Optimization and Configuration Tips For DR DOS 6.0


Optimization and Configuration Tips For

DR DOS 6.0






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First edition: September 1991


1.  Introduction                     1

 Memory Management Overview             2

 The DR DOS MemoryMAX System             2

 MemoryMAX System Commands and Drivers     4

 EMM386.SYS                             4

 HIDOS.SYS                             4

 EMMXMA.SYS                             5

 HIBUFFERS                             5

 HIDEVICE                             6

 HIDOS                                     6

 HIINSTALL                             6

 HILOAD                                     6

 MEMMAX                                     7

 Example                             8

 Conclusion                             8

2.  System Memory Optimization             9

 Changing Order of Memory Allocation     9

 Expanding Files                     10

 Example                             11

 LIM Page Frame                             11

3.  Troubleshooting                     13

 Isolating the Problem                     13

 Possible Problems                     14

 Insufficient Conventional Memory     15


 Computer will not boot or locks up     16

 Upper Memory Conflicts: Using /EXCLUDE     17

 The /EXCLUDE Option                     18

 Video Problems                             20

 Network Hardware Interfacing             20

 Floppy Drive Does Not Work             21

 SCSI Disk Drive Problems             21

 Expanded (EMS) Memory Problems             21

 Error message: Packed file is corrupt.     22

 Using EMM386.SYS with Windows             22

 Using Windows in Real mode             22

 Using Windows in Standard Mode             22

 The /WINSTD Switch                     22

 Using Windows in Enhanced Mode             23

 Using Super PC-Kwik and Windows 3.0     23

 Using SuperStor with Windows 3.0     24

 Using TaskMAX with Windows             25

 Using DISKOPT with Windows             25

 Using Super PC-Kwik                     25

 Size of Cache                             25

 Using Super PC-Kwik with Networks     26

 Troubleshooting Super PC-Kwik             27

 Using TaskMAX                             27

 Using SuperStor Disk Compression     28

 Installation Tips                     28


 Troubleshooting SuperStor             29

 Using Network Software             30

 The Novell NetWare Program             31

 Installation/Compatibility Considerations  32

 Server Installation                     32

 Workstation Installation             32

 Using TaskMAX with NetWare             33

 Using MemoryMAX with NetWare             33

 Memory Usage                             34

 Using HILOAD                             35

 Troubleshooting                     35

 Using Third-party Memory Managers     38

 Relocating the Kernel                     38

 Quarterdeck DESQview                     39

 The DR DOS 6.0 Version Numbers             40

 Using Large-capacity Hard Drives     42

 Using the DR DOS MEM Command             42

 Memory Management for Advanced Users     45

 The /LOMEMM Option                     45

 The /XBDA Option                     45

 The /VIDEO Option                     46

 The /AUTOSCAN and /INCLUDE Options     46

 The /Use Option                     46

 Final Notes                             47

4. Command Comparison                     49

1.  Introduction

THIS guide is provided by Digital Research as a supplement 

to the DR DOS 6.0 User Guide. It is designed 

to provide you with information, techniques, and extensive discussions 

regarding optimizing your configuration when using the DR DOS 6.0 

operating system.

If you have questions after installing the DR DOS 6.0 operating system, 

we recommend that you take the following steps:

1. Review the appropriate sections of the DR DOS 6.0 

User Guide, the ViewMAX User Guide, and the 

DOSBOOK online guide. These Guides should be the primary 

source for information about the DR DOS 6.0 operating system and for 

resolving most problems.

2. Read the readme file, which is included on one of 

the DR DOS diskettes, or the Release Notes, if included. They contain 

technical information that became available after the DR DOS 6.0 

User Guide was printed.

With the distribution diskette in your drive A:, you 

can read the file on your computer screen by entering the command:


To send a copy of the file to your printer, use the 



(The ">" symbol is on the same key as the period 

on U.S. keyboards.)

3. Before calling your dealer or support center for assistance, 

review this guide. Most problems that you will encounter can be quickly 

resolved using the information found in this guide.

Memory Management Overview

The purpose of a memory management system is to effectively manage 

the Random Access Memory (RAM) available on your computer and to maximize 

memory in which to load your applications. When personal computers 

were first introduced, they operated with as little as 64 kilobytes 

(Kbytes) of RAM. However, as PCs became more sophisticated and powerful, 

so did the application programs that ran on them. 

Today, modern applications frequently require 540 Kbytes of memory, 

or more, to load. Ten years ago, that amount of required RAM would 

have seemed vastly excessive. Many common configurations do not have 

sufficient memory for proper fractioning of large applications.

And, although today's computers typically have over 1 Mbyte of RAM 

available, only a portion of the first 640 Kbytes are available for 

DOS applications.  Device drivers and TSRs are also typically loaded 

into this area, reducing the memory available for an application.

Memory management software is designed to overcome the problem of 

insufficient conventional memory. The DR DOS memory management system 

is called MemoryMAX.

The DR DOS MemoryMAX System

The term MemoryMAX describes the collection of device drivers and 

commands that are used for memory management under the DR DOS 6.0 

operating system to take advantage of all RAM memory available 

on your computer.

The MemoryMAX system is designed to free-up as much conventional memory 

as possible.  It achieves this goal by utilizing certain previously 

unused areas of high and lower memory and by remapping and moving 

other memory areas. 

The MemoryMAX system extends the amount of memory available to applications, 

so that even with network drivers and TSRs loaded, there can still 

be 620 Kbytes, or more, conventional memory available. However, the 

exact amount of additional memory that MemoryMAX provides is dependent 

on your particular system's configuration.

The MemoryMAX system consists of three device drivers and six commands. 

The MemoryMAX device drivers and commands are detailed in Chapter 

11 of the DR DOS 6.0 User Guide, "Customizing your System".  This 

table lists MemoryMAX drivers and features by various hardware configurations.

MemoryMAX Features Available with Hardware/Device Driver Combinations


Applicable  | Driver    | LIM | DR DOS Kernel     |  XMS | DR DOS 

Hardware    |           |     | Kernel Relocation |      | Upper Memory


386sx, 386  |EMM386.SYS | YES |     YES   |  YES |  YES

or 486      |           |     |   |      |


386sx,386,  |HIDOS.SYS  |     |   |      |

or 486,     |with Third-|  ?  |     YES   |  YES |  N/S

    |Party XMS  |     |   |      |

            |Memory Mgr |     |   |      |


IBM PS/2    |EMMXMA.SYS | YES |     N/S           |  N/S |  N/S    

80286 with  |           |     |                   |      |              

IBM XMA card|           |     |                   |      |                 


80286 with  | HIDOS.SYS | N/S |     YES           |  YES |  N/S

Extended Mem|           |     |                   |      |


80286 with  | HIDOS.SYS | N/S |     YES           |  YES |  YES

Mappable    |           |     |                   |      |

Shadow Ram  |           |     |                   |      | 

with Ext    |           |     |                   |      |   

Memory      |           |     |                   |      |


80286 with  | HIDOS.SYS | N/S |     YES           |  YES |  YES

Mappable    |           |     |                   |      |

Shadow Ram  |           |     |                   |      |

No Extended |           |     |                   |      |

Memory      |           |     |                   |      |


80286 with  | HIDOS.SYS | N/S |     YES           |  YES |  YES

NeAT, LeAP, |           |     |                   |      | 

or SCAT     |           |     |                   |      |


80286 with  | HIDOS.SYS | YES |     YES           |  YES |  YES

LIM 4.0     | with third|     |                   |      |

driver and  | party     |     |                   |      |

extended    | driver    |     |                   |      |

memory      |           |     |                   |      |


8088/8086/  | HIDOS.SYS | YES |     YES           |  YES |  YES

80286 with  | with third|     |                   |      |  

LIM 4.0 EMS | party     |     |                   |      |

card and no | LIM 4.0   |     |                   |      |

extended    | driver    |     |                   |      |


Supported feature = YES

Unsupported feature = N/S 

? = This entry depends on the features offered by third-party memory manager

If upper memory is not supported, HIDEVICE, HIBUFFERS, 

HIINSTALL, and HILOAD commands have no effect.  HIDOS=ON|OFF might 

be supported if the third-party memory manager allocates XMS upper 

memory blocks (UMBs).

MemoryMAX System Commands and Drivers

The following is a listing and brief description of the components 

of the MemoryMAX memory management system. Refer to the DR DOS 

6.0 User Guide for a complete description of each of these features 

and commands.



EMM386.SYS is a device driver that allows the DR DOS 6.0 operating 

system to make better use of the memory available on Intel

i386, i386SX, and i486-based computers. Using EMM386.SYS, 

you can use LIM 4.0 expanded memory without the need for special add-on 

cards; relocate the DR DOS operating system kernel to upper or high 

memory, and enable upper memory to be used for TSRs, device drivers 

and operating system data structures by using the /AUTOSCAN, /INCLUDE, 

/EXCLUDE, and /USE options. You can also add up to 96 Kbytes to conventional 

memory using the /VIDEO option.


If you have an Intel 80286-based computer with extended memory, you 

can use the HIDOS.SYS driver to relocate the DR DOS operating system 

kernel to high memory (see the /BDOS option). On computers that support 

Shadow RAM, HIDOS.SYS relocates the kernel to upper memory, and enables 

you to load TSRs, drivers and operating system data structures into 

upper memory. Using the /VIDEO option, you can also add up to 96 Kbytes 

to conventional memory.

Example config.sys entry:


HIDOS.SYS can also work in conjunction with LIM 4.0 expanded memory 

(EMS) device drivers to provide upper memory support on 8088/8086/80286 

computers. This feature is detailed in the readme file or Release 



The HIDOS.SYS driver should not be confused with the 

similarly-named DR DOS MemoryMAX "HIDOS = ON/OFF" command 

(see below). 


Use this driver on PS/2 80286 computers with IBM XMA and 100% compatible 

memory cards, to convert memory from extended to LIM expanded memory.

Example config.sys entry:



The EMMXMA.SYS driver can be used only on PS/2 computers, 

and you cannot use the EMMXMA.SYS driver with any third-party memory 

managers (e.g., the Qualitas 386/MAX, or the Quarterdeck Expanded 

Memory Manager 386). You can use HIDOS.SYS following EMMXMA.SYS 

to obtain upper memory support.

The MemoryMAX commands listed below can be used when upper memory 

is supported by loading the EMM386.SYS or HIDOS.SYS drivers in the 

config.sys file.


