Info-ParaNet Newsletters March 7th 1991

                 Info-ParaNet Newsletters   Volume I  Number 373


                            Thursday, March 7th 1991


Today's Topics:



                           Re: Paranet Newsletter 372

                           Philadelphia meteor 4/5/91

                               Haaton stuff, etc.

                               Haaton Stuff, Etc.

                        fireball report (few details yet)

                              Tesla, Keely, et. al.

               censorship, beam weapons, psychics, and spaceflight

                           Re: Paranet Newsletter 372

                           Philadelphia Meteor 4/5/91

                     Nasa Plans Nuclear Propulsion Research

                                 Long Island UFO

                              Tesla, Keely, Et. Al.

                           Resonant Gravity Coil Pt.1

                           Resonant Gravity Coil Pt.2

                           Resonant Gravity Coil Pt.3

                           Resonant Gravity Coil Pt.4


From: John.Hicks@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG (John Hicks)

Subject: Kecksburg

Date: 4 Mar 91 17:11:01 GMT

 > Whatever happened to that UFO crash in Pennsylvania, last iheard

 > it was a Russian Satelite that crashed..

  Most likely not. Stan Gordon said that witnesses said it's speed and 

trajectory changed as it descended.



John Hicks - via FidoNet node 1:104/422

UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name

INTERNET: John.Hicks@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG



Subject: Re: Paranet Newsletter 372

Date: 6 Mar 91 16:23:12 GMT

From:!MCLARKE Tue Mar  5 21:45:53 1991

Regarding the magnetic anomalies present on the ground after UFO

sitings, one would think that atmospheric magnetic and gravitational

field anomalies should be monitored on a large scale.




Subject: Philadelphia meteor 4/5/91

Date: 6 Mar 91 17:46:57 GMT

From: Paul Carr <>

I heard on the news this morning that a large colorful fireball went

right over Philadelphia last night.  They didn't give a specific time.

Someone in the control tower at PHL called it 'The Mother of all Meteors.'



Subject: Haaton stuff, etc.

Date: 6 Mar 91 20:49:24 GMT

From: (Korac MacArthur)

 Well, I was too amused to be scared, so I ordered the catalog.  I

hope I don't get on the 'New Age Junk Mail List', but I gave it a read with

an open mind.   It is a very interesting bunch of descriptions of the manuals

you can buy (for 10.00 apiece, discount rates for more than 4).  From some of

the wording, however, it sounds like the guy's name is Hate-On.   There are a

couple of the 80 to 110 page manuscripts that deal with such topics as

'Zionist world takeovers', "Faked scud attacks on Israel" and George Bush's

'Secret Constitution' ala trilaterals, etc (that may be true, there is enough

barely plausible facts mingled in to spark much paranoia).   From the ranting

anti-semetic tone, and the desire to have a govt. 'as the founders of the 

constitution intended under God's law', as well as subtle attacks on the 

Brittish govt, it sounds to me like a slightly New Age version of the pap that

Lyndon LaRouche and his 'New Federalist' gay bashing, jew hating white people's

party has been spouting of late.   The substantiating material for the claim

of gay bashing is a volume that has how 'Sodomy reduced the immune system' and

'AIDS is the last great plague of the Earth' or some such items.  Talked about

how there will be concentration camps in the US, how we will see stuff like in

Russia (removing large bills from the economy, then going plastic, which may

happen regardless of who is in charge).

 Before the true believers blitz me with flames, you may ask ' How can 

you claim to have given it a read with an open mind, when you obviously have

anti-Haaton sentiment?'   I don't hate anybody, I truly read the material I 

received, and evaluated it with the idea of looking for substantiating proof

within the literature, there was none, and I was not about to shell out 10.00

each to look further.   The initial claims made were, in my opinion only,

a new age slant to a very old game ----- hate mongering and duping the weak 

minded out of their money as well.  If these people aren't already hooked into

Lyndon LaRouche's political machine, it wouldn't suprise me if they soon do,

their statements are that similar.  Don't believe me?  Call that 800 number for

yourself, order the catalog.  Make them pay 0.52 to mail it and satisfy your

curiousity.    Let me know what you think of it when you get it.

