change in the

-> net is required.  What is the change, I can't get the program to find

-> the network.


Ron, well, one user reported that he was able to get it running by just

copying NET.EXE to a directory called \NETWORK and renaming it to

NET.COM.  Others have said it's not this easy, however, and you may have

to have the IBM PC LAN program files in a specific directory also.  Can

anyone help me out here? (Paul?) 


   - J Gerring 


Date: 05-14-90 (09:34)               Number: 3883

  To: GARY SAAKE                     Refer#: 3865

From: JOHN CROUCH                      Read: YES

Subj: LANTASTIC VOICE...             Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

Check out the latest issue of PC Magazine.  I got it in my mailbox

yesterday.  They tell all about the new NOS and once again they chose

LANtastic as their editor's choice.  Looking at the throughput results

of their tests, LANtastic blows all the others away hands down...


Date: 05-14-90 (10:16)               Number: 3885

  To: SYSOP                          Refer#: NONE

From: PING WU                          Read: YES


On a given Ethernet segment, does all the traffic on the cable have to

be LANtastic traffic?


For instance if I had LANtastic running between say 10 machines and ran

Western Digital's DIAGNOSE program between 2 other machines on the same

segment, would that interfere with or bring down the LANtastic machines?


I'm just using DIAGNOSE as a plausible example, but really my question

is more general.  I guess a more clear way of stating my question is: Do

all the packets on an Ethernet segment being used by LANtastic 

have to be only packets generated by 

LANtastic, or will it correctly ignore packets not generated by

LANtastic?  Even broadcast packets not generated by LANtastic?


Basically I'm asking this question to find out if I can take advantage 

of the Ethernet cable to do other things as well, since it's already 

strung from one end of the office to the other.




Ping Wu. 


Date: 05-14-90 (17:22)               Number: 3886

  To: ALL                            Refer#: NONE

From: JASON HERNANDEZ                  Read: (N/A)


We have discovered that the LANtastic redirector does not work

correctly with NorthGate OmniKey 102 keyboards. The specific version

that does not work has three exposed dip switches and a cable that can

be removed from the keyboard itself.

The problem is that after issuing a CTRL-ALT-PRTSC to flush the 

print buffer, the ALT keys are no longer active. This problem does

not occur on earlier NorthGate keyboards, Fuji, or Keytronic keyboards.

Any ideas how to fix this would be appreciated!

Jason Hernandez

CompuTech Software Services

Boulder, CO. 80301



Date: 05-14-90 (18:21)               Number: 3888

  To: ALL                            Refer#: NONE

From: FRANK BARTLETT                   Read: (N/A)

Subj: LANCHECK 3.0                   Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

I recently downloaded Lancheck 3.0, and have been trying it out on my

network which has yielded some puzzleing statistics.

I have 'laned' together 24 nodes, made up of 8 turbo XTs, 10 ATs and 6

386s, and 1 Lantastic repeater/hub. Five of the systems have the newer 

AT slot lan adapter, all of which are useing IRQ 10. 

When I run Lancheck 3.0 overnight on all the systems, the percent error

on any given node was zero (this I will take as a good result). What

caught my attention though was the detailed information provided by the

new version of Lancheck revealed a much higher incidence of CRC errors,

Collision, Bad Transmission, and Alignment errors on the systems

equipted with the newer adapters. I realize that this may be rather

picky, but I am none the less curious as to what accounts for the

variance. I would also add that this 'installation' works almost

flawlessly. Its biggest problem is myself, since I am continually

playing/working/tweaking it: if I would leave it alone it would probably

never have a another problem.


Date: 05-14-90 (18:34)               Number: 3889

  To: JAY GERRING                    Refer#: NONE

From: FRANK BARTLETT                   Read: YES

Subj: THANKS                         Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

I forgot my manners Jay. Thank you for the response on the TNE and

Desqview problem. I will try that out. Asides from that I have found TNE

to be an excellent, although somewhat confusing tool (confusing in the

sense that I sometimes forget where I am working). I am compelled to ask

if there is any action being taken or considered to include Desqview

'awareness' in TNE? Once again, thanks.


Date: 05-15-90 (07:41)               Number: 3891

  To: EILEEN DAILY                   Refer#: NONE

From: BOB KRETSCHMANN                  Read: YES


Eileen, My report is in ablanv3.txt. Bob Kretschmann


Date: 05-15-90 (10:05)               Number: 3893

  To: PING WU                        Refer#: 3885

From: JAY GERRING                      Read: YES


-> Do all the packets on an Ethernet segment being used by LANtastic

-> have to be only packets generated by LANtastic, or will it correctly

-> ignore packets not generated by LANtastic?  Even broadcast packets

-> not generated by LANtastic?



LANtastic may work with other programs running at the same time over the

same wire, but it does depend on the type of packets that are being send

over the wire.  For example, if LANtastic sent a general broadcast

datagram, then adapters that aren't running the NOS may still try to

decode it, since it was sent as a general message.  Unfortunately, the

only way to find out if your application will work with LANtastic up is

to try it...


   - J Gerring 


Date: 05-15-90 (10:26)               Number: 3895

  To: FRANK BARTLETT                 Refer#: 3888

From: JAY GERRING                      Read: YES

Subj: LANCHECK 3.0                   Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

-> the new version of Lancheck revealed a much higher incidence of CRC

-> errors, Collision, Bad Transmission, and Alignment errors on the

-> systems equipted with the newer adapters. I realize that this may be

-> rather picky, but I am none the less curious as to what accounts for

-> the variance.


