An Illuminating Evening with Robert Anton Wilson

    SoftServ RTC: An Illuminating Evening with Robert Anton Wilson  

Date: 07/16/90   Time: 23:53EDT
From Steno: Jennifer Marlowe

[[Sionnaichan] M.DRURY]
[[Hagbard] SOFTSERV-VK]
[[David] D.EDELSTEIN2]
[[tj] T.M.JACKSON]
[[Richard] RJOHNSON]
[[17] D.BIRON1]
[[Rod] R.RAMSEY2]
<[J.A.M.] L.QUINN1>
<[ Greg ] G.OBERFIELD>


<M.DRURY> is here.
<M.B.> is here.
<PRESS14> is here.
<M.DRURY> is here.
<M.B.> Godd evening.
<M.DRURY> Good evening.  May I inquire as to protocol during an
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Hi.  Sure you can ...
<M.DRURY> Thanks, Neil.  What's the deal? :D
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> First off, when the RTC starts I'll be putting
the room into "Listen Only" mode ...
<M.DRURY> Ok..
<M.B.> Fine.
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> which will give RAW a chance to have his piece
ininterrupted ...
<M.DRURY> But of course.
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> then, if you want to ask a question, you use
the /RAI command to "raise your hand".
<M.B.> ok
<SOFTSERV-VK> is here.
<M.DRURY> Please bear with me; this is my first RTC. 
<D.ABHUGH1> is here.
<SOFTSERV-VK> OK! Give yourself a NAMe by typing /NAM and your chosen
<M.DRURY> Neil, have any titles from Roger Zelazny available?
<D.ABHUGH1> Alright, you can start now... I'M here.
<M.DRURY> Thanks, VK!
<SOFTSERV-VK> None yet!
<[Matt] M.DRURY> Got it. Interesting.  Looking at my command
list, I find I can even roll dice. Neat.
<[Matt] M.DRURY> Excellent.  (Excuse me, I love to play with
"mind tools".)
<[Dafydd] D.ABHUGH1> Neil, is Wilson a lock?
<[Victor] SOFTSERV-VK> Law of Fives!
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Mr. Wilson, say hi!
<[Victor] SOFTSERV-VK> Anyone for craps?
<[Matt] M.DRURY> Nyuk.  A moment of silence for my friend Ken,
who can't make it due to mundane concern.
<[Matt] M.DRURY> Sure, Vic.
<[Dafydd] D.ABHUGH1> As the OTHER Wilson says, Do it! Do it! Do it!
<[Victor] SOFTSERV-VK> Hi, Bob!
<[Matt] M.DRURY> Dafydd? Dercanraith of Darkwater?
<[Dafydd] D.ABHUGH1> Hunh?
<[Matt] M.DRURY> I guess not.  A friend in the SCA goes by Dafydd.
<[Dafydd] D.ABHUGH1> Well, "Dafydd" is my name.
<[RAW] PRESS14> LET NE EXOERUNEBT A BUTLet ne exoerunebt a but
let ne exoerunbebt a butlet ne exoerunebt a butlet mne experiment
a bitlet me experiment a bit
<[Matt] M.DRURY> Please.
<[Dafydd] D.ABHUGH1> Are you going Joyce on us again?
<[RAW] PRESS14> the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
<[Dafydd] D.ABHUGH1> Get the man some thorazine!  Or some niacin...
<[Matt] M.DRURY> I just plowed thru my Wilson Collection these
last few days. I admit I got lost in Joyceland for a while.
<[Victor] SOFTSERV-VK> The lazy god foxes out in brown jumper.
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Well, not very profound, but at least as good
as, "Mr. Watson, I need you!"
<[Dafydd] D.ABHUGH1> Who brought the rabbit?
<[Matt] M.DRURY> Mr Wilson, come here?  What hath Godz wrought?
