GAMBLER'S MATE: Football Edition 1991

GAMBLER'S MATE: Football Edition 1991 - Copyright (c) 1991 by Mark E. Savey

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

Subject                                                            Page
-------                                                            ----
Welcome to GAMBLER'S MATE: Football Edition 1991.....................01

Limit of Liability...................................................02

System Requirements..................................................02

Startup.........................................................02 - 03

Main Menu Overview
   PREDICT option - Main Menu Choice One........................04 - 07
   UPDATE option - Main Menu Choice Two.........................08 - 11
   CHECKS updates or NFL by Team - Main Menu Choice Three.......12 - 13
   CHECK NFL by week/system - Main Menu Choice Four.............13 - 14
   WHAT IF?: Team vs. Team - Main Menu Choice Five..............14 - 16
   WIN/LOSS Record - Main Menu Choice Six.......................16 - 17
   PRINT/View Utility - Main Menu Choice Seven.............7, 8, 11, 17
   Return to DOS - End all GAMBLER'S MATE Programs

Special Thanks.......................................................18

Other GAMBLER'S MATE products (only systems that WIN!)..........18 - 19

TIPS/ANALYSIS for ALL systems........................................19

Table of Team Roster Numbers.........................................20

WHERE I CAN BE REACHED (PROGRAM SUPPORT).............................20


===>> Since I was unable to complete the 1991 edition as early as I had
      anticipated, CHARTER MEMBERSHIPS will be accepted through week 8 (use
      CHARTER.REG).  When week 9 of the 1991 football season begins, CHARTER
      MEMBERSHIPS will end (at that time use REGISTER.DOC).


                                     - i -

GAMBLER'S MATE: Football Edition 1991 - Copyright (c) 1991 by Mark E. Savey

   Welcome to the GAMBLER'S MATE: Football Edition 1991 software package.  You
   are about to experience one of the most powerful and the least expensive
   Football Handicappers on the market.  Yes, a bold statement and yes there
   ARE better programs (I would think?!), but none for the low price of $50
   (the 1991 registration fee) with a two year RECORD to prove it.  See the

   GAMBLER'S MATE: Football Edition 1991 is a DOS application designed to
   assist the football handicapper in analyzing: 1) trends; 2) power ratings;
   and 3) numeric algorithms associated with each team and matchup.  These
   programs perform all THREE of these vital points of handicapping for you.
   You will get THREE ASCII output files each week (one for each system) that
   will profile the matchups (PREDICT option).  You will also get a WRAPUP file
   (after UPDATE option) that recaps the week and shows the systems' results.

   1) Here are the system records through the end of the 1990 season for the
      GAMBLER'S MATE: Football Edition 1991:

      o System 1 (Trends) has identified teams and situations that have had
        positive and/or negative trends.  Many of these trends would be very
        difficult to spot but have been very profitable when they are
        identified.  There are currently 45 trends that could appear on any
        given week.

      o System 2 (Trueline Formula)  60-43-2  58.3%  up +12.7units
                        1989 record  55-43-3  56.1%  up  +7.7units
                                    --------  -----  --------
                                    115-86-5  57.2%  up +20.4units

      o System 3 (Pointspreads/Power Ratings)  18-15-2  54.5%  up +1.5units
                                  1989 record  18-15-0  54.5%  up +1.5units
                                               -------  -----  -------
                                               36-30-2  54.5%  up +3.0units

====> o TWO YEAR TOTALS yield:  151-116-7  56.6%  UP +23.4 units!!!!  That's
        $2,340 PROFIT if using $100 per unit!  If playing at the Vegas Sands
        (-1.08 vig, not -1.10), then you're UP +25.72u, or $2,572!

   2) CHARTER MEMBERSHIP is $40 ($25 for 1990 and only $15 for 1991), BUT ONLY
      if registered BEFORE week 1 of the 1991 football season.  The 1991
      registration fee is $50 (by itself).  CHARTER MEMBERSHIP will get a 20%
      LIFETIME DISCOUNT on all Football Editions, from GAMBLER'S MATE, starting
      in 1992.  Still SAVE $10 on CHARTER memberships ($25 for 1990 AND $15 for
      1991), TOTAL $40 vs. ONLY 1991 registration ($50).  Record speaks for
      itself!  Fill out registration (CHARTER.REG) now.  (SEE PAGE - i -)

   3) Data files are available by sending floppy and mailer with $6 (US), $11
      (foreign) to the address listed below.

   4) For anyone wishing program/registration information, I can be reached at:
      1) CompuServe at Id # 74716,1720;
      2)  Interlink and Relaynet, GAMBLING and SPORTS conferences;
      3)  WPGS BBS @  (619) 243-9422  (West Coast Support/Access Site)
                                      (See my conference #48) OR;
      4)  by mail at: Mark E. Savey
                      10178 Russwill Lane
                      Union, KY 41091-9518   USA
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GAMBLER'S MATE: Football Edition 1991 - Copyright (c) 1991 by Mark E. Savey

                             LIMIT OF LIABILITY

    GAMBLER'S MATE: Football Edition 1991 (programs and instruction manual)
    is distributed "AS IS", without warranty as to their performance or
    fitness to any particular purpose.  The entire risk as to the results
    and performance of these programs is assumed by the buyer.  The author
    disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied.  The author will assume
    no liability for damages or losses either from the direct use of this
    product or as a consequence of the use of this product.

    As shareware, GAMBLER'S MATE: Football Edition 1991 can be freely
    distributed in its unmodified form for non-commercial use.  If after the
    evaluation period you have found this software to be of use, payment to
    the author is expected.  It may not be offered for resale without the
    express written consent of Mark E. Savey.