Frank, this one has come up before, but....  The difference is actually

between the LANBIOS and LANBIOS2 programs.  This is where the error

statistics are generated, and the LANBIOS program considers less things

to be errors than LANBIOS2 does.  This was a change that the programmer

made when writing the latter program; in the old LANBIOS program many

conditions that were "borderline errors," IOW, could be considered

errors but don't affect the LAN performance at all, were just ignored. 

In LANBIOS2, they are counted as errors, although they still are not

serious enough to cause any problems on the LAN.


   - J Gerring 


Date: 05-15-90 (10:30)               Number: 3896

  To: FRANK BARTLETT                 Refer#: 3889

From: JAY GERRING                      Read: YES

Subj: THANKS                         Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

-> I am compelled to ask if there is any action being taken or

-> considered to include Desqview 'awareness' in TNE?


Frank, It is one of the suggestions that have been made for future

modifications to TNE.  Since TNE is not currently being revised, I don't

know if DV awareness will show up in the next version or not.  It

apparently is not difficult to do, however, and DV provides the code you

need to do it for free, so...  we can hope!  Since I use DV myself, I'd

like to see it also, although I don't know how much weight I pull with

engineering!  <grin>


   - J Gerring 


Date: 05-15-90 (13:46)               Number: 3898

  To: JAY GERRING                    Refer#: 3882

From: BOB COPPERSMITH                  Read: YES


I too am having a god-awful time trying to get this up and running.  If

anyone else has success running this let me know.  Also, since the

patient database seems to be on file about (in this case) 3 megs in size

can this compiled BASIC program allow multiple use of the program's

database?  It would seem SHARE would preclude that, unless it has record

locking such as Paradox.


Date: 05-15-90 (14:51)               Number: 3900

  To: ALL                            Refer#: NONE

From: HENRY PERKINS                    Read: NO (Has Replies)


    There are many times when I'd like to set up my workstation as a

server for a while, then dump the Server software.  Is there some way

to do this?  I've tried MARK and RELEASE, but this usually leaves my

PC hung.  I'm using NOS 2.57u on EtherNet, if that matters.  If there

isn't a way to do so now, is there going to be a way to accomplish this

in version 3.0?



Date: 05-15-90 (14:57)               Number: 3901

  To: ALL                            Refer#: NONE

From: HENRY PERKINS                    Read: (N/A)


    I've frequently been getting a message "Too many redirections or

logins" when attempting to log into a server from the AUTOEXEC-called

batch file I set up to automate the startup process.  This also happens

when I attempt the NET LOGIN command from DOS prompt.  However, if I go

into the NET program, I'm able to log in with no problems.  There are

high values specified for both SESSIONS and NCBS on the server machine.

    This seems to happen mostly with servers that haven't been rebooted

for a long time.  Workstations talking to the servers tend to undergo

a lot of hard resets due to bugs in the software we're developing.  Is

this non-graceful severing of the server connections somehow connected?



Date: 05-15-90 (15:03)               Number: 3902

  To: ALL                            Refer#: NONE

From: HENRY PERKINS                    Read: (N/A)

Subj: EMAIL PROGRAMS                 Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

    I'm looking around for a good electronic mail (EMAIL) program for

our group.  The top contenders right now are Network Courier, cc:Mail,

and DaVinci eMail.  The important considerations for us are, in roughly

this order:

        small resident portion

        X.400 and other connectivity features

        ease of use

        ability to use a user-specified editor on mail messages


     I'd appreciate any comments.



Date: 05-15-90 (15:08)               Number: 3903

  To: ALL                            Refer#: NONE

From: HENRY PERKINS                    Read: NO (Has Replies)

Subj: TCP/IP PACKAGES                Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

    Although our group is happy (so far) with LANtastic, our company has

3 different types of networks in other, nearby buildings (Novell

NetWare, a Xenix network, and TOPS).  We'll need to talk to them in the

near future.  Given the variety of networks, I think TCP/IP is the best

bet for inter-lan communication.  Does anybody out there have practical

experience using a TCP/IP package with EtherNet LANtastic?

    Just from their literature, it looks like ftp software's package

would work, although I'd have to use their NetBIOS instead of AILANBIOS.

I'd especially appreciate knowing if this WOULDN'T work, so I could save

myself a lot of grief.



Date: 05-15-90 (15:18)               Number: 3905

  To: ALL                            Refer#: NONE

From: HENRY PERKINS                    Read: (N/A)


    I'm searching for a good way to backup our 21-node network.  I'm

leaning toward a rewritable optical disk as a solution, since that would

allow all the workstations to make unattended incremental backups

nightly onto a single disk, which would remove all the hassles of

swapping associated with tape-based backup.  Restoring would also be

easy, since the optical disk would look just like a giant Winchester.

    Current plan is as follows:

        MaxOptics Tahiti-I optical drive

        Adaptec 1542A host adapter

        Corel SCSI driver software

    The MaxOptics engine is faster and higher in capacity than the more

standard Sony SMO-S501 engine (1 gigabyte vs. 650 megabytes per disk),

but it's a lot newer, so I don't know anything about its reliability.

