³ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ³
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³ This article is reprinted from Full Disclosure. ³
³ ³
³ Copyright (c) 1986 Capitol Information Association. All rights reserved ³
³ Permission is hereby granted to reprint this article providing ³
³ this message is included in its entirety. ³
³ ³
³ Full Disclosure, Box 8275, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48107. $15/yr. ³
³ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ³
³ Full Disclosure: ³
³ I'd like to start out by talking about your well-known book, `The CIA ³
³ and the Cult of Intelligence.' What edition is that in today? ³
³ ³
³ Marchetti: ³
³ The latest edition came out last summer. Its the Laurel edition, ³
³ Dell paperback. ³
³ ³
³ FD: Its gone through a couple of printings? ³
³ Marchetti: ³
³ Yes. It was originally published by Alfred Knopf in hardback and ³
³ by Dell in paperback. That was in 1974 with Knopf and 1975 with ³
³ Dell. Then a few years later we got some more of the deletions ³
³ back from the government, so Dell put out a second printing. ³
³ ³
³ That would have been about 1979. Then recently, during the ³
³ summer of 1983, we got back a few more deletions and that's the ³
³ current edition that is available in good bookstores (laughs) in ³
³ Dell paperback, the Laurel edition. ³
³ ³
³ Originally the CIA asked for 340 deletions. We got about half of ³
³ those back in negotiations prior to the trial. We later won the ³
³ trial, they were supposed to give everything back but it was ³
³ overturned at the appellate level. ³
³ ³
³ The Supreme Court did not hear the case, so the appellate decision ³
³ stood. We got back 170 of those deletions in negotiations during ³
³ the trial period. A few years later when the second paperback ³
³ edition came out there were another 24 deletions given back. ³
³ The last time, in 1983, when the the third edition of the paperback ³
³ edition was published, there were another 35 given back. So there ³
³ are still 110 deletions in the book out of an original 340. ³
³ ³
³ As for the trial, the CIA sued in early 1972 to have the right to ³
³ review and censor the book. They won that case. It was upheld at ³
³ the appellate court in Richmond some months later, and again the ³
³ Supreme Court did not hear the case. ³
³ ³
³ Two years later we sued the CIA on the grounds that they had been ³
³ arbitrary, capricious and unreasonable in making deletions and ³
³ were in violation of the injunction they had won in 1972. ³
³ ³
³ We went before Judge Albert V. Bryan Jr., and in that case, he ³
³ decided in our favor. Bryan was the same fourth district judge ³
³ in Alexandria who heard the original case. He said that there ³
³ was nothing in the book that was harmful to national security or ³
³ that was logically classifiable. Bryan said the CIA was being ³
³ capricious and arbitrary. ³
³ ³
³ They appealed, and a few months later down in Richmond the ³
³ appellate court for the fourth district decided in the ³
³ government's favor, and overturned Bryan's decision. ³
³ ³
³ Again, the Supreme Court did not hear the case. It chose not to ³
³ hear it, and the appellate court's decision stood. ³
³ ³
³ By this time, we had grown weary of the legal process. The book ³
³ was published with blank spaces except for those items that had ³
³ been given back in negotiations. Those items were printed in bold ³
³ face type to show the kind of stuff the CIA was trying to cut ³
³ out. In all subsequent editions, the additional material is ³
³ highlighted to show what it is they were trying to cut out. ³
³ ³
³ Of course the CIA's position is that only they know what is a ³
³ secret. They don't make the national security argument because ³
³ that is too untenable these days. ³
³ ³
³ They say that they have a right to classify anything that they ³
³ want to, and only they know what is classifiable. ³
³ They are establishing a precedent, and have established a ³
³ precedent in this case that has been used subsequently against ³
³ ex-CIA people like Frank Snepp and John Stockwell and others, and ³
³ in particular against Ralph McGee. ³
³ ³
³ They've also used it against (laughing), its kind of ironic, two ³
³ former CIA directors, one of whom was William Colby. Colby was ³
³ the guy behind my case when he was director. ³
³ ³
³ In fact, he was sued by the CIA and had to pay a fine of I think, ³
³ about $30,000 for putting something in that they wanted out about ³
³ the Glomar Explorer. He thought they were just being, as I would ³
³ say, ``arbitrary and capricious,'' so he put it in anyway, was ³
³ sued, and had to pay a fine. ³
³ ³
³ Admiral Stansfield Turner was another who, like Colby when he was ³
³ director, was the great defender of keeping everything secret and ³
³ only allowing the CIA to reveal anything. When Turner got around ³
³ to writing his book he had the same problems with them and is ³
³ very bitter about it and has said so. ³
³ ³
³ His book just recently came out and he's been on a lot of TV ³
³ shows saying, ``Hells bells, I was director and I know what is ³
³ classified and what isn't but these guys are ridiculous, ³
³ bureaucratic,'' and all of these accusations you hear. It is ³
³ ironic because even the former directors of the CIA have been ³
³ burned by the very precedents that they helped to establish. ³
³ ³
³ FD: What are the prospects for the remaining censored sections ³
³ of your book eventually becoming declassified so that they ³
³ are available to the American people? ³
³ ³
³ Marchetti: ³
³ If I have a publisher, and am willing to go back at the CIA every ³
³ year or two years forcing a review, little by little, everything ³
³ would come out eventually. I can't imagine anything they would ³
³ delete. There might be a few items that the CIA would hold onto ³
³ for principle's sake. ³
³ ³
³ Everything that is in that book, whether it was deleted or not, has ³
³ leaked out in one way or another, has become known to the public in ³
³ one form or another since then. So you know its really a big joke. ³
³ ³
³ FD: Looking back on it, what effect did the publication of the ³
³ `The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence' have on your life? ³
³ ³
³ Marchetti: ³
³ It had a tremendous effect on my life. The book put me in a position ³
³ where I would forever be persona non grata with the bureaucracy in ³
³ the federal government, which means, that I cannot get a job ³
³ anywhere, a job that is, specific to my background and talents. ³
³ ³
³ Particularly if the company has any form of government relationship, ³
³ any kind of government contract. That stops the discussions right ³
³ there. But even companies that are not directly allied with the ³
³ government tend to be very skittish because I was so controversial ³
³ and they just don't feel the need to get into this. ³
³ ³
³ I have had one job since leaving the CIA other than writing, ³
³ consulting and things like that, and that was with an independent ³
³ courier company which did no business with the government, was ³
³ privately owned, and really didn't care what the government thought. ³
³ They ran their own business and they hired me as their friend. ³
³ But every other job offered to me always evaporates, because even ³
³ those individuals involved in hiring who say they want to hire me and ³