Use HIBUFFERS to specify the number of memory buffers that the DR 

DOS 6.0 operating system uses. HIBUFFERS performs the same function 

as BUFFERS, except that HIBUFFERS allocates as many buffers as possible 

into high memory rather than conventional memory. 

The following entry in your config.sys file sets the number of buffers 

to 20 and forces the DR DOS 6.0 operating system to allocate as many 

as possible from high memory.  

Example config.sys entry:



The HIDEVICE command loads specified device drivers into upper memory. 

If the device is unable to load into upper memory using HIDEVICE, 

it will be loaded into conventional memory. The following command 

loads the ANSI.SYS device driver into upper memory:



The HIDOS command relocates as much of the DR DOS operating system 

data structures as possible into upper memory. The default is OFF. 

Example config.sys entry:



The HIINSTALL command loads specified TSRs into upper memory. If there 

is insufficient upper memory for the specified TSR, it is loaded into 

conventional memory.

Although similar to the HILOAD command (see below), HIINSTALL must 

be loaded via the config.sys file.  Use HIINSTALL when you want 

a TSR permanently loaded at boot time because of best memory allocation 

(see the example in Chapter 2). The following command installs the 

CURSOR program into upper memory:


Notice that you must give the full path name to the program and its 

extension (.com or .exe).


HILOAD loads specified TSRs and network drivers into upper memory. 

HILOAD is similar to the HIINSTALL command (which must be loaded using 

the config.sys file), but can be executed from the command line 

or from the autoexec.bat or other batch file.

Before using HILOAD, you must be sure that upper memory has been enabled 

with the MEMMAX +U command.  

For example,



The MEMMAX command selectively enables and disables those enhanced 

memory areas provided by the DR DOS 6.0 operating system that might 

conflict with some applications. By using the MEMMAX +V switch, MEMMAX 

also enables extra memory if it has been reserved in the video adapter 

area by EMM386.SYS or HIDOS.SYS. You can execute the MEMMAX command 

from the command line or a batch file (see Chapter 10 of the DR 

DOS 6.0 User Guide).


If you enabled the video adapter area by using MEMMAX 

+V, you must use the MEMMAX -V command to release this memory before 

loading graphics applications.

The HIDOS.SYS and EMM386.SYS device drivers can increase the conventional 

memory available to applications by using upper memory. However, some 

programs fail because they do not expect to find memory in this region. 

MEMMAX allows you to selectively enable and disable upper and lower 

memory from the command line or from batch files.   MEMMAX +U and 

-U will respectively enable and disable upper memory.  The DR DOS 

6.0 installation will place the command "MEMMAX -U > nul" 

into the autoexec.bat file.  The "> nul" disables the display 

of the MEMMAX status message on the screen.

MEMMAX -L and +L will respectively disable and enable the first 64 

Kbytes of conventional memory.  This region is termed "low memory". Usually 

the operating system resides in low memory; however, by using the 

DR DOS 6.0 MemoryMAX features, most of this area can be made available 

for running applications.  Some applications were written using packing 

utilities that become confused when run in this low memory.  If this 

happens, the following message appears:

"Packed file is corrupt".

To correct this situation, use the MEMMAX -L command to disable low 

memory before running the application.  After exiting the application, 

use MEMMAX +L to enable the low memory area once again.


The following example shows how you can use the MEMMAX command in 

a batch file that loads network drivers into upper memory. The example 

assumes that you have already loaded a DR DOS 6.0 device driver that 

supports upper memory.

REM * * * MEMMMAX to open upper memory * * *




REM * * * * Disable lower memory * * * 




REM * * * * Reopen lower memory * * * *



While the MemoryMAX memory system works well with most application 

programs, you might still encounter occasional difficulty.  The following 

chapters present the steps recommended for resolving such memory conflicts.


2.  System Memory Optimization

Because the DR DOS 6.0 operating system has been designed to work 

with all IBM-compatible personal computers and software applications, 

there is no single perfect memory setup that will optimize 

memory use for all situations. Memory optimization will depend both 

on your particular hardware setup and the software applications you 

will be using. However, with a bit of trial-and-error system fine 

tuning, you can optimize DR DOS memory management to meet your particular 

needs. Below are techniques and suggestions that will help you optimize 

your computer/software setup.

Changing Order of Memory Allocation

The first step in optimizing your system memory can be as simple as 

rearranging the order in which memory blocks are assigned by the config.sys 

and autoexec.bat files.  The general rule here is to use upper memory 

and high memory as much as possible to free conventional memory for 

your applications. With this in mind, you should typically use HIBUFFERS 

and relocate the DR DOS kernel code to high memory by using the /BDOS=FFFF 

option of the DR DOS memory management drivers, HIDOS.SYS and EMM386.SYS. 

Also, if you have any add-on cards that use RAM, make sure that they are 

configured so that their RAM is allocated from the beginning or end 

of upper memory.  For example, place a network card immediately above 

the video RAM area instead of in the middle of upper memory.

Following this, device drivers and TSRs can be loaded into upper memory. 

For best memory allocation, those drivers and TSRs that occupy the 

largest blocks of memory should be loaded first and contiguously. 

For example, if you need to load three device drivers and two TSR 

programs, order them in descending order in your config.sys file, 

beginning with the driver that will occupy the most RAM, to the driver 

or TSR that will occupy the least RAM. The documentation for the drivers 

and TSRs should indicate the amount of RAM they require; however, 

if they do not, you can determine this yourself by using the following 


1. Load the driver or TSR.

2. Use the MEM /U or /B command to see a report of your 

memory usage (see Chapter 10 of the DR DOS 6.0 User Guide for 

a full description of the MEM command and Chapter 12 regarding loading 

device drivers and TSRs).

Expanding Files

If, after determining the size of your drivers and TSRs and loading 

them into high memory, a driver or program fails to run properly or 

produces an out of memory error message, the problem might 

be that the driver or program is expanding itself in RAM. 

Some device drivers and TSR programs occupy a minimal amount of RAM 

after they are loaded into memory, but, while initializing, might 

actually expand and take up considerably more RAM than they will ultimately 


Another method of verifying the program's true RAM size is to load 

it into conventional memory (i.e., by deactivating the HIDEVICE, HIINSTALL, 

or HILOAD commands), activate the program, and then run the MEM /B 

command to see the actual amount of RAM the program occupies. If the 

program or driver is expanding itself in RAM, and you want 

to load it into upper memory, you will have to allow sufficient upper 

memory RAM to accommodate the initialization size of the program. 

It might be necessary to use trial-and-error to determine this size.  See 

also "Using MemoryMAX with NetWare" on page 33 for an example.


In the following example, let's assume you want to load Device Drivers 

1, 2, and 3, and TSR programs 1 and 2, each requiring the following 

amounts of memory:

Driver #1 =  13Kbyte of RAM

Driver # 2 =  10Kbyte of RAM

Driver # 3 =  16Kbyte of RAM

TSR # 1 =  4Kbyte of RAM

TSR # 2 =  6Kbyte of RAM

Using the MemoryMAX HIDEVICE and/or HIINSTALL commands, enter these 

lines into your config.sys file:

HIDEVICE = C:\DRIVER#3.SYS ; which uses 16kb RAM

HIDEVICE = C:\DRIVER#1.SYS ; which uses 13kb RAM

HIDEVICE = C:\DRIVER#2.SYS ; which uses 10kb RAM

HIINSTALL = TSR#2 ; which uses 6kb RAM

HIINSTALL = TSR#1 ; which uses 4kb RAM


There can be exceptions to loading TSRs and drivers in 

the "largest first" system described previously. Some device 

drivers must be loaded in a specific order. Read the manufacturer's 

documentation carefully before installing any driver.

Note that in the above example, you can load the two TSRs with the 

HILOAD command placed in the autoexec.bat file. For a discussion 

of the MemoryMAX HIINSTALL, HIDEVICE, and HILOAD commands, see "MemoryMAX 

System Commands and Drivers" on page 4 in the DR DOS 6.0 User Guide.

LIM Page Frame

Some applications run better with the availability of LIM memory (sometimes 

called EMS, or expanded memory). The documentation for each of your 

applications will indicate if LIM memory is required.

If the application does not require LIM memory, be sure that no LIM 

page frame is defined. This will save 64 Kbytes of upper memory. In 

the EMM386.SYS line of your config.sys file, disable the page frame 

with the switch /F=NONE. If using HIDOS.SYS on a machine with a LIM 

4.0 memory card, you can disable the page frame by specifying /CHIPSET=EMSALL.

3.  Troubleshooting

Isolating the Problem

If you encounter memory conflicts after you have arranged your device 

drivers and TSRs in the manner described in the previous chapter, 

your next step should be to isolate and identify the offending conflict. 

The best way to do this is to methodically load each of your drivers, 

TSRs, and application programs one at a time until you encounter the 

problem driver or program.


To complete the following steps, you should be familiar 

with editing your config.sys and autoexec.bat files with a wordprocessor 

or text editor such as the DR DOS EDITOR, and with the REM command. 

Refer to Chapters 7 and 11 of the DR DOS 6.0 User Guide.

Whenever you experiment with and change your config.sys and autoexec.bat 

files, you should always have a separate bootable floppy disk 

available containing the unedited, original versions of your config.sys 

and autoexec.bat files in case you need to reboot your computer 

from the A: drive. Then, if you need to go back to your original 

configuration, you can copy the original config.sys and autoexec.bat files 

from your backup diskettes onto your boot disk. (See Chapter 10 in the 

DR DOS 6.0 User Guide for information on how to create a bootable 

floppy disk.)


To isolate the source of your memory conflict, turn off those lines 

in your config.sys or autoexec.bat file that might be causing 

the problem.  Do this by editing the config.sys or autoexec.bat 

file and placing a REM comment at the beginning of each line you want 

to turn off. For example, to turn off the following config.sys line:


add the REM comment to the beginning of the line:


If you find a particular line is not causing a problem, you can reactivate 

it by simply removing the REM statement.


You can also use the DR DOS conditional "?" statement 

to activate/deactivate config.sys line commands. See Chapter 11 

of the DR DOS 6.0 User Guide for details. If you use this option, 

make careful note of whether you said "yes" or "no" to loading each line.

After turning off the suspect lines with a REM statement, reboot your 

computer to retest the driver/application with which you first encountered 

your memory problem. If the system runs correctly, reenter your config.sys 

or autoexec.bat file and remove the REM command from one line and 

then reboot and reload the application. Continue this process until 

you again encounter the memory problem. When it recurs, you will have 

isolated the line in the config.sys or autoexec.bat file that 

is causing the memory conflict.  You can now take action to resolve 

the conflict, as described in the following sections.

