Speeding Tickets and How to Avoid Them

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           S P E E D I N G    T I C K E T S
                  A N D   H O W   T O
                    A V O I D   T H E M
                      by Richard Armstrong
  *** NOTICE : In the making of this document I don't imply
               the advocacy of any violation of any local,
               state or federal law and I accept no
               responsibility for any improper use of any of
               the methods described herein.
               Richard Armstrong RVACS (C) 1983
   This document may be copied and distributed just so that
   as a holder of this document that you must not change or
   alter any of the material enclosed.  THANKS

                    BEFORE GOING TO COURT

1.   Write down your version of what happened exactly right
after you get stoped, if you wait to long to do this you may
forget important information.

2.   Get plenty of rest the night before your court date
appearance. If you have those blood shot eyes the judge may
just want to mistaken you for a wino he had in court earlier.

3.   Dress neatly and don't look like that bum in overalls.
But also don't show up in your most expensive $1500 suit
because if the judge notices this he may say, "what the heck
he can pay this fine if he can afford a suit like this!"

4.   Don't act nervous when in court, if you act like you are
not sure of yourself then you will probably be convicted. Act
bright and tell the judge what happened in your own words.
Remember that he sees ignorant criminals all day but if you
act like you understand what is going on and you have a good
case brought up then you will have a much better chance of
getting that ticket dismissed.

5.   Watch your overall attitude, don't act like you know
more than the judge because this will only get him angered at
you and he will be ruff on you.

6.   Don't ever interrupt the judge for any reason, your
attorney may do so but as the accused you should never do
that. Also never laugh frown or give a bad face if you hear
something that you don't like. This will only get you in more

7.   Smile at all times. But don't give a hokey smile.
Genuine friendliness will definitely help anyone going
before a judge.

8.   Everyone once and a while in court you should maybe act
stupid. Yes I said stupid. Your honor I never knew that there
was still a 55 law in effect. I heard on CNN that it had all

9.   It wouldn't be a bad idea to mention to the judge that
you are in some type of helpful social club. Red Cross, Lions
Club etc. But don't tell them you are part of the SCCA
championship race drivers club, or that you are in the
National Rifle Association.

10.  Be easy going, don't be stubborn...judges hate people
that are angered at them.

                   GOOD    LUCK  !!!


One way of seeing where your local highway patrol officer is
patrolling on the highways simply purchase a Scanner at a
nearby Radio Shack they also sell all the equipment you need
to get this set up into your car to monitor the highway
patrol channels.  The use of a scanner can be very useful to
find out where a patrol car may have a speed trap set up.
They will often announce there direction say I-35 North and
then they will often say the milemarker...EXAMPLE: 46. On the
side of the highway you can see these little green number
signs and watch them for where your at and where they are
ahead of you.

                   HIGHWAY PATROL CHANNELS

     OKLAHOMA        44.700 Mhz.    44.900 Mhz.
     TEXAS          154.665 Mhz.   155.370 Mhz.

 * If you need more police channels for your area please
download the file called POLICE.ARC

                       RADAR DETECTORS
* The following is a ranking from Road&Track
                    # 1  Passport by Cincinnati Microwave
                    # 2  Escort by Cincinnati Microwave
                    # 3  Whistler Spectrum by Whistler Corp.
                    # 4  Trapshooter by Cobra Electronics

Radar detectors simply search the highways for police radar
and respond back to the driver with a warning, giving the
driver time to slow down and react. There are two different
bands in use today. The X band far range (EASY TO DETECT) is
the older band and is now being replaced in most major cities
by the K band which can be more accurate and less bulky in
the police car. The K band is often in the gun form which is
light weight and easy to use..they simply point and pull the
trigger...a quick beam is sent out and returned...This makes
it harder for radar detectors to get a signal. On the other
types of radar the radar emits out all the time for the
detectors to receive the wave. But with the gun or "instant
on" this can be shot at you and by the radar detector tells
you, you are already nabbed. The only way you might get lucky
is if he shoots a car in front of you so your radar detector
can pick this up and warn you! I still suggest using one but
don't feel they are near as affective anymore. It is not a
license to speed if you have one but it does help in aiding
you to slow down if you know there is some reason to.
On the Escort and Passport Models a separate tone is given by
the radar detector if it receives K band this is helpful
because if there is a Gas Station or Grocery store nearby
they use automatic door openers that set radar detectors off
with an alert on X band. If your radar detector hears this it
gives you a beep like a cop on radars. But knowing that the K
band makes a different noise on the Escort and Passport then
you know if you encounter this tone it is almost for sure a
police officer....There are virtually no false alarms on the
K band.


1.   When the officer issues you a ticket, later look at that
ticket. If he noted the wrong date, the wrong time, the wrong
type of car...misspelled your name...or incorrectly stated
anything then you can almost always get this ticket dismissed
on the grounds of illegitimate ticket. The judge will not
notice this so you must bring it to the judges attention.

2.   If your officer doesn't show up to court you
automatically get your ticket dismissed on the grounds that
there is no evidence there to accuse you of being guilty.

3.   If you were caught speeding on radar the officer must
bring with him to court the calibration records of that
radar unit he used on you to prove that it has been checked
recently to make sure it is working properly. The judge will
not bring this up, you must bring this up!

4.   Get an attorney! Of the tickets dismissed, there were
considerably more people that used the services of a lawyer.
And I suggest that you do the same!


1.   When driving fast, stay in a pack of cars that are also
driving fast. This way you will have less chance of being

2.   Stay awake by keeping an eye on the road ahead of you
as well as watching out the rear view mirror.  If you are
in an area that uses aircraft, watch for planes flying
along side the highway. Also keep and eye on over passes.

3.   Help spread the word of a cop in the area. Flash your
headlights on and off to warn other drivers of possible
speed traps.

                                   TOM SPEED

    In the Texas area and now even on reportedly some
highway in Oklahoma there are new devices set up that
take a picture of the license plate of a car that is
speeding.  If you were speeding and they get a pic of
your plate then you will be sent in the mail a ticket.
The way you see these is look at the top of bridges after
you go under one, on the back side you may see this large
bulky camera unit mounted. This is one of those devices.
They are in large use in Europe and they are making a
move into the states...watch out!

* if you have any questions or comments please leave me
EMAIL on an OKC area IBM board or call me 405-360-1249
by Richard Armstrong RVACS (C) 1983.
