Narrowing down GPF's (Exception 13 or 0x0D)
PRODUCT : Borland C++ NUMBER : 649
DATE : June 17, 1993 PAGE : 1/6
TITLE : Narrowing down GPF's (Exception 13 or 0x0D)
Protected mode development tools permit much larger programs to
be compiled faster than their real mode counterparts. They
accomplish this by allowing the use of a vastly larger memory
area than is available to real mode tools. There is a cost for
this increased capability, however; many of us will have to
change the coding practices and strategies we grew to depend on
with the relatively tolerant real mode development tools.
Central to this change is the increasingly notorious "General
Protection Fault." A GP Fault is generated by what one might
think of as a debugger built into the CPU and is enabled any time
a program is operating in protected mode. This debugger-in-a-CPU
is very, very uncompromising with regard to the rules which a
program must obey while availing itself of protected mode
For example, suppose a block of memory is allocated for use for
a particular application, further, suppose another application
executes an errant read or write outside this block. In real
mode this may show up in a variety of more-or-less unacceptable
ways; many of these we can choose to ignore, sometimes
manifesting in a computer crash.
The same program executed in protected mode will, in all
probability, display a General Protection Fault error message and
immediately exit to DOS, or issue the following prompt:
"Terminate, Reboot or Continue?"
at which point a Reboot at the soonest possible time is advised.
There is an upside to this, however: any program that runs for
any length of time in protected mode is likely to be far more bug
free than an equivalent program executed only in real mode.
PRODUCT : Borland C++ NUMBER : 649
DATE : June 17, 1993 PAGE : 2/6
TITLE : Narrowing down GPF's (Exception 13 or 0x0D)
Obviously if your applications are going to be subject to GP
Fault errors it stands to reason that the development tools
drivers and applications that make use of the extended are of
memory themselves must abide by the same rules and are subject to
this demanding debugger-in-a-CPU.
It is very likely, however, that some applications or device
drivers cause GP faults simply because they were not written for
the protected mode of the processor. (For example, hard disk
controllers, network cards, CD-ROM controllers, etc.) If this is
the case, it is very wise to make sure that the particular
application or driver not be loaded high, or to exclude the area
of extended memory this driver occupies from the particular
memory manager in use. In the case of TSR's (Terminate Stay
Resident) applications, it may be the case that they simply
cannot exist with other protected-mode applications.
It is unlikely that any significant program has ever been
problem-free or could be. Never the less, as you might expect,
we are dedicated to eliminating any problem that can be
identified. One might guess that this would be an easy task,
however, often times it is otherwise.
To the programmer's dismay, the protected mode mechanism does not
distinguish between problems in the developer's code versus
problems within the tools themselves. Consequently, it becomes
necessary for the developer to take/ additional steps to assure
that their code is not the actual cause.
At this point, the developer needs to use some problem solving
techniques to narrow down the actual culprit. Does it exist in
the code being written, another application or development tool
currently loaded, a conflict in operating system configuration,
configuration of hardware, or the hardware itself?
If the General Protection Fault occurred during execution of code
that you have compiled and are currently executing, you carefully
want to scrutinize your code. (See document number 738) The
remainder of this document will discuss how to narrow down other
possibilities of where the GP fault stems from.
If the General Protection Fault occurs dependably while compiling
or linking a certain project but not otherwise, it is probably
PRODUCT : Borland C++ NUMBER : 649
DATE : June 17, 1993 PAGE : 3/6
TITLE : Narrowing down GPF's (Exception 13 or 0x0D)
not your hardware or software configuration. Try cleaning out
the Borland configuration files, TCCONFIG.TC, TCDEF.DSK, and
TCDEF.DPR in the BIN directory for TC or BC, and also remove or
rename your <projectname>.PRJ and <projectname>.DSK files. If
this takes care of the GP fault, you're home free, but if this
doesn't remove the GP fault, it is probably the result of
unanticipated errors while compiling or linking, and should be
reported to Borland (see REPORTING GP FAULTS, below). In the
meantime, most reproducible compile-time GP faults can be worked
around by correcting the error in the code; often reproducible
link-time GP faults can be worked around by changing the link
order or removing or rebuilding a corrupted object file or
If it is an erratic GP fault, appearing in the same project
sometimes and not other times, it is probably the result of the
way that your hardware and/or software are configured.
GP Faults generated by OS configuration are not uncommon. Most
of them find their cause in the variety of memory management
standards (or lack thereof) which characterize use of extended
and expanded (EMS) memory and memory management.
Since the advent of the IBM PC the industry has progressed from
the total absence of a standard, as exemplified by IBM's VDISK,
through VCPI to today's most likely candidate, the DPMI standard.
However, even DPMI remains unfinished at revision 0.9.
As you might guess, writing a development tool or application
which will not clash with any potential use of memory is very
difficult, if not impossible, to do without an industry-accepted
memory standard.