Possible Problems

After you have isolated the problem driver or program, you can use 

the techniques described below to make the appropriate corrections 

to your computer's configuration. 

Some problems that you might encounter after installing the MemoryMAX 

drivers include:

Insufficient conventional memory to load a particular driver 

or program

HILOAD, HIINSTALL, or HIDEVICE features do not seem to operate 


Computer locks up

Upper memory conflicts

Video problems

Error message: "Packed file is corrupt."

Each of these problems, and the techniques to correct them, are described 


Insufficient Conventional Memory

After using the DR DOS 6.0 memory management system to increase conventional 

memory, there should not be a problem due to insufficient memory.  However, 

if a large number of device drivers or TSRs are in use, this problem 

might still occur.  Review Chapter 1 of this guide to ensure you have 

taken the proper steps to optimize system memory.  

Try the MEMMAX +L command in case an earlier command or batch file 

disabled available low memory.  Finally, if the application does not 

use the graphics display area, try the /V switch of the DR DOS 6.0 

memory manager, followed by MEMMAX +V before loading your application.


Each of these commands requires the availability of upper memory blocks 

(UMBs). You can verify that the UMBs are available by using the DR 

DOS MEM /B or /U commands to see a report of your memory usage (see 

Chapter 10 of the DR DOS 6.0 User Guide for a full description 

of the MEM command). Available UMB blocks will be marked as FREE 

under the Type column in the MEM listing.

The HILOAD, HIINSTALL, and HIDEVICE commands require prior installation 

of the EMM386.SYS or HIDOS.SYS driver. If the MEM report shows that 

upper memory is not being utilized, check your config.sys to make 

sure the driver has been properly installed and that the option switches 

have been entered correctly. If they are set, pay particular attention 

to the /FRAME, /AUTOSCAN, /INCLUDE, /BDOS, and /EXCLUDE switches to 

ensure that any upper memory address specified by these switches have 

been correctly set (a common error is using an "oh" instead 

of a zero).

If you use Microsoft Windows 3.0, the /WINSTD switch might 

have been set. The /WINSTD switch automatically blocks access to the 

UMBs, making them unavailable to HILOAD, HIINSTALL, and HIDEVICE. 

Windows 3.0 will not run properly in standard mode if UMBs have been 

used by something else. (See the "Using EMM386.SYS with Windows" 

on page 22.)

If you do not require the use of expanded memory, set the /FRAME switch 


The HILOAD command must be invoked before using the MEMMAX 

-U command to disable upper memory. Use the MEMMAX +U command to re-enable 

upper memory, if necessary. (Note that the DR DOS installation program 

automatically inserts the MEMMAX -U command in the autoexec.bat 

file; therefore, you must either put HILOAD above it, or use MEMMAX 

+U to enable upper memory).

If there appears to be sufficient upper memory available, but HILOAD, 

HIINSTALL, or HIDEVICE fail to put a particular TSR or driver into 

upper memory, some device drivers and TSR programs when initializing 

might actually expand and take up considerably more RAM than they 

will ultimately need. See "System Memory Optimization" on 

page 9 for a complete description of this problem.

Computer will not boot or locks up

Reboot your machine with a bootable floppy disk in drive A:. Follow 

the instructions in "Isolating the Problem" above and edit 

the C: drive config.sys and/or autoexec.bat files to turn off 

and isolate, with the REM command, those lines in the files that might 

be causing the problem.

The most probable cause is that the DR DOS 6.0 memory manager has 

moved something into a region of upper memory required by a hardware 

device driver attempting to use the same areas of memory.  Use the 

/EXCLUDE option (see page 18) switches to remedy the 


If a hardware device is not causing a conflict, and the lockup occurs 

with a particular program, this program might become confused when 

upper or low memory is available. Try using the command MEMMAX -U 

and/or MEMMAX -L before loading the program.

Upper Memory Conflicts: Using /EXCLUDE

Your machine or the accessories in your machine might be using upper 

memory addresses that are also being accessed by the DR DOS 6.0 memory 

manager. To prevent this, exclude EMM386.SYS or HIDOS.SYS access to 

the upper memory address range that is causing the conflict. The following 

recommendations apply to the EMM386.SYS driver for 386 and 486 computers, 

or the HIDOS.SYS driver on 286 computers with shadow RAM.

Some typical symptoms of upper memory conflict include:

* inability to log onto networks

*inability to access hard or floppy disk drives

*inability to format low-density floppy disks in high density 


*error messages such as "card not found." 

A good starting place to check for upper memory usage is the documentation 

for any accessory boards or drivers you have installed; if they require 

upper memory, it will usually be indicated in the documentation.

If you encounter such problems and suspect that upper memory 

conflicts can be the cause, first REM out the memory manager line 

of the config.sys file completely. If the problem disappears, you 

know that the memory driver is part of the conflict and you can begin 

to look at changing switches to correct the problem.  Use the DR DOS 

EDITOR and change the following settings in your config.sys file:

1.If the EMM386.SYS /BDOS option is set to /BDOS=AUTO, 

switch it to /BDOS=FFFF, 

2.Save config.sys.



*If the problem recurs, change the /R=AUTO setting to /R=NONE, 

and then save the config.sys file, and reboot the computer to retest.

*You can also use the /EXCLUDE switch to exclude an area 

of upper memory that the /AUTOSCAN feature detects as being available 

but, in fact, might be used by another device, such as a network card.

The /EXCLUDE Option

If the hardware documentation does not specify a memory range to be 

excluded, you can use the /EXCLUDE option to discover if there is 

an upper memory conflict. This option is used to systematically exclude 

sections of upper memory from being used by EMM386.SYS by excluding 

upper memory "half-at-a-time." For example, use this "halving" 

method to exclude the top half of the upper memory range first, reboot 

the computer and test the problem. Then, if the problem recurs, change 

the /EXCLUDE setting to exclude the lower half of upper memory, reboot, 

and retest.

After discovering in which half of upper memory the conflict resides, 

repeat the process by dividing that memory range in half.  You 

can use this technique to break down the entire upper memory range, 

half-by-half, until you pinpoint the area of conflict.

You must use the hexadecimal notation of the memory address with the 

/EXCLUDE switch. The following brief explanation is provided for those 

unfamiliar with using the hexadecimal system.

Hexadecimal Addresses

The 384 Kbyte range of upper memory resides between the hexadecimal 

memory addresses of A000 and FFFF. The upper half of this range lies 

between the addresses D000 and FFFF; the lower half lies between A000 

and CFFF.  Because A000 to BFFF is typically reserved for video display, 

you will normally work only with addresses C000 to FFFF.

To exclude the lower half of the C000 to FFFF range, enter the following 

/EXCLUDE command in your EMM386.SYS or HIDOS.SYS line in the config.sys 



Then, reboot your computer to test the exclusion. If the problem persists, 

edit the /EXCLUDE statement to exclude the other half of the C000 

to FFFF range by entering the following in the config.sys file:


Continue excluding a smaller and smaller range of memory until you 

have found the smallest possible exclusion, which still permits proper 



The first address in each range of memory (EXCLUDE, INCLUDE, 

etc.) must end in "00" and the second must end in "FF."

Note that you can also exclude multiple memory ranges with the /EXCLUDE 

statement by separating the ranges with a comma, e.g., /E=D000-D7FF,DA00-DBFF. 

The chart below shows how this process works, and shows the memory 

address for the 64 Kbyte range in the "D" segment of upper 


D000-DFFF = 64K = D000-D7FF = 32K + D800-DFFF = 32K = 64K TOTAL

DOOO-D7FF = 32K = D000-D3FF = 16K + D400-D7FF = 16K = 32K TOTAL

D800-DFFF = 32K = D800-DBFF = 16K + DC00-DFFF = 16K = 32K TOTAL

D000-D1FF = 8K + D200-D3FF = 8K = 16K TOTAL

D400-D5FF = 8K + D600-D7FF = 8K = 16K TOTAL

D800-D9FF = 8K + DA00-DBFF = 8K = 16K TOTAL

DC00-DDFF = 8K + DE00-DFFF = 8K = 16K TOTAL

(The first "D" in each hex address above can be replaced with 

C, E, or F when working with those segments.)

Once you find the conflicting range of upper memory, permanently exclude 

it from being used by EMM386.SYS or HIDOS.SYS by using the /EXCLUDE 


Video Problems

If you experience problems with your video display after installing 

MemoryMAX drivers, a possible cause is that your video adapter is 

attempting to use some of the same upper memory addresses being allocated 


A quick way to determine if your current memory setup is causing a 

conflict with a video (or other device) board is to "turn off 

the entire memory driver line in your config.sys file by using the 

REM command or the "?" technique discussed previously in "Isolating 

the Problem."  If the problem does not recur with the memory driver 

"turned off," the cause of the problem is probably an upper 

memory conflict.

See "The DR DOS MemoryMAX System" on page 2 for information about 

how to determine if upper memory is being used by drivers and hardware 


Use the EMM386.SYS or HIDOS.SYS /VIDEO option to reserve graphics 

memory addresses normally occupied by video display adapters (see 

Chapter 11 of the DR DOS 6.0 User Guide). 

If the /VIDEO option is set, and the video corruption is occurring 

with a graphics program, be sure that the MEMMAX -V switch is operative. 

When only text displays are required, the MEMMAX +V switch can borrow 

some of the graphics memory areas and add it to conventional memory, 

providing more space for text applications. However, if an application 

requires graphical displays, you must be sure this memory area is 

available to video by issuing the MEMMAX -V command.

If the video display is corrupted only during use with the DR DOS 

TaskMAX task switcher, refer to the readme file (in 

the DR DOS directory) or the Release Note for instructions on how 

to use the TaskMAX /F switch.

Network Hardware Interfacing

It is common for network hardware to utilize areas of upper memory 

and thus conflict with MemoryMAX allocations of that memory.  If this 

occurs, you might be unable to log onto the network or random lockups 

might occur. See "Upper Memory Conflicts" on page 17, and "Using Network 

Software" on page 30, for a full discussion of how to deal with upper memory 

conflicts such as these and how to use the EMM386.SYS /EXCLUDE switch 

to exclude the conflicting areas of upper memory.

