Family Law live chat for September 12, 1995

 Subject:  Family Law Chat  09/12/95

Author:  Rich Dunn

Uploaded By:  Rich Dunn

Date:  9/14/1995

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Tuesday night Family Law live chat for September 12, 1995.











Rich Dunn




OnlineHost  You are now in room "family law".


RIsaacs684  hello all

CMich1995   Hello Rich

Rich Dunn   Hi, y'all.

CMich1995   Where do you practice?

RIsaacs684  Carbondale,Il

Rich Dunn   We don't have a designated moderator or topic tonight.

Rich Dunn   Hopefully a natural leader will emerge.

Rich Dunn   Yeah SIU.

GeneDSki    or an unnatural leader

RIsaacs684  how many usually check in?

Rich Dunn   See Mr. Prez?

CMich1995   Only my second time -- don't know anything about format

RIsaacs684  I saw him  he didnt appreciate mysign though

Rich Dunn   Hmmm.  About 20 or so total (people come in and out).

Rich Dunn   Oh?  Not "We Love You Bill?"

RIsaacs684  no it said  abortion kills children

Rich Dunn   Oh.  Well I imagine a lot of people didn't appreciate your sign.

RIsaacs684  I do a lot of defense work for Operation Rescue

CMich1995   Where RIsaacs?

Rich Dunn   To each his own.

RIsaacs684  whereever there is a need

CMich1995   Anyone from Kentucky?

RIsaacs684  My fathers rights work is just another way to protect children

CMich1995   Define Fathers' Rights' Work

GeneDSki an OW situation, what do you think is a fair time for 

            "Dad" to come forward

GeneDSki    to assert some rights

CMich1995   OW -- out of wedlock?

GeneDSki    yes

RIsaacs684  i represent fathers in custody/visitation cases

CMich1995   No mothers?

GeneDSki    so he either is/was married or has obtained Order of Filiation 


RIsaacs684  I have a section  on unwed fathers rights in my book

SusnCamron  Hello!

CMich1995   Hello Susn

Sailormom   hello

GeneDSki    hi sus

RIsaacs684  unwed fathers have same rights and responsibilities as wed

SusnCamron  Hi Ron. Glad to see you found us.

RIsaacs684  hi sus

CMich1995   Hi Sailor

GeneDSki    Not in NY....You can't get $$$$ unless declared and he has to get 

            some standing

SusnCamron  Wow! How many states still have the concept of illegitimacy? It's 

            been gone in CA a long time.

RIsaacs684  US Supreme ct in Stanley v Illinois says child of unweds   has 

            same  right to both parents

GeneDSki    Read on to the other cases where he has to do something

Sailormom   got booted! - evening all

SusnCamron  CA has a very new case in which dad had to do something as soon as 

            he knew about the PREGNANCY to

SusnCamron  object to an adoption. The fact that he changed his mind right 

            after the birth didn't help him.

RIsaacs684  In Illinois there is absolutely no difference whether you  are 

            illegitmate or not

CMich1995   In WI, paternity adjudications routinely award sole custody to 

            Mom; divorce routinely

CMich1995   joint custody

SusnCamron  But if the child is not adopted, marriage or no marriage makes no 


RIsaacs684  legal theory i s CHILDS right to both parents and support of both 


GeneDSki    In New York, he practically has a "duty to inquire" nine months 

            after the deed

RIsaacs684  NY law should be challanged

SusnCamron  Gene, is this in regard to objecting to adoption, or other rights 


MrMsSlgr    MsSlgr has entered the room

GeneDSki    Mostly adoption situations....Court of Apps in NY (our highest) 

            has rules and I doubt USSC

GeneDSki    will do anything

SusnCamron  Hi! MsSlgr. Is that what you want to be called?

MrMsSlgr    It will do

GeneDSki    excuse me "ruled"

RIsaacs684  Big difference tween requiring action to prevent adoption and 

            terminating a parents rights

GeneDSki    We don't have to terminate everyone. We have "consent""notice" and 

            "no rights" fathers

GeneDSki    on OW situations

Sailormom   Gene, please explain consent notice & no rights dads

SusnCamron  What a concept! please explain further.

RIsaacs684  Sounds like you need someone to fight for fathers rights in NY!

SusnCamron  Do you have the Uniform Parentage Act in NY?

GeneDSki    Briefly, Notice fathers have right to notice of the hearing but 

            can be heard only as to best

GeneDSki    interests,  No rights Dads don't even have right to notice...they 

            cannot interfere.

SusnCamron  "Notice fathers" would be what we would call "alleged fathers" in 


SusnCamron  How does one become a No rights dad?

GeneDSki    it all depends on support and/or level of involvement and how fast 

            you did it

Sailormom   TGx introduced "presumed dada" and try to get them to sign birth 


GeneDSki    Make the baby and do nothing

Sailormom   A lot of mothers would like for a one nighter to not be able to 

            challenge for visits

SusnCamron  But once paternity is extablished & they have a support order, do 

            their rights change?

GeneDSki    yes

RIsaacs684  what if father never knew of pregnancy what category is he?

GeneDSki    Tough luck category....if adopted

RIsaacs684  what about for custoody or visitation

GeneDSki    If he get Paternity order, he has rights

GeneDSki    but they are not absolute

SusnCamron  Dinner time. I've got to go.

CMich1995   bye

Sailormom   Night

RIsaacs684  bbye

CMich1995   What do you mean not absolute?

Sailormom   RIsaacs - what book did you write?

GeneDSki    fact that he may not have asserted right away may put him in a 

            best interests quandry

RIsaacs684  Multistate Guide to Fathers rights available at 


BusterMill  hi  im a totally burnt out r.e. atty who wants to enter fam law  

            any suggestions?

Sailormom   How does that go against best interest being both parents?

RIsaacs684  Buster  get my book

Sailormom   Buster - you do like to live dangerously

CMich1995   Buster -- burnt out?  stay in r.e.

Sailormom   where do you practice Bister?

RIsaacs684  Sailormom I maximize time with both parents  that is litigation 


GeneDSki    Custodial parent is better off you know

BusterMill  whats the book and yes i would like to live dangerously  i 

            practice in L>I>  N>Y>

CMich1995   Gene - I have problems sympathizing with an absent father who 

            suddenly shows up and

CMich1995   wants primary placement

Sailormom   Agree CM

BusterMill  re  is ok for $  but totally boring

RIsaacs684  Buster call 1 800 706 9490 tomorrow for book info  it is very 

            comprehensive guide

GeneDSki    That is why the state of the law is as it is

Sailormom   Dpwn here we have dads who threaten to get visitation as a way to 

            avoid c/s

CMich1995   Well Buster, family law is NOT boring

Ti123       does anyone know penna law regarding spousal support ?

