Path: ns-mx!uunet!van-bc!cynic!arkham!jaguar
From: (Jeremy Reimer)
Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy
Subject: Re: The UFO "Conspiracy" - The Final Word.
Message-ID: <>
Date: 16 Apr 91 03:45:42 GMT
References: <>
Organization: Chez Cthulhu +1 604 983 3546 "Caterers to the Elder Gods"
Lines: 51 (t@vex) writes:
> In article <> (Jere
> > e) And, get this, they tie in the JFK assasination conspiracy theory
> > (what a bonus) by saying JFK wanted to "expose" the UFO
> > coverup, and was therefore disposed of by his own officials.
> >
> >Now look, speculations about extraterrestrial life are fine. Debating wheth
> >or not they could have landed here some time in the past, well, OK. But thi
> >is ridiculous. NO government could have possible covered up such a story
> >for over four decades (they can't even keep a simple sex scandal undercover,
> >mean, really)
> From the tone of your post, I gathered that you felt personally threatened by
> Cooper's position. I was curious that you bothered to read the material at al
> after all, it fills at least a solid half-hour--and that's just for starters.
> Everyone knows that John Lear is a phony (and some of our Neo-Nazi brethren a
> sistren who also hold opinions about the nature of the UFO phenomenon have
> suggested that he is a pawn of ZOG). Why not Bill Cooper as well? And if the
> entire question is as absurd as you seem to want it to be, why did you bother
> posting to the internet? Ethnography can sometimes be a humorous pursuit--no
> -one says you have to discover god in every piece of the written record. I
> personally feel that Original Hostage Krll would laugh at your some of your
> suggestions (if there was ever such an entity and if said entity was ever
> capable of laughter). I was amused by your mention of the JFK biz: JFK has
> served as supporting evidence for more conspiracy theories than I can count.
> And what if the unsuccessful coverups of lame-o sex scandals were being used
> by the bad guys to give our stellar media services grist and take some of the
> heat (if not all of it) away from areas that were a little too close to home?
> Do you remember the incident that made front-page news @ TASS two years ago?
> didn't think so.
> This is no flame, really. And it is certainly not meant in that kind of way a
> all. I simply find it humorous that you mention "Scientific Debate", JFK, Coo
> and numerous other interesting tidbits in the same small post.
> appreciatively, t@vex
> _____________________________________________________________________________
> _____________________________________________________________________________
Well, it is a flame, really, and I think you missed the point.
Jeremy Reimer aka The Jaguar\ "Right. When you call for/Sunny Vancouver BC
(The Car,The Cat,The Lunatic)\ ale, I pass water." //Canada, where it's
Known to be Armed and Cynical\\ - Baldric // fun,fun,fun..
You see this hand? It is mine. You see these things? THEY are mine!
Path: ns-mx!!!!wuarchive!mit-eddie!!xn!srf
From: ( Steve Feinstein)
Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy
Subject: JFK Survey
Message-ID: <>
Date: 18 Apr 91 18:35:33 GMT
Organization: M.I.T. Lincoln Lab - Group 43
Lines: 76
Since I only got three responses to this, I'm taking one last shot. I've
had complaints in the past that people have a hard time sending email to
me, so here's the address to reply to:
If your nameserver can't find this, try srf@[]. I'd like to
get a decent sample of opinions.
1. Do you think President John F. Kennedy was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald
acting alone (i.e. he planned and executed the assassination alone)?
2. How probable is it that Kennedy was killed by a conspiracy?
a. almost 100% probable.
b. highly likely.
b. somewhat likely.
c. not very likely.
d. 0 chance
3. If you think a conspiracy may have resulted in JFK's death, please
indicate with which groups the conspirators may have been associated.
a. pro-Castro Cubans.
b. anti-Castro Cubans.
c. KGB
d. CIA
e. FBI
f. U.S. Army commanders
g. U.S. Army soldiers (incl. Bay of Pigs vets)
h. Mafia
i. LBJ and friends
j. Oilmen, e.g. H.L. Hunt
k. David Ferrie et al
l. William Greer (the driver)
m. Secret Service
n. Jack Ruby
o. Lee Harvey Oswald
p. Richard Nixon
q. French Corsicans
r. other governments, please specify
s. other groups, not mentioned, please specify
4. How would you rate your familiarity with the evidence in the case,
including materials published by the Warren Commission, House Select
Committee on Assassinations, the Garrison investigation, assassination
researchers such as Penn Jones, Mark Lane, Vincent Salandria, Harold
Weisberg, Josiah Thompson, Peter Dale Scott, David Lifton, Robert Groden,
Jim Marrs and many others?
a. excellent.
b. good.
c. fair.
d. poor.
