A Comparison of High Speed Modems
Filename: 9600DATA.TXT
Version : 1.6
Updated : 3/30/1991
A Comparison of High Speed Modems
Including: HST, V.32, V.32bis, V.42, V.42bis
USR HST/V.32bis (805) 494-9386
USR HST 14.4k (805) 497-3456
CC Speedmodem (805) 496-7320
FidoNet 1:102/1001
A High Speed Modem
Half-Duplex Vs. Full Duplex
What is MNP, HST, V.32, V.42 etc.
What to look for: Throughput, Configurability, UARTS, Etc.
Some Questions to ask: If Considering a generic V.32/V.32bis
Some Questions to ask: If Considering a FAX/Modem.
Modem Manufacturer Phone Numbers.
Modem Compatibility Listing.
Modem Price Comparisons.
Document Updates.
A High Speed Modem
Are you thinking of going to a High speed modem?
2400 bps can be very slow for transferring large files.
Modems advertised as 4800 are really only 2400 with data compression
such as MNP-5 or even just software data compression. There are now
some new 2400 BPS modems with V.42bis, which claim 9600 bps Thruput.
Don't be fooled. A 2400 bps modem with error correction will NOT be
significantly faster when transfering compressed files such as ZIPs.
An actual 9600 bps or faster modem will make a tremendous difference in
your transfer time. Most 9600 bps users never want to go back to 2400.
There is a lot of confusion and mis-information about 9600 bps and faster
modems. I wrote this to help clarify and point out the differences
between the different modems available IBM compatible machines.
If price is no object, the best modem to get for IBM BBS use is the new
USRobotics Dual Standard. It is a combination of the HST 14,400 bps
modem and a 9600 bps V.32 modem all rolled into one modem.
The new version of the USR Dual Standard Modem also includes V.32bis,
and also V.42 and V.42bis error correction and data compression.
If price is an issue, (like it is to most people) then you may want to
consider a standard HST 14400 or a different brand if that is also too
expensive. But if you do not buy a USRobotics Modem, you will not be
able to hook up to a standard USR HST at over 2400 bps.
Other then USR, you could get a V.32 or compatable modem for about 25%
less then a standard HST, or you could get a 9600 bps Compucom Speedmodem
for a even less, but there are some drawbacks to these alternatives.
This information was obtained from several reputable sources, but none
of it is guaranteed to be 100% accurate. I am not responsible for any
incorrect information in this document, nor am I responsible for any
loss of profits to anyone resulting from reading the information in this
documentation. Proceed at your own risk.
Corrections and updates
Since new modem brands, models, and new prices are appearing constantly,
this documentation is going to need a lot of updating. Also some of the
Current Information may need corrections as well. You are welcome to make
changes to this information, but please send me a copy of your update which
points out the changes made, so that I can add your changes to the current
latest version I have. That way all the corrections that are made will be
added to the latest version, which will also be availible for download on
my BBS. (You may want to call first and get the latest version.)
Manufactures: Please send me info. and Sysop/Retail prices on your products
to add to future updates!
At one time Hayes was the standard in modems. All other modems tried
to be "Hayes Compatible". This is still true with 1200 and 2400 bps modems,
but not when it comes to 9600 bps or faster modems. Hayes established a
standard called the AT command set. Other modem manufacturers quickly adopted
this standard and the AT commands are still used today (with a few additional
commands added).
The CCITT (International Consultive Committe for Telegraph & Telephone)
set the V.32 standard for 9600 bps communications back in 1984. Because
the technology required to design and implement a v.32 modem was very
expencive, modem manufactures eventually implemented their own standards
instead, using less costly technology.
In 1987 USRobotics introduced the HST, a proprietary 9600 bps modem that
quickly became popular in the IBM BBS community. USRobotics actively sought
to have other companies implement the HST modulation. They submitted it to
the CCITT for consideration to become a new modem standard. They offered
cross-licenses to other manufactures. Some companys (including Hayes)
secured such licenses, but to this date USR is still the only company that
produces HST compatible modems.
Hayes announced their own proprietory modem soon afterward, but again
this modem would only communicate at 9600 bps with another modem of the
same brand.
In 1989 USR improved their HST design to also modulate at 14,400 bps,
50% faster, allowing file transfer rates of over 1700 cps.
Several manufactures now also have propritory high speed modem designs,
including Hayes "ping-pong", Microcom's MNP6, USR HST, and other schemes
from companies such as EVI, CompuCom, Fastcomm and Racal-Vadic. These
"non-standard" modems were produced because the manufacturers wanted to
respond to the demand for high-speed transmission at a low cost, and their
development of V.32 modems wasn't proceeding fast enough. All of them
recognized that their proprietary schemes are "interim solutions" until
they can bring cost-effective V.32 modems to the market.
In 1989 the CCITT started implementing V.32bis, an enhancment to their
V.32 specification which modulates at 14,400 bps. This specification was
just finalized in late Febuary, 1991.
Now, modem manufacturers have refined their implementations and
manufacturing techniques and are able to offer V.32 and V.32bis modems
at prices somewhat acceptable to PC users.
I should note that USRobotics' Vice President of Engineering, Dale Walsh,
was a very active participant in the development of V.32 and V.32bis.
USRobotics offers both the HST, and the HST-Dual-Standard, which is both
HST and V.32 compatible. As of 1/1/1991 the HST-DS is also V.32bis.
The price difference between the HST and the HST-DS used to be considerable,
which is why most BBS Sysops bought the HST without the "DS" feature.
As of April 1 1991 USR lowered their prices, making the new "Dual-Standard"
with V.32bis not much more expencive then their non-V.32 HST, and well worth
the differnce.
V.32 & V.32bis has become the standard in the Macintosh world, and some
IBM BBS's are now running just V.32 instead of supporting the HST, and some
are supporting both types, using either the "Dual-Standards" or multiple
phone lines lines.
The International Consultive Committee for Telegraph and Telephone (CCITT)
set the V.32, V.32bis Standards in 9600 bps communications.
They have also set the standards of 1200 and 2400 bps in Europe. They are
an agency of the United Nations. The USA, and virtually all other countries,
are bound to CCITT standards by treaty. The CCITT sets standards for the
entire WORLD, not just for Europe.
The fact that the United States uses Bell modulation schemes at 300 and 1200
is an artifact of the Bell Systems' monopoly on data transmission equipment
for use on the telephone network. Until the Carterfone decision in 1968,
they wouldn not permit anybody else to connect modems directly to phone lines,
so were able to foist their own, non-standard schemes on users. Current
modems, however, support both Bell and CCITT modulation schemes.
Half Duplex Vs. Full Duplex
Half Duplex is When Data is Transmited in one Direction at a time.
Full Duplex is both directions at once. 2400 BPS modems are Full Duplex
The HST Modem uses an improved form of Half Duplex, in which one direction
is transfering at high speed while the other direction is sending ACK/NAK
signals at a slower speed. A simular method is used on the Speedmodem.
V.32 and V.32bis modems use Full duplex, which in most cases does not
improve performance when used on a BBS. There is one way to take full
advantage of a full duplex modem: By using a protocol called Bimodem to
upload and Download at the same time at full speed in each direction!