    By registering the GAMBLER'S MATE: Football Edition 1991 you will have
    received the most current year's GAMBLER'S MATE edition.  The current
    1991 Football Edition will be sent by using this registration.  Also,
    registered users earn the right to renew this licensing agreement, to
    obtain next year's entire GAMBLER'S MATE: Football Edition 1992 software
    package with a 10% discount (last year registrant, non-charter member).

    CREDIT CARDS CAN NOT BE ACCEPTED.  All users registering two weeks before
    the 1991 NFL season will receive their Football Edition before week 1 of
    the NFL season.  Allow up to 2 weeks for delivery.  PLEASE NOTE:  All users
    registering in late August/early September may have to allow an extra two
    weeks, due to family obligations.  You CAN use the shareware version until
    your registered copy arrives, as data files are 100% compatible.

    Any user can obtain all updated DATA files by sending a 5 1/4 disk in a
    self addressed mailer to the address shown below, and include $6 to cover
    the update fee, postage, and handling ($11 for overseas).

    The GAMBLER'S MATE: Football Edition 1991 has been tested and will run on
    most systems.  It requires one each of the following: 1) 100% IBM
    compatible machines utilizing the 8086/8088/80286 or 80386 (and probably
    the 80486) processor chip; 2) must have a minimum of 256k RAM; 3)
    Monochrome/Hercules/CGA/EGA or VGA monitor; 4) minimum of one single floppy
    diskette drive.  *** Note: You must have your DOS's MORE command in your
    path to use the "View/Print" options or else copy it on your GAMBLER'S MATE
    floppy or directory; 5) systems without a hard disk may have to remove the
    manual (GM91MAN.DOC) and some of the older prediction files to save space.
    They are in the format of WEEKnn??.91, where nn is the week number, and ??
    is the system (TR, S2 or S3).

    Let's get started!  All you need to type INSTALL, followed by a valid
    'drive' letter (ie: INSTALL C:).  The INSTALL.BAT will completely install
    the Football Edition 1991 in a directory called \GM\GM91.  If you do NOT
    have a hard disk, you will be using a floppy diskette with your

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GAMBLER'S MATE: Football Edition 1991 - Copyright (c) 1991 by Mark E. Savey

    unregistered copy of GAMBLER'S MATE: Football Edition 1991 or else you
    will be using your registered, labeled and fully licensed GAMBLER'S MATE
    diskette.  In that case, type 'drive:INSTALL drive:' .

    After installation, to begin, type GM91 at the DOS prompt.

    Your registered copy of GAMBLER'S MATE has YOUR name and serial number on
    the opening screen.  The unregistered opening screen looks as follows:



                             ** GAMBLER'S MATE **
                               FOOTBALL EDITION
                                 1991 -- 1992
                              Copyright (c) 1991
                               by Mark E. Savey


                    Unregistered Copy - for evaluation only.
                      SHAREWARE Registration fee is $50 !

DO RIGHT by the Gambler's code of ethics!  Register your  GAMBLER'S MATE  now!

                              PRESS '$' TO START

    You continue by pressing the '$'.  You will receive the GAMBLER'S MATE MAIN
    MENU.  The system will guide you on making your choice, either to use the
    Predict or the Update options, as the system's choice will be blinking on
    the screen.  During weeks one through 17, only choices 1 and 2 will blink.


                 INTRODUCING:** GAMBLER'S MATE **
                               FOOTBALL EDITION
                                 1991 -- 1992
                              Copyright (c) 1991
                               by Mark E. Savey

                                  MAIN MENU

        1= Predict ALL games for week # 1   5= What IF?: Team vs. Team

        2= UPDATE scores/lines week # 1     6= Win/Loss Records by system

        3= Check UPDATES or NFL by team     7= Print/View Output by week

        4= Check NFL by week/system         0= Exit all programs

                    Unregistered Copy- for evaluation only.
                      SHAREWARE Registration fee is $50 !

DO RIGHT by the gambler's code of ethics!  Register your  GAMBLER'S MATE  now!
                                  - page 03 -

GAMBLER'S MATE: Football Edition 1991 - Copyright (c) 1991 by Mark E. Savey

** PREDICT option - Main Menu Choice One:

    As you start, you will see that this choice is blinking.  The system is
    ready to go and ready to start it's predict mode.  ** NOTE **  BEFORE you
    choose this option and complete it, you need to have the pointspreads or
    lines that will be used for the specified week!  DO NOT complete this
    option without the proper pointspreads.  The system only allows access ONE
    time for each week, UNLESS you use the ESCape key to abort when prompted.
    Allowing ONE entry keeps the file integrity intact.  You can enter "FAKE"
    lines, but do NOT finalize them, or the system will use those lines in YOUR
    printed outputs!  If this does occur, you will be able to re-enter valid
    lines, in the UPDATE option, but only AFTER all games are completed and all
    scores are final.  USE the WHAT IF? (Option 5) to experiment with LINES!!!

    You will see the following menus within the PREDICT option:

         ** GAMBLER'S MATE **
             1991 -- 1992
          Copyright (c) 1991
           By Mark E. Savey

        1= Predict ALL games for week # 1

        0= Exit to main menu

    You will then see the components making up the PREDICT option:

 Predict ALL games for week # 1

 1= Proceed with PREDICT option

    o  ALL SYSTEMS will be run automatically
       - Phase One will allow verification of all matchups
       - Phase Two will allow POINTSPREADS to be entered/verified
       - Phase Three will generate all outputs and status files
         that will be used during the UPDATE option

    o  Three separate outputs will be generated

    o  View/print options available after outputs

 0= Exit to last menu

    After choosing to Proceed, the system displays the weekly schedule, and you
    have the ability at this time to "change" any games that may have been
    changed, or any keystroke errors missed by me (see next page)!

