Info-ParaNet Newsletters December 9th 1990
Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume I Number 336
Sunday, December 9th 1990
Today's Topics:
A-12 Scandal Brewing
Re: Omni Magazine - Special Ufo Edition
upcoming 'Unsolved Mysteries'
Re: Information on past Rio Grande sightings
Rio Grande
Re: Online UFO database
Lazar's Element 115
Re: Omni Magazine - Special Ufo Edition
crop circle newsletter
Re: Navy intelligence cryp
Re: Navy intelligence cry
Re: Rio Grande
Nope... no premature baldness. But I see humanoids in body suits!
Re: Netmail
Re: Al seckel
Re: Al seckel
Danny Gordon
Jean-Pierre Petit
Re: Omni Magazine - Special Ufo Edition
Subject: A-12 Scandal Brewing
Date: 6 Dec 90 00:09:15 GMT
From: James Roger Black <>
Associated Press reports that the three top overseers of the A-12 Avenger
program are being forced out over their failure to report 'serious flaws'
in the aircraft's development.
Vice Admiral Richard Gentz, head of the Naval Air Systems Command, will be
forcibly retired February 1. Two other officers, Rear Admiral John Calvert
and Captain Lawrence Elberfeld, were censured and reassigned.
The A-12 is reportedly a year behind schedule and 20 percent over its budget
of $4.7 billion. The contractors, General Dynamics and McDonnell Douglas,
reported in June that they would be unable to meet production deadlines and
that the A-12 could not meet its performance standards.
There were also allegations that General Dynamics interfered with government
inspectors by requiring them to turn their notes over to the company for
classification review. Some of the notes were subsequently lost.
The A-12, one of a new generation of exotic stealth aircraft, has been named
as a possible source of UFO reports in the New Mexico/Nevada/California area.
From: mcorbin@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Re: Omni Magazine - Special Ufo Edition
Date: 6 Dec 90 04:20:00 GMT
In a message to All <12-04-90 02:14>!miked@scicom.alp wrote:
> From: Mike Dobbs <>
> ALERT.......
> The December Issue of Omni Magazine is a UFO special
> edition... so you
> might want to pick it up. There are a lot of photos of
> crop circles.
> There are articles about 'cosmic watergate', SETI, Crop
> circles, "The
> Alien Almanac', etc.
Thank you for the update, Mike. I purchased a copy of it, and was not too
impressed with the superficial nature of the coverage. What does others
think about it?
Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:310/8
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: mcorbin@paranet.FIDONET.ORG
From: vanth!!jms@scicom.AlphaCDC.COM
Subject: upcoming 'Unsolved Mysteries'
Date: 6 Dec 90 06:22:46 GMT
From: rutgers!vanth!jms (Jim Shaffer)
At the end of tonight's episode of 'Unsolved Mysteries' the preview of next
week's episode included a UFO case in Canada that I've never heard of. A
woman supposedly has some pictures that defy explanation. Unfortunately
all they showed were some amorphous blobs on a totally black background.
Does anyone know what this might be about?
Also, someone on CompuServe said he thought they were going to cover the
Cash/Landrum incident soon. It certainly deserves coverage, and the 10th
anniversary of it should be coming up if I'm not mistaken, so maybe we'll
see it. But apparently not next week.
paper : James Shaffer Jr., 37 Brook Street, Montgomery, PA 17752
uucp : uunet!cbmvax!amix!vanth!jms (or) rutgers!cbmvax!amix!vanth!jms
domain: CompuServe: 72750,2335
From: Doug.Kraft@f502.n202.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Doug Kraft)
Subject: Re: Information on past Rio Grande sightings
Date: 5 Dec 90 04:12:00 GMT
po> I'm in need of any info that the members of this net may
po> have
po> about sightings up and down the Rio Grande river valley in
po> Texas.
po> There is were rumors of some event that occured in the
po> not-to-distant
po> past. I get the impression that this may have been in the
po> 70s or early
po> 80s and involved flying objects that were sighted my
po> multiple witnesses.
po> A date and location would be a good start for my research.
po> Thanks,
po> David Winters, Capt, USAF
Well this is interesting...