Another possible cause of network problems is that your network driver 

is designed for use with MS-DOS versions other than versions 

3.3+. Network drivers designed for use with MS-DOS versions 4.0+ and 

5.0 would not be appropriate for the DR DOS 6.0 operating system. 

(See "Using Network Software" on page 30)

Floppy Drive Does Not Work

If you have installed Super PC-Kwik and have enabled the /D+ 

switch, your disk controller must be 100% IBM compatible. Reset 

the /D+ switch to /D- (the /D# switch works on some controllers) to 

turn off PC-Kwik's advanced caching for the floppy drives (advanced 

caching for your hard drive remains in effect).

SCSI Disk Drive Problems

The DR DOS 6.0 operating system supports virtual DMA and bus master 

controllers. Any problem with SCSI drives is probably due to a memory 

conflict (see "Upper Memory Conflicts" on page 17).

Expanded (EMS) Memory Problems

If a program that requires EMS memory reports that no EMS is available 

or locks up when executed, the problem might be that the application 

assumes that the LIM page frame starts at a specified address. 

Remedy this problem by ensuring that the LIM page frame defined in 

the application's SETUP program or documentation matches the settings 

in EMM386.SYS or EMMXMA.SYS. The /F= switch defines the start 

of the LIM page frame.

Another cause of insufficient LIM memory occurs if you are using TaskMAX 

in expanded memory and too many tasks have been loaded. Unload a few 

of the tasks and restart the program.

Error message: "Packed file is corrupt."

This error might occur when the first 64 Kbytes of conventional memory 

(called low memory) have been made available through the use of MemoryMAX. 

Normally, the operating system occupies this entire area.  Some applications 

were written using packing utilities that become confused when run 

in this low memory.  If this happens, the following message appears:

Packed file is corrupt.

For an easy workaround, use the MEMMAX -L command to disable low memory 

before running the application.  Then load and run your application.  After 

exiting the application, use MEMMAX +L to enable the low memory area 

once again.

Because this problem can occur with other memory managers, including 

QEMM.386, your application vendor might be able to supply you with 

an updated application that does not exhibit this problem.

Using EMM386.SYS with Windows

 Using Windows in Real mode

Note that before you load Windows in Real mode, ensure that upper 

memory (and additional memory created by the /VIDEO option of EMM386.SYS 

or HIDOS.SYS) is disabled. (Use the default MEMMAX -U -V commands 

to disable upper memory; see Chapter 10 in the DR DOS 6.0 User 


 Using Windows in Standard Mode

  The /WINSTD Switch

When using Windows 3.0 in Standard mode, Windows attempts to use the 

UMB memory addresses; when these addresses have been previously allocated 

by EMM386.SYS, Windows is unable to operate in the Standard mode. 

To make the UMBs available to Windows, you must use the EMM386.SYS 

/WINSTD switch this switch forces compatibility with Windows 3.0 

in Standard mode by freeing all upper memory.

Note that using /WINSTD reduces the amount of conventional memory 

available to applications because upper memory is reserved for Windows. 

Therefore, the /WINSTD command also disables the HIDEVICE, HIINSTALL, 

HILOAD, and HIDOS=ON functions.

 Using Windows in Enhanced Mode

Microsoft recommends a minimum of 1 Mbyte of extended memory to run 

Windows 3.0 in enhanced mode, however, 2 Mbytes or more is recommended.  

Although Windows can be forced to run in the enhanced mode with less extended 

memory, its operational speed might be extremely degraded.

Note that on a system with only 1 Mbyte of extended memory, using 

the High Memory Area (HMA) for HIBUFFERS or /B=FFFF will reduce the 

extended memory by 64 Kbytes. If this causes a problem, use the /B=AUTO 

option and the BUFFERS= instead of HIBUFFERS= command.

For more information about using Windows with the DR DOS 6.0 operating 

system, refer to Appendix E of the DR DOS 6.0 User Guide, "Using 

Windows with DR DOS."

Occasionally, you will continue to experience difficulty in loading 

Windows 3.0 in enhanced mode even after reviewing the documentation.  This 

situation can usually be corrected by reconfiguring the DR DOS 6.0 

memory manager or adjusting other DR DOS 6.0 utilities, such as Super 

PC-Kwik.  If you need to call your dealer or support center for additional 

assistance, be sure to have the serial number from your DR DOS 6.0 

diskettes and a copy of your config.sys and autoexec.bat files 


 Using Super PC-Kwik and Windows 3.0

Disk caching with Super PC-Kwik is recommended for improved performance 

with Windows.  Important notes on using PC-Kwik with Windows are in 

Chapter 13 of the DR DOS 6.0 User Guide.

Although PC-Kwik attempts by default to use all available extended 

memory, it lends back up to half of that to applications as 


Windows is unique in that it allocates all extended memory 

as it is loaded. Other applications use varying amounts of extended 

memory as they need it. 

Because Windows needs 2 Mbytes or more of extended memory to run efficiently 

in enhanced mode, you must force PC-Kwik to lend at least 2 Mbytes 

of extended memory back to Windows on systems with insufficient extended 

memory for both the cache and Windows (i.e., those with less than 

4 Mbytes of extended memory).

For example, on a system with a total of 4 Mbytes of memory 

(3 Mbytes extended), Super PC-Kwik would lend only 1536 Kbytes by 

default (3072 / 2 = 1536).  Because Windows prefers 2048 Kbytes or 

more, increase the default by using the following command: 


If total system memory is 5 Mbytes, or more, the Super PC-Kwik default 

lending of one-half of extended memory is sufficient to have an effective 

cache and run Windows in enhanced mode. If you run several applications 

through Windows and run out of memory, you can increase the lending 

amount with the PC-Kwik /L:xxxx switch.

If total system memory is large, for example 8 Mbytes or more, and 

you use Windows extensively, turn off lending completely and set the 

allocated amount for the cache buffer. For example, on a system with 

a 10 Mbyte total (9 Mbyte extended) use the following PC-Kwik switch: 

SUPERPCK /L- /S:3072. This keeps the cache buffer high, while giving 

Windows 6,144 Kbytes of extended memory for its own use. Once again, 

enable lending if Windows is running out of memory.

 Using SuperStor with Windows 3.0

The Windows permanent swap file cannot exist on a compressed volume.

To use SuperStor with Windows, we suggest you first delete the existing 

Windows permanent swap file on the target partition before 

creating a SuperStor volume. You can then create a permanent swap 

file on a non-SuperStor partition.  Refer to your Windows documentation 

for specific instructions.

 Using TaskMAX with Windows

You can load Windows 3.0 from TaskMAX, but you cannot go back to TaskMAX 

until you exit Windows. This is because Windows takes over control 

and will not co-exist with another task-switcher or multi-tasker.  Windows 

takes control of the keyboard from DOS. 

You can configure TaskMAX to use extended memory for tasks. If the 

available extended memory falls below 1 Mbyte of memory because of 

use by TaskMAX, Windows cannot run in enhanced mode.  To correct this 

problem, exit some of the applications loaded in TaskMAX.

TaskMAX can also use disk space as swap space. If you do not have 

a permanent swap file in Windows and have too many applications loaded 

in TaskMAX, Windows might run out of room on the disk as it tries 

to create its temporary files.  To correct this problem, exit some 

of the applications loaded in TaskMAX.

 Using DISKOPT with Windows

DISKOPT will not defragment the Windows permanent swap file. We recommend 

that you delete your Windows swap file, run DISKOPT, and then immediately 

create a new swap file.  This process ensures that the new file will 

use contiguous disk space for best performance.

Note that you should not run disk utilities such as CHKDSK 

and DISKOPT under Windows.

 Using Super PC-Kwik

  Size of Cache

Super PC-Kwik moves as much of its code into upper memory as possible; 

you do not need to use HILOAD or HIINSTALL on Super PC-Kwik. Super 

PC-Kwik will use the least amount of memory for its executable code 

if it is configured to cache in expanded (EMS) memory. The Super PC-Kwik 

code "footprint" is typically about 17 Kbytes in upper memory.

When Super PC-Kwik is configured to cache extended memory, the code 

footprint in the first 1 Mbyte of memory varies in size according 

to the amount of extended memory that is cached. 

The Super PC-Kwik footprint in upper memory can be controlled by limiting 

the amount of extended memory allocated to the cache. If your system 

has more than 8 Mbytes of RAM, you might want to use the Super PC- 

Kwik /S:xxxx switch to limit the cache buffer size. 

The Super PC-Kwik maximum cache buffer size is 16 Mbytes.

For information about running Super PC-Kwik with Windows, see "Running 

EMM386.SYS with Windows" on page 22 and Chapter 13 of the DR DOS 6.0 User 


 Using Super PC-Kwik with Networks

You can load Super PC-Kwik on a DOS-based network server (e.g., Lantastic 

4.0). However, advanced cache reads and writes should be disabled 

(use the Super PC-Kwik /H- and /D- switches.)

If you are using Novell NetWare, load Novell drivers before loading Super 

PC-Kwik to permit unloading the cache.  You can load the Novell drivers after, 

but you must then leave Super PC-Kwik in memory.

Super PC-Kwik will not cache remote network drives (i.e, across the 

network). However, local drives can be cached.

When used on a network, the DR DOS 6.0 operating system must reload 

COMMAND.COM after Super PC-Kwik loads. You must use the DR DOS SHELL 

and SET COMSPEC commands to point to the location of COMMAND.COM.  See 

Chapter 11 of the DR DOS 6.0 User Guide for a discussion of 

how to use the SHELL command, and Chapter 10 on how to use the SET 


Do not use the DR DOS VERIFY=ON command when using a network as it 

will negate any gain from caching.

Also, when using Super PC-Kwik, the BUFFERS=4 command in the config.sys 

file is adequate, and the FASTOPEN command is generally not needed.

Generally, Super PC-Kwik should be loaded early in autoexec.bat.  TSRs 

loaded after Super PC-Kwik must be unloaded from memory before Super 

PC-Kwik can be unloaded with the /U parameter.

If you use Lotus 1-2-3 v3.1, note that it uses the Rational Systems 

DOS Extender. Use the DR DOS SET DOS16M=:384 command in the autoexec.bat 

file and use the Super PC-Kwik /R:400 switch.

 Troubleshooting Super PC-Kwik

If, after eliminating the factors listed above, Super PC-Kwik still 

malfunctions, check the parameters used when loading Super PC-Kwik. 

Begin with the simplest settings, such as /H-, /T-, and /D-.

