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                                 Compliments of

                 The  P e r S t o r   S u p p o r t    B o a r d

                               FidoNet  1:102/523
                               AlterNet 7:401/523



This  technical  memorandum describes compatibility with  certain
operating  systems and machine combinations.   It is intended  to
provide  the installer, dealer, VAR,  and OEM with the  technical
information  necessary to install these operating systems.   This
memo also contains examples of known incompatibilities.


The  PERSTOR  PS180-8XT and PS180-8AT utiliziny the XT9-1.03  and
AT9-1.05  BIOS are compatible with PC- and MS-DOS  versions  3.1,
3.2,  3.3,  and  4.0.   The Perstor diskette has been revised  to
include  the  new batch program called FIXDOS40  to  correct  the
patch  present  in and intended only for original IBM AT  systems
with a motherboard BIOS dated 01/10/84.

FIXDOS40  is  available on the Perstor Bulletin Board  System  as
well  as on the diskette.   Users may access the BBS  by  dialing
(213-306-1447).   After gaining entry to the BBS, the user should
download  FIXDOS40.ARC and the necessary  de-archiving  software.
Next, the user should perform the FIXDOS procedure of the operat-
ing  system diskette.   Again,  this is only necessary for  those
users  having  the  PS180-8XT/-8AT Controller in a  true  IBM  AT
system with a BIOS dated 01/10/84.

There  are various corrections and anomalies contained within PC-
and  MS-DOS version 4.0 and earlier which should be addressed  to 
Microsoft  or  IBM directly instead   of  Perstor  Systems,  Inc.   
Those corrections deal with the performance and operating consis-
tency of DOS, and they are unrelated to the Perstor Controllers. 


Windows 286 and 386 versions 2.0³ and 2.± are compatible with the 
PS180-16F  Controllers.  In addition, Windows 286 and Windows 386
are  compatible  with the PS180-8XT  and  PS180-8AT  Controllers. 
PLEASE  NOTE  that Windows software must first be copied  into  a 
separate  subdirectory (such as WINDOWS),  and the setup  program 
should be performed from there.  This will build the subdirectory 
known as WIN386,  where the actual program will be executed from. 
Any  attempt to build or run thr setup program from the execution 
subdirectory,   WIN386,   will  result  in  a  failure  of  setup 
completion.  This problem is related to the nature of Windows 386 
and its installation procedure rather than any Perstor product.


XENIX,  UNIX, and all variations are complex multi-user operating 
systems which do not perform BIOS calls, but rather deal directly 
with  the  controller  input and output ports and  are  therefore
highly time dependent.   The correct functioning of the operating 
system  depends upon a combination of  motherboard  architecture, 
processor  speeds,  disk  subsystem,  controller,  and  operating 
system.   The installer should have sufficient knowledge of these 
differences  to  successfully  install  these  systems.   Perstor 
Systems, Inc. has performed tests with SCO XENIX 2.² and found it 
to be compatible.  However, Perstor cannot be responsible for all 
possible motherboard/BIOS and timing relationships.


1)  Prepare  the  subsystem,  initialize it utilizing  the  setup 
    program  provided  on the Perstor diskette,  and perform  the 
    low-level format using the Perstor ATFLFMT program. 

2)  Choose the correct drive configuration utilizing the on-board 
    BIOS tables on the PS180-16F Controller.

3)  Perform the surface scan function provided within the ATFLFMT 
    program  and mark any marginal or defective sectors  recorded 
    on the drive before the actual installation of XENIX.

4)  Begin  the installation procedure contained within the  XENIX 
    guide,  making  all necessary backups and diskette copies  as 
    advised.  Boot from the installation diskette as described on 
    page 2.¸ of the guide.  This page discusses the invocation of 
    the  HDINIT program and its subsequent invocation of  DKINIT.
    The  DKINIT  program will have recognized the 3±  sector  per 
    track  value on the Perstor controller and may be executed as 
    described in the XENIX installation guide. 

WARNINGº   DO  NOT  attempt  to low level format  the  hard  disk 
attached   to the  PS180-16F Controller utilizing  ANY low  level 
formatting software other than the PERSTOR ATFLFMÔ program. After 
completing  the XENIX installation procedures,  your XENIX system 
will  be  usable  and  operational  in  the  standard  manner  as 
described by the XENIX software. 


