Hint And Miss

Below you'll find the questions for Hint And Miss, the game where we send you hints each week to help you answer these questions. The first player to answer all 30 questions right wins a year's worth of free movie rentals AND popcorn!

Remember, you MUST be registered to play Hint And Miss. Here's why: When you register, we give you a unique player identification number that will be in the Subject line of each e-mail hint we send you. In order for us to be able to tally your answers each time you send them in, you need to make sure this player I.D. is in the Subject line of the e-mail you send us, so we know who you are.

Here's how you can register for Hint And Miss:

First, go to our Main Screen and click on the "Play!" button. Then select Hint And Miss, read its description, and click on "I Wanna Play!"  This will register you automatically for the game. Thereafter, you will receive hints via e-mail twice a week, starting July 16, 1996. Past hints will be posted in our Hall of Fame, located in The Cafe.

The best way to send your answers is to hit the Reply button when you receive a hint e-mail from us and fill in the answers in the body of the message. This way you will be sure to copy over your player I.D. onto the Subject line of the message.

You may send in answers to these questions any time during the run of the game. Whenever you send us a set of answers, we'll tally your entry and send you back an explanation of which answers you got right.

Send your answers to hint@yoyo.com, and remember that no matter how many questions you're answering, you must include all 30 pound signs (#) in your e-mail entry. If you're still confused, check out The Official Rules, located in The Cafe. Have fun!

1. It's 720 feet high.
2. He began his career as a singing waiter.
3. It was a half-hour children's show.
4. It is a unit of measurement.
5. She was a nationally known figure.
6. This kingdom is a constitutional monarchy.
7. He was born in New York City.
8. It covers less than 50 square miles.
9. It was 136 minutes long.
10. She was one of the teen idols of the 1980s.
11. She played a woman being driven insane in a turn-of-the-century dramatic film.
12. It received one Academy Award nomination.
13. He was convicted of murder. (Last name only.)
14. It has a population of over 1 million people.
15. He won an Academy Award.
16. Some called it a communist plot to endanger American health. (One word.)
17. This group only had one top 40 hit.
18. It is a number between 6 and 100. (Digits only.)
19. He has been an author, a singer, and an actor.
20. This was a Columbia picture.
21. This movie star got his start in TV.
22. Saturday Night Live did a spoof of her in one of their skits.
23. He was a man.
24. It was 123 minutes long.
25. He guest-starred in several episodes of "The Love Boat."
26. It was an early 80s Saturday-morning cartoon show.
27. He was convicted of robbery, kidnapping, and rape.
28. He has a son named Scott.
29. In the next five decades after it was published, his book outsold every other book except the Bible.
30. He was in "Shampoo."