No offense I hope, but might I ask if you are seeking this information in
an OFFICIAL capacity or as merely as a concerned citizen... If the latter,
then why bother with the official title (this could be more hindrance than
help around herere!). Some of the folks around here believe that the gov't
is launching an intense disinformation campaign about UFO's (and for some
pretty good reasons), of which the Air Force plays some role... Better get
your flak-jacket on!
BTW... Nope haven't heard of any specific activity in that area, but not
from that area either...
Doug Kraft - via FidoNet node 1:310/8
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Doug.Kraft@f502.n202.z1.FIDONET.ORG
From: mtus5.bitnet!REVJIM@scicom.AlphaCDC.COM
Subject: Rio Grande
Date: 6 Dec 90 20:17:53 GMT
From: REVJIM@mtus5.bitnet
When you (whomever it was...sorry) mentioned that the Roswell NM crash
was located near Socorro, is that the same Socorro as was the home
place for the sighting in the Lonnie Zamora case? Any other
From: Jerry.Woody@f3.n1011.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Jerry Woody)
Subject: Re: Online UFO database
Date: 5 Dec 90 22:37:00 GMT
In a message to Jerry Woody <12-02-90 15:58> John Tender wrote:
JT]>info, but I can offer my assistance in helping maintain the
JT]> I've recently been working with a free-form database
JT]>program called
JT]>askSam, which appears better suited to text-based reports
JT]>like those
JT]>above. askSam also incorporates a type of hypertext, and a
JT]>hook for
Hello John;
Thank you for your reply and offer of assistance. Unfortunately the program
is 'hard coded' for dbase III and dbase III+ files. There is a handy little
program about 67 kb if I remember right that comes with the package that
will allow a person to edit and add dbase III files offline. Of course
online a person can add, find, count, etc. the files.
JT]>add-on graphics display. I have some information on unusual
JT]>phenomena in a few askSam databases, but they are of an
JT]>nature rather than individual reports.
Sounds very interesting John.
JT]> How does someone obtain access to your online system?
The Frontier is a free system so anyone who calls has access on there first
call. Security level 8 if they answer the questionaire, 5 if they don't.
The parameters are 8/N/1 and running at 300/1200/2400/9600/*hst*. The
number is 1-205-739-1469 and located in North Central Alabama.
Jerry Woody - via FidoNet node 1:310/8
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jerry.Woody@f3.n1011.z9.FIDONET.ORG
From: Kurt.Lochner@p22.f66.n147.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Kurt Lochner)
Subject: Lazar's Element 115
Date: 6 Dec 90 03:25:43 GMT
> Originally on ParaNet ET, I wrote to Pete Porro about
> this Element 115. I've some education in physics and
> think that I've hit on what the stuff might actually
> be.
> You know, there's something that bothers me about
> Lazer.
> The reports so far indicate that he's an Electro-
> Physicist
> but I've some doubts as to that.
> First off, there's nothing in Physics to support an
> element
> with an atomic weight of 115. So here's the new
> thread....
> If there's some exotic "element" that powers these
> craft
> and assuming that nothing unusually different exists
> in the
> universe in the way of physics, then I suggest the
> following..
> I'm not a chemist at heart and wouldn't care to take
> it up
> as another major, even for a Masters Degree. It does
> strike
> me that the discussions that I've had with Rod Wilson
> here
> about potentials of difference may apply,
> f'rinstance...
> An "element", with properties resembling to present
> day
> instrumentation an atomic wieght of 115, might be a
> new
> sort of alloy that can be fabricated out of two,
> perhaps
> three dissimilar metals by means of a furnace in hard
> vacuum
> with the eternal cold/background of "outer space" as a
> means of "super-quenching" the material into a solid
> before the base elements can separate.
> Do I need to explain "Quenching" of metals?
> Ok, so this alloy, when heated again releases an
> exothermic
> reaction of these base elements trying to separate
> from each
> other. Hmmm, I guess a good analogy would be like
> freezing
> a bunch of magnets together, with their "like" poles
> facing
> each other, in another media, water or something like
> that.
> Then you'd melt the "ice" and the magnets would "want"
> to
> move apart, just as they should, right? Now all we
> need to
> keep alert for is some kind of physical clues that
> might be
> byproducts of such a reaction. Potassium has been
> indicated.
