From: RCNVMS::SSC91FAA04   "Jayne" 31-JUL-1991 14:46:11.05



Subj: Jayne M. edited project




This analysis evaluates related telecommunication on-line resources for 

accessing bibliographic information on young adult Spanish literature.

The need for such resources is particularly relevant to high school media 

centers serving growing Hispanic student populations.


Four resource centers were selected: Harvard Universtiy, Boston University,

Tufts University, and the University of California.  Each  offers 

bibliographic services accessible via modem from remote locations.  The 

services provided by each of the four centers were evaluated on 6 



   1. Scope 

   2. Ease of Accessing Information

   3. Format of Information

   4. Research Aids

   5. Books Identified for Topic

   6. Overall Rating

In the interest of clarity and understanding each of the dimensions is 


   Scope - the number of holdings listed in the on-line catalog for that       

           library as of July 1991.


  Ease of Accessing  Information - The efficiency with which a search can      

           be executed.

  Format of Information - The configuration in which the information is    




  Research Aids - Tools provided by the programs that aid in finding lower

           tier information and accessing related topics and sources of       



   Books Identified for Topic -The availability of information on the       

           subjects of interest, i.e., Young Adult Spanish Literature and      

           Young Adult Spanish American Literature .



 Overall Rating - An evaluation denoting weaknesses and strengths.


The  information centers are evaluated on each of these dimensions.  The 

ratings are based on the author's experience gained through interacting with 

the service and on quantitative data compiled in the course of study.

A summary of the evaluation is presented in Table 1.   Each data center is 

rated on a scale from 1 to 4 with 1 being the most desirable.  Supporting 

comments are provided for each rating .


              RATING     BOSTON UNIVERSITY                


SCOPE         2 1.5 Million Volumes

        2.5 Million Microforms

            All Libraries Included

EASE OF ACCESS 1 The initial screen  informs the user to press 

        the key marked return for information on how

        to use their system TOMUS.  The command

        screen provides the user with examples of how

        to begin a search.  It also  introduces the use of 

abbreviated codes for search  commands, and

                        the use of the word "and" to combine two 

                        terms to narrow a search.

FORMAT         1 Information is presented in neat, orderly

        fashion.  The words author,title,

        publication,location, and call number are

        capitlaized at the left margin and the related

  information is listed to the right.  Tutorial

        statements are listed below this information

        and most often require the use of the return key 

to continue a search.




RESEARCH AIDS 1 An adequate collection of research aids include

three display features, modify search commands, help

                        screen for all commands, find and browse commands, 

                        abbreviated codes for commands and tutorial



# OF BOOKS 3 Four books identified for topics searched. 


OVERALL         1 Easy for novice to use.  Excellent 

RATING         bibliographic records.  Time saving

typing commands and tutorial statements that

                  include the help command in every situation.




SCOPE         3 2 Million volumes  on-line.  

6 Million volumes not listed.

EASE OF ACCESS 4 Initial screens present a great deal of 

information that challenge the first time user. 

Selecting the database and accessing the 

command structure requires the   user to 

execute more steps than on other systems.  The

              exit command to log out of the catalog is 

presented on the first screen and is not 


FORMAT    4       Information appears cluttered on the screen. 

Command options listed at the bottom of the

  screen also appear cluttered.  Few tutorial 

statements are presented and the user must 

enter one of the commands.  Most commands 

may be abbreviated for ease of accessing the

            desired information.

RESEARCH AIDS 2 Long and short display format.  Tracing subject       

              headings  using  *S feature, keyword

  searching, index function and the listing of 

other titles by the same author  as part of a

          display for a retrieved item.  ISBN information. 

# OF BOOKS 2 Seven books identified for topics searched.


OVERALL         4       Difficult start up procedure.  Poor exit

RATING         command screen.  Limited access to databa.

        Excellent bibliographic records. 




SCOPE          1 6,320,999 Holdings are on-line.

EASE OF ACCESS 2 Introductory screen lists the databases and a

              tutorial statement informs the user  on the

  steps to take to access the desired database. 