5. Did you see the recent NOVA program on PBS which dealt with the JFK
assassination (originally shown in 1988)?
6. Should investigations continue to determine who killed JFK
Steve Feinstein
| USmail: S. Feinstein, MIT Lincoln Lab, 29 Hartwell Ave., |
| Lexington, MA 02173 USA |
| VOICE: (617) 981-4017 |
Steve Feinstein
| USmail: S. Feinstein, MIT Lincoln Lab, 29 Hartwell Ave., |
| Lexington, MA 02173 USA |
| VOICE: (617) 981-4017 |
Path: ns-mx!!!!!bionet!agate!!po.CWRU.Edu!dxc4
From: dxc4@po.CWRU.Edu (David Condon)
Newsgroups: soc.history,alt.conspiracy
Subject: JFK Assassination
Message-ID: <>
Date: 21 Apr 91 03:33:02 GMT
Reply-To: dxc4@po.CWRU.Edu (David Condon)
Organization: Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH (USA)
Lines: 24
Xref: ns-mx soc.history:4530 alt.conspiracy:5021
There have been a few posts recently on this subject (on soc.history);
I have a tidbit or factoid to offer and I profoundly apologise that it
is very sketchy and incomplete but maybe someone else can help fill it
in; (in fact that's the main reason why I am mentioning it). Here goes:
John Hockenberry of NPR had a late-night radio show called "HEAT" that
only ran for only seven months and was cancelled, although _I_ thought
it was a fabulous show. Hockenberry is now back in the Middle East doing
his usual outstanding work there.
On one occasion, Hockenberry interviewed a man who claimed to have
found, in a trunk in his attic, cables from Naval Intelligence (channelling
CIA business, as was frequently the case at that time) directing the
man's father, now deceased, to set the operation in motion to assassinate
Kennedy. The wording of the alleged cables, as given in the interview,
was pretty explicit. The man, although clearly upset about the whole
business, believed the cables were authentic and felt it had to be made
public, and he had had them examined by experts who said they were genuine.
I have tried and failed to find any mention of these disclosures in any
print source. Did anybody else hear this broadcast? Thanks for sharing.
Path: ns-mx!!!!wuarchive!!pencil!rich
From: (Rich Winkel)
Newsgroups: soc.history,alt.conspiracy
Subject: Re: JFK Assassination
Message-ID: <rich.672265335@pencil>
Date: 21 Apr 91 20:22:15 GMT
References: <>
Organization: UMC Math Dept.
Lines: 9
Xref: ns-mx soc.history:4533 alt.conspiracy:5030
dxc4@po.CWRU.Edu (David Condon) writes:
>I have tried and failed to find any mention of these disclosures in any
>print source. Did anybody else hear this broadcast? Thanks for sharing.
I didn't hear the broadcast, but I did see it in print in my local
newspaper. If I recall, the man gave the papers to the FBI, which subsequently
denied having them. End of story, effectively.
Path: ns-mx!!!!samsung!!decwrl!sgi!shinobu!odin!!thant
From: (Thant Tessman)
Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy
Subject: Re: JFK Survey
Message-ID: <>
Date: 22 Apr 91 17:58:56 GMT
References: <>
Sender: (Net News)
Reply-To: (Thant Tessman)
Organization: sgi
Lines: 39
Just a couple of points about the Nova about the JFK assasination.
Nova is one of my favorite shows, but this one disappointed me.
First, they ignored a lot of stuff. I guess they wanted to limit
themselves to what 'science' had to say about the situation. But
even so there were a couple of glaring mistakes.