<[RAW] PRESS14> this isis all new to me
<[Victor] SOFTSERV-VK> "Mr. Watson--tears in his eyes--rushes
in..." (Lily Tomlin)
<[Dafydd] D.ABHUGH1> Isis?
<[Matt] M.DRURY> You know, tall broad, bad attitude.
<[Dafydd] D.ABHUGH1> Now he's gone Crowley on us!
<[RAW] PRESS14> I am making a lot of mistakes can anybody
understand me?
<[Dafydd] D.ABHUGH1> Sure.
<[Matt] M.DRURY> Tghat sentence, yes.
<[Victor] SOFTSERV-VK> Not even after reading ALL your novels!
<[Matt] M.DRURY> Not mine, of course. I'm typing blind.
<[RAW] PRESS14> I am making less mnistakes
<[Dafydd] D.ABHUGH1> What modem program are you using, Bob?
<[Victor] SOFTSERV-VK> Fnord 23
<M.B.> I've been tryi to understand you for years.:)
<[RAW] PRESS14> damn if I know
<[Matt] M.DRURY> I should hope he's hooked in via mind link.
<[Dafydd] D.ABHUGH1> If it's Procomm, you can press Alt-o and get  
a split screen, which separates your writing from the rest of
<[Matt] M.DRURY> FYI, FrontDoor terminal doesn't perform on GEnie
past Xmodem.  Forewarned is forearmed.
<[Dafydd] D.ABHUGH1> Four armed is a quadruped.
<[Matt] M.DRURY> If you are using FrontDoor for some reason, Alt-
N will get into Conversation Mode.
<[Matt] M.DRURY> I just hope the transcript buffer will handle
the strain.
<[RAW] PRESS14> I will just experiment some more and see if I can
figure out why I get the wronbg letter so often
<[Matt] M.DRURY> QWERTY or Dvorak?
<[Victor] SOFTSERV-VK> Right...
<[RAW] PRESS14>  hekp help help
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Dafydd, Bob is on a Mac using Smartcomm -- no
split screen ability.
<[Dafydd] D.ABHUGH1> The ghost of William Burroughs' chaos
writing machine?
<[RAW] PRESS14> jesus h christ this is too much
<OLORIN> is here.
<[RAW] PRESS14> okay maybe I am learning
<[Matt] M.DRURY> Good evening, Dave.
<[Victor] SOFTSERV-VK> Hello, Olorin!
<[Dafydd] D.ABHUGH1> That one was great!
<[Dave] OLORIN> Evening, folks.
<[Matt] M.DRURY> (Watch out for the HAL jokes...)
<[Matt] M.DRURY> Which country are you dialing in from, Bob?
<[Victor] SOFTSERV-VK> Ireland, as ever...
<[Dafydd] D.ABHUGH1> Tom Brokaw just announced a discovery of a
dinosaur that may have been as long as 99 feet...!
<[RAW] PRESS14> learning how to do this makes me feel like my IQ
just dropped 80 points
<[Matt] M.DRURY> Good move.
<[Matt] M.DRURY> (Searching for CD remote; Clannad is playing,
theme music for the evening.)
<[Dafydd] D.ABHUGH1> Start speaking in a southern accent and
it'll go negative.
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Quick, let me run for the vasopressin!
<M.B.> well, that came through clearly.
<[RAW] PRESS14> hi there daffyd best regards
<[Dave] OLORIN> You should only start to get worried when you
*do* understand how everything works...
<T.M.JACKSON> is here.
<[Dafydd] D.ABHUGH1> Hi.  Did you read any of King and Country yet?
<[Dafydd] D.ABHUGH1> Thunderous silence...
<[Matt] M.DRURY> Beverages, anyone?  [Minding my manners, you are
all in my home, of course.]
<[RAW] PRESS14> I am still trying to get an easy touch on this
keyboard . It is not like my keyboardreally although they look
similar. I feel like an idiot
<[Dave] OLORIN> Double Irish over dry ice. Tully if you have a
jug stashed away.