³ think the government was wrong always finish saying, ``Business is ³
³ business. ³
³ ³
³ There are some people here who do not want to get involved in any ³
³ controversial case.'' Through allies or former employees somebody ³
³ always goes out of their way to make it difficult for me, so I never ³
³ have any other choice but to continue to be a freelance writer, ³
³ lecturer, consultant, etcetera, and even in that area I am frequently ³
³ penalized because of who I worked for. ³
³ ³
³ FD: The government views you as a troublemaker or whistleblower? ³
³ ³
³ Marchetti: ³
³ As a whistleblower, and, I guess, troublemaker. In the intelligence ³
³ community, as one who violated the code. ³
³ FD: The unspoken code? ³
³ ³
³ Marchetti: ³
³ Right. And this has been the fate of all those CIA whistleblowers. ³
³ They've all had it hard. Frank Snepp, Stockwell, McGee, and others, ³
³ have all suffered the same fate. ³
³ ³
³ Whistleblowers in general, like Fitzgerald in the Department of ³
³ Defense, who exposed problems with the C-5A, overruns, have also ³
³ suffered the same kind of fate. But since they were not dealing ³
³ in the magical area of national security they have found that they ³
³ have some leeway and have been able to, in many other cases, find ³
³ some other jobs. ³
³ ³
³ In some cases the government was even forced to hire them back. ³
³ ³
³ Usually the government puts them in an office somewhere in a corner, ³
³ pays them $50,000 a year, and ignores them. Which drives them crazy ³
³ of course, but thats the government's way of punishing anybody from ³
³ the inside who exposes all of these problems to the American public. ³
³ FD: Phillip Agee explains in his book the efforts of the CIA to ³
³ undermine his writing of `Inside The Company' both before and ³
³ after publication. Have you run into similar problems with ³
³ extralegal CIA harassment? ³
³ ³
³ Marchetti: ³
³ Yes. I was under surveillance. Letters were opened. I am sure our ³
³ house was burglarized. General harassment of all sorts, and the CIA ³
³ has admitted to some of these things. One or two cases, because the ³
³ Church Committee found out. ³
³ ³
³ For example, the CIA admitted to working with the IRS to try and ³
³ give me a bad time. The Church Committee exposed that and ³
³ they had to drop it. ³
³ They've admitted to certain other activities like the surveillance ³
³ and such, but the CIA will not release to me any documents under the ³
³ Freedom of Information Act. They won't release it all -- any ³
³ documents under FOIA, period. ³
³ ³
³ FD: About your time with the CIA? ³
³ Marchetti: ³
³ No, about my case. I only want the information on me after ³
³ leaving the agency and they just refuse to do it. ³
³ They've told me through friends ``You can sue until you're blue ³
³ in the face but you're not going to get this'' because they know ³
³ exactly what would happen. ³
³ ³
³ It would be a terrible embarrassment to the CIA if all of the ³
³ extralegal and illegal activities they took became public. ³
³ ³
³ The most interesting thing they did in my case was an attempt at ³
³ entrapment, by putting people in my path in the hopes that I would ³
³ deal with these people, who in at least one case turned out to be an ³
³ undercover CIA operator who was, if I had dealt with him, it would ³
³ have appeared that I was moving to deal with the Soviet KGB. ³
³ ³
³ The CIA did things of that nature. They had people come to me and ³
³ offer to finance projects if I would go to France, live there, and ³
³ write a book there without any censorship. Switzerland and Germany ³
³ were also mentioned. ³
³ The CIA used a variety of techniques of that sort. I turned down ³
³ all of them because my theory is that the CIA should be exposed ³
³ to a certain degree in the hope that Congress could conduct some ³
³ investigation out of which would come some reform. ³
³ I was playing the game at home and that is the way I was going to ³
³ play. Play it by the rules, whatever handicap that meant. Which ³
³ in the end was a tremendous handicap. But it did work out in the ³
³ sense that my book did get published. ³
³ ³
³ The CIA drew a lot of attention to it through their attempts to ³
³ prevent it from being written and their attempts at censorship, ³
³ which simply increased the appetite of the public, media, and ³
³ Congress, to see what they were trying to hide and why. ³
³ All of this was happening at a time when other events were ³
³ occurring. Ellsberg's Pentagon Papers had come out about the ³
³ same time I announced I was doing my book. Some big stories ³
³ were broken by investigative journalists. ³
³ ³
³ All of these things together, my book was part of it, did lead ³
³ ultimately to congressional investigations of the CIA. ³
³ I spent a lot of time behind the scenes on the Hill with senators ³
³ and congressman lobbying for these investigations and they ³
³ finally did come to pass. ³
³ ³
³ It took awhile. President Ford tried to sweep everything under ³
³ the rug by creating the Rockefeller Commission, which admitted to ³
³ a few CIA mistakes but swept everything under the rug. ³
³ ³
³ It didn't wash publicly. By this time, the public didn't buy the ³
³ government's lying. So we ultimately did have the Pike Committee, ³
³ which the CIA and the White House did manage to sabotage. ³
³ ³
³ But the big one was the Church Committee in the Senate which ³
³ conducted a pretty broad investigation and brought out a lot of ³
³ information on the CIA. ³
³ ³
³ The result of that investigation was that the CIA did have to admit ³
³ to a lot of wrongdoing and did have to make certain reforms. ³
³ ³
³ Not as much as I would have liked. ³
³ I think everything has gone back to where it was and maybe even ³
³ worse than what it was, but at least there was a temporary halt ³
³ to the CIA's free reign of hiding behind secrecy and getting away ³
³ with everything, up to and including murder. There were some ³
³ changes and I think they were all for the better. ³
³ ³
³ FD: So instead of some of the more harsher critics of the CIA who ³
³ would want to see it abolished you would want to reform it? ³
³ ³
³ Marchetti: ³
³ Yes. Its one of these things where you can't throw out the baby ³
³ with the bathwater. The CIA does do some very good and valuable ³
³ and worthwhile and legal things. Particularly in the collection ³
³ of information throughout the world, and in the analysis of ³
³ events around the world. All of this is a legitimate activity, ³
³ and what the CIA was really intended to do in the beginning when ³
³ they were set up. ³
³ ³
³ My main complaint is that over the years those legitimate ³
³ activities have to a great extent been reduced in importance, ³
³ and certain clandestine activities, particularly the covert ³
³ action, have come to the fore. ³
³ ³
³ Covert action is essentially the intervention in the internal ³
³ affairs of other governments in order to manipulate events, ³
³ using everything from propaganda, disinformation, political ³
³ action, economic action, all the way down to the really dirty ³
³ stuff like para-military activity. ³
³ This activity, there was too much of it. It was being done for ³
³ the wrong reasons, and it was counterproductive. It was in this area ³
³ where the CIA was really violating U.S. law and the intent of ³
³ the U.S. Constitution, and for that matter, I think, the wishes ³
