Info-ParaNet Newsletters December 27th 1990


                Info-ParaNet Newsletters   Volume I  Number 341


                          Thursday, December 27th 1990


Today's Topics:


                         RE: Super 8 film light streaks

                          Belgian UFO/Hard Copy segment

                      Re: Interview with Jean-Pierre Petit

                          Belgian UFO/Hard Copy segment

                          Belgian UFO/Hard Copy segment

                          Belgian Ufo/hard Copy Segment

                         RE: Super 8 film light streaks

                      Re: Interview with Jean-Pierre Petit


                          Resonant Gravity Field Coils?



Subject: RE: Super 8 film light streaks

Date: 20 Dec 90 04:15:14 GMT

From: Thomas Lapp <mvac23!>

+ From: Steve.Rose@f134.n109.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Steve Rose)

+ Subject: Phenomenon framed again!

+ Date: 13 Dec 90 06:38:44 GMT

+ [individual frames having flashes on them]

Here is another theory I've not seen proposed:  if the film and location

were at a lower humidity, it could very well be possible that she recorded

static electrical discharges on her film.  I've known this to happen

with a 35mm still camera with a motor drive on it.  When the motor drive

was left to run it pulled the film through the camera fast enough to 

build up static electrical charge, which then sparked inside the camera.

Since the spark is *light*, it registered on the film. (in this case it

looked like green lightning on the photo).

+ Steve Rose - via FidoNet node 1:310/8

+ Here's another excercise...if you can leave the shutter open on your still

+ camera...aim it at a lampost at night and try to write your name by making

+ 'script' movements of the letters holding the camera in the air.  Fun.

But difficult, as you have to 'write backwards' by moving the camera in

the direction opposite you want the 'pen' to write!

                         - tom


internet     : mvac23!  or (home)

             : (work)

uucp         : {ucbvax,mcvax,psuvax1,uunet}!udel!mvac23!thomas

Location     : Newark, DE, USA


From: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Clark Matthews)

Subject: Belgian UFO/Hard Copy segment

Date: 20 Dec 90 02:56:00 GMT

Astonishing multiple videos and interviews of the Belgian flying wing UFO on 

Hard Copy tonight, along with an interview with Vickie Cooper and ParaNet's 

own Don Ecker!  Way to go!

The weight of the evidence, and the amount of evidence -- including senior 

Belgian & NATO military personnel, the Belgian gendarmerie and citizen 

witnesses was practically overwhelming.  So were the six separate videos of 

the things (there are two, a wing and a disc, and they display a lovely 

orange glow whenever they accelerate or maneuver rapidly).

There was also a concluding interview with Dr. Jesse Marcel Jr. and a 

commentary on the U.S. government's alleged possession of the Roswell craft 

and the gov't's ongoing deception/lies about it.  The Hard Copy commentary 

contrasted the U.S. attitude with the obviously forthcoming Belgians. 


Again, congrats to all concerned.  Perhaps a letter-writing campaign by 

ParaNet subscribers/members to the Producers/Story Editors of Hard Copy will 

keep them focused on the subject.  Eh?





Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:310/8

UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name

INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


From: Jim.Speiser@f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Speiser)

Subject: Re: Interview with Jean-Pierre Petit

Date: 19 Dec 90 23:14:00 GMT


 > (You might get your own facts straight before you criticize someone

 > else.)


Thank you for _clarifying_ some of John's points. However, I don't perceive 

that he was so far off the mark to deserve such a pointed rejoinder from you. 

Perhaps you can explain for us laymen how your clarifications have invalidated 

John's basic point? And please remember, we're all trying to achieve the same 

goal here. Wouldn't it be nice if people just tuning in for the first 

time could see that disagreements can be discussed in a gentlemanly fashion? 