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GAMBLER'S MATE: Football Edition 1991 - Copyright (c) 1991 by Mark E. Savey

                          FOR 1991
  TEAM         Matchup   FOR WEEK  1     TEAM         Matchup
ATLANTA           1                     MIAMI            8
KANSAS CITY       1                     BUFFALO          8

SEATTLE           2                     MINNESOTA        9
NEW ORLEANS       2                     CHICAGO          9

TAMPA BAY         3                     NEW ENGLAND     10
N.Y. JETS         3                     INDIANAPOLIS    10

DALLAS            4                     SAN DIEGO       11
CLEVELAND         4                     PITTSBURGH      11

PHILADELPHIA      5                     CINCINNATI      12
GREEN BAY         5                     DENVER          12

PHOENIX           6                     DETROIT         13
L.A. RAMS         6                     WASHINGTON      13
                                        ** MONDAY NIGHT **
L.A. RAIDERS      7                     SAN FRANCISCO   14
HOUSTON           7                     N.Y. GIANTS     14

    You are asked if the above schedule is correct and then asked again to
    verify your choice.  If you answer that the above is NOT correct and Yes,
    you are sure, the system prompts you for the incorrect matchup.

Enter incorrect matchup # (1-14) then CARRIAGE RETURN, OR Abort = 0

    For EXAMPLE ONLY!  If you had chosen matchup number 8, Miami at Buffalo, as
    incorrect, you would see the following:

 Phase One: Verification of all matchups

You have determined that MIAMI          is NOT CORRECT.

Two main possibilities exist for this matchup error:
 1) The HOME SITE of matchup was switched with another week's game, possibly
    due to baseball playoffs; OR

 2) A KEYSTROKE INPUT ERROR while inputing the 1991 schedule was missed in
    beta testing.

By choosing 1) the system will verify that another matchup exists for the two
teams and automatically swap the entries in the 1991 schedule file.

By choosing 2) the system will only correct the matchup in question.
You MUST enter the CORRECT team numbers (see page in GM91MAN.DOC).

By choosing 0) the system will take you back to the matchup listings.

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GAMBLER'S MATE: Football Edition 1991 - Copyright (c) 1991 by Mark E. Savey

    If you choose suboption one, you will see the following:

Future Matchup:

MIAMI         was found in week 12 , as matchup # 14

 Begin process to SWAP ABOVE MATCHUP for week # 1 and 12 (Y/N)? <--

Note: If SWAP ABOVE MATCHUP is answered Yes, the teams ARE swapped immediately.
      An ABORT feature is not active here!  Please verify changes BEFORE swap.

    All you have to do is answer Yes, IF CORRECT, and the schedule will be keystroke service!  If you chose suboption 2, instead of 1,
    you would have been prompted for the proposed AWAY Team and then HOME team.
    You will use the Table of Team Roster Numbers on page 20, and the system
    would have corrected ONLY THAT GAME, within this week.

    After any corrections, or answering Yes that all matchups are correct and
    Yes - you are sure, you are asked whether you wish to proceed to the next
    phase.  You will see the following:

 Phase Two: Pointspread entry facility
 Enter pointspreads for ALL Games for week # 1

  1= Continue with process

  0= Abort process - Return to PREDICT MENU


    Assuming you wish to continue (you are serious in predicting), you will be
    asked to enter ALL pointspreads, according to the HOME TEAM.

 Phase Two: Pointspread entry facility
 Enter pointspreads for ALL Games for week # 1


Enter pointspread as it pertains to KANSAS CITY   (HOME TEAM)
      (If EVEN use 0)


Enter 999 to ABORT

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GAMBLER'S MATE: Football Edition 1991 - Copyright (c) 1991 by Mark E. Savey

    You are asked, "ARE YOU SURE", only ONE time per matchup.  If you make an
    error entering the pointspread, and do NOT answer No, you must follow the
    next prompt TO ABORT!  If you do not, the system will use that erroneous

    Below, Phase Three will generate all outputs.  This is your last chance to
    ABORT and reinput all correct data.

Phase Three: Generate ALL Outputs
 Predict ALL Games for week # 1

  1= Continue with process

  0= Abort process - Return to PREDICT MENU

    At the conclusion of the PREDICT option, you will automatically invoke the
    GAMBLER'S MATE PRINT/View Utility.  You will see the following menu:

         ** GAMBLER'S MATE **
             1991 -- 1992
          Copyright (c) 1991
           By Mark E. Savey

      GAMBLER'S MATE PRINT/View Utility

       1= VIEW all outputs for week # 1

       2= PRINT all outputs for week # 1

       0= Exit to MAIN MENU

    You will be given a chance to change the week to be viewed/printed.  You
    will only be able to view/print the THREE OUTPUTS generated from the
    PREDICT option for week one.  Until you reach the UPDATE option, you will
    not have the WRAPUP file available for the computer scheduled week.  As you
    progress further into the season, you will be able to see ALL prior files
    generated.  All outputs utilize the DOS MORE command, so all outputs are
    "paused", when being viewed.

    You will see the following screen to begin, if your choice is viewing
    (continued on next page).

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GAMBLER'S MATE: Football Edition 1991 - Copyright (c) 1991 by Mark E. Savey

 VIEW outputs for week # 1

 1= Proceed with VIEW option

    o  The following files SHOULD be available, based on the STATUS file:

       - THREE weekly PREDICT files.  Format is WEEKnnS2.91 (where nn is the
         week).  Since S2 is for SYSTEM 2, there should also be an S3 and TR.
         Your choices SHOULD start with WEEK 1 .

 Note:  When choosing an ALL FILES option on the next screen, the processing
        order is done by SYSTEM (ie: TRENDS, SYSTEM 2, then SYSTEM 3).

