ZINC (30) (Solid) 65(244.1 days)B+,EC
Atomic radius:1.53Deg. A (Quantum mech. value for a free atom)
Atomic volume:9.2 cm(3)/mol at 300Deg. Kelvin
Atomic weight:65.38 (Based on Carbon 12)
Boiling point:1180Deg. Kelvin
Covalent radius:1.25Deg. Kelvin
Crystal structure:Hexagonal
Density:7.14 g/cm(3) at 300Deg. Kelvin
Electrical conductivity:.166 10(6) Ohm(x.1) cm(x.1) at 293Deg. Kelvin
Electron configuration:1s(2)2s(2)p(6)3s(2)p(6)3d(10)4s(2)
Electronegativity:1.65 (Pauling's)
First ionization potential:9.394 V
Heat of fusion:7.322 kJ/mol at melting point
Heat of vaporization:115.3 kJ/mol at boiling point
Melting point:692.73Deg. Kelvin
Oxidation states:2 Amphoteric
Specific heat capacity:.39 Jg(x.1) K(x.1) at 300Deg. Kelvin
Thermal conductivity:1.16 W cm(x.1) K(x.1) at 300Deg. Kelvin
Description:A bluish-white,crystalline,bivalent,metallic element of low to
medium hardness that is ductile when pure but in commercial form is brittle at
ordinary temperatures at becomes ductile upon slight heating.Occurs abundantly
in minerals,is an essential micronutrient in animals,and is used mostly as a
protective coating for iron and steel.
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