BusterMill  ok ill call    someone  told me it was rewarding to become a law 


CMich1995   Down where?  Sorry Ti

RIsaacs684  thats a common tactic but most of my cases are visitation denial 


Sailormom   TX

CMich1995   So if you have the right to spend time with your child -- your 

            support lessons?  How much

CMich1995   time?

Sailormom   No. They use the threat to make mom not take them to court to 

            obtain c/s

RIsaacs684   if you have child 50% of time you are bearing 50% of expense so 

            no child support or reduced

Sailormom   Where is that RI?

CMich1995   agreed RI

Sailormom   Just because you have possession of kid 50% doesn

RIsaacs684  I have had several cases decided that way here in Illinois

Sailormom   Just because you have possession of kid 50% doesn

Sailormom   t mrdoesn't mean you pay 50% of cost of kid

CMich1995   WI -- rule is child support and visitation are mutually exclusive 

            -- however threats still

CMich1995   work

Ti123       can someone help me with a question regarding penna law spousel 


Sailormom   Same here

CMich1995   No Ti

Sailormom   I have only seen one PA spousal supporet and it was real high

Ti123       thank you

RIsaacs684  No but both parents have equal duty to support child not just 


GeneDSki    don't know PA law

Ti123       thank you

CMich1995   Problem RI is that fathers frequently make significantly more 

            money than mothers

Sailormom   TX just got spousal support (very limited ) on 9-1-95

Ti123       does anyone know where i can get info on line

Sailormom   Try the Stste Law - PA BBS

CMich1995   Sorry, Ti -- new to this

RIsaacs684  then support can be proportionalized

Ti123       thank you

CMich1995   Should be -- in my experience it isn't

Ti123       goodbye

Sailormom   Night

BusterMill  RIsaac  im a female atty   do you think  i can fight effectively 

            for fathers rights

CMich1995   bye --

BusterMill  also im well into my thirties  i wonder how hard it will be to 


RIsaacs684  My wife is a very successful fathers rights attorney

Sailormom   Buster - I started in fam law well into my 40"s as new atty - love 

            it. Keep sense pf humor

RIsaacs684  gotta go child crying bye

BusterMill  thats all encouraging  thanks

Sailormom   Nigiht RI

CMich1995   bye RI

GeneDSki    Buster, where in LI...Nass or Suff

BusterMill  nass

GeneDSki    Are you planning to do JD's, PINS, Abuse/Neglect, etc in Fam Ct???

Sailormom   Gene - NY has it's own language--JD? PINS?

BusterMill  hopefully  abuse neglect   but dont know where to start

GeneDSki    Juvenile Delinquents, Persons in Need of Supervision(Incorrible, 

            pain in the asses)

Sailormom   LOL

BusterMill  all my clients are buying houses or buildings  noone is abused

BusterMill  where can i get referals    even pro bono

GeneDSki    Read FC Act Art 10 with Commentaries, read Ct Apps and AD cases, 

            trial advocacy course

CMich1995   Gene -- how is the family law client contract mandated by NY 

            working out?

BusterMill  do all of you talk here on tuesdays

CMich1995   Buster -- in Wisconsin State Bar has a referral service

Sailormom   yes - each Tues

GeneDSki    I'm not sure what you mean.....

BusterMill  thanksgene and everyone

Sailormom   It's a new group so we are still feeling our way. I;ve enjoyed it

CMich1995   I am referring to the language the NY Court of Appeals (I think) 

            mandated be included in

CMich1995   all client/attorney contracts for family law

BusterMill  bye for now

Sailormom   Bye Buster

CMich1995   Bye Buster -- see you next Tues?

Sailormom   Do tell CM

GeneDSki    I'm not familiar with it since I deal exclusively with 

            governmental aspects of CA/N

CMich1995   It was big news in Wisconsin --- talk about doing the same here -- 

            no one else familiar?

Sailormom   No, please share

Sailormom   Hi JoniH

JoniH       Hi, FL Pros.

JoniH       What's up?

CMich1995   Hi, Joni -- you know about the NY Fee contracts for Family Law -- 

            brought subject up,

CMich1995   but can't remember all details

GeneDSki    It sounds like I should know about it though...Sometimes  law 

            drifts down slow fr, on high

JoniH       I saw it at a CLE about a hr ago.  I kind of liked it, but a lot 

            of people when nuts!

CMich1995   Required complete disclosure of fees -- notification of all client 


JoniH       Ooops -- about a YR ago not an HR.

Sailormom   We do hourly billing here

CMich1995   Not unit?

JoniH       I may be able to track down a copy if you want one.

Sailormom   No, how do you do unit?

CMich1995   I have one at the office -- just wondering if the NY attorneys 

            liked it

JoniH       We mostly do hourly rate, with some documents fees and some flat 


CMich1995   Unit -- so much time for each task

Sailormom   Like a petition for divorce = Xunits?

JoniH       Has anyone heard of the Kirby trial from NC a couple months ago.  

            Atty in jail for billing

JoniH       problems.  He had an hourly rate but also used some unit billing.

Sailormom   No, share!!

JoniH       Long trial.  Most of the evidence sounded more like a testimonial 

            to him.  But the

GeneDSki    No

JoniH       Resolution trust company  (FEDS) thought that the retainer 

            agreement and letter he sent to

JoniH       clients was not clear and that he had gouged them.  In fact, he 

            did often bill 30-50 hours i

JoniH       in a given day, using the minimum unit billoing.

JoniH       Anyway, the jury hung and eventually he plead to obstructing the 

            work of a federal agency

JoniH       the judge threw the book at him and he is doing active time!

JoniH       Has everyone in NC pretty nervous!

GeneDSki    Maybe he used data compression on his computer

CMich1995   Joni -- he told clients he was using hourly -- but was using unit

Sailormom   Can imagine. Do you all use written contracts?

CMich1995   Absolutely

JoniH       He sort of told them that he was using hourly but with a minimum 

            unit per activity.

