THE INVASION.   Written by Derrick Sherwin.   8 episodes.
                 2nd November - 21st December 1968.
 COMPANIONS:- Jamie and Zoe.

   The Doctor returns to the 20th century and goes to visit his old friend,
 Professor Travers. He finds the Professor's house has been let to a
 Professor Watkins and his daughter Isobel. Watkins has disappeared after
 visiting International Electromagnetics, major supplier of the worlds'
 computers and circuitry.
   Visiting I.E. the Doctor takes an instant distrust to its director,
 Tobias Vaughn (superbly portrayed by Kevin Stoney) and upon leaving is
 taken captive. All is not as it seems though and his "captors" are in fact
 working for Lethbridge-Stewart, now a Brigadier in command of U.N.I.T,
 the United Nations Intelligence Task Force. It seems that several of the
 country's leading scientists have also disappeared after visiting I.E.
   Zoe and Isobel follow the Doctor and Jamie to I.E. and are captured by
 Vaughn, who is forcing the Professor to work on the Cerebration Mentor, a
 device to induce emotions. Vaughn plans to use this device to control his
 commanders - the Cybermen.
   The Cybermen are planning to use devices planted by Vaughn in his
 companies electrical appliances to control the population of Earth prior to
 invading. This they manage to do and their hidden armies emerge from the
 sewer system and take control of London in some of the most striking
 imagery used in Dr Who history.
   The Doctor has discovered Vaughn's plan and perfected a device which
 blocks the impulses from the Cyber circuitry. He gives the device to the
 U.N.I.T personnel and then uses a guided missile to destroy the Cybermen's
 signal relay on the dark side of the moon.
   With their fleet destroyed the final Cyber ship approaches Earth to
 drop a megaton bomb on the planet but the Doctor and a reformed Vaughn
 manage to thwart them. Vaughn is killed in the process.
   This story was scripted from an idea by Kit Pedler and was the last
 story to feature the Cybermen for seven years. 
   Although episodes one and four are missing, BBC Video have released the
 story as a special twin-pack with linking narration by Nicholas Courtney.


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