The Adaptec host adapter and Corel software are supposed to be

compatible with the Quantum ProDrives I've ordered for the server

machine.  Oh, yes--the server uses DOS 4.01, so there aren't any

restictions to 32 MB partitions.

    I'd appreciate any input,


Date: 05-15-90 (21:41)               Number: 3907   (Deleted)

  To: JAY GERRING                    Refer#: 3863

From: STEVEN PURVIS                    Read: YES

Subj: THANK YOU                      Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

J Gerring, the people I service as well as myself, are indeed greatful

for the assistance you have given us.  We do wish to subscribe to the

BBS Support program of $50.00


Date: 05-16-90 (08:56)               Number: 3910

  To: BOB COPPERSMITH                Refer#: 3898

From: JAY GERRING                      Read: YES


Bob, well....  I really don't have any more info on it other than what I

already relayed to Ron.  I know that a couple callers here have

mentioned that they have gotten it to run, at least to some degree, on

LANtastic, but I never have been able to get any clear details.  Perhaps

one of them will respond....


   - J Gerring 


Date: 05-16-90 (09:07)               Number: 3911

  To: HENRY PERKINS                  Refer#: 3900

From: JAY GERRING                      Read: YES


-> There are many times when I'd like to set up my workstation as a

-> server for a while, then dump the Server software.  Is there some way

-> to do this?


Henry, the only way to clear the server program from memroy is to reboot

the machine...


-> is there going to be a way to accomplish this in version 3.0?


No.  The problem is that removing SERVER from memory is not as simple as

removing other general purpose TSRs, i.e. Sidekick.  At this point, it's

unlikely that LANtastic will ever have a "removal switch," sorry...


   - J Gerring 


Date: 05-16-90 (09:24)               Number: 3913

  To: HENRY PERKINS                  Refer#: 3901

From: JAY GERRING                      Read: YES


-> This seems to happen mostly with servers that haven't been rebooted

-> for a long time.  Workstations talking to the servers tend to undergo

-> a lot of hard resets due to bugs in the software we're developing. 

-> Is this non-graceful severing of the server connections somehow

-> connected?


Henry, that is quite possible.  A server is supposed to hang up a

session after a short time if it doesn't "hear" from the other end, but

if you have a lot of workstations rebooting in a short period of time,

the server may still be hanging onto an invalid session when the

workstation comes back up (if they boot quickly).  That may cause you to

run out of logins, but you can remedy it by increasing the maximum

number of logins in the NET_MGR server start up paramters.


   - J Gerring 


Date: 05-16-90 (10:04)               Number: 3914

  To: ALL                            Refer#: NONE

From: JOHN RUTKOWSKI                   Read: (N/A)


Sysop & other Users,


Is there a recommended configuration setting for running AutoCAD on



I know that FCBS need to be 48,8 but what about SERVER, REDIR & LANBIOS2





Date: 05-16-90 (09:59)               Number: 3916   (Deleted)

  To: STEVEN PURVIS                  Refer#: 3907

From: JAY GERRING                      Read: YES

Subj: THANK YOU                      Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

-> the people I service as well as myself, are indeed greatful for the

-> assistance you have given us.


Well, thanks!  


-> We do wish to subscribe to the BBS Support program of $50.00


Ok, then all you need to do is use the S)cript program from the menu to

fill out the subscription questionnaire.  Type 'S 2' (w/o quotes) at the

menu prompt to get the correct questionnaire.


   - J Gerring 


Date: 05-16-90 (10:12)               Number: 3919

  To: JOHN RUTKOWSKI                 Refer#: 3914

From: JAY GERRING                      Read: YES


-> Is there a recommended configuration setting for running AutoCAD on

-> Lantastic?


John, check out bulletin number 14 in this conference (updated today),

it has all the best info we have on running Autocad with LANtastic. 

Others here may have some suggestions for the NOS settings, tho'.


   - J Gerring 


Date: 05-16-90 (17:50)               Number: 3920

  To: SYSOP                          Refer#: NONE

From: DAVISON MOORE                    Read: YES

Subj: PAYOFF                         Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

Holy cow, what a review.  Congratulations, if I didn't know the product

was so good in versioon 2.X I would figure you got to someone on the PC

Mag staff.  I guess the gratuitous material about an upgrade path was

inserted to keep the author from looking like an artisoft flack.  Did

you promise him a job when he retires from the editorial world?  Great

job and good luck.  Dave.


Date: 05-16-90 (20:39)               Number: 3922

  To: ALL                            Refer#: NONE

From: DAVE MARTIN                      Read: (N/A)


I'm running 2.53 now and anticipating 3.0.  It appears that if a

printer's buffer fills and it holds off the despooler that the server

just sits and waits until the printer is free before doing anything.

Is this true or is it just my imagination?  If true is it fixed in v3.0?


Thanks in advance.


Date: 05-16-90 (23:09)               Number: 3923

  To: ALL                            Refer#: NONE

From: NATHAN WALPOW                    Read: (N/A)

Subj: BUFFERS                        Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

I'm looking for recommendations for NOS buffers - both the ones on the

REDIR command line and the one in the startup parameters in NETMGR.  We

run Q&A with a total of 5 machines - 2 286's as servers and 1 addl 286

and 2 XT's.  (Actually, all machines are set up as servers for file

transfer, backup, etc.)  There is not a lot of heavy usage of databases

- rarely will more than one other machine be accessing a server at a

time.  Also, how about network tasks?  Currently it's set for 2 on the

servers, 1 on the others.  Running 2.57.  Thanks for any and all input.

