Spell Counts
* Printout not up to date
Alchemist <Alchem.#01> 31 P
Astralist <Astral.#01> 56 P
Astrologist <Astrol.#01> 24 P
Atlantian <Atlant.#01> 87
Bardic <Bardic.#01> 83
BloodMage <Blood.#01> 79
Charismatic <Charism.#01> 79
Chronologist <Chronol.#01> 25
Darkover <Darkovr.#01> 116
Discordian <Discord.#01> 158 P
Draconian <Dracon.#01> 117
Druid <Druids.#01> 124
Enchanter <Enchant.#01> 52 P
Entertainer <Entert.#01> 116
Faery <Faemage.#01> 98
Faustian <Faust.#01>
Green Knights <GreenK.#01> 83 P
Gypsy <Gypsy.#01> 165
Hermetics <Hermet.#01> 79
MechaMage <Mecha.#01> 23
Medium <Medium.#01> 41
Mentalist <Mental.#01> 129
Mystery Master <Mystery.#01> 211 P
Shaman (American Indian) <Shaman.#01> 123
Shaman (Australian) <Shaman.#02> 61
Shaman (Elven) <Shaman.#03> 167
Shadow Master <Shadow.#01> 70 P
Tantrology <Tantra.#01> 75 P
Taoist <Taoist.#01> 41 P *
Tarotist <Taroti.#01> 17 P
Technomage <Techno.#01>
Visionary <Vision.#01> 55 P
Voodon <Voodon.#01> 130 P
Weather Worker <Weather.#01> 41 P
Wiccan <Wiccan.#01> 116 P
Any tradition without a number of spells listed is NOT yet complete.
Any Trad without a P has not been finalized yet and should not be
used by players as yet as the spell list etc has not yet been finalized.
To be updated : SKILLS
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