Jim Speiser - via FidoNet node 1:310/8

UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name

INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Jim.Speiser@f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Speiser)

Subject: Belgian UFO/Hard Copy segment

Date: 20 Dec 90 21:38:00 GMT

 > The weight of the evidence, and the amount of evidence -- including

 > senior Belgian & NATO military personnel, the Belgian gendarmerie and

 > citizen witnesses was practically overwhelming.  So were the six

 > separate videos of the things (there are two, a wing and a disc, and

 > they display a lovely orange glow whenever they accelerate or maneuver

 > rapidly).

I missed this effect, or did they just _say_ they glowed orange? Also, the 

"hanging disk" video makes me a little nervous. I saw no anomalous movement, 

except for a slow turning as if it were a medallion hanging on a chain, which 

is exactly what it resembles. 

 > Again, congrats to all concerned.  Perhaps a letter-writing campaign by

 > ParaNet subscribers/members to the Producers/Story Editors of Hard Copy

 > will keep them focused on the subject.  Eh?

Good idea!


Jim Speiser - via FidoNet node 1:310/8

UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name

INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Don.Ecker@f22.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Don Ecker)

Subject: Belgian UFO/Hard Copy segment

Date: 22 Dec 90 00:22:00 GMT

Clark Matthews wrote;

 > Again, congrats to all concerned.  Perhaps a letter-writing

 > campaign by ParaNet subscribers/members to the

 > Producers/Story Editors of Hard Copy will keep them focused

 > on the subject.  Eh?

Clark, a very interesting idea. If you are serious let's see 

what kind of response we get to that idea.

The address to Hard Copy is;

Hard Copy

5555 Melrose Ave.

Los Angeles, CA 90038.

The producer of that segment was a guy named Dean Vallas. So 

what does everyone else think?




Don Ecker - via FidoNet node 1:310/8

UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name

INTERNET: Don.Ecker@f22.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: mcorbin@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)

Subject: Belgian Ufo/hard Copy Segment

Date: 22 Dec 90 15:56:00 GMT

 > Clark, a very interesting idea. If you are serious

 > let's see what kind of response we get to that idea.


 > The address to Hard Copy is;


 > Hard Copy

 > 5555 Melrose Ave.

 > Los Angeles, CA 90038.


 > The producer of that segment was a guy named Dean

 > Vallas. So what does everyone else think?

Let's get this rolling, gang.



Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:310/8

UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name

INTERNET: mcorbin@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


From: Steve.Rose@f134.n109.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Steve Rose)

Subject: RE: Super 8 film light streaks

Date: 21 Dec 90 16:25:19 GMT

> was left to run it pulled the film through the camera fast enough to

> build up static electrical charge, which then sparked inside the camera.

> Since the spark is *light*, it registered on the film. (in this case it

> looked like green lightning on the photo).


I wouldn't rule that out as there were a couple with a strong whitish-green

color. Yet on most of the frames the light flashes were multicolored and the

individual trails followed the principle light source(s).  There were numerous

"strikes" on each affected frame of film.  In addition, the effect was limited

to only a *single* frame with absolutely NO crossover to the adjacent frames on

either end.  I doubt a static discharge would be so particular about its

target. :-)



Thanks for the comments and thoughts on the matter. 


Steve Rose - via FidoNet node 1:310/8

UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name

INTERNET: Steve.Rose@f134.n109.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: John.Hicks@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG (John Hicks)

Subject: Re: Interview with Jean-Pierre Petit

Date: 21 Dec 90 16:28:01 GMT

 > Ansel Adams is a poor reference for photographic science.

  True, but he's one that Joe Public can easily find.

 > (You might get your own facts straight before you criticize

 > someone else.)

  I'm no kind of chemist, just a news photographer with about 15 years 


  My point, and I believe you've confirmed it, is that it's quite 

possible to unintentionally get an image in which a subject that was 

visually brilliant is rendered as black in the final print.

  This effect has long been seen in ufo photos, and the explanation 

may not be as mysterious as some would believe. I've seen quite a few 

people show 'black' ufo photos and in each case, the lecturer hadn't a 

clue about how such a thing could be possible without resort to some 

mysterious force.