 - Nathan


Date: 05-17-90 (08:02)               Number: 3925

  To: DAVISON MOORE                  Refer#: 3920

From: JAY GERRING                      Read: YES

Subj: PAYOFF                         Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

-> Holy cow, what a review.  Congratulations, if I didn't know the

-> product was so good in versioon 2.X I would figure you got to someone

-> on the PC Mag staff.


Dave, well, thanks for the congrats!  Yeah, man, we payed 'em lots o'

money fer that <grin>!  No, of course we didn't!  With performance

results like that (yes they are for real), how could they not think we

were the absolute best?  Thanks again!


   - J Gerring   <a bit o' company pride showing thru>


Date: 05-17-90 (08:06)               Number: 3927

  To: DAVE MARTIN                    Refer#: 3922

From: JAY GERRING                      Read: YES


-> It appears that if a printer's buffer fills and it holds off the

-> despooler that the server just sits and waits until the printer is

-> free before doing anything.


Dave, I'm not quite sure what your asking here...  can you clarify?


   - J Gerring 


Date: 05-17-90 (20:44)               Number: 3929

  To: JAY GERRING                    Refer#: 3927

From: DAVE MARTIN                      Read: YES


J.  I'm sorry that I wasn't clear in my question.  It seems that our

network response gets bad when a server is trying to despool to a

printer with a small buffer.  It seems most pronounced when we are

despooling to a serial plotter with a small buffer.


Date: 05-18-90 (09:00)               Number: 3933

  To: DAVE MARTIN                    Refer#: 3929

From: JAY GERRING                      Read: YES


-> It seems that our network response gets bad when a server is trying

-> to despool to a printer with a small buffer.  It seems most

-> pronounced when we are despooling to a serial plotter with a small

-> buffer.


Dave, that can happen, especially if the priter server is also your

general network file server...  Running a cache would help, but you may

also want to consider moving the printer(s) to another machine.  Version

3 will have some better printer buffering, but the more buffering you

add the more RAM overhead you will have...


   - J Gerring 


Date: 05-18-90 (22:52)               Number: 3937

  To: JAY GERRING                    Refer#: 3692

From: PAUL ANDREASEN                   Read: YES


Boy, I hope that speed don't count. I am running 2.57 on an Atlas

motherboard officially running at 33mhz (unofficially it has a

36mhz oscilator for the processor) and it loves it.


Date: 05-18-90 (23:02)               Number: 3938   (Deleted)

  To: BOB COPPERSMITH                Refer#: NONE

From: PAUL ANDREASEN                   Read: NO

Subj: DOMS                           Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

Bob, I have 10 DOMS & DOMS II packages running successfully on Lantastic

so far. We have kind of specialized so far.  We do consulting for many

medical offices using it. I left some info quite a while ago on how to

do it here. Unfortunately, it requires getting at least the drivers from

PC Lan version 1.2 or 1.3 (depends on what upgrade of DOMS you are

using,.. Upgrade 7 does NOT WORK. It is junk...) if you want some help,

give us a call. If it gets too extensive there is a price tag, as we are

a consulting computer center. Happy to try though, it's not tooo, where

is that Rod Serling when you need him?


Date: 05-18-90 (23:05)               Number: 3939

  To: BOB COPPERSMITH                Refer#: NONE

From: PAUL ANDREASEN                   Read: YES

Subj: DOMS                           Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

Bob, we specialize in consulting for DOMS and Lantastic. If we can help,

call us at 805-735-7967  (fax 805-735-6345)

Paul Andreasen- Mount Desert West Computers Lompoc, CA 93436


Date: 05-19-90 (07:15)               Number: 3941   (Deleted)

  To: SYSOP                          Refer#: NONE

From: KEN PREVO                        Read: NO

Subj: 1.09 UPGRADE-MODEL 55SX        Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

I've been running 2.57 for about a month with few problems. Occasionally


Date: 05-19-90 (07:17)               Number: 3942   (Deleted)

  To: SYSOP                          Refer#: NONE

From: KEN PREVO                        Read: NO

Subj: 1.09 UPGRADE -- MODEL55SX      Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

I've been running 2.57 for about a month with few problems. Occasionally


Date: 05-19-90 (07:18)               Number: 3943   (Deleted)

  To: SYSOP                          Refer#: NONE

From: KEN PREVO                        Read: NO

Subj: UPGRADE-IBM 55SX               Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

I've been running 2.57 for about a month with few problems. Occasionally


Date: 05-19-90 (12:55)               Number: 3945

  To: JAY GERRING                    Refer#: 3910

From: BOB COPPERSMITH                  Read: YES


Found this in an archive (here) of old messages...or I may have

downloaded a message base.  Anyway here goes:

Date: 03-21-90 (00:15)              Number: 3484 / 3878

  To: PAUL STEPHENS                 Refer#: NONE

From: PAUL ANDREASEN                  Read: NO

Subj: DOMS                          Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

Conf: LANT_NOS (1)               Read Type: GENERAL (+)version (3.1)

works ok considering who wrote it! It isn't Lantasic by a

long shot, but it is the only one that will work. Try reading some of

the earlier messages on it or calling us at 805-735-7967. We will be

glad to help. Just ask for me. The DOMS s/w actually looks for the IBM

PC Lan programs files BY NAME! before it will run!   Paul Andreasen..