   Best Regards,



From: Michael.Corbin@f4.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)

Subject: Haaton Stuff, Etc.

Date: 7 Mar 91 04:25:00 GMT

 > From: (Korac MacArthur)

 >         Before the true believers blitz me with flames, you may ask '

 > How can you claim to have given it a read with an open mind, when you

 > obviously have anti-Haaton sentiment?' I don't hate anybody, I truly read the

 > material I received, and evaluated it with the idea of looking for

 > substantiating proof within the literature, there was none, and I was not

 > about to shell out 10.00 each to look further. The initial claims made were,

 > in my opinion only,

 > a new age slant to a very old game ----- hate mongering and duping the weak

 > minded out of their money as well.  If these people aren't already hooked

 > into Lyndon LaRouche's political machine, it wouldn't suprise me if they soon

 > do, their statements are that similar.  Don't believe me?  Call that 800

 > number for yourself, order the catalog.  Make them pay 0.52 to mail it and

 > satisfy your curiousity.  Let me know what you think of it when you get it.




Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422

UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name

INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f4.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: vanth!jms

Subject: fireball report (few details yet)

Date: 7 Mar 91 08:20:35 GMT

From: vanth! (Jim Shaffer)

(and now for something completely different)

I just heard on the local news at noon that a huge fireball with a

'reddish-green' (whatever that is!) trail was seen from Philadelphia to New

York this morning, apparently lasting for about six seconds.

*  From the disk of:  | jms@vanth.uucp       | 'Speeding through the

Jim Shaffer, Jr.      |!vanth!jms | universe, Thinking is

37 Brook Street       | uunet!cbmvax!amix!vanth!jms  | the best way to travel.'

Montgomery, PA 17752  |    |   (The Moody Blues)


From: vanth!!jms

Subject: Tesla, Keely, et. al.

Date: 7 Mar 91 08:21:21 GMT

From: vanth! (Jim Shaffer)

+From: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Clark Matthews)


+Perhaps they were on to the same thing?  Worth noting that there is

+much anecdotal evidence for Keely's devices, but we can't test them

+today.  Supposedly his 'airship' is in Chicago somewhere --

+interesting to get hold of THAT, wouldn't you say?

Yes it would be interesting.  I wasn't trying to say that I think Keely was

full of it, only that his writing style (which I don't pretend to

understand) makes him certainly look like it.

+Well, I don't know if Tesla turbines are safer than conventional ones

+because of the stresses involved.  Models are much more efficient,

+however. There's a fellow on KeelyNet who's building one, you know.

I read one file on the Tesla BBS that claimed that they were safer because

if one of the discs broke up it would be swept out the exhaust port rather

than flying through the sides of the unit.  Now that I think about it, that

doesn't make a whole lot of sense.  But it also said that they could be run

at very high speeds without breaking up.

+As to the psychic components of all this, mentioned in your message,

+check out the Keely Files MIND1-8 and VEDA.  They're about this

+stuff, including direct brain stimulation via microwave,

+electromagnetism, etc.  One of them is by Persinger, whose

+electrical football helmet produced repeatable phychic results in


I read the Veda file and thought it was interesting philosophically, but I

wish we had some evidence that all these things in the ancient writings

actually existed.

The last I heard, Persinger was a skeptic and the object of his

helmet was to demonstrate that certain phenomena were hallucinations caused

by geo-piezo-electrically-generated EM acting on the brain.  I even heard

he induced an alien abduction experience.  (It wouldn't account for those

that leave implants or scars, of course!)  Do you mean that he induced

something that was proveably not the result of the subject's own mind?  (I

guess I should get those files.  I've got to call the Vangard board one of

these days and see what they're up to down there, too.)

*  From the disk of:  | jms@vanth.uucp       | 'Speeding through the

Jim Shaffer, Jr.      |!vanth!jms | universe, Thinking is

37 Brook Street       | uunet!cbmvax!amix!vanth!jms  | the best way to travel.'

Montgomery, PA 17752  |    |   (The Moody Blues)


From: vanth!jms

Subject: censorship, beam weapons, psychics, and spaceflight

Date: 7 Mar 91 08:22:53 GMT

From: vanth! (Jim Shaffer)



+America West HAS been censored (had you heard of them?) as no TV station

+or national newspaper will accept their ads.  The Pleidians say that

That's the decision of the TV stations and newspapers.  They have the right

to make that decision. (I only wish they'd refuse all the astrology crap

and the explosion of Apocalyptic interpretations of Nostradamus.)