Unfortunately Bimodem has not become very popular. Most BBS's and users
still use one direction transfer protocols such as Zmodem or YModem-G.
What is MNP, HST, V.32, V.42?
MNP (Microcom Networking Protocol) levels 1-4 are methods of error
correction in which the two modems connected verify the integrity of the
data transmitted. Error correction is required for several streaming
protocols such as Ymodem-G in which the protocol sends a constant stream
of data and lets the modems do the error correction. This requires a clean,
noise free line as streaming protocols will abort if line noise interferes
too much. These MNP Levels are used in almost all high speed modems made
today, But Just because two modems both have MNP it does not ensure that
they will both talk to each other at over 2400 baud.
MNP Level 5 is for data compression. Since All BBS's have their files
archived in ZIP, LZH, GIF or some such compressed format (try to ZIP a LZH
file), MNP5 can actually increase the overhead by attempting to compress
the file further. Therefore BBS's leave MNP5 turned off, and so should
the BBS callers.
Trellis-coded modulation (TCM) allows high speed modems such as HST, V.32
& V.32bis, to check for transmision errors with a redundancy bit, which
results in fewer errors on noisy lines. Most V.32's include this option,
but some do not. IBM developed and holds patents on TCM, so USR and other
manufactures of V.32 and V.32bis must pay IBM for rights to use it!
HST stands for "High Speed Technology" - a method of communicating at
high speeds which was developed by US Robotics. HST is a proprietary method
owned by USR. The original HST modems were 9600 BPS by using a 9600 bps
channel in one direction and a 300 (later 450) bps "back channel" in the
other to send ACK/NAK signals for confirmation of data (a half duplex mode)
often referred to as "ping-ponging". It also uses Trellis Coded Modulation
(TCM) which USR licences from IBM. In 1989 USR improved the HST to run at
14400 bps by further optimizing their proprietary method. All HST's sold now
include the 14400 bps speed as well as the original 9600 bps mode. Because
the HSTs raw speed is 14,400 bps, it allows can transfer pre compressed files
such as ZIPs at speeds as fast as V.32bis, but only in one direction at a time.
The HST has become the "BBS-Standard" in high-Speed modems. More BBS's use
HST than any other type of high-speed modem, including the V.32 or V.32bis.
As of January 1st 1991 all HST modems also include the V.42/V.42bis error
correction and data compression (not to be confused with V.32).
Also the "Dual-Standards" made after January 1st also include V.32bis.
The HST's can also be upgraded to the old HST "Dual Standard" allowing it to
also be V.32 compatable. The price is significant for this upgrade however,
and in very few cases is any speed gained.
V.32bis modems from USRobotics use an all new circuit board. Previous
models *CANNOT BE* upgraded to V.32bis. There *IS* a trade-in/trade-up
program, but it's a rip-off at $575.00 plus your old modem in trade!
V.32 is a 9600 Baud standard that was established by the CCITT back in
1984. V.32 is full duplex (9600 bps in both directions at once).
Normally this would be impossible, but using a technique called "echo
cancellation", one modem can filter its own tones from the phone line,
enabling it to pick out the signals from the other modem. However, echo
cancellation requires that high speed modems include built-in digital
signal processor (DSP) chips, which is the main reason V.32 and V.32bis
costs so much. V.32 also includes a fallback to 4800, if line noise becomes
a problem at 9600. The V.32 standard also provides an optional error-
reduction scheme, Trellis Coded Modulation (TCM) which is owned by IBM.
It was first realized in 1989 that it is feasible to push V.32 up to
14400 bps, the same speed as the HST now runs. This requires even
better echo cancellation and an overall improvment in receiver quality.
The CCITT began the V.32bis specification in 1989, but it was not finalized
untill February 22, 1991. USRobotics actually started shipping V.32bis
with their Dual Standard modems on January 1st, 1991, before the standard
was actually aproved. Now some other manufactures (including Penril,
Codex, Digicom & Forval) are also shipping V.32bis modems. Nearly all
modem manufactures are expected to be producing V.32bis by the end of '91.
V.42 has nothing to do with actual modem speed, but how the error correction
and data compression schemes interface. When the CCITT approved V.42 in 1988,
they decided to include two different error correction and data compression
schemes. The first one is MNP,(short for Microcom Networking Protocol).
MNP classes 2, 3, & 4 which handle error correction. Note that MNP-5 was not
included in the V.42 standard because it is only used for data compression.
MNP was made an offical standard due to the large number of modems that
currently use it. The Second method is the prefered method, known as LAP-M
(Link Access Procedure).
Most V.32 modems are fully V.42 compliant, but they do NOT have to be,
according to CCITT guidelines. So when purchasing a V.32 modem make sure
that it is also fully V.42 (and even V.42bis) compatable.
There are now some 2400 baud modems which are also V.42bis compatible,
so since the LAP-M gives 4:1 data compression they are advertised as
"9600 throughput", which really can be misleading and confusing.
Don't be fooled by any throughput claims. The raw speed is what matters
when transfering compressed files such as ZIPs.
V.42bis is a new CCITT standard for data compression techniques, which
was appoved in late 1989. To Support V.42bis, a modem MUST support both
LAP-M and MNP-5, unlike the Standard V.42 in which LAP-M is only an option.
V.42bis provides a maximum data compression of 4:1, giving a 9600 bps modem
a throughput of up to 38400 bps. MNP only offers 2:1 Compression.
As I said above, data compression is not very useful when transfering
pre-compressed files, (such as ZIPs) from BBS's. V.42bis has a special
ability, (unlike MNP-5) to determine if the file can be compressed further
or not before making the an attempt to do so. Therefore v.42bis will not
slow down a ZIP transfer, and may even speed it up alittle bit.
Since V.42bis is implemented in firmware, many V.42 compliant modems can
be upgraded to V.42bis with a new ROM chip.
Fax Standards
Fax Machines have had their own standards, CCITT V.27, V.27ter & V.29.
CCITT T.4 defines the Group 3 fax image encoding. CCITT T.30 defines the
protocol used to negotiate options between fax machines, control the
transfer of images, etc. T.30 uses CCITT V.21 modulation for negotiation.
V.27ter is used for image transfer at 2400 and 4800 bps; V.29 is used at
7200 and 9600. The CCITT also recently added the capability of using V.33
modulation at 12000 and 14400bps, and V.17 modulation at 7200, 9600, 12000,
and 14400bps.
Many modems also offer an option to work as a Fax machine. This can be very
useful if you have a limited number of phone lines and need to share a line
for both modem and Fax calls. Having a computer control the outgoing Faxs
allows more flexibility due to the capability of Fax software available.
Some Fax/Modems only allow Faxes to be sent, and not recieved.
Another less expensive method of 9600 bps communication can be achieved
without using the CCITTs method of "echo cancellation", so that a digital
signal processor is not needed, making the cost much less expensive. This
method is used on the Compucom Speedmodems. The Speedmodem uses Dynamic
Impedance Stabilization (DIS) to increase the relability of the telephone
interfaces signal-to-noise ratio of the telephone line by increasing the
clarity and power of the signal, and automatically compensating for impedence
variations on the phone line. This reduces the probability of line noise,
allowing the protocols to transfer files with less overhead. It also has a
faster fallback rate of 7200 bps if too much line noise exists for 9600 bps
communications. This makes the Speedmodem stand up to worse line noise
conditions at a faster rate than V.32 can handle.