³ of Congress and the American people. ³
³ ³
³ This was the area that needed to be thoroughly investigated ³
³ and reformed. My suggestion was that the CIA should be split ³
³ into two organizations. ³
³ ³
³ One, the good CIA so to speak, would collect and analyze ³
³ information. The other part, in the dirty tricks business, ³
³ would be very small and very tightly controlled by Congress and ³
³ the White House, and if possible, some kind of a public board so ³
³ that it didn't get out of control. ³
³ ³
³ My theory is, and I've proved it over and over again along ³
³ with other people, is that the basic reason for secrecy is not ³
³ to keep the enemy from knowing what you're doing. ³
³ ³
³ He knows what you're doing because he's the target of it, and ³
³ he's not stupid. The reason for the CIA to hide behind secrecy ³
³ is to keep the public, and in particular the American public, ³
³ from knowing what they're doing. ³
³ ³
³ This is done so that the President can deny that we were ³
³ responsible for sabotaging some place over in Lebanon where a lot ³
³ of people were killed. So that the President can deny, period. ³
³ Here is a good example: ³
³ ³
³ President Eisenhower denied we were involved in attempts to ³
³ overthrow the Indonesian government in 1958 until the CIA guys ³
³ got caught and the Indonesians produced them. He looked like ³
³ a fool. So did the N.Y. Times and everybody else who believed ³
³ him. That is the real reason for secrecy. ³
³ ³
³ There is a second reason for secrecy. That is that if the public ³
³ doesn't know what you are doing you can lie to them because they ³
³ don't know what the truth is. ³
³ ³
³ This is a very bad part of the CIA because this is where you ³
³ get not only propaganda on the American people but actually ³
³ disinformation, which is to say lies and falsehoods, peddled to ³
³ the American public as the truth and which they accept as gospel. ³
³ That's wrong. It's not only wrong, its a lie and it allows the ³
³ government and those certain elements of the government that can ³
³ hide behind secrecy to get away with things that nobody knows about. ³
³ If you carefully analyze all of these issues that keep coming up in ³
³ Congress over the CIA, this is always what is at the heart of it: ³
³ That the CIA lied about it, or that the CIA misrepresented something, ³
³ or the White House did it, because the CIA and the White House ³
³ work hand in glove. ³
³ The CIA is not a power unto itself. It is an instrument of power. ³
³ A tool. A very powerful tool which has an influence on ³
³ whoever is manipulating it. ³
³ ³
³ But basically the CIA is controlled by the White House, the ³
³ inner circle of government, the inner circle of the ³
³ establishment, in general. ³
³ ³
³ The CIA is doing what these people want done so these people ³
³ are appreciative and protective of them, and they in turn make ³
³ suggestions or even go off on their own sometimes and operate ³
³ deep cover for the CIA. So it develops into a self-feeding circle. ³
³ ³
³ FD: Spreading disinformation is done through the newsmedia. ³
³ ³
³ Marchetti: ³
³ Yes. Its done through the newsmedia. The fallacy is that the CIA ³
³ says the real reason they do this is to con the Soviets. ³
³ Now, I'll give you some examples. One was a fellow by the name ³
³ of Colonel Oleg Penkovsky. ³
³ FD: Penkovsky Papers? ³
³ ³
³ Marchetti: ³
³ Yes. I wrote about that in `The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence. ³
³ The Penkovsky Papers was a phony story. We wrote the book in ³
³ the CIA. Now, who in the hell are we kidding? The Soviets? ³
³ ³
³ Do we think for one minute that the Soviets, who among other things ³
³ captured Penkovsky, interrogated him, and executed him, do you think ³
³ for one minute they believe he kept a diary like that? How could he ³
³ have possibly have done it under the circumstances? ³
³ ³
³ The whole thing is ludicrous. So we're not fooling the Soviets. ³
³ What we're doing is fooling the American people and pumping up ³
³ the CIA. The British are notorious for this kind of thing. ³
³ They're always putting out phony autobiographies and biographies ³
³ on their spies and their activities which are just outright lies. ³
³ They're done really to maintain the myth of English secret ³
³ intelligence so that they will continue to get money to continue ³
³ to operate. Thats the real reason. ³
³ The ostensible reason is that we were trying to confuse the ³
³ Soviets. Well that's bullshit because they're not confused. ³
³ ³
³ One of the ones I think is really great is `Khruschev Remembers.' ³
³ ³
³ If anybody in his right mind believes that Nikita Khruschev sat ³
³ down, and dictated his memoirs, and somebody -- Strobe Talbot ³
³ sneaked out of the Soviet Union with them they're crazy. ³
³ ³
³ That story is a lie. That book was a joint operation between the ³
³ CIA and the KGB. Both of them were doing it for the exact same ³
³ reasons. They both wanted to influence their own publics. ³
³ ³
³ We did it our way by pretending that Khruschev had done all of this ³
³ stuff and we had lucked out and somehow gotten a book out of it. ³
³ ³
³ The Soviets did it because they could not in their system allow ³
³ Khruschev to write his memoirs. Thats just against everything ³
³ that the Communist system stands for. But they did need him to ³
³ speak out on certain issues. ³
³ Brezhnev particularly needed him to short-circuit some of the ³
³ initiatives of the right wing, the Stalinist wing of the party. ³
³ ³
³ Of course the KGB was not going to allow the book to be published ³
³ in the Soviet Union. The stuff got out so that it could be ³
³ published by the Americans. That doesn't mean that the KGB ³
³ didn't let copies slip into the Soviet Union and let it go all ³
³ around. The Soviets achieved their purpose too. ³
³ ³
³ This is one of the most fantastic cases, I think, in intelligence ³
³ history. Two rival governments cooperated with each other on a ³
³ secret operation to dupe their respective publics. ³
³ ³
³ I always wanted to go into much greater length on this but I just ³
³ never got around to it. Suffice it to say that TIME magazine ³
³ threatened to cancel a two-page magazine article they were doing ³
³ on me and my book if I didn't cut a brief mention of this episode ³
³ out of the book. ³
³ ³
³ FD: How was this operation initially set up? ³
³ Marchetti: ³
³ I don't know all of the ins and outs of it. ³
³ I imagine what happened is that it probably started with ³
³ somebody in the Soviet Politburo going to Khruschev and saying, ³
³ ``Hey, behind the scenes we're having lots of trouble with the ³
³ right-wing Stalinist types. ³
³ ³
³ They're giving Brehznev a bad time and they're trying to undercut all ³
³ of the changes you made and all of the changes Brehznev has made and ³
³ wants to make. Its pretty hard to deal with it so we've got an idea. ³
³ Since you're retired and living here in your dacha why don't you just ³
³ sit back and dictate your memoirs. ³
³ And of course the KGB will review them and make sure you don't say ³
³ anything you shouldn't say and so on and so forth. Then we will get ³
³ in touch with our counterparts, and see to it that this information ³
³ gets out to the West, which will publish it, and then it will get ³
³ back to the Soviet Union in a variety of forms. ³
³ ³