<[Matt] M.DRURY> Hi, T.M.! Happy man, why so loud?
<[Dafydd] D.ABHUGH1> You're really not doing too badly, Bob.   
Everybody feels the same way!
<[Matt] M.DRURY> \_/ Here's a shot glass worth.
<T.M.JACKSON> bottoms up
<RJOHNSON> is here.
<[RAW] PRESS14> Peace to the penguins! Preserve the wombat! Keep
the lasagna flying!
<[Matt] M.DRURY> Yummy; drinks and meal on this flight.
<[Dave] OLORIN> But you know that supersonic lasagna is
destroying the ozone layer!
<[Dafydd] D.ABHUGH1> I'm about ready to send chapters 4-7 of the
Merovee/Arthur thing.  All cool?
<[Matt] M.DRURY> Technology is good.  Dave, you're the one
claiming supersonic capability of the lasagna.
<[Victor] SOFTSERV-VK> "I am the truth, and in my turban is
wrapped nothing but God!"
<[RAW] PRESS14> supersonic lasagna would make a great name for a
rock group
<C.KEITH2> is here.
<T.M.JACKSON> how are the klingons doing
<[Victor] SOFTSERV-VK> Greetings, C. Keith!
<[Victor] SOFTSERV-VK> Richard--Hi!
<[Dave] OLORIN> Is that necessarily a positive qualification for
foods in general?
<POETRY> is here.
<[Matt] M.DRURY> Too many overtures of Garfield, though.  He
wasn't one of our more popular presidents.
<[Dave] OLORIN> Char!
<[RAW] PRESS14> Severe tire damage wd. make another good name for
a Rock group
<[Richard] RJOHNSON> hi Vi.
<[Charlotte] POETRY> Am I late??
<[Matt] M.DRURY> Pardon me, my refrigerator beckons.
<[Charlotte] POETRY> <hugs David>
<[Dafydd] D.ABHUGH1> How about Wilson and the Subliminal Lyrics?
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Nope, Char.  We're just warming up.
<[Victor] SOFTSERV-VK> How about TransUranic Elements? Ultra-
heavy metal, of course!
<[RAW] PRESS14> The beckoning refrigerator might be another good
name for a Rock group
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Vic, you're cannibalizing your own novel!
<[Victor] SOFTSERV-VK> Charlotte! Yo!
<[Dave] OLORIN> This is an ongoing problem with Rock groups.
Naturally folks groups have *no* such problems... (right, sure,
bridges anyone?)
<[Charlotte] POETRY> Hidy, Victor!
<[Victor] SOFTSERV-VK> Yeah--tastates great!
<[Matt] M.DRURY> Ah. Lion's Brew and stimulating conversation.
<[Dafydd] D.ABHUGH1> Vic, can you read this?  I'm starting to
wonder if I'm actually transmitting.
<[Victor] SOFTSERV-VK> Yes, Dafydd
<[Dave] OLORIN> Fleexing Silly Teenyboppers would serve as a
truth-in-advertising name for a Rock group.
<[Matt] M.DRURY> Dafydd, you're coming across to me, at least.
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> I'll be starting the RTC in about 2 minutes, so  
everyone run to the fridge, bathroom, whatever.
<[Dafydd] D.ABHUGH1> Okay, just checking.
<[Dave] OLORIN> No Dafydd, we're not seeing anything you're
<[Matt] M.DRURY> Too late, Grivarr.
<[Dave] OLORIN> Fleecing even.
<[Dafydd] D.ABHUGH1> Well I'm not typing anything worth seeing.
<[Matt] M.DRURY> Amphioxous? was a friend's musical moniker.
<[Victor] SOFTSERV-VK> Do your publishers know that?
<[Matt] M.DRURY> ... Not that anyone understood it or anything.
<[Dave] OLORIN> Quayle in '96 for a Punk group?
<[Dafydd] D.ABHUGH1> Apparantly not; they keep throwing money at me.