If you suspect an upper memory conflict, use the Super PC-Kwik /&U- 

switch to prevent parts of Super PC-Kwik from moving into upper memory.

If you are having problems reading a drive, try the Super PC-Kwik 

/I+, /X /I+, or /T- switches. Also, see "Upper Memory Conflicts" 

on page 17.

Using TaskMAX

If you have loaded a task that abnormally terminates, the TASKMAX.SWP 

file size might have increased in size. If this occurs, delete the 

file to free the disk space.  A new file by the same name will automatically 

be created.

When using the /C switch with TaskMAX (either from the autoexec.bat 

file or from the command line), be sure to wait approximately 10 seconds 

before making any keystrokes. This allows TaskMAX to regain control 

after the application has loaded.

You cannot change the MEMMAX settings while TaskMAX is active.  Be 

sure to make appropriate MEMMAX settings (for example, MEMMAX to +V) 

before executing TaskMAX.

You can only copy text when using the COPY (F5) function in 

TaskMAX to export data. You will get the following error message if 

you attempt to copy from graphics mode: "Warning: Cannot copy 

data from Graphics Screen. ESC to cancel."

If you are in the process of importing/exporting data and you switch 

tasks before the importing is completed, the importing halts. However, 

all the information that was copied is still in memory and if you 

press the F6 key, importing will start from the beginning. In fact, 

the information that has been copied can be pasted over and over until 

you import new text.

You can load the DR DOS Editor more than once while using TaskMAX; 

however, you will get the following error message if you attempt to 

simultaneously edit the same file in two task sessions: "Disk 

error file already open."  Most single-user applications will 

produce the same type of error message.

If you are working on a laptop computer and have chosen "LCD/Plasma" 

and it appears that you do not have a highlight bar, go back through 

SETUP and choose the ColorSet0 "Monochrome" option.

If you are using GeoWorks with TaskMAX, you can use only 

CTRL/ESC as your hotkeys. GeoWorks intercepts all other hotkey combinations.

Using SuperStor Disk Compression

 Installation Tips

The DR DOS 6.0 version of SuperStor recognizes and will operate correctly 

on SuperStor partitions created with the AddStor retail SuperStor 

version 1.3.  The DR DOS 6.0 version of SuperStor was not designed 

to be compatible with other operating systems and should not be expected 

to work properly except with DR DOS 6.0.

Before using SuperStor, backup the data on the drives to be compressed. If 

there is a power failure during the compression, some data could be 


SuperStor requires that a config.sys file be present on the bootable 

drive to run properly.  If you do not have a config.sys file, you 

can create one using the DR DOS 6.0 Editor.  Use the DR DOS "DEVICE=" 

statement to load the SSTORDRV.SYS driver.  SSTORDRV.SYS will 

automatically move into upper memory (through the use of XMS UMBs) 

if space is available.  This is true regardless of whether the XMS 

UMBs are allocated by the DR DOS 6.0 operating system or by a third 

party memory manager.

Determine the maximum amount of uncompressed space you want to leave 

on the disk.  Note that a Windows 3.0 permanent swap file cannot reside 

on a compressed volume.  The actual amount left uncompressed will 

depend on the data compression ratio and the disk space available 

before the compression was done (in other words, SuperStor will use 

as much space as necessary to compress all of your files).

If you are using a disk partitioning utility or removable drive that 

requires a device driver, you might need to experiment to determine 

if that driver should come before or after SSTORDRV.SYS in your config.sys 

file.  The following list is in the correct loading sequence for some 

of the more common of these device drivers:

*DiskManager or SpeedStor partitioning utility drivers should be loaded 


*The Bernoulli RCD.SYS driver must be loaded before SSTORDRV.SYS; also, 

to use SuperStor on a bootable Bernoulli cartridge, the RCD.SYS driver 

must be on an uncompressed partition.

*The Plus Hardcard driver must be loaded after SSTORDRV.SYS.

Many customers make a backup bootable floppy diskette in case of unexpected 

problems such as a hard disk controller failure.  After creating a 

SuperStor partition, be sure you update the config.sys file on your 

backup bootable floppy to include the SuperStor driver (and DEVSWAP.COM, 

if required), and copy these files onto the bootable diskette.

SuperStor should typically not be used on a network server, however 

it will work as designed on a workstation drive.

 Troubleshooting SuperStor

The largest partition you can create with SuperStor is 512 Mbytes, 

using a physical partition of 256 Mbytes.  If you have a partition 

larger than 256 Mbytes, you will need to back up your data and use 

the FDISK utility to create smaller partitions before creating a SuperStor 


Some customers have reported difficulty installing SuperStor onto 

a second physical hard drive.  This might occur if DOS operating system 

files are present.  Because system files are hidden, a DIR listing 

will not detect them.  Use the command XDIR I*.* to determine if the 

files IBMBIO.SYS or IBMDOS.COM are present.  If they are, use the 

ATTRIB command to remove the system and hidden attributes, then remove 

or rename the system files.


Do not remove or rename these files on your first physical 

hard drive.

If you accidentally remove the SuperStor partition while the DR DOS 

6.0 DELWATCH utility is active, you might be able to undelete the 

SuperStor partition file, thus restoring the SuperStor partition.

If you use a third party disk optimizer on a SuperStor partition, 

data should not be lost or corrupted.  However, because the third 

party optimizers might not properly recognize the structure of the 

SuperStor partition, they might actually cause worse fragmentation 

than that which existed prior to the optimization process.  Therefore, 

we recommend that you use the DR DOS 6.0 DISKOPT utility, which will 

properly handle the SuperStor partition.

Using Network Software 

The DR DOS 6.0 operating system is internally compatible to the COMPAQ

DOS 3.31 data structures and should work with network drivers intended 

for DOS versions 3.x. If you are upgrading from DOS 3.x to the DR 

DOS 6.0 operating system, it should not be necessary to upgrade your 

existing driver. However, if you were using DOS 4.01 or 5.0, you might 

have to use a network driver intended for MS-DOS 3.x.  If you do not 

presently have a DOS 3.x driver, your network manufacturer will usually 

supply you with one.


The following are examples of some of the many networks that will 

run on the DR DOS 6.0 operating system with their existing DOS 3.x 


3COM3+ OPEN and 3+ SHARE

Lantastic 4.0

Lan Manager 1.2 and 1.3


Novell NetWare 2.15 and higher

Banyan Vines

When configuring your network, keep in mind that the DR DOS 6.0 operating 

system reports a DOS 3.31 internal version number when drivers or 

applications make an INT 21 DOS version call.

Problems rarely occur when the correct network driver is used.  If 

you experience error messages such as Error: can't find server, 

or your system crashes when you first log on to the network, your 

system is probably encountering upper memory conflicts between your 

network driver and the DR DOS memory driver settings.

See "Upper Memory Conflicts" on page 17 for instructions on how to resolve 

upper memory conflicts by using the EMM386.SYS and the HIDOS.SYS /EXCLUDE 

command to reserve areas of upper memory for network drivers.

You can also isolate the problem by using the techniques described 

in "Isolating the Problem" on page 13.

 The Novell NetWare Program

The DR DOS 6.0 operating system has been thoroughly tested on the 

Novell NetWare program from version 2.15 and above.

The vast majority of questions about the NetWare program deal with:

*Installation/Compatibility considerations of the DR DOS 

6.0 operating system on a Novell network.

*Using TaskMAX with NetWare.

*Using MemoryMAX with NetWare, or maximizing the amount of 

conventional memory for applications.

*Installation/Compatibility Considerations

The DR DOS 6.0 operating system is internally compatible with DOS 

3.31 data structures.  As a result, when programs like the Novell 

NetWare shell programs ask the DR DOS 6.0 operating system for a version 

number, the DR DOS 6.0 operating system reports 3.31.  It is important 

to understand this when installing the DR DOS 6.0 operating 

system onto NetWare workstations and onto NetWare servers.  If you 

have a mix of different DOS versions, follow the manufacturer's suggestions 

in regard to configuring the network for COMPAQ DOS 3.31 workstations.

 Server Installation

If you choose to install the DR DOS 6.0 operating system onto a non-dedicated 

server, consult the Novell NetWare reference manuals or your network 

administrator for information on installing and configuring a non-dedicated 

server.  The DR DOS 6.0 operating system requires no unique consideration 

in this case.

When configuring a network so that all the system utilities are loaded 

on the server, the NetWare server should contain copies of all the 

required DOS files used at each workstation.  If certain workstations 

are running DOS 4.x, then a particular directory on the server will 

hold a copy of the set of all DOS 4.x system files used by the workstation 

when it is running independent of the network.  When a DR DOS 6.0 

workstation is logged onto the network, at least one of the workstation's 

network drives will be mapped to the directory on the server 

holding the DR DOS 6.0 system files. 

Refer to the DR DOS 6.0 User Guide, Appendix F, for information 

on configuring a NetWare server to properly load the DR DOS 6.0 operating 

system on remote diskless workstations.

 Workstation Installation

When installing the DR DOS 6.0 operating system on a network workstation 

that is part of an existing network, you will usually not have to 

make any changes to the workstation; simply install the DR DOS 6.0 

operating system once the NetWare server has been updated 

with the DR DOS 6.0 operating system.  If you are upgrading from DOS 

3.x to the DR DOS 6.0 operating system, it should not be necessary 

to upgrade your existing NetWare shells.  However, if you are upgrading 

from DOS 4.x or MS-DOS 5, you will have to use NetWare shells intended 

for use with DOS 3.x.  You can use the proper set of NetWare shell 

programs obtained from your network administrator or Novell, or you 

can use the set provided in the NETWARE directory on the DR DOS 6.0 

ViewMAX installation diskette.

If you have to change shell programs, you might need to generate a 

new IPX.COM program to accompany the new shell version.  Consult the 

Novell NetWare reference manuals or your network administrator for 

information on how to accomplish this.

 Using TaskMAX with NetWare

Before using TaskMAX on a NetWare workstation, you must update your 

NetWare shell programs.  The necessary files are provided in the NETWARE 

directory on the last DR DOS 6.0 operating system diskette (typically 

labelled ViewMAX).  This update should be done by your Network System 


Under most circumstances, no further adjustments will be necessary 

to run TaskMAX on a NetWare workstation.

Load the NetWare shell programs and all drives and printers mapped 

before loading TaskMAX.  If NetWare utilities like MAP, LOGIN, and 

SESSION are run from more than one DR DOS command prompt via TaskMAX, 

the resulting drive and printer mappings might not work as expected.