The Speedmodem is available in two versions. the "Speedmodem-Champ", and
also the "Speedmodem-Combo". The Combo is the same modem with the addition
of a 9600 bps Fax, and a Voice-Mail system as well. The Combo comes with
BitFAX by Bitcom, and supports any other 3rd party FAX software which
uses the standard CCITT AT-FAX command set. The Voice-Mail software is
currently still under development, which will allow your computer work
simular to an answering machine, using the hard disk to store voice messages,
and allowing several differnt message areas or "Mail-Boxes" to be accessed
from a touch tone telephone.
A Data Compression called CSP (CompuCom Speed Protocol) is used to yeld a
compression of up to 4:1, giving a throughput of up to 38400 bps. This
however, like MNP5 will not be effective when transfering compressed files
from BBS's, such as ZIP files.
DIS and CPS are proprietary methods owned by CompuCom, Sunnyvale, CA.
The one drawback to this modem is that it will connect to HST and V.32
modems only at 2400 bps. It will connect to other Speedmodems at 9600 bps,
and the Combo version will connect to Fax machines at 4800 or 9600 bps.
What Next?
There is already talk of the CCITT releasing another standard, V.fast,
which is expected some time in 1992, V.fast will modulate at 19200 bps.
You'll see ads claiming that you can attain 19200 bps or 38400 bps
with a 9600 bps modem - this is true only if you are using MNP5 or other
forms of data compression on uncompressed data or text files. Any 9600 bps
modem using compression can transfer at that effective rate. But for BBS use,
where files are already compressed (such as ZIPs, LZHs, GIFs) MNP5 will
actually slow down throughput by attempting to compress a file that is already
compressed. Generally when using a modem for BBS transfers, its the RAW speed
of the Modem and not the throughput which is important.
In High Speed Modems, there is a lot more to configure than on a 2400 bps
modem. Be sure your modem comes with NVRAM (Non-volatile Random
Access Memory) that can store your modem configuration, making long init
strings unnessesary unnecessary. Also many modems have dip switches to
set the default configuration, which also simplys simplifies things.
If you buy an Internal Modem, be sure its fully Configurable as far as
selecting the com port and IRQ (interupt request) setting. Some modems
can be addressed from Com1: up to COM8:
Internal Modems have a serial port built in, and External Modems use an
existing Serial Port in the computer. A serial port has a UART chip to buffer
and control the Input/Output (I/O). The XT usually has an 8250 UART which will
handle up to 9600 Baud. The AT usually has the 16450. If you have an external
modem you should replace your UART with the 16550A (or 16550AF or 16550AFN).
The 16550 series has 16 byte FIFO buffers to handle interupts better.
IBM Compatable Users can choose internal modems, that plug in a computers
slot, or external, which plugs into an existing serial port with a serial
cable. Internals are usually less expensive, take up less space, have the
correct UART already installed (see below) and don't need a cable.
But the Externals usually have a lot of little lights on it that you can
stare at, and its easier to move to another machine. So which ever you prefer
(or is available in some cases) is fine.
European users may want to stick to an internal model, since external models
tend to require 110 volts, or a power converter.
If Considering a USRobotics Modem
You only need to worry about whether you want the HST or the
new Dual Standard, which is HST, V.32 and now V.32bis as well.
If Considering a V.32 / V.32bis
Some questions to ask:
Can you afford the USR "DS" instead?
Is it V.42 compatible, V.42 compliant, or V.42bis? compliant
If its not V.42bis or compliant, can it be upgraded?
Do Local/National BBS's support it?
What is the warranty? 5 years?
If Considering a Fax/Modem
some questions to ask:
Does it both send and recive Fax (some are SEND only)
Does it support 3rd party FAX software?
What's the Fax transfer speed Is it 4800 or 9600 bps?
What's the modem DATA speed?
Does it support MNP, V.42, V.42bis?
Does it support other compression?
Do Local/National BBS's support it?
What is the Warranty? 5 Years?
Modem Compatibility Listing:
These modems will usually be downward compatible with 2400 bps and slower
modems, Which means they are also CITT V.22bis and Bell 103/212A compatible.
Most have an auto-fallback mode that will detect the highest negotiable bps
rate. If the modem is V.42 capable, it will fall back to MNP if the other
modem is not LAP-M capable, but is MNP capable. Modems supporting MNP will
connect with data compression/error correction with other MNP modems at the
highest bps rate common between the two. The speeds listed here are the actual
Raw speed, and not the possible throughput that can be achieved using data
Listed in alphabetical order by brand name -
Generic V.32 only
Made by a number of companies using the CCITT method of communicating at
9600 bps.
These are expected to become outdated as V.42 is added to most V.32 modems
- Talks to other brand V.32 modems at 9600 bps.
Generic V.42 Only
If a modem is V.42 or V.42bis only, and not V.32, then it is only a
2400 bps modem, and can only talk to other V.42 modems at 2400 bps
(with supposed 9600 throughput using data compression)
This is not considered a 9600 bps modem and should be avoided.
- Talks to other brand V.42 modems at 2400 bps with LAP-M.
Generic V.32 with V.42 (and/or V.42bis)
These modems follow CCITT V.32 standard for communicating at 9600 bps,
and also have V.42 data compression and error correction.
- Talks to other brand V.32 modems at 9600 bps
- Talks to other modems with the V.42 option at top negotiable rate.
(Some Generic Brands include: Anderson Jacobson, Codex, Computer Peripherals,
Digicom, E-Tech, Farallon, Fastcomm, General Datacom, Intel, Magic, Mastercom,
Microcom, Multi-tech, NEC, Practical Peripherals, Prometheus, Radcal Vadic,
Shiva, Telebit, Telenetics, USD, and many others just appearing. Some of
these offer LAP-M and V.42bis, and some do not.)
Hayes V-Series:
The early Hayes V-Series uses a proprietary method of communicating at
9600 bps.
- Talks other Hayes V-Series modems at 9600 bps.
Hayes V-Series V.42:
The Hayes V-Series V.42 uses the proprietary method of communicating at
9600 Baud but will incorporate the V.42 data compression and error checking
- Talks to other V.42 modems at 2400 with error correction/compression.
Talks to other MNP modems at 2400 using error correction/compression.
Talks to other Hayes V-Series at 9600 bps.
Hayes ULTRA:
Uses CCITT V.32 and method for communicating at 9600 bps.
Has MNP5 abilities.
Has LAP-M abilities
- Talks to Other V.32 modems at 9600 bps
Talks to other modems with the V.42 option at top negotiable rate.
Talks to other Hayes V-Series at 9600 bps
Telebit Trailblazer:
Uses proprietary PEP method of communicating at over 9600 bps.
Has MNP5 abilities.
- Talks to other Telebit Trailblazers at 9600 bps.
