SILVER (47) (Solid) 108(127 years)EC 110(252 days)B- 111(7.45 days)B-
Atomic radius:1.75Deg. A (Quantum mech. value for free atom)
Atomic volume:10.3 cm(3)/mol at 300Deg. Kelvin
Atomic weight:107.868 (Based on Carbon 12)
Boiling point:2436Deg. Kelvin
Covalent radius:1.34Deg. A
Crystal structure:Cubic,face centered
Density:10.5 g/cm(3) at 300Deg. Kelvin
Electrical conductivity:.63 10(x6) Ohm(x.1) cm(x.1) at 293Deg. Kelvin
Electron configuration:1s(2)2s(2)p(6)3s(2)p(6)3d(10)4s(2)p(6)4d(10)5s(1)
Electronegativity:1.93 (Pauling's)
First ionization potential:7.576 V
Heat of fusion:11.3 kJ/mol at melting point
Heat of vaporization:250.58 kJ/mol at boiling point
Melting point:1234Deg. Kelvin
Oxidation states:1,very amphoteric
Specific heat capacity:.235 Jg(x.1) K(x.1) at 300Deg. Kelvin
Thermal conductivity:4.298 W cm(x.1) K(x.1) at 300Deg. Kelvin
Description:A white,ductile metallic element that is sonorous,very
malleable,capable of a high degree of polish,and chiefly univalent with it's
compounds and has the highest thermal and electrical conductivity of any
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