Info-ParaNet Newsletters February 28th 1991
Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume I Number 370
Thursday, February 28th 1991
Today's Topics:
Re: Lazar end.
Re: Skeptics
'Secrets' and Gulf Breeze
Re: Lazar End.
Re: Japanese videotape
Re: File disclaimers
Re: Old writers
From: Rick.Moen@f27.n125.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Rick Moen)
Subject: Re: Lazar end.
Date: 25 Feb 91 06:08:13 GMT
> Lazar and Huff did in fact send UFO Magazine a copy of Lazar's W-2
> form which is now included in UFO Magazine Vol. 6, No. 2. The form
> lists Lazar's former employer as Naval Intelligence.
Whoa there, Don. There's something _very wrong_ with accepting this
form as evidence of anything at all. I'll be very reassured if you
aren't going to need me to tell you what that is, and can/will let the
echo know, instead of leaving us with the implication that it
constitutes actual evidence.
Best Skeptical Regards <grin>,
Rick M.
Rick Moen - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Rick.Moen@f27.n125.z1.FIDONET.ORG
From: Rick.Moen@f27.n125.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Rick Moen)
Subject: Re: Skeptics
Date: 25 Feb 91 06:10:55 GMT
Doug --
Thank you for (again) a thoughtful posting, and for your kind words.
Best Regards,
Rick M.
Rick Moen - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Rick.Moen@f27.n125.z1.FIDONET.ORG
Subject: 'Secrets' and Gulf Breeze
Date: 26 Feb 91 16:55:23 GMT
From: Will Martin <>
Well, *there's* proof that there is a cover-up conspiracy!!!!!
Those who watched the ABC 'America's Best-kept Secrets' last night (25 Feb)
will know whereof I speak. The show proceeded normally up to the segment
on Gulf breeze, which was preceeded by a commercial break. Then, only a
few seconds into the segment, it was wiped off the air by an ABC News
'Gulf War Special Update'. Was this real Gulf War news? NO! It was a
totally worthless piece of puffery with no particular time-reference.
They spoke of the President's advisers meeting at the White House.
This was a non-event, which in no way justified an interruption of
regular programming:
1) I expect these advisers and high mucky-mucks to meet *all the time*
during this period of national crisis; that's what we pay them for! The
fact that they met was NOT newsworthy.
2) There was no public statement issued or live press briefing at this
time; the time chosen to interject this 'special update' had no relation
to actual newsworthiness. This can be proven by the fact they let a
commercial break go by complete and uninterrupted, and only afterwards
presented this update.
When the update finished, they cut back to the GB story, which was just
about meaningless and near the end after having its meat ripped out.
Let me emphasize that I am not claiming that this or any other
entertainment program is more important than war news. War coverage
should take precedence. (As I pointed out above, though, this was NOT
'war news' due to its content.) Where ABC and all the other networks are
wrong is in the fact that they are presenting *any* 'entertainment' during
this time, if they are going to interrupt it at unpredictable intervals.
(This particular one probably orchestrated by a 'man in black' lurking in
the shadows of the control room... :-) They should have been an all-news
service ever since the war began; it would have allowed adequate coverage
of all the other news that has been ignored during this time.
Regards, Will
From: Don.Ecker@f3.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Don Ecker)
Subject: Re: Lazar End.
Date: 26 Feb 91 23:27:00 GMT
Rick Moen said with skeptical tongue in side of cheek;
> Whoa there, Don. There's something _very wrong_ with
> accepting this
> form as evidence of anything at all. I'll be very
> reassured if you
> aren't going to need me to tell you what that is, and
> can/will let the
> echo know, instead of leaving us with the implication
> that it
> constitutes actual evidence.
Whoa there Rick. I do not recall saying ANY SUCH THING. What
I did say was that we received a fax of the W-2 form in
question. I did not say that we thought it was genuine.
However, rest assured. . . . . I am following up on it.
Nuff said.