John Hicks - via FidoNet node 1:310/8

UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name

INTERNET: John.Hicks@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Don.Ecker@f22.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Don Ecker)

Subject: FYI

Date: 24 Dec 90 07:37:00 GMT

>From the "I'm Not Sure It's Real, But If So........... Dept."

I have just been informed by Mr. Dave Aaron, Video Dave of the 

UFO Clearinghouse of the following.

If you have read Vol. 5 No. 6 of UFO Magazine, and have been 

following the B-2 Bomber vis a vis UFO technology.... well it 

looks like the good folks at Rockwell, builders of the American 

B-2 Bomber may SUE the good folks at "STEALTH CONDOM." Yep, that 

is right, Stealth Condom. . . not Condominium! as in housing, but 

condom as in a rubber product. It would appear that the folks at 

Rockwell are taking a proprietary interest in the name of 

Stealth! As the story is unfolding, a leading Condom 

manufacturer was going to market a "Stealth Condom" and Rockwell 

felt the URGE  to stop it at  the court level!  Guess you can't 

tell where that sneaky little ol' Stealth will turn up.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!



Don Ecker - via FidoNet node 1:310/8

UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name

INTERNET: Don.Ecker@f22.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: vanth!jms

Subject: Resonant Gravity Field Coils?

Date: 27 Dec 90 06:14:22 GMT

From: vanth! (Jim Shaffer)

Someone posted a very interesting article to the Usenet newsgroup

sci.skeptic recently.  It was a description of, and plans for, a device

called a Resonant Gravity Field Coil that allegedly could do things that

sounded like a mix of Lazar and the Philadelphia Experiment.

The device was alleged to be a gravity manipulator based on the

Biefeld-Brown effect.  It used a coil inside of a coil instead of two metal

plates. It apparently involved capacitance as well as inductance because

the concentric toroidal coils were separated by molten wax, and the

description said that the wax was intended as a dielectric and the file had

been annotated to say that substituting glycerine for the wax would

increase the field strength because glycerine has a higher dielectric

constant.  The field was called (at least in the annotation) a 'scorch

field', which of course is a term courtesy of Mr. Allen(de).  The

characteristics of this field, and hence the distortions on spacetime

within the torus, could be varied by varying the current through the two

coils.  No specifics were given, unfortunately.

Now the bad news.  The origin of the file is probably untraceable.  The

Usenet poster said that he had gotten it from a friend, and the friend had

downloaded it from BIX.  (BYTE Information Exchange, a commercial BBS with

[mostly] a highly technical usership.)  No information as to the identity

of the BIX uploader was given anywhere.  Worse, the only identification the

authors of the file provided were 'Shadow Hawk' and "Eagle One".  They

sound like hackers' (negative sense) or phreakers' handles, and in fact

they list three BBS numbers, one of which is named 'Pirate 80' and another

which is flagged 'Invitation Only'.  I haven't tried the numbers; I don't

even know where in the U.S. they are or how old the file is.

Has anyone seen this file, and can you identify the authors?  Has anyone

seen any files describing similar devices or theories?  (I haven't called

the Tesla BBS, could it have come from there?)  And of course the most

important thing -- could any of it be true?  I don't even know if the

Biefeld-Brown effect is for real. The biggest amount of information I've

heard about T. T. Brown was from Moore and Berlitz, and I don't want to

consider them reliable sources. What, for example, does Brown call his

device in his patents?  I can't see the patent office issuing a patent for

an antigravity device.

If there's enough interest, I could post the file here.  I'm not doing it

now because it's about 19K, and I want to see if it's already been debunked

as complete rubbish before I waste bandwidth.


paper :  James Shaffer Jr., 37 Brook Street, Montgomery, PA  17752

uucp  :  uunet!cbmvax!amix!vanth!jms  (or)  rutgers!cbmvax!amix!vanth!jms

domain:       CompuServe: 72750,2335


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