Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume I Number 320
Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume I Number 320
Friday, October 26th 1990
Today's Topics:
Senator Claiborne Pell
Re: Remote Viewing
Re: Horse-patooties And Sonic Booms
Sonic Booms
Ed's Video
The Salisberrys
No refutations of Remote Viewing
Gulf Breeze Update
Re: Horse-patooties And Sonic Boom
Re: The Salisberrys
Santa Barbara
Re: Horse-patooties and sonic booms
Santa Barbara
Re: Horse-patooties And Sonic Booms
Re: Horse-patooties And Sonic Booms
Sonic Booms
Gulf Breeze Update
Rex S.
No Refutations Of Remote Viewing
Hard Copy 10/25
Navy Intelligence Crypto
Yet another AREA51 rumor...
From: vanth!jms (James Shaffer Jr.)
Subject: Senator Claiborne Pell
Date: 22 Oct 90 15:49:31 GMT
This appeared on CompuServe recently:
+#: 57122 S0/General/Misc.
+ 20-Oct-90 00:36:26
+Sb: #Bush Backmasking?!?
+Fm: Doug Pappas 76615,662
+To: All
+CNN just reported that an aide to Sen. Claiborne Pell (D-R.I.) claims that when
+played backwards, speeches by George Bush, Defense Secretary Cheney and others
+reveal the word 'Simone.' The aide wrote to Bush asking whether this was some
+kind of secret code.
+Pell's a notorious nut case about these things -- for years he's had someone on
+his staff investigating UFOs and ESP -- but this may take the cake.
Between the JMP letter, Cooper's petition, Philadelphia Experiment fans,
the mind-control crowd (including that psycho in Berkeley who said the
gov't. owed him $14 trillion for using his brain), and all the rest, the
federal government must be getting pretty tired of finding this sort of
thing in their mailboxes!
Has anyone heard of Senator Pell? If he's really interested in the
paranormal, as he seems to be, has he actually come up with any valid data,
or is he just another one of the Lear/Cooper/Grace/Commander X crowd?
paper : James Shaffer Jr., 37 Brook Street, Montgomery, PA 17752
uucp : uunet!cbmvax!amix!vanth!jms (or) rutgers!cbmvax!amix!vanth!jms
domain: CompuServe: 72750,2335
From: (Keith A. Fredericks)
Subject: Re: Remote Viewing
Date: 22 Oct 90 21:27:16 GMT
So anyway, I said:
KF > There are no so called refutations of this scholarly
KF > work in that same database of existing knowledge on the subject, i.e.
KF > in refereed scientific journals!
Then, Jim Speiser said:
JS >Are you saying that the results of peer-reviewed remote viewing experiments
JS >have never been refuted in peer-reviewed journals??
As far as I can see, my above statement is clear. Are you asking for
clarification on this clear statement?
Give me information! Do you know of references to scholarly publications
where there appears a refutation of the scholarly work done on remote
Keith Fredericks, Cray Research Inc., 655F Lone Oak Dr., Eagan, MN 55121 (612)MUD-KITY
From: Michael.Corbin@f110.n207.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Re: Horse-patooties And Sonic Booms
Date: 23 Oct 90 03:00:00 GMT
> I was under the impression that it was the paint that
> "absorbed the radar"
>From what I have heard on this, the paint is a major factor in
what absorbs or alters the wave. I think that it is composed of
some kind of carbon fiber or something in which the actual fibers
are around the same length as the wave. However, this is as far
as I have heard on the subject.
Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:207/109
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f110.n207.z1.FIDONET.ORG
From: Michael.Corbin@f110.n207.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Sonic Booms
Date: 23 Oct 90 03:04:00 GMT
Thanks for that post of the archives regarding sonic booms.
Something that also struck my curiousity is the posting about the
research on MHD. Does anyone know what this is?
Also, wouldn't it be interesting to find that the advanced
technology in Stealth has something to do with Wilbert Smith's
(sp?) letter regarding EM research in the mid-50s?
Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:207/109
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f110.n207.z1.FIDONET.ORG
From: Michael.Corbin@f110.n207.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Ed's Video
Date: 23 Oct 90 03:05:00 GMT
> I waded through Maccabee's report on Ed's video, so I
> have a few more tidbits. I was wrong on the vertical
> variation. The object varied vertically in the small
> section of video Maccabee analysed frame-by-frame by about
> five to six video scan lines. He didn't say whether this
> was apparently real altitude variations or camera movement.
