The Sahara Club Newsletter Dedicated to Fighting Eco-Freaks



        SAHARA CLUB USA, INC.           | Pres./Editor...    Rick Sieman

        4492 Camino De La Plaza         | Vice Pres...       Louis McKey

        Suite 1251                      | Managing Editor... Gordon Horton

        San Ysidro, CA  92173-3097      | Graphics/Art Dir...Rhonda Talbot

                                        | Office Manager...  Arlene Rudder

        Int'l. Tel. 011-52-661-33480    | Elect. Surveilance /

                                        |     BBS SysOp...   Patrick Martin

                                        | Security...        Rocky Nunzio &

                                        |                Carbono Trafficanti


        Copyright 1990-1993, Sahara Club USA, Inc.  All rights reserved.

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        | Sahara Club Newsletter # 23                    February 10, 1993 |



                    !    Dedicated to Fighting Eco-Freaks    !

                    !     and Keeping Public Land Free!      !


        This issue at a glance...

        Barstow-to-Vegas '93 Update  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   2

        Tortoise Update  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   6

        The ULTIMATE Eco-WEAPON!  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   7

        Species Inventory = LAND GRAB!  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   8

        MORE Greenpeace Money Laundering!  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  10

        Animal Rights Homos .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  13

        CA Wildfire Facts!  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  15

        MORE Sierra Club Hyprocrisy! .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  15

        NAMBLA in the White House .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  15

        Hanoi Jane Your UN Rep?   .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  16

        Klinton EXPOSE!  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  18

        E C O - F R E A K S!  The video .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  23

        Other Sahara Club goodies .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  24

                                     Page 1

        "There's only one way to kill capitalism - by taxes, taxes and more

        taxes."  --- Karl Marx


                            BARSTOW TO VEGAS PROTEST RIDE - 1993


        Hundreds show up on Thanksgiving weekend to protest BLM/Sierra Club

        desert closure!



        By Rick Sieman


           Henry Bisson, the new District manager of the Bureau of Land

        Management, found himself between the legendary rock and the hard

        place.  On one hand, he had a court order from a Federal Judge

        forcing him to allow us (off-roaders and Sahara Club members) to

        hold a protest ride on the traditional Thanksgiving weekend race

        celebrating the Barstow to Vegas classic.


          On the other hand, he had just received a blistering letter from

        the Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund, promising to sue if he allowed

        the Protest Ride to happen.


           What, oh what, was poor Henry to do?


           He scratched his bureaucratic head in confusion, then came up

        with a fragment of a brainstorm.  He would let the protesters ride

        a small distance - about three miles out past the legendary Line of

        Death, and then loop back to the starting line.  That, thought

        Henry, ought to satisfy the Eco-Freaks at the Sierra Club.


           Well, it did, but it didn't satisfy our eagle-eyed lawyer, Alan

        Ghaleb, who pointed out that the Supreme Court decided that no

        agency could determine in what manner you could hold a protest.  So

        he was forced to let us ride some kind of B to V course.


           As it turned out, the BLM agreed to ribbon off a trail from the

        "official six mile loop", directly over to Afton Canyon and the

        Mojave Road, much of which was the actual course that ran from 1967

        through 1972.


          This was astonishing!  During the last few years, we were forced

        to hold our Protest Ride down a boring fire-road leading to the

        Nevada state line.  Now, we were going to able to ride on a genuine

        off-road course ... and a historical one at that.


           The only problem was that if the Sierra Club found out about it,

        they'd more than likely pull a last-minute temporary restraining

        order to stop the ride.  So we kept everything low key, and only

        told the riders who had applied for an exemption from the desert

        closure order to simply be patient, and show up that weekend, ready

        to ride.


           Think about this for a moment:  The Sierra Club used all their

        clout and legal threats to keep us from riding down a graded road

        that was open to the public for normal transportation every other

        day of the year, and in the process, we got to ride on a course

        that was magnificent.  Even better, it was marked and ribboned by

        the BLM for us!


           No doubt, the sounds of head banging against walls could be

                                     Page 2

        heard at the Sierra Club offices the next Monday.  


           To check out the pulse of the Sierra Club about what happened,

        a few Sahara Club members called up the Sierra Club offices passing

        themselves off as concerned eco-freaks, and bitched loud and long

        about what happened.  The Sierra Club people went ballistic!  When

        they found out that their plans to squelch our ride back-fired on

        them, they were reduced to a stuttering apologetic group of



           Then, to add some fuel to the flames, the same sneaky Sahara

        Club members placed some calls to the new Barstow area BLM manager,

        a supposedly neutral lady named Karla Swanson.  Again, passing

        ourselves off as disgruntled Sierra Clubbers, we complained

        bitterly about the fact that the off-roaders were able to ride the

        near-pristine Mojave Road course.


          Here are the exact words quoted from the "neutral" Ms. Swanson:

        "We could close the entire goddamn desert on Thanksgiving weekend

        and they would find a way around it."  We apologize for Ms.

        Swanson's profanity.


           Badgering Ms. Swanson even more, she finally told us how to stop

        the off-roaders once and for all.  Quote:  "Get out there and find

        some evidence.  Get your people out there and take photos or

        videos, whatever.  Give us the evidence and we could consider

        whether or not we can close the Mojave Road, too, next year, to

        stop them."


           When we asked here if there was anything else we could do to

        stop those evil off-roaders, she offered yet some more help. 

        Quote:  "There are ways to deal with them.  Through state legis-

        lation, we could do it."


           And then, detecting a touch of resignation in our mournful

        voices, she gave us a pep talk, ending up with this actual quote: 

        "Don't give up!"


           For the record, all of this conversation with Ms. Swanson took

        place between 12:33 and 12:39 P.M. on Monday, November 29, 1993.


           Well, well, well.  It seems that Ms. Swanson, a person who

        swills at the taxpayers trough, is more one-sided than a mirror. 

        And it certainly demonstrates just how willing the BLM is to bend

        over backwards any time the Sierra Club makes some noise.  




           On that Saturday morning in question, about 400 people showed up

        at the Alvord Road crossing near the freeway, about 20 miles East

        of Barstow.  It was cold and clear, but the weatherman promised

        near perfect riding conditions later in the day.


           Keith Collins, the man who had purposely been arrested during

        last years Protest Ride, arranged quite a spectacular affair for

        this year.  A stage was put up and a loudspeaker system installed. 

        About 20 speakers talked to the gathered crowd, including folks

        from CORVA, The Blue Ribbon Coalition, Chuck Diaz (from Speak Up

        America), Teresa Platt (from the American Tuna Fishing Industry),

        yours truly from the Sahara Club, the off-road lawyer, Alan Ghaleb,

                                     Page 3

        Louis McKey (the famed Phantom Duck of the Desert) and a long line

        of folks representing a cross section of good solid groups.