Sailormom   We have new law that on the first pleading each atty files on a 

            case the client has to sign

CMich1995   Then there was another similar case -- attorney was charged with 

            RICO violations and

Sailormom   statement saying that they are aware of mediation and will try it 


JoniH       So there would be a 1/10 of a hour for anything he did -- like 

            sent the same letter to a doz

JoniH       dozen people on a case would be 12 1/10s.

CMich1995   he plead --- articles all said that if he had used unit billing 

            and clearly explained to

CMich1995   clients no problem

JoniH       Our retainer agreement is about five pages long and very detailed. 

             We do charge a

JoniH       document fee for computer drafting but spell it out in the 

            agreement.  We had the Bar

JoniH       review our agreement when this trial was going on and they said it 

            was clear enough.

JoniH       Do you charge for waiting time?

Sailormom   Here our big problem is charging for time spent waiting in court

CMich1995   Yes, but I do nothing else during that time

Sailormom   Have to. Some days would make no money. It's a mess so tryto set 

            more than 1 hearing

Sailormom   and divide time etc between clients

Rich Dunn   Seems a shame to have to waste your time and the client's money.

JoniH       We try not to bill for waiting time and are usually lucky enough 

            to have several things goin

Sailormom   How much mediation are you all doing in divorce and custody?

JoniH       so can bill for actual time.  It is a bad problem though.  

            Sometimes, you just have to.

JoniH       We have compulsory mediation for all custoday issues, but nothing 


CMich1995   Who does the compulsory mediation?

JoniH       Some limited attempts at using arbitration for property issues.  

            Little enthusiasm so far.

JoniH       The court has mediators that do the custody stuff.

CMich1995   Ours too

Sailormom   Do you have to pay them?

JoniH       We can't use anything at all from the mediation and no attorneys 


CMich1995   Only if an agreement is reached

JoniH       We don't have to pay the mediators for custody.

CMich1995   Mediation is completely confidential as well.

Sailormom   Wow! Here attys go and costs are 1000-2000 per day

CMich1995   Attorneys don't pay, clients do -- billed directly

GeneDSki    Nice talking to you....Bye

CMich1995   Bye Gene

Sailormom   Bye Gene

CMich1995   Here it is $100 per party usually

Sailormom   If no settlement, can't use any of it in trial

CMich1995   Sailor -- and is it mandatory?

JoniH       I am a great supporter of mediation in custody matters.  How about 

            you guys?

Sailormom   Practically since 9-1. Really runs costs up

CMich1995   Absolutely -- problem here is that court social workers are 

            overworked -- not enough time

CMich1995   to do effective job

Sailormom   I like mediation in custody as long as both parties have nearly 

            equal strength

JoniH       Oh, yes.  Need to be on even footing.  In fact, although 

            compulsory, we can move to opt out

JoniH       if there is any domestic violence.

Sailormom   What do you do in one party reneges (sp?) on agreement

JoniH       Once the "parenting agreement" is signed by the parties, the Judge 

            enters it as an Order

JoniH       so we can enforce through contempt.

CMich1995   Our social workers don't do any drafting -- so an attorney has to 

            do it and sometimes

CMich1995   they do renege (sp?)

Sailormom   Here a party can withdraw ok until judgew signs order - lots do

JoniH       That's true here too, but the mediators draft, we approve, clients 

            sign, and Judge enters al

JoniH       within a couple of days.

Sailormom   Some case law that if file written agreement under a Rule 11 - can 

            enforce prop issues as

Sailormom   contract- but no go for c/s and custody

JoniH       What is your rule 11 -- ours is sanctions for frivolous claims.

Sailormom   that's our rule 13. I think fed rule 13 is the same as rule 11 - 

            agmt in writing, signed & f

Sailormom   filed even if not the full lelgalese document

JoniH       Do many people try to represent themselves in your area?

CMich1995   Not a lot, but some

Sailormom   in divorce? no courts really tough on pro se

CMich1995   Joni -- are you referring to a totally pro se divorce, or just one 


Sailormom   But some pro se do better than $60 want ad lawyers

JoniH       Our Judges are really rude to pro se folks too -- except a little 

            better on domestic violenc

JoniH       we have a pretty good expedited system for domestic violence 

            protective orders.

CMich1995   Our judges bend over backward to be fair -- can't say that they 

            are more rude to pro se

CMich1995   than to lawyers

Sailormom   that's good to hear - here we just get in line

JoniH       At the return hearing on pro se DV claims, the Judges do try to 

            scare them into getting atty

Sailormom   US 5th circuit has case saying judges should cut slack to pro se

JoniH       same here -- and they do, they are just sort of rude about it 

            quite often.

JoniH       Say, has Risaacs been here at all tonight?

CMich1995   Yes, earlier

Sailormom   Did you see OJ asked that jurors be un-sequesatered today!!!

CMich1995   I'll bet he did

JoniH       Rats, I wish I had been here.  He posts a lot in the fathers 

            rights message board.

Sailormom   Jdg told Marcia that was a "no-brainer"

KLB26404    hello all

CMich1995   Hi KLB

Sailormom   Hi KLB

JoniH       Hi.

Sailormom   Some idiot tried to blow up an IRS bldg today in Austin - has good 


JoniH       Small world KLB -- I just sent you an E-mail earlier today about 

            being a family law atty.

JoniH       How did they catch that bomber?

KLB26404    I haven't read it yet Joni, I am late and rushed to join this 

            group.  Will check later.

Sailormom   He was caught putting the explosives in bldg

Sailormom   Held without bail

JoniH       Not a rocket scientist, eh?

Sailormom   Doesn't look like it on TV

JoniH       Thank GOD!

Sailormom   True

JoniH       Do you know his background?  Another militia member?  Angry tax 

            payer?  Both?

Sailormom   Don't know yet. Was on the news as I am typing

KLB26404    Ethics question.  Attorney represents husband in a law firm of 40 

            attorneys;  now gets

CMich1995   Suspect he is not a happy taxpayer :)

Sailormom   Joni - did you ever make contact with my client?

JoniH       I sent an E-mail, but haven't heard from him.

CMich1995   KLB???

KLB26404    client who is wife of attorney who is in same law firm. Conflict?

KLB26404    Attorney for other side files motion to get attorney off of case

JoniH       Wife of an attorney in the same law firm?

KLB26404    right

JoniH       I would think it would be a conflict.

KLB26404    Why?

CMich1995   Why Joni?

JoniH       Not to mention a real downer at the firm barbeques!