Don Ecker - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Don.Ecker@f3.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG
From: (Gregory B Lush)
Subject: (None)
Date: 27 Feb 91 17:27:28 GMT
From: (Gregory B Lush)
First of all, I apologize for creating unnecessary intrigue about my name.
My name is Greg Lush. I thought that would come at the top of the
mail header, but it didn't. I sign all my mail out here GBL so
it is a habit.
I have been trying to tell people about the Phoenix Journals for 8
months now, and have gotten a wide variety of responses which
can be condensed into 3 categories:
1) Militant accusations of my inability to discern my head from
a Hatonn in the ground.
2) This is a hard reaction to describe without embellishing with bias. If
I were to say the response was open-minded, it would sound
critical of those who wouldn't believe. If you don't choose
to believe, fine. I only wanted to share what I think is,
quite frankly, the most important information you can ever
come in contact with. (With a statement like that, I guess
my objectivity might be thrown out the window.)
Let's just say that I was able to discuss this with some
people without having something thrown at me. They might
have laughed at me later, but were polite enough to spare me.
3) Absolute fear and giving up of hope. Some actually got physically
sick to their stomach. I guess this means that these
people believed. Such a response is, unfortunately, the worst
possible. Fear typically arises lack a of knowledge.
I believe that things are going to get pretty horrendous on this
planet soon, and for a long time. Knowledge is your best tool.
Saddam Hussein calls the Persian Gulf War the Mother of all Battles.
I think he is in the know of what is going on, though he might not
survive it all. The best way to survive is to have knowledge.
There is a way to 'win' and individuals will be given what they
need to survive if they ask. That is why the Pleidians are here.
I guess I hope that when I share this with people, they recognize
that if all of conspiracy theory is true--or even a part of it--then
the repercussions are horrendous enough that it merits attention.
The individual then must make an effort to verify the information from
of other sources. I recommend these Journals because no other source
that I have seen is so complete.
It's rare that one person can write a book that will encompass the
whole picture. The reason there is over 6000 pages of material from the
Pleidians is that it takes that much to cover it all. The publishers
have put it all together in in 1-1/2 years. It takes years to investigate
just one aspect of this. I feel that they bring it together in an
understandable way. I believe that once you have the WHOLE picture,
you can understand how it is not only possible that these conspiratorial
charges are true, but the data uncovered by humans alone makes it
LIKELY that it is going on.
I have read two books that you might try to find in a used bookstore:
None Dare Call It Treason, by John Stormer who now lives in MO
None Dare Call It Conspiracy and ANYTHING ELSE written by Gary Allen.
These talk about several aspects of this business (not aliens)
and are well footnoted.
Everything the Pleidians write has been, they claim, written before,
and the two books above are examples of this.
There is nothing I can say to one who does not believe in aliens to
make him believe, and I won't waste my time doing it. I joined this
newsletter because I was surprised to see people discussing this.
I posted to the newsletter because I saw genuine questions being asked
that I thought I could answer. If I sounded as if I was coming down
off a very high horse, I apologize. People ask me if I believe that
these Journals represent truth. I have to say that I KNOW they are truth.
Why? Because I have researched as fully as my resources and time allow.
Because I now see the aspects of The Plan manifesting themselves every
day that I read the paper. I warn everyone to watch Russia now, because
what happens there, will happen here. This is the The Global 2000
plan for world control through the United Nations, and it is happening.
We will have martial law, $50 and $100 notes confiscated without warning,
and war will find its way here.
If you don't believe me, I just ask that you keep the address for
the Journals in case something happens that raises your eyebrows
enough to let some more light in. I DON'T CARE WHETHER THERE ARE
ALIENS HERE OR NOT. It does not matter. It is possible to verify the
information regarding our government contained within these Journals.
Ignore the author and absorb the information. What matters is whether or
not our country is being taken away from us along with our Freedoms.
I believe there are aliens here. Why? Because everything I have been
able to verify that they have written has turned out to be truth.
After a while, I got tired of saying, 'well Hatonn, you were right again.'