> Heard of any others?
> All of the universe is constrained by physics,
> Einstein was
> most certainly correct, God does NOT play dice......
> He plays piano and needs help tuning the damn thing!
Is anybody out there listening? I've been having
trouble getting the mail out of late, any replies?
Kurt Lochner - via FidoNet node 1:310/8
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Kurt.Lochner@p22.f66.n147.z1.FIDONET.ORG
From: Jim.Speiser@f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Speiser)
Subject: Netmail
Date: 5 Dec 90 17:29:00 GMT
Will the UUCP user with the username BAD please repeat your netmail message
to me? It got deleted from my mailbox before I had a chance to respond, and I
didn't exactly memorize the address - something with a bunch of exclamation
points and cryptic words....<grin>
Jim Speiser - via FidoNet node 1:310/8
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG
From: Paul.Faeder@p0.f0.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Paul Faeder)
Subject: Re: Omni Magazine - Special Ufo Edition
Date: 7 Dec 90 04:28:12 GMT
In a message of <05 Dec 90 21:20:00>, Michael Corbin (1:310/8) writes:
>Thank you for the update, Mike. I purchased a copy of it, and was not
>too impressed with the superficial nature of the coverage. What does
>others think about it?
I too felt that it was very general. But there were two items I found
interesting. One was the photos of the crop "circles". I'm interested in
finding out how these were done. Even if a hoax, it's a good one.
The other interesting and thought provoking and slightly frightening article
was about the Electronic Frontier Foundation. For those that haven't read the
article, the US Secret Service suspected a computer software games manufacturer
of producing a game that was "a handbook for computer crime" (supposedly said
by one of the agents). They proceeded to confiscate computers and software. All
of this is based on suspicion. The frightening part is in wondering how far the
Govt. can go with this; not only in this incident but what about computer
networks and BBS's?
Paul Faeder - via FidoNet node 1:310/8
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Paul.Faeder@p0.f0.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG
From: milo@scicom.AlphaCDC.COM (Michele Lord)
Subject: crop circle newsletter
Date: 8 Dec 90 05:38:46 GMT
The local dowsing group came across a newsletter and a
research group in U.K. I haven't received their information
yet but I thought some of you might be interested in looking
into it. For information about the Center write:
Hon. Assistant Secretary
Center for Crop Circle Studies
P.O. Box 146
Surrey GU2 5JY
United Kingdom
For a year's subscription to their newsletter (3 Issues):
The Cereologist (Journal for Crop Circle Studies)
11 Powis Gardens
London. U.K. W11 1JG
($17.00 U.S.)
If anyone in U.K. reads this posting, maybe you could check
this out and tell me if they have good information. (Thanks,
in advance.)
Michele Lord
From: mcorbin@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Statistics
Date: 7 Dec 90 22:45:00 GMT
Overview of message topics "ParaNet UFO Echo"
first: Sat, Sep 1st 1990, 7:34 last: Fri, Dec 7th 1990, 2:08
Mystery Teletype .......................................... 63 9.2%
CROP CIRCLES .............................................. 26 3.8%
Ed Walters Video .......................................... 23 3.4%
Horse-patooties And Sonic Booms ........................... 17 2.5%
_out There ................................................ 17 2.5%
Kecksburg Incident ........................................ 15 2.2%
Betz Comment .............................................. 14 2.1%
Gb Photos ................................................. 14 2.1%
Bermuda Triangle .......................................... 12 1.8%
Santa Barbara (continued) ................................. 11 1.6%
Out There By Blum ......................................... 10 1.5%
Bill Cooper's Book ........................................ 9 1.3%
Online Ufo Database ....................................... 9 1.3%
Oprah Winfrey ............................................. 9 1.3%
The Salisberrys ........................................... 9 1.3%
Gulf Breeze Six: Deja Vu ................................. 8 1.2%
JFK's UFO Connection? ..................................... 8 1.2%
(none) .................................................... 7 1.0%
Conclusion - Gulf Breeze .................................. 7 1.0%
Gb Model .................................................. 7 1.0%
Waiting Mail .............................................. 7 1.0%
Belgium ................................................... 6 0.9%