Talks to other MNP modems at 2400 baud with error correction/compression
USR Courier V.32:
Uses CCITT V.32 method of communicating at 9600 bps.
offers MNP5 abilities.
- Talks to Other V.32 modems at 9600 bps.
Talks to other modems with the V.42 option at top negotiable rate.
USR Courier HST: (old version)
Uses the USR proprietary HST method of communicating at 9600 Baud.
Has MNP5 abilities.
- Talks to HST type modems at 9600 bps.
USR Courier HST: (current 14400 bps version)
Uses the USR proprietary HST method of communicating at 9600 and 14400 bps.
Has MNP5 abilities.
- Talks to HST DS's at 14400 bps
Talks to HST (current) at 14400 bps
Talks to old 9600 HST's at 9600 bps.
USR Courier HST DS:
The Dual Standard incorporates both the proprietary HST method of
communicating at 9600 and 14400 bps, and the CCITT V.32 method of
communicating at 9600 bps.
(and V.32bis 14400 bps on units made after 1/1/1991)
Has MNP5 abilities.
- Talks to Other V.32 modems at 9600 Bps.
(V.32bis models will talk to other V.32bis modems 14400 bps)
Talks to other DS's at 14400 bps
Talks to 14400 HST's at 14400 bps
Talks to old 9600 HST's at 9600 bps.
COMPUcom Speedmodem Champ
Uses the Proprietary CSP method of communicating at 9600 bps.
Has 7200 and 4800 bps Fallback
Has MNP5 abilities.
-Talks to other Speedmodems at 9600 bps.
Talks to other MNP modems at 2400 bps with error correction/compression
COMPUcom Speedmodem Combo
Uses the Proprietary CSP method of communicating at 9600 bps.
Has 7200 and 4800 bps Fallback
Has CCITT FAX V.27ter & V.29
Has MNP5 abilities.
Talks to Group III Faxs at 9600.
-Talks to other Speedmodems at 9600 bps.
Talks to other MNP modems at 2400 bps with error correction/compression
Manufacturer Toll Free Charge Call Support BBS
============ ============== ============== ==============
Anchor (800) 541-2318
Anderson Jacobson (800) 438-8520 (408) 435-8520
Codex (508) 261-4000
Compucom (800) 228-6648 (408) 732-4500 (408) 738-4990
Computer Peripherals (800) 854-7600 (805) 499-5751 (805) 499-9646
Digicom (800) 574-2730
E-Tech (408) 982-0270
Farallon (415) 596-9100
Fastcomm (800) 521-2496 (703) 620 3900
General Datacom (203) 574-1118
Hayes (800) 241-9625 (404) 441-1617 (800) 874-2937
Intel (800) 538-3373 (503) 645-6275
Magic Modems (800) 622-3475
Mastercom (213) 834-6666
Microcomm (800) 822-8224 (617) 551-1000
Multi-Tech (800) 328-9717
NEC (800) 222-4632 (408) 433-1250
Practical Peripherals (800) 442-4774 (818) 706-0333
Promethues (800) 477-3473 (503) 624-0571
Radcal Vadic (800) 482-3427 (408) 432-8008
Radcal Milgo (800) 327-7909 (305) 846-1601
Shiva (800) 458-3550 (617) 864-8500
Telebit (800) 835-3248 (408) 734-4333
Telenetics (800) 822-4267 (714) 779-2766
USD (800) 631-4869 (205) 430-8000
USRobotics (800) DIAL-USR (708) 982-5001 (708) 982-5092
Price Comparisons
No Prices have been stated above this Section, because prices often change,
and I want to keep all the prices together so they could be quickly updated
as needed. There are 3 types of prices I will cover. First is The Retail price,
second is the Sysop price, which is only available if you run a BBS.
The list prices are just for comparison. Discount prices can often be found
mail order.
Many Modem Manufactures offer BBS Sysop special prices directly, at
about 50% off the retail price. First the BBS has to be verified, so the
modem manufacturer knows that this is a real BBS that has been running for
at least 6 Months, and has a minimum number of users, ect. Usually
the Manufacturer will call the BBS once, or twice a few weeks apart to be
sure. Verification usually takes 3-4 weeks. Then the Sysop must agree to use
the Modem on the BBS for some set amount of time, and include a banner in
the logon screen mentioning the presence of the modem.
Manufactures: Please send me info. and Sysop/Retail prices on your products
to add to future updates!
Generic Brands Retail Sysop
V.32 Only EXT $650-$1,000 ????
V.32/V.42 EXT $700-$1,000 ????
V.32/V.42bis EXT $700-$1,200 $339+
Software Included: Varies (most externals come without software)
Warranty: Varies 1-5 years
Hayes Retail Sysop
Ultra V.32/V.42 $1,199 $599
V-Series V.42 (not V.32) $999 $499
V-Series 9600 $799 $399
Software Included: None
Warranty: 2 years
COMPUcom Retail Sysop
Speedmodem Champ (INT) $169 N/A
Speedmodem Combo (INT) $279 $169
The Combo includes BitFax and Voice-Mail software
Warranty: 5 years
Intel Retail Sysop
9600EX $799 $399
Software included: None
Warranty: 5 years
Practical Peripherals Retail Sysop
V.32/V.42 EXT $699 $339
V.32/V.42 INT N/A N/A
Software Included: None
Warranty: 5 Years
Note: Originally these modems had several incompatibilities with other
V.32 modems such as USR. I'm told that P.P. has now fixed the bugs, and
is now shipping a reliable product.
Telebit Retail Sysop
T1000 ??? ???
T1500 V.32 ??? ???
TrailBlazer INT ??? ???
Trailblazer EXT ??? ???
T2500 V.32/V.42 ??? ???
(anyone have info on these?)
Warranty: 5 years
USRobotics Retail SysOp
Courier Dual Standard E $1295 $499
Courier Dual Standard I $1249 N/A
Courier V.32bis EXT $995 $449
Courier V.32bis INT $949 N/A
Courier HST 14.4k EXT $995 $399
Courier HST 14.4k INT $895 N/A
DS Upgrade Kit for HST $495 $250
Sysops who trade in their old 9600 modem (any brand) will get $100 off
plus an additional $100 rebate if the modem traded is a USR Brand.
End users may trade in their old 9600 modem (any brand) for a new USR
HST for $545, or a new "Dual-Standard" with V.32bis for $745 directly
from USRobotics.
Software included: None
Warranty: 2 Years (extended warranties available for $25 per year)
Document updates:
(Much of the credit for this file goes to Toby Nixon of Hayes, who supplyed
much of the history and data).
Date Release Comments
---- ------- --------
10/30/90 1.0 Inital Release. Should have run a spell checker!
11/08/90 1.1 Spelling fixes, V.32bis update, Speedmodem update
01/10/91 1.2 USR V.32bis Update, other minor corrections
01/15/91 1.3 USR V.32bis corrections, Speedmodem update, more spelling
fixes. Thanks to Remco Treffcorn (Compucom Engineer)
02/13/91 1.4 Minor corrections, thanks to Bill Garfield
03/03/91 1.5 USR Price updates
03/30/91 1.6 Major update regarding history and standards, thanks to
Toby Nixon, (Hayes Engineer)
** End-of-file **
Version : 1.6
Updated : 3/30/1991
A Comparison of High Speed Modems
Including: HST, V.32, V.32bis, V.42, V.42bis
USR HST/V.32bis (805) 494-9386
USR HST 14.4k (805) 497-3456
CC Speedmodem (805) 496-7320
FidoNet 1:102/1001
A High Speed Modem
Half-Duplex Vs. Full Duplex
What is MNP, HST, V.32, V.42 etc.
