P.O. Box 627, South Dennis, MASSACHUSETTS 02660
The progress report section of the QUICK program on the PROGRADE
SYSTEM allows you to enter any 14 lines of text that you wish.
You could use this area to type a general note to parents or to
students, to make a checklist of some sort, or to print any other
text. Many teachers wish to use checklists on this section, as
it makes issuing periodic progress reports much easier. Attached
is a list of comments that you might wish to look through;
perhaps some of the comments will give you ideas as to comments
that you yourself could use.
Performance is consistent.
Performance has improved noticeably.
Performance is not always consistent.
Organizational skills are very good.
Organizational skills need attention.
Study habits need to be improved.
Study habits are excellent.
Note taking skills are poor.
Note taking skills are very good.
Work shows excellent attention to detail.
There are several incomplete or missing assignments.
Homework preparation is poor.
Homework preparation shows excellent effort.
Not always prepared to start class immediately.
Make-up work has not been completed.
After school help is suggested.
Student has not reported for extra help.
Inattentive in class.
Class participation is good.
Class participation is poor.
Works well in a group situation.
Participation has improved.
Class behavior is disruptive.
Abilities are not being focused on the goals of the class.
Student displays an interest in the subject.
Continue good work.
Tardy to class frequently.
Absent from class frequently.
Has cut class.
A pleasure to have in class.
Increased preparation and study is suggested.
Good class preparation is evident.
Test grades are low.
Quiz grades are weak.
No follow through on project work.
Excellent project work.
Student initiates/proposes and completes independent projects.
Student works well independently.
Good group work.
Needs to concentrate on improving group work.
Please contact the teacher directly.
Student disregards safety rules.
Student is careless with school property/equipment.
Has difficulty following directions.
Listening skills need improvement.
A more serious approach is needed.
Attitude has improved.
Attitude is excellent.
Lacks motivation.
Highly motivated and enthusiastic.
Additional effort is needed.
Effort is inconsistent.
Effort is consistent.
Effort is excellent.
Lab work needs improvement.
Speaks effectively in class.
Oral skills are poor.
Vocabulary needs improvement.
Vocabulary is excellent.
Vocabulary is improving.
Spelling skills need improvement.
Math skills need attention.
Language usage and mechanical skills need improvement.
Language usage and mechanical skills are strong.
Written work is careless.
Reading skills need improvement.
Writing skills need improvement.
Handwriting needs improvement.
Box 627 South Dennis MA 02660-0627
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