If within one or more tasks under TaskMAX, you choose to run an application 

that makes direct calls to the Novell IPX or SPX TSR program (sometimes 

called a peer-to-peer application), you might need to load the IPX 

data buffering program called TBMI2.COM before loading TaskMAX.  This 

program will handle the buffering of information from IPX or SPX so 

that data is not lost after switching away from one of these peer-to-peer 

applications.  Further information on TBMI2.COM can be found in a 

file called TBMI2.DOC on the DR DOS 6.0 ViewMAX diskette.

 Using MemoryMAX with NetWare

When using the DR DOS 6.0 operating system on a NetWare workstation 

that supports upper memory, you can move both of the required NetWare 

programs outside conventional memory and into upper memory to maximize 

the amount of memory available to applications running after the NetWare 

programs have been loaded.  (See Appendix C in the DR DOS 6.0 

User Guide for a description of the various regions of memory within 

a computer, and Chapter 12 for information on what regions will be 

available on your particular computer.)

When upper memory is available, the NetWare programs IPX.COM and NETX.COM 

or NET3.COM (NETX is hereafter used to describe either program), can 

be loaded into upper memory using the HILOAD command from the autoexec.bat 

file or from the DR DOS command line.

 Memory Usage

To determine if IPX and NETX programs will fit into upper memory, do the 


1.Determine the memory size requirements of these programs 

by examining the output of the MEM /A /P command after the programs 

have been loaded into conventional memory or loaded without MemoryMAX. (See 

the DR DOS 6.0 User Guide, Chapter 10, for more information on the MEM 


2.Disable any and all upper memory used by device drivers, TSRs, and/or 

applications by inserting a REM statement or a "?" command at the beginning 

of each line containing HIDEVICE, HIINSTALL, and HILOAD commands in your 

config.sys and autoexec.bat files. Use the DR DOS Editor program.

3.Make upper memory available on your machine by inserting 

the appropriate MemoryMAX device driver line into your config.sys 

file or by running SETUP, and then reboot your computer by typing 


4.Without having loaded any of the NetWare programs, examine 

the size of areas in upper memory that are marked as FREE in the TYPE 

column of the MEM /U /P command output.

As a general rule, when the size of one or more of these upper memory 

areas marked as FREE exceeds the size of a program that is loaded 

into conventional memory, it will be possible to relocate that program 

into upper memory.  It is important to note that the size of total 

FREE upper memory is not as important as the size of the individual 

FREE areas of upper memory, because applications require contiguous 

free memory to load.


When upper memory is available and when FREE areas exist large enough 

to contain the NetWare programs, the HILOAD command can be used to 

move the NetWare programs into upper memory.  Upper memory is made 

available by loading the appropriate MemoryMAX driver at boot time 

and executing the MEMMAX +U command to "open" upper memory 

so that it will accept programs loaded by HILOAD.  The following four 

lines describe one way you can load the NetWare programs using HILOAD:





These lines can be appended to your autoexec.bat file or they can 

be executed from the DR DOS command line.  Note that the DR DOS INSTALL 

program will automatically insert the command, MEMMAX -U >NUL, into 

your autoexec.bat file, so you must insert MEMMAX +U to override 

it.  (The >NUL portion of the command instructs the DR DOS 6.0 operating 

system not to display the output of the MEMMAX command on the screen.)

In addition, please note the following about the HILOAD command:

*HILOAD will work only with the DR DOS MemoryMAX drivers, 

and not with third party memory managers such as QEMM386.SYS and 386MAX.SYS.

*HILOAD will not run after NET3.COM has been loaded.  This 

is because Novell replaces the DOS routines (INT 21 functions) that 

handle HILOADs under the DR DOS 6.0 operating system with their own 

routines, which cannot place programs into upper memory.


*NetWare shell programs won't load into upper memory.*

Make sure that upper memory is available and that the size of one 

or more upper memory areas marked as FREE exceeds the size of the 

NetWare shell program that is loaded into conventional memory instead 

of upper memory.  (See the DR DOS 6.0 User Guide, Chapter 10, 

for more information on the MEMMAX and MEM commands and how they can 

be used to determine if the above conditions are met.)  Also, consider 

the following.

For EMM386.SYS users:

*You can append the /LOWEMM switch to the EMM386.SYS device 

driver line in your config.sys file. The EMM386.SYS device driver 

leaves its program code in conventional memory, which should give 

you an additional 28K of upper memory.

*If LIM (Expanded memory) is not really necessary, you might 

consider disabling it: change the /FRAME switch on the EMM386.SYS 

device driver line so that it reads /F=NONE.

*If LIM is necessary, you might consider using another NetWare 

shell instead of NETX.COM.  (Refer to your Novell reference manuals 

for information on how EMSNETX.COM and XMSNETX.COM work.)  

*With both EMSNETX.COM and XMSNETX.COM, do not use the 

HILOAD command.

*With XMSNETX.COM, the /BDOS switch on the EMM386.SYS 

device driver line should be changed so that it reads /B=AUTO or /B=NONE.

*Try changing the line that reads HIDOS=ON in your config.sys 

file so that it reads HIDOS=OFF.  This prevents the DR DOS 6.0 operating 

system from automatically relocating certain portions of the operating 

system into upper memory.

*If only text-based applications will be run at this workstation, 

use the /VIDEO switch on the EMM386.SYS device driver line along with 

the MEMMAX +V command to enable the use of video RAM for extending 

conventional memory.  This relieves the need to relocate the NetWare 

shell programs into upper memory.

For HIDOS.SYS users:

*Make sure that your machine will support upper memory.  (See 

the DR DOS 6.0 User Guide, Chapter 12, for information on what 

regions are available on your particular computer.)

*Consider using XMSNETX.COM instead of NETX.COM.  With XMSNETX.COM, 

change the /BDOS switch on the HIDOS.SYS device driver line so that 

it reads /B=AUTO or /B=NONE.

*If you are using HIDOS.SYS with the /CHIPSET option set 

to EMSUMB, consider disabling the LIM (Expanded memory) support provided 

by your LIM 4.0 driver by using the /CHIPSET=EMSALL option instead.  EMSALL 

will disable the LIM 4.0 page frame and make available a larger region 

of upper memory for mappable RAM.

*If your machine is equipped with at least 64K of extended 

memory above one megabyte, make sure that the /BDOS switch on the 

HIDOS.SYS device driver line reads /B=FFFF.

*Try changing the line that reads HIDOS=ON in your config.sys 

file so that it reads HIDOS=OFF.  This prevents the DR DOS 6.0 operating 

system from automatically relocating certain portions of the operating 

system into upper memory.

*Use the /VIDEO switch on the HIDOS.SYS device driver line 

along with the MEMMAX +V command to enable the use of video RAM for 

extending conventional memory.  This relieves the need to relocate 

the NetWare shell programs into upper memory.

*Machine locks up when trying to load NetWare shell programs.*

Some network cards maintain ROM addresses in the upper memory region. 

It is possible that the MemoryMAX driver (EMM386.SYS or HIDOS.SYS) 

is not able to recognize such areas as being already in use by the 

network card.  If the DR DOS 6.0 operating system has written some 

portion of the operating system to a region of upper memory, which 

later gets used by the network card's ROM, the system might hang 

unpredictably.  To correct this problem, you can append an /EXCLUDE switch 

to the MemoryMAX device driver line in your config.sys file to prevent the 

MemoryMAX driver from attempting to use an area known to be used by the 

network card.  Refer to your documentation on the network card for information 

on areas used in upper memory and follow the instructions for using 

the /EXCLUDE switch on those areas as shown in the HIDOS.SYS and EMM386.SYS 

sections of Chapter 11 in the DR DOS 6.0 User Guide.

If you installed Novell NetWare, or you installed additional hardware 

in your computer after you installed the DR DOS 6.0 operating system, 

it is possible that the IRQ or DMA settings on the new hardware might 

be conflicting with existing hardware.  In this case, it is best to 

resolve hardware conflicts by changing the configuration of one or 

more installed boards before changing the configuration of the DR 

DOS 6.0 operating system.

*Machine locks or generates "Packed file corrupt" error message

when executing Novell NetWare utility programs.*

This situation might occur in older versions of the NetWare utilities.  The 

error message does not reflect the true cause of the problem. Use 

the MEMMAX -L command before executing the problematic NetWare utility, 

and then use the MEMMAX +L command after.  The following is an example 

of how this might look in your autoexec.bat or login file:




Using Third-party Memory Managers

 Relocating the Kernel

When you use a memory manager from another vendor, you can gain additional 

conventional memory space by relocating the DR DOS kernel to upper 

or high memory. The third-party memory manager must support the XMS 

specification, and upper or high memory must be available.

To relocate the kernel, insert the statement:


after the statement that loads the third-party memory manager.

HIDOS.SYS attempts, by default, to relocate the DR DOS kernel to upper 

memory. If upper memory is not supported or not available, the kernel 

is placed in high memory. You can force the kernel to high memory 

by using the following DEVICE statement:


The following examples show how and where to add the statement when 

loading Qualitas 386MAX or the Quarterdeck QEMM or QRAM 


Qualitas 386MAX

DEVICE=C:\386MAX\386MAX.SYS [...etc.]


DEVICE=C:\386MAX\386LOAD.SYS [...etc.]

Quarterdeck QEMM.386




Quarterdeck QRAM (with Intel AboveBoard)






EMM386.SYS cannot be used with other memory managers.

When a third-party memory manager is loaded, the following config.sys 

statements have no effect:



HIDOS= [ON/OFF] will work with third party memory managers that provide 

XMS UMB support.  However, HILOAD, HIDEVICE, and HIINSTALL commands 

have no effect.  Most memory managers offer equivalent commands that 

you can use.

Quarterdeck DESQview

When running the Quarterdeck DESQview proggram under the DR DOS 6.0 

operating system, use the QEMM386.SYS driver as the primary memory 

management driver instead of EMM386.SYS provided with the DR DOS 6.0 

operating system. When QEMM386.SYS loads from the config.sys file, 

it then becomes responsible for controlling both the upper memory 

area, between 640 Kytes and l Mbyte, and the high memory area, the 

first 64 Kytes above l Mbyte.

