Info-ParaNet Newsletters December 5th 1990


                Info-ParaNet Newsletters   Volume I  Number 335


                          Wednesday, December 5th 1990


Today's Topics:


                               Online UFO database

                    Information on past Rio Grande sightings

                        Are we becoming more respectable?

                             Conference Announcement

                             Re: Online Ufo Database

                                  Echo Policies

                                Re: corn circles

            Bald head, no eyelashes, eyebrows, and pink lipstick...?

            Bald head, no eyelashes, eyebrows, and pink lipstick...?

                               Online UFO database

                             Re: ONLINE UFO DATABASE

                       OMNI MAGAZINE - SPECIAL UFO EDITION

                             Re: Online UFO database

                  Re: Information on past Rio Grande sightings

                             Re: Online UFO database


From: Brian.Clark@f11.n289.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Brian Clark)

Subject: Online UFO database

Date: 30 Nov 90 15:13:00 GMT

 > I'm in the process of setting up an online database

Will this be available to other ParaNet sysops?  I think everyone 

would probably be interested in this....



Brian Clark - via FidoNet node 1:310/8

UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name

INTERNET: Brian.Clark@f11.n289.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: "86FTSCCQ" <>

Subject: Information on past Rio Grande sightings

Date: 2 Dec 90 03:57:45 GMT


   I'm in need of any info that the members of this net may have

about sightings up and down the Rio Grande river valley in Texas.

There is were rumors of some event that occured in the not-to-distant

past. I get the impression that this may have been in the 70s or early

80s and involved flying objects that were sighted my multiple witnesses.

A date and location would be a good start for my research.


   David Winters, Capt, USAF


From: Jim.Speiser@f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Speiser)

Subject: Are we becoming more respectable?

Date: 1 Dec 90 01:56:00 GMT

 > From: James Roger Black <>


 > This week I picked up a copy of Timothy Good's "Above Top Secret" at my

 > local B. Dalton bookstore.  Much to my surprise, it was shelved in the

 > "Current Events" section instead of under "New Age/Occult" where UFO books

 > usually are.

How much ya wanna bet it was a mistake?


 > First "Out There", and now this.  Maybe we're finally starting to get

 > some respect.

When Bob Woodward does a book on the subject, I'll think we're getting the 

respect we deserve. "Out There" hardly qualifies as respectable.



Jim Speiser - via FidoNet node 1:310/8

UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name

INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Jim.Speiser@f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Speiser)

Subject: Conference Announcement

Date: 1 Dec 90 18:44:00 GMT


                               MAY 17-19, 1991

                                 LINCOLN, NE


                               CALL FOR PAPERS

The Fortean Research Center is pleased to announce that Lincoln, NE,

will be the site of a third "Exploring Unexplained Phenomena"

conference, May 17-19, 1991. The conference will be held at the Nebraska

Center, Holdredge and 33rd Streets. Having been the site of conferences

on the unexplained in 1982 and 1983, and the site of the international

MUFON Symposium in 1988, the Nebraska Center offers one of the finest

facilities in the country.

Abstracts of 500 words or less should be submitted on one or more of the

following areas of research and interest:

        1) UFOLOGY




        5) FORTEANA


        7) CROP CIRCLES



       10) MEN-IN-BLACK



       13) OTHER...YOU TELL US!

The initial abstract should accurately reflect the actual paper or talk

to be presented to an audience of both researchers and lay public.

Please tell us of any audio/visual needs you will have, or any special

requirements that your presentation will have.

Send the abstract to:

        Review Committee

        The Fortean Research Center

        PO Box 94627

        Lincoln, NE  68509

For further information, please write to the above address or call:

        Scott H. Colborn, Director

        The Fortean Research Center

        Day Phone: 402-483-7284

        Home Phone: 402-477-8846

We hope to see you in Lincoln in May, 1991!



Jim Speiser - via FidoNet node 1:310/8

UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name

INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Jerry.Woody@f3.n1011.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Jerry Woody)

Subject: Re: Online Ufo Database

Date: 1 Dec 90 04:03:00 GMT

In a message to Jerry Woody <11-29-90 18:24> Michael Corbin wrote:

MC]>Outstanding, Jerry!  What program are you using to do this?

MC]>Perhaps you might want to circulate it among the ParaNet

MC]>sysops so we can standardize the thing.

I believe Jim has one up on his system. 