        The search commands are defined and examples

  are given. 

FORMAT          2 The bibliographic information is presented as it 

would be on a card in the card catalog.   It is 

easy to read and the user can quickly determine 

which campus  library has a copy of the 

materials and  the section in the library where 

it is located.

RESEARCH AIDS 3 Three display formats.  Browse and select     

  commands for searching.  A variety of

  commands to restrict a search or add to a 

search,  Commands to comment to the MELVYL

                system and to change databases.  Tutorial

        statements follow each search.

# OF BOOKS 1 Fourteen books identified for topics searched.


OVERALL  2 Easy to use for the beginner.  Good 

RATING         documentation of commands.  Help commands 

available for all procedures.   Helpful tutorial

  statements  to aid the user in researching.  

Excellent bibliographic records.




SCOPE        NA Not available.

EASE OF ACCESS 3 Introductory screen presents search commands.

The  example for the subject command does not

        provide enough information.  It does not include 

combined terms so the user must experiment to

        determine if the system accepts the "and"

        command or "hyphen" command.  The "keyword"

        command does not give an example.

FORMAT         3 Organized format with bibliographic

        information identified in the left hand margin.  

Tutorial statements and options listed at the

        botttom of the screen.

RESEARCH AIDS 4 Keyword search, three display formats,circula-

tion status of material, and request for title


# OF BOOKS 4 No items listed for topics searched.


OVERALL         3       This system despite its poor system command  

RATING                  examples and help commands has  two very 

useful features for a researcher.  The

        ability to determine the circulation status  of 

the material and the ability to request the

        material from a remote setting. 




All services offered on-line access to a very large number of volumes although 

the University of California and Harvard University require special permission 

to access large sections of their holdings.


All the systems are satisfactory once you get use to them.  But for the first 

time user, there were significant differences among systems.  Among the 

best for ease of access of information are  Boston University and the 

University of California.  Following the welcome screen  the user is 

introduced to the search commands along with the command to find help.  

Help is available for each of the commands and the help  command provides 

information about the procedure for executing a search and procedures to 

log out of the catalog.  On these two systems, after each search request the 

number of items retrieved is indicated followed by an instruction for listing 

them  on the screen as well as a reminder on how to seek help.  It is 

possible to get help information at any time in the search.

The Harvard University system does not allow  the user access to all the 

databases.  Some of these databases require a special identification code to 

access the information.  On the welcome screen  of the Harvard system are 

the instructions for exiting the data base.  This information is not repeated 

on the help screen.  The help screen does have a quit command but its 

function does not exit  you from the database.   It simply stops the search in 

progress and returns the user to the screen where you determine which database 

you are going to search.


Each of the systems offers a display option for items retrieved by the search. 

The dispalyed information varies but all formats include author, title, 

publication date, call number and location(Name of library or section of 

library).   Some systems include subject headings in this display  format but 

others require an additional command to access that information.  The long or 

full display format  includes additional information such as tracings/subject 

headings, notes, ISBN code, and other titles by author of the book dispalyed.

Harvard offers the most complete cataloging information in the expanded 

format of all the systems.  The system  also allows the user to search the 

subject headings by typing Trace *S 1(Number of subject heading) to locate 

information related to the original term searched.  For example, five *S 

codes appear in the following format:

     AUTHOR: Dale, Doris Cruger           


      TITLE: Bilingual books in Spanish and English for Children/Doris         

             Cruger  Dale                                                      

 PUB:  INFO: Littleton, Colo. : Libraries Unlimited, 1985.

DESCRIPTION: ix, 163p.; 25cm

      NOTES: Includes indexes

       ISBN: 087287477x:

   SUBJECTS:   *S1 Children's literature, Spanish--Bibliography.

       *S2 Children's  literature, English--Bibliography.