³ It will get back in summaries broadcast by the Voice of America and ³
³ Radio Liberty, and copies of the book will come back in, articles ³
³ written about it will be smuggled in, and this in turn will be a big ³
³ influence on the intelligentsia and the party leaders and it will ³
³ undercut Suslov and the right wingers.'' ³
³ ³
³ Khruschev said okay. The KGB then went to the CIA and explained ³
³ things to them and the CIA said, Well that sounds good, we'll ³
³ get some friends of ours here, the TIME magazine bureau in ³
³ Moscow, Jerry Schecter would later have a job in the White House ³
³ as a press officer. ³
³ ³
³ We'll get people like Strobe Talbot, who is working at the bureau ³
³ there, we'll get these guys to act as the go-betweens. They'll ³
³ come and see you for the memoirs and everyone will play dumb. ³
³ ³
³ You give them two suitcases full of tapes (laughs) or something ³
³ like that and let them get out of the Soviet Union. Which is ³
³ exactly what happened. ³
³ ³
³ Strobe brought all of this stuff back to Washington and then ³
³ TIME-LIFE began to process it and put a book together. ³
³ They wouldn't let anybody hear the tapes, they didn't show anybody ³
³ anything. A lot of people were very suspicious. ³
³ ³
³ You know you can tell this to the public or anybody else who doesn't ³
³ have the least brains in their head about how the Soviet Union ³
³ operates and get away with it. But anybody who knows the least bit ³
³ about the Soviet Union knows the whole thing is impossible. ³
³ A former Soviet premier cannot sit in his dacha and make these tapes ³
³ and then give them to a U.S. newspaperman and let him walk out of the ³
³ country with them. That cannot be done in a closed society, a police ³
³ state, like the Soviet Union. ³
³ ³
³ The book was eventually published but before it was published there ³
³ was another little interesting affair. Strobe Talbot went to ³
³ Helsinki with the manuscript, where he was met by the KGB who ³
³ took it back to Leningrad, looked at it, and then it was finally ³
³ published by TIME-LIFE. ³
³ None of that has ever been explained in my book. A couple of ³
³ other journalists have made references to this episode but ³
³ never went into it. ³
³ It's an open secret in the press corps here in Washington and New ³
³ York, but nobody ever wrote a real big story for a lot of reasons, ³
³ because I guess it's just the kind of story that it's difficult ³
³ for them to get their hooks into. ³
³ I knew people who were then in the White House and State Department ³
³ who were very suspicious of it because they thought the KGB... ³
³ ³
³ FD: Had duped TIME? ³
³ ³
³ Marchetti: ³
³ Exactly. Once they learned this was a deal they quieted down and ³
³ ceased their objections and complaints, and even alibied and lied ³
³ afterwards as part of the bigger game. ³
³ ³
³ Victor Lewis, who was apparently instrumental in all of these ³
³ negotiations, later fit into one little footnote to this story ³
³ that I've often wondered about. ³
³ Lewis is (was)... After all of this happened and when the little ³
³ furor that existed here in official Washington began dying down, ³
³ Victor Lewis went to Tel Aviv for medical treatment. ³
³ He came into the country very quietly but somebody spotted him and ³
³ grabbed him and said, ``What are you doing here in Israel?'' ³
³ ³
³ ``Well I'm here for medical treatment, '' Lewis said. They ³
³ said,``What?! You're here in Israel for medical treatment?'' ³
³ ³
³ He said, ``Yes.'' They said, ``Well whats the problem?'' ``I've ³
³ got lumbago, a back problem, and they can't fix it in the Soviet ³
³ Union. but there's a great Jewish doctor here I knew in the ³
³ Soviet Union and I came to see him.'' ³
³ ³
³ That sounds like the craziest story you ever wanted to hear. ³
³ But then another individual appeared in Israel at the same time ³
³ and some reporter spotted him. He happened to be Richard Helms, ³
³ then-director of the CIA. He asked Helms what he was doing in ³
³ Israel, and he had some kind of a lame excuse which started ³
³ people wondering whether this was the payoff. ³
³ ³
³ Helms acting for the CIA, TIME-LIFE, and the U.S. government, and ³
³ Lewis acting for the KGB, Politburo, and the Soviet government. ³
³ Its really a fascinating story. ³
³ ³
³ I wrote about briefly in the book and it was very short. You'll ³
³ find it if you look through the book in the section we're talking ³
³ about. Publications and things like that. ³
³ ³
³ When I wrote those few paragraphs there wasn't much further I could ³
³ go, because there was a lot of speculation and analysis. ³
³ Around the time my book came out, TIME magazine decided that they ³
³ would do a two-page spread in their news section and give it a ³
³ boost. Suddenly I started getting calls from Jerry Schecter and ³
³ Strobe Talbot about cutting that part out. ³
³ ³
³ I said I would not cut it out unless they could look me in the ³
³ eye and say I was wrong. If it wasn't true I would take the book ³
³ and cut the material out. But neither of them chose to do that. ³
³ Right before the article appeared in TIME I got a call from one of ³
³ the editors telling me that some people wanted to kill the article. ³
³ I asked why and he said one of the reasons is what you had to say ³
³ about TIME magazine being involved in the Khruschev Remembers book. ³
³ I asked him, ``Thats it?'' I had talked to Jerry and Strobe and ³
³ this was their backstab. This editor asked me if I could find ³
³ somebody who could trump the people who were trying to have ³
³ the article killed. Somebody who could verify my credentials ³
³ in telling the story. ³
³ ³
³ I said why don't you call Richard Helms, who by that time had been ³
³ eased out of office by Kissinger and Nixon, and was now an ambassador ³
³ in Teheran. So this editor called Helms to verify my credentials ³
³ (laughing) and Helms said, ``Yeah, he's a good guy. He just got pissed ³
³ off and wanted to change the CIA.'' So the article ran in TIME. ³
³ I think you're one of the very few people I've explained this ³
³ story to in depth. ³
³ ³
³ FD: Did this operation have a name? ³
³ ³
³ Marchetti: ³
³ It probably did but I was already out of the agency and I don't know ³
³ what it was. But I do know it was a very sensitive activity and that ³
³ people very high up in the White House and State Department who you ³
³ would have thought would have been aware of it were not aware of it. ³
³ But then subsequently they were clearly taken into a room and ³
³ talked to in discussions and were no longer critics and doubters ³
³ and in fact became defenders of it. ³
³ ³
³ FD: Let me make sure I am clear about the CIA's motivation... ³
³ ³
³ Marchetti: ³
³ The CIA's motivation was that here we have a former Soviet premier ³
³ talking out about the events of his career and revealing some pretty ³
³ interesting things about his thinking and the thinking of others. ³
³ All of which shows that the Soviet Union is run by a very small ³
³ little clique. A very small Byzantine-like clique. ³
³ ³
³ There is a strong tendency to stick with Stalinisn and turn ³
³ to Stalinism but some of the cooler heads, the more moderate ³
³ types, are trying to make changes. ³
³ ³
³ Its good stuff from the CIA's point of view and from the ³
³ U.S. government's point of view. --- TO BE CONTINUED IN FEB --- ³
³ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ³
³ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ³
³ This article is reprinted from Full Disclosure. ³
³ ³
³ Copyright (c) 1986 Capitol Information Association. All rights reserved ³
³ Permission is hereby granted to reprint this article providing ³
³ this message is included in its entirety. ³
³ ³
³ Full Disclosure, Box 8275, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48107. $15/yr. ³
³ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ³
³ Full Disclosure: ³
³ I'd like to start out by talking about your well-known book, `The CIA ³
³ and the Cult of Intelligence.' What edition is that in today? ³
³ ³
³ Marchetti: ³
³ The latest edition came out last summer. Its the Laurel edition, ³
³ Dell paperback. ³
³ ³
³ FD: Its gone through a couple of printings? ³
³ Marchetti: ³
³ Yes. It was originally published by Alfred Knopf in hardback and ³
³ by Dell in paperback. That was in 1974 with Knopf and 1975 with ³
³ Dell. Then a few years later we got some more of the deletions ³
³ back from the government, so Dell put out a second printing. ³
³ ³
³ That would have been about 1979. Then recently, during the ³
³ summer of 1983, we got back a few more deletions and that's the ³
³ current edition that is available in good bookstores (laughs) in ³
³ Dell paperback, the Laurel edition. ³
³ ³
³ Originally the CIA asked for 340 deletions. We got about half of ³
³ those back in negotiations prior to the trial. We later won the ³
³ trial, they were supposed to give everything back but it was ³
³ overturned at the appellate level. ³
³ ³
³ The Supreme Court did not hear the case, so the appellate decision ³
³ stood. We got back 170 of those deletions in negotiations during ³
³ the trial period. A few years later when the second paperback ³
³ edition came out there were another 24 deletions given back. ³
³ The last time, in 1983, when the the third edition of the paperback ³
³ edition was published, there were another 35 given back. So there ³
³ are still 110 deletions in the book out of an original 340. ³
³ ³
³ As for the trial, the CIA sued in early 1972 to have the right to ³
³ review and censor the book. They won that case. It was upheld at ³
³ the appellate court in Richmond some months later, and again the ³
³ Supreme Court did not hear the case. ³
³ ³
³ Two years later we sued the CIA on the grounds that they had been ³
³ arbitrary, capricious and unreasonable in making deletions and ³
³ were in violation of the injunction they had won in 1972. ³
³ ³
³ We went before Judge Albert V. Bryan Jr., and in that case, he ³
³ decided in our favor. Bryan was the same fourth district judge ³
³ in Alexandria who heard the original case. He said that there ³
³ was nothing in the book that was harmful to national security or ³
³ that was logically classifiable. Bryan said the CIA was being ³
³ capricious and arbitrary. ³
³ ³
³ They appealed, and a few months later down in Richmond the ³
³ appellate court for the fourth district decided in the ³
³ government's favor, and overturned Bryan's decision. ³
³ ³
³ Again, the Supreme Court did not hear the case. It chose not to ³
³ hear it, and the appellate court's decision stood. ³
³ ³
³ By this time, we had grown weary of the legal process. The book ³
³ was published with blank spaces except for those items that had ³
³ been given back in negotiations. Those items were printed in bold ³
³ face type to show the kind of stuff the CIA was trying to cut ³
³ out. In all subsequent editions, the additional material is ³
³ highlighted to show what it is they were trying to cut out. ³
³ ³
³ Of course the CIA's position is that only they know what is a ³
³ secret. They don't make the national security argument because ³
³ that is too untenable these days. ³
³ ³
³ They say that they have a right to classify anything that they ³
³ want to, and only they know what is classifiable. ³
³ They are establishing a precedent, and have established a ³
³ precedent in this case that has been used subsequently against ³
³ ex-CIA people like Frank Snepp and John Stockwell and others, and ³
³ in particular against Ralph McGee. ³
³ ³
³ They've also used it against (laughing), its kind of ironic, two ³
³ former CIA directors, one of whom was William Colby. Colby was ³
³ the guy behind my case when he was director. ³
³ ³
³ In fact, he was sued by the CIA and had to pay a fine of I think, ³
³ about $30,000 for putting something in that they wanted out about ³
³ the Glomar Explorer. He thought they were just being, as I would ³
³ say, ``arbitrary and capricious,'' so he put it in anyway, was ³
³ sued, and had to pay a fine. ³
³ ³
³ Admiral Stansfield Turner was another who, like Colby when he was ³
³ director, was the great defender of keeping everything secret and ³
³ only allowing the CIA to reveal anything. When Turner got around ³
³ to writing his book he had the same problems with them and is ³
³ very bitter about it and has said so. ³
³ ³
³ His book just recently came out and he's been on a lot of TV ³
³ shows saying, ``Hells bells, I was director and I know what is ³
³ classified and what isn't but these guys are ridiculous, ³
³ bureaucratic,'' and all of these accusations you hear. It is ³
³ ironic because even the former directors of the CIA have been ³
³ burned by the very precedents that they helped to establish. ³
³ ³
³ FD: What are the prospects for the remaining censored sections ³
³ of your book eventually becoming declassified so that they ³
³ are available to the American people? ³
³ ³
³ Marchetti: ³
³ If I have a publisher, and am willing to go back at the CIA every ³
³ year or two years forcing a review, little by little, everything ³
³ would come out eventually. I can't imagine anything they would ³
³ delete. There might be a few items that the CIA would hold onto ³
³ for principle's sake. ³
³ ³
³ Everything that is in that book, whether it was deleted or not, has ³
³ leaked out in one way or another, has become known to the public in ³
³ one form or another since then. So you know its really a big joke. ³
³ ³
³ FD: Looking back on it, what effect did the publication of the ³
³ `The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence' have on your life? ³
³ ³
³ Marchetti: ³
³ It had a tremendous effect on my life. The book put me in a position ³
³ where I would forever be persona non grata with the bureaucracy in ³
³ the federal government, which means, that I cannot get a job ³
³ anywhere, a job that is, specific to my background and talents. ³
³ ³
³ Particularly if the company has any form of government relationship, ³
³ any kind of government contract. That stops the discussions right ³
³ there. But even companies that are not directly allied with the ³
³ government tend to be very skittish because I was so controversial ³
³ and they just don't feel the need to get into this. ³
³ ³
³ I have had one job since leaving the CIA other than writing, ³
³ consulting and things like that, and that was with an independent ³
³ courier company which did no business with the government, was ³
³ privately owned, and really didn't care what the government thought. ³
³ They ran their own business and they hired me as their friend. ³
³ But every other job offered to me always evaporates, because even ³
³ those individuals involved in hiring who say they want to hire me and ³