We  believe  that the Perstor PS180-16F Controller is  compatible 
with the WD100³ controller in timing  characteristics.   However, 
the implementation of the device drivers for various UNIX systems 
may be different.   Though it is our belief that these  operating 
systems will operate and function properly, we cannot assure that 
the software driver developers have not relief of some  different 
characteristis or timing relationship.


Novell Netware is,  again, a highly complex multi-user  operating 
system  which is timing dependent upon the instruction  execution 
speed  of  the host machine,  the machine in which the  operating 
system has been generated, the bios contained within the machine, 
the  operating system itself,  and the disk drive and  controller
combination.  The  user should be thoroughly familiar with  these 
characteristics before attempting an initialization. 

If  a Novell system is generater of one machine and operates on a 
machine  which has a higher execution speed,  various errors  and 
false reports or errors will occur.  This results from the Novell 
software  performing instruction time-dependent timing of various 
operations and reporting errors which do not exist.   Novell  ELÓ 
and   Advanced  Netware  28¶  version  2.°  do  not  support  any 
controllers allocating more than 1· sectors per track to the hard 
disk, without first patching the Novell software.

1)  Setup  and  define  the  disk  utilizing  the  SETUP  program 
    supplied by Perstor Systems,  Inc. choosing the correct drive 
    table entry from the menu provided on the screen.

2)  Perform  the  low-level   format using  the  Perstor  ATFLFMT 
    program,  scan  the surface,  and mark any defective  sectors 
    labeled by the manufacturer,  whether they have been detected 
    by the initial scan using ATFLFMT or not. 

3)  You  may  use COMPSURÆ on other network preparation  programs 
    such as Disk Manager Î to prepare the disk for operation, but 
    do  NOT  format the disk at this point.

4)  After  performing  the COMPSURÆ operation,  proceed with  the 
    SYSLOAÄ procedures.  PLEASE NOTE that if you are using Novell 
    ELÓ or Advanced Netware version 2.° you will need to  utilize 
    the  patches provided in the attached addendum and  available 
    through  the  Perstor BBS.   These patches  overcome  the  1· 
    sector per track limitation of the Novell software.


This  program  must  be generated on the  machine  utilizing  the 
generation parameters prescribed by Novell.  Again, this develops 
a   highly  timing  dependent  operating  system  which  can   be 
successfully  installed  and operates  providing  the  installing 
contractor is knowledgeable of the timing related software issues 
discussed above. 

1)  Setup  and  define  the  disk  utilizing  the  setup  program 
    supplied by Perstor Systems,  Inc. choosing the correct drive 
    table entry from the menu provided on the screen.

2)  Perform  the  low  level  format using  the  Perstor  ATFLFMT 
    program,  perform the surface scan and mark any defective  or 
    marginal  sectors labeled by the manufacturer,  whether  they 
    have been detected by the initial scan using ATFLFMT or not. 

3)  You  may  Use COMPSURF or other network preparation  programs 
    such as Disk Manager Î to prepare the disk for operation, but 
    do not format the disk at this point.  Again, you must have a 
    machine  with  the  correct  operating  characteristics   for 
    COMPSURÆ to properly operate.

4)  After completing the surface analysis and disk initialization 
    segments of COMPSURF,  you may proceed with the actual NETGEΠ
    operation and installation. You will notice that the COMPSURF 
    and NETGEÎ programs will have recognized the 3± or 3´  sector 
    per track characteristics on the Perstor controllers. 

After  this  procedure is completed as  defined  by  Novell,  the 
system will operate in the prescribed manner. 


The  Perstor  PS180-8XT and PS180-8AT controllers are  compatible 
with Novell Netwarr 86,  providing that the low level format  has 
been  performed  using  the PS2FMT program  supplied  by  Perstor 
Systems, Inc. 


The  test  process on the  PS180-8XT,  PS180-8AT,  and  PS180-16F 
products  has included a variety of equipment,  ranging from  the 
original IBM AT (1/10/84) to the COMPAQ 386,  various clones, and 
various hard disk drives.   These tests rely on the Ê (or  higher 
letter  designations level microcode and the REÖ 1.³ (or  higher 
artwork  level of the PS180-16F.    If you have a REÖ 1.²  board, 
utilizing  the Ê  microcode,  certain ECÎ changes musy be made to 
the  board to ensure that it retains the compatibility in all  of 
the above cases.


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