       *S3 Bilingual Books--Bibliography

       *S4 Children's Literature, Spanish--Translations into 


       *S5 Children's Literature, English--Translations into  


The Boston University and University of California system were easier to use

because of the tutorial statements that appear on the screen upon completion of

a command.  After the initial search command, the number of items is identified

and a tutorial command instructs the user on how to list the items or how to 

seek help.  When the search is not successful a tutorial directs you to check 

accuracy of spelling or numbers and instructs you on how to continue with your 

search.  Once again the help command is given.  These tutorial statements 

appear on the screen immediately after the listing of retrieved information or 

after  the terms used in an unsuccessful search.  For example in the Boston 

University system the following tutorials appear:



Press RETURN  to see them, or type HELP, then press the key marked RETURN.


         found: 2 items at ALL BOSTON UNIVERSITIY LIBRARIES

Item 1.

AUTHOR                Schon,  Isabel.

TITLE                 Books in Spanish for Children and young adults: an       

                       annotated guide.  Series IV = Libros infantiles y       

                       juveniles en Espanol: una gula anotada. Serie no. IV / 

                       by Isabel Schon.

PUBLICATION           Metuchen, N>J> : Scarecrow Press, 1987.

LOCATION              Educational Resources Reference X

CALL NUMBER           Z1037.7 .S383 1987

Press   RETURN to see the next item, ot type HELP, then press RETURN

The Harvard system uses a different format .  Across the bottom of the screen 

is a list of option changes which varies depending on the  command

performed.  The configuration of the options at the bottom of the screen is 

difficult to read and requires the user to type in a new command.    Note       

the options listed at the bottom of the following example:

    HU SHORT DISPLAY page 1 of 1          Item 1 of 1 retrieved by your search:



      AUTHOR:  Schon, Isabel.


       TITLE:Books in Spanish for children and young adults: an annotated

               guide.  Series III = Libros infantiles y juveniles en espanl: 

               una guia anotada. Serie no. III / by Isabel Schon.

   PUB. INFO:  Metuchen, N>J>: Scarecrow Press 1985.

 DESCRIPTION:  xi, 208 p.; 23cm.

    SUBJECTS:  *S1 Children's literature, Spanish--Bibliography

               *S2 Children's literature, Spanish American--Bibliography

               *S3 Young adult literature, Spanish--Bibliography

               *S4 Young adult literature, Sapnish--Bibliography

               *S5 Young adult literature, Sapnish American--Bibliography

    LOCATION:  Gutman Education Ref. Z1037.7.s38 1985


OPTIONS: DISPLAY LONG                                              HELP


         TRACE *S1 (etc)  START-search options QUIT- exit database REDO


The dispaly format for the University of California system has a unique 

feature.  Upon completion of a find command, the short as well as the long 

display format lists the location of the material  in the various  libraries

of the campuses that are part of the university system  in California.

For example:


Search result:    7 records at all libraries

Type HELP for other display options.

1.  Schon, Isabel.

      Books in Spanish for children and young adults: an annotated guide =

    Libros infantiles y juveniles en espanol :  una guia anotada / by Isabel

    Schon,  Metuchen, N>J> : Scarecrow Press, 1978.

        UCI      Main Lib  PN1009.S8 S35

        UCLA   URI          Z2694.5 S35

        UCSB   Library    Z2694.5 .S35 Col Tloque Nahuaque

        UCSD   Central    PN 1009 .S8z S36

Press RETURN to see the next screen.


The Tufts University system has an oustanding research aid.  It provides the 

user with the necessary bibliographic information and also indicates if the 

book is checked-out.  Obtaining the material is the reason for using an on-line

catalog, knowing the book is on the shelf expedites the process of locating the

information.  A host of other research aids are shared by all systems evalu-

ated.  Typical of these aids are:  notes,  subject headings, keyword searches, 

one letter code for search commands, access capability by author, title, sub-

ject, and call number.


The number of books identified by the resource services accessed is suprisingly

small.  Using the subject headings Young Adult Literature--Spanish and Young 

Adult Literature--Spanish American, the  titles  range in number from zero to 

fourteen.  A small number considering the number of volumes contained in the 

centers ranged from 2 million to 6 million.  Additional resources were avail-

able by searching other related subject headings.