 0= Exit to VIEW menu

    When you exit, you will return to the main menu.  You should now notice
    that the UPDATE is now blinking, as it is the next logical choice.  You
    MUST ONLY access the UPDATE option AFTER all scores are final and ready to
    be input into the system!

** UPDATE option - Main Menu Choice Two

    As you return to the main menu, you will see that this choice is blinking.
    The system is ready to go and ready for ALL FINAL scores to be entered.
    ** NOTE **  BEFORE you choose this option and complete it, you need to have
    ALL FINAL SCORES and pointspreads or lines AVAILABLE, as they must all be
    input at this time!  DO NOT attempt to complete this option without the
    proper items!  The system only allows ONE completed access for each week,
    UNLESS you use the ESCape key to abort when prompted.  This is the only way
    to keep file integrity intact.  You can enter "FAKE" scores, but do NOT
    finalize them, or the system will use them for the rest of the year!  If
    this does occur, you must reinstall and reinput to catch up, OR contact me.
    Follow the instructions to obtain updated disk.

    After choosing "2" from the main menu, you will see the following submenu:

         ** GAMBLER'S MATE **
             1991 -- 1992
          Copyright (c) 1991
           By Mark E. Savey

        UPDATE Option for week # 1:

        1= Continue with process

        0= Exit to main menu
    After choosing to proceed, you will see the following (see next page):

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GAMBLER'S MATE: Football Edition 1991 - Copyright (c) 1991 by Mark E. Savey

 Update ALL Final scores for week # 1

 1= Proceed with UPDATE option

    o  ALL SYSTEM files, picks and records will be updated automatically
       - Phase One requires entry & verification of the week's FINAL SCORES
       - Phase Two will allow the week's LINES to be entered & verified

    o  Only minimal manual file update is necessary

    o  The AUTO-UPDATE begins at this stage
       - Phase Three regenerates outputs/status files IF the LINE is changed
       - Phase Four will update ALL files and calculate win/loss record
       - Phase Five will calculate/update Power Ratings

    o  The AUTO-UPDATE process may take time...please be patient!
       - Optimized processing here cuts next week's Predict processing time
       - The system displays progress as it updates all files

 0= Exit to last menu

    After choosing to continue, any teams that are idle will be automatically
    updated first.  You will enter ALL FINAL SCORES as it relates to the ROAD
    team.  The system will AUTOGEN for the HOME team.  You WILL have a chance
    to reenter should you make an input error, by either entering "-1" to
    ABORT, or after completing all FINAL SCORE ENTRY.  EXAMPLE ONLY- BELOW!

 Phase One: Entry of all FINAL SCORES for week 1

                           FOR WEEK 1 IN 1991
  TEAM          PF   PA   Matchup         TEAM          PF   PA   Matchup
ATLANTA          7   31       1         MIAMI           17   21       8
KANSAS CITY     31    7       1         BUFFALO         21   17       8

SEATTLE         14   13       2         MINNESOTA       19   17       9
NEW ORLEANS     13   14       2         CHICAGO         17   19       9

TAMPA BAY       21   20       3         NEW ENGLAND      7   41      10
N.Y. JETS       20   21       3         INDIANAPOLIS    41    7      10

DALLAS          24   17       4         SAN DIEGO       21   23      11
CLEVELAND       17   24       4         PITTSBURGH      23   21      11

PHILADELPHIA    31   10       5         CINCINNATI      10   13      12
GREEN BAY       10   31       5         DENVER          13   10      12

PHOENIX         23   20       6         DETROIT         21   24      13
L.A. RAMS       20   23       6         WASHINGTON      24   21      13
                                        ** MONDAY NIGHT **
L.A. RAIDERS    24   10       7         SAN FRANCISCO   13   17      14
HOUSTON         10   24       7         N.Y. GIANTS     17   13      14


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GAMBLER'S MATE: Football Edition 1991 - Copyright (c) 1991 by Mark E. Savey

    You can change any matchup's score, if necessary.  When done, and you have
    answered Yes, Yes, you will then get a screen that allows you to enter any
    pointspreads or lines that may have changed significantly.  Normally, I do
    NOT adjust the lines, as I made my picks OFFICIAL, at the time the system
    generated the picks.  The only time I do change, is when I see that a line
    change will make a nonplay a play, or make a play a nonplay.  For me, the
    change is OFFICIAL at that time, BEFORE the game is played!  I note this on
    my output sheet and make the change of line at this time.  EXAMPLE ONLY!

                          FOR WEEK 1 IN 1991
  TEAM           LINE   Matchup           TEAM           LINE   Matchup
ATLANTA                     1           MIAMI                       8
KANSAS CITY     -10.0       1           BUFFALO          -4.5       8

SEATTLE                     2           MINNESOTA                   9
NEW ORLEANS      -2.0       2           CHICAGO          -4.5       9

TAMPA BAY                   3           NEW ENGLAND                10
N.Y. JETS        -4.0       3           INDIANAPOLIS    -10.5      10

DALLAS                      4           SAN DIEGO                  11
CLEVELAND        -5.0       4           PITTSBURGH       -3.5      11

PHILADELPHIA                5           CINCINNATI                 12
GREEN BAY         7.0       5           DENVER            0.0      12

PHOENIX                     6           DETROIT                    13
L.A. RAMS        -5.0       6           WASHINGTON       -7.5      13
                                        ** MONDAY NIGHT **
L.A. RAIDERS                7           SAN FRANCISCO              14
HOUSTON           2.5       7           N.Y. GIANTS      -2.5      14

 Are all LINES CORRECT (Y/n) ?