          The theme was consistent:  Our freedoms were slowly, but surely,

        being taken away, and the situation would only get worse with the

        current administration in power.  Teresa Platt was especially

        powerful in her speech, when she noted that 3/4th of the planet was

        ocean, and that the fishing industry was being decimated by the

        "Greens", using many of the same techniques they are using against

        us off-roaders.


           Alan Ghaleb pointed out to the gathered crowd that the land we

        were prohibited from riding on, was open every other day of the

        year, and that the BLM simply closed it down on this weekend to

        satisfy the demands of the Sierra Club.  He noted it was a clear 

        suppression of the First Amendment violating freedom of expression

        and speech.


           Keith Collins is to be congratulated for putting in a ton of

        work to make the Protest Ride a genuine forum for all these groups

        to meet and get the word out to people.  Hopefully, this event will

        grow and grow, until it becomes a mammoth happening.


           If this occurs, the politicians in power will be unable to

        ignore the voices of the off-road community.  However, if we sit on

        our hands and do nothing, the enemy will do anything and everything

        they want.


           You see, the Barstow to Vegas Protest Ride has become much more

        than a stubborn stance to keep a last gasp of life into a departed

        classic event.  It's become a battle line.  If we let it go here,

        we can simply kiss the desert goodbye as a place of recreation.


           With the specter of Feinstein's desert closure bill (S-21) on

        the horizon, we simply cannot sit back and wait for somebody else

        to do something.  We have to get loud, obnoxious and refuse to



           Like the Sahara Club speaker said:  "Like it or not, we are in

        a war with the enviros.  And we have to take the initiative.  From

        this point forward, we should start treating all those eco-freaks

        like they're axe murderers.  When you meet a Sierra Clubber, get

        right in their face.  Let them know you think their elitist snob

        actions are disgusting.  Yell at 'em!  Call them names.  Confront

        them.  Go to meetings and boo them when they speak.  Call up talk

        shows and jump down their throats when they try to spread their

        exclusionary propaganda.  Write letters telling people how they're

        trying to lock up land for their own use.  Intimidate them!  The

        time for politeness and courtesy is long gone."  




           Over 350 riders applied for an exemption to ride the closed area

        this year, and as usual, only a fraction of those who received

        approval showed up to ride.  According to the BLM head count (those

        signed up and given riding numbers), there were 79 legal protest

        riders.  However, another 40 plus rider decided to join us on the

        Mojave Road part of the ride, and they did it without the blessing

        of Big Brother.  The BLM had to grit their teeth about this, as

        that area was listed as open.  

                                     Page 4


           In order to prevent confusion, the BLM marked the trail from the

        protest area to and through Afton Canyon.  And they did a pretty

        fair job, hanging orange ribbon on the trees and bushes and putting

        arrows up for the major turns.  However, you could tell it was the

        job of rank amateurs, as most of the turn markers were way too

        close to the actual turn, indicating the Rangers had no idea of the

        speeds off-roaders typically could run.


           By 10:30, when most of the riders hit the trail, the temperature

        was perfect and the desert sky was bright blue.  There was no

        breeze at all, which meant that everybody ate dust from the lead

        rider in each individual small group.  


           From the start through the first 48 miles, the riders had to

        churn through deep sand and dodge rocks.  It was a genuine workout,

        especially compared to the boring Protest Rides of previous years. 

        The course wandered alongside and crossed under the freeway several



           After gassing up, the riders hit cross-grain, twisty fire-roads

        and rocky terrain for another 30 miles or so.  The last section

        leading into the Nevada state line was in bad shape, as the rains

        earlier in the year had created huge wash-outs across the regular

        trails.  Riders were forced to ride along the damage the nature had

        inflicted on the desert and search out ways around the blockades. 



           At Stateline, those who had completed the ride gathered and had

        a low-key celebration.  The usual bench-racing stories were

        exchanged and a few cold ones were tossed down.  As our group

        loaded up the bikes, we could see lights off in the distance, as

        stragglers and late-starters wandered down the mountain side,

        heading for Nevada.


           In retrospect, we all agreed that this Protest Ride was, quite

        possibly, the most successful yet.  Certainly, there was not the

        mammoth publicity and notoriety of previous rides.  But this year,

        it was actually organized, due to Keith Collins.  And for the first

        time, numerous other freedom fighting groups joined us and let

        their voices be heard.


           Barstow to Vegas dead and gone?  Hardly.  


           In fact, right now, in the Sierra Club headquarters, teeth are

        gnashing and they're wondering just what they're going to have to

        do to break the spirit of the off-roaders.  


           Maybe next year, after you've digested all that turkey, you

        might consider driving out to Barstow to join us.  Or you can just

        sit on your hands and let our use of the desert disappear.


           The choice, in the clearest language possible, is really up to






        HOMOS IN THE WHITE HOUSE  Clinton has appointed no less than 19

        acknowledged homosexuals to advisory positions.  That count only

                                     Page 5

        includes the ones who have come out of the closet.  Several others

        are known faggots, but keep the fact under wraps.  Some

        "borderline" people are Attorney General, Janet Reno, who is widely

        known in Florida gay circles as a regular, and Donna Shalala, who

        has a reputation as a bull-dyke.  Both have earned the wrath of the

        gay activists because they won't "come out". 





        SHOULD YOU DEFEND YOURSELF?  The anti-gun people tell you that if

        you use your gun to defend yourself from a criminal attack, chances

        are great that the criminal will more often than not, use the gun

        against you.  Wrong!  The National Crime Survey showed this

        happened less than one percent of the time.





        MORE GUN MYTHS!  You hear the touchy-feely, babble-talk, anti-gun

        whackos constantly tell you that more guns mean more accidents. 

        Here are some figures from the National Safety Council, BATF and

        U.S. Bureau of Census. "Since 1930, the number of fatal firearms

        accidents decreased 53, while the population doubled and the

        number of guns quadrupled".





        GAS-TLY FIGURES!  The State of California -  better know as

        Californicate - is ready to slip it to the consumer once again. 

        Not only will gas tax increase by one cent per gallon, diesel fuel

        will get nailed, too.  But here's the real kicker.  Folks who

        bought gas in 1993 to beat the price increase, will have to pay the

        new tax increase.  Lots of farmers and truckers stocked up at the

        old price, only to find out that Big Brother is going retroactive,

        just like Bill Clinton.  So if you have a few thousand gallons

        stored in a tank, keep it under wraps, as the state has

        investigators out in the field.





        DESERT TORTOISE UPDATE  A Las Vegas resident, Arline Wergin, was

        recently fined $1000 and given one years probation.  Her crime? 

        She was caught with 17 juvenile and six adult tortoises in her

        possession.  Now think about this for a moment:  The Sahara Club

        Four were arrested for riding dirt bikes in an alleged desert

        tortoise area, and the government demanded a $100,000 fine and

        wanted to jail Rick Sieman for two years.  The ride took place when

        the desert tortoise was hibernating and the Sahara Club protest

        riders were on legal fire roads.  Let's see if we can get this

        straight;  a woman takes 23 desert tortoises and gets off with a

        slap on the wrist.  We ride by an area they live in, and they want

        our balls nailed to a cross.