The first was that they failed to mention that more bullet fragments
were recovered than could have possibly come off the 'single' bullet.
They also ignored the fact that Govorner Whatsisname was holding his
hat at a time when the single bullet theory requires his wrist to have
been shattered. In fact, for going to all the work of creating a
3D map of the place, they really ignored a lot of timing and geometry
issues. Very disappointing.
Also, the Zapruder film shows a large piece of JFK's skull and brain
being thrown on to the back hood of the car which would suggest that
the assasin was in front. To try to explain this, skulls filled with
paint were shot at. Film shows one of the shots tossing paint and the
skull off the ladder toward the gun. What they didn't point out was
that the ladder the skull was placed on went away from the gun. What
effectively happened was that the skull bounced off the ladder transfering
its momentum to the ladder which did move away from the gun. The Zapruder
film shows JFK's entire body being thrown towards the back of the car.
The Warren commission even 'accidentally' reversed two of the frames of the
Zapruder film to try to cover this.
There was unquestionably somebody shooting from the front of the car.
Anyway, I'm sure everybody's heard all this stuff before...
And as for reopening the investigation, I don't think anything would
come out of it. People have seemed to manage to forget about Iran-Contra
even while one of its participants is still President of the United States.
All those flags and yellow ribbons seem to have hypnotized everyone.
Path: ns-mx!!!!rpi!!bionet!agate!riacs!!chguest
From: ( Charles J. Guest )
Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy
Subject: Guardians of Infinity 'To Save Kennedy' game was: Re: JFK Survey
Message-ID: <>
Date: 22 Apr 91 19:49:06 GMT
References: <> <>
Organization: ... a Republic... if you can keep it.
Lines: 25
Yea, I know this doesn't really follow the subject line, but there is a
PC game out called Guardians of Infinity, to Save Kennedy' that is
bassed on the theory/fact that Kennedy was killed by persons other than
Oswald himself. It is actually quite an involved game which comes with
two seperate books and involves over 200 people, everyone from the
president to the under seceratary of stapler procurement's wife. :-)
Anyhow, has anyone else seen or played this thing? Wanna e-mail me any
+ *READ* ---> The opinions expressed above are to the best of my knowledge, +
+ however all options should be discussed with persons who have professional+
+ training with the subjects covered here. * ALL POSSIBLE DISCLAIMERS APPLY!+
+ ____FROM: =>or<= sun!ames!pioneer!chguest____+
+ ...One useless man is called a disgrace, two are called a law firm, and +
+ three or more become a congress.... +
+ A new Soviet/American truism - KGB does NOT stand for Kinder Gentler Boys +
Path: ns-mx!!!!rpi!!natchez!abw
From: (Al Wesolowsky)
Newsgroups: soc.history,alt.conspiracy
Subject: Re: JFK Assassination
Message-ID: <>
Date: 23 Apr 91 01:22:42 GMT
References: <> <rich.672265335@pencil>
Followup-To: soc.history
Organization: Boston University
Lines: 16
Xref: ns-mx soc.history:4546 alt.conspiracy:5048
In article <rich.672265335@pencil> (Rich Winkel) writes:
+dxc4@po.CWRU.Edu (David Condon) writes:
+>I have tried and failed to find any mention of these disclosures in any
+>print source. Did anybody else hear this broadcast? Thanks for sharing.
+I didn't hear the broadcast, but I did see it in print in my local
+newspaper. If I recall, the man gave the papers to the FBI, which subsequently
+denied having them. End of story, effectively.
There was an article on this in Texas Monthly, last Fall, I think. Might
have been written by Paul Burka.
| Al B. Wesolowsky or arc9arn@buacca.bitnet |
|"The event you have just witnessed is based on sworn testimony. Can |
| you prove that it didn't happen?" Criswell-_Plan 9 from Outer Space_|
Path: ns-mx!uunet!olivea!apple!amdcad!dgcad!dg-rtp!patriot!grossg
From: (Gene Gross)
Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy
Subject: Re: Survey on JFK Assassination - please respond.