    After you accept all lines as correct, system will EITHER: 1) regenerate
    all outputs using the new line(s), if ANY were changed, and then AUTO-
    UPDATE; or 2) go directly into AUTO-UPDATE (when no lines were adjusted).
    At that time, you will receive the LAST chance to ABORT.  If REGENERATING
    takes place, you will want to consecutively print ALL four outputs.

 Phase Four: Auto-Update ALL files
 Update ALL Games for week # 1

   ALL systems will be updated automatically.  This may take several minutes,
based on the speed of your PC.  During this process, the system gives a brief
status on its progress, but it will only appear on your screen for several
seconds.  So, please be patient.  Your drive light should be active, as all
outputs and files are being read/updated at this time.
   Good luck next week!

 Hit any key to continue the UPDATE process, OR ESC to ABORT.

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GAMBLER'S MATE: Football Edition 1991 - Copyright (c) 1991 by Mark E. Savey

    You should then see and HEAR the following message stating that your update
    was successful (see below).  PLEASE view or print all output files to
    verify that all well without problems.  For info, the short tune is the
    beginning of Beethoven's Fifth!  It will play three times when complete.

 Week # 1 update for GAMBLER'S MATE: Football Edition 1991 SUCCESSFUL.

    Again, you will automatically invoke the GAMBLER'S MATE PRINT/View utility.
    After UPDATE option, you will now see the option to access the WRAPUP file.
    See the next screen.

 VIEW outputs for week # 1

 1= Proceed with VIEW option

    o  The following files SHOULD be available, based on the STATUS file:

       - THREE weekly PREDICT files.  Format is WEEKnnS2.91 (where nn is the
         week).  Since S2 is for SYSTEM 2, there should also be an S3 and TR.
         Your choices SHOULD start with WEEK 1 .

       - ONE weekly WRAPUP file generated from the weekly UPDATE.  They are in
         the format of WRAPUPnn.91.  Your choices SHOULD start with WEEK 1 .

 Note:  When choosing an ALL FILES option on the next screen, the processing
        order is done by SYSTEM (ie: TRENDS, SYSTEM 2, then SYSTEM 3).

 0= Exit to VIEW menu

    You are then asked which file(s) you wish to access.  You can PRINT/View
    all FOUR consecutively, answer Yes, or separately if you answer No.

 Do you want to VIEW:

 1= ONLY the THREE WEEK 1 weekly PREDICT files (for ALL systems)

 2= ONLY the ONE WRAPUP 1 file, generated after running UPDATE

 0= Exit to the VIEW menu

    The file choices are then displayed if answered No.


 2= WEEK1S2.91 ONLY

 3= WEEK1S3.91 ONLY

 4= ALL Weekly files (WEEK1TR.91, WEEK1S2.91 and WEEK1S3.91)

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GAMBLER'S MATE: Football Edition 1991 - Copyright (c) 1991 by Mark E. Savey

** CHECK UPDATES or NFL by Team - Main Menu Choice Three
    This supplementary program allows the user to view the FINAL SCORES for any
    WEEK and also the many categories of any team.  For example, the menu below
    shows the options.  You cannot harm any data using this supplementary

         ** GAMBLER'S MATE **
             1991 -- 1992
          Copyright (c) 1991
           By Mark E. Savey

 Check UPDATES or the NFL by team

  1= Check newly entered score UPDATES

  2= Check NFL by individual team

  0= Exit to main menu

     Choosing "1" for week 0, display the following:

                          FOR 1990
  TEAM         PF  PA    END OF YEAR     TEAM         PF  PA
ATLANTA       348 365                  MIAMI         336 242
BUFFALO       428 263                  MINNESOTA     351 326

CHICAGO       348 280                  NEW ENGLAND   181 446
CINCINNATI    360 352                  NEW ORLEANS   274 275

CLEVELAND     228 462                  N.Y. GIANTS   335 211
DALLAS        244 308                  N.Y. JETS     295 345

DENVER        331 374                  PHILADELPHIA  396 299
DETROIT       373 413                  PITTSBURGH    292 240

GREEN BAY     271 347                  PHOENIX       268 396
HOUSTON       405 307                  SAN DIEGO     315 281

INDIANAPOLIS  281 353                  SAN FRANCISCO 353 239
KANSAS CITY   369 257                  SEATTLE       306 286

L.A. RAIDERS  337 268                  TAMPA BAY     264 367
L.A. RAMS     345 412                  WASHINGTON    381 301

     Choosing "2" will display the miscellaneous information on each team, for
     the chosen week.  See the next page.

                                  - page 12 -

GAMBLER'S MATE: Football Edition 1991 - Copyright (c) 1991 by Mark E. Savey


         PTS   PTS    vs.   Fav   Home   Pwr.
 WEEK    FOR   AGNT   SPR   Dog   Away   Rtng
  17       0     0                          0
  16       0     0                          0         WINS LOSSES TIES
  15       0     0                          0           0     0     0
  14       0     0                          0
  13       0     0                          0
  12       0     0                          0          PF    PA
  11       0     0                          0           0     0
  10       0     0                          0
   9       0     0                          0
   8       0     0                          0           vs. SPREAD
   7       0     0                          0
   6       0     0                          0         WINS LOSSES TIES
   5       0     0                          0           0     0     0
   4       0     0                          0
   3       0     0                          0        #time #time #time
   2       0     0                          0         FAV   DOG   EVEN
   1       0     0                          0          0     0      0
 1990    295   345                        -48

    This display is very helpful, as it may point out very critical information
    on the requested team.  Straight-up win/loss, as well as, vs the spread
    info can detect that over and under-valued team!  There is always at least
    one team per season, that everyone over or under-evaluates.

** CHECK NFL by week/system - Main Menu Choice Four
    This supplementary program allows the user to view the contents of the data
    files used for each system.  For example, the menu below shows the options.
    You cannot harm any data using this supplementary program!