Designs ................................................... 6 0.9%
Ed's Multi-witness Event .................................. 6 0.9%
George Green .............................................. 6 0.9%
Jackie Gleason ............................................ 6 0.9%
Kecksburg Ufo ............................................. 6 0.9%
Mj-12 Controversy In Usenet Sci.skeptic ................... 6 0.9%
New Crop Circle Idea? ..................................... 6 0.9%
Wheatfield Circles, Phase Ii? ............................. 6 0.9%
Aliases ................................................... 5 0.7%
Awake.tst File ............................................ 5 0.7%
Ed's Video ................................................ 5 0.7%
HARD COPY/BEL. UFO ........................................ 5 0.7%
Santa Barbara Conference .................................. 5 0.7%
Sonic Booms ............................................... 5 0.7%
Ufology ................................................... 5 0.7%
Verifiable Sources ........................................ 5 0.7%
Berm Triangle ............................................. 4 0.6%
Blum ...................................................... 4 0.6%
Circles ................................................... 4 0.6%
Delivery .................................................. 4 0.6%
Information On Past Rio Grande Sightings .................. 4 0.6%
Jung's Theories Of Ufos ................................... 4 0.6%
Me ........................................................ 4 0.6%
Mysterious Lights In Europe ............................... 4 0.6%
Navy Intelligence Crypto .................................. 4 0.6%
Odd Aircraft .............................................. 4 0.6%
Omni Magazine - Special Ufo Edition ....................... 4 0.6%
Pessimism And Optimism .................................... 4 0.6%
Al Seckel ................................................. 3 0.4%
Are We Becoming More Respectable? ......................... 3 0.4%
Bentwaters, England ....................................... 3 0.4%
Bill English Tapes ........................................ 3 0.4%
Censors And Odd Aircraft .................................. 3 0.4%
Creating Digitized Gif Pictures ........................... 3 0.4%
Davis Sea Happenings ...................................... 3 0.4%
Face On Mars On _unsolved Mysteries ....................... 3 0.4%
Gb Sentinel ............................................... 3 0.4%
Gulf Breeze Update ........................................ 3 0.4%
Kecksburg, PA Crash Story ................................. 3 0.4%
Krill ..................................................... 3 0.4%
Need Radar Experts & Historians ........................... 3 0.4%
No Refutations Of Remote Viewing .......................... 3 0.4%
Paranet Newsletter 302 .................................... 3 0.4%
Paranet Posting Guidelines ................................ 3 0.4%
Primary Sources ........................................... 3 0.4%
Teletype Message .......................................... 3 0.4%
Ufo Crash In Russia ....................................... 3 0.4%
Ufo's; Bermuda Triangle ................................... 3 0.4%
Walters Case .............................................. 3 0.4%
! ........................................................ 2 0.3%
"extortion" Letter ........................................ 2 0.3%
63-foot Circle In Dead Corn In Illinois ................... 2 0.3%
A Review Of 'out There .................................... 2 0.3%
Aviation Week - Part 4 .................................... 2 0.3%
Bald Head, No Eyelashes, Eyebrows, And Pink Lips [...] .... 2 0.3%
Bouncing Mail To Fidonet Addresses ........................ 2 0.3%
Cancel <> ......................... 2 0.3%
Computer Breeze ........................................... 2 0.3%
Corn Circles .............................................. 2 0.3%
Echo Policies ............................................. 2 0.3%
Ed Walters News Article ................................... 2 0.3%
Faked Ufo Pictures ........................................ 2 0.3%
Files ..................................................... 2 0.3%
Gif Pictures .............................................. 2 0.3%
Gulf Breeze Report ........................................ 2 0.3%
Howard Blum ............................................... 2 0.3%
I'd Like To Subscribe To Paranet .......................... 2 0.3%
Indian Point (1) .......................................... 2 0.3%
Lazar's Element 115 ....................................... 2 0.3%
Maccabee Rebuttal ......................................... 2 0.3%
Mayor Ed Vs. Mr. Ed ....................................... 2 0.3%
