What to do before and during your first game
by Randal Greenwood
[The following article originally appeared in Action Pursuit Games
magazine. I stole it from I&I Sports' catalog. --steve]
One of the most important things to do is to check out the fields where
you intend to play. Ask questions, and insist on answers. If you are
on your own and don't have a buddy to take you under his wing, ask if
the field has games for just rookies or players using strictly rental
paintguns. This helps because you will probably be playing against
other new players of roughly your own experience level. By talking to a
field operator or some of the players that frequent a particular field
you will find out what the general policy is toward rookies.
When you have found a field that you feel will help you have a good game
experience, the next step is to think about equipment. Ask if you can
rent camouflage clothes, or if you need your own. Camos help you last
longer by letting you hide better. It can also give you more confidence
because you at least like like a regular player. Footwear is a personal
consideration, but you need something that will give good ankle support
and protection from thorns, rocks, and stickers. They must be
comfortable enough to do a lot of running. Take time to break in new
shoes since blisters can ruin your day. Army boots in the regular or
jungle styles are popular and reasonable in price. Be aware that
running shoes do not give adequate support for your ankles when you are
running over rocks, fallen trees, and heavy brush.
If you have knee pads, wear them. They make life so much easier when
you're kneeling in goat head stickers or sandburs. Some players that
like to do a lot of crawling through the brush, also like elbow pads.
If you have an athletic cup it is a good idea to wear it. Women players
need chest protectors, they are not expensive. Also, I have found that
gloves are a real help. They help take the sting out of hand hits and
help you stay camouflaged.
Next, check to see what the field offers in the way of face protection
and goggles. All fields should have some kind of approved eye wear for
you to use, if they don't, DO NOT PLAY THERE! If you are serious about
trying the game and they don't have some good head protection to rent,
ensure your fun, spend some bucks and buy some. Try them on, especially
if you wear glasses because not all eye or face protectors will fit with
glasses. The first piece of equipment you should buy is not a paintgun
but proper head gear. Try to buy a squeegee as soon as possible. Then
you can clean out your own gun on the field. This will ensure continued
accurate shots.
If you are renting, go to the field early enough to check in and get
all your equipment. You'll need additional time to try out your gun and
get used to it. Make sure they show you how to load the CO2, the
paintballs and how to tell if the safety is on and how to disengage it.
Take the paintgun to the designated target area and shoot ten paintballs
at a slow pace while aiming carefully. This allows you to see where the
paintgun is shooting and allows you to get used to the feel of the cocking
motion. Then fire ten more paintballs. Aim the first five and shoot as
fast as you can. This will show you how fast you can shoot, and if you
are going to have problems with double feeding or pinching balls.
Change the CO2 before you leave the target area so you'll have practice
loading and unloading it and to make sure there's a full charge for the
first game. Be sure you clean your gun before the game starts and
remember to put a full load of paintballs in.
Most fields have an orientation meeting before the first game to explain
field rules and select teams. Do not be afraid to ask questions if you
don't understand. Be sure to find out what the local custom is on how
you call yourself out and how to call for a paintcheck.
After you have been assigned to a team for the game, let the team
captain or the other players know that you are a new player and will
take suggestions and work with the team. If they know you want to learn
or that you will work with them things will go better. Buddy up with at
least one other player so you can cover each other while changing CO2 or
loading paintballs. Take a tip from veteran players, load anytime you
have a chance just to keep you weapon as full as possible. If you feel
you have time and there is any doubt about the amount of CO2 you have,
change it. Try to carry more paint and CO2 than you will need so you
don't run out during a fire-fight.
Try to avoid typical rookie mistakes. When moving through open ground
with no cover, have someone on your team give you cover fire. Move
quickly, and never stop in the open. Try to run a zig-zag pattern.
Scan ahead for suitable cover that will hide your whole body. When you
get good cover, look around, and when you are prepared to give cover
fire, have your teammates advance in leap-frog fashion. Rookies usually
stay in one place too long. If you stay put too long, the other team
will find you and shoot you. Do not let your fear of being shot for the
first time make you play too cautiously. If you have a fear of being
shot, you need to force yourself to be aggressive. Usually after the
first couple of times the fear of getting hit leaves you. Another good
habit to develop is to check behind your back every so often. It will
prevent your getting shot in the back and allows you to keep tabs on
your teammates' locations.
After the first couple of games you will get to know some of the better
players on your team. You can learn a lot by watching them play. Ask
them questions between games because most will be glad to give you
reasons why they do certain things. Use what you feel will work for you
and forget the rest.
These guidelines will give you a considerable edge on most new players
and even some experienced players. Don't forget you are playing
paintball to have some adventure and fun. Keep your sense of humor,
expect to be shot some and have a great time!
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