<[Charlotte] POETRY> Nick is outside...wonder if he remembered
the RTC time?
<[Matt] M.DRURY> (Organizing personal Wilson Collection for quick
reference; Illuminatus! floats to the bottom and forms a Black
<[RAW] PRESS14> Bush and Quail meant pubic hair and vagina when I
was young
<[Dave] OLORIN> Would you mind introducing them to me, Dafydd? I
need such friends.
<[Victor] SOFTSERV-VK> I'm invulnerable--it just bounces off.
<[Dafydd] D.ABHUGH1> I've never met them myself.  They picked my
name out of the phone book.
<T.M.JACKSON> i still like the klingons for a group name, thanks
for talking about it bob
<[Dafydd] D.ABHUGH1> And threw money.
<[Victor] SOFTSERV-VK> I go through money, too.
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> One minute to RTC.
<[Matt] M.DRURY> Ticking away. Dusting off copy of PD.
<[Dave] OLORIN> Do you have a mailing address for them? I could
send them a (slightly edited) Austin phonebook....
<[Dafydd] D.ABHUGH1> Got my log capture turned on...
<[Victor] SOFTSERV-VK> Fifty-five seconds...
<[RAW] PRESS14> The Klingons do Sub-Genius Devivals between Rock
sessions. In Berlin.
<[Matt] M.DRURY> Buffer activated, beer swilled, books ready, and
I'm in the moog.
<T.M.JACKSON> all right
<NICK.DOTSON> is here.
<[Victor] SOFTSERV-VK> Oh boy--SexandDrugsandJoyceandCrowley!!!!
<[Matt] M.DRURY> Hi Nick, just in time!
<[Dafydd] D.ABHUGH1> Always thought you were a musical chap,
<V.BOOTH> is here.
<[Charlotte] POETRY> <patting seat beside me> I saved you a seat,
<R.F.SINCLAIR> is here.
<[Dave] OLORIN> That about sums it Al up, Victor.
<[Victor] SOFTSERV-VK> Nick--sit over here! I'll tell you about
the OTO!
<W.LAS> is here.
<[Matt] M.DRURY> You think it's comfy in here? All these wires?
Just made it, R.F. 
<[Victor] SOFTSERV-VK> 93!
<[Charlotte] POETRY> I got him first, Victor!
<[Clint] C.KEITH2> 13 people in room!!!
<[Victor] SOFTSERV-VK> Coven!!!
<[Matt] M.DRURY> 23 23/23.  Which is 24, 2 dozen, and a nice
divisable number.
<[Dafydd] D.ABHUGH1> All numbers are divisible.
<[Matt] M.DRURY> How many line segments in a five-pointed star?
<[Victor] SOFTSERV-VK> Somebody draw a circle!
<[Matt] M.DRURY> By integers, of course. :/
<NICK.DOTSON> Hi all, Hi Charlotte sweety, got roomfor my guide
<[Matt] M.DRURY> o <- there's one.
<[Matt] M.DRURY> Pardon me while I go skyclad.
<[Victor] SOFTSERV-VK> Thanks, Matt! Blessed be!
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> OK, RTC begins.
<[Dafydd] D.ABHUGH1> I'm getting hot and bothered....
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Room is now listen-only.
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Well, we seem to have a crowd tonight!
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> I'd like to introduce tonight's guest ... and
there doesn't seem to be anyone who can stop me so I will.
<[RAW] PRESS14> l Eris
<[RAW] PRESS14> What tghe hell went wrong?
<[RAW] PRESS14> llo again. Is anybody there?
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Robert Anton Wilson is widely known as a stand-
up philosopher, a sit-down comic, and a popular author who's
equally well known on the lecture and rubber chicken circuit.
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> His latest book is QUANTUM PSYCHOLOGY ...
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> But he is also equally well-known as the author
of the SCHROEDINGER'S CAT trilogy ...
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> and as co-author, with Robert Shea, of the