Mhd ....................................................... 2 0.3%
Mufon ..................................................... 2 0.3%
Oregon Lake Bed Design .................................... 2 0.3%
Paranet.alpha ............................................. 2 0.3%
Playing Tag On Radar ...................................... 2 0.3%
Posting Guidelines ........................................ 2 0.3%
Public Release ............................................ 2 0.3%
Reprint Of Letter ......................................... 2 0.3%
Returned Mail: Host Unknown ............................... 2 0.3%
Seti Update ............................................... 2 0.3%
Southern Hemisphere SETI .................................. 2 0.3%
The 'face On Mars' On 'unsolved Mysteries ................. 2 0.3%
The Meier Sightings ....................................... 2 0.3%
Transmission Of Gif Files? ................................ 2 0.3%
Tv Show Notifications ..................................... 2 0.3%
Ufo Capital ............................................... 2 0.3%
Ufo Spotlight ............................................. 2 0.3%
Ulysses Ufo? .............................................. 2 0.3%
Wheat Field Patterns ...................................... 2 0.3%
Williamsburg Iowa 28 October 90 ........................... 2 0.3%
messages total ............................................ 682
Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:310/8
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: mcorbin@paranet.FIDONET.ORG
From: David.Stager@p0.f207.n914.z8.FIDONET.ORG (David Stager)
Subject: Re: Navy intelligence cryp
Date: 1 Dec 90 01:00:43 GMT
If you have any further interest, I've uploaded CIA_JFK.TXT to this
bulletin board. Contains some new information you might be interested
in. DCS
David Stager - via FidoNet node 1:310/8
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: David.Stager@p0.f207.n914.z8.FIDONET.ORG
From: Rick.Moen@p0.f207.n914.z8.FIDONET.ORG (Rick Moen)
Subject: Re: Navy intelligence cry
Date: 30 Nov 90 17:12:32 GMT
> If you have any further interest, I've uploaded CIA_JFK.TXT to
> this bulletin board. Contains some new information you might be
> interested in. DCS
Available for FReq or download as "CIA_JFK" (no .TXT).
Sorry for interrupting the echo.
Rick Moen, Sysop
Rick Moen - via FidoNet node 1:310/8
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Rick.Moen@p0.f207.n914.z8.FIDONET.ORG
From: Houston.Mayer@f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Houston Mayer)
Subject: Re: Rio Grande
Date: 8 Dec 90 03:39:00 GMT
It was Sacoro, the home of Disney's Elfuago (sp) Baca.
Houston Mayer - via FidoNet node 1:310/8
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Houston.Mayer@f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG
From: Josh.Slates@f11.n289.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Josh Slates)
Subject: Nope... no premature baldness. But I see humanoids in body suits!
Date: 8 Dec 90 04:28:51 GMT
I just read the UFO OMNI all the way through, and when I came across
the "Are You a Alien/Human hybrid" section. It had to be the hokiest
and stupidest UFO article out of OMNI.
Josh Slates - via FidoNet node 1:310/8
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Josh.Slates@f11.n289.z1.FIDONET.ORG
From: Rick.Moen@p0.f27.n125.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Rick Moen)
Subject: Re: Netmail
Date: 8 Dec 90 05:51:40 GMT
> Will the UUCP user with the username BAD please repeat your
> netmail message to me? It got deleted from my mailbox before I had
> a chance to respond, and I didn't exactly memorize the address -
> something with a bunch of exclamation points and cryptic
> words....<grin>
Some sort of "!there!everywhere!whodat" business, I
Best Regards,
Rick Moen - via FidoNet node 1:310/8
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Rick.Moen@p0.f27.n125.z1.FIDONET.ORG
From: Rick.Moen@p0.f27.n125.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Rick Moen)
Subject: Re: Al seckel
Date: 8 Dec 90 07:07:44 GMT
JS> Does anyone know the full story on Al Seckel's downfall? All I
JS> know is that he has been accused of falsifying his educational
JS> background. I DON'T know if the accusation has been confirmed...I
JS> don't even know what educational background he claimed for himself.
Jim --
By a no doubt deeply meaningless coincidence, I just got the
following e-mail from Page Stevens, chair of South Shore Skeptics
in Cleveland:
PS> From: !cleveland.Freenet.Edu!xx029 (Skeptics SIG)
PS> SUBJECT: Request info on Al Seckel flap ( S. Ca. Skeptic Executive director
PS> This just appeared on our board.
