THE FACELESS ONES.   Written by David Ellis and Malcolm Hulke.   6 episodes.
                      8th April - 13th May 1967.
 COMPANIONS:- Ben, Polly and Jamie.

   It is Gatwick Airport 1966 and the TARDIS lands on one of the runways.
 Whilst hiding in a hangar, Polly witnesses the murder of a detective and
 then she and Ben are kidnapped. The Doctor discovers other disappearances,
 all involving Chameleon Tours, a small airline. The kidnappers are an
 alien race called the Chameleons, a race with no identities and faces due
 to a nuclear explosion. They are dying out and have a method of taking the
 faces and identities of humans. They have kidnapped some 50,000 people
 and having miniaturised them, are keeping them in a space station high
 above the Earth. The Doctor manages to free the captives and finds a way
 to help the Chameleons survive.
   Ben and Polly are hardly seen in this story and decide to stay on Earth
 at its conclusion. 


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