Encounters: A Psychologist Reveals Evidence of Contact With Extraterrestrials

 Date: 02-13-91  20:11

Subj: Resources

The following list was taken (without permission but strictly in the

non-commercial interest of promoting expedited theraputic intervention) from

the book titled Encounters: A Psychologist Reveals Evidence of Contact With

Extraterrestrials, Edith Fiore, Ph.D., (c) 1989 Edith Fiore, Ph.D. -

Published by Doubleday - a Division of Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing

Group, Inc., 666 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10103.  ISBN: 0-385-26236-1

Hypnotherapists Working With Abductees/Contactees (pg. 339 - Appendix)

Ann Druffel

257 Sycamore Glen

Pasadena, CA  91105

(213) 256-8655

Stephen Field, Pd.D.

800 Oak Grove,

Suite 207

Menlo Park, CA  94025

(415) 325-4678

Edith Fiore, Ph.D.

20688 Fourth St.,

Saratoga, CA  95070

(408) 867-1100

Josie Hadley

2443 Ash St.,

Suite D

Pala Alto, CA  94306

(415) 321-6419

Richard Haines, Ph.D.

PO Box 880

Los Altos, CA  94023-0880

Tisha Hallet

450 San Antonio Rd.,

Suite 27

Palo Alto, CA  94036

(415) 857-0638

James Harder, Ph.D.

2800 Hilgard St.

Berkeley, CA  94709

(415) 848-6043

Barbara Levy, Ph.D.

317 Eureka St.

San Francisco, CA  94114

(415) 826-2250

(415) 751-3971

Linda Marie Martin

152 Olive Springs Rd.

Soquel, CA  95073

(408) 479-3493

Jeffrey Mishlove, Ph.D.

48 St. Francis La.

San Rafael, CA  94901

(415) 456-2532

June Steiner

987 University Ave.,

Suite 6

Los Gatos, CA  95030

(408) 395-9209

Jo Stone, MFCC

PO Box 2828

Los Angeles, CA  90078

Keith Thompson

PO Box 5055

Mill Valley, CA  94942

(415) 388-9008

============= End of List =======================


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