There were many questions posed to me so I will answer some--some
I might have skipped because someone else answered it or I forgot.
I'm only human.
Why wouldn't the aliens just solve all our problems?
Because WE created them and it is up to us, as a planet, to take
responsibility to solve them ourselves. The Pleidians are not allowed to
interfere, just like Capt. Kirk and his Prime Directive. This gets a
little hard to understand because by writing the Journals, they seem to
be interfering in a BIG way. They are allowed to 'help' when requested
by humans, or when the results of our idiotic wars begins to spill into
the Cosmos, but the precise boundaries of how much help is allowed are
obscure to me.
There was a reference to the year 1992.
In a letter to the publishers, a man stated that a massive bomb
shelter is being built in Australia (in the side of a mountain)
to house 10,000 people (Elite). It is to be completed in 1992.
I guess that might support the 1992 calculation for a Nuke-fest.
I apologize for saying what I said about New Agers in such a blunt
and unjustified way. I wouldn't know a New Ager if he fell on me.
All I said was that the Pleidians were not kind to the New Agers.
I didn't say they didn't believe in them or wanted to blow them up.
Their criticism is that their 'way' teaches people to "just be."
I don't know if this is a valid criticism. God wants workers working
hard. Someone has since posted some info about channeling
and references to Hatonn in other books. He intimated that the
two don't jive. Choosing which one is more 'correct' is up the
discerning reader.
The Pleidians say that there is nothing of channeling about how the information
for these books is received. Hatonn explains that the receiver
receives short wave radio communications in his/her head--we have an internal
antennae, I guess. She then types it into a computer. The Pleidians do not
publish the books; they provide the information, and humans do the work.
I know nothing about Ruth Montgomery. Hatonn was mentioned in a book
I saw, but did not read. In it were pictures of aliens ships picking up
people using something similar to a Star Trekkian transporter. If such
a picture is in one of her books, then it is likely the same person.
His 'popularity' as someone put it in a posting may cause others to
claim to speak with him in order to gain credibility for their book.
But I don't know.
EBE they describe as someone who was here to help us too. He came
in friendship and love. He was invited in and then
incarcerated and tortured. These creatures are most beloved
by the members of the Cosmos. I will try to quote Hatonn correctly
when he said 'You (humans) owe a tremendous debt to your Cosmic Brothers.'
I am ignorant of UFO literature. I did not know who Bill Cooper was
until I read these Journals. I made a rather strong statement about
Mr. Cooper being a liar of great proportions without explaining it very well.
Remember, there are two ways to create misinformation: one is with lies, the
other with truth. For instance, you can tell people a lot of facts that can be
verified. If you then add that, by the way, the aliens would just as soon have
you roasted as talk to you, you can create a great deal of fear.
There are outtakes from the series of postings EBE#1-EBE#XX that
are printed word for word in one of the Journals, Space-Gate, The Veil Removed.
I didn't know this until I saw them and recognized them. That means that,
if you believe the Pleidians, there is truth in those postings.
However, there is mis/dis-information as well, and that is included to
distract, confuse, and create fear.
Someone called the aliens a bunch of liars who can't get their stories
straight. Perhaps it is the humans interfacing with the aliens who are
not getting their stories straight.
Isn't it interesting that so many who try to bring forth truth end up in
insane asylums? Admiral Bird and Forrestal (Sec. of Defense WW II)
for instance.
If you want to find out about CIA, Mossad, and drugs, see what you
can find of Bo Gritz's writings. I have no address. When the CIA
is identified as controlling drug trade, it doesn't mean that CIA
agents deal the drugs. It simply means that no drug dealer operates
outside their control, and that the growers, and all are outfitted
with weapons by the CIA and the Mossad. This was in the news very
recently, though not quite as bluntly as I have stated it here.
There was a connection made between some guns found in S. America
and the Mossad. There's also that book by the ex-Mossad agent which
Israel attempted to ban. It has useful info about the drug business.