+the scribe (I did NOT call her a channelor nor a psychic) has been

Nor did you explain the difference, even when asked.  I propose that there

is none.  I don't necessarily mean that in a derogatory way, but see about

four paragraphs down for what I do mean.

+killed (heart stopped) several times with 'beam weapons.'  They monitor

+her constantly and can revive her.  That is an example of their

+interfering if directly requested.  I heard

+Dan Rather quote Boris Yeltzin once as saying, 'the KGB has beam weapons

+that can stop my heart.'

Can you give any reference for this quote?  It's very interesting if true,

but it needs to be tracked down.  (I have also heard [from an unidentified

source!] that the CIA can cancel out your brain waves. I don't consider it

technically possible, especially in the manner it was described [via a

'bug' in a telephone receiver.])  Perhaps you could cause nervous system

effects with some sort of radio waves. I'm not a physicist, or a

biologist.  But I suspect it would have to be very strong to work from any

sort of distance.

+How to contact Hatonn?  You don't need an appointment.  You must go

+to a quiet place where you can hear your inner voice. Just call on

+him.  I'm not saying he will appear in full 9 1/2 foot radiance; I'm

+not saying he won't.  I think that is his choice.  You have to remember

+that just because the response is not in the form that you expect/want,

+that doesn't mean the response was not made.  Before you do, imagine

+yourself cloaked in light.  Ask an honest question, and listen attentively

+for the reply.  It's easy to call; it's admittedly harder to hear.

A fairly standard practice.  But to get back to the point I've tried to

make several times now, how do you know that anything you experience isn't

merely coming from your own subconscious (i.e., a kind of waking dream.)

PLEASE note, I'm *not* questioning the existence of psychic phenomena, and

I'm *not* questioning the value of meditation as a spiritual exercise,

and I'm *not* arguing 'psychic' vs "scalar wave receiver" vs "quantum

interconnectedness', I'm asking 'How do you know a true psychic vision from

a product of your own (conscious or unconscious) mind?'  I've met some

neo-pagans who acknowledge that not everything that you perceive in an

altered state of consciousness is necessarily psychic, but there are far

more New Age people who seem to take everything as Gospel (pardon the mixed


+I will leave you with something to chew on.  I recall in my childhood

+when watching the lunar modules returning to earth that they had to wait

+a while for the module to cool while it was in water before opening.

+Then, the astronauts had to be helped out of the module because

+weightlessness had screwed up their bearings--they could not walk at all.


+I was at Edward's Air Force base when the very first shuttle returned to

+earth.  I remember the immediately captain bounding down the steps and

+running all about the place like a gazelle.  Apparently, one of the

+announcers on a network commented on his athleticism. This same

+announcer, a former astronaut or NASA person--in other words, a knowledgeable

+person, commented when he first saw the shuttle, 'That doesn't look

+like it's been in space!'

I think I can squash this line of speculation before it gets anywhere. The

shuttle has heat-resistant tiles on it.  They dissipate the heat *very*

fast.  And you're right, they don't burn and thus don't show signs of

re-entry.  I'm not saying this because it's what NASA says, I'm saying it

because I've seen it demonstrated about 10 feet in front of me!  A man held

a torch to one of the tiles until it was glowing red, then in little more

time than it took to shut off the torch and set it down, he held the heated

side of the tile against his bare hand.  No burns!  No oxidation of the

tile either, despite glowing red.  (And it quit glowing red the instant he

removed the torch.)  I suspect that whoever made the 'doesn't look like

it's been in space' comment meant it as a *compliment* for the shuttle's

fine technology.

The capsules that came back from the moon were a different story.  I don't

know what they were made out of, but they looked like they were bare metal

on the top.  There's a heat shield on the bottom (the side that comes in

first, to slow it down by simple aerodynamics) and although I don't know

what it was made of either, I believe that it actually did partially burn

away.  But for all their screw-ups, don't think for a second that NASA

couldn't have invented one good thing in ten years!