> At any rate, it's very small. Also, the object appeared
> to change shape slightly. Not enough to see when viewing
> the tape, but measurably. Maccabee wrote that he thought
> the top or bottom of the image of the object fell in
> between scan lines of successive frames and that caused it
> to appear to change height vertically. In general, while
> the video tape could be faked by using chromakey, it would
> require maybe $10,000 worth of video/computer gear and the
> knowledge of how to use it. Chromakey is how the weatherman
> appears to walk around in front of a weather map on tv.
Just a thought -- $10000.00 is a mere paltry investment on
return. And, how could X-rays be used to fake photographs, if at
Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:207/109
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f110.n207.z1.FIDONET.ORG
From: Michael.Corbin@f110.n207.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Krill
Date: 23 Oct 90 03:06:00 GMT
> Quite a while ago I read that John Lear and John Grace
> made up the Krill material just to see what would happen,
> then had to madly run around clarifying and apologizing
> when it was taken seriously.
> Can't remember where I came across that. Anyone have any
> suggestions?
If I am not mistaken, it was from John's own lips on George
Knapp's "Cooper" scooper.
Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:207/109
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f110.n207.z1.FIDONET.ORG
From: Michael.Corbin@f110.n207.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: The Salisberrys
Date: 23 Oct 90 03:08:00 GMT
> I talked with Rex before I got your message, but I have a
> few answers anyway. Rex said that he'd heard of several
> connections between Gulf Breeze, Fyffe and Ray G., but he
> said he hadn't really investigated them. He said that Ray
> is a personal friend, so possibly that's where the idea of
> heavy involvement comes from. He is aware of Ray's, shall
> we say, accuracy of predictions. Rex tends to look for
> evidence you can hold in your hands, read or glean from
> personal interviews. That as opposed to evidence which
> might require blind belief somewhere along the way. In the
> case of interviews, he'll seriously look for corroboration,
> rather than simply believing a subject. Basically, if Rex
> says it, I'll buy it, because I believe he will have
> investigated it every which way.
With this in mind, what is his report on the whole subject?
Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:207/109
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f110.n207.z1.FIDONET.ORG
From: (Keith A. Fredericks)
Subject: No refutations of Remote Viewing
Date: 23 Oct 90 18:23:06 GMT
Jim Speiser wrote:
JS >Are you saying that the results of peer-reviewed remote viewing experiments
JS >have never been refuted in peer-reviewed journals??
I asked Roger Nelson of the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research
Laboratory if there were any refutations of the scholarly work done
on remote viewing.
Roger Nelson Writes:
+I don't know of any 'refutations' that could hold their own, but there
+are criticisms. With regard to our own work, we have welcomed
+critical comment, and in some cases learned something new about the
+database as a result of addressing the questions raised by outside
+readers. We have extended the analyses of our data and found that
+they remain persuasive, indeed are more so as a result of looking more
The criticisms that I found were:
E. Karnes and E. Sussman, Psycholog. Rep., 44, 471 (1979)
E. Karnes, J. Ballou, E. Sussman and F. Swaroff, Psycholog. Rep., 45, 963 (1979)
E. Karnes, E. Sussman, P. Klusman and L. Turcotte, Zetetic Scholar, 6, 66 (1980)
Keith Fredericks, Cray Research Inc., 655F Lone Oak Dr., Eagan, MN 55121 (612)MUD-KITY
From: Michael.Corbin@f110.n207.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Gulf Breeze Update
Date: 23 Oct 90 19:15:00 GMT
I just got off the telephone with Rex and Carol Salisbury from
Gulf Breeze, Florida. As you may know, they are MUFON
investigators who have investigated the Gulf Breeze case closely
in the past and up to the present.