What to look for: Throughput, Configurability, UARTS, Etc.
Some Questions to ask: If Considering a generic V.32/V.32bis
Some Questions to ask: If Considering a FAX/Modem.
Modem Manufacturer Phone Numbers.
Modem Compatibility Listing.
Modem Price Comparisons.
Document Updates.
A High Speed Modem
Are you thinking of going to a High speed modem?
2400 bps can be very slow for transferring large files.
Modems advertised as 4800 are really only 2400 with data compression
such as MNP-5 or even just software data compression. There are now
some new 2400 BPS modems with V.42bis, which claim 9600 bps Thruput.
Don't be fooled. A 2400 bps modem with error correction will NOT be
significantly faster when transfering compressed files such as ZIPs.
An actual 9600 bps or faster modem will make a tremendous difference in
your transfer time. Most 9600 bps users never want to go back to 2400.
There is a lot of confusion and mis-information about 9600 bps and faster
modems. I wrote this to help clarify and point out the differences
between the different modems available IBM compatible machines.
If price is no object, the best modem to get for IBM BBS use is the new
USRobotics Dual Standard. It is a combination of the HST 14,400 bps
modem and a 9600 bps V.32 modem all rolled into one modem.
The new version of the USR Dual Standard Modem also includes V.32bis,
and also V.42 and V.42bis error correction and data compression.
If price is an issue, (like it is to most people) then you may want to
consider a standard HST 14400 or a different brand if that is also too
expensive. But if you do not buy a USRobotics Modem, you will not be
able to hook up to a standard USR HST at over 2400 bps.
Other then USR, you could get a V.32 or compatable modem for about 25%
less then a standard HST, or you could get a 9600 bps Compucom Speedmodem
for a even less, but there are some drawbacks to these alternatives.
This information was obtained from several reputable sources, but none
of it is guaranteed to be 100% accurate. I am not responsible for any
incorrect information in this document, nor am I responsible for any
loss of profits to anyone resulting from reading the information in this
documentation. Proceed at your own risk.
Corrections and updates
Since new modem brands, models, and new prices are appearing constantly,
this documentation is going to need a lot of updating. Also some of the
Current Information may need corrections as well. You are welcome to make
changes to this information, but please send me a copy of your update which
points out the changes made, so that I can add your changes to the current
latest version I have. That way all the corrections that are made will be
added to the latest version, which will also be availible for download on
my BBS. (You may want to call first and get the latest version.)
Manufactures: Please send me info. and Sysop/Retail prices on your products
to add to future updates!
At one time Hayes was the standard in modems. All other modems tried
to be "Hayes Compatible". This is still true with 1200 and 2400 bps modems,
but not when it comes to 9600 bps or faster modems. Hayes established a
standard called the AT command set. Other modem manufacturers quickly adopted
this standard and the AT commands are still used today (with a few additional
commands added).
The CCITT (International Consultive Committe for Telegraph & Telephone)
set the V.32 standard for 9600 bps communications back in 1984. Because
the technology required to design and implement a v.32 modem was very
expencive, modem manufactures eventually implemented their own standards
instead, using less costly technology.
In 1987 USRobotics introduced the HST, a proprietary 9600 bps modem that
quickly became popular in the IBM BBS community. USRobotics actively sought
to have other companies implement the HST modulation. They submitted it to
the CCITT for consideration to become a new modem standard. They offered
cross-licenses to other manufactures. Some companys (including Hayes)
secured such licenses, but to this date USR is still the only company that
produces HST compatible modems.
Hayes announced their own proprietory modem soon afterward, but again
this modem would only communicate at 9600 bps with another modem of the
same brand.
In 1989 USR improved their HST design to also modulate at 14,400 bps,
50% faster, allowing file transfer rates of over 1700 cps.
Several manufactures now also have propritory high speed modem designs,
including Hayes "ping-pong", Microcom's MNP6, USR HST, and other schemes
from companies such as EVI, CompuCom, Fastcomm and Racal-Vadic. These
"non-standard" modems were produced because the manufacturers wanted to
respond to the demand for high-speed transmission at a low cost, and their
development of V.32 modems wasn't proceeding fast enough. All of them
recognized that their proprietary schemes are "interim solutions" until
they can bring cost-effective V.32 modems to the market.
In 1989 the CCITT started implementing V.32bis, an enhancment to their
V.32 specification which modulates at 14,400 bps. This specification was
just finalized in late Febuary, 1991.
Now, modem manufacturers have refined their implementations and
manufacturing techniques and are able to offer V.32 and V.32bis modems
at prices somewhat acceptable to PC users.
I should note that USRobotics' Vice President of Engineering, Dale Walsh,
was a very active participant in the development of V.32 and V.32bis.
USRobotics offers both the HST, and the HST-Dual-Standard, which is both
HST and V.32 compatible. As of 1/1/1991 the HST-DS is also V.32bis.
The price difference between the HST and the HST-DS used to be considerable,
which is why most BBS Sysops bought the HST without the "DS" feature.
As of April 1 1991 USR lowered their prices, making the new "Dual-Standard"
with V.32bis not much more expencive then their non-V.32 HST, and well worth
the differnce.
V.32 & V.32bis has become the standard in the Macintosh world, and some
IBM BBS's are now running just V.32 instead of supporting the HST, and some
are supporting both types, using either the "Dual-Standards" or multiple
phone lines lines.
The International Consultive Committee for Telegraph and Telephone (CCITT)
set the V.32, V.32bis Standards in 9600 bps communications.
They have also set the standards of 1200 and 2400 bps in Europe. They are
an agency of the United Nations. The USA, and virtually all other countries,
are bound to CCITT standards by treaty. The CCITT sets standards for the
entire WORLD, not just for Europe.
The fact that the United States uses Bell modulation schemes at 300 and 1200
is an artifact of the Bell Systems' monopoly on data transmission equipment
for use on the telephone network. Until the Carterfone decision in 1968,
they wouldn not permit anybody else to connect modems directly to phone lines,
so were able to foist their own, non-standard schemes on users. Current
modems, however, support both Bell and CCITT modulation schemes.
Half Duplex Vs. Full Duplex
Half Duplex is When Data is Transmited in one Direction at a time.
Full Duplex is both directions at once. 2400 BPS modems are Full Duplex
The HST Modem uses an improved form of Half Duplex, in which one direction
is transfering at high speed while the other direction is sending ACK/NAK
signals at a slower speed. A simular method is used on the Speedmodem.
V.32 and V.32bis modems use Full duplex, which in most cases does not
improve performance when used on a BBS. There is one way to take full
advantage of a full duplex modem: By using a protocol called Bimodem to
upload and Download at the same time at full speed in each direction!
