Andre Eichner

 (2557)  Fri 4 Oct 91  2:24

By: Clark Matthews

To: All

Re: Dr. Fredrick Bell



@MSGID: 1:107/816 a2001f05

Andre Eichner sent me a message via netmail that clarifies his interest in Dr.

Frederick Bell.  He's looking for commentary & reaction from the US, since

Bell's an American.

Andre's English is pretty good, but he sent his full descripton of Bell's

claims & videotapes to me in German and asked me to translate.  Here it is in


(400)   Sun 29 Sep 91 18:24     Rcvd: Tue 1 Oct 10:00

By: Andre Eichner, FidoNet Berlin *HST* (2:245/10)

To: Clark Matthews


St: Pvt  Rcvd


Hello Clark!

[stuff cut]

I'll write the following text in german, because I don't know some english

words in the text.


I've seen a video of Dr. Fred Bell in which he speaks about the technology of

interplanetary spacecraft from the Pleides.  He claims that he's been there

himself.  Among other things, he describes a procedure for hormonal alteration

that is required for people [to survive] who travel at faster-than-light


This procedure [of hormonal "healing"] described by Bell resembles an ancient

magical proceeding:  "Healers" can even treat people unknown to them by using a

photograph of the person and directing their healing energy at it.  [Tr. Note:

Basically a system of sympathetic magic -- fetishism, in other words -- like

that practiced by most shamanist religions as well as ancient and modern

sorcerers, "Magikians", etc.  -- C.M.]

Bell describes a similar procedure [in the tape] from the Pleides, with which

he and his co-travelers "removed" themselves from the Earth to the Pleides in

less than 7 hours.  [Tr. Note: The wording here is interesting; he's not

talking about physical travel to the Pleides, he's talking of a "removal" to

the Pleides, like an astral projection or OOBE-type experience.  -- C.M.]

Bell says that the USA and the so-called Grey aliens work together and intend

to ignite Jupiter and use it as a second Sun. [Andre adds that whatever this

may mean, he has it from a second source in Gulf Breeze, FL  -- C.M.]

Moreover, Bell claims the Grey aliens have concluded a treaty with the U.S.,

agreeing to an exchange of weapons technology from the aliens for a certain

[implied: *large*] number of humans for genetic research.

Andre would be happy to hear comments, since Bell's an American.

---[translation ends]----------------------------------------------

Here's the original text:

Ich habe ein Video von Dr. Fred Bell gesehen, indem er ber die Technologie

interplanetarischer Raumschiffe von den Plejaden spricht. Er behauptet, selbst

dort gewesen zu sein. Er spricht unter anderem ueber eine, fr den Menschen

n”tige Hormonumstellung fr šberlichtgeschwindigkeit. Das Verfahren, was er

dort erkl„rt „hnelt einem alten Magischen Verfahren: Heiler k”nnen eine ihnen

unbekannte Person heilen, indem sie ihr Photoals Zielvorgabe fr ihre

Heilungsenergie verwenden. Fred Bell erkl„rt ein „hnliches Verfahren von den

Plejaden, mit dem sie in weniger als 7 Stunden (seven hours!) die Entfernung

Erde ->Plejaden zurcklegen.

F.Bell sagt, das die USA mit den sog. GRAUEN (was auch immer das sein mag, ich

habe da noch eine andere Quelle: Eine Sendung von Gulf Breeze, in der die

Grauen ebenfalls genannt werden) zusammenarbeiten und vorhaben, den Jupiter

anzuznden um eine 2. Sonne entstehen zu lassen. Sie haben mit den Grauen ein

Abkommen getroffen, das sie den USA Waffentechnologie geben und dafr eine

bestimmte Menge Menschen fr Genetische Versuche bekommen.

Ich wrde mich freuen, Deinen Kommentar dazu zu h”hren. šbrigends ist Bell

selbst Amerikaner.



PS: Du kannst das ja bersetzen und in INFO.PARANET setzen.


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