Recently, our affiliate correspondent, John Hicks, made
reference to the possibility that Rex and Carol, previously
advocates of the authenticity of the Gulf Breeze UFO, might be
having a change of heart due to recent evidence discovered in
their investigative process that sheds a different light on the
credibility of Ed Walters and the infamous Gulf Breeze UFO
The controversy is centered on the finding of a model of the
Gulf Breeze UFO discovered some months back in the house that Ed
and Francis Walters lived in during the period of time that the
UFO photographs were taken. According to reports received, the
model is a very striking likeness to the UFOs portrayed in the
photographs. This model was constructed with a type of
construction paper used to detail architectural drawings for
building plans, and the paper contained plans for a home that Ed
Walters was being contracted to build. Walters responded that
the plans were of a home that he was designing to build around
Labor Day, 1989, and that the plans were drawn after his
sightings, therefore, the theory that the model being the model
used for the photographs doesn't check out. Ed further slammed
the critics as being the culprits in planting the model in the
attic to further discredit him.
However, Rex and Carol Salisbury, being impartial and forthright
investigators not willing to buy into something just because
everyone else does, decided to further investigate this and have
discovered some very interesting things which do not do much for
Ed Walters' case.
It is Rex's belief that due to numerous discrepancies found in
the actual drawings and the circumstances surrounding them, that
the drawings were not originally drawn up in 1989 as Ed alleges,
but were drawn up in 1986 or 1987.
The original house that the plans detail were for Lot D,
Williamsburg Estates with an address of 712 Jamestown Drive.
However, the house was eventually built at 700 Jamestown Drive,
a corner lot. Recently, Mayor Gray, called a meeting and
disclosed that the original plans for 712 Jamestown Drive, the
actual plans that match the plans contained on the UFO model,
were missing from City Hall records and had been substituted
with plans for another house, indicating that someone had come
into City Hall and pilfered the records. Rex talked to the
caretaker of the library at City Hall who keeps the building
plans, and discovered that shortly after the model had been
found, Ed and Francis Walters came in and stayed for about five
minutes. Ed claimed that he had to leave to go get his glasses.
He left and later returned that afternoon alone and stayed
another five minutes and then left. It is suspected that
someone in concert with Ed used the side door to the room where
the plans are stored, and came in and exchanged the plans that
Rex also points out that the tapes of the conversation of Tommy
Smith with Mayor Gray were subjected to voice stress analysis by
two independent sources. It has been determined by both sources
that Tommy Smith is telling the truth. Smith, as you know,
alleges that he was involved with Ed in the hoax.
Finally, Rex points out that Maccabee's dates do not jive.
Photos 22 & 23 were allegedly taken on February 8, 1988.
However, in the MUFON symposium proceedings of 1988, there is a
discrepancy in these dates as reported by Maccabee in two
different areas. One shows that the photos were taken on
February 8th and the other states that photos were taken on
January 26th. Dr. Willy Smith alleges that Budd Hopkins was
visiting on February 8th and spent all day with the Walters'
thus making it necessary to change the date to January 26th.
Very interesting indeed.
What is of utmost interest here is the people involved in this.
If it turns out to be a hoax, what is left is several highly
placed individuals holding the bag. For example, Bruce Maccabee
and Budd Hopkins, who, at least as far as Maccabee is concerned,
have staked a lot on this case. Hopkins makes the necessary
disclaimer in the forward of Ed's book, however just his
endorsement of the case has placed him in a very awkward
position with it. And, finally, MUFON. MUFON has done the most
damage to the credibility of the UFO field by buying into this
hook, line and sinker. As you may remember, there was so much
strife over this Gulf Breeze case that a large contingency of
MUFON's heirarchy either resigned or was fired by Walt Andrus
because of their negative response to MUFON's alleged
"scientific" investigation of the case and subsequent
endorsement of its authenticity. It leaves very big questions
such as motivation for how these individuals could be "duped" so
badly. As you may recall, some big money changed hands with
Maccabee and Andrus as part of an arrangement with Ed Walters.
Perhaps these issues should be investigated a little more
Although we still do not have all the answers on this one, Rex
and Carol will keep us informed at ParaNet of the details as
they become available. ParaNet asked Rex if it was true that he
and Carol were resigning from MUFON before Walt could remove
them. Rex did not make a comment either way on this, however if
things hold true to the past performance by Walt Andrus, we
could see them looking into MUFON from the outside.
Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:207/109
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f110.n207.z1.FIDONET.ORG
From: James Roger Black <>
Subject: Re: Horse-patooties And Sonic Boom
Date: 24 Oct 90 02:22:29 GMT
Here's another theory, courtesy of 'The White Sands Incident' by Daniel
Fry (Los Angeles: New Age Publishing Co., 1954), p 23.:
The hull has a field about it which repels all other matter.
The field is very powerful at molecular distances but diminishes
by the seventh power of the distance so that the force becomes
negligible a few microns away from the hull. ... [The field]
lowers air friction tremendously when it is necessary to travel
at high speed through an atmosphere.
Thirty-six years ago this was obviously total malarkey. In 1990, with
some of the stuff that's going in in theoretical physics, it's not so
obvious any more.
From: Michael.Corbin@f320.n207.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Re: The Salisberrys
Date: 23 Oct 90 20:40:00 GMT
In a message to Michael Corbin <10-21-90 22:32> John Hicks wrote:
> Rex tends to look for evidence you can hold in your
> hands, read or glean from personal interviews. That as
> opposed to evidence which might require blind belief
> somewhere along the way. In the case of interviews, he'll
> seriously look for corroboration, rather than simply
> believing a subject.
> Basically, if Rex says it, I'll buy it, because I believe
> he will have investigated it every which way.
I spoke with Rex today and I came away very impressed with his philosophies
on this subject and his methods. We'll just have to see what happens next.
Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:207/109
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f320.n207.z1.FIDONET.ORG
From: Jim.Speiser@f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Speiser)
Subject: Santa Barbara
Date: 21 Oct 90 15:57:00 GMT
I'm curious: How many people here are planning on attending the upcoming Santa
Barbara conference? And does anyone want me to re-post the details?
Jim Speiser - via FidoNet node 1:207/109
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG
From: Jim.Speiser@f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Speiser)
Subject: Re: Horse-patooties and sonic booms
Date: 22 Oct 90 14:02:00 GMT
> I am totally without knowledge on this particular subject, but couldn't
> it be possible that the aircraft could travel JUST BELOW the speed that
> normally would cause a boom? It would still be incredibly fast to
> anyone observing. For example, if it takes an object flying at 1000 mph
> (pardon my ignorance - just a guess) to cause a sonic boom, then maybe
> an object flying at 900 mph or even 950 mph would be enough less speed
> so as to avoid the boom. Isn't this plausible?
When you see a jet flying at cruising altitude, you are watching something
travel roughly 650 miles an hour, which is only about 75 miles an hour slower
than the speed of sound. I get the impression from the eyewitness accounts
that the objects in question were travelling at a MUCH faster apparent speed,
and therefore had to have been way beyond the sound "barrier".
Jim Speiser - via FidoNet node 1:207/109
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG
From: Michael.Corbin@f110.n207.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Santa Barbara
Date: 24 Oct 90 06:39:00 GMT
> I'm curious: How many people here are planning on attending
> the upcoming Santa Barbara conference? And does anyone want
> me to re-post the details?
I will be there, and, yes, please repost the details.
Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:207/109
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f110.n207.z1.FIDONET.ORG
From: Mike.Kraus@f10.n371.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Mike Kraus)
Subject: Re: Horse-patooties And Sonic Booms
Date: 24 Oct 90 07:59:00 GMT
> > I was under the impression that it was the paint that
> > "absorbed the radar"
> From what I have heard on this, the paint is a major factor
> in what absorbs or alters the wave. I think that it is
> composed of some kind of carbon fiber or something in which
> the actual fibers are around the same length as the wave.
> However, this is as far as I have heard on the subject.
> Mike
Thank you Mike,That's more than I knew before.
Mike Kraus - via FidoNet node 1:207/109
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Mike.Kraus@f10.n371.z1.FIDONET.ORG
From: Mike.Kraus@f10.n371.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Mike Kraus)
Subject: Re: Horse-patooties And Sonic Booms
Date: 24 Oct 90 08:13:00 GMT
> > I was under the impression that it was the paint that
> > "absorbed the radar"
> From what I have heard on this, the paint is a major factor
> in what absorbs or alters the wave. I think that it is
> composed of some kind of carbon fiber or something in which
> the actual fibers are around the same length as the wave.
> However, this is as far as I have heard on the subject.
> Mike
I know nothing of radar.I'm just an electronics Tech. But if the
carbon fibers are cut to the the length of the wave,couldnt the
enemy change the frequency?