As for the effects of weightlessness:  First, on the shuttle you can move

around and exercise.  On the lunar capsules you just had to sit there.

Even though there's no gravity in either case, I think just moving around

would help to prevent getting your bearings screwed up.  If I'm wrong,

correct me, but that's not my main point anyway.  My main point is that

although I've never seen a shuttle landing in person and I don't remember

much of seeing it on TV, I doubt that anyone immediately came bounding out

of it when it landed.  Don't they have to check the thing for hydrazine

before they let the astronauts come out?  It's deadly in very small

quantities, you know.  I think they'd have time to get out of their seats

and get re-oriented to gravity before leaving.

*  From the disk of:  | jms@vanth.uucp       | 'Speeding through the

Jim Shaffer, Jr.      |!vanth!jms | universe, Thinking is

37 Brook Street       | uunet!cbmvax!amix!vanth!jms  | the best way to travel.'

Montgomery, PA 17752  |    |   (The Moody Blues)


From: Michael.Corbin@f4.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)

Subject: Re: Paranet Newsletter 372

Date: 7 Mar 91 00:18:00 GMT

 > From!MCLARKE Tue Mar  5 21:45:53 1991


 > Regarding the magnetic anomalies present on the ground after UFO

 > sitings, one would think that atmospheric magnetic and gravitational

 > field anomalies should be monitored on a large scale.

How would this be done?



Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422

UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name

INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f4.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Michael.Corbin@f4.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)

Subject: Philadelphia Meteor 4/5/91

Date: 7 Mar 91 00:19:00 GMT

 > From: Paul Carr <>


 > I heard on the news this morning that a large colorful fireball went

 > right over Philadelphia last night.  They didn't give a specific time.

 > Someone in the control tower at PHL called it 'The Mother of all

 > Meteors.'

Sure have been a lot of those lately.  Are you investigating this, Paul?



Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422

UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name

INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f4.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Clark Matthews)

Subject: Nasa Plans Nuclear Propulsion Research

Date: 4 Mar 91 12:46:00 GMT

 > +NASA to establish a Nuclear Propulsion Systems Office at

 > Lewis

 > +[About %$#$%#$%ing time!!!]

Hee-HEEEEE-heee-heee-ha-ha-ha-ha!  Hoooooo, hahahahahhahahahaa!!

So that's who's been grabbing all my files <grin>.

Maybe we should stand 'em on their ears with two miles of wire, ten 

gallons of glycerine, and a couple of inner tubes.


BTW, the Alt Tech files are all online.  Go wild! :-)




Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422

UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name

INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


From: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Clark Matthews)

Subject: Long Island UFO

Date: 7 Mar 91 04:20:00 GMT

Preliminary reports indicate sightings of a large, spherical, 

slow-moving object with four "exhaust-like" lights and vapor trails.

The object was whitish blue and was observed to change course and 

possibly altitude.

It was first observed over the borough of Queens in New York City at 

around midnight 3/5/91 and was last observed by two police officers 

in Mastic in eastern Long Island three hours later.

Observations were reported from aircraft and witnesses on the 


Further updates will come as soon as the information is available & 





Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422

UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name

INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


From: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Clark Matthews)

Subject: Tesla, Keely, Et. Al.

Date: 7 Mar 91 04:55:00 GMT

Michael, some of the files are rather lengthy but this one, in 

particular, should pique the interest and imagination of ParaNet's 

readers & participants.  Followers of the "Philadelphia Experiment" 

should be particularly intrigued. 

The subject of this file is the so-called Resonant Gravity Field 

Coil.  The coil is a device that ostensibly warps spacetime 

-- "ripping" the fabric of time, as it were.  The file provides some 

rather crude graphics for building such a device and some glowing -- 

if vague and unsubstantiated -- experimental results.

Briefly, toroidal coils like this seem to have the potential of 

creating very unusual, localized field forces.  By all accounts, 

these devices are also VERY DANGEROUS.