KLB26404    That too

Sailormom   Same atty representing husband and later wife?

JoniH       Well, I guess I thought that one atty in the firm was the same as 

            all others so essentially

JoniH       the attorney would be representing his own wife against himself.

JoniH       Maybe I am not understanding the situation though.

KLB26404    Say I am the attorney:  I represent Mr. B who is one of 40 

            attorneys in a firm.  three years

KLB26404    later I get

CMich1995   Representation of Mr. is over?

KLB26404    Mrs x who's husband, Mr. X is a partner of Mr. B.  Representation 

            of Mr. B is over

JoniH       OH!! The attorney is not in Your firm?

CMich1995   I can't see a problem here

Sailormom   No conflict - done all the time

JoniH       In that case I don't see a conflict.

KLB26404    What if Mr. B has told me the firm has a Swiss bank account hiding 

            assets from the IRS

Sailormom   Gives Mrs X atty a better understanding of how the firm works 

            that's all

KLB26404    Don't I have a conflict between Mr. B and representing Ms. X

JoniH       Hmmm -- I guess there could be a problem if you got info from B 

            that would prejudice X

Sailormom   That's a confidential matter and you can't break that confidence

JoniH       There - I have weighed in firmly on all sides of this question!

Sailormom   If you use your logic - you could only represent one atty in that 


KLB26404    Thanks Joni!

JoniH       Don't mention it.

KLB26404    Well, I think the attorney trying to remove me from the case has a 

            burden to show there is a

KLB26404    conflict.

KLB26404    here's another one.  What if my firm is a large firm and 

            represents many business clients.

JoniH       I agree.  Do you in general like the attys in the 40 person firm?  

            Ethical bunch?

Sailormom   Having been wed to a 650 atty firm partner I can tell you not all 

            attys in firm know ehat

Sailormom   is going on in firm

JoniH       650 member firm!!!!  What a nightmare!  Give me my little 2 person 

            shop any day.

KLB26404    One of those clients is a closely held corp which the firm has 

            represented  for years.  Now

KLB26404    the majority stock holder is in a divorce.  The corp is clearly a 

            marital asset.  Can I

Sailormom   He hated it but the $$$ was too good - I am not divorced , solo 

            and happoily poor

KLB26404    represent the majority stock holder.

CMich1995   I don't think so

JoniH       Boy, I think I would decline that one.

KLB26404    I don't think so either....but it happens all of the time.

Sailormom   You can represent the stockholder but not the non-stockholder

JoniH       Doesn't anyone object?

KLB26404    But the interests of the corp may not be the same as the majority 

            stockholder in a divorce

KLB26404    situation.

CMich1995   Think there is case law about not representing officers of 

            corporations in similar situation

JoniH       S'mom, I don't think you could represent either in that situation 

            -- isn't the primary clien

JoniH       client the business entity?

CMich1995   so wouldn't that apply?

Sailormom   If the corp is not a paprty to the suit the only thing the ct can 

            award is the right to reci

Sailormom   receive profits - can not give mgme to non-stockholder

KLB26404    but majority stockhold may use corp to hide assets which may or 

            may not be in best interests

JoniH       Could award the stock to the non-shareholder which could have 

            impact on votes.

CMich1995   Exactly Joni

KLB26404    of corp.

KLB26404    Seems like a conflict to me;  more than first example.

Sailormom   If the corp lets a stockholder hids assets it has a big problem

JoniH       And you wouldn't want to be on both sides of that big problem.

Sailormom   In that case I agree = conflicxt. But if only doing property 

            settlement no problem

CMich1995   Do your states have an ethics hotline where you can ask these 


Sailormom   We do

JoniH       Get this --- our state bar president is the ethics czar.  We call 

            there.  The immediate past

JoniH       was disbarred for unethical behavior.

KLB26404    Yes... Michigan.  But the answer has to do mostly with insurance 


JoniH       Seems he was paying for his daughter's law school from bar dues!!!!

Sailormom   We have a big dept and they are really helpful

KLB26404    What state Joni?

JoniH       We were all a little bit pissed.

JoniH       NC

Sailormom   Do you all have mandatory bars?

JoniH       actually -- I shouldn't call him president -- he was paid, sort of 

            an executive director.

CMich1995   No mandatory Bar in Wisconsin -- think it is the only state

KLB26404    Well maybe his daughter was going to law school.  Wouldn't that 


JoniH       ours is mandatory.

KLB26404    Mich is manditory.

CMich1995   Sorry tired -- we do have a mandatory bar -- tried to get rid of 

            it a couple of years ago

Sailormom   We have 60,000 attys now so it is a BIG business

JoniH       I think he also paid things like his home utility bill and other 

            personal stuff.

CMich1995   What are your dues?

KLB26404    Interesting thing has happened since the Keller( is that right) 

            decision.  Bar has much less

KLB26404    power now.

Sailormom   We threw our rascals out when they used bar $ to buy booze

JoniH       60,000!  We have 22,000, I believe.  We pay 125.00/yr.

CMich1995   Have to go -- maybe next week??!!

JoniH       S'mom -- yours were just confused.  Bar money obviously, 

            definitionally is intended for booz

Sailormom   My dues are now $230/ yr. Fo up depending on length of practice. 

            Also have $200/yr occu

Sailormom   pation tax

JoniH       See you later CM

KLB26404    Bye CMich  Next week is good

Sailormom   Bye CM

KLB26404    What is an occupation tax?

JoniH       Rich must be here only as a ghost presence today, huh?

Sailormom   Another way to hit professional. For the privilege of having a 


Sailormom   Rich hasn't said anything all night - must oinly be logging

KLB26404    We havesmall business tax.  Maybe the same thing.

JoniH       We have a $50/yr "privilege" tax -- for the honor of being in 

            business in NC

Sailormom   We lose license if either one isn't paid

KLB26404    Got to go.  Talk to everyone Thursday.

JoniH       By KLB

Sailormom   See you Thurs - if I am still alive - have 5th day of awful trial 

            - custody

KLB26404    The worst!  Good luck.

JoniH       5th day -- is that typical?

Sailormom   Generally for a custody case. Hear a 6 week case is starting next 


JoniH       The expected length of custody trials really varies county to 

            county in NC

JoniH       In some counties, week or weeks are not uncommon.  Here it is a 

            big deal to go 3 days.

Sailormom   Today I won on 2 motions to strike evidentiary facts from 

            pleadings, plus atty fees, happy

JoniH       The Judges in my county like to move them right along.