                                     Page 6

        THE ULTIMATE ECO-WEAPON!  Forget the Spotted Owl, the Gnatcatcher,

        the Fringe-Toed Lizard, and all the rest of the endangered species. 

        We know they're causing us all sorts of grief, but they're nothing

        compared to the nightmare that's poised on the horizon.


           Courtesy of the Clinton Eco-thugs, and being pushed by Bruce

        "Babble-Talk" Babbitt, head of the Dept. of the Interior, the

        nightmare is the National Biological Survey.


           If this becomes law (and it's being considered now as H.R.

        1845), you can just kiss private property rights goodbye.  H.R.

        1845 is a bizarre attempt to count each and every living thing in

        the United States. Every frog, fish, bird, plant, fern, mushroom,

        tree, bug, spider, and bush.  


           Why are they trying to do something this goofy?  So they can

        then exert total and complete control of all land in the United

        States, under the guise of environmental protection.  


           If you think we're joking, consider these examples of

        governmental abuse that have already taken place:


        *  A Pennsylvania family was prevented from selling its 127 acre

        farm after the property was designated a wetland.  Worth almost

        $200,000, the family received no compensation from the government

        for the land.  They were also told that no changes could be made to

        their land without government approval.


        *  A farmer in Minnesota had two large potholes on his land caused

        by glaciers.  He filled one of them in to make it possible to farm

        that area.  The government fined him $45,000 and ordered him to dig

        out the hole he had filled in.


        *  A Maryland homeowner suffered huge economic losses because of

        the presence of the endangered puritan tiger beetle on the

        property.  Their water-front home had a bad erosion problem and

        they were trying to fill in the dangerous chasms, but the federal

        government forced them to stop the fill-in, because it might

        endanger the beetle.  Since then, a 15-foot section of their home

        fell into the Chesapeake Bay.


        *  In perhaps the most glaring example of eco-lunacy, a Houston

        highway project was stopped dead in its tracks because a long-

        abandoned eagle's nest was discovered.  Not only that, but your tax

        dollars were further wasted by creating a new eagle sanctuary for

        the non-existent birds.


        *  More Texas rumblings:  A federal court ruled that the Endangered

        Species Act requires that water at two springs that feed the water

        supply of San Antonio, be maintained fully.  This means that if San

        Antonio has any sort of drought (common in that area), their water

        supply will be reduced by 68 percent.  All this to protect someth-

        ing call the Fountain Darter.


           If H.R. 1845 becomes law, you can look forward to more and more

        of this kind of insanity from Big Brother and the Eco-thugs.


           Thanks to Spotlight newspaper for the data.



                                     Page 7



        PRYING EYES AND SNOOPING FINGERS   The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation

        has asked farmers in the San Joaquin Valley (Calif.) for permission

        to search their properties for rare animals and plants.  This marks

        the first time the federal government has aggressively looked for

        protected plants and animals on private property.  

           Only a handful of farmers (240) have agreed to allow the search,

        and the bulk of them are scared to death, and rightfully so.  Who

        can forget the case of the Kern County rancher who had his land

        seized to protect it because of a rare flowering plant?  After a

        three year battle, the rancher won the right to keep his land, but

        he spent a fortune in the process.  


           He was lucky.  Other farmers and ranchers have been forced to

        set other land aside and "restore" the habitat, in order to get

        permission to use a certain piece of their own land.  This can

        literally cost them thousands of dollars per acre.


           Why don't all the land-owners refuse the inspection?  Simple. 

        Because if they don't allow an inspection, the government will

        assume the land contains valuable habitat.  Aerial surveys will

        soon follow, and all they need is the merest hint of a threatened

        species to put the bureaucratic wheels into motion.






        WHY ISN'T THIS MAN IN JAIL?  Representative Gerry Studs, an

        admitted faggot, was caught performing oral sex on a young

        congressional page a few years ago.  He was censured by the House

        of Representatives, but is still in office. Naturally, this "Butt-

        Pirate" is a Clinton backer and a real favorite of Hillary and her






        MONEY DOWN THE TUBES   Want to know where all the tax money goes? 

        For starters, think about this fact:  Since the EPA act of 1969,

        we've spent an average of $115 Billion per year to clean things up. 







        SOUNDS LIKE A GOOD IDEA TO US   If the fine print in the

        government's wetlands policy was followed, the entire eastern half

        of the state of Arkansas would be designated as a wetland, which

        means it could not be used for any commercial or agricultural

        activity.  The whole damned half of the state would become a wild-

        life preserve.  How about it, Slick Willy?  Are you ready to stick

        it to your home folks the same way you stick it to your girl-






                                     Page 8


        dazzled by the new levels of pure dumbness that come from Clinton

        and his new-age advisors.  The latest:  Clinton just signed a

        resolution that "apologizes on behalf of the people of the United

        States to the people of Hawaii for the role U.S. agents played in

        the overthrow of the Hawaiian kingdom in 1893".






        LET'S LEGALIZE STUPIDITY  Our goofy-assed Surgeon General, Joycelyn

        Elders, came out in favor of legalizing drugs a short time ago. 

        Not surprisingly, soon after that, her 26 year old son was arrested

        on felony drug charges.  





        GUN FACTS  There are an estimated 200 million guns in the United

        States, and of these, approximately 60 to 70 million are handguns. 

        Deaths from guns via crime, suicide and accidents, come to about

        30,000 per year.  This, in effect, makes guns less dangerous than



           Compare the 30,000 deaths per year against the fact that there

        are almost 650,000 instances each year of people defending

        themselves with guns against criminals.


           Countries with low gun ownership have many more residential

        burglaries and break-ins than countries with high gun ownership.





        JAPANESE GUN FACTS  Anti-gun people try to tell you that getting

        rid of guns will eliminate (or lessen) violence.  Hmmm.  Maybe not. 

        Consider the fact that citizens of Japan have no legal access to

        guns, but their combined murder and suicide rates are higher than

        those of the United States.





        FLORIDA GUN FACTS  When Florida made it legal to carry concealed

        weapons (with a permit), homicides fell dramatically.  The same

        thing happened in Oregon.







        ON THE COURSE OF CIVILIZATION, by Charles Adams:  "In 1789, the

        French revolutionists herded up collectors accused of bilking the

        public.  When they were unable to produce a quick, satisfactory

        accounting, the guillotine was put into operation.  No tears were

        shed when their heads flopped  into the basket."


           We're certainly long over-due for a tax-payers revolt in this

                                     Page 9

        country.  And, as Adams points out in his book:  "Good governments

        use their tax powers sparingly.  Bad ones prop themselves up by

        extorting money from the public."





        FUN GUN FACTS   When a house-breaker came into Bessie Jones house,

        he got a well-deserved welcome;  a 38 caliber bullet in the throat. 

        What was unique about this situation was the fact that Bessie is 92

        years old and confined to a wheelchair.  Dial 911, my ass!  Good

        shot, Bessie.