OVERALL RATING                                              

All four programs fulfilled the needs of the researcher but some are easier to 

use and more comprehensive and, therefore, more useful than others.  

The Boston University,  University of California, and Tufts University catalog 

systems were nearly equivalent in usefullness while Harvard provided the most 

complete bibliographic information and offered the most flexibility once the 

initial commands were mastered.  The Boston University system wins my vote for 

the best overall system on the merit of ease of access and the format of

information on the screen. 


                       SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY

Bibliografia Basica  Para Bibliotecas Infantiles y  Juveniles.  Ministerio de 

        Cultura, Direccion General del Libro Y

                Biblioteca, 1986.

Breaking Boundaries: Latina Writing and Critical Readings / edited by

        Ascuncion ahorno-Delgado ... (et al.). University

        of Massachusetts,  1989.

Cendan, Pazos, Fernando Medio siglo de libros infantiles y juveniles en 

        Espana: (1935-1985). Ediciones Pirmade, 1986.

Dale, Doris Cruger Bilingual Books in Spanish and English  for

                Children.  Libraries Unlimited, 1985.                  

A Decade of Hispanic Literature: an Anniversary Anthology. Revista Chicano-

                        Riquena, 1982.

Demerson, Paula de Esbozo de Biblioteca de la Juventud Ilustrada

                (1740-1808). Univeridad, Caterdra Feijoo, Facultad  

        de Filosofia y Letras, 1976.

Fitzmaurice-Kelly, James 1858-1923  Spanish Bibliography.  Oxford

                University Press, 1925.

Foster, David William Manual of Hispanic Bibliography.  University of 

        Washington Press, 1970.

Foster, David William Puerto Rican Literature: a Bibliography of 

        Secondary Sources. Greenwood Press, 1982.

Jones, Cecil Knight A Bibliography of Latin American Bibliographies.

        U./s. government Printing Office, 1942.

Kanellos, Nicolas Biographical Dictionary of Hispanic Literature

        in the United States: the Literature of Puerto

        Ricans, Cuban Americans, and other Hispanic

                Writers. Greenwood Press, 1989.

Pattison, Walter Thomas, 1903-  Representative Spanish Authors: A First 

        Book of Spanish Literature.  Oxford University

                Press, 1942.

Pedreiira, Antonio Salvador  Bibliografma Puertorriqueqa (1430-1930)  B. 

        Franklin Reprints, 1974.

Rela, Walter         A Bibliographical Guide to Spanish American

                Literature: Twentieth-Century Sources. Greenwood 

        Press, 1988.

Schon, Isabel         A Hispanic Heritage, Series III: A Guide to Juvenile 

        Books About Hispanic People and Cultures. 

              Scarecrow Press, 1988.

Schon, Isabel         Books in Spanish for Children and Young Adults: An 

                Annotated Guide = Libros Infantiles y Juveniles en

          Espanol: Una Guia Anotada.  Scarecrow Press


                        Series II Scarecrow Press, 1983.

                        Series III Scarecrow Press, 1985

        Series IV  Scarecrow Press, 1987.

        Series V   Scarecrow Press, 1989.

Simsn, Dmaz, Josi Manual de   Bibliografma de la Literatura Espaqola.  

        G. Gill, 1966.

Woodbridge, Hensley Charles, 1923-  Guide to Reference Works for the Study 

        of the Spanish Language and Literature and Spanish 

        American Literature. Modern Language Association 

        of America, 1987.

Woodbridge, Hensley Charles, 1923-  Spanish and Spanish American

                Literature: An Annotated  Guide to Selected

                Bibliographies.  Modern Language Association of 

        America, 1983.


Boston University :TOMUS On-line Library Catalog

Harvard University: HOLLIS On-line Library Catalog

Tufts University:TULIPS On-line Library Catalog

University of California:MELVYL On-line Library Catalog

Permission to distribute to telecommunication class.




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