AMERICAN B-17 MISSION: Munster Bombing

AMERICAN B-17 MISSION: Munster Bombing

This routine once a week mission is to
bomb the munitions plant at Munster. You
are a wingman in a group of four
bombers. Just follow the leader, drop
when he says to, and follow him on back.

Activity in this area has been quiet for
the past month since the Allied forces
overran the Luftwaffe station here at

Intelligence expects no need for fighter
escort on this run. However, they do
advise all flights to keep on the
lookout for a resurgence in Luftwaffe
activity of any kind.

CLASSIFIED: On last week's run, one of
the bomber pilots reported seeing an
unknown aircraft some miles to the east,
moving at a tremendous rate of speed,
but it never came close enough to get a
good look at. For this reason, your
flight plan will take you more to the
east and then southeast on a course to
the target area. Make careful
observations of any aircraft or ground
installations you see.

(However, if you'd rather be downing
B17's, try B17-DEF to be on the German
side of this mission.)


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