        Greenpeace have shifted tens of millions of dollars from the

        suckers who contribute funds to them, to secret bank accounts. 

        Even more surprising is that these tax-deductible funds are now

        earning big bucks for the Greenpeace officers in numbered accounts. 

        The profit is split among the Greenpeace leaders and no tax is



           All this and more was brought to light in a new documentary film

        by Magnus Gudmundsson, the Icelandic filmmaker.  Titled "Crack in

        the Rainbow", the powerful documentary blows the lid off the

        Greenpeace movement.  Gudmundsson had a spy in Greenpeace. Frans

        Kotte, former chief accountant of Netherlands Greenpeace, was able

        to track the movement of money raised in several nations.


           Kotte exposed the existence of secret bank accounts with tens of

        millions of dollars that had BEEN SKIMMED from contributions to

        Greenpeace campaigns.  The money came from Save the Whales, Save

        the Rainforests and Save the Ozone Layer campaigns.


           In addition to revealing the skimmed money, the film also proves

        that Greenpeace gives money to Earth First, the eco-terrorist group

        that recently had members jailed in an attempt to blow up a nuclear

        power plant in Arizona.  


           So if you think that you're helping to "Save Willy the Whale"

        when you give money to Greenpeace, think again.  Your hard-earned

        money is going into the pockets of Uta Bellieon (chairman of

        Greenpeace) and her cronies, and some of it is being funneled to



           Last note:  The film also exposed the fact that Greenpeace

        bribed members of the International Whaling Commission with a $5

        million slush fund.  


          To obtain a copy of this film, you can call the following number

        in Denmark:  45-35-37-32-00.







                                     Page 10

        line-backer shaped Attorney General, recently issued an order to

        discard the long-standing FBI anti-homosexual hiring policy.  The

        question is, why did Reno step in this potential can of worms?


           Rumor has it that a gay organization in Florida threatened to

        expose to the press that Reno is a lesbian, unless she did

        something substantial to help the gay movement.  Our prediction: 

        Watch for Reno to "come out of the closet" within the year.





        THANKS AGAIN TO BOB ELLER  Bob continues to keep a steady flow of

        information to the Sahara Club offices.  It's genuinely

        appreciated, Bob.





        YOUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK  Retired Col. John Shannon was forced to

        quit his high-ranking job at the Pentagon because the sticky-

        fingered thief got caught shop-lifting at the Fort Myers post

        exchange.  After confessing to the crime, Shannon was assigned to

        a class that counsels shoplifters.


           After completing the class, Shannon was then given a gravy job

        as a consultant to retired Maj. Gen. James Klugh, deputy

        undersecretary of defense for logistics.  


           Shannon now makes $85,000 per year, which is not bad for a

        shoplifter.  In actuality, he doesn't have to do anything on his

        job.  He just hangs around his office and collects a fat check.

          How did this all happen?  Perhaps it has something to do with the

        fact that his new "boss" was his former class-mate at the Army War

        College, and both men are black.  


           We got the inside scoop on this one from our Washington

        connection:  The word to give Shannon his post came from Clinton,

        who was pressured by the NAACP to not only take it easy on Shannon,

        but to cover his ass.  Since Clinton has been angering the NAACP as

        of late, this little "pay-back" got them to agree to get off his

        case.  In fact, the entire affair was handled in a very hush-hush

        manner, until Robert D. Novak spilled the beans on it in his







        ONE MORE NAIL IN THE COFFIN  The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, in

        yet another blow to humanity, has decided that a snail the size of

        a grain of sand, must be protected at all costs.  Found in

        southwest Idaho, the snail lives in springs and underground water. 

        This water is shared with farmers in the 21,000 acre area.  Without

        this water used for irrigation, there can be no life in the area.


           So the U.S.F.W.S. has declared that the snail is endangered and

        that farmers can no longer use any of that water.  Even worse, they

        said that cattle grazing must be stopped, because it might have

        some sort of impact on the snails.

                                     Page 11


          In effect, they have said that all underground water in and

        around Bruneau, Idaho, can only be used by the snails.  Humans

        cannot even share it.


          Strangely, there's no evidence that the snails are threatened, or

        losing numbers.  But the Idaho Conservation League, the Committee

        for Idaho's High Desert and the Land and Water Fund for the

        Rockies, could care less.  They're the scum-balls who put the

        pressure on the Feds, who in turn, put the screws to the farmers. 

        These rat-bastards have just literally destroyed an entire






        CLINTON FOREST CUT-BACK  The so-called forest compromise from Slick

        Willy is anything but that.  Consider that his new "plan" calls for

        1.2 billion board feet of wood to be harvested, which is down from

        the normal five billion board feet.


           Translation:  Wood prices will sky-rocket, the cost for homes

        will go up another 15 to 20, jobs will be lost, and tax revenue

        will be lost.  All this from a draft-dodging, pot-smoking bubba

        from Arkansas, who's incapable of keeping his pecker in his pants.





        MORE OZONE FACTS  The eco-nuts keep telling you that we're

        destroying the ozone layer and the increased UV rays are going to

        give us all skin cancer.  Who better to comment on this but the

        U.S. National Cancer Institute?  Their findings show, that since

        1974, UV radiation levels have been falling, not rising.






        CLINTON-GORE GIVING YOUR MONEY AWAY   At a World Bank Meeting,

        Clinton and Gore sent word that the U.S. (meaning you and me) would

        be a major donor to the new $3.9 billion Global Environment

        Facility.  Almost all of the money will come from us, and will be

        funneled to Third World governments to "protect biodiversity".


           This means that the savages who run countries like Zambia and

        Zaire will receive buckets and buckets of your tax dollars, and

        it'll end up in their private numbered bank accounts.







        Sort of makes you wonder why the scientists at DuPont, who know the

        real truth about ozone, don't publicize the real facts.  Perhaps

        it's because DuPont is helping push the ozone scare to accelerate

        use of their patented (and expensive!) substitute for the lower

        cost CFC refrigerants.


                                     Page 12





        SAVE THAT SHARK?  From the Dept. of Fish and Game:  You are not

        allowed to fish for sport, or hunt, great white sharks without a

        permit, as of now.





        WATCH OUT ALABAMA!  It's going to hit residents of Alabama like a

        freight train, and you can plan on seeing the economy go right into

        the dumpster.  What on earth are we talking about?  Well, it seems

        that the Fish and Wildlife Service caught an Alabama Sturgeon,

        which was considered extinct.  If the fish gets listed as

        endangered (just about guaranteed), this would halt the dredging of

        rivers in southern Alabama, which would cost the state billions of

        dollars and thousands of lost jobs over the next decade.





        ANIMAL RIGHTS UPDATE  Hold on to your hats, folks.  The Post Office

        was in the process of bringing out some stamps with rodeo themes. 