I have data on a catastrophic "explosion" (for lack of a better 

word, since this coil is built from inert materials) in the New 

York area and have heard accounts of similar mishaps in 

Philadelphia (2) and Toronto (1).

Properly, I should convey the warnings of unintended consequences 

to such experiments -- including violent dissociation of rooms and 

buildings and things disappearing in the field generated -- but 

these anecdotes are not verifiable.  Still, the potential of 

devices like this seems to be enormous.

The theory behind the device is elusive:  If it actually transcends 

time, it points to radically different ideas of reality and 

conceptions of gravity and time.  Notable among these is the theory 

of a Holographic Universe and variations on the old Aether theory.

I'll post some more when there's been some comment on the RG Coil. 



>>> Continued Next Message >>>


Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422

UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name

INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


From: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Clark Matthews)

Subject: Resonant Gravity Coil Pt.1

Date: 7 Mar 91 04:58:00 GMT

Part 1 of 4.

                      Taken from KeelyNet BBS (214) 324-3501

                           Sponsored by Vangard Sciences

                                    PO BOX 1031

                                Mesquite, TX 75150

                                 October 17, 1990

                        listed on KeelyNet as GRAVITY3.ZIP

                       courteously shared by Joseph Misiolek


          /==\ \  / /==\ \  /==         /=================================\

          |  |  \/  |  | |\ |  Systems  | The Resonant Gravity Field Coil |

          +==+  ||  |  | ||||  Present  | (or: how to manipulate reality  |

          |  |  /\  |  | | \|           |    in a 530 square inch area)   |

       ===/  \=/  \=\==/=/  \           \=================================/


              |                 By (_>Shadow Hawk<_)                |

              | Theory, concept, and Idea by: ????????????????????? |


           NOTICE: Within this file will be presented a potential method of

                   altering the  spatiotemporal continuum as one desires. I

                   take no responsibility  for  any  use  or misuse of this

                   information, whether harmful or otherwise. The effects

                   of this  device, if used in a careless  manner,  can  be

                   EXTREMELY DANGEROUS.


       |        Gravity Resonance? What is this nut talking about?????    |


       You are probably thinking, "how can gravity possibly be resonant?"

       This is a  good  question.  As  discovered by Thomas Townsend Brown,

       electricity is directly related to  gravity  (see  his  U.S. patents

       1,974,483, 3,187,206 in particular.)

       If this is so, it is most likely a vectorial relationship (law of

       opposites), and since there is already an electromagnetic vector (2

       dimensional), a gravitational vector would be at 90  degrees to both

       the magnetic and   the  electric  vectors  (since  we  are  in  a  3

       dimensional space.)

       The gravitational vector is like  the  "duration  in  time"  of  the

       electric and magnetic vectors. There are also, in addition to scalar

       electric and magnetic waves

              (see Bearden, Thomas E. "Toward a new electromagnetics:

                   part IV:  vectors and mechanisms clarified.  Tesla  Book

                   Co., Millbrae, California, 1983.

       This work, however, fails to mention gravity waves, although it does

       mention controlling gravity), there are also scalar gravitic waves

                                      Page 1

              (see Ford,  L.H and A. Vilenkin. "A gravitational analogue of

                   the Aharanov-Bohm  effect."   Journal   of   Physics  A.

                   Mathematical, Nuclear,  and  General.  (Great  Britain).

                   14(9), Sep.  1981. p. 2353-2357.)


       |                 Okay.  So There are gravity waves.               |

       |              How can resonating them control reality?            |


              All of  the  above  has  been proven; this is where basically

       theory comes in.  There has been much supposed experimental proof of

       these effects, however  all  current   research  is,  unfortunately,

       proprietary, and it is extremely hard to come by anything helpful.

              The only  good  sources of information are  some  small  mail

       order book stores, and no one store has everything.

              One example   of   publicized   experimental   proof  is  the

       information regarding the  largely  ignored  Biefield-Brown  effect,

       whereby gravity can be nullified and even reversed  due  to electric


              (see Thomas Townsend Brown, Above patents), and the book on

                   the Philadelphia  experiment  (and  NOT  THE  MOVIE! The

                   movie was fiction, the  book  is  an  attempt to analyze

                   what little fact is known.)