   I, for one, intend on calling Monday.  Luckily a very good friend of

mine not only works for Big Blue, but installs their network once in


Bob coppersmith (befuddled in Atlanta)


Date: 05-19-90 (19:03)               Number: 3946

  To: JAY GERRING                    Refer#: 3925

From: DAVISON MOORE                    Read: YES

Subj: PAYOFF                         Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

Pride is only misplaced if unsubstantiated, all things being as they

seem, you people have a lot to be proud of!  I look forward to your

announcement.  Regards, Dave.


Date: 05-20-90 (02:58)               Number: 3947

  To: JAY GERRING                    Refer#: 3910

From: RON FAIRCLOTH                    Read: YES


Since I had been running DOMS under IBM PC LAN 1.2, switching to

LANtastic didn't seem to be a problem.  It recognizes the network and

runs fine with NO alterations.  However, I haven't been able to find a

way to successfully get DOMS to load fresh (from scratch) on LANtastic

and this is important as I have a DOMS upgrade that doesn't want to run

on LANtastic.  I'll try your earlier suggestions.  You do have to be

careful with DOMS and sharing the patient data file.  Rather than giving

an error msg to wait, etc. everything just locks up if two users try to

modify the file at the same time.


Date: 05-20-90 (03:03)               Number: 3948

  To: PAUL ANDREASEN                 Refer#: 3939

From: RON FAIRCLOTH                    Read: YES

Subj: DOMS                           Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

Is there a patch available for either LANtastic or DOMS (DOMS II PLUS

MOD 7) that will let you load DOMS from scratch and have it recognize

LANtastic as its network and then load as a network?  Would appreciate

any information you can provide.  Thanks.


Date: 05-20-90 (19:28)               Number: 3949

  To: J. GERRING                     Refer#: NONE

From: LAWRENCE HATHAWAY                Read: NO

Subj: Q&A V3.0 VS. LANTASTIC         Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

Notice that your software compatibility bulletin includes Symantec's

Q & A Version 3.0 flat file database.  I have an Q & A accounting

application running with Q&A's Network Pak on a LANtastic 2.57 net.

This application involves a "main" database file which uses several

other Q & A files as external lookup tables for account codes, etc.

The problem is that the main database file can be shared just fine

(record locking, screen refresh, etc. all work okay).  But as soon as

the main database tries to access an external lookup file which is being

used by another user (or even if it is not being used, but has been

previously accessed during the same session), Q&A throws up an

error message to the effect that the *file* (not the record, and even

if a totally different record is involved) cannot be accessed on the

grounds that it is in use.  Symantec says that I need only make sure

that I give each user read/write/delete-file privileges and that it

should work.  I have put the identical application up on a client's

Novell 2.15 network and it all works perfectly.  I'm pretty new to

this stuff, and especially to LANtastic, so I imagine that I may be

overlooking something, but it sure isn't obvious...


Any ideas?


Also -- the compatibility bulletin suggests that there is "a problem"

when printing Q&A labels across the lan, but that there is a workaround.

But there is no clue as to what the workaround is, or where I would turn

to find it. ?


        - leh -



Date: 05-20-90 (21:17)               Number: 3951

  To: SYSOP                          Refer#: NONE

From: WOLFGANG JOHN                    Read: YES


Hi Jay,


I downloaded the latest version of LANCHECK and have the following



1.  The main screen shows only one node, to see any of the other ones I

have to press the <Ins> key and enter the node's name.


2.  The <F1> key only beeps at me.  (So does any other key.)



(I am sorry if this has been talked about on this BBS before.)


     Thanks for your kind reply.




Date: 05-21-90 (15:08)               Number: 3953

  To: BOB COPPERSMITH                Refer#: 3945

From: JAY GERRING                      Read: YES


-> I, for one, intend on calling Monday.


Bob, yes, Paul had left another message earlier (maybe you didn't see

it) with his phone number also.  Good luck!


   - J Gerring 


Date: 05-21-90 (15:22)               Number: 3955

  To: LAWRENCE HATHAWAY              Refer#: 3949

From: JAY GERRING                      Read: YES

Subj: Q&A V3.0 VS. LANTASTIC         Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

Lawrence,  We do run Q&A in house, and haven't run into the situation

you're describing...  I'd recommend you give our voice line

(602-293-6363) a call from the site so they can go over the entire

configuration with you to see what may not be correct. 


   - J Gerring 


Date: 05-21-90 (15:30)               Number: 3957

  To: WOLFGANG JOHN                  Refer#: 3951

From: JAY GERRING                      Read: YES


-> The main screen shows only one node, to see any of the other ones I

-> have to press the <Ins> key and enter the node's name.

-> The <F1> key only beeps at me.  (So does any other key.)


Wolfgang, sorry, my fault...!  The new ZIP has all the correct stuff in

it (the .HLP file was missing...), as well as an updated version of

LANCHECK.  Try that one out! <guilty grin>


   - J Gerring 


Date: 05-21-90 (20:34)               Number: 3958

  To: SYSOP                          Refer#: NONE

From: DICK MARTIN                      Read: YES

Subj: COMPATABILITY                  Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

I currently have an older version 2Mbs network.  Is the newer version

card compatable with the older software and cards?  If not, is the older

version of the card still available?