I have not seen a mention of the planet Marduk. I don't know what
it is. I have been told, long ago, probably by a friend,
that there was a planet where we are long ago,
but that it was exploded by its inhabitants. This is the source of
one of our meteor showers every year. Earth was the 4th
planet out from the sun. Our moon was brought in to stabilize
the solar system. This is another significant reason why the
Pleidians are here. If we were to blow up earth, it would have
huge repercussions for this sector of the galaxy. They are trying
to keep that from happening. They once physically supported our
planet to keep it from flipping on its axis, but were subsequently
ordered to stop by a central 'Federation' which our planet is under.
- > In order for their ships to become visible, they must
- > 'lower the frequency' at which they are vibrating to
- > match ours.
- Any way possible for us to monitor this with some
- kind of hardware, or is it a psi-related phenomena?
The Pleidians explain that psychic phenomena and all that is
attached with it, such as remote viewing, is just simple physics.
The receiving of this material is not mystical or channeling.
It is physics that the general populace knows nothing about, but
is really quite simple to them (obviously). Nikola Tesla developed
an understanding of much of this, but the bad guys (whoever THEY are)
got to him, and have hidden a lot of his work.
How does one know whom to believe? I will quote from an independent posting:
- I am reminded
- of what my Grandmother taught me about lies.
- Make one lie and you'll soon have to make several
- more to hide the first one.
Your grandmother was/is very wise.
This is the best way to help your discernment in listening
to our controlled media. If they keep changing the story, it's
a lie; truth is truth. Bush's stories change from day to day.
Also, note that in the ABC special 'Best Kept Secrets,'
the token debunker never questioned the data or the information
or the pictures taken. He just made rambling statements about
the character of the people involved, saying, '...some people
have a need to be the center of attention...' (He, for instance).
Also, note the stories that were juxtaposed with the Gulf Breeze
incidents. Overall, the show was intentionally stupid, I thought.
Bush rarely questions President Hussein's information, but always
attacks his character--in fact vice versa is true as well.
The Pleidians, as they describe themselves, do not represent
'life as we know it'. They say that ALL planets in this system
are inhabited, but not necessarily by 'life as we know it.'
The Hubble Telescope was built, tested and loaded into the shuttle
and 'never was there a more beauteous instrument built (by humans)'
the Pleidians say. However, a replacement/substitute was also made because
it was likely that a whole lot of truth would come out of it. I guess, if
you read some of the public review about the events leading up to the
'switch,' you find that the designers were not allowed to be a
part of the re-loading process, and that it was stored for an extensive
time in an 'off-limits' location covered by a shroud.
So, should you believe me? No. You should get some of the books
and read them and make your own judgement. They are only $10 each
and you get a discount for 4. You get 4 very interesting books
for $40. That's not expensive. (No, I don't own stock in their
publishing corporation.) If half of what I've told you is true,
it is an investment with excellent returns. I warn you now that the
early Journals are not well written in terms of grammar, and that
Hatonn comes off as a haughty lecturer much of the time. I guess, if
he exists, and can see what ridiculous things we are doing down here
with the kind of clarity that his position affords, perhaps he is
justified in getting a little frustrated.
I think the best thing you can do is call the 800 number and ask for
their catalog. It gives a paragraph description of each Journal.
Upon reading it you will see the breadth of their topics of coverage,
and you will understand why it's so confusing to listen to me. It
won't cost you anything and you will be able to make a more informed
decision about whether you wish to read any of it.
I include this again for completeness:
America West Publishers
P.O. Box 986
Tehachapi, CA 93581
Phone: 1-800-729-4131
Greg Lush
From: Rick.Moen@f27.n125.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Rick Moen)
Subject: Re: Japanese videotape
Date: 27 Feb 91 05:47:58 GMT
> RM> Fourth, any skeptic worth his doubts _will_ be able to tell what
> RM> evidence would suffice to convince him on a given factual claim.
> RM> Klass, Sheaffer, and Oberg _can and have_ said what would
> RM> convince them. So, they may be wrong, but they're not
> RM> dogmatists.