Unfortunately Bimodem has not become very popular. Most BBS's and users
still use one direction transfer protocols such as Zmodem or YModem-G.
What is MNP, HST, V.32, V.42?
MNP (Microcom Networking Protocol) levels 1-4 are methods of error
correction in which the two modems connected verify the integrity of the
data transmitted. Error correction is required for several streaming
protocols such as Ymodem-G in which the protocol sends a constant stream
of data and lets the modems do the error correction. This requires a clean,
noise free line as streaming protocols will abort if line noise interferes
too much. These MNP Levels are used in almost all high speed modems made
today, But Just because two modems both have MNP it does not ensure that
they will both talk to each other at over 2400 baud.
MNP Level 5 is for data compression. Since All BBS's have their files
archived in ZIP, LZH, GIF or some such compressed format (try to ZIP a LZH
file), MNP5 can actually increase the overhead by attempting to compress
the file further. Therefore BBS's leave MNP5 turned off, and so should
the BBS callers.
Trellis-coded modulation (TCM) allows high speed modems such as HST, V.32
& V.32bis, to check for transmision errors with a redundancy bit, which
results in fewer errors on noisy lines. Most V.32's include this option,
but some do not. IBM developed and holds patents on TCM, so USR and other
manufactures of V.32 and V.32bis must pay IBM for rights to use it!
HST stands for "High Speed Technology" - a method of communicating at
high speeds which was developed by US Robotics. HST is a proprietary method
owned by USR. The original HST modems were 9600 BPS by using a 9600 bps
channel in one direction and a 300 (later 450) bps "back channel" in the
other to send ACK/NAK signals for confirmation of data (a half duplex mode)
often referred to as "ping-ponging". It also uses Trellis Coded Modulation
(TCM) which USR licences from IBM. In 1989 USR improved the HST to run at
14400 bps by further optimizing their proprietary method. All HST's sold now
include the 14400 bps speed as well as the original 9600 bps mode. Because
the HSTs raw speed is 14,400 bps, it allows can transfer pre compressed files
such as ZIPs at speeds as fast as V.32bis, but only in one direction at a time.
The HST has become the "BBS-Standard" in high-Speed modems. More BBS's use
HST than any other type of high-speed modem, including the V.32 or V.32bis.
As of January 1st 1991 all HST modems also include the V.42/V.42bis error
correction and data compression (not to be confused with V.32).
Also the "Dual-Standards" made after January 1st also include V.32bis.
The HST's can also be upgraded to the old HST "Dual Standard" allowing it to
also be V.32 compatable. The price is significant for this upgrade however,
and in very few cases is any speed gained.
V.32bis modems from USRobotics use an all new circuit board. Previous
models *CANNOT BE* upgraded to V.32bis. There *IS* a trade-in/trade-up
program, but it's a rip-off at $575.00 plus your old modem in trade!
V.32 is a 9600 Baud standard that was established by the CCITT back in
1984. V.32 is full duplex (9600 bps in both directions at once).
Normally this would be impossible, but using a technique called "echo
cancellation", one modem can filter its own tones from the phone line,
enabling it to pick out the signals from the other modem. However, echo
cancellation requires that high speed modems include built-in digital
signal processor (DSP) chips, which is the main reason V.32 and V.32bis
costs so much. V.32 also includes a fallback to 4800, if line noise becomes
a problem at 9600. The V.32 standard also provides an optional error-
reduction scheme, Trellis Coded Modulation (TCM) which is owned by IBM.
It was first realized in 1989 that it is feasible to push V.32 up to
14400 bps, the same speed as the HST now runs. This requires even
better echo cancellation and an overall improvment in receiver quality.
The CCITT began the V.32bis specification in 1989, but it was not finalized
untill February 22, 1991. USRobotics actually started shipping V.32bis
with their Dual Standard modems on January 1st, 1991, before the standard
was actually aproved. Now some other manufactures (including Penril,
Codex, Digicom & Forval) are also shipping V.32bis modems. Nearly all
modem manufactures are expected to be producing V.32bis by the end of '91.
V.42 has nothing to do with actual modem speed, but how the error correction
and data compression schemes interface. When the CCITT approved V.42 in 1988,
they decided to include two different error correction and data compression
schemes. The first one is MNP,(short for Microcom Networking Protocol).
MNP classes 2, 3, & 4 which handle error correction. Note that MNP-5 was not
included in the V.42 standard because it is only used for data compression.
MNP was made an offical standard due to the large number of modems that
currently use it. The Second method is the prefered method, known as LAP-M
(Link Access Procedure).
Most V.32 modems are fully V.42 compliant, but they do NOT have to be,
according to CCITT guidelines. So when purchasing a V.32 modem make sure
that it is also fully V.42 (and even V.42bis) compatable.
There are now some 2400 baud modems which are also V.42bis compatible,
so since the LAP-M gives 4:1 data compression they are advertised as
"9600 throughput", which really can be misleading and confusing.
Don't be fooled by any throughput claims. The raw speed is what matters
when transfering compressed files such as ZIPs.
V.42bis is a new CCITT standard for data compression techniques, which
was appoved in late 1989. To Support V.42bis, a modem MUST support both
LAP-M and MNP-5, unlike the Standard V.42 in which LAP-M is only an option.
V.42bis provides a maximum data compression of 4:1, giving a 9600 bps modem
a throughput of up to 38400 bps. MNP only offers 2:1 Compression.
As I said above, data compression is not very useful when transfering
pre-compressed files, (such as ZIPs) from BBS's. V.42bis has a special
ability, (unlike MNP-5) to determine if the file can be compressed further
or not before making the an attempt to do so. Therefore v.42bis will not
slow down a ZIP transfer, and may even speed it up alittle bit.
Since V.42bis is implemented in firmware, many V.42 compliant modems can
be upgraded to V.42bis with a new ROM chip.
Fax Standards
Fax Machines have had their own standards, CCITT V.27, V.27ter & V.29.
CCITT T.4 defines the Group 3 fax image encoding. CCITT T.30 defines the
protocol used to negotiate options between fax machines, control the
transfer of images, etc. T.30 uses CCITT V.21 modulation for negotiation.
V.27ter is used for image transfer at 2400 and 4800 bps; V.29 is used at
7200 and 9600. The CCITT also recently added the capability of using V.33
modulation at 12000 and 14400bps, and V.17 modulation at 7200, 9600, 12000,
and 14400bps.
Many modems also offer an option to work as a Fax machine. This can be very
useful if you have a limited number of phone lines and need to share a line
for both modem and Fax calls. Having a computer control the outgoing Faxs
allows more flexibility due to the capability of Fax software available.
Some Fax/Modems only allow Faxes to be sent, and not recieved.
Another less expensive method of 9600 bps communication can be achieved
without using the CCITTs method of "echo cancellation", so that a digital
signal processor is not needed, making the cost much less expensive. This
method is used on the Compucom Speedmodems. The Speedmodem uses Dynamic
Impedance Stabilization (DIS) to increase the relability of the telephone
interfaces signal-to-noise ratio of the telephone line by increasing the
clarity and power of the signal, and automatically compensating for impedence
variations on the phone line. This reduces the probability of line noise,
allowing the protocols to transfer files with less overhead. It also has a
faster fallback rate of 7200 bps if too much line noise exists for 9600 bps
communications. This makes the Speedmodem stand up to worse line noise
conditions at a faster rate than V.32 can handle.