Date: 05-22-90 (08:38)               Number: 3959

  To: DICK MARTIN                    Refer#: 3958

From: JAY GERRING                      Read: YES

Subj: COMPATABILITY                  Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

-> I currently have an older version 2Mbs network.  Is the newer version

-> card compatable with the older software and cards?


Dick,  Yes, our software is backwards compatible with every card we have

sold, no worries!


   - J Gerring 


Date: 05-23-90 (05:52)               Number: 3965

  To: JAY GERRING                    Refer#: NONE

From: TIM LOGA                         Read: YES


We are setting up a 20 user network using the Ethernet

cards.  The network will be used mainly for word processing

and E-Mail with some light database and spreadsheet

activity; a WildCat! BBS is also connected.  I have quite

a bit of experience using PC's (both hardware and software)

but not much in networking so some of my questions might

be stupid but here goes:


1)  Whats the difference, if any, between cable that is

    called "thin ethernet", "cheapernet", "RG58", and

    "RG59"?  Are they all the same?  I purchased our cable

    from CompuAdd, they advertise it as "cheapernet"; it

    seems to work fine (in a 3 station test).


1a) How reliable is this type of cable (cheapernet) compared

    to the type of cable that you use on the 2MB adapters

    (UTP)?   Should I expect more or less "cable problems"

    compared to using UTP?


2)  The main server is a PC Brand 386/25 with a Conner 3204

    300MB drive, 4MB RAM, and 16 bit mono VGA (Cardinal

    Technologies, Inc).  I plan to divide the hard drive

    into two logical drives (100MB each), declare 1MB of LIM,

    and use the rest for caching (PC-Tools PC-Cache).  Does

    this sound like a good way to set the system up or can

    you recommend a better way (ie possibly more logical

    drives, etc)?


2a) The main server will be on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

    Any problems with that?  (I remember reading some messages

    about losing time over the weekends).


3)  I noticed that the LANTASTI.NET sub-dir is already

    available for linking right after installation. I am not

    clear why (and if) it is necessary.  I am refering to the

    "." (dot).


4)  I plan to order a 386 memory manager, either QEMM 386 or

    386-to-the-Max.  Will both of these allow me to load the

    network drivers and NOS into high memory?  Can you give

    me any cautionary notes about doing this?


5)  I noticed on some reviews in Byte and PC that the

    network cards had two lights on them, the ones I

    purchased do not.  Was this something that was dropped

    or added late?  Will cards I buy later have them?


6)  Will the version 3.0 be able to take advantage of the

    extended and/or expanded RAM that is on the main file



Again, sorry if some of the questions are stupid or have

already been covered but I am new (but eager to learn) to the

world of networking.


Thanks in advance...

Tim Loga

Mount Prospect, IL


Date: 05-23-90 (06:02)               Number: 3966

  To: JAY GERRING                    Refer#: NONE

From: TIM LOGA                         Read: YES

Subj: NETBIOS ERROR                  Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

When I came in this morning and tried to log on to drive E: (which is

actually a sub-dir of drive D: on the same computer) I got the message: 

The NETBIOS command limit has been exceeded reading drive E

Abort, Retry, Fail  


The computer is not yet connected to any other computer (the cable and

cards are being installed as I write this).  The computer was left on



Can you (or anyone else) tell me what is causing this error message. 

Could it possibly be that the card is not connected to anything?



Tim Loga


Date: 05-23-90 (08:58)               Number: 3972   (Deleted)

  To: ALL                            Refer#: NONE

From: CRAIG CONNOLLY                   Read: (N/A)


Our DP Planning area has two PCs linked together using the token ring

version of LANtastic 2.57.  One machine is a PS/2 Model 60 .. the other

a FIVESTAR 386.  In recent attempts to load software to the FIVESTAR

from the internal drive in the Model 60 an odd problem arose.


When the first in a series of diskettes is placed into the drive (drive

A, MPS/2) and is read from the FIVESTAR ... things appear to be okay.

However, any disks placed in the drive after the initial one are not

being read.  If a DIR is done from the FIVESTAR ... it still appears as

if the original diskette is present.  When the DIR is issued from the 

PS/2 ... everything looks okay ... 


What could be causing this ?  AND MORE IMPORTANTLY .. what can be done

to alleviate the problem.  They are unable to copy any of the disks

except the first one inserted.  pretty weird.



Date: 05-23-90 (09:05)               Number: 3973

  To: TIM LOGA                       Refer#: 3965

From: JAY GERRING                      Read: YES




-> Whats the difference, if any, between cable that is called "thin

-> ethernet", "cheapernet", "RG58", and "RG59"?


Thin ethernet and cheapernet describe the same kind of cable, thin

coaxial cable with BNC connectors.  RG58 has 50 ohm resistance, RG59 has

75 ohm resistance; you need to use RG58 or RG58A/U cable and NOT RG59.


-> How reliable is this type of cable (cheapernet) compared to the type

-> of cable that you use on the 2MB adapters (UTP)?   Should I expect

-> more or less "cable problems" compared to using UTP?


They're about the same, as long as you stay within the recommended

distances, you shouldn't have many problems.