To resolve these inevitable incompatibilities, the user is at the
mercy of the contending utilities. If they can be manually
configured to avoid conflict, the problem can be resolved;
otherwise, the user must assure they they are never loaded at the
same time. Many modern memory management utilities (e.g., QEMM,
386^MAX, EMM386) provide the options necessary to resolve such
PRODUCT : Borland C++ NUMBER : 649
DATE : June 17, 1993 PAGE : 4/6
TITLE : Narrowing down GPF's (Exception 13 or 0x0D)
contentiousness. Many older utilities (e.g., VDISK) do not.
(Note that you should have 386^MAX version 6.02 or later). You
cannot use a version of DOS prior to 3.31 either.
To quickly eliminate OS configuration (device drivers, TSR's,
etc.) as a source of difficulty, simply boot your computer from a
clean configuration ie: a DOS bootable disk with a minimum
CONFIG.SYS consisting only of FILES=20, BUFFERS=20, and an
AUTOEXEC.BAT with PATH and PROMPT only. If a clean DOS bootable
disk isn't available, rename your system's CONFIG.SYS and
AUTOEXEC.BAT to something else (e.g., CONFIG.TMP and
AUTOEXEC.TMP) and reboot your computer. Please note that this
clean boot means no device drivers that are not absolutely
necessary, including your mouse driver. Yes, believe it or not,
some mouse drivers do not know how to correctly translate between
real and protected mode and can cause GP faults. At this point,
don't forget to run DPMIINST (in your BIN directory) if you
haven't already.
Please note that if you have a SCSI controller for your drives
you may need a special SCSI driver to run in protected mode.
This special driver (if needed) should have been provided with
your SCSI card; in the case of IBM PS/2's, it is called
Now try whatever caused the GP fault before; if the problem
persists, contact Borland Technical Support. (See REPORTING A
GENERAL PROTECTION FAULT PROBLEM). If the problem seems to have
been eliminated, however, you will need to begin the tedious but
rather undemanding process of identifying the offending
driver/TSR/memory manager through stepwise restoration of your
normal operating configuration. This is done by adding
statements back to your AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS one by one
and running BC/TC/BCC/TCC repeatedly until the GP faults returns,
in an attempt to find the exact culprit.
Finally, there are some GP fault problems which stem from the
computer's hardware. Often the problem revolves around the
system BIOS or some unique aspect of the computer's architecture.
PRODUCT : Borland C++ NUMBER : 649
DATE : June 17, 1993 PAGE : 5/6
TITLE : Narrowing down GPF's (Exception 13 or 0x0D)
There are also cases in which the machine has minor hardware
problems which are ignored by DOS but show up with the greater
demands of protected mode. This is likely to be the case if
turning off 'Turbo' mode reduces or eliminates the GP-fault
problems; that would indicate undependable cache memory or main
Some system BIOS's dated 1989 or earlier are not supported, and
need to be replaced with a newer BIOS. Companies such as AMI,
Phoenix, or Microid Research should be able to provide a new BIOS
for you.
Don't forget that TC 3.0 and BC 3.x need at least 2 megabytes of
memory to run; trying to run with 1 megabyte can bring a GP Fault
from TCC or BCC.
In addition, some 80x386 and 80x486 based computers having
special optimizing settings that make use of the extended area of
memory that the hardware provides. These include but are not
limited to ShadowRam, Internal or External Cache, and sometimes
even faster clock speeds. These optimizations are set in the
CMOS, and may need to be disabled to circumvent the problem.
Note, when testing these options, you will also want to have your
system booted on a clean configuration, described above.
Some 'last resort' possibilities are: try running DPMIRES before
running BC/TC/BCC/TCC, do SET DPMIMEM=MAXMEM 1000 before starting
the compiler, try using HIMEM.SYS in your CONFIG.SYS if you
haven't tested the compiler in that configuration already and try
starting BC/TC with /e=0 to turn off use of expanded memory. If
you run BC/TC under Windows in 386 Enhanced Mode, it will be
using Windows' DOS extender and not its own, so that may avoid
some compatibility issues; if running that way, you should not
set DPMIMEM but use a Windows .PIF file with locked extended
If the problem occurs under a vanilla operating system as well as
under your normal operating system configuration it is time to
contact Borland Technical Support. Borland Technical Support
PRODUCT : Borland C++ NUMBER : 649
DATE : June 17, 1993 PAGE : 6/6
TITLE : Narrowing down GPF's (Exception 13 or 0x0D)
provides a Problem Report Form (number 1171) that needs to be
completed and can be uploaded via fax, CompuServe, or to one of
our bulletin boards. You'll need to describe your machine and
(if applicable) include the smallest section of code that can
produce the GP fault.
DISCLAIMER: You have the right to use this technical information
subject to the terms of the No-Nonsense License Statement that
you received with the Borland product to which this information
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