Jerry Woody - via FidoNet node 1:310/8

UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name

INTERNET: Jerry.Woody@f3.n1011.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Doug.Rogers@p0.f1.n606.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Doug Rogers)

Subject: Echo Policies

Date: 1 Dec 90 19:52:02 GMT

New readers are always joining Paranet. For their benefit, allow me to review

the rules of posting which we ask all our users to adopt:

                   ******* PARANET ECHO POLICIES ********

The following are guidelines  for the operation of the Paranet Echos on member

boards. Please take a moment to read (and understand) these policies. If we'll

adopt these attitudes, we'll have a more polite, effective network.

1. No anonymous messages may be posted on the network.   Some Paranet BBS's 

   allow users to use "handles", and  USENET  users  have no opportunity to

   place their names in the "From" field. If a user uses a handle, then all

   posts to  Paranet  Echos must be signed at the  end of the message using

   the user's REAL NAME. In  the  case  of  USENET  posts, it would help to

   place the  ADDRESSEE's REAL NAME in the subject field. It is the respon-

   sibility of the Sysop of each Paranet Node to enforce this  requirement,

   either  by  reviewing  all  messages  before  release, or by disallowing

   Paranet access to users using handles. 

2. Personal Attacks  are *NOT* allowed in the Net. In any echo dealing with 

   issues as emotional as those with which we deal it is a matter of course 

   that  the validity of testimony on the part of certain individuals  will 

   be  called into question.  It is important,  however,  to remember  that 

   *ALL* parties are to be treated with respect.  If you wish to question a 

   person's validity, state your reservations AS YOUR OPINION. For example: 

   "John  Doe  is  a totally unreliable witness"  could leave  you  legally 

   vulnerable.  "I BELIEVE John Doe to be a totally unreliable witness"  is 

   much better,  especially if you can add "because...".  Please be careful 

   how  you  judge  the  parties  involved,  and  attempt  to  defend  your 


3. Any user who is found to have knowingly and deliberately posted false or 

   misleading  information  regarding  the  activities of the United States 

   Government,  its intelligence  agencies and/or operatives,  with respect 

   to the investigation of UFOs or other related matters,  will  be  locked

   out  of  the  network  immediately   and  permanently,  and  their  name

   circulated to other UFO investigatory groups. 

4. Direct Flames  are  best posted elsewhere. They will not be tolerated in 

   the echos.

5. References  should be included if required for clarity.  Some users tend 

   to  copy  the  entirity of previous messages  before  responding,  while 

   others  never  quote anything and simply make  comments  about  previous 

   posts.   You  should remember that many boards don't hold  all  messages 

   forever.  Quote (if your software  allows it)  or  at  least  paraphrase 

   (write  a  simple summary of) the content  of  the message you refer to.  

   Please  DO NOT  quote the  entire  message,  as this is just expense for 

   all boards concerned.  Quote only the germaine material. 

6. Please make  all  messages conform to the specified content of the  Echo 

   Area in which you are posting.  Putting  the  messages in the right pile

   makes it MUCH easier to make sense out of the stacks of messages. 


7. Enforcement.  Users who violate these guidelines will  be advised of the 

   lapse by the Echo Moderator. After three violation notices,  the user is 

   to be locked out of Paranet areas by the sysop.  A FIRST lockout will be 

   for  THIRTY DAYS.  A  SECOND lockout will be for NINETY days.  The THIRD 

   lockout  will  be PERMANENT.  Sysops who refuse to lock out  troublesome 

   users  can be dropped from the net by the Paranet Administrator.   Users 

   who  believe  the Moderator has been unfair in requesting a lockout  can 

   request  that  their Sysop plead their case in the Sysop Echo.  In  such 

   cases,  ALL net Sysops will be asked to vote on the matter.  Vote of the 

   net is binding on all concerned. 

Doug Rogers

Echo Moderator


Doug Rogers - via FidoNet node 1:310/8

UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name

INTERNET: Doug.Rogers@p0.f1.n606.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: (Robert B. Murdock)

Subject: Re: corn circles

Date: 3 Dec 90 04:17:21 GMT

+From: rutgers!cbmvax!amix!vanth!jms (James Shaffer Jr.)

+Subject: 63-foot circle in dead corn in Illinois

+Date: 29 Nov 90 08:14:48 GMT

+Yesterday (11/27) I saw a short spot on the local ABC station about a

+crop circle discovered in Moline, Illinois.  The circle was 63 feet in

+diameter and was in a cornfield.  ...