Message-ID: <>
Date: 24 Apr 91 14:59:01 GMT
References: <>
Sender: (Usenet Administration)
Organization: Data General Corporation, RTP, NC.
Lines: 38
In article <> ( Steve Feinstein) writes:
>1. Do you think President John F. Kennedy was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald
>acting alone (i.e. he planned and executed the assassination alone)?
No. I don't think Oswald was even one of the people who popped a cap
on JFK. He was merely the greatest patsy of all times.
>2. How probable is it that Kennedy was killed by a conspiracy?
a. almost 100% probable.
>3. If you think a conspiracy may have resulted in JFK's death, please
>indicate with which groups the conspirators may have been associated.
I'm still banking on the ultra-right wing as having pulled all the
pieces together. The actual hitmen may have worked for known
organizations like the Mafia or the CIA, but the money and impetus
came from the ultra-right.
>4. How would you rate your familiarity with the evidence in the case,
>including materials published by the Warren Commission, House Select
>Committee on Assassinations, the Garrison investigation, David Lifton
>and other assassination researchers?
a. excellent.
>5. Did you see the recent NOVA program on PBS which dealt with the JFK
>assassination (originally shown in 1988)?
Saw it, so?
>6. Is it important to determine with certainty who killed JFK?
Ultimately, yes. It has to be clearly stated and proven by action
that no one is above the law -- even if it takes a long time for the
law to bring the guilty to trial. Settling our differences with
violence solves nothing.
Path: ns-mx!uunet!pacdata!johnr
From: (John Reed)
Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy
Subject: President Bush: CIA man?
Message-ID: <1991Dec11.000004.24068@pacdata.uucp>
Date: 11 Dec 91 00:00:04 GMT
Sender: johnr@pacdata.uucp (John Reed)
Organization: Pacific Data Products
Lines: 85
Is/was George Bush a CIA agent?
Here are some references from an article on the Kennedy assassination
that I saved some time ago:
|In 1988 Bush told Congress he knew nothing about the illegal
|supply flights until 1987, yet North's diary shows Bush at the first
|planning meeting Aug. 6, 1985. Bush's "official" log placed him
|somewhere else. Such double sets of logs are intended to hide Bush's
|real role in the CIA; to provide him with "plausible deniability." The
|problem is, it fell apart because too many people, like North and
|Rodriguez, have kept records that show Bush's CIA role back to the
|1961 invasion of Cuba. (_Source: The Washington Post, 7/10/90_).
|A memo from FBI head J. Edgar Hoover was found, stating that, "Mr. George
|Bush of the CIA had been briefed on November 23rd, 1963 about the
|reaction of anti-Castro Cuban exiles in Miami to the assassination
|of President Kennedy. (_Source: The Nation, 8/13/88_).
|George Bush claims he never worked for the CIA until he was
|appointed director by former Warren Commission director and then
|President Jerry Ford, in 1976. Logic suggests that is highly unlikely.
|Of course, Bush has a company duty to deny being in the CIA. The CIA
|is a secret organization. No one ever admits to being a member. The
|truth is that Bush has been a top CIA official since before the 1961
|invasion of Cuba, working with Felix Rodriguez. Bush may deny his
|actual role in the CIA in 1959, but there are records in the files of
|Rodriguez and others involved in the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba
|that expose Bush's role. The corporations would not put somebody in
|charge of all the state secrets held by the CIA unless he was
|experienced and well trained in the CIA. (_Source: Project Censored
|Report, Feb 1989, Dr Carl Jensen, Sonoma State College_).
|Recently I interviewed former CIA liaison officer L. Fletcher
|Prouty. He is a consultant for the excellent new movie on how the
|CIA killed JFK, being made by Oliver Stone. He told me that one of
|the projects he did for the CIA was in 1961 to deliver US Navy ships
|from a Navy ship yard to the CIA agents in Guatemala planning the
|invasion of Cuba. He said he delivered three ships to a CIA agent
|named George Bush, who had the 3 ships painted to look like they
|were civilian ships. That CIA agent then named the 3 ships after: his
|wife, his home town and his oil company. He named the ships:
|Barbara, Houston & Zapata. Any book on the history of the Bay of Pigs
|will prove the names of those 3 ships.