-> The main server is a PC Brand 386/25 with a Conner 3204 300MB drive,

-> 4MB RAM, and 16 bit mono VGA (Cardinal Technologies, Inc).  I plan to

-> divide the hard drive into two logical drives (100MB each), declare

-> 1MB of LIM, and use the rest for caching (PC-Tools PC-Cache).  Does

-> this sound like a good way to set the system up or can you recommend

-> a better way (ie possibly more logical drives, etc)?


Well, if you've got a 300 MB disk, and partition it into 2 drives, don't

you get 150 MB logical drives?  <grin>  But seriously...   It sounds ok

to me, except that I'm not sure how you are going to "declare 1MB of LIM

and use the rest for caching."   I'd highly recommend using either

Golden Bow's Vcache or Super PCKwik for caching, the PC-Cache is not

very effective.  In either case, you need to make sure you turn off

"write caching," as this can cause problems on the LAN.


There shouldn't be any problem leaving a server on all the time, unless

it happens to be a machine that forgets the date.  It would do this even

without the NOS running.


The "." -> LANTASTI.NET directory is a default device that is always

avaialable right after installation.  It can be used like any other

server disk device, and then you can CD to the other devices.  It's not

used by most people very often, but it's there for those who find it



Your message has scrolled out of my scroll-back buffer, so I'll leave

another message to answer the rest...


  [continued in future message...]


Date: 05-23-90 (09:11)               Number: 3974

  To: TIM LOGA                       Refer#: 3965

From: JAY GERRING                      Read: YES


-> I plan to order a 386 memory manager, either QEMM 386 or

-> 386-to-the-Max.  Will both of these allow me to load the network

-> drivers and NOS into high memory?  Can you give me any cautionary

-> notes about doing this?


Yes, either one will work.  The only advice I can offer would only apply

to our 2Mbps adatpers, with the AE2s they should work just fine!


-> I noticed on some reviews in Byte and PC that the network cards had

-> two lights on them, the ones I purchased do not.  Was this something

-> that was dropped or added late?  Will cards I buy later have them?


Those were more or less "bells and whistles" on the 8 bit NE3 Ethernet

adapter we used to ship, and were dropped from the AE2 design, they

probably won't appear on any of our future adapters.


-> Will the version 3.0 be able to take advantage of the extended and/or

-> expanded RAM that is on the main file server?


No, 3.0 has no special provisions for exdended/expanded memory, other

than that you can load the NOS programs high when using QEMM or 386max

without any problems.


Hope that helps!


   - J Gerring 


Date: 05-23-90 (09:19)               Number: 3975

  To: TIM LOGA                       Refer#: 3966

From: JAY GERRING                      Read: YES

Subj: NETBIOS ERROR                  Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

-> I got the message: The NETBIOS command limit has been exceeded

-> reading drive E Abort, Retry, Fail

-> The computer is not yet connected to any other computer (the cable

-> and cards are being installed as I write this).  The computer was

-> left on overnight.


Tim, well, if it's an Ethernet card, then I could see how this could be

a problem, but with a 2Mbps card it shouldn't matter.  If you don't have

a cable connected to an Ethernet adapter but run the NetBIOS software,

then it will get a lot of CRC errors, which could cause any number of

strange error messages after building up overnight...  


-> Could it possibly be that the card is not connected to anything?


Probably so, I wouldn't really worry about it unless the problem happens

after you have the adapter cabled into the LAN...


   - J Gerring 


Date: 05-24-90 (21:29)               Number: 3980

  To: ALL                            Refer#: NONE

From: CHERYL DANIEL                    Read: (N/A)











Date: 05-25-90 (06:14)               Number: 3981

  To: SYSOP                          Refer#: NONE

From: DAVISON MOORE                    Read: YES

Subj: UPGRADE                        Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

Is it ready yet?  Huh, can I have it, is it ready?  Dave.


Date: 05-25-90 (09:03)               Number: 3986

  To: DAVISON MOORE                  Refer#: 3981

From: JAY GERRING                      Read: YES

Subj: UPGRADE                        Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

-> Is it ready yet?  Huh, can I have it, is it ready?


Not yet ..............................................................



   - J Gerring 


Date: 05-25-90 (12:18)               Number: 3987   (Deleted)

  To: JAY GERRING                    Refer#: 3986

From: DAVISON MOORE                    Read: YES

Subj: UPGRADE                        Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

J, didn't you mean to say,"not yet, yousniveling little



Date: 05-25-90 (14:43)               Number: 3988

  To: CHERYL DANIEL                  Refer#: 3980

From: JAY GERRING                      Read: NO






Cheryl,  You can download the file BLT3 from here, it is the Artisoft

compatibility list and has several CD ROM products listed. 

Unfortunately, neither Fast Tax or Bender's have been tested.  





It's pretty much the same as using a regular disk drive, but on the

server side you have to set the CD ROM flag on the device definition (in

NET_MGR, Network access information) to YES, and run the MSCDEX.EXE

program between REDIR and SERVER (this info is on pp. 6-9 and 7-7 of the

NOS User Manual, also).  You don't need to run the CD ROM extensions on

the workstations.





