Alien implants

 Date: 09-21-91  18:44

From: John Powell

I found the following ad in the recent magazine UFO, (Volume 6, Number 5):


ATTENTION UFO ABDUCTION RESEARCHERS:  In January of 1991, a limited series of

experiments was conducted which demonstrated two new, potentially important

discoveries relating to UFO abductions and abduction implants:  1. Abduction

implants are responsive to high gauss fields from a permanent magnet.  2. The

function of implant devices may be disrupted and neutralized by the

application of broad band electromagnetic radiation from a Tesla Coil.  We

are a small group of amateur researchers who would like to interest ufology

in our findings.  Replies sought from serious abduction researchers only

(replies will be screened).  For more imformation, CONTACT: Nicholas Reiter,

P.O. Box 95, Helena, OH 43435.

(UFO, Copyright 1991 by California UFO, 1536 S. Robertson Blvd., Los Angeles,

CA 90035, published bi-monthly with a subscription rate of $21/yr.  Offices:

UFO, PO Box 1053, Sunland, CA 91041-1053  818-951-1250)


Does anyone know anything more about this research or about this group?

Thanks, take care.



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