³ think the government was wrong always finish saying, ``Business is ³
³ business. ³
³ ³
³ There are some people here who do not want to get involved in any ³
³ controversial case.'' Through allies or former employees somebody ³
³ always goes out of their way to make it difficult for me, so I never ³
³ have any other choice but to continue to be a freelance writer, ³
³ lecturer, consultant, etcetera, and even in that area I am frequently ³
³ penalized because of who I worked for. ³
³ ³
³ FD: The government views you as a troublemaker or whistleblower? ³
³ ³
³ Marchetti: ³
³ As a whistleblower, and, I guess, troublemaker. In the intelligence ³
³ community, as one who violated the code. ³
³ FD: The unspoken code? ³
³ ³
³ Marchetti: ³
³ Right. And this has been the fate of all those CIA whistleblowers. ³
³ They've all had it hard. Frank Snepp, Stockwell, McGee, and others, ³
³ have all suffered the same fate. ³
³ ³
³ Whistleblowers in general, like Fitzgerald in the Department of ³
³ Defense, who exposed problems with the C-5A, overruns, have also ³
³ suffered the same kind of fate. But since they were not dealing ³
³ in the magical area of national security they have found that they ³
³ have some leeway and have been able to, in many other cases, find ³
³ some other jobs. ³
³ ³
³ In some cases the government was even forced to hire them back. ³
³ ³
³ Usually the government puts them in an office somewhere in a corner, ³
³ pays them $50,000 a year, and ignores them. Which drives them crazy ³
³ of course, but thats the government's way of punishing anybody from ³
³ the inside who exposes all of these problems to the American public. ³
³ FD: Phillip Agee explains in his book the efforts of the CIA to ³
³ undermine his writing of `Inside The Company' both before and ³
³ after publication. Have you run into similar problems with ³
³ extralegal CIA harassment? ³
³ ³
³ Marchetti: ³
³ Yes. I was under surveillance. Letters were opened. I am sure our ³
³ house was burglarized. General harassment of all sorts, and the CIA ³
³ has admitted to some of these things. One or two cases, because the ³
³ Church Committee found out. ³
³ ³
³ For example, the CIA admitted to working with the IRS to try and ³
³ give me a bad time. The Church Committee exposed that and ³
³ they had to drop it. ³
³ They've admitted to certain other activities like the surveillance ³
³ and such, but the CIA will not release to me any documents under the ³
³ Freedom of Information Act. They won't release it all -- any ³
³ documents under FOIA, period. ³
³ ³
³ FD: About your time with the CIA? ³
³ Marchetti: ³
³ No, about my case. I only want the information on me after ³
³ leaving the agency and they just refuse to do it. ³
³ They've told me through friends ``You can sue until you're blue ³
³ in the face but you're not going to get this'' because they know ³
³ exactly what would happen. ³
³ ³
³ It would be a terrible embarrassment to the CIA if all of the ³
³ extralegal and illegal activities they took became public. ³
³ ³
³ The most interesting thing they did in my case was an attempt at ³
³ entrapment, by putting people in my path in the hopes that I would ³
³ deal with these people, who in at least one case turned out to be an ³
³ undercover CIA operator who was, if I had dealt with him, it would ³
³ have appeared that I was moving to deal with the Soviet KGB. ³
³ ³
³ The CIA did things of that nature. They had people come to me and ³
³ offer to finance projects if I would go to France, live there, and ³
³ write a book there without any censorship. Switzerland and Germany ³
³ were also mentioned. ³
³ The CIA used a variety of techniques of that sort. I turned down ³
³ all of them because my theory is that the CIA should be exposed ³
³ to a certain degree in the hope that Congress could conduct some ³
³ investigation out of which would come some reform. ³
³ I was playing the game at home and that is the way I was going to ³
³ play. Play it by the rules, whatever handicap that meant. Which ³
³ in the end was a tremendous handicap. But it did work out in the ³
³ sense that my book did get published. ³
³ ³
³ The CIA drew a lot of attention to it through their attempts to ³
³ prevent it from being written and their attempts at censorship, ³
³ which simply increased the appetite of the public, media, and ³
³ Congress, to see what they were trying to hide and why. ³
³ All of this was happening at a time when other events were ³
³ occurring. Ellsberg's Pentagon Papers had come out about the ³
³ same time I announced I was doing my book. Some big stories ³
³ were broken by investigative journalists. ³
³ ³
³ All of these things together, my book was part of it, did lead ³
³ ultimately to congressional investigations of the CIA. ³
³ I spent a lot of time behind the scenes on the Hill with senators ³
³ and congressman lobbying for these investigations and they ³
³ finally did come to pass. ³
³ ³
³ It took awhile. President Ford tried to sweep everything under ³
³ the rug by creating the Rockefeller Commission, which admitted to ³
³ a few CIA mistakes but swept everything under the rug. ³
³ ³
³ It didn't wash publicly. By this time, the public didn't buy the ³
³ government's lying. So we ultimately did have the Pike Committee, ³
³ which the CIA and the White House did manage to sabotage. ³
³ ³
³ But the big one was the Church Committee in the Senate which ³
³ conducted a pretty broad investigation and brought out a lot of ³
³ information on the CIA. ³
³ ³
³ The result of that investigation was that the CIA did have to admit ³
³ to a lot of wrongdoing and did have to make certain reforms. ³
³ ³
³ Not as much as I would have liked. ³
³ I think everything has gone back to where it was and maybe even ³
³ worse than what it was, but at least there was a temporary halt ³
³ to the CIA's free reign of hiding behind secrecy and getting away ³
³ with everything, up to and including murder. There were some ³
³ changes and I think they were all for the better. ³
³ ³
³ FD: So instead of some of the more harsher critics of the CIA who ³
³ would want to see it abolished you would want to reform it? ³
³ ³
³ Marchetti: ³
³ Yes. Its one of these things where you can't throw out the baby ³
³ with the bathwater. The CIA does do some very good and valuable ³
³ and worthwhile and legal things. Particularly in the collection ³
³ of information throughout the world, and in the analysis of ³
³ events around the world. All of this is a legitimate activity, ³
³ and what the CIA was really intended to do in the beginning when ³
³ they were set up. ³
³ ³
³ My main complaint is that over the years those legitimate ³
³ activities have to a great extent been reduced in importance, ³
³ and certain clandestine activities, particularly the covert ³
³ action, have come to the fore. ³
³ ³
³ Covert action is essentially the intervention in the internal ³
³ affairs of other governments in order to manipulate events, ³
³ using everything from propaganda, disinformation, political ³
³ action, economic action, all the way down to the really dirty ³
³ stuff like para-military activity. ³
³ This activity, there was too much of it. It was being done for ³
³ the wrong reasons, and it was counterproductive. It was in this area ³
³ where the CIA was really violating U.S. law and the intent of ³
³ the U.S. Constitution, and for that matter, I think, the wishes ³