              The true  Philadelphia  experiment, if it actually  occurred,

       used a Navy  ship degausser modified to act as some type of resonant

       gravity vector coil.

              The actual  theory  is  that,   since   electricity   can  be

       "transmitted" through the ether through electric scalar  and  vector

       waves, and magnetic energy through magnetic scalar and vector waves,

       why not gravitational scalar and vector waves, if they do exist (law

       of opposites)?

              A gravity  wave  is  the temporal "shape" of the electric and

       magnetic vector (I  hope  this  is  a  good  explanation!),  and  by

       changing this shape you are changing the molecular  construction  of

       the matter (or lack thereof) transmitting the waves.

             Also, since  there  are  an  infinite number of parallel, real


              (see Hypernumbers II, by Charles Muses, January 1978

                   "Applied Mathematics    and    Computation",   and   his

                   introduction to Jerome Rothstein's "Communication,

                   Organization, and  Science,"  The Falcon's  Wing  Press,

                   Indian Hills, CO, 1958),

       the gravity vector    coil    MAY    allow   the   psychic   (scalar

       electromagnetic brain wave) postulation  of  reality  through the G-

       vector. Thiscould also be done with a computer, but both are beyond

       the scope of this paper.

              I will now present the plans for the construction of a simple

       G-vector coil. What you do with it from here is up to you, show it

                                      Page 2


Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422

UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name

INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


From: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Clark Matthews)

Subject: Resonant Gravity Coil Pt.2

Date: 7 Mar 91 04:59:00 GMT

Part 2 of 4.

       to your physics  teachers  and  have them look up the references and

       watch their eyes pop as they find out the speed of light is NOT



            This, actually, is the hardest  part.  You  will either have to

       spend a lot of $$$ at a plastics company or have some  good  friends

       to get but  one  of  the  parts  needed, the others should be fairly


            Listed in order of availability

            (2) 50 VDC (DC-10 MHZ preferred,  but...)  @ 10A, 50KV isolated

                power supplies

                (parts list for those:)

            (2) 110  VAC  to  48 VDC @ 10A  Isolated stepdown  transformers

                (500 watt)

            (2) 100V PIV rectifier diode

            Optional (2) Heatsinks for above

            (2) 0-120 VAC @ 10A variacs (variable autotransformer)

            (2) 80-100V @ 1000uF electrolytic capacitors

            Optional (1 or 2) Case to hold it all in

            (1) 25-100  KVDC  (again,  DC-10 MHZ preferred...) @ 100-400 uA

                (not necessarily variable) 50 kV isolated power supply

                (parts list)

            (1) 10-12 KV @ 20-30 mA neon sign transformer

            (4) TV HV diodes - 12-14 KV PIV

            (4) HV capacitors, 500-1000 pF @ 10 KV

            (1) 0-120 VAC @ 10A variac (variable autotransformer)

            (1) Case to put it all in

            about 7500 feet of #16 Guage heavy Formvar magnetwire

            a lot (probably 5000 feet) of #20 or #22 magnetwire

            some fiberglass tape

            some plastic tape

            TV HV corona dope

       And, the clincher:

            (1) Hollow plastic dia., about 30"-32" outside diameter, 24-26"

                inner diameter, and about 4"-6" thick.

                                      Page 3

                It must be hollow, thermosetting plastic, with supports for

                an internal  coil  of  wire,  and two holes for the wire to

                leave, spaced to avoid electrical discharges.

                It must be boiling wax-tight, preferrably with a gasket.

                And it should be openable,  at  least into 4 sections, with

                screwholes (and gaskets if available.)

                You also  need enough of equal portions of  Carnubura  (sp)

                beeswax, and paraffin wax to fill the inside.


       |                           Construction                           |


       (1) Wind a  28"  (about,  must  center inside the hollow part of the

                      plastic donut) "hoop"  coil  of  the  #16 magnetwire.

                      (see Illustration 1)

       (2) Wrap first with fiberglass and then plastic tape,  and  then dip

                      it in TV HV corona dope. Allow to dry.

       (3) Place the coil inside the hollow donut.

