Info-ParaNet Newsletters February 19th 1991

                 Info-ParaNet Newsletters   Volume I  Number 368


                          Tuesday, February 19th 1991


Today's Topics:


                                 Knapp and Lazar

                                End Lazar Part I


                 Paris Match  -  UFO sitings & Military release.

                            Re: Increase apocalypse f

                                  Re: Skeptics


From: Don.Ecker@f3.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Don Ecker)

Subject: Knapp and Lazar

Date: 17 Feb 91 20:13:00 GMT

The man that broke the Lazar story is award-winning 

jouralist George Knapp of KLAS TV in Las Vegas. Knapp said;

All rights reserved.

  Bob Lazar has come forward with

a fairly incredible tale, and has done

so at great personal risk. But what's

most interesting to me is that the

story he told me 16 months ago is

the same story he is telling today. It

hasn't changed, nor have I been able

to find any indications that he at any

point lied about his experiences.

  This much we know is true: There

really is an S-4 on the Nellis Air

Force Base range; Lazar really did

work for Naval intelligence, accor-

ding to his W-2 form. He really was

employed at Los Alamos National

Laboratories, even though that facili-

ty is still making it difficult for me to

obtain corroborating paperwork.

  Still, Lazar's involvement with an

illegal brothel operation certainly

hasn't helped with the search for

truth. The situation has made me

and a number of others open to ad-

ditional ridicule and doubt, which is

understandable. It has hurt Lazar's

credibility in the eyes of many peo-

ple, but to lots of others, it didn't

matter; the fact that he was involved

in something illegal doesn't rule out

the possibility that he also worked on

"flying saucers."

   That is a central issue. Lazar is a

complex man, not easily categorized.

I sometimes wonder if he wasn't in

fact chosen for the release of this in-

formation. If a psychological profile

was drawn up on Bob Lazar, he

might have been sized up as the kind

of guy who would "spill the beans."

Whether he's been brainwashed into

believing the story is another matter.

He admits that his "employers"

tampered with his mind, but whether

they stuck this stuff into his head to

see how people would react, I don't

know. To be sure, nobody has yet

freaked out!

  I also can't say whether there will

be a broader release of information

at some point in the future, although

there are indications that this is

possible. There are people who don't

know Lazar, and who don't even

know each other, who have added

bits and pieces of information that

back up what he has said. Perhaps

one of them will eventually choose to

come forward, and when that hap-

pens, the Lazar story will still be in-

credible, but it won't be just his

story. That fact just may capture a

whole new level of public awareness.

George Knapp

George Knapp is a broadcast jour-

nalist working at KLAS-TV in Las

Vegas, Nevada.


Don Ecker - via FidoNet node 1:104/422

UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name

INTERNET: Don.Ecker@f3.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Don.Ecker@f3.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Don Ecker)

Subject: End Lazar Part I

Date: 17 Feb 91 20:14:00 GMT

Cont. from last.

All rights reserved.


  Backtracking to check any of these

claims or establishing the various

jobs, education, or business relation-

ships of Lazar has proven very dif-

ficult. Lazar himself has not helped

with the verification process. As he

told UFO at one point, when we

traveled to Las Vegas to interview

him prior to his sentencing, "I saw

what I saw, and you didn't. I don't

care who believes me and who

doesn't. **** the rest of you guys."

  California Institute of Technology,

MIT, and several other institutions

profess no knowledge of Lazar. A

check with Los Alamos, even with

the phone book which lists him by

name, brought a firm denial of

knowledge about him. Edward

Teller, when interviewed on camera

by the television newsmagazine show

Inside Report, also claimed to have

never heard of him. However, his

reactions when he was not aware of

being taped are most enlightening.

Author's note: The guilty plea he

entered after being convicted on a

single count of pandering-in lieu of

other possible charges, as a result of

his plea negotiation-has absolutely

hurt Lazar's credibility. His arrest

came after he admitted on camera

that he helped set up a computer

system and security equipment for a

well-known prostitute and an illegal

brothel in Clark County, Nevada.