> Have they made definitive statements, and if so where are these
> available?
Good question. Yes, but I'm not sure where these can be found. Klass
can be reached at 404 "N" Street, Washington, DC 20024, and Sheaffer is
at 1875 Fallbrook Ave., San Jose, CA 95130. If you're curious, write to
them, and I'm sure they'll be able to fill you in with a reference or
two. I don't have an address for James Oberg, but you may be able to
reach him care of Houston NASA.
Best Regards,
Rick M.
Rick Moen - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Rick.Moen@f27.n125.z1.FIDONET.ORG
From: Rick.Moen@f27.n125.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Rick Moen)
Subject: Re: File disclaimers
Date: 27 Feb 91 06:00:05 GMT
> [original post taken from Ask/UFO conference]
> RM> Ralph Putnam to Mike Corbin:
> RP>> Anyway, the question is, why do the ParaNet nodes (at least the
> RP>> ones I have dialed into) continue to carry the Bill Cooper
> RP>> files? Is there some valid info. in there? From your (and
> ...
> RM> or of the author's reputation. I don't think I've seen the
> RM> particular files you mention (waiting for a disk or two from
> RM> Mike), but even if they're _really bad_, they can -- at a
> RM> minimum -- be valuable as an example of their kind.
> I'm wondering what you mean by "of their kind" ?
Wonder no longer. Read 'em and find out.
> Since you are, quite understandably, sensitive about being lumped
> in with some other "skeptics", shouldn't we be careful here too?
No, we should not. My statement was a plea against deleting the files
of a writer on UFOlogy, even though just about everyone considers them
to carry no credibility whatsoever. Do you have a problem with that,
John? I most assuredly do not.
> RM> If I were really worried about the impression these things might
> RM> make on callers, I might have two UFO file areas: General and
> RM> Sysop's Picks. General would be "caveat lector" stuff (Wild
> RM> Bill and others), in the sysop's humble opinion, while Sysop's
> RM> Picks would be those the sysop considers less improbable
> RM> (modify this according to your degree of skepticism :-) ).
> Any sysop utilizing such a policy should also recognize a
> responsibility to post a sufficiently clear description of the
> criteria employed in making the selection.
I fully disagree. Sysops have no obligation to justify or explain their
placement of download files on their own systems. If I were moved to
post such an explanation, it would be as follows: "Because I damned
well felt like it." That should more than cover it.
Best Regards,
Rick M.
Rick Moen - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Rick.Moen@f27.n125.z1.FIDONET.ORG
From: Rick.Moen@f27.n125.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Rick Moen)
Subject: Re: Old writers
Date: 27 Feb 91 06:04:42 GMT
> RM> When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that
> RM> something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he
> RM> states that something is impossible, he is very probably
> RM> wrong. (Clarke's Law)
> RM> "When, however, the lay public rally around an idea that is
> RM> denounced by distinguished but elderly scientists and
> RM> supports that idea with great fervor and emotion -- the
> RM> distinguished but elderly scientists are then, after all,
> RM> probably right. [Asimov's Law]
> How about:
> "When two elderly, popular authors talk to each other for any
> length of time, the result is invariably a bunch of useless aphorisms"
How about: "You can lead an echo reader to enlightenment, but you
cannot make him think"?
Whatever turns ya on.
Best Regards,
Rick M.
Rick Moen - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Rick.Moen@f27.n125.z1.FIDONET.ORG
Date: 28 Feb 91 14:18:39 GMT
From: Mike Dobbs <>
A friend of mine showed me a video tape of a TV show that was shown on
the BBC in June of 1976. It was called ALTERNATIVE 3. The show
appears to be a documentary about scientists mysteriously disappearing
from England, a joint US/Russian covert space program complete with a
base on the moon, and lots of other wild stuff. Does anybody have
documented proof that this show was a hoax? I have heard rumors to
that affect but nothing substantial. Also I would like to write the
BBC to get their statement about the show. Can someone please provide
me with an address. Thanks.
Mike Dobbs / Internet:
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