POLE POSITION for Intellivision


Cartridge Instructions

(For 1 Player)


Take a lap around one of four tracks, passing other cars. If you complete the lap

fast enough, you qualify for one of the top five starting positions in the big



Turn the POWER switch OFF and insert the POLE POSITION cartridge. Turn POWER

switch ON and press RESET. The POLE POSITION title screen appears. Press any key.


You have four racetracks of varying difficulty to choose from:

1. FUJI SPEEDWAY (The classic POLE POSITION track!)

2. MADISON 500



Press the number of the track you want.


Press the TOP of the hand controller DISC to speed up; release the DISC to slow

down. Press the LEFT and RIGHT of the DISC to steer. Pressing LEFT or RIGHT on

the TOP half of the DISC will cause you to speed up while turning; pressing LEFT

or RIGHT on the BOTTOM half of the DISC will keep your speed constant while


You begin in low gear (indicated by the gear shift knob at the upper right of the

screen being UP). To shift into high gear, press either BOTTOM SIDE ACTION KEY.

High gear is indicated by the gear shift knob being DOWN. Shift back into low by

pressing either TOP SIDE ACTION KEY. CRASH! Hit another car or a billboard and

ka-BOOM! your car goes up in flames. Don't worry -- plenty more where that came

from. As long as you have time remaining, you're given a new car. Keep going --

and try to make up for lost time!


To qualify for the big race, you must complete one lap of the racetrack in under

75 seconds. Wait for the green light, then gun it! Be careful! You're not alone

on the track. The qualifying lap ends if you reach the finish line in under 75

seconds, otherwise you can continue until 90 seconds have elapsed (you did not

qualify -- game is over). If you have completed the lap in less than 75 seconds,

you qualify for one of the top five positions in the big race. Your starting

position is determined by your qualifying lap time:

Less Than 75 Seconds: Position 5 -- 800 pts

Less Than 71 Seconds: Position 4 -- 1000 pts

Less Than 69 Seconds: Position 3 -- 1400 pts

Less Than 67 Seconds: Position 2 -- 2000 pts

Less Than 65 Seconds: Pole Position! -- 4000 pts


You begin in your assigned starting position. Wait for the green light, then GO!

Break away from the pack as soon as you can and head for the finish line! You

have 90 seconds to race. Finish the first lap in less than 85 seconds and you are

given additional time to complete the next lap:


less than 85 seconds: 20 seconds extra

less than 81 seconds: 25 seconds extra

less than 77 seconds: 30 seconds extra

less than 75 seconds: 35 seconds extra

less than 71 seconds: 40 seconds extra

less than 69 seconds: 45 seconds extra

less than 67 seconds: 50 seconds extra

less than 65 seconds: 60 seconds extra

Every time you complete a lap in the given time, you are given more time. But

watch out! More cars appear on the track with each new lap!


Every .005 miles completed is worth 10 points; each of the four courses is a

slightly different length, but a lap around any of them earns approximately 5,000

points. You also get 50 points for each car you pass, and bonus points for

qualifying (see QUALIFYING, above). Your score appears in the upper left of the



Next to your score are two clocks: your time remaining (TM) and your lap time

(LAP). TM shows the number of seconds you have left. It starts at 90 and counts

down to zero. If you earn extra time, it is added to TM. LAP counts the number of

seconds it takes you to run the course. It starts at zero and counts up. When you

cross the finish line, LAP freezes and blinks, showing your time for the lap.

After blinking several times, it will switch to counting your current lap as you

continue around the track.


The race ends when you run out of time (TM counts down to O). To race again,

press any number on the KEYPAD.


Shift to low gear to slow down FAST! Shift into low for just a moment or two for

extra maneuverability through a tight pack of cars!

Always start in low gear. If you crash, shift into low gear immediately.

Shift from low gear to high around 130mph for best acceleration.

Watch the road signs to prepare for turns! You can drive on the grass, but it

will slow you down. Still, you may want to use the grass now and then for

passing. Just watch out for road signs!


©1988, 1998 Intellivision Productions, Inc.


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