If indeed George was a CIA agent, then I would think this information
would get out to the public in some fashion. If he really was, don't
you think the Israelis would know it? And if the Israelis know it,
then wouldn't they be in the perfect position to blackmail old Georgie?
George certainly seems to have an interesting and long career prior
to becoming president. As president, his past has certainly come under
intense scrutiny. Certainly, I would think information about his being
in the CIA would leak out from somewhere. (perhaps it already is)
Anyway, I am interested in further discussion of this thread. If anyone
else has any more information, please post!
| John Reed {ucsd,uunet}!pacdata!johnr |
| Pacific Data Products |
| --------------------- |
| Interest on the Federal debt is now at about $1 billion per |
| day and growing. --From: CNN Crossfire-- |
Path: ns-mx!uunet!!!!acm
From: (Acm)
Newsgroups: rec.arts.movies,alt.conspiracy
Subject: Stone's _JFK_ promotes absurd accusations
Message-ID: <>
Date: 19 Dec 91 22:08:26 GMT
References: <>
Followup-To: rec.arts.movies
Organization: University of Minnesota, Academic Computing Services
Lines: 146
Xref: ns-mx rec.arts.movies:50117 alt.conspiracy:9389
by Peter Kauffner
The release of Oliver Stone's movie _JFK_ has allowed at least
one sector of the economy to recover from recession: the
Kennedy assassination conspiracy industry. Polls show that 56
percent of Americans now reject Warren Commission's conclusion that
Lee Harvey Oswald killed President John Kennedy in 1963 on his
Conspiracy mongers have never allowed evidence or common
sense to get in the way of good theory. If a well financed group
wanted to kill a president, they would presumably hire an expert
marksman with a high-powered rifle, plenty of ammunition, and an
escape plan. In contrast, Oswald was a mediocre shot, used a World
War II surplus carbine, had only four bullets, and did not appear to
have a coherent escape plan.
Since Oswald is such an unlikely instrument of a conspiracy,
`second gunmen' plots are the most popular type of conspiracy
theory. According to the typical second gunman plot, Oswald is
only a fall guy for a professional hit man who fired from the
`grassy knoll' near Kennedy's motorcade. Oliver Stone's scenario is
even more far fetched. He has gunmen firing from three different
locations around Dealey Plaza for a total of five to seven shots,
as opposed to the Warren Commission's three.
Stone's theory is based on an audio tape recorded by the Dallas
police and analyzed in a 1978 congressional report. In this report,
the House Select Committee on Assassinations claimed that the
probability that a second gunman fired from the grassy knoll was
`95 percent or better.' There were six noises on the tape that passed
preliminary screening tests as possible rifle shots.
The report's claims were thoroughly refuted by a 1982 National
Academy of Sciences study. The NAS panel concluded that `the acoustical
analysis does not demonstrate that there was a grassy knoll shot,
and in particular there is no acoustic basis for the claim of 95
percent probability of such a shot.' The part of the tape alleged
to contain the sound of gun shots was actually `recorded about
one minute after the president had been shot.'
A home movie of the murder, called the Zapruder film, provides
the best evidence that there was neither a fourth shot nor a
second gunman. After each of Oswald's three shots, the camera
shakes visibly. A high powered rifle firing from the grassy knoll
would have made a deafening noise from where Zapruder stood,
according to _Kennedy and Lincoln: Medical and Ballistic
Comparisons of Their Assassinations_ (1980) by John Lattimer.
Having gunmen at widely separated locations fire in succession
would only make an operation more difficult to coordinate. If the
Secret Service had reacted quickly, the first shot would have
been the assassin's only chance. Why let Oswald fire the first
shot if a professional marksman was available? As it turned out,
the Secret Service failed to react quickly enough to protect
Kennedy. Presumably, this wasn't something potential conspirators
could count on.
The sort of conspiracy envisaged by Stone would require the
involvement of so many people that someone would have spilled
the beans by now. But about the closest thing to an insider's view
of the conspiracy that we have is the testimony of Charles Speisel.