Evidently,It's far more complex than a simple paint job (-:
Mike Kraus - via FidoNet node 1:207/109
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Mike.Kraus@f10.n371.z1.FIDONET.ORG
From: Paul.Faeder@p0.f0.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Paul Faeder)
Subject: Sonic Booms
Date: 24 Oct 90 03:31:26 GMT
In a message of <22 Oct 90 20:04:00>, Michael Corbin (1:207/110) writes:
>Thanks for that post of the archives regarding sonic booms. Something
>that also struck my curiousity is the posting about the research on MHD.
>Does anyone know what this is?
I think it is an engine that works by altering the magnetic charge of whatever
passes through it. If I'm right, then this is the type of drive system that was
used on the submarine in the movie Hunt For Red October.
Sorry but I don't remember enough about the article to explain how it works. I
think I read of it in the New York Times science section (published on
Tuesdays) a few months back.
Paul Faeder - via FidoNet node 1:207/109
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Paul.Faeder@p0.f0.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG
From: Paul.Faeder@p0.f0.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Paul Faeder)
Subject: Gulf Breeze Update
Date: 24 Oct 90 04:01:58 GMT
In a message of <23 Oct 90 12:15:00>, Michael Corbin (1:207/110) writes:
>Recently, Mayor
>Gray, called a meeting and disclosed that the original plans for 712
>Jamestown Drive, the actual plans that match the plans contained on the
>UFO model, were missing from City Hall records and had been substituted
>with plans for another house, indicating that someone had come into City
>Hall and pilfered the records.
Depending on the procedures of a municipality, there may be another set of
plans filed at the county. Also, to get a mortgage on new construction, the
bank or lender would require a set of plans. The lender gives it to an
appraiser who would appraise the dwelling based on the plans. The appraiser
will most likely return the plans to the lender and the lender will file them.
Plans from the lender aren't public records but the mortgage papers are so it
can be determined which bank holds the mortgage and therefore, the plans.
(Isn't Ed Gray associated with a bank? Maybe the same bank?) If you speak with
the Salisbury's again, perhaps you can mention it.
>It is suspected that someone
>in concert with Ed used the side door to the room where the plans are
>stored, and came in and exchanged the plans that afternoon.
Just about everything that arrives in a government office is date/time
stamped. Something to look for.
Funny, but no matter what one's feelings about the Gulf Breeze events are,
there's a conspiracy going on. It's either a true account and the conspiracy
is to discredit it; or it's a hoax and it's a conspiracy to continue it.
Paul Faeder - via FidoNet node 1:207/109
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Paul.Faeder@p0.f0.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG
From: John.Hicks@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG (John Hicks)
Subject: Rex S.
Date: 23 Oct 90 16:30:01 GMT
I just thought of something else which involved Rex S. and Fyffe.
He e said that he'd investigated the "computer voice" that was
broadcast over police freqs in the Fyffe area.
Rex said he'd found that the incident really did occur, and that he
found no evidence of a hoax. Also he said that the person who may have
been though to be connected with the incident was in Gulf Breeze, out
of radio range, at the time.
Of f course it's easy to transmit on any freq in order to perpetrate a
hoax, but I understand the same voice was also heard at other times on
As I understand it, the voice predicted some events in Fyffe (which
later occured).
John Hicks - via FidoNet node 1:207/109
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: John.Hicks@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG
From: Michael.Corbin@f110.n207.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: No Refutations Of Remote Viewing
Date: 25 Oct 90 02:43:00 GMT
> From: (Keith A. Fredericks)
> I asked Roger Nelson of the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research
> Laboratory if there were any refutations of the scholarly work done
> on remote viewing.
> Roger Nelson Writes:
> +I don't know of any 'refutations' that could hold thei own, but there
> +are criticisms. With regard to our own work, we have welcomed
> +critical comment, and in some cases learned something new about the
> +database as a result of addressing the questions raised by outside
> +readers. We have extended the analyses of our data and found that
> +they remain persuasive, indeed are more so as a result of looking more
> +deeply.
I would be very interested in looking at his research work.
Could you please arrange it, Keith?
Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:207/109
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f110.n207.z1.FIDONET.ORG
From: Michael.Corbin@f110.n207.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Hard Copy 10/25
Date: 25 Oct 90 03:00:00 GMT
Be sure to watch Hard Copy on October 25, 1990. They will be
running a story on the Belgium UFO. They previewed the program
tonight with some film footage of the UFO. It was fairly clear
and showed a circular object with a notch in the top and the
bottom with what appeared to be an antenna or some protrusion
coming through the middle of the top most notch. The program
should be interesting.
Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:207/109
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f110.n207.z1.FIDONET.ORG
From: Pete.Porro@f414.n154.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Pete Porro)
Date: 22 Oct 90 20:25:03 GMT
Yes I posted a message with the same thoughts last month. Chances are that
someone beat us both to it the day after the sightings? I just was thinking
besides a fungus or virus, or ??? that might naturally make circles (not
those fancy new designs) what else mught work. Gee I remember spraying weed
killer on Poison Ivy it sure wilted, I remember plants without enough
moisture wilt, the list goes on. Here's another one, something that destroys
the cells walls so they colapse slowely, therefore do not break or bend the
smalls capillary tubes. Gow about extreme cold, freezes the cells, they
rupture, stop carrying fluids, and fold. Just like plants in the winter.
I still will contend that if there are real circles = 1) The new versions
are hoaxes for publicity 2) They are not a result of UFOs even if they are
real type circles 3) This is just another waste of time that repeats itself
in various forms throught the months. What will it be next month?
Pete Porro - via FidoNet node 1:207/109
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Pete.Porro@f414.n154.z1.FIDONET.ORG
From: Pete.Porro@f414.n154.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Pete Porro)
Subject: Re: SONIC BOOMS
Date: 22 Oct 90 20:47:00 GMT
Another possible solution (one of the more obvious ones) is that the plane
is flying so high that the sonic boom is not heard. I don't know at what
altitude these planes were supposed to have been sighted, but two things
happen, at least, 1) the distance from the plane becomes greater, the sound
does not travel to Earth. 2) The atmosphere is thinner and less needs to be
pushed out of the way.
I forget the number but after 5 miles you cannot hear thunder from
lightening (someone correct me if you have the exact distance).
Speed of sound is 760.98mph STP
Pete Porro - via FidoNet node 1:207/109
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Pete.Porro@f414.n154.z1.FIDONET.ORG
From: David.Stager@f320.n207.z1.FIDONET.ORG (David Stager)
Subject: Navy Intelligence Crypto
Date: 25 Oct 90 17:43:00 GMT
I've uploaded a file called KENNEDY.TXT to Paranet Alpha. This is the
original story that broke later this year alleging that operatives of
the CIA or Navy Intelligence assassinated John F. Kennedy. Since Navy
Intelligence is strongly associated with UFO cover-ups, I wanted to
pass this information along to Paranet members for their perusal.
Please reply to me if you have anything to contribute regarding this
information. Anyone who is/was a cryptographer is encouraged to
evaluate the messages included and try to interpret the coded
information which may be included. DCS
David Stager - via FidoNet node 1:207/109
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INTERNET: David.Stager@f320.n207.z1.FIDONET.ORG
From: 'JIM GRAHAM' <>
Subject: Yet another AREA51 rumor...
Date: 26 Oct 90 01:11:42 GMT
I found this on sci.skeptic and thought some might find it
interesting. If not, please excuse the waste of bandwidth.
+From: reiser@pmafire.UUCP (Steve Reiser)
+Newsgroups: sci.skeptic,
+Subject: Re: UFO on TV in Nevada
+Date: 25 Oct 90 17:49:43 GMT
+Organization: Winco Process Development, Idaho
+There is a manager here who's brother works on a top secret job at this
+hangar 51 - I won't gives names and may be risking my neck even posting
+this. However, when the guy here asked his brother about all this UFO
+stuff, he just smiled and beat around the bush not denying any of the
+speculations, but hinted that more info has leaked to the public than
+should have.
+All the guys who work there are flown out of the Las Vegas area by a
+Boeing jetwhich takes a devious low level flight course so that
+employees can't be followed if they were to drive to this area.
+Keep investigating and keep an open mind (neither gullible or skeptical)
+Steve Reiser (reiser@pmafire.UUCP or ...!uunet!pmafire!reiser)
Jim Graham
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