        However, due to a massive campaign by the animal rights ass holes,

        the spineless mutt-heads at the Post Office relented and withdrew

        their plans. The Humane Society was behind the push.  If this

        irritates you, consider dropping a line to the Postmaster General,

        Marvin Runyon, 475 L'Enfant Plaza SW, Washington, DC  20260, and

        tell him what a cowardly dick-head he is.







        SIERRA CLUB CAUGHT IN MONEY SCAM!  Well, well, well ... it looks

        like the saviors of the planet got their genitals caught in their

        zippers.  Authorities in New Mexico and California are

        investigating what happened to a $100,000 gift given to the Sierra

        Club Foundation to help poor sheepherders in New Mexico.  


           It appears that the money was used to purchase luxury property

        in San Francisco, and was never even reported on their tax return.


           To say that the Sierra Club is running scared is an under-

        statement.  They've already spent more than the $100,000 in legal

        fees trying to avoid coughing up the real facts.





        ANIMAL RIGHTS LEADERS ARE HOMOS  The people who run PETA (People

        for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) are gender-confused, as well

        as human-haters.  Ingrid Newkirk, the PETA National Director, is a

        known lesbian and regularly hands out her literature at gay rights

        events and marches.  


           But the real flaming faggot of the movement, is the Director of

                                     Page 13

        International Campaigns, Dan Mathews.  Mathews has been arrested

        numerous times for his outrageous tactics, including parading

        around at a Paris fur show buck-assed naked, and waving his dick at

        the crowd.  


           Recently, OUT MAGAZINES, (a radical pro-homosexual publication),

        featured Mathews in an article entitled:  "Our Demands:  What Do

        Gay Men and Lesbians Want?"


           Mathews answered the question like any good animal

        rights/vegetarian/homosexual would:  "All vagitarians should be

        vegetarians, and the only meat fags should eat is right between

        their legs.  And use cruelty-free, HIV-proof, non-animal-skin

        condoms - they save the lives of lambs and people."






        AND YOU WONDER WHY WE CALL THEM WHACKOS?  John Stahl is a devout

        environmentalist who uses hemp and kenaf instead of wood products. 

        But it doesn't stop there.  You see, John is the founder of the

        Church of the Living Tree.  Their philosophy is ..."We (the Church)

        worship the tree as the image of God ... (who we) understand  ...

        as all of life.  Cutting down trees is the greatest single mistake

        the human race has made in its entire history."


           Carrying the lunacy a bit further, we turn our attention to John

        Puxty from England, who suggests a tree ritual as self-therapy for

        Green Activists who may be losing touch with the earth.  His

        suggestion:  "Find a grove of birches and touch a number of them,

        and finally select one.  Stroke the leaves.  Talk gently to it as

        if it was something precious to you.  Then, when it seems right, go

        and sit a distance away, say 20 to 30 feet from your tree, and

        watch it."


           He relates about a woman who used his therapy:  "At first, I

        didn't feel anything, but as time went on, I felt that it was a

        master trying to tell me something.  Suddenly, everything was

        alive, the grass, air, wildflowers.  I felt  that they were more

        alive than me.  It was a funny feeling that instead of me looking

        at them, they were looking at me."





        HE REALLY DOESN'T INHALE. HONEST.  Slick Willy became infamous for

        his quote about trying pot, but not inhaling.  Here's something

        else you might not be aware of:  Big Bill is a closet cigar smoker. 

        He tells people that he simply chews on the cigars, but FBI guards

        say that they've seen the Slickster puffing away on the stogies.

        There has been no confirmation, however, about inhaling.





        HOMOSEXUAL RECRUITING?  At first, the gays just wanted to be left

        alone.  Then they demanded rights.  Next, they pushed for recogni-

        tion.  After that, the agenda was gay education in our schools to

        understand their life style.  But for years, they've said that

                                     Page 14

        recruiting was out of the question.  


           However, an article in the Village Voice by Donna Minkowitz, a

        lesbian activist, has been written in defense of recruiting kids to

        their life style.  Quotes Minkowitz: "Maybe kids could try on

        different forms of sexuality, as they now try on musical styles,

        career choices, and haircuts."





        WILDFIRE FACTS  The December 27/93 issue of the New American

        magazine has a powerful article on how the environmental rules and

        regulations caused the loss of hundreds of homes in California

        during the recent fires.  


           For example, home owners were not allowed to clear brush from

        around their homes, because it might disturb the habitat of the

        kangaroo rat, ground squirrel and/or gnatcatcher.


           One man, Michael Rowe, chose to "break the law" and carved a

        fire-break around his home.  Ironically, his was the only home in

        his area that was not destroyed in the blaze.  Believe it or not,

        he can face federal charges for carving the fire-break on his own



           The local eco-freaks were cold to the problems of the folks who

        lost their homes.  Eldon Hughes, a Sierra Club spokesman, noted: 

        "It (the fire) is not a disaster.  All of these areas evolved with



           John Bradley, former president of Sea and Sage Audubon, was un-

        bothered, too:  "The fire kind of cleaned things out.  It

        revitalizes and adds nutrients to the soil. Sometimes the soil can

        get too thick, even for some of the animals.  In this way, the

        cleaning out that the fire affords can have some good effects.


           You can get a copy of this issue (Volume 9, Number 26, for

        $2.50, plus $2.00 Postage and Handling - up to eight copies.  The

        address:  THE NEW AMERICAN, 770 Westhill Blvd., Appleton, WI  54914 

        (414) 749-3784.



        ... ta da ....Dan Rather!  Dan earned his coveted award when he and

        co-host, Connie Chung, were interviewing Bill Clinton and Rather

        made the following statement:  "If we could be one-hundredth as

        great as you and Hillary Rodham Clinton have been in the White

        House, we'd take it right now and walk away winners."


           Rumor has it that it took nearly half an hour to pry Rather's

        lips loose from Clinton's bung-hole, and there was a brown shit-

        stain on his face ranging from his nose to the bottom of his chin.






        Northwest regional director of the Sierra Club.  He is also a

        pompous hypocrite.  As a major player in an organization that wants

        to cripple logging in this country, it's sort of odd to find out

                                     Page 15

        that Arthur cut down over 85,000 board feet of trees on his land.


           When caught in the act by the press, Arthur tried to cop out and

        said:  "It was a selective cut.  The area was just thinned out a



           Not so, said lumberjack Steve Jones, who was paid to use his

        chain saw on the timber.  "Stumps don't lie."


           Backing that up was the observation of Ken Kohli of the Forest

        Industry Ass'n:  "They took out 90 percent of the volume on that



           Even more outrageous is the fact that much of the timber that

        was cut, was old growth stuff.  Worse yet:  Arthur sold his timber

        to Global Pacific Forest Products, a major exporter of timber.  For

        years, the Sierra Club has been bitching about the amount we sell

        abroad, and here's this butt-head hypocrite violating everything he

        claims to stand for.  Truly astonishing!