Move device drivers and memory resident software to upper memory using 

the normal QEMM LOADHI commands. After loading QEMM386.SYS, the operating 

system kernel can still be moved to upper memory or high memory by 

loading the DR DOS HIDOS.SYS driver in the config.sys file right 

after the QEMM386.SYS driver. To move the kernel to upper memory, 

use the option /B=AUTO at the end of the HIDOS.SYS line in config.sys. 

To specify that the kernel should be placed in high memory, leaving 

more upper memory available for device drivers and memory resident 

programs, use the option /B=FFFF.

Depending on the configuration of DESQview, a gain in available memory 

might not be seen after loading HIDOS.SYS. DESQview uses the high 

memory for 63Kbytes of code that normally sit in conventional memory, 

while HIDOS.SYS moves approximately 45Kbytes into that area. Because 

the high memory area can be used by only one application at a time, 

experiment with /B=AUTO, /B=FFFF, or do not load HIDOS.SYS. 

These different options can be quickly tested using the DR DOS 6.0 

question mark option (?) in config.sys. Placing a ? in front of 

any line in config.sys displays that line at boot-up and then you 

can select Y(es) or N(o) to execute that instruction. 

You might insert the following lines while experimenting:

?"Do you want to avoid moving the KERNEL (Y/N)"GOTO SKIP

?"Kernel in Upper Memory (Y/N)" 


?"Kernel in High Memory (Y/N)" 



Refer to Chapter 11 of the DR DOS 6.0 User Guide for a full 

discussion of this feature.

If you are running QEMM386.SYS without DESQview, you should always 

move the kernel to high memory.

The DR DOS 6.0 Version Numbers

A few applications and device drivers have been encountered which, 

when loading under the DR DOS 6.0 operating system, display an error 

message that states the current version of operating system is not 

supported. This can occur for several reasons, which are outlined 


Device drivers for disk drives or networks are sometimes produced 

for specific versions of DOS or occasionally will use specific configurations 

for different versions of DOS. The DR DOS 6.0 operating system will 

appear to be COMPAQ DOS 3.31 to applications and drivers. Usually, 

a DOS 3.3 driver works properly. If you have been running previously 

with MS/PC DOS 4.x, the driver that you have been using might be designed 

specifically for that version. Contact the manufacturer of the driver 

to see if they have any specific configuration information or drivers 

for DOS 3.3x.

When applications request the DOS version number from the operating 

system, the DR DOS 6.0 operating system returns version 3.31. The 

application then knows that it should expect support for DOS 3.3-level 

calls and support for larger than 32 Mbyte partitions using the COMPAQ 

Extended Interrupt 25 and 26 convention. Most applications do follow 

these conventions and therefore work without any difficulty. 

However, some applications have been designed to go beyond those conventions 

and actually attempt to directly manipulate DOS data structures or 

replace sections of the operating system code with their own. These 

applications depend on having intimate knowledge of each DOS version 

they detect and have been written to react differently for each of 

those versions. If an application uses this type of technique, the 

manufacturer will have to design the application to take the DR DOS 

6.0 operating system into account as well. It is possible that the 

manufacturer has already produced another version of your application 

that runs under the DR DOS 6.0 operating system. Contact the manufacturer 

to see if there is any information about upgrades or specific configuration 

steps for the DR DOS 6.0 operating system. If the manufacturer is 

interested in more information about the DR DOS 6.0 operating system, 

they are welcome to contact Digital Research Inc. directly and we 

will work with them on the situation.

Using Large-capacity Hard Drives

When assigning drive partition letters, you might use up to 26 drive 

letters (A through Z) with the DR DOS 6.0 operating system.

You can use the DR DOS FDISK command to create disk partitions up 

to 2 gigabytes (Gbytes) apiece and up to 1,024 cylinders on a physical 

hard drive.

The DR DOS 6.0 operating system supports larger drives if the drive 

controller handles drive translation (check the drive documentation).

If your hard drive has more than 1,024 cylinders, and the controller 

does not support translation, we recommend the use of hard drive partitioning 

software such as the Ontrack Disk Manager.

Using the DR DOS MEM Command

When using the EMM386.SYS device driver, you might notice that the 

MEM command can display a memory report that seems to show more memory 

available than exists on your computer.  For example, consider the 

following EMM386.SYS device driver line on a computer with 3,072 Kbytes 

of Extended memory:


This line has the effect of converting all Extended memory into Extended 

via XMS and EMS (expanded) memory.  The resulting MEM report might 

show that the computer has 3,072 Kbytes of Extended memory and 3,072 

Kbytes of EMS memory under the "Total Bytes" column, with 

2,864 Kbytes of Extended via XMS memory and 2,864 Kbytes of EMS memory 

under the "Available" column as shown below.

Memory Type        Total Bytes (Kbytes)          Available   


Conventional       655,360     (640K)               641,216   (626K)

Upper               98,304      (96K)                80,960    (79K)

High                65,520      (64K)                18,800    (18K)

Extended         3,145,728   (3,072K)                     0     (0K)

Extended via XMS       N/A                        2,932,736 (2,864K)

EMS              3,145,728  (3,072 K)             2,932,736 (2,864K)


To understand this, it might be helpful to view the total Extended 

memory available on a computer as comprising a dynamic pool of memory.  This 

memory can be viewed as dynamic because it is available to be accessed 

either as Extended via XMS memory or as EMS (expanded) memory depending 

on the :/K" setting on the EMM386.SYS device driver.  In the 

case shown above, "/K=AUTO" tells EMM386.SYS to allow "all" 

of the Extended memory pool to be accessed as Extended via XMS memory 

and EMS memory in equal portions.  Therefore, the MEM command shows 

both amounts of memory as being available because you or your applications 

might want to use a portion or all of the memory pool as either Extended 

via XMS memory or EMS memory.  

Use the "/K" switch to limit the amount of EMS memory to be 

created from the total memory pool.

The following EMM386.SYS device driver line on the same computer with 

3,072 Kbytes of Extended memory will limit the amount of EMS memory 

to be created from the total memory pool by setting the "/K" 

option to "/K=1024":


This line instructs EMM386.SYS to convert all the memory pool into 

expanded via XMS, but it limits the amount of EMS to 1,024 Kbytes. 

The resulting MEM report might show that the computer has 3,072 Kbytes 

of Extended memory and 1,024 Kbytes of EMS memory under the "Total 

Bytes" column, with 2,864 Kbytes of Extended via XMS memory still 

available but only 896 Kbytes of EMS memory under the "Available"

column as shown below.

Memory Type         Total Bytes (Kbytes)            Available


Conventional        655,360     (640K)              641,200   (626K)

Upper                98,304      (96K)               80,960    (79K)

High                 65,520      (64K)               17,997    (17K)

Extended          3,145,728   (3,072K)                    0     (0K)

Extended via XMS        N/A                       2,932,736 (2,864K)

EMS               1,048,576   (1,024K)              917,504   (896K)

Notice in both of the above examples, that there is a difference between 

the "Total Bytes" of Extended memory and the "Available" 

bytes of Extended via XMS memory and a similar difference between 

the "Total Bytes" of EMS memory and the "Available"

bytes of EMS memory.  This is due to the amount of "overhead" 

memory used by the EMM386.SYS software to convert the memory pool 

into both types of available memory.

XMS memory is extended memory created by memory management software 

which conforms to the XMS specification developed by Lotus, Intel, 

and Microsoft.  The DR DOS memory management software device driver 

(EMM386.SYS) fully supports this specification and, as a result, initially 

converts all of the computer's available extended memory into XMS 

extended memory.  This is the reason that there is no "Extended" 

memory listed in the "Available" column of the DR DOS MEM 

report; it has all been converted to XMS memory by the EMM386.SYS 

device driver.  This is also the reason why Extended via XMS lists 

as "N/A" under the "Total Bytes" column; XMS memory 

is created by a software device driver and is not present at boot 



EMS memory is listed with a specific value under the 

"Total Bytes" column by the MEM report unlike the Extended 

via XMS listing.  EMS memory can be created by a software device driver 

(like EMM386.SYS alone) or can be created by EMS (LIM 4.0) hardware 

memory boards and their accompanying device driver.  This specific 

value is intended to reflect this EMS memory created by the "/K" 

option on the EMM386.SYS device driver line or "hardware"

EMS memory created by certain platforms, typically non-386/386sx/486 

platforms, which actually contain EMS (LIM 4.0) hardware.

Memory Management for Advanced Users

Because the DR DOS 6.0 operating system has been designed to be compatible 

with a wide range of hardware, networks, and application software, 

we cannot prescribe a "perfect" or "best" memory optimization 

scheme. However, for users interested in fine-tuning their system 

to the maximum performance and finding that last Kbyte of usable memory, 

we can make the following suggestions regarding the EMM386.SYS memory 


The /LOMEMM Option

You might need to use a very large block of upper memory for a single 

driver (for a network adapter, for example). Normally, EMM386.SYS 

loads approximately 28 Kbytes of its own code into upper memory; this, 

combined with a LIM page frame, for example, might not leave enough 

upper memory to load the large network driver into upper memory.

Use the EMM386.SYS /LOMEMM option to load EMM386.SYS code into conventional 

memory, freeing approximately 28 Kbytes of upper memory for your driver.

If you are upgrading from the DR DOS 5.0 operating system, also note 

that the DR DOS 6.0 EMM386.SYS driver has been rewritten, and uses 

approximately 4 Kbytes more than the DR DOS 5.0 version. This extra 

4 Kbytes might "bump" a previously loaded driver out of upper 

memory and back into conventional.

The /XBDA Option

Some PC-compatibles use a special area at the top of conventional 

memory for machine-specific uses.  This area is called the XBDA (extended 

BIOS data area).  Because placement at the top of conventional memory 

might interfere with the /VIDEO option, by default, EMM386.SYS relocates 

any extended BIOS data area to the bottom of the free area of conventional 

memory. However, there are some programs that require the extended 

BIOS data area to be kept at the top of conventional memory. Use the 

/XBDA option to disable this relocation.

If you use the /XBDA option, the BIOS data area sitting at the top 

of conventional memory will interfere with the contiguous placement 

of any memory gained by using the /VIDEO option (see below).

The /VIDEO Option

The area of memory immediately above the 640 Kbytes of conventional 

memory is normally reserved for use by video adapters. A large amount 

of this reserved video memory is set aside to accommodate graphic 

displays. If you do not require graphics on your display, you can 

use the /VIDEO option to convert part of this memory for use as conventional 

memory. Depending on your system, you can gain from 64 Kbytes to 96 

Kbytes of additional conventional memory using the /VIDEO option. 