         ** GAMBLER'S MATE **
             1991 -- 1992
          Copyright (c) 1991
           By Mark E. Savey


 Program will display ALL STATS updated
 for ANY WEEK and for ANY SYSTEM chosen.





                                  - page 13 -

GAMBLER'S MATE: Football Edition 1991 - Copyright (c) 1991 by Mark E. Savey

    Choosing System 1 will display WIN/LOSS (straight-up and vs the spread) or
    HOME/AWAY and FAV/DOG data that is used for any week.  Choosing System 2
    will display the points for and allowed for any week (1990 is week 0 here),
    as did the CHECK UPDATES option (see page 12).

    Choosing System 3 allows the user to view Power Ratings for any given week.
    Note:  The Power Ratings are generated only AFTER the week has been played,
    during the UPDATE option!  Therefore, week 0 is for 1990 or BEFORE game 1.
    Week 1 will only been updated AFTER GAME 1.  You will see the system
    generate a listing of all teams, starting with the highest power rated team
    and finishing with the lowest.  All teams are rated and placed in numerical
    order.  Usually teams that have a 40 or above are considered playoff
    caliber teams.  This is an actual listing that you can generate for week 0.


                    POWER                         POWER
  #   TEAM         RATING       #   TEAM         RATING
  -   ----         ------       -   ----         ------
  1  BUFFALO           87      15  CHICAGO            2
  2  L.A. RAIDERS      79      16  MINNESOTA        -13
  3  SAN FRANCISCO     77      17  DALLAS           -14
  4  MIAMI             67      18  DETROIT          -15
  5  PHILADELPHIA      66      19  SAN DIEGO        -34
  6  N.Y. GIANTS       61      20  PHOENIX          -45
  7  KANSAS CITY       60      21  N.Y. JETS        -48
  8  WASHINGTON        58      22  L.A. RAMS        -52
  9  SEATTLE           47      23  DENVER           -55
 10  HOUSTON           37      24  GREEN BAY        -64
 11  NEW ORLEANS       17      25  TAMPA BAY        -67
 12  INDIANAPOLIS      13      26  ATLANTA          -71
 13  PITTSBURGH        11      27  CLEVELAND        -93
 14  CINCINNATI         5      28  NEW ENGLAND     -119

                      END OF 1990


** WHAT IF?: Team vs. Team - Main Menu Choice Five
    This supplementary program allows the users to match ANY TEAM during any
    week, maximum week = next game of the schedule, OR the playoffs.  USE THIS
    OPTION TO EXPERIMENT or enter "fake" lines, NOT THE PREDICT option!!!

    Also, WHAT IF? should be used during the PLAYOFFS.  Use the generic WEEK 18
    for ALL PLAYOFF GAMES.  I fully INTEND to have a playoff upgrade before the
    season is complete.  BUT, this will take EXTENSIVE reprogramming.  If I am
    unable to deliver the upgrade before the end of the season, it WILL be
    incorporated into the 1992 version.  WHAT IF?: Team vs. Team can handle it!
    I've added the pointspread as an input field and also a "NEUTRAL FIELD"
    capability (ONLY for PLAYOFFS).  The system asks for a ROAD team, HOME
    team, WEEK and LINE.  After entering a "1" to continue processing you will
    see the following screen (see next page).

                                  - page 14 -

GAMBLER'S MATE: Football Edition 1991 - Copyright (c) 1991 by Mark E. Savey

   The idea behind  What IF?: TEAM vs. TEAM  is to match ANY TWO TEAMS TOGETHER
IN ANY WEEK (from current week and prior), even though they may never meet in
the regular season...BUT What IF? they did, for Systems 2 and 3!

   Also, don't forget the playoffs!!!  You can use WEEK 18, as a generic week,
for all PLAYOFF games.  A playoff compatible upgrade is PLANNED for the
 GAMBLER'S MATE: Football Edition 1991  before the end of the 1991 season.

   This upgrade will attempt to use the playoff schedule and generate the same
THREE output files as the regular season.  This will take extensive efforts of
reprogramming to enable this to work.  Should the upgrade not appear this year,
this capability will be built into the  GAMBLER'S MATE: Football Edition 1992 .

-> Hit the SPACEBAR to check out  What IF?: Team vs. Team
-> Or to ABORT, hit ESC.

** NOTE: The system will not allow a What IF? further in the future than the
         In that case, you MUST have already run WEEK 17.

    I entered the week one Monday night game, and projected the N.Y. Giants as
    a two point favorite (see below).

               What IF?: TEAM vs. TEAM

  1 ATLANTA                           21 PHILADELPHIA
  2 BUFFALO                           22 PITTSBURGH
  3 CHICAGO                           23 PHOENIX
  4 CINCINNATI                        24 SAN DIEGO
  5 CLEVELAND                         25 SAN FRANCISCO
  6 DALLAS                            26 SEATTLE
  7 DENVER                            27 TAMPA BAY
  8 DETROIT                           28 WASHINGTON
 10 HOUSTON                           0=MAIN MENU FOR TEAM/WEEK
 13 L.A. RAIDERS                      PICK TEAM ONE? 25
 14 L.A. RAMS
 15 MIAMI                             PICK TEAM TWO? 19
 17 NEW ENGLAND                       ENTER WEEK? 1
 19 N.Y. GIANTS                       ENTER HOME TEAM LINE? -2
 20 N.Y. JETS

                                  - page 15 -

GAMBLER'S MATE: Football Edition 1991 - Copyright (c) 1991 by Mark E. Savey

    WHAT IF?: Team vs Team displayed BOTH System 2's and System 3's prediction:

 What IF?: in WEEK # 1

 NFL SYSTEM 2 outcome is:

N.Y. GIANTS    19.0      -4.0      -2.0       2.0 Play if LINE goes to E

 NFL SYSTEM 3 outcome is:

SAN FRANCISCO    77                           1.0 Play if LINE goes to -5.5
N.Y. GIANTS      61      -1.0      -2.0

    So, it looks like a non-play!  BUT YOU CAN EXPERIMENT HERE!  You are then
    prompted if you want another matchup.  A unique and powerful program.