Well, yes...  One of the problems with CD ROM software vendors is that

they tend to write their software to not be LAN ready.  What this means

is that the software expects the CD ROM extensions to be running on any

machine that it is running on.  This is what the PC Week reviewers were

referring to in their article; workstations running our NOS won't be

able to access the CD ROM since they don't have a local CD ROM and don't

have the MSCDEX.EXE program installed (but you have to have a local CD

ROM device to install it... Catch-22).  Anyhow, there is a way around

this which we are currently testing, and should be available soon... and

make us compatible with many more CD ROM applications.


   - J Gerring 


Date: 05-25-90 (15:29)               Number: 3990

  To: ALL                            Refer#: NONE

From: SAMUEL BROQUE                    Read: NO (Has Replies)


Is there anyone who cares about this problem? or has solved it?

I want to use a communications program in the background as a host for

interoffice file transfers while leaving up the network without a hitch.

I thought of using an AUTOEXEC that loads Desqview, initiates the domm

program, then loads the rest of my usual batch file, leaving me at the

WordPerfect Office Shell.  The idea behind this is to leave the main 

server available for file transfers whilst using all other features,

programs, etc., in the workstations (each of which is also available,

but not typically used as, a server).  

In doing this, I would have the shell everyone is familiar with on duty

for transparent use, yet be able to pop in and out of the comm program

that is central by using Desqview.

Well, any geniuses???




Date: 05-25-90 (15:53)               Number: 3991

  To: ALL                            Refer#: NONE

From: GARY SAAKE                       Read: NO (Has Replies)

Subj: IDEAS ANYONE...                Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

This question doesn't concern LANtastic really but I thought someone out

there might have some ideas for me.  Our firm operates a 40 station

LANtastic network (Ethernet). We will be renting some space in a

building across the street (about 200') and I'm faced with the problem

of getting the two buildings systems tied together. I really need

on-line access to databases, so night-time file tranfer via modem isn't

an answer. Has anyone had experience with short haul radio (microwave)

or optical links???? Any ideas are welcome.


Thanks in advance,




Date: 05-25-90 (16:01)               Number: 3992

  To: JAY GERRING                    Refer#: NONE

From: GARY SAAKE                       Read: YES




I'm using WD8003 ver 1.04 and AI-LANBIOS 1.06.  I understand these are

not current versions.  Will the upgrade to NOS 3.0 take care of this or

should I order updates to this seperately?




Date: 05-25-90 (16:47)               Number: 3993

  To: ALL                            Refer#: NONE

From: JAY GERRING                      Read: YES (Has Replies)

Subj: RBBS                           Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

Ok, all you SysOps out there, I've helped you, now I'm looking for some

help! <grin>  I would like to find out all I can about running an RBBS

BBS (I feel like I'm stuttering...) multi-node with LANtastic,

specifically LANtastic over Ethernet.  If there's ANYONE out there who

is doing this or knows of someone who may be doing it, please let me

know.  Thanks!


   - J Gerring 


Date: 05-25-90 (19:15)               Number: 3994

  To: SYSOP                          Refer#: NONE

From: JOHN O'SHEA                      Read: YES

Subj: BBS                            Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

The Chicago Computer Society's BBS runs on LANtastic.  Sorry, I am not

a member and do not have a number for them (we didn't sell them their

LANtastic) but you can probably follow up on this lead and find them.

Oh yes, Harry Goldman who works at Baxtor Travenal near Chicago is

an officer of the CCS.  He will know how to put you in touch with the'



Date: 05-27-90 (03:58)               Number: 3997

  To: ALL                            Refer#: NONE

From: JOE O'LOUGHLIN                   Read: NO (Has Replies)

Subj: LOGIN HELP                     Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

I just installed a LANtastic Net at the College I work at.  As we say...

everything is fine - BUT - either I don't understand well enough or what

I think I am seeing just isn


isn't enough....... The password security just isn't enough to handle

what I want to do.  It is ok up to a point but the control I need just

doesn't seem to be available.   I want to assign individual passwords

and assign them to a group - much like you would do with a mini.  I have

been looking around for a "front end" that I could use to then talk to

the LANtastic security system as a secondary control point.  I also shop


hope the front end will give me something MUCH more convenient to use to

set up passwords etc.  I MUST have something that will allow me to

assign large volumes of passwords in a convenient manner.  What is in

LANtastic is probably fine for 10-20 users but I have 800-1000 users to

handle every 15 weeks and NO reasonable way to apply good security and

still leave me time to do other things beside maintaining passwords. 

Does anybody have any ideas?  ..... or maybe the new 3.0 upgrade will

address the problem?


Date: 05-27-90 (17:55)               Number: 3998

  To: ALL                            Refer#: NONE

From: BILL KENNON                      Read: (N/A)


I just installed the new RAM Daughterboard on the server.... excellent

product, the server now has 530K Free with all the bells and whistles.

I am using the latest unlimited software, but Windows stopped


on the server.  If I do not load the lanbios2 and redirector it works,

but the moment I load those Windows is dead - total system lockup. 

Sometimes I need to run Windows.  Any ideas?  Using Rambase A000 on an

EGA 80286 system for the runhigh utility, and B000 Rambase for Lanbios2.



Date: 05-27-90 (20:36)               Number: 3999

  To: JOE O'LOUGHLIN                 Refer#: 3997

From: MARK DAHMKE                      Read: YES (Has Replies)

Subj: LOGIN HELP                     Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

What you need is a DOS-level password protection scheme... have you

looked into any of the security programs available for DOS?


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