        THE CLINTON/FAGGOT CONNECTION  Bill Clinton's personal

        representative to the UN Economic and Social Council voted in favor

        of granting "consultive status" to the International Lesbian and

        Gay Association (ILGA).  What you didn't read in the press was the

        fact that a member group of that organization is NAMBLA, the North

        American Man-Boy Love Association.  NAMBLA has one purpose, and

        they happily promote the fact that they want to legalize sex

        between adult men and young under-age boys.  In other words, NAMBLA

        is a pedophile group.  


           Nice move, Slick Willy.  You have just given "consultive status"

        to a bunch of child sodomizers.





        FORMER COMMIE NOW A GREENIE   Whatever happened to the former head

        of the Soviet Union, Michail Gorbachev?  What else?  He's now head

        of the International Green Cross, an eco-freak organization that

        lives off our tax dollars to "promote environmental awareness" in

        developing countries.






        MISSING BIKE - REWARD FOR RETURN!  We try to help out Sahara Club

        members any which way we can, and here's a member who could use

        some information on getting his dirt bike back.  Patrick Miller was

        at the Baja 1000 race in Mexicali, Baja, and had his bike stolen

        from him.


           Patrick will cough up $1000 for return of the bike, no questions

        asked.  Here's the info:


           1991 Husaberg 350 four-stroke

           White, with blue and yellow side panels

                                     Page 16

           Gray saddle 

           Vehicle # - YU7FE350IM0000081

           Engine # - 1020080   


           Patrick Miller - Owner - (619) 631-4689

           Ron Bishop - M/C Dealer - (619) 747-1360

           Rick Sieman/Baja phone - 011-52-661-33480





        HILLARY AND HER RADICAL PAST  President Clinton and her husband,

        Bill, are trying to cover up some of the dumber things Hillary did

        in recent years.  Like this, for example:  As director of the New

        World Foundation (1987-88), Hillary voted to give a $5000 grant to

        El Salvador's Marxist FMLN terrorist group.  In 1988, the NWF

        popped another sizable grant to the Committee in Support of the

        People of El Salvador (CISPES), the U.S. support group for the





        THE UN IN ACTION   The ugliest rumors to ever hit the pike about

        the United Nations are being circulated in the dark corridors of

        Washington, and no, you won't read about it in your local

        newspaper, or see Peter Jennings report it on the evening news.  


           It seems that certain UN high-up officials have been frequenting

        a brothel in Bosnia that use captive Muslim and Croat women as its

        whores, against their will.  It's also said the UN troops were used

        to transport the women from the refugee camps to the brothel. 

        Worse.  UN staff vehicles are often used to transport the unwilling

        prostitutes to the residences of the UN officials, and then back to

        the brothel.  Bosnian  UN ambassador, Muhamed Sacirbey,  has

        repeatedly asked Clinton for help with this problem, but Clinton

        will not take his calls.  Say, Muhamed, why don't you give Hillary

        a phone call?





        YOUR TAX DOLLARS HARD AT WORK  Late news flash:  The CIA is

        currently buying Stinger missiles from Afgan freedom fighters for

        $100,000 each.  This is strange, since we gave them to the rebels

        for free a few years ago.  More odd is the fact that it costs us

        about $25,000 to produce a Stinger missile in the US.  So why are

        we buying the damned things back?





        WHY IS ARAFAT TRYING TO MAKE PEACE?  Confusing, is it not?  Here's

        the old-time PLO leader, trying like a real Boy Scout to make peace

        in the Middle East.  It makes you wonder if there's something

        behind it all.  Could it be that Yassar Arafat has asked the U.S.

        for $6 billion in aid?  Guess what?  Israel wants even more!





                                     Page 17


        the airheaded bimbo, Jane Fonda, who went to North Vietnam during

        the conflict, and told Americans to pray for communism, has just

        been appointed as special goodwill ambassador to the United



           Who appointed this scatter-brained bitch to the post?  Why, none

        other than the Slickster, Bill Clinton.  However, rumors abound

        that Hillary was behind the appointment.  






        REMEMBER THE $200 HAIRCUT?  Yeah, a big stink was made of that and

        the press had a field day.  Why then, have they not picked up on

        the fact that Bill Clinton has hired (with your tax dollars) an

        Italian chef named Bruno Bartoli, at a salary of $10,000 a month? 


           Slick Willy is also having wine and food flown in from Italy on

        U.S. military aircraft.  In addition, the chef will be given a five

        day vacation each month, and again, military aircraft will fly him

        to and from Italy.  





        ARE WE RUNNING OUT OF OIL?  Hardly.  According to the SKS News

        Update, the world has a surplus of one trillion barrels of oil, a

        50 year supply based on 1992 usage rates.





        ASBESTOS IDIOCY  In December, several bags of asbestos-contaminated

        waste material fell out of a flat-bed truck onto the San Francisco

        Bay Bridge.  The bridge was immediately shut down to all traffic in

        both directions while the authorities tried to figure out what to



           An asbestos expert in Washington was called, and he told them to

        simply wash the material off the bridge into the water.  The

        authorities were aghast and paranoid about causing cancer from the



           The expert explained that the rocks in the bed of the San

        Francisco Bay are rich in asbestos, and the amount to be hosed off

        the bridge would make do difference whatsoever to the quality of

        the water.  


           Naturally, the advice was not followed, because the authorities

        were ingrained to believe the hysterical babblings of the eco-

        fanatics, rather than the scientist.  






        SPECIAL THANKS TO SPECIAL PEOPLE!  Some Sahara Club members send in

        a bit extra when they re-new, or order some SC goodies.  Believe us

                                     Page 18

        folks, it really helps.  The cost of printing and mailing the

        newsletter alone is high, and we run up some pretty serious phone

        bills as we accumulate the inside information from our various



        The following people helped with more than a little extra:


        *   Jim (J-Dog) Hertogh, Costa Mesa, CA

        *   Thomas and Jean Jackson, Fort Collins, CO

        *   Mark Von Mettenheim, St. Anthony, ID

        *   Rich and Karen Bryant, Ridgecrest, CA

        *   Gary Gump, Terrebonne, OR

        *   Jim Cogswell, Lompoc, CA

        *   Martin Allen, Dallas, TX

        *   Harry Benoit, Pittsburgh, PA

        *   Bill Koble, Newark, NJ

        *   Dan Hunt, New Orleans, LA








           Unless you've been living on Mars lately, you've heard about the

        Bill Clinton sex scandal. Several Arkansas State Troopers say they

        had to shuffle Slick Willy around to and from meetings with his

        girlfriends, and even stood guard while he was having sex with

        them.  All this on the state government payroll time.


           American Spectator magazine released the story, which was well

        researched, and the media finally picked up on it.  Now, the nation

        is tittering and laughing behind Clinton's back.  He's made a

        mockery of the office of President, and is now an easy target for

        late night talk show comics.






           Here's the bombshell:  CLINTON HAS AN ILLEGITIMATE CHILD!  But

        the most amazing thing about the entire story, is that the mother

        is a black prostitute named Bobbie Ann Williams.  