The Speedmodem is available in two versions. the "Speedmodem-Champ", and
also the "Speedmodem-Combo". The Combo is the same modem with the addition
of a 9600 bps Fax, and a Voice-Mail system as well. The Combo comes with
BitFAX by Bitcom, and supports any other 3rd party FAX software which
uses the standard CCITT AT-FAX command set. The Voice-Mail software is
currently still under development, which will allow your computer work
simular to an answering machine, using the hard disk to store voice messages,
and allowing several differnt message areas or "Mail-Boxes" to be accessed
from a touch tone telephone.
A Data Compression called CSP (CompuCom Speed Protocol) is used to yeld a
compression of up to 4:1, giving a throughput of up to 38400 bps. This
however, like MNP5 will not be effective when transfering compressed files
from BBS's, such as ZIP files.
DIS and CPS are proprietary methods owned by CompuCom, Sunnyvale, CA.
The one drawback to this modem is that it will connect to HST and V.32
modems only at 2400 bps. It will connect to other Speedmodems at 9600 bps,
and the Combo version will connect to Fax machines at 4800 or 9600 bps.
What Next?
There is already talk of the CCITT releasing another standard, V.fast,
which is expected some time in 1992, V.fast will modulate at 19200 bps.
You'll see ads claiming that you can attain 19200 bps or 38400 bps
with a 9600 bps modem - this is true only if you are using MNP5 or other
forms of data compression on uncompressed data or text files. Any 9600 bps
modem using compression can transfer at that effective rate. But for BBS use,
where files are already compressed (such as ZIPs, LZHs, GIFs) MNP5 will
actually slow down throughput by attempting to compress a file that is already
compressed. Generally when using a modem for BBS transfers, its the RAW speed
of the Modem and not the throughput which is important.
In High Speed Modems, there is a lot more to configure than on a 2400 bps
modem. Be sure your modem comes with NVRAM (Non-volatile Random
Access Memory) that can store your modem configuration, making long init
strings unnessesary unnecessary. Also many modems have dip switches to
set the default configuration, which also simplys simplifies things.
If you buy an Internal Modem, be sure its fully Configurable as far as
selecting the com port and IRQ (interupt request) setting. Some modems
can be addressed from Com1: up to COM8:
Internal Modems have a serial port built in, and External Modems use an
existing Serial Port in the computer. A serial port has a UART chip to buffer
and control the Input/Output (I/O). The XT usually has an 8250 UART which will
handle up to 9600 Baud. The AT usually has the 16450. If you have an external
modem you should replace your UART with the 16550A (or 16550AF or 16550AFN).
The 16550 series has 16 byte FIFO buffers to handle interupts better.
IBM Compatable Users can choose internal modems, that plug in a computers
slot, or external, which plugs into an existing serial port with a serial
cable. Internals are usually less expensive, take up less space, have the
correct UART already installed (see below) and don't need a cable.
But the Externals usually have a lot of little lights on it that you can
stare at, and its easier to move to another machine. So which ever you prefer
(or is available in some cases) is fine.
European users may want to stick to an internal model, since external models
tend to require 110 volts, or a power converter.
If Considering a USRobotics Modem
You only need to worry about whether you want the HST or the
new Dual Standard, which is HST, V.32 and now V.32bis as well.
If Considering a V.32 / V.32bis
Some questions to ask:
Can you afford the USR "DS" instead?
Is it V.42 compatible, V.42 compliant, or V.42bis? compliant
If its not V.42bis or compliant, can it be upgraded?
Do Local/National BBS's support it?
What is the warranty? 5 years?
If Considering a Fax/Modem
some questions to ask:
Does it both send and recive Fax (some are SEND only)
Does it support 3rd party FAX software?
What's the Fax transfer speed Is it 4800 or 9600 bps?
What's the modem DATA speed?
Does it support MNP, V.42, V.42bis?
Does it support other compression?
Do Local/National BBS's support it?
What is the Warranty? 5 Years?
Modem Compatibility Listing:
These modems will usually be downward compatible with 2400 bps and slower
modems, Which means they are also CITT V.22bis and Bell 103/212A compatible.
Most have an auto-fallback mode that will detect the highest negotiable bps
rate. If the modem is V.42 capable, it will fall back to MNP if the other
modem is not LAP-M capable, but is MNP capable. Modems supporting MNP will
connect with data compression/error correction with other MNP modems at the
highest bps rate common between the two. The speeds listed here are the actual
Raw speed, and not the possible throughput that can be achieved using data
Listed in alphabetical order by brand name -
Generic V.32 only
Made by a number of companies using the CCITT method of communicating at
9600 bps.
These are expected to become outdated as V.42 is added to most V.32 modems
- Talks to other brand V.32 modems at 9600 bps.
Generic V.42 Only
If a modem is V.42 or V.42bis only, and not V.32, then it is only a
2400 bps modem, and can only talk to other V.42 modems at 2400 bps
(with supposed 9600 throughput using data compression)
This is not considered a 9600 bps modem and should be avoided.
- Talks to other brand V.42 modems at 2400 bps with LAP-M.
Generic V.32 with V.42 (and/or V.42bis)
These modems follow CCITT V.32 standard for communicating at 9600 bps,
and also have V.42 data compression and error correction.
- Talks to other brand V.32 modems at 9600 bps
- Talks to other modems with the V.42 option at top negotiable rate.
(Some Generic Brands include: Anderson Jacobson, Codex, Computer Peripherals,
Digicom, E-Tech, Farallon, Fastcomm, General Datacom, Intel, Magic, Mastercom,
Microcom, Multi-tech, NEC, Practical Peripherals, Prometheus, Radcal Vadic,
Shiva, Telebit, Telenetics, USD, and many others just appearing. Some of
these offer LAP-M and V.42bis, and some do not.)
Hayes V-Series:
The early Hayes V-Series uses a proprietary method of communicating at
9600 bps.
- Talks other Hayes V-Series modems at 9600 bps.
Hayes V-Series V.42:
The Hayes V-Series V.42 uses the proprietary method of communicating at
9600 Baud but will incorporate the V.42 data compression and error checking
- Talks to other V.42 modems at 2400 with error correction/compression.
Talks to other MNP modems at 2400 using error correction/compression.
Talks to other Hayes V-Series at 9600 bps.
Hayes ULTRA:
Uses CCITT V.32 and method for communicating at 9600 bps.
Has MNP5 abilities.
Has LAP-M abilities
- Talks to Other V.32 modems at 9600 bps
Talks to other modems with the V.42 option at top negotiable rate.
Talks to other Hayes V-Series at 9600 bps
Telebit Trailblazer:
Uses proprietary PEP method of communicating at over 9600 bps.
Has MNP5 abilities.
- Talks to other Telebit Trailblazers at 9600 bps.
Talks to other MNP modems at 2400 baud with error correction/compression
USR Courier V.32:
Uses CCITT V.32 method of communicating at 9600 bps.
offers MNP5 abilities.