Speisel was called to testify against alleged Kennedy assassin Clay
Shaw in 1969 by New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison (the hero of
_JFK_, played by Kevin Costner).
On cross examination, Speisel confirmed that he had a filed suits
against the New York police, among others, for allegedly torturing him
and keeping him under hypnosis. He estimated that 50 to 60 people had
hypnotized him in order to plant wild ideas in his head. The jury
acquitted Shaw after deliberating for less than an hour.
How does Stone maintain Garrison's heroic image in the
face of such a fiasco? Speisel is explained as `one of [Bill] Boxley's
witnesses.' Boxley was a Garrison aid. In _JFK_, he's a double agent
working for the Central Intelligence Agency. Since he is also dead,
he can't sue for libel.
The murder of Oswald by nightclub owner Jack Ruby helps give
conspiracy theories a certain plausibility. This occurred only
two days after Kennedy was shot and while Oswald was being
transferred out of the headquarters of the Dallas police. Some
have speculated that Ruby was assigned to `shut Oswald up.'
Oswald's transfer was delayed by 19 minutes. If Ruby planned
the killing in advance he should have been waiting for Oswald
outside the police station. But according to the time stamp on
a receipt he was carrying, Ruby was at a nearby Western Union office
transferring money only four minutes before the shooting. The
fact the Ruby carried a gun with him at all times supports his
claim that he acted on impulse.
Did Oswald's murder really have `all the earmarks of a gangland
slaying'? Not many mob hit men strike when they are surrounded by
police and sure to be arrested.
In their zeal to show that Oswald couldn't possibly do what the
Warren Commission claims he did, conspiracy theorists make much of the
low marksmanship scores Oswald got while he was in the Marines. But
according to tests results published by Lattimer, Oswald's score in
the seated position--the position he used when he shot Kennedy--was
excellent. On one scorecard he hit a head-and-shoulders sized target
49 out of 50 times from a distance of 200 yards without telescopic
sights. He shot Kennedy from less than 100 yards and used telescopic
The Kennedy assassination certainly isn't the first prominent
killing to become the subject of crackpot speculation. `One never
speaks of this assassination without making reckless judgments. The
absurdity of the accusation, the total lack of evidence, nothing
stops them.' That was Voltaire writing about the assassination of King
Henry IV of France in 1610.
What is unusual about the Kennedy case is the way that doubt and
speculation has increased with the passage of time. When the Warren
Commission report was released, few Americans doubted that Oswald was
the sole assassin. By 1967, two-thirds believed that Kennedy
was done in by a conspiracy. Each new conspiracy theory makes
headlines. Careful rebuttals, like the NAS report, are lucky if they
get a few column inches on an inside page.
Lardner, George Jr., `On the Set: Dallas in Wonderland,' _The Washington
Post_, May 19, 1991, p. D1.
Lardner, George Jr., `...Or Just a Sloppy Mess?' _The Washington Post_, June
2, 1991, p. D3.
Lattimer, John, _Kennedy and Lincoln: Medical and Ballistic Comparisons of
Their Assassinations_ (1980).
Moss, Armand, _Disinformation, Misinformation, and the `Conspiracy' to Kill
JFK Exposed_
Stone, Oliver, `Stone's _JFK_: A Higher Truth?' _The Washington Post_ June 2,
1991, p. D3.
Peter Kauffner UUCP: {crash tcnet}!orbit!pnet51!peterk
Minneapolis, Minnesota INET:
Libertarians put freedom first. Vote for Andre Marrou and Nancy Lord in 1992!
Path: ns-mx!uunet!!rpi!batcomputer!cornell!rochester!!!!lb2e+
From: (Louis Blair)
Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy,rec.arts.movies
Subject: Re: Stone's _JFK_ promotes absurd accusations
Message-ID: <>
Date: 20 Dec 91 01:06:25 GMT
References: <>
Organization: Mathematics, Carnegie Mellon, Pittsburgh, PA
Lines: 4
Xref: ns-mx alt.conspiracy:9392 rec.arts.movies:50135
In-Reply-To: <>
Do people think this debate is going to be longer or shorter
than the shotgun argument? Place your bets now.
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