Now hang on just a second here.  I grew up on the south-west outskirts of

Champaign, Illinois.  Immediately behind Robeson Elementary school there

was a huge (seemed to me as a child) cornfield.  During the summer &

during the first month of school in the fall, me & all my buddies would

go playing in the cornfields - hide & seek, tag, kill-the-guy-thats-got-it,

WW-II solidiers, whatever.  FREQUENTLY, we would encounter areas in the

field that were 10, 20, 50 feet or more in diameter where no corn grew,

or the growth of the corn was stunted.  These areas were 'forts' or "bases"

or 'home'.

Anyway, it was common knowledge that these areas occured for one of two

reasons:  there was a depression where water could stand for days on

end, effectively drowning the corn (this farmer did not practice contour

farming).  The other reason:  the farm implement used to plant the corn

gets hosed up &s - & an area that is about as wide as the planter &

about as long as it takes the farmer to notice DOES NOT GET PLANTED.

One might think that in the 2nd case, the area would be rougly rectangular,

but because the corn seed did not cease coming out of the planter in a

uniform manner, & due to wind & erosion, usually, these areas were also

roughly circular or oval.

I may need to be corrected, but I think the problem in corn fields is some-

what related to what I understand is called a 'glade' in a deciduous forest.

While living (briefly) in Michigan, I came across an area in a nearby forest

that was 300-500 feet in diameter, virtually circular, roughly flat, &

completely void of trees.  The locals explained to me that it had something

to do with the water table & mineral deposits near the surface that made

that particular area unsuitable for trees (although there was plenty of

wild grass).

Conclusing:  I tend to conclude that merely circular objects in nature are

not that uncommon, & do not jump to the conclusion that because I see an

interesting shape that appears to be not man-made that it necessarily is

not man-made, nor caused by natural forces.


Robert B. Murdock

University of Colorado at Colorado Springs



From: Josh.Slates@f11.n289.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Josh Slates)

Subject: Bald head, no eyelashes, eyebrows, and pink lipstick...?

Date: 2 Dec 90 00:22:14 GMT

Tell me Brian... I got down some of the info on the MIB experiences

here in Missouri... tell me more.  What are some of your theories?

Actually, if the people didn't match the MIB specs, what else might

they be?  Paranormal beings, maybe?

According to Budd Hopkins and several other people who have had

run-ins with the MIB, they are described as bald, with no facial hair,

real tall, black suit, dark-white shirt, and black tie... with what

else but what appears to be pink lipstick?  (They also have been

described as looking like undertakers on steroids.)


Josh Slates - via FidoNet node 1:310/8

UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name

INTERNET: Josh.Slates@f11.n289.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Brian.Clark@f11.n289.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Brian Clark)

Subject: Bald head, no eyelashes, eyebrows, and pink lipstick...?

Date: 2 Dec 90 16:19:00 GMT

 > Tell me Brian... I got down some of the info on the MIB

 > experiences

 > here in Missouri... tell me more.  What are some of your

 > theories?

Actually, first, I should describe to the other readers what the 

heck we are talking about!  What we are dealing with here seems 

to be some kind of variation on the Men In Black situation.  All 

the information I have right now is unverified and second-person, 

but let me tell you what I found out....

A young female college student was driving on Hwy 63 around 

Jefferson City, MO.  She saw a middle-aged man standing by the 

road hitch-hiking.  He was well dressed in a white suit and 

carried an expensive looking suitcase, so she figured it was safe 

to pick him up.  He got in the car and there was little or no 

discussion between them.  Then, after five minutes or so, the 

hitch-hiker said, "Are you ready for the end of the world?"  The 

girl turned to look at the man, sure that he would be pointing a 

gun in her direction.  When she turned to look, there was no one 

in the car.

She immediately pulled over and called the Highway Patrol.  The 

Highway Patrol told her that her's was the sixth call describing 

an event like that around the areas of Jefferson City.  A 

graduate student in medicine who was present in the room when the 

story was told to me said that he had heard of similar cases at 

Baler Univeristy in Texas.

Has anyone heard about such events?  Any connection with the men 

in black?

I will try to track down the primary source on this one and get a 

statement/description of the events for posting....