JoniH       Good work!

JoniH       Are your Judges pretty good on awarding atty fees?

Sailormom   We are nopt supposed to put "facts" in fam pleadings - too 


JoniH       We used to have an insane judge who would cut off your case with a 

            comment like ---

Sailormom   Judges vary a lot - often surprised - both ways

JoniH       :Okay, I've heard enough from the momma -- let me hear from daddy."

JoniH       And you look out at your 6 other witnesses, sigh heavily, and sit 


Sailormom   Usually they call atty to bench and say I've heard enuf - move 


JoniH       Eventually he was "asked" to retire.

Sailormom   We have 7 out of 9 new fam judges so we are all learning - some 

            curves bigger than others

JoniH       We have a wild criminal trial going on in Raleigh this week.  A 

            woman judge called a woman

JoniH       atty into chambers, apparently grabbed her blouse collar and said 

            she was dressed inappropra

JoniH       inappropriately.  The atty filed assault charges!

Sailormom   Good for the atty

JoniH       She was found guilty at first trial, appealed, and now having a 

            jury trial in Superior Court

JoniH       Judge is representing herself -- said couldn't afford the 20,000 

            atty fees.

JoniH       I was proud of the atty, too.

Sailormom   $20K for a misdemeanor???

JoniH       That was exactly my reaction.

Sailormom   down here the judge would take out of campaign funds

JoniH       No one I know would charge that.  So I wonder if the Judge was 

            lying or if no one wanted to

JoniH       represent her so were quoting ridiculous fees.

Sailormom   how is she generally?

JoniH       I don't know.  It is several counties away so I have not been 

            before her at all.

JoniH       We have a seminar on Friday and some Raliehg attys will be there, 

            so I'm sure we will hear.

Sailormom   Be sure to let us know the "dirt"

JoniH       Absolutely.

JoniH       Do you remember the client that I thought should back off on 

            primary custody a few weeks ago

Sailormom   In one county I go to we have 9 judges and 9 associate judges - 

            1/2 women - real change

Sailormom   Yes, what happened?

JoniH       They settled!!!!!

JoniH       Best interests of child finally penetrated.

Sailormom   Was it a good settlement?

Rich Dunn   What's the judge's name, Joni?  I'd like to fish for a news story 

            about the case.

JoniH       We talked for about three hours before my client would accept it.  

            Yes, I think it was very

Sailormom   Did we wake you up with our LOUD talking Rich?

Rich Dunn   I could post it on the NC board.

JoniH       good.   I think the Judge's name is RENFRO.  I have just heard it 

            so far, not read it.

Sailormom   Congratulations - It must feel good to see kid put first

Rich Dunn   I *was* fading.

JoniH       I'll let you know for sure though.

Rich Dunn   But now I'm watching Nova with one eye, youz guys with the other.

Sailormom   We have an El Paso judge who told mom she must speak English to 

            kid at home - speaking

Sailormom   Spanish was abuse!! Lots of press on this one

Rich Dunn   Saw that one.

JoniH       I bet!  Phil Grahm probably loved it.

Rich Dunn   The good news is that it was news.

Sailormom   He is calling for the judge to resign

Sailormom   Gramm really follows the wind on some things

JoniH       No kidding?  I thought he would take an English is our language so 

            speak it position.

Sailormom   No, Dole started that one so he has to be first amendment

JoniH       Isn't politics fun?

Rich Dunn   Gramm is actually from Georgia.  That's not a TX drawl.

Sailormom   Yeah - but don't you have Strom?

Rich Dunn   You see Dole came out for George Washington and Paul Revere?

Sailormom   What a guy!

Rich Dunn   He really tackles the tough issues head on.

JoniH       Did Risaacs participate much?  I would love to get him in a 

            discussion about visitation.

Sailormom   Isaaacs contributed a lot - he left just as you came

JoniH       Too bad.

JoniH       Maybe I'll catch him next week.

Sailormom   He told us how to get his book on dad's rights

JoniH       He does have a slightly commercial component to his on-line 


JoniH       But he is interesting.

Sailormom   I did pick up on how much state law varies for unwed dad's

Rich Dunn   Said he held up a sign saying "Abortion Kills Children" when 

            Clinton spoke at SIU.

Sailormom   Egads!!! We would really tangle

JoniH       Yep -- I think he would make for lively conversation.

Rich Dunn   I'll have to add the Queensbury Rules to the L.I.N. guidelines.

JoniH       LOL

Sailormom   ????????????????/

Rich Dunn   Queensbury Rules <-- the rules of boxing.

Sailormom   Cat - how is your leg????

CatLawyer1  My goodness -- my favorite people are still here!

JoniH       Hi, Cat

Rich Dunn   And me, too.

CatLawyer1  Oh Smom -- I wish I could say "better" but it's driving me 

            absolutely NUTS.

JoniH       Are you back at work?

Sailormom   Itcvhing in the cast?? that's itching

CatLawyer1  Hi Joni.

Rich Dunn   She wasn't nuts before, see?

Sailormom   No, Rich, she was only after nuts

CatLawyer1  No, no itching -- just pain and swelling.  Working doesn't help.  

            I forget to keep it up.

Sailormom   Are you sleeping on 2-3 pillows under leg?

CatLawyer1  I felt like I was going to lose it this weekend -- all cooped up 

            and not able to get out.

JoniH       Drugs?

Sailormom   To keep sheets clean, put leg in pillowcase, then dirt goes inside 


CatLawyer1  Two pillows under the leg -- and very uncomfortable.  Taking drugs 

            with codeine at night.

Rich Dunn   Pain.  Swelling.  Now that *living*.

CatLawyer1  Last night didn't knock me out like they usually do.

JoniH       And no one to sue over the injury.  That's so sad.

Sailormom   Try some relaxation exercises 20" after you taqke codeine

CatLawyer1  Unless I want to sue myself for my own stupidity.

Sailormom   No -- not enuf assets to go after

Rich Dunn   CatLawyer1 v. CatLawyer1

Rich Dunn   Black letter law on stupidity.

CatLawyer1  I just start to relax and feel sleep coming on and then my toes 

            start to tingle.

JoniH       How about those hiking companions?  Negligently allowing you to 

            walk unassisted?

Sailormom   She didn't wear hiking boots

CatLawyer1  My foot has been really HOT lately too - arggggghhhhhh...