        Bobbie Ann Williams, a Little Rock prostitute, is the mother of

        Clinton's child.


           Williams normally worked the red-light district of Little Rock,

        using her apartment near Main and 17th St. as a base.  The area is

        also a well-known drug neighborhood.


           Slick Willy met Bobbie Ann Williams when she was 21 and had only

        been in the hooking business a short time.  Since the red light

        district in Little Rock is only a few blocks from the Governor's

        Mansion, and Clinton was notorious for cruising that area at nights

        looking for very young hookers, it was only a matter of time before

        he ran into Bobbie Ann.


           Williams was hustling on Spring Street with two other hookers,

        when Bill Clinton came jogging by in a gray sweat suit.  The

                                     Page 19

        Slickster, attracted to the young black girl, just stopped to talk

        with her and traded a few harmless jokes about hustling and sex.


           A few days later, Clinton drove by in a government car and

        picked Bobbie Ann Williams up.  She gave him oral sex in the back 

        of the car, and Bill liked it so much, he gave her a $140 tip.  Her

        asking price was $60 ... a standard fee for a good-looking hooker

        in that area.  Bobbie Ann told her friends that Clinton never

        stopped talking while she was servicing him, and got an obvious

        kick out of using rank and rowdy language.


           A few weeks later, Bill cruised through the area again, and

        picked up all three of the hookers;  Bobbie Ann Williams and her

        two working friends.  He made them a fantastic offer, dollar-wise. 

        He offered them $400 each if they would all get together and have

        a four-way party with him.


           Bill picked the three hookers up about seven o'clock that night,

        in a big white limo with heavily tinted windows.  It's rumored that

        Arkansas State Trooper, Buddy Young, was at the wheel that night,

        since later on, Bobbie Ann Williams identified him from a photo.


           Clinton took the hookers to his mother's home near Hot Springs,

        Arkansas, a place he regularly used for partying when his mother

        was out of town.  The driver stayed in the car, while Clinton took

        the three hookers inside to a bedroom.


           Bobbie Ann Williams testified that ..."we began playing around. 

        He ordered us to constantly change sexual positions and play

        lesbian, while he watched us girls make love to one another.  That

        seemed to really turn him on, and then he joined in.  He had a

        condom, but suddenly threw it away, saying that he didn't like

        them.  When it was over, he gave us each a tip of $50."


           This tale of goat-like debauchery was initially given to

        reporters Ken Harrell and Bob Boyd.  Being suspicious, they

        insisted that Williams take a lie detector test.  She passed on

        every question!


           To double check her story, the reporters followed her directions

        on how she got to Clinton's mother's home in Hot Springs. They

        talked with neighbors living next to the house, and both Mrs. Effie

        Kirby and Darlene Lewis said that Clinton often brought friends to

        his mother's home when she was out of town.  They also noted that

        State Trooper, Buddy Young, was always the driver of the car, more

        often than not, a state vehicle.


           Williams stated that she had sex with Clinton 13 times, then

        became pregnant by him.  She noted that Clinton continued to have

        sex with her even when she was obviously very, very pregnant.  Most

        of the sex was oral, both to and from Bill.


           When the child was born (and named Danny), it was obvious that

        he was a mixture:  half black and half white.  Lucille Bolton, the

        sister of Bobbie Ann Williams, agreed that the child was sired by

        Clinton.  And she added:  "As Danny got older, he started looking

        more and more like the governor.  Danny is Bill Clinton's boy. 

        I've known it since I've laid eyes on him.  All you have to do is

        lay eyes on him and you know it, too."  Williams grandmother backed

        up Lucille Bolton's story.

                                     Page 20


        Danny Williams, Bill Clinton's illegitimate son.  Not the

        astonishing facial similarities!


          It's interesting to note that Bill Clinton has never denied the

        charge of having a son by Bobbie Ann Williams.


           However, Bobby Ann Williams and her poor son have virtually

        disappeared from sight.  Speculation reigns.  Did The Slickster pay

        her off to be quiet?  Was she threatened to keep her mouth shut? 

        Even though many rumors abound, the most logical one is that

        Clinton has put her up in her own home and supports her secretly. 





           Not by a long shot!  Here are some more stunning revelations to

        mull over:


        *  Larry Nichols, Clinton's top aid when he was governor, filed a

        suit against his ex-boss in Federal Court on October 25, 1990. 

        Among the claims in that suit were charges that Clinton carried on

        affairs with two women, Deborah Mathis and Lencola Sullivan.


           Clinton settled the case out of court just  moments before it

        was ready to go to trail.  Nichols never retracted any of his

        charges of impropriety, and word has it that Clinton paid Nichols

        a large sum of money for his silence.


           Lencola Sullivan, who was voted Miss Arkansas in 1981, was moved

        to New York  when her sexual relationship with Clinton was leaked

        to the local newspapers.  Larry Nichols (Clinton's aid) said that

        Bill used to travel to New York at state expense, to visit his

        girlfriend.  At least three trips were chronicled by Nichols in his

        lawsuit, complete with state government records.




           Betsey Wright, Clinton's ex-secretary, said that 28 different

        women claimed that Clinton had sex with them, and that doesn't

        include the outrageous Gennifer Flowers affair, that made the pages

        of every paper and became fodder for the nightly TV-sleaze shows. 

        Fuel was added to the fire, when Flowers gave a detailed interview

        in Penthouse magazine.  


           Clinton never denied any of her claims, and has refused to

        respond to tapes she had made of their phone conversations.  Our

        connections in Washington say that Clinton is more upset about the

        fact that Flowers said he had a small penis, than anything else she

        said in the interview.  


           Slick Willy carried on a 12 year long affair with Flowers, and

        several times even screwed her in the Governor's Mansion while

        Hillary was out of town on business.  The Slickster started his

        affair with Flowers in October 1977, just about the time that

        Hillary was "experimenting" with alternate sex styles.


           State medical records show that Flowers had an abortion in

        February 1978, and she claimed in the medical report that Bill

        Clinton was the father.  Clinton pleaded with her to have the

                                     Page 21

        abortion to save his reputation, and he paid her a lump sum of

        money after she went through with it.  Billy also supported her in

        various ways, including money for cars, clothes, trips and jewelry. 


           Why Gennifer and Slick Willy broke up is pure conjecture, but

        most agree that Hillary laid the word down to Not-So-Slick Willy,

        that she was being humiliated by his extracurricular activities. 

        It's not that she really cared, but she hated being told about it

        by her girlfriends.


           Which brings us, sadly,  to the current scandal; Slick Willy has

        had no less than four Arkansas State Troopers come forward and say

        that he screwed around on state time, using state vehicles, state

        buildings and wasting state money.


           Only one of these charges was denied by Bill Clinton in  a

        recent television statement:  The one about illegally using state

        money.  You might be surprised to find out that was the only charge

        that is a felony.