³ of Congress and the American people. ³
³ ³
³ This was the area that needed to be thoroughly investigated ³
³ and reformed. My suggestion was that the CIA should be split ³
³ into two organizations. ³
³ ³
³ One, the good CIA so to speak, would collect and analyze ³
³ information. The other part, in the dirty tricks business, ³
³ would be very small and very tightly controlled by Congress and ³
³ the White House, and if possible, some kind of a public board so ³
³ that it didn't get out of control. ³
³ ³
³ My theory is, and I've proved it over and over again along ³
³ with other people, is that the basic reason for secrecy is not ³
³ to keep the enemy from knowing what you're doing. ³
³ ³
³ He knows what you're doing because he's the target of it, and ³
³ he's not stupid. The reason for the CIA to hide behind secrecy ³
³ is to keep the public, and in particular the American public, ³
³ from knowing what they're doing. ³
³ ³
³ This is done so that the President can deny that we were ³
³ responsible for sabotaging some place over in Lebanon where a lot ³
³ of people were killed. So that the President can deny, period. ³
³ Here is a good example: ³
³ ³
³ President Eisenhower denied we were involved in attempts to ³
³ overthrow the Indonesian government in 1958 until the CIA guys ³
³ got caught and the Indonesians produced them. He looked like ³
³ a fool. So did the N.Y. Times and everybody else who believed ³
³ him. That is the real reason for secrecy. ³
³ ³
³ There is a second reason for secrecy. That is that if the public ³
³ doesn't know what you are doing you can lie to them because they ³
³ don't know what the truth is. ³
³ ³
³ This is a very bad part of the CIA because this is where you ³
³ get not only propaganda on the American people but actually ³
³ disinformation, which is to say lies and falsehoods, peddled to ³
³ the American public as the truth and which they accept as gospel. ³
³ That's wrong. It's not only wrong, its a lie and it allows the ³
³ government and those certain elements of the government that can ³
³ hide behind secrecy to get away with things that nobody knows about. ³
³ If you carefully analyze all of these issues that keep coming up in ³
³ Congress over the CIA, this is always what is at the heart of it: ³
³ That the CIA lied about it, or that the CIA misrepresented something, ³
³ or the White House did it, because the CIA and the White House ³
³ work hand in glove. ³
³ The CIA is not a power unto itself. It is an instrument of power. ³
³ A tool. A very powerful tool which has an influence on ³
³ whoever is manipulating it. ³
³ ³
³ But basically the CIA is controlled by the White House, the ³
³ inner circle of government, the inner circle of the ³
³ establishment, in general. ³
³ ³
³ The CIA is doing what these people want done so these people ³
³ are appreciative and protective of them, and they in turn make ³
³ suggestions or even go off on their own sometimes and operate ³
³ deep cover for the CIA. So it develops into a self-feeding circle. ³
³ ³
³ FD: Spreading disinformation is done through the newsmedia. ³
³ ³
³ Marchetti: ³
³ Yes. Its done through the newsmedia. The fallacy is that the CIA ³
³ says the real reason they do this is to con the Soviets. ³
³ Now, I'll give you some examples. One was a fellow by the name ³
³ of Colonel Oleg Penkovsky. ³
³ FD: Penkovsky Papers? ³
³ ³
³ Marchetti: ³
³ Yes. I wrote about that in `The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence. ³
³ The Penkovsky Papers was a phony story. We wrote the book in ³
³ the CIA. Now, who in the hell are we kidding? The Soviets? ³
³ ³
³ Do we think for one minute that the Soviets, who among other things ³
³ captured Penkovsky, interrogated him, and executed him, do you think ³
³ for one minute they believe he kept a diary like that? How could he ³
³ have possibly have done it under the circumstances? ³
³ ³
³ The whole thing is ludicrous. So we're not fooling the Soviets. ³
³ What we're doing is fooling the American people and pumping up ³
³ the CIA. The British are notorious for this kind of thing. ³
³ They're always putting out phony autobiographies and biographies ³
³ on their spies and their activities which are just outright lies. ³
³ They're done really to maintain the myth of English secret ³
³ intelligence so that they will continue to get money to continue ³
³ to operate. Thats the real reason. ³
³ The ostensible reason is that we were trying to confuse the ³
³ Soviets. Well that's bullshit because they're not confused. ³
³ ³
³ One of the ones I think is really great is `Khruschev Remembers.' ³
³ ³
³ If anybody in his right mind believes that Nikita Khruschev sat ³
³ down, and dictated his memoirs, and somebody -- Strobe Talbot ³
³ sneaked out of the Soviet Union with them they're crazy. ³
³ ³
³ That story is a lie. That book was a joint operation between the ³
³ CIA and the KGB. Both of them were doing it for the exact same ³
³ reasons. They both wanted to influence their own publics. ³
³ ³
³ We did it our way by pretending that Khruschev had done all of this ³
³ stuff and we had lucked out and somehow gotten a book out of it. ³
³ ³
³ The Soviets did it because they could not in their system allow ³
³ Khruschev to write his memoirs. Thats just against everything ³
³ that the Communist system stands for. But they did need him to ³
³ speak out on certain issues. ³
³ Brezhnev particularly needed him to short-circuit some of the ³
³ initiatives of the right wing, the Stalinist wing of the party. ³
³ ³
³ Of course the KGB was not going to allow the book to be published ³
³ in the Soviet Union. The stuff got out so that it could be ³
³ published by the Americans. That doesn't mean that the KGB ³
³ didn't let copies slip into the Soviet Union and let it go all ³
³ around. The Soviets achieved their purpose too. ³
³ ³
³ This is one of the most fantastic cases, I think, in intelligence ³
³ history. Two rival governments cooperated with each other on a ³
³ secret operation to dupe their respective publics. ³
³ ³
³ I always wanted to go into much greater length on this but I just ³
³ never got around to it. Suffice it to say that TIME magazine ³
³ threatened to cancel a two-page magazine article they were doing ³
³ on me and my book if I didn't cut a brief mention of this episode ³
³ out of the book. ³
³ ³
³ FD: How was this operation initially set up? ³
³ Marchetti: ³
³ I don't know all of the ins and outs of it. ³
³ I imagine what happened is that it probably started with ³
³ somebody in the Soviet Politburo going to Khruschev and saying, ³
³ ``Hey, behind the scenes we're having lots of trouble with the ³
³ right-wing Stalinist types. ³
³ ³
³ They're giving Brehznev a bad time and they're trying to undercut all ³
³ of the changes you made and all of the changes Brehznev has made and ³
³ wants to make. Its pretty hard to deal with it so we've got an idea. ³
³ Since you're retired and living here in your dacha why don't you just ³
³ sit back and dictate your memoirs. ³
³ And of course the KGB will review them and make sure you don't say ³
³ anything you shouldn't say and so on and so forth. Then we will get ³
³ in touch with our counterparts, and see to it that this information ³
³ gets out to the West, which will publish it, and then it will get ³
³ back to the Soviet Union in a variety of forms. ³
³ ³