Sailormom   Cat - call your doctor!!

CatLawyer1  Yeah, but that hiking companion also CARRIED me out of there!

Rich Dunn   Don't put it up on the stove like that.

JoniH       That would mitigate damages.

CatLawyer1  LOL, Rich.  I belong to a stupid HMO -- they are no help at all.

Rich Dunn   No help at all, eh.  A lot like me I guess.

Sailormom   Cat - describe "hot", red streaks anywhere?

CatLawyer1  At least my boss came back today -- for a day (off again for 

            another week).

Rich Dunn   Good boss.  Stays away.

Rich Dunn   Lots of people would like a boss like that.

Sailormom   Cat - answer my questions!

CatLawyer1  It cools down after I keep it up for an hour or so.  Bruising 

            continues to spread (it's just

CatLawyer1  below my toes now -- weird)

Rich Dunn   Snap out of it, Cat.  ANSWER THE QUESTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sailormom   That means there is still some bleeding going on. You should have 

            yel.low "bruises" by now

Rich Dunn   (questions?)

CatLawyer1  I can't see it, but a friend said she sees yellow below that --

JoniH       do you get the feeling we are worrying about you?

JoniH       you're right.

CatLawyer1  ::sniff::  nice to be worried about ....

Sailormom   Are your toes the same temperature as above the cast?

Rich Dunn   :::purr:::

CatLawyer1  Same temperature as the air above the cast?

Rich Dunn   Mom, you're an RN, aren't you?

Sailormom   Yes Rich and an orthopedic specialist

Sailormom   No - touch each set of toes - is the temp the same?

CatLawyer1  They cool off when I keep it elevated long enough -- get good and 

            hot when I've had it down

CatLawyer1  You mean between my left and right foot?

Sailormom   yes

CatLawyer1  Not necessarily -- my right foot is up and my left foot is not.

Rich Dunn   The nurse is  [ IN ]

Sailormom   OK - look at the color of your toes - both feet - same?, then the 


CatLawyer1  In the a.m., the toes on my casted leg are ruddy in color in 

            comparison to my usual pasty

CatLawyer1  white coloring.

Sailormom   can you put your pinky underneath your case at toes and at knee?

CatLawyer1  Right now, my right foot is colder than my left, but I think it's 

            because it's elevated.

CatLawyer1  Yes.

Sailormom   Which foot is hurt?

CatLawyer1  I feel like I can wiggle around in it when I keep it elevated for 


CatLawyer1  My right one.

Rich Dunn   You *sure*?

CatLawyer1  The drugs aren't *that* good, Rich.

Sailormom   Wiggling is good. You can put a sock on right foot to keep toes 

            warm. Watch the circulation

Sailormom   carefully. If your leg is down too long it will cut off 

            circulation to fracture and delay he

Sailormom   the healing.

CatLawyer1  I just get paranoid -- when I keep it elevated, toes get tingly 

            and I wake up continually to

CatLawyer1  check my circulation.

Sailormom   Try wiggling the toes, put sock on and leg into pillowcase

CatLawyer1  That must be why I was so uncomfortable last night -- my foot was 

            down most of the day

CatLawyer1  while I was at work --

JoniH       Have you ever had a cast on before?

CatLawyer1  Long day too -- 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. with no lunch break.  No rest 

            for the gimpy.

Sailormom   That's is probably right.  Gradually the swelling should go down. 

            Eventually the cast should

Sailormom   feel loose

CatLawyer1  Never had a cast before, no.

Sailormom   I can tell - you sure are fighting it!!

JoniH       I had a leg cast once and when it was cut off, my whole leg 

            floated into the air.

JoniH       It was a very weird sensation.

Sailormom   And I bet you had to shave!!! LOL

CatLawyer1  I wish I could find a way to be comfortable with it elevated at 

            work, but it's impossible

CatLawyer1  with the way the damn PC is set up.

JoniH       I guess because I was used to the additional weight.

CatLawyer1  This fiberglass material is really wild.

Sailormom   What color do you hasve?

CatLawyer1  Purple!!  No one can write on it --

JoniH       ooooooh -- pretty.

Sailormom   Great!!! Will doc let you get it wet?

CatLawyer1  Smom -- what should they be looking for next week when they xray 


Rich Dunn   Don't they have to make reasonable accomodations?  Like punching a 

            hold in the wall nextto

Rich Dunn   computer?

JoniH       I still have my cast, replete with the signatures of all the high 

            school pals.

Rich Dunn   nextto?

Rich Dunn   next to the

CatLawyer1  I've got a cast protector -- looks like a gigantic condom and 

            works like a charm.

JoniH       Safe socks.

Rich Dunn   Gigantic condom?  I've got lots of those.

Sailormom   good - we used to use trash bags in the dark ages

Sailormom   They will x-ray looking for position and begining calcification

Rich Dunn   Work like a charm.

CatLawyer1  Any particular position my foot should be in for the best healing 

            (in the cast)?

Sailormom   Depends on exactly where the fx is located. The cast is supposed 

            to hold in in correct posit

CatLawyer1  When can they tell if I'm ready for a walking cast?  Will it 

            depend on my level of pain?

Sailormom   position. When cast too lose doc should put on new tighter one

Sailormom   Not pain - will be based on x-ray healing

CatLawyer1  The xrays seem such an archaic way to tell the break.  I had three 

            different sets of xrays

CatLawyer1  in the first week and they all looked slightly different -- 

            depending on who did them!

Sailormom   But they are still good. Walkingcast will be partial at first

CatLawyer1  Partial?  Is that the "touch down" cast they talk about?  What 

            does that mean?

Sailormom   Make doc show you x-rays and show you fx and healing etc

Sailormom   Sounds like it. Means you only put part of your weight on it at 

            first, gradually to full wei

CatLawyer1  Should my ankle region feel hot?  I know that it did when they 

            removed the splint before

Sailormom   weight

CatLawyer1  they put the cast on.  Is that just the bleeding/healing going on ?

CatLawyer1  Still feels pretty warm -- ice helps sometimes.

Sailormom   Basically yea, but I am concerned that you still have NEW 

            bruising/bleeding under the skin.

CatLawyer1  Would it be wise for me to go in and have the oncall ortho take a 

            look at it tomorrow?

Sailormom   Too much swelling with bruising can lead to problems - please 

            watch carefully.