           All the other less serious charges are simply examples of trash

        behavior by a scandalous lout.  But behavior that should - with any

        luck at all - lead to the impeachment of Bill Clinton.  




                                     Page 22

                               The Video Tape That

                              Dares To Tell It All!


                              E C O - F R E A K S !


        It's brutal, ugly, honest, revealing and shocking enough to yank

        your eyeballs wide open.  ECO-FREAKS! tells the real story behind

        the radical environmental movement.  Find out what makes it work...

        and who pushes the buttons.


        Do mainstream eco-groups support the radicals?  ECO-FREAKS gives you

        hard facts and real proof as to what's really going on.


        We've told you that all of the whackoids run together, and have the

        same goal of destroying our way of life.  The New Age nuts, militant

        vegetarians, anti-gun pukes, animal rights goofballs, tree

        worshipers, new world orcer pushers, human haters, pro-socialists,

        doom-sayers, homosexual rights activists, radical eco-Nazis,

        slobbering political correctness advocates, militant feminists and

        land closure fascists are all on the same path.


        ECO-FREAKS! shows what they really are... and how they manage to

        exert so much influence over the media.  Ever wonder why so many TV

        programs and movies push the eco-message?  This tape tells you how

        it all works, and who controls what you see and hear.


        But be warned!  ECO-FREAKS! contains graphic footage, nudity and

        profanity.  Not from us, but from the eco-crazies and their fellow

        travelers.  If you're easily offended, ECO-FREAKS is not for you.


        However, if you have a strong stomach, and want to find out the real

        truth, this is the source.


        Available only from the Sahara Club USA, Inc., for a donation of

        $20, which inclides postage.  Shipping takes 7 to 10 days.  If you

        want it sooner, add $5 and we'll rush it in a few days.  Foreign

        orders must include $10 extra for postage.


                              | 20 buck donation |


        +-[snip here!]-----------------------------------------------------+

        |                   SAHARA CLUB ORDER BLANK                        |

        |  4492 Camino De La Plaza, Suite 1251, San Ysidro CA 92173-3097   |

        |                                                                  |

        | Name____________________________________ Phone__________________ |

        | Address_________________________________________________________ |

        | City_____________________________ State_______ Zip______________ |

        |                                                                  |

        | Qty |                      Item                       | Donation |

        | ---------------------------------------------------------------- |

        | ____|_________________________________________________|_________ |

        | ____|_________________________________________________|_________ |

        | ____|_________________________________________________|_________ |

        | ____|_________________________________________________|_________ |

        | electronic media                                TOTAL |_________ |

        +-----------------------------------------------------[snip here!]-+


                                     Page 23



        PLEASE NOTE!  All profits go to the Sahara Club Legal Defense Fund.

        Right now, we are engaged in an ugly battle with the Bureau of Land

        Management in Federal Court.  What happens here can and will affect

        off-roaders across the country.  Suggested donations are just that;

        but if you want to help us fight with an extra buck or two, please



        SAHARA CLUB T-SHIRTS - Available in small, medium, large, XL & tent


        COLORS - #1 in black, red or blue with white image.  All others

                 available in white, light blue, or yellow, with black

                 image.  Barstow-to-Vegas Protest Ride shirt in white only

                 with red, white and blue image.


        PRICES -  T-shirts.... Donation $12   Sweatshirts... Donation $20

                  Tank Tops... Donation $12   Polo Shirts... Donation $20


        We pay the postage...


        1 - Choke an Earth Firster            2 - Plant a Sierra Clubber

        3 - Sahara Club - YES!                4 - Cranston Sucks

        5 - Barstow-to-Vegas Protest Ride     6 - TAXula & ECO-Stein


        SAHARA CLUB MUG SHOTS.  Now you can gag down your favorite brew with

        a touch of style, via an official Sahara Club mug.  Choose from

        three styles, guaranteed to offend the average eco-freak and send

        the serious one off to a shrink for some $75 per hour skull



        (blue on white)         (gold on black)       (black on white)

        Donation...  $8.00 per cup, includes postage in the US.  Outside US,

                     add $2.00 for postage.


        DUMP WILSON STICKERS NOW AVAILABLE.  If you're not too happy with

        "Eco-Pete" Wilson, then you certainly ought to be sporting one of

        these on your car, truck, or even your OHV.  Suggested donation is

        one buck each but you have to send us a stamped, self-addressed

        envelope.  Again, thanks to Big Terry for the idea.


                           O N E - T E R M   P E T E

                    Gov. Wilson: The Michael Dukakis of the West!


        SPECIAL SAHARA CLUB DEAL!  * One year membership to Sahara Club

        * T-shirt of your choice * Sahara Club hat * Five Sahara Club bumper

        stickers * Sahara Club mug - your choice

        The whole package is worth well over $50... Suggested Donation.. $40


        EARTH FIRST DEATH TRAP BOOKLET...Donation $5...  An actual workshop

        manual put out by the eco-freaks showing how to kill or maim

        off-roaders.  Ugly stuff that shows just how serious they are.


        SPECIAL AUDIO TAPES!!!............


        TAPE A - OUR FAMED ECO-FREAK STING OPERATION...  45 minute audio

        tape of our Sting Operation that has mainstream eco-groups caught in

                                     Page 24

        the act of contributing money to the "Earth First" terrorists.

        Listen to actual phone calls from "environmentalists" who want to

        get involved in a bogus felony mail fraud operation.  Lots of fun!

        Donation... $10


        TAPE B - EARTH FIRST VS SAHARA CLUB...  90 minute audio tape of

        Sahara Club president, Rick Sieman, going head-to-head with an Earth

        First whacko, on powerhouse radio station KFI - 640 AM...

        Donation... $10


        +-[snip here!]-----------------------------------------------------+

        |          SAHARA CLUB ORDER FORM/MEMBERSHIP APP. BLANK            |

        |  4492 Camino De La Plaza, Suite 1251, San Ysidro CA 92173-3097   |

        |                                                                  |

        | Name____________________________________________________________ |

        | Address_________________________________________________________ |

        | City_____________________________ State_______ Zip______________ |

        | Phone(s)________________________________________________________ |

        | Age______                                                        |

        |                                                                  |

        | Qty |                      Item                       | Donation |

        | ---------------------------------------------------------------- |

        | ____|_________________________________________________|_________ |

        | ____|_________________________________________________|_________ |

        | ____|_________________________________________________|_________ |

        | ____|_________________________________________________|_________ |

        | electronic media                                TOTAL |_________ |

        |                                                                  |

        | To help even more I'm enclosing an extra contribution -          |

        | over and above my dues - of                                      |

        | ___$10   ___$25   ___$50   ___$100   ___Other $_________________ |

        +-----------------------------------------------------[snip here!]-+



        Note: Use above order form for membership also ...








         Regular Newsletter * Membership Card * Sahara Club Bumper Sticker


        Make check payable to: THE SAHARA CLUB

                               4492 Camino De La Plaza, Suite 1251

                               San Ysidro, CA 92173-3097


                                     Page 25


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