Note that if your system uses an EGA or VGA display, you must also 

use the MEMMAX +V command to realize any memory gain. (See Chapter 

11 of the DR DOS 6.0 User Guide for details.)

Also note that if you want to use the EMM386.SYS /INCLUDE or /USE 

options in the range A000-C000 to increase available upper memory, 

do not use the MEMMAX +V option.

The /AUTOSCAN and /INCLUDE Options

You can use both of these options to scan 4 Kbyte blocks of upper 

memory to test whether they are available for use by EMM386.SYS. The 

/AUTOSCAN option is more "cautious" than /INCLUDE and is more 

likely to define an area as unavailable.

If, for example, /AUTOSCAN reports an area of upper memory as being 

unavailable, and there is no obvious reason why it should be, you 

can use /INCLUDE more aggressively to test and define the area for 


The /Use Option

Use the /USE option of EMM386.SYS with caution and only if you are 

experienced in the art of upper memory management. The /USE option 

overrides all EMM386.SYS memory scans, and can map RAM over any hardware 

or ROM present in the specied range. In extreme cases, this might 

lock up the machine.

Therefore, we strongly recommend that any time you want to 

try the /USE option, you use the "?" comment with your EMM386.SYS 

line in the config.sys file (see Chapter 11 of the DR DOS 6.0 

User Guide), and have a bootable floppy disk with original copies 

of your config.sys and autoexec.bat files handy.

Final Notes

There are software products that are specifically designed to locate 

every free byte of upper memory that might be more effective than 

the /AUTOSCAN and /INCLUDE features of EMM386.SYS.  Check your local 

software dealer for details.

Finally, if you are interested in memory issues, we also recommend 

that you research your local technical bookstores for information 

on books about memory management on the Intel 80xxx-based processors 

and IBM PC-compatible computers. A wide array of such books exist 

for all levels of technical expertise.

4. Command Comparison

THIS chapter contains a comparison chart of the DR DOS 6.0 operating 

system commands and the PC DOS and MS-DOS command sets.  Note that 

-E indicates an external command and -I indicates an internal command.


Commands|DOS 3.3 PC DOS)|DOS 4.1(MS-DOS)|DR DOS 5.0   |MS-DOS 5|DR DOS 6.0 |


APPEND-E|       X       |      X        |  X          |    X   |   X       |


ASSIGN-E|       X       |      X        |  X(Int)     |    X   |   X(Enh)  |

        |               |               |   (Enh)     |        |           |


ATTRIB-E|       X       |      X        |  X(Enh)     |    X   |   X(Enh)  |


BACKUP-E|       X       |      X        |   X         |    X   |   X       |


BREAK-I |       X       |      X        |   X         |    X   |   X       |


CACHE   |               |               |   X         |        |  Super    |

        |               |               |             |        | PC-Kwik   |


CHCP-I  |       X       |      X        |   X         |    X   |   X       |


CHDIR/  |               |               |             |        |           |

CD-I    |       X       |      X        |   X         |    X   |   X       |


CHKDSK-E|       X       |      X        |   X(Enh)    |    X   |   X(Enh)  |


CLS-I   |       X       |      X        |   X         |    X   |   X       |


COMMAND |               |               |             |        |           |

-E      |       X       |      X        |   X         |    X   |   X       |


COMP-E  |       X       |      X        |   X(Enh)    |    X   |   X(Enh)  |


COPY-I  |       X       |      X        |   X(Enh)    |    X   |   X(Enh)  |


CTTY-I  |       X       |      X        |   X         |    X   |   X       |


CURSOR  |               |               |   X         |        |   X       |


DATE-I  |       X       |      X        |   X         |    X   |   X       |  


DEBUG   |       X       |      X        |   SID       |    X   |   SID     |


DEL-I   |       X       |      X        |   X(Enh)    |    X   |   X(Enh)  |

        |               |               |   DELQ      |    X   |   DELQ    |


DEL     |               |               |             |        |           |

PURGE-E |               |               |             |        |   X       |


DELQ-I  |               |               |   X         |        |   X       |


DEL     |               |               |             |        |   X       |

WATCH-E |               |               |             |        |           |


DIR-I   |       X       |      X        |   X(Enh)    |    X   |   X(Enh)  |


DISK    |       X       |      X        |   X(Enh)    |    X   |   X(Enh)  |

COMP-E  |               |               |             |        |           |


DISK    |               |               |             |        |           |

COPY-E  |       X       |      X        |   X         |    X   |   X(Enh)  |


DISKMAP |               |               |             |        |   X       |

-E      |               |               |             |        |           |


DISKOPT |               |               |             |        |           |

-E      |               |               |             |        |   X       |


DOSBOOK |               |               |             |        |           |

-E      |               |               |             |        |   X       |


DOSKEY  |               |               |             |    X   |           |


DOS     |               |               |             |        |           |

SHELL   |               |               |   VIEWMAX   |    X   |   VIEWMAX |


EDIT    |               |               |             |    X   |           |


EDLIN-E |       X       |      X        |   EDITOR    |    X   |   EDITOR  |


EMM386  |               |      X        |   X         |    X   |   X       |


ERAQ-I  |               |               |   X         |        |   X       |


ERASE-I |       X       |               |   X(& ERAQ) |    X   |   X(& ERAQ|


EXE2BIN |               |               |             |        |           |

-E      |               |      X        |   X         |    X   |   X       |


EXIT-I  |               |      X        |   X         |    X   |   X       |


EXPAND  |               |               |             |    X   |           |

        |               |               |             |(req.for|           |

        |               |               |             |MS-DOS 5|           |

        |               |               |             |comp.   |           |

        |               |               |             |files   |           |

        |               |               |             |only)   |           |


FAST    |               |               |             |        |           |

OPEN-I/E|       X       |     X         |    X        |    X   |   X       |


FC-E    |               |     X         |             |    X   |   X       |


FDISK-E |       X       |     X         |    X(Enh)   |    X   |   X(Enh)  |


FILE    |               |               |             |        |           |

LINK-E  |               |               |    X        |        |   X       |


FIND-E  |       X       |     X         |    X(Enh)   |    X   |   X(Enh)  |


FOR-I   |               |               |             |    X   |           | 


FORMAT-E|       X       |     X         |    X(Enh)   |    X   |   X(Enh)  |


GRAFTABL|               |               |             |        |           |

-E      |       X       |     X         |    X        |    X   |   X       |


GRAPHICS|               |               |             |        |           |

-E      |       X       |     X         |    X        |    X   |   X       |


HELP-I  |               |               |    X(-h opt)|    X   |   X(-h opt|

        |               |               |             |        |   DOSBOOK |


HILOAD-I|               |               |    X        |        |   X       |


JOIN-E  |       X       |     X         |    X        |    X   |   X       |


KEYB-E  |       X       |     X         |    X        |    X   |   X       |


LABEL-E |       X       |     X         |    X        |    X   |   X       |


LOADHIGH|               |               |             |    X   |   HILOAD  |


LOCK-E  |               |               |             |        |   X       |


MEM-E   |               |     X         |    X(Enh)   |    X   |   X(Enh)  |


MEMMAX-E|               |               |    X        |        |   X       |


MIRROR  |               |               |             |    X   |   DISKMAP |


MKDIR   |               |               |             |        |           |

/MD-I   |       X       |     X         |    X        |    X   |   X       |


MODE-E  |       X       |     X         |    X        |    X   |   X       |


MORE-I  |       X       |     X         |    X        |    X   |   X       |


MOVE-E, |               |               |             |        |   X       |


NLSFUNC |               |               |             |        |           |

-E      |       X       |     X         |    X        |    X   |   X       |


PASSWORD|               |               |             |        |           |

-E      |               |               |    X        |        |   X       |


PATH-I  |       X       |     X         |    X        |    X   |   X       |


PRINT-E |       X       |     X         |    X        |    X   |   X       |


PROMPT-I|       X       |     X         |    X        |    X   |   X       |


QBASIC  |               |               |             |    X   |           |


RECOVER |               |               |             |        |           |

-E      |       X       |     X         |    X        |    X   |   X       |


RENAME-I|       X       |     X         |    X        |    X   |   X       |


RENDIR-E|               |               |             |        |   X       |


REPLACE |               |               |             |        |           | 

-E      |       X       |     X         |    X(Enh)   |    X   |   X(Enh)  |


RESTORE |               |               |             |        |           |

-E      |       X       |     X         |    X(Enh)   |    X   |   X(Enh)  |


RMDIR   |               |               |             |        |           |

/RD-I   |       X       |     X         |    X        |    X   |   X       |


SCRIPT-E|               |               |             |        |   X       |


SELECT-E|       X       |     X         |             |        |           | 


SET-I   |       X       |     X         |    X        |    X   |   X       |


SETUP-E |               |               |    X        |        |   X(Enh)  |


SETVER  |               |               |             |    X   |           | 


SHARE-E |       X       |     X         |    X(Enh)   |    X   |   X(Enh)  |


SID-E   |               |               |    X        |        |   X       |


SORT-E  |       X       |     X         |    X        |    X   |   X       |


SSTOR-E |               |               |             |        |   X       |


SUBST-E |       X       |     X         |    X(Int)   |    X   |   X       |


SUPERPCK|               |               |             |        |   X       |


SYS-E   |       X       |     X         |    X(Enh)   |    X   |   X(Enh)  |


TASKMAX |               |               |             |        |           |

-E      |               |               |             |        |   X       |


TIME-I  |       X       |     X         |    X        |    X   |   X       |


TOUCH-E |               |               |    X        |        |   X       |


TREE-E  |       X       |     X         |    X(Enh)   |    X   |   X(Enh)  |


TYPE-I  |       X       |     X         |    X(Enh)   |    X   |   X(Enh)  |


UNDELETE|               |               |             |    X   |   X       |


UNFORMAT|               |               |             |    X   |   X       |


UNINSTAL|               |               |             |    X   |   X       |


VER-I   |       X       |     X         |    X        |    X   |   X       |


VERIFY-I|       X       |     X         |    X        |    X   |   X       |


VIEWMAX |               |               |             |        |           |

-E      |               |               |    X        |        |   X       |


VOL-I   |       X       |     X         |    X        |    X   |   X       |


XCOPY-E |       X       |     X         |    X(Enh)   |    X   |   X(Enh)  |


XDEL-E  |               |               |    X        |        |   X       |


XDIR-E  |               |               |    X        |        |   X       |



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