Sailormom   Don't mean to scare you

CatLawyer1  It does kind of bother me that I'm still bruising around my toes 

            after 2 1/2 weeks.

Sailormom   How many weeks now?

CatLawyer1  What kind of problems ...?

Sailormom   Is the warmth in the cast localized to one spot?

CatLawyer1  Yes -- mostly in the ankle region where the break is - but also on 

            top of the foot where

CatLawyer1  the newer bruising is.

Sailormom   Cat - I would suggest you get it checked out - just to be sure

Sailormom   By mow you should be about pain free

Sailormom   Unless you are really abusing the leg

CatLawyer1  Okay -- I was going to do that yesterday or today, but too much 


CatLawyer1  Boss is gone tomorrow, so it will be easier to do.

Sailormom   This is the time to put yourself FIRST - work will always be there

JoniH       Work will ALWAYS be there.  Sigh

Sailormom   Can I go off duty now???

CatLawyer1  I just want my working leg back!!!!

Sailormom   Then take care of it!!

CatLawyer1  You sure can, you have been immensely helpful!!  The nurse I 

            talked to Sunday was

JoniH       Not to mention your playing leg!

CatLawyer1  AWFUL!!!!!

Rich Dunn   The nurse is  [ OUT ]

Sailormom   I'm an oldie but a goodiw

CatLawyer1  Hi Merrie!

Sailormom   Hi Merr

JoniH       Hi Merrie.

MERRIEM     Hello

Rich Dunn   Hi Mary.  Your brother gone?

MERRIEM     My brother and his soon to be wife just left.

MERRIEM     I think this is about his seventh marriage.

JoniH       Did you like the soon-to-be?

MERRIEM     Plus about five significant others in between.

Sailormom   In competition with Liz?

JoniH       soon-to-be-x-wife, then?

CatLawyer1  Think so, Smom -- he probably wondered what the heck orthopedics 

            had to do with FL!!

MERRIEM     Too true Joni

MERRIEM     How's your ankle, Cat?

JoniH       We family law professionals like people like him.

JoniH       not really, just kidding.

Rich Dunn   Tonight's topic: Orthopedics and Family Law -- Will they Merge?

CatLawyer1  Not as good as I would have hoped, M.  Smom just gave me lots of 

            much needed advice, though.

Sailormom   Hell yes!

MERRIEM     Only if a lot of potential clients break some bones.

Rich Dunn   "My husband is a pain in the ass."

Rich Dunn   "Hmmm.  Is it a shooting pain?"

Sailormom   Well, some of my fam clients end up with broken bones

JoniH       Unfortunately, it seems a lot of my clients do end up with broken 

            bones, or breaking bones.

CatLawyer1  Yikes -- I'm glad I specialize in child support.

MERRIEM     We just had a murder/suicide here with the man killing his wife 

            and then killing himself.  Also

Sailormom   I had a real winner of a consult to day. She and ex-husb into sex 

            games on video

MERRIEM     injured his daughter.

MERRIEM     He said he didn't want to pay any family lawyers.

Sailormom   That is tragic. What a waste

CatLawyer1  Did you have to look at the video?

CatLawyer1  Poor daughter.

Sailormom   It's really a bizarre case and if the case went as presented and 

            my call to the court,

Rich Dunn   Now Mary, he was only exercising his Second Amendment rights.

Sailormom   lots of illegal stuff done by attys

CatLawyer1  She's going to need a lot of love and help.

CatLawyer1  Illegal stuff done by former attorneys?

JoniH       Gaurdian ad Litem appointed?

MERRIEM     His second amendment rights not to pay a lawyer?

Sailormom   Yeah. It's not in my county so I am trying to get her good atty in 

            her county. Will make my

MERRIEM     I don't know what's been done on the daughter's behalf yet.  I 

            think she's still in the hospital.

Rich Dunn   Let me check that Second Amendment again...

Sailormom   list of truly wierd cases. Listened to ex 15 calls today of 

            harassing harangue

CatLawyer1  M??  What's going on with your daughter??

MERRIEM     She's back to work, having child care problems with the 

            mother-in-law.  Eloping to Las Vegas in Oct.

Sailormom   Rhonda was here for a very brief moment

JoniH       Ooops, I have let midnight slip right by me again.  I need to go 

            to bed!!

CatLawyer1  Why is she still in hospital?

JoniH       Keep the leg up, Cat.  Good luck on your fifth day of trial, Smom.

Sailormom   Thanx Joni - see you Thurs

CatLawyer1  Thanks, Joni -- nice to see you.

MERRIEM     Still in the hospital?

JoniH       I'll try.

Sailormom   I think she is confused with the murdered parents girl

MERRIEM     I think so too.

MERRIEM     What meds are you on, Cat?

Rich Dunn   Rhonda IM'd me that she was really sleepy, then left.

CatLawyer1  Oh jeez -- it's the darn meds.  I thought you were talking about 

            YOUR daughter.

MERRIEM     Glad she gave you the latest news release.

CatLawyer1  Meds make me see "my" in place of "the" -- hoo boy.

MERRIEM     Too much vegetarian diet - not enough protein.

Sailormom   Cat - will you e-mail me after you see the doc?

CatLawyer1  Hey, hey now --

MERRIEM     Just kidding. . .

CatLawyer1  Yes, Smom -- actually, I'd like to, just to have someone else to 

            check it out with ...

CatLawyer1  Actually, my appetite hasn't been as "healthy" as it normally is.

MERRIEM     Is that good news or bad news.

CatLawyer1  Hoping it's just my body adjusting to my decreased activity level 

            (being smart for once)

Sailormom   That's typical. Between misery, meds and learning to use crutches 

            who can eat??

MERRIEM     Reader's Digest told me I made it through the first two stages for 

            their $5 milion drawing.  Think

MERRIEM     I'll win this year?

Rich Dunn   You're a shoe-in.

CatLawyer1  Yes -- and did I tell you how I think I might have bursitis in my 

            left shoulder too????

Sailormom   Let's hope so. Surely someone I know should win after all these 


CatLawyer1  Crutches and wheelchair are such a wonderful form of physical 

            therapy for it, ya know.

Sailormom   Try Ibuprofen - 400 mg

MERRIEM     Yes, but you get all the disabled parking spaces.

CatLawyer1  No, no -- *I'M* going to win this year.

MERRIEM     Okay, then I'll take the Publisher's Clearing House $10 million.

