Hair Growth through Electric Stimulation
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Taken from KeelyNet BBS (214) 324-3501
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November 19, 1990
Hair Growth through Electric Stimulation
A Vancouver company claims they have developed a device which can
cure baldness and induce hair growth.
It takes the form of a domed hood that stimulates the scalp with
painless low-voltage shocks.
The company says that 29 of 30 men in a clinical test experienced
new hair growth after a series of weekly 12-minute treatments.
From tests run to date, reports indicate an amazing hair growth
with an average increase of 66%.
Vangard notes
Ron Barker has a friend in Michigan, Dr. Cottrell who is into a
variety of unusual science areas. He showed Ron a device which
has been on the market since the early 30's.
It uses high voltage discharges to stimulate growth by increasing
oxidation at the hair follicles of the scalp. It is known as the
"Master Violet Ray" and is familiar to many cosmeticians.
The units are still available for about $50 to $85.00. These
units are available at many flea markets. We have bought several
for $5 and up. Some work, some don't, some have a better
electrode assortment included.
The "Master Violet Ray" uses a Tesla coil to generate a high
voltage continuous discharge which excites a combination of gases
contained in a variety of glass electrodes.
When these gases are excited, they fluoresce to emit a bright
violet light. We have heard that the particular frequencies
emitted by this unit are supposed to have a salutary (beneficial)
effect on the subject.
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One of the electrodes takes the form of a comb with about 5
"teeth" made of glass fingers about 1/4" in diameter. It looks
more like a garden rake, although it is intended to function as a
Another electrode looks like a flattened disc, while others are
more pointed.
The idea is quite logical although the application to date has
not been optimally designed.
Notes for Experimenters
We of Vangard Sciences have studied the alleged claims of the
"Master Violet Ray" and found them to not be based on the optimum
means of achievement. This is in regard to the claims to restore
hair growth.
The following known facts might lead us to the most efficient
design :
1) we know that electrical current flows from positive to
negative (more precisely, from the area of greatest
potential to that of the least, negative/positive
2) oils are repulsed by electrostatic potentials
3) hair follicles die when the sebaceous glands become
clogged with oil, this in turn attracts loose dust
particles which block the pores and reduces oxidation
4) Tesla invented an "electronic shower" which made the body
the anode and the walls the cathode, when electrically
excited, electrostatic repulsion of the oils on the skin
surface of the body carried the dirt with it to the walls
As you can see, the effects, if any, of the "Master Violet Ray"
would come primarily from the generation of ionizing potentials
both from high voltage and the UV light.
UV has hidden dangers in the form of rays having a wavelength of
260 NM. Rays in this area are extremely dangerous and have been
shown to cause either cell destruction or mutation.
Water vapor will shield this band to some degree by diffusion and
molecular absorption. At one time, the earth was covered by a
water jacket.
We do not know if it took the form of a very thick vapor or
possibly a layer of floating water in the upper stratosphere.
This was before the Flood when Men lived to around 1000 years.
Also, records from before the flood, state that the sky was BLUE,
not BLACK. This would indicate the diffusion of starlight from a
water barrier.
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At any rate, it is extremely dangerous to expose oneself to UV
light. Not only does it accelerate the aging process, but there
is a high probability of generating cancer or some other form of
somatic (cell) mutation.
A low voltage current applied to the body can stimulate ionic
flows and achieve the same basic effect of cleaning out the
follicles, thus allowing oxidation and the re-stimulation of hair
One of the dangers to be aware of when working in these areas, is
the polarizing effect of DIRECT CURRENT.
Negative current causes a compacting of tissues with the
generation of alkalies. This will cause the skin to harden and
create areas of thick, calloused tissue.
Positive current causes an expanding of tissues with the
generation of acids. This will cause the affected cells to
dissolve by breaking down the structure.
The pulse width and frequency obviously will play a part in
determining the degree of cell compliance to the polarizing force
One interesting experiment with such polarizing forces was
carried out using a raw egg. An electrode was inserted inside
the egg and a negative potential was applied. Over a period of
hours, the egg "cooked" or hardened up due to the increased
compaction of the cell structure.
When a positive potential was applied, the same hardened egg
became watery and soft as the cell structures were broken down.
Bi-Phasic currents (alternating) MUST be the only type used on
the body for safety. The pulse width and frequency should be
adjustable to allow the greatest variation for experimentation.
Another desirable feature would be a phase adjustment in the
event you choose to introduce more than one frequency.
Be forewarned, electrical experiments with the body can create
problems which you really don't need.
If you have comments or other information relating to such topics
as this paper covers, please upload to KeelyNet or send to the
Vangard Sciences address as listed on the first page.
Thank you for your consideration, interest and support.
Jerry W. Decker.........Ron Barker...........Chuck Henderson
Vangard Sciences/KeelyNet
If we can be of service, you may contact
Jerry at (214) 324-8741 or Ron at (214) 242-9346
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