Brian Clark - via FidoNet node 1:310/8

UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name

INTERNET: Brian.Clark@f11.n289.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Jim.Speiser@f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Speiser)

Subject: Online UFO database

Date: 2 Dec 90 18:35:00 GMT

 >  > I'm in the process of setting up an online database


 > Will this be available to other ParaNet sysops?  I think everyone would

 > probably be interested in this....



The system Jerry is using the one you freq'd from me. More details to follow.



Jim Speiser - via FidoNet node 1:310/8

UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name

INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Pete.Porro@f414.n154.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Pete Porro)


Date: 30 Nov 90 16:35:34 GMT

Nice thing about this DBASE type file is that I now have TDBS which uses 

DbaseIII+ type files. Maybe I can use this also. Next I have to learn the 

language when I have all my free time. 8*)


Pete Porro - via FidoNet node 1:310/8

UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name

INTERNET: Pete.Porro@f414.n154.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From:!miked (Mike Dobbs)


Date: 3 Dec 90 22:20:56 GMT


The December Issue of Omni Magazine is a UFO special edition... so you

might want to pick it up.  There are a lot of photos of crop circles.

There are articles about 'cosmic watergate', SETI, Crop circles, "The

Alien Almanac', etc.


  Mike Dobbs        /    Internet:


From: John.Tender@f112.n129.z1.FIDONET.ORG (John Tender)

Subject: Re: Online UFO database

Date: 2 Dec 90 22:58:41 GMT

 JW> I'm in the process of setting up an online database consisting 

 JW> of the following UFO data:

 JW> Animal Mutilations

 JW> UFO Sightings

 JW> ET crash / retrieval

     Interesting project. I can't help you right now with any dBase

info, but I can offer my assistance in helping maintain the database.

     I've recently been working with a free-form database program called

askSam, which appears better suited to text-based reports like those

above. askSam also incorporates a type of hypertext, and a hook for

add-on graphics display. I have some information on unusual aerial

phenomena in a few askSam databases, but they are of an encyclopedic

nature rather than individual reports.

     How does someone obtain access to your online system?

    from the purlieus of Pittsburgh


John Tender - via FidoNet node 1:310/8

UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name

INTERNET: John.Tender@f112.n129.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Houston.Mayer@f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Houston Mayer)

Subject: Re: Information on past Rio Grande sightings

Date: 4 Dec 90 04:00:00 GMT

There was a Hornbuckel Ridge abduction east of Alamogordo, NM in late 1974 

or early 1975.  I think Hustler or Playboy carried the article.  Basically 

an Air Force Sargent was in the Sacramento Mountains and was given a tour of 

the vehicle and released unharmed.  I wouldn't be surprised if you found 

information of sightings all along the Rio Grande particularly the 

"corridor" (sp) around the Sandia Lab.  Isn't it strange that the Rio Grande 

is just across a ridge from Soccuro, the final resting place of the Roswell 

craft.  There was a lot of activity in that area a few years ago.  The land 

is wide open, but a lot is Military, Ft Bliss (related ranges), White Sands 

Missle Range, Holloman AFM (Related ranges) Trinity Site and NASA on the Rio 

Grande side of the mountain. 



Houston Mayer - via FidoNet node 1:310/8

UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name

INTERNET: Houston.Mayer@f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Jerry.Woody@f3.n1011.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Jerry Woody)

Subject: Re: Online UFO database

Date: 3 Dec 90 22:37:00 GMT

In a message to Jerry Woody <11-30-90 08:13> Brian Clark wrote:

BC]>Will this be available to other ParaNet sysops?  I think

BC]>everyone would probably be interested in this....

Sure Brian.. I believe Jim Speiser already has RAD going on his System.  I'm 

in the process of entering the 1989 thru 1990 MUFON Intelligence UFO 

sighting reports (9 pages long -- over 300 sightings -- eeeek!) and  my own 

animal mutilation cases files... not sure if Jim has all of these but the 

RAD database is Freq from Jim's board, any DDS board or I can put it up here 

if anyone wants.  It's pretty neat, lets one find files on keyword, displays 

them by fields, counts occurences, allows users to add to the database, the 

whole nine yards.

Anyone is welcome to call down this way and try it out if they like.




Jerry Woody - via FidoNet node 1:310/8

UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name

INTERNET: Jerry.Woody@f3.n1011.z9.FIDONET.ORG

********To have your comments in the next issue, send electronic mail to********

                      'infopara' at the following address: 

UUCP            {ncar,isis,boulder}!scicom!infopara


ADMIN Address





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