CatLawyer1  Taking 800 mg -- when I remember to (bad patient, bad patient)

Sailormom   I'll take TX lottery for 10 mil tomorrow night

Sailormom   No 800 is ok, that's the "prescription" dose

CatLawyer1  Yeah, then I'll move in with YOU, Smom!

Sailormom   OK

Rich Dunn   And those are TX dollars.  They're bigger.

MERRIEM     Just heard about a garbage collector who won $19 million in his 

            state's lottery, but he plans to keep

MERRIEM     his job.

Sailormom   absolutely - no state tax

Rich Dunn   They all say that.  Check back a year from now.

CatLawyer1  No state tax at all?  Or no income tax?

Sailormom   no income tax. have sales tax

MERRIEM     If I won anything, they'd never hear from me again.  I"d mail the 

            keys to the office in.

Sailormom   where would you go?

Rich Dunn   I they has a sails tax, s'mom would be a tax protester.

MERRIEM     We have no income tax here which was a big shock after having 

            lived in CA.

CatLawyer1  Same here.  Sales tax in WA is outrageous though -- over 8% (I 


Sailormom   LOL

MERRIEM     I'd take off for parts unknown - travel, travel, travel.

Rich Dunn   Noth, to Alas-ka...

CatLawyer1  Sounds good.  Take me too.

Rich Dunn   Noth?  North

MERRIEM     West to Hawaii

MERRIEM     East to Europe

Rich Dunn   South to Rio.

MERRIEM     Across the U.S. in a motor home.

CatLawyer1  I like M's directions .. I already live as far north as I want to 


MERRIEM     I don't want to live in those places - just visit.

Sailormom   I could spend a lot of time in the virgin islands

MERRIEM     Third stop for me.

CatLawyer1  I'd start a great big cat sanctuary!

Rich Dunn   WA would be ok if they'd just fix that leak in the roof.

MERRIEM     To Victoria to pick up my Mercedes.

Rich Dunn   Oh, yeah.  Almost forgot.

Rich Dunn   Have you booked the holiday time you need to go get it?

CatLawyer1  Then it wouldn't be so green and pretty though -- I like the rain 

            (in measured doses)

MERRIEM     Reno Air has a one way flight to Vancover for only $59.

Sailormom   the northwest is on my list of "too see"

CatLawyer1  You going to take the boat from Victoria to Seattle to get the car 


MERRIEM     Yes.

CatLawyer1  Smom -- come sailing out here!  It's the BEST!

Sailormom   For real?

MERRIEM     As soon as they draw my name.

Sailormom   I would love to sail out there. My kid loved it

MERRIEM     Hey, Cat left.  Think the meds got to her or did she get bumped?

Sailormom   probably bumped - she is too polite to just leave

MERRIEM     She's back. . .

CatLawyer1  Must be God's electronic way of telling me it's time for bed?

CatLawyer1  Thank you Smom --

Sailormom   I have to go also, another early a.m. Looking forward to Saturday!!

CatLawyer1  The codeine is finally starting to kick in ...

CatLawyer1  Saturday?

CatLawyer1  Are you meeting the infamous couple on Saturday?

Sailormom   Cat - now law down all confy and take 10 nice slow deep breaths - 

            happy dreams

Sailormom   Day of rest- tough week

CatLawyer1  I'll get rest tonight if you promise to get rest on -- just 


MERRIEM     Tomorrow they're finally presenting the evaluation to my problem 

            employee.  I hope she doesn't get too

MERRIEM     weepy.

Sailormom   Sat is enuf

Sailormom   Will she take it out on you Merr

CatLawyer1  Super Smom -- go, go, go --

MERRIEM     Just by pouting and not talking to me, but that's actually an 


Sailormom   will she blab to others

CatLawyer1  Oh, M, I forgot to tell you.  Big legislative hearing next week to 

            look into ...

MERRIEM     I'm not sure about that.  Everyone knows when she's in trouble 

            because she stomps around the office

MERRIEM     like an elephant.

CatLawyer1  splitting up our gigantic umbrella agency (DSHS)

MERRIEM     Did your boss go to D.C.?

CatLawyer1  Yes - she leaves tomorrow.

MERRIEM     Will she testify?

CatLawyer1  I spent the last few days writing the testimony for next week's 


MERRIEM     I wish my boss was going.  I need him to be out of town more often.

CatLawyer1  Yes, she has to testify, though she's not very happy about it ...

MERRIEM     He'd be a big disadvantage in D.C. though.

MERRIEM     I would think that would be the best part.

MERRIEM     Think she'll get her 15 minutes of fame on CNN?

CatLawyer1  DSHS is the 6th largest employer in the State -- something like 

            17,000 employees.

CatLawyer1  No, she's not going to testify in DC, just at our little ol' 

            legislative hearing.

MERRIEM     I just heard one in four working persons works for the government. 

             Doesn't that sound high?

Sailormom   gotta go folks, til Thurs...............


CatLawyer1  The committee members are all GOP except for one -- and she's 

            proposing new leg.

CatLawyer1  Smom -- thank you SOOOOOO much for your help.  I'll e-mail you 


MERRIEM     Bye,  Glad I caught you before you left.

CatLawyer1  I gotta go too -- my ride picks me up at 7 a.m. tomorrow.

MERRIEM     Where are you going?

Rich Dunn   Work.

CatLawyer1  To work!  I can't drive for the next 2-3 months.

MERRIEM     Oh, that's no fun.


Rich Dunn   7 a.m.

CatLawyer1  You're telling me --

MERRIEM     I leave about 5:30 a.m. for Reno everyday.

Rich Dunn   And sleep between now and then isn't exactly guaranteed.

CatLawyer1  Exactly --

MERRIEM     I hope you do get a good night's rest.  Going to work tired is 


CatLawyer1  Thanks -- I'll do my best.  Hopefully fatigue from the lack of 

            sleep last night will help.

Rich Dunn   The heavy cast, the swelling, the pain, all the ingredients of a 

            good night's sleep.

MERRIEM     Get an electric bed, like I have.  Its great!

CatLawyer1  Yes, perfect combo.  Try it sometime!

Rich Dunn   No thanks.  I like to live vicariously.

CatLawyer1  I'll check in with you guys on Thursday -- unless they amputate 

            between now and then.

Rich Dunn   Don't worry.  You'll still be welcome.

CatLawyer1  What a sweetie --

CatLawyer1  Take care, you two.  See you soon!

MERRIEM     See you later. . .


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