  As he told Knapp earlier, Lazar is

the easiest guy in the world to

discredit, and he is right. Lazar

refused to furnish UFO Magazine

with information that could have

helped with his case.

  The political maneuvering in Las

Vegas over this case has all the ear-

marks of a political year (which it

is). Gene Huff, Lazar's good friend

and associate through it all, has been

Lazar's "mouth piece." At one

point, William Moore of MJ-12 fame

was in Las Vegas, and while there at-

tempted to meet with Lazar, but

Lazar turned him down. Moore then

wrote an editorial in his Focus

newsletter which castigated Lazar.

Lazar never responded himself, but

Huff did, in print, including Moore's

editorial and Huff's rebuttal. Along

with this, Huff also wrote and in-

cluded a text entitled "Where Is The

Justice?" During the time span be-

tween Lazar's arrest and final senten-

cing, Huff wrote a scathing docu-

ment alleging graft and collusion bet-

ween Las Vegas Metro Vice and a known



  UFO will go into this in more

detail later, but what is significant is

Lazar's unwillingness to cooperate by

providing details that would have

helped his case and verify his story.

The UFO community did not beat a

path to his door, but Lazar is the

man who came forward alleging

events and circumstances which, if

true, have broken a 40-plus year

secret that could prove to be the

ultimate "Cosmic Conspiracy. "

   It is unrealistic to expect the

research community to just go away

because one does not "wish to

play." When dealing with the poten-

tial explosiveness of the information

that Lazar has disseminated (and that

will be revealed for the first time

next issue), Lazar or any other

whistleblower must realize that

legitimate researchers are going to

dig and dig some more in attempts to

verify.  What the serious research

community is attempting is nothing

less than to expose the coverup that

has been ongoing for 40-plus years,

an effort to cause the powers to ad-

mit that we do have "otherworldly"

visitors.  In this or any other field

having such potential for world-

altering breakthrough, one cannot

half-step once the door has been


In the next issue, we explore more of

this story and look for the proof of

what may be the ultimate coverup.



Don Ecker - via FidoNet node 1:104/422

UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name

INTERNET: Don.Ecker@f3.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Don.Ecker@f3.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Don Ecker)

Subject: Missing

Date: 17 Feb 91 22:53:00 GMT

With the outbreak of war in the Gulf a little over a month 

ago, many of us are reminded of many mysterious happenings 

that take place in time of war. Because war is what it is, 

many happenings are overlooked in the rush of events, that 

in times of peace would be looked at much more closely.

Being a combat veteran myself, one of the most disturbing 

things I found about war concerned my friends that went 

missing in action, or other wise known as MIA. As we all 

know now, having listened to the radio and TV this past 

month, once again we are faced with our American troops that 

have disappeared in the heat of combat while engaged with 

Iraqi troops.

Iraq, or as it was known in Biblical days MESOPOTAMIA, is no 

stranger to missing soldiers and airmen. In Frank Edwards 

book, "STRANGE WORLD", published by ACE BOOKS, INC. 1964, 

chronicled a very strange case that took place in British 

Colonial days. The following is titled;


  Sometimes  when  people  disappear  it  seems  they

literally walk off the earth. Such was the case with David

Lang,  whose  classic  disappearance  as  he  walked across a

field in Tennessee was watched by five witnesses. And in

my book-Stranger Than Science, I also recounted the

story of the Eskimo village of Anjikuni, where every man,

woman, and child vanished, leaving their guns standing be-

side the doors of their huts. . their kayaks to rot on the

beaches.. and their dogs to starve. They vanished

a hint as to how, or where or why they went.

  To the list of mysterious disappearances let us add another

remarkable case.

  July 24, 1924, was just another day of blazing heat in the desert

of the Middle East, then called Mesopotamia. The

Arabs were up in arms again; the British were keeping an eye on

them whenever possible. On that day Flight Lieutenant

W. T. Day and Pilot Officer D. R. Stewart took off in their single

engine plane for a routine reconnaissance over the

desert. Estimated flying time: four hours.

  They have not been seen since.