- Talks to Other V.32 modems at 9600 bps.
Talks to other modems with the V.42 option at top negotiable rate.
USR Courier HST: (old version)
Uses the USR proprietary HST method of communicating at 9600 Baud.
Has MNP5 abilities.
- Talks to HST type modems at 9600 bps.
USR Courier HST: (current 14400 bps version)
Uses the USR proprietary HST method of communicating at 9600 and 14400 bps.
Has MNP5 abilities.
- Talks to HST DS's at 14400 bps
Talks to HST (current) at 14400 bps
Talks to old 9600 HST's at 9600 bps.
USR Courier HST DS:
The Dual Standard incorporates both the proprietary HST method of
communicating at 9600 and 14400 bps, and the CCITT V.32 method of
communicating at 9600 bps.
(and V.32bis 14400 bps on units made after 1/1/1991)
Has MNP5 abilities.
- Talks to Other V.32 modems at 9600 Bps.
(V.32bis models will talk to other V.32bis modems 14400 bps)
Talks to other DS's at 14400 bps
Talks to 14400 HST's at 14400 bps
Talks to old 9600 HST's at 9600 bps.
COMPUcom Speedmodem Champ
Uses the Proprietary CSP method of communicating at 9600 bps.
Has 7200 and 4800 bps Fallback
Has MNP5 abilities.
-Talks to other Speedmodems at 9600 bps.
Talks to other MNP modems at 2400 bps with error correction/compression
COMPUcom Speedmodem Combo
Uses the Proprietary CSP method of communicating at 9600 bps.
Has 7200 and 4800 bps Fallback
Has CCITT FAX V.27ter & V.29
Has MNP5 abilities.
Talks to Group III Faxs at 9600.
-Talks to other Speedmodems at 9600 bps.
Talks to other MNP modems at 2400 bps with error correction/compression
Manufacturer Toll Free Charge Call Support BBS
============ ============== ============== ==============
Anchor (800) 541-2318
Anderson Jacobson (800) 438-8520 (408) 435-8520
Codex (508) 261-4000
Compucom (800) 228-6648 (408) 732-4500 (408) 738-4990
Computer Peripherals (800) 854-7600 (805) 499-5751 (805) 499-9646
Digicom (800) 574-2730
E-Tech (408) 982-0270
Farallon (415) 596-9100
Fastcomm (800) 521-2496 (703) 620 3900
General Datacom (203) 574-1118
Hayes (800) 241-9625 (404) 441-1617 (800) 874-2937
Intel (800) 538-3373 (503) 645-6275
Magic Modems (800) 622-3475
Mastercom (213) 834-6666
Microcomm (800) 822-8224 (617) 551-1000
Multi-Tech (800) 328-9717
NEC (800) 222-4632 (408) 433-1250
Practical Peripherals (800) 442-4774 (818) 706-0333
Promethues (800) 477-3473 (503) 624-0571
Radcal Vadic (800) 482-3427 (408) 432-8008
Radcal Milgo (800) 327-7909 (305) 846-1601
Shiva (800) 458-3550 (617) 864-8500
Telebit (800) 835-3248 (408) 734-4333
Telenetics (800) 822-4267 (714) 779-2766
USD (800) 631-4869 (205) 430-8000
USRobotics (800) DIAL-USR (708) 982-5001 (708) 982-5092
Price Comparisons
No Prices have been stated above this Section, because prices often change,
and I want to keep all the prices together so they could be quickly updated
as needed. There are 3 types of prices I will cover. First is The Retail price,
second is the Sysop price, which is only available if you run a BBS.
The list prices are just for comparison. Discount prices can often be found
mail order.
Many Modem Manufactures offer BBS Sysop special prices directly, at
about 50% off the retail price. First the BBS has to be verified, so the
modem manufacturer knows that this is a real BBS that has been running for
at least 6 Months, and has a minimum number of users, ect. Usually
the Manufacturer will call the BBS once, or twice a few weeks apart to be
sure. Verification usually takes 3-4 weeks. Then the Sysop must agree to use
the Modem on the BBS for some set amount of time, and include a banner in
the logon screen mentioning the presence of the modem.
Manufactures: Please send me info. and Sysop/Retail prices on your products
to add to future updates!
Generic Brands Retail Sysop
V.32 Only EXT $650-$1,000 ????
V.32/V.42 EXT $700-$1,000 ????
V.32/V.42bis EXT $700-$1,200 $339+
Software Included: Varies (most externals come without software)
Warranty: Varies 1-5 years
Hayes Retail Sysop
Ultra V.32/V.42 $1,199 $599
V-Series V.42 (not V.32) $999 $499
V-Series 9600 $799 $399
Software Included: None
Warranty: 2 years
COMPUcom Retail Sysop
Speedmodem Champ (INT) $169 N/A
Speedmodem Combo (INT) $279 $169
The Combo includes BitFax and Voice-Mail software
Warranty: 5 years
Intel Retail Sysop
9600EX $799 $399
Software included: None
Warranty: 5 years
Practical Peripherals Retail Sysop
V.32/V.42 EXT $699 $339
V.32/V.42 INT N/A N/A
Software Included: None
Warranty: 5 Years
Note: Originally these modems had several incompatibilities with other
V.32 modems such as USR. I'm told that P.P. has now fixed the bugs, and
is now shipping a reliable product.
Telebit Retail Sysop
T1000 ??? ???
T1500 V.32 ??? ???
TrailBlazer INT ??? ???
Trailblazer EXT ??? ???
T2500 V.32/V.42 ??? ???
(anyone have info on these?)
Warranty: 5 years
USRobotics Retail SysOp
Courier Dual Standard E $1295 $499
Courier Dual Standard I $1249 N/A
Courier V.32bis EXT $995 $449
Courier V.32bis INT $949 N/A
Courier HST 14.4k EXT $995 $399
Courier HST 14.4k INT $895 N/A
DS Upgrade Kit for HST $495 $250
Sysops who trade in their old 9600 modem (any brand) will get $100 off
plus an additional $100 rebate if the modem traded is a USR Brand.
End users may trade in their old 9600 modem (any brand) for a new USR
HST for $545, or a new "Dual-Standard" with V.32bis for $745 directly
from USRobotics.
Software included: None
Warranty: 2 Years (extended warranties available for $25 per year)
Document updates:
(Much of the credit for this file goes to Toby Nixon of Hayes, who supplyed
much of the history and data).
Date Release Comments
---- ------- --------
10/30/90 1.0 Inital Release. Should have run a spell checker!
11/08/90 1.1 Spelling fixes, V.32bis update, Speedmodem update
01/10/91 1.2 USR V.32bis Update, other minor corrections
01/15/91 1.3 USR V.32bis corrections, Speedmodem update, more spelling
fixes. Thanks to Remco Treffcorn (Compucom Engineer)
02/13/91 1.4 Minor corrections, thanks to Bill Garfield
03/03/91 1.5 USR Price updates
03/30/91 1.6 Major update regarding history and standards, thanks to
Toby Nixon, (Hayes Engineer)
** End-of-file **
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