       (4) Seal the  donut,  allowing  an  opening for the wax to be poured


       (5) Pour the wax into the donut,  leaving  as  little  air  space as


       (6) Seal the donut, adding any extra wax.

       (7) Wrap approximately one layer of the #20 or #22  guage magnetwire

                      over the outside of the donut.

       (8) Coat with HV corona dope.

       (9) You are  finished  with  the  coil.  It  should  look similar to

                      illustration 2.

       See illustration 3 for a cutaway view.


       Illustration 1:


                     Top View                              Side View

               __                                            ||

           ___/--\ ----- 1000 turns #16 magnetwire  ----- __//|

              |  |                                        __/||

           ---\__/                                           ||--

                                      Page 4


Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422

UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name

INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


From: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Clark Matthews)

Subject: Resonant Gravity Coil Pt.3

Date: 7 Mar 91 05:02:00 GMT

Part 3 of 4.


       Illustration 2:


                     Top View                              Side View

                       ___                              /-------------\

                      \\|//                            / / / | | | \ \ \

                     |\/ \/| --- Outer Layer of #20 ---| | | | | | | | |

                     |-   -|     or #22 magnetwire     | | | | | | | | |

                     |/\ /\|                           | | | | | | | | |

                      //|\\                            \ \ \ | | | / / /

                       ---                              \-------------/


       Illustration 3:


                                  Cutaway (side) View


                / / / / / // / / // / / / | | | \ \ \ \\ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \

               / / / / / // / / / | | | | _____ | | | | \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \

              / / / / / / | | | | _______/*****\_______ | | | | \ \ \ \ \

              | | | | | |  ______/*******=======*******\_______ | | | | |

         Plastic Donut ---|*******=====================*******| | | | | |

        (hidden by wire)| |*******=====================*******| | | | | |

              | | | | | |  ------\***** <-\ ======*****/------- | | | | |

              \ \ \ \ \ \ | | | | -----\   \ === /----- | | | | / / / / /

               \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ | | | |  |  ^ | | | | / / / // / / / /

                \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \\ \ \ \  |  | / / / // / / // / / / /

                 ----------------------- ^ |  |   --------------------

             Toroidal Plastic "Donut"----^ | |  \-

             The ='s represent the inner "hoop".

             Outer layer of #20 or #22 magnetwire or coil of wire.

             The *'s represent the wax mixture.

                                      Page 5


       |                    Building The Power Supplies                   |


            If you  are unfamiliar with electronics, you may need some help

       with this section, as I am only presenting the schematics. Here they


       For both 50VDC power supplies:


                      /---\                                   /\

                      v   |    100V Piv 15A diode            /  \

                   _mmmmm_+__    ___|\|__+__________________/0-15\__+

                  / Variac   )||(   |/|  |  1000 uF @ 80 V  \DC A/

          =)======        110)||(48     ---  electrolytic    \  /

                  \__________)||(_____  /-\                   \/

         120 VAC         110V to 48V  \  |-

       Grounded Plug   10A Transformer \_+__________________________-

                     (2) of these are required. Note that

               the stepdown transformer must be 50kv isolated.


       For the 100 KVDC power supply:



        v   |



        | Variac   )||(                   _|_        _|_ HV

        |       110)||(8-10KV       |/    \ /14KV PIV/-\cap

        |  ________)||(_____________||_   _v_ TV HV   |

        | |       100V to 8-10KV    |\ \   |  Diode   +____+______

        | |      100uA Transformer  ^   \__+          |   _|_     \

       /___\               800-1000 pf 10KV \   TV HV-^-  \ /TV HV|

       120 VAC                 capacitor     \  diode/ \  -v-diode|

       grounded plug                          \      -|-   |     _|_  /\

                                               \______+    +  HV /-\ /  \

       Note that all unmarked parts                   |    |  cap | / 0- \

       have the same value as their                   | |/ |      +/ 1000 \

           marked counterparts.                       +_||_+_     |\      /

                                                        |\  \    -^-\ uA /

                                                     HV cap |    / \ \  /

                                                            |    -|-  \/

                                                            |     |   !!