  When their plane was found, the day after they failed to

return, the mystery w s only deepened. There was gasoline

in the tank, and the engine started readily when tried. There were

no  signs  that  the  plane  had  been  shot  at.  There was no

clue to hint why they might have landed where they

did . . . in a broad stretch of inhospitable desert.

 The search party found something else that adds ques-

tion marks to the case of the missing fliers.

  Beside the plane in the soft sand were the boot marks

where officers Day and Stewart had jumped down from

the craft. Their tracks showed that they had left the plane and

walked along side by side for about forty yards. There

the tracks ended.  The arrangement of the  footprints  indicated

that the men had simply stopped, standing side by side. Then, and

there, they vanished.

  The  fate  which  befell  them  will  probably  never  be known.

Armored trucks, planes, and half a dozen patrols of

native tribesmen scoured the desert for miles around. There

was never a trace of the missing fliers. Where their footsteps

ended in the sand, their life stories ended too. And there

began another classic mystery of missing men, another true story

that is, indeed, strangest of all.


Don Ecker - via FidoNet node 1:104/422

UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name

INTERNET: Don.Ecker@f3.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG



Subject: Paris Match  -  UFO sitings & Military release.

Date: 18 Feb 91 18:16:55 GMT


Could you please confirm the issue date for the er

recent article in the Paris MAtch magazine featuring the 

evidence released by Belgian Military Officals.  I would like

to confirm the article before posting it locally.

Mike Clarke

Teaching Unit 

Academic Computer Service

Dalhousie University 

Nova Scotia, Canada

(902) 494-3455


Were there any sitings of spherical UFOS during last Feruary (1990) over

the NE states or Quebec?



From: Rick.Moen@f27.n125.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Rick Moen)

Subject: Re: Increase apocalypse f

Date: 18 Feb 91 06:25:06 GMT

 JP> When everyone agrees on something, evryone's usually wrong. -- 

 JP> old stock market saying.

Jim --

This puts me in mind of Asimov's Corollary to Clarke's Law.

Arthur C. Clarke, you may recall, was the one who said

   When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that

   something is possible, he is almost certainly right.  When he

   states that something is impossible, he is very probably

   wrong.  (Clarke's Law)

"Elderly", per Clarke's use of the term:  "In physics,

mathematics, and astrophysics, it means over thirty; in the other

disciplines, senile decay is sometimes postponed to the forties."

Clarke's friend Isaac Asimov said he _basically agreed_ with this,

even though he suspected that Clarke had him (among others) in

mind, in so saying.  However, Asimov said he wasn't terribly

worried, since he was guided by the aforementioned corrolary, in

deciding which scientific heresies to denounce:

   When, however, the lay public rallie around an idea that is

   denounced by distinguished but elderly scientists and supports

   that idea with great fervor and emotion -- the distinguished

   but elderly scientists are then, after all, probably right.

Best Regards,

Rick M.


Rick Moen - via FidoNet node 1:104/422

UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name

INTERNET: Rick.Moen@f27.n125.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Doug.Rogers@p0.f1.n606.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Doug Rogers)

Subject: Re: Skeptics

Date: 16 Feb 91 21:14:47 GMT



I believe, if you will re-read my post, I am taking no particular 

individual to task.  I was simply asking *ALL* participants to re-


examine what they are saying and doing.  If I find anything you 

personally say to be out of line, please rest assured, you will hear 

from me.


I find nothing to criticize in your post to me, but I don't see where 

it argues with anything I've said.  I was asming for ALL parties to 

honor the right of ALL RESPONSIBLE positions to be heard.  If you 

can show a postion to be IRRESPONSIBLE, then you are working within 

the guidelines of the network.  The search for "truth" is the point 

of what is going on here, is it not?


Thanks for your comments, and keep asking questions.


And thanks also for your kind words.  Moderators are, by definition 

Curmudgeons.  A bit of appreciation is always welcomed by *ALL* of 



Doug Rogers - via FidoNet node 1:104/422

UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name

INTERNET: Doug.Rogers@p0.f1.n606.z1.FIDONET.ORG

********To have your comments in the next issue, send electronic mail to********

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