** WIN/LOSS Record - Main Menu Choice Six
    This supplemental program tracks all PLAYS for all systems AUTOMATICALLY.
    The opening menu allows a system choice.  If you choose 1 for TRENDS, all
    trends will appear (paused when a screen is full).  If you choose 2, you
    will receive the following menu...READ 'THE NOTE' CAREFULLY!  Since BOTH
    System 2 and 3 are very similar, they are grouped together on one screen.

 Update OR Check RECORD : NFL SYSTEM 2 and 3


         C TO Check,  OR


Note: You should NOT need to use this UPDATE option, as the weekly UPDATE
      function will AUTOMATICALLY keep track of system records.  If using this
      menu UPDATE option, be careful!  There are NO SAFEGUARDS built in.  ALL
      changed data becomes PERMANENT!  This menu UPDATE is NOT RECOMMENDED!!

    You SHOULD ONLY use the Check option here!  Both are functional, but the
    Update can destroy data.  BE CAREFUL.

                                  - page 16 -

GAMBLER'S MATE: Football Edition 1991 - Copyright (c) 1991 by Mark E. Savey

    After choosing Check (of course!!!), you can choose 89, 90 or 91 (the
    default) as the YEAR DIGITS.  I chose the year 1991.  You then can choose
    the week number, 1 to 16 for 89, and 1 to 17 for 90 and 91.  I chose week
    17.  The following was displayed.

 WEEK    WINS    LOSS    TIES    PCT.    WEEK    WINS    LOSS    TIES    PCT.
  17       0       0       0     .000     17       0       0       0     .000
  16       0       0       0     .000     16       0       0       0     .000
  15       0       0       0     .000     15       0       0       0     .000
  14       0       0       0     .000     14       0       0       0     .000
  13       0       0       0     .000     13       0       0       0     .000
  12       0       0       0     .000     12       0       0       0     .000
  11       0       0       0     .000     11       0       0       0     .000
  10       0       0       0     .000     10       0       0       0     .000
   9       0       0       0     .000      9       0       0       0     .000
   8       0       0       0     .000      8       0       0       0     .000
   7       0       0       0     .000      7       0       0       0     .000
   6       0       0       0     .000      6       0       0       0     .000
   5       0       0       0     .000      5       0       0       0     .000
   4       0       0       0     .000      4       0       0       0     .000
   3       0       0       0     .000      3       0       0       0     .000
   2       0       0       0     .000      2       0       0       0     .000
   1       0       0       0     .000      1       0       0       0     .000
 1991      0       0       0     .000    1991      0       0       0     .000
*************************************** ***************************************
*************************************** ***************************************
*TOT*    115      86       5     .572   *TOT*     36      30       2     .545
 Hit any key to continue.

    These are the official system records at the close of the 1990 season!
    Well over the necessary 52.38% (11-10) record needed to break even...OR the
    51.92% (10.8-10) if you play at the Vegas Sands.  Guard these stats well -
    use CHECK option only!

** PRINT/View Utility - Main Menu Choice Seven
    ALL functions have already been stated within the PREDICT and UPDATE
    options (see those references).  You can invoke this supplemental program
    from the main menu at any time!

**  SPECIAL THANKS has to go to "The Shadow" for all his time and help with
    the GAMBLER'S MATE label design, it is much appreciated!  To Dave Feldman,
    who helped provide an awareness for Trends 5 and 10 in this year's edition.
    More than thanks to my wife Kelli and baby Hannah for allowing me to
    complete this project timely.  I love my girlies!!!

          Send Email to me at:
             o  Compuserve Id # 74716,1720
             o  InterLink GAMBLING conference
             o  WPGS BBS (West Coast Support/Access Site)
                 @ (619) 243-9422, see MY conference (# 48)
                 Thanks to John DeSantis (the WPGS sysop)
                                  - page 17 -

GAMBLER'S MATE: Football Edition 1991 - Copyright (c) 1991 by Mark E. Savey

** Other available GAMBLER'S MATE software:

    GAMBLER'S MATE: Thoroughbred Edition Dosage Master v2 ($20)

    Dosage is a system that attempts to predict the distance potential of
    horses based on certain sires in the first four generations of their
    pedigrees.  These certain sires are called chefs-de-race (french for
    "chiefs of the breed").

    Chefs are divided into five aptitudinal categories: Brilliant,
    Intermediate, Classic, Solid and Professional.  The categories correspond
    to a range of distance potential from Brilliant (highest speed and lowest
    stamina) to Professional (lowest speed and highest stamina).  Classic
    represents the "ideal" balance of speed and stamina.  Many chefs are
    assigned to two categories and their "points" split between those two

    I have found that this program, even in its rawest form, has a distinct
    advantage in predicting the three year old triple crown races and their
    preps.  If you have not heard, this method was undefeated (1929-1990)
    (yes!) in the Kentucky Derby.  Horses with the allowable range of
    acceptable numbers (Dosage Index of 4.0 or less and Center of Distribution
    of 1.25 or less) that are calculated, have never lost a derby!  Quite an
    impressive streak, wouldn't you say?!  The system had Unbridled (1990
    Kentucky Derby winner) who paid $21.60 for a single $2 wager.