PS> From: aa440@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Dale Wedge)
PS> Subject: So. Calif. Skeptics
PS> I was reading in the recent issue of "Saucer Smear" of some
PS> troubles with a Skeptics organization in Southern Cali-
PS> fornia. I was wondering if the Cleveland Skeptics had a comment
PS> on the matter since it would be interesting to set the record
PS> straight if need be.
PS> I quote directly from the tomme:
PS> And Bigfootologist ERIK BECKJORD writes as follows regarding
PS> this alleeged scandal with the Southern California Skeptics:
PS> "CSICOP is higing its face of late, due to a scandal regarding
PS> the Executive Director of the (Southern California) group,
PS> who has been scheduling lectures on the UCLA and CALTECH cam-
PS> puses at $8.00 admission for the past several years. Various
PS> famous anti-ufologists have lectured for the group, in-
PS> cluding Uncle Phil Klass and Cousin Bob Sheaffer. It seems
PS> that good ol' Al Seckel has been found out by other members
PS> of CSICOP who responded to the whistle blown by yours truly.
PS> They checked his claim, made on a talk program in the Los
PS> Angeles area, that his is a 'physicist'. This claim was
PS> made on the Tom Lykis Show on station KFI. The KFI people
PS> challenged him, as did I, and he admitted he only has a B.A.
PS> degree, from Caltech. (Others say he said Cornell.) He said
PS> that he was working on a Ph.D. at a local university, and
PS> that he has a Master's degree in physics, but he would not say
PS> from where. Calling UCLA, USC, and Caltech, none of them hada
PS> ever heard of him. No B.A. either. Now, according to a former
PS> secretary for the group, national CSICOP has gotten into
PS> the act, and has found out that our boy never got a B.A. degree
PS> even, from anywhere, must less Caltech or Cornell.
PS> "Furthermore, there is some question of a missing $8,000.
PS> (I saw Al Seckel at the Klass lecture, driving a brand new
PS> red Datsun 300ZX.)
PS> "You will remember the great scam of Williard McIntyre of
PS> MARCEN fame. Well, now CSICOP has one of its own. CSICOP
PS> debunks phoney psychics. WHO DEBUNKS CSICOP??"
PS> Again, the above was written by ERIK BECKJORD with no input from
PS> me in any way. Just wanted to know what the Skeptics have to
PS> say about it.
This is not exactly straight from the horse's mouth (perhaps
other body parts...). It's from cryptozoologist Erik Beckjord to
Dale Wedge to Page Stevens to Rick Moen to _you_. Ah, technology!
Please note that Al Seckel is not connected in any way I know of
with CSICOP, except in having his name listed as a technical
consultant. He has in no way ever spoken for CSICOP, to my
knowledge, making this _not_ a "CSICOP scam", contrary to Mr.
Beckjord's innuendo-for-fun-and-profit routine.
Aside from the above, I don't know nuttin'.
> ... What's happening to these skeptics, they seem to be having
> their share of scandals - Gauquelin, Dennett, Randi, and now this...
Gauquelin (emphatically not a skeptic): CSICOP designed a test
of his neo-astrological "Mars Effect" claims. There were
allegations of inadequacy in the tests. Everything was about
to be straightened out when Gauquelin threatened all and sundry
with lawsuits. The experiments and investigations were dropped
in the face of this threat. That was it, except that editor
Marcello Truzzi and Fellow Dennis Rawlins left CSICOP. Rawlins
published an over-the-top, frenzied attack on CSICOP in "Fate"
magazine. Truzzi founded an alternative skeptics' journal.
Dennett: Michael R. Dennett was one of the heads of Northwest
Skeptics. Nothing wrong with him, that I've heard. I think
Jim means John Merrell, formerly the other head of NW Skeptics.
Merrell failed to watch his language in describing a self-
described psychic, and lost a libel action.
Randi: Magician James "The Amazing" Randi is being sued by Uri
Geller and an associate. Litigation is still pending, so I can
say little, except that the charges are very weak, and the
obvious aim is just to wear Randi down with lawyers' fees.
(Geller is very much richer.)