                                                            \_____/  TV HV



       |                                 Usage                            |


            To connect the power supplies  to  the  coil, connect the wires

       leading out of the donut (from the inner coil) to one  50  VDC power


                                      Page 6


Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422

UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name

INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


From: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Clark Matthews)

Subject: Resonant Gravity Coil Pt.4

Date: 7 Mar 91 05:06:00 GMT

Part 4 of 4.

            The polarity, at this stage, does not matter.

            Next, connect the leads from the outer coil to the other 50 VDC

       power supply.

            Do NOT turn either of them on! Now, connect one of the leads of

       the inner coil  to  one  terminal of the 25-100 KV power supply, and

       connect one lead of the outer coil  to the other terminal of the 25-

       100 KV power supply.

            Thats it!


            Now, the hard part. You will have to figure  out  some  way  of

       modulating the fields.  This  could  be  done  through stepper motor

       control of the variac, or through  the  insertion  of  a  probe coil

       (probably just a  ferrite  rod wrapped with a few hundred  turns  of

       wire) into the center of the donut hole.

            This would  then  be  modulated  with  whatever electromagnetic

       signal you'd want to impress upon the field.

            Through careful experimentation,  you should be able to produce

       some very interesting effects, such as extreme gravity,  bending  of

       metal within the field, spontaneous materialization of ?, etc.

            Note that  the  purpose  of  the  wax  is  to  act  as a molten

       dielectric, so don't be surprised when it starts boiling.

            Thats why the donut form must  be made out of thermosetting (or

       any kind that  doesn't  melt near the temperature  of  boiling  wax)


            Have phun,  and don't do anything you wouldn't want perpetuated

       throughout your subjective reality!

                                         (_>Shadow Hawk<_)


       |Call these fine boards:                                           |


       | Ripco                                            (312)-528-5020  |

       | Wildfire                                         Invitation Only |

       | Pirate 80                                        (304)-744-2253  |



       Appendix to the above Joseph John Misiolek


       There are two modifications to the  above  device  which should make

       the effect of the unit more powerful, while at the  same time making

       it more safe for the operator to conduct his/her research.

       1.  In place  of  the  wax  in  the  coil  being  used  as a "molten

           dielectric", it would be advantageous to use Glycerine instead.

           The "scorch field" set up between the two coils using the 25-

                                      Page 7

           100kvdc supply  will  be  approx.  25 times greater in intensity

           than with the wax.

           While the dielectric constant (k) of wax is less than 3, the (k)

           of Glycerine is about 56.

           Also, the semi-liquid state that  Glycerine  maintains  at  room

           temperature will  prove  to  be an effective heat-sink  for  the

           inner coil.  Glycerine is an emollient, and can be obtained from

           most drug stores.

       2.  The Modulator  coil (250-300 turns) on ferrite core to be placed

           into the interior of the coil shall be replaced by a coil larger

           in diameter than the outer coil  of  the present unit (as herein

           described) and shall be placed outside the units' outer coil.

           This will   give  a  more  stable  field  configuration,   while

           confining the  gravitational  effects  to  the  interior  of the


           These two modifications, while increasing the units' power, will

           also provide a level of safety  not  to  be  had in the original


       A word of caution! --------

           While operating this device, it would be wise to  secure  a non-

           interruptable power supply for it.

           If, while  the fields were at their maximum output, the power to

           the coils  were  to  be suddenly  interrupted,  a  very  serious

           condition could  arise  as  the  distorted region  of  spacetime

           surrounding the  coil "cut-loose" into the surrounding spacetime

           beyond the coils influence.

           A "pulse" of distorted spacetime  might, under these conditions,

           leave the coil at high velocity, and inflict great damage to the

           surroundings near the coil.  (Including the operator)


                      DON'T SAY THAT YOU WEREN'T WARNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


       If you have comments or other information relating to such topics as

       this paper covers,  please upload to KeelyNet or send to the Vangard

       Sciences address as listed on the  first  page.   Thank you for your

       consideration, interest and support.

           Jerry W. Decker.........Ron Barker...........Chuck Henderson

                             Vangard Sciences/KeelyNet


                     If we can be of service, you may contact

                 Jerry at (214) 324-8741 or Ron at (214) 242-9346


                                      Page 8


Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422

UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name

INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG

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