    The DOSAGE MASTER v2 features the ability to calculate, display and print
    the dosage profile, dosage index and center of distribution for you.  By
    using the 2 year old Experimental Free Handicap (published each February by
    the Jockey Club), you have a very powerful twosome.  If any thoroughbred
    qualifies under ALL the dosage rules and is within ten pounds of the 2 year
    old champ, THAT horse needs to be looked at very seriously in the classic 3
    year old races and preps.  You can obtain the needed information and sire
    lines from sources like the Blood-Horse Magazine or the Daily Racing Form.
    They routinely display all the necessary info.

    I have also added a facility that allows the adding of NEW Chef-de-Race
    sires as they are added by the Bloodlines staff in the Daily Racing Form.
    This allows YOU, the user, PERPETUAL use of DOSAGE MASTER v2.  One small
    fee and the power of the DOSAGE MASTER v2 is yours forever!

    Overall, I have done quite well with the Triple Crown races and preps and
    SO CAN YOU!  DO RIGHT by the Gambler's Code of Ethics!  Register your
    DOSAGE MASTER v2 AFTER winning your FIRST race.

*** Programs still under construction, but coming soon:

    GAMBLER'S MATE: Super Bowl Edition (Tentatively set at $20)

    I am currently working on a Super Bowl Predictor that utilizes a formula
    that has correctly predicted 22 of 25 winners of the SUPER BOWL!  Yes, that
    is 22-3 for a 88.0% win percentage!  I hope to have this available before
    the 1991-1992 season Super Bowl (# 26).  See page 18 for more software.

                                  - page 18 -

GAMBLER'S MATE: Football Edition 1991 - Copyright (c) 1991 by Mark E. Savey

    GAMBLER'S MATE: WLAF Edition 1992 (Tentatively set at $20)

    I will be working on the World League of American Football for the 1992
    season.  This new league has caught on like fire overseas, but has yet to
    catch on in the US.  It will use the same principles as the GAMBLER'S MATE
    Football Edition's Systems 2 and 3.  There seems to be some potential for
    picking winners with the same algorithms.  This program is still in the

    GAMBLER'S MATE: Baseball Edition (Tentatively set at $25)

    I am working a program that uses the baseball stats available from the USA
    Today sports section (only three categories required).  It's history has
    shown a potential for identifying plays (overlays).


    The GAMBLER'S MATE: Football Edition 1991 is designed to account for the
    law of averages.  I include THREE separate systems, in the hope that ONLY
    ONE WILL WIN and defy the odds.  I have been very happy to see that BOTH
    systems have won TWO YEARS in a row.  Theory states that only one system
    should win...another reason why I also include a trends program.  Forty-
    five trends allow for many plays during a season.

    IMPORTANT:  Not all trends (OR SYSTEMS) will remain profitable for all
    seasons.  You must pay careful attention to which trends (OR SYSTEMS) are
    hot and which are cold (go the opposite way)!  Remember that the theory of
    large numbers states that all results are short term events and that they
    will all average out in the long run analysis.  But if a trend is hot go
    WITH it.  If it is cold, then consider playing AGAINST its suggested team.
    Some trends may never appear during the season due to their conditions not
    being present.  You can expect many trends to continue their winning ways,
    for example TREND 26 was 17-8 (68%) in 1989, TREND 13 was 9-1 (90%) in
    1990.  Some trends will lose too, for example TREND 12 was 2-11 (15.4%) in
    1989, but playing against its selections would have yielded an 84.6% win
    percentage!!!  YOU must be aware during the season.  Use your analytical
    ability and your GAMBLER'S MATE!

    I have revalidated the SYSTEM 1 (TRENDS) program outputs.  Most trends
    listed will have the win % included on the weekly output.  If any trends do
    NOT have a record, then they have not appeared recently, but have a history
    of profitability.  If you are aware of ANY trends that have a high win (or
    loss) percentage, please send me a postcard with the trend and the source
    of the trend.

                                  - page 19 -

GAMBLER'S MATE: Football Edition 1991 - Copyright (c) 1991 by Mark E. Savey

                      *** TABLE OF TEAM ROSTER NUMBERS ***

                        Roster  |  Idle  \___never use unless necessary as |
    Team Name           Number  |  Number/   in YEARLY UPDATE (page 20)    |
    ---------          -------- | ---------------------------------------- |
    Atlanta Falcons         1   |    51
    Buffalo Bills           2   |    52
    Chicago Bears           3   |    53
    Cincinnati Bengals      4   |    54
    Cleveland Browns        5   |    55
    Dallas Cowboys          6   |    56
    Denver Broncos          7   |    57
    Detroit Lions           8   |    58
    Green Bay Packers       9   |    59
    Houston Oilers         10   |    60
    Indianapolis Colts     11   |    61
    Kansas City Chiefs     12   |    62
    Los Angeles Raiders    13   |    63
    Los Angeles Rams       14   |    64
    Miami Dolphins         15   |    65
    Minnesota Vikings      16   |    66
    New England Patriots   17   |    67
    New Orleans Saints     18   |    68
    New York Giants        19   |    69
    New York Jets          20   |    70
    Philadelphia Eagles    21   |    71
    Pittsburgh Steelers    22   |    72
    Phoenix Cardinals      23   |    73
    San Diego Chargers     24   |    74
    San Francisco 49ers    25   |    75
    Seattle Seahawks       26   |    76
    Tampa Bay Buccaneers   27   |    77
    Washington Redskins    28   |    78


    by mail:  Mark E. Savey
              10178 Russwill Lane
              Union, KY 41091-9518  USA

    Contact me via Email at:
      o CompuServe Id # 74716,1720 (preferred)
      o Interlink's GAMBLING or SPORTS conferences
      o Relaynet's GAMBLING or SPORTS conferences
      o WPGS BBS (West Coast Support/Access site)
        @ (619) 243-9422 -see MY conference (# 48)

                                  - page 20 -


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