Rick Moen - via FidoNet node 1:310/8
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Rick.Moen@p0.f27.n125.z1.FIDONET.ORG
From: Rick.Moen@p0.f27.n125.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Rick Moen)
Subject: Re: Al seckel
Date: 8 Dec 90 07:09:32 GMT
>> WHat scandal did Randi have?
> He publicly accused someone of having been convicted of child
> molestation. It turned out to be a false accusation.
There's a great deal more to it. I can't say, while Randi is
still in litigation, though.
Rick M.
Rick Moen - via FidoNet node 1:310/8
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Rick.Moen@p0.f27.n125.z1.FIDONET.ORG
From: mcorbin@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Danny Gordon
Date: 8 Dec 90 20:47:00 GMT
Don has asked me to upload the following message as his mailer
grundged it.
(626) Fri 7 Dec 90 6:32p
By: Don Ecker
To: All
Re: Danny Gordon
St: Sent
To All ParaNet Members;
On December 6th, 1990, I received what appears to be the last
newsletter published by Danny B. Gordon. Gordon, if you don't know
him, is the Co-Author of the little paperback book "Don't Look Up",
which chronicled the Wytheville, Virgina UFO "Flap" that took place in
the latter 1980's.
Gordon is the news director of WYVE, and almost single-handedly
brought the Wytheville occurances to public awareness. During the
course of Danny Gordon's investigations, he was at first convinced
that these objects may have been some sort of military testing, but
the objects matched nothing anyone had ever heard of. Later, NASA vans
started turing up, the proverbial black cars with mysterious "men in
black", and as Gordon attempted to pursue the enigma and make the
public aware, IRS audits happened to him, his mail began showing signs
that it was tampered with, his phone was then tapped, he became aware
that he was followed, and apparently under someones surveillance, his
home was, to use Gordons words "visited by weirdos", and he was
"receiving calls from God knows who." He finally decided to drop out
of the active UFO field by the mysterious shooting that blinded his 19
year old son, for life.
Danny, You Will Be Missed.......................................
Don Ecker
ParaNet Director of Security
Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:310/8
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: mcorbin@paranet.FIDONET.ORG
From: mcorbin@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Jean-Pierre Petit
Date: 8 Dec 90 20:48:00 GMT
Don asked me to upload this as his mailer grunged it.
(627) Fri 7 Dec 90 6:45p
By: Don Ecker
To: All
Re: Prof. Jean-Pierre Petit
St: Sent
To All Members;
Recently I received an English translation of an interview that was
carried in the French "Paris Match" newspaper. The interview was of
Professor Jean-Pierre Petit. For any of you that do not know who Petit
is, he is the Director of the French National Research Center, which
places Petit at the "top" of the scientific establishment in Europe.
Petit was interviewed after returning from Belgium, where he had been
studying the UFO flap that had been in progress there. Petit had
dropped a number of "bombs" in the interview, including calling GEPAN
a deliberate disinformation apparatus. GEPAN is for any of you that
are unaware, the Frech equivalent of MUFON, is semi-official, and in
the past J. A. Hynek, as well as Jacques Vallee, have worked very
closely with them.
As soon as I complete scanning the interview in, and checking for
accuracy, I will upload the file, and leave a message giving the name.
PS, this is one that you will not want to miss, I guarantee it.
Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:310/8
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: mcorbin@paranet.FIDONET.ORG
From: John.Burke@f20.n1011.z9.FIDONET.ORG (John Burke)
Subject: Re: Omni Magazine - Special Ufo Edition
Date: 8 Dec 90 00:27:00 GMT
re: Superficial nature of OMNI UFO issue
That was my exact reaction, although I liked the color photos of the
crop circles. Those alone were worth the price of the magazine.
BTW, please let me know your new "snail mail" address in Wyoming.
-- John
John Burke - via FidoNet node 1:310/8
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: John.Burke@f20.n1011.z9.FIDONET.ORG
From: Pete.Porro@f414.n154.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Pete Porro)
Date: 8 Dec 90 04:50:49 GMT
I have some files about the computer software co that had all it's equipment
confiscated, including the beta versions of a game, documentation, and the
development machines. Quite the scandle, and a misunderstanding on the part
of the agents. If you want it, I can attach it some night?
Pete Porro - via FidoNet node 1:310/8
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Pete.Porro@f414.n154.z1.FIDONET.ORG
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