³ It will get back in summaries broadcast by the Voice of America and ³
³ Radio Liberty, and copies of the book will come back in, articles ³
³ written about it will be smuggled in, and this in turn will be a big ³
³ influence on the intelligentsia and the party leaders and it will ³
³ undercut Suslov and the right wingers.'' ³
³ ³
³ Khruschev said okay. The KGB then went to the CIA and explained ³
³ things to them and the CIA said, Well that sounds good, we'll ³
³ get some friends of ours here, the TIME magazine bureau in ³
³ Moscow, Jerry Schecter would later have a job in the White House ³
³ as a press officer. ³
³ ³
³ We'll get people like Strobe Talbot, who is working at the bureau ³
³ there, we'll get these guys to act as the go-betweens. They'll ³
³ come and see you for the memoirs and everyone will play dumb. ³
³ ³
³ You give them two suitcases full of tapes (laughs) or something ³
³ like that and let them get out of the Soviet Union. Which is ³
³ exactly what happened. ³
³ ³
³ Strobe brought all of this stuff back to Washington and then ³
³ TIME-LIFE began to process it and put a book together. ³
³ They wouldn't let anybody hear the tapes, they didn't show anybody ³
³ anything. A lot of people were very suspicious. ³
³ ³
³ You know you can tell this to the public or anybody else who doesn't ³
³ have the least brains in their head about how the Soviet Union ³
³ operates and get away with it. But anybody who knows the least bit ³
³ about the Soviet Union knows the whole thing is impossible. ³
³ A former Soviet premier cannot sit in his dacha and make these tapes ³
³ and then give them to a U.S. newspaperman and let him walk out of the ³
³ country with them. That cannot be done in a closed society, a police ³
³ state, like the Soviet Union. ³
³ ³
³ The book was eventually published but before it was published there ³
³ was another little interesting affair. Strobe Talbot went to ³
³ Helsinki with the manuscript, where he was met by the KGB who ³
³ took it back to Leningrad, looked at it, and then it was finally ³
³ published by TIME-LIFE. ³
³ None of that has ever been explained in my book. A couple of ³
³ other journalists have made references to this episode but ³
³ never went into it. ³
³ It's an open secret in the press corps here in Washington and New ³
³ York, but nobody ever wrote a real big story for a lot of reasons, ³
³ because I guess it's just the kind of story that it's difficult ³
³ for them to get their hooks into. ³
³ I knew people who were then in the White House and State Department ³
³ who were very suspicious of it because they thought the KGB... ³
³ ³
³ FD: Had duped TIME? ³
³ ³
³ Marchetti: ³
³ Exactly. Once they learned this was a deal they quieted down and ³
³ ceased their objections and complaints, and even alibied and lied ³
³ afterwards as part of the bigger game. ³
³ ³
³ Victor Lewis, who was apparently instrumental in all of these ³
³ negotiations, later fit into one little footnote to this story ³
³ that I've often wondered about. ³
³ Lewis is (was)... After all of this happened and when the little ³
³ furor that existed here in official Washington began dying down, ³
³ Victor Lewis went to Tel Aviv for medical treatment. ³
³ He came into the country very quietly but somebody spotted him and ³
³ grabbed him and said, ``What are you doing here in Israel?'' ³
³ ³
³ ``Well I'm here for medical treatment, '' Lewis said. They ³
³ said,``What?! You're here in Israel for medical treatment?'' ³
³ ³
³ He said, ``Yes.'' They said, ``Well whats the problem?'' ``I've ³
³ got lumbago, a back problem, and they can't fix it in the Soviet ³
³ Union. but there's a great Jewish doctor here I knew in the ³
³ Soviet Union and I came to see him.'' ³
³ ³
³ That sounds like the craziest story you ever wanted to hear. ³
³ But then another individual appeared in Israel at the same time ³
³ and some reporter spotted him. He happened to be Richard Helms, ³
³ then-director of the CIA. He asked Helms what he was doing in ³
³ Israel, and he had some kind of a lame excuse which started ³
³ people wondering whether this was the payoff. ³
³ ³
³ Helms acting for the CIA, TIME-LIFE, and the U.S. government, and ³
³ Lewis acting for the KGB, Politburo, and the Soviet government. ³
³ Its really a fascinating story. ³
³ ³
³ I wrote about briefly in the book and it was very short. You'll ³
³ find it if you look through the book in the section we're talking ³
³ about. Publications and things like that. ³
³ ³
³ When I wrote those few paragraphs there wasn't much further I could ³
³ go, because there was a lot of speculation and analysis. ³
³ Around the time my book came out, TIME magazine decided that they ³
³ would do a two-page spread in their news section and give it a ³
³ boost. Suddenly I started getting calls from Jerry Schecter and ³
³ Strobe Talbot about cutting that part out. ³
³ ³
³ I said I would not cut it out unless they could look me in the ³
³ eye and say I was wrong. If it wasn't true I would take the book ³
³ and cut the material out. But neither of them chose to do that. ³
³ Right before the article appeared in TIME I got a call from one of ³
³ the editors telling me that some people wanted to kill the article. ³
³ I asked why and he said one of the reasons is what you had to say ³
³ about TIME magazine being involved in the Khruschev Remembers book. ³
³ I asked him, ``Thats it?'' I had talked to Jerry and Strobe and ³
³ this was their backstab. This editor asked me if I could find ³
³ somebody who could trump the people who were trying to have ³
³ the article killed. Somebody who could verify my credentials ³
³ in telling the story. ³
³ ³
³ I said why don't you call Richard Helms, who by that time had been ³
³ eased out of office by Kissinger and Nixon, and was now an ambassador ³
³ in Teheran. So this editor called Helms to verify my credentials ³
³ (laughing) and Helms said, ``Yeah, he's a good guy. He just got pissed ³
³ off and wanted to change the CIA.'' So the article ran in TIME. ³
³ I think you're one of the very few people I've explained this ³
³ story to in depth. ³
³ ³
³ FD: Did this operation have a name? ³
³ ³
³ Marchetti: ³
³ It probably did but I was already out of the agency and I don't know ³
³ what it was. But I do know it was a very sensitive activity and that ³
³ people very high up in the White House and State Department who you ³
³ would have thought would have been aware of it were not aware of it. ³
³ But then subsequently they were clearly taken into a room and ³
³ talked to in discussions and were no longer critics and doubters ³
³ and in fact became defenders of it. ³
³ ³
³ FD: Let me make sure I am clear about the CIA's motivation... ³
³ ³
³ Marchetti: ³
³ The CIA's motivation was that here we have a former Soviet premier ³
³ talking out about the events of his career and revealing some pretty ³
³ interesting things about his thinking and the thinking of others. ³
³ All of which shows that the Soviet Union is run by a very small ³
³ little clique. A very small Byzantine-like clique. ³
³ ³
³ There is a strong tendency to stick with Stalinisn and turn ³
³ to Stalinism but some of the cooler heads, the more moderate ³
³ types, are trying to make changes. ³
³ ³
³ Its good stuff from the CIA's point of view and from the ³
³ U.S. government's point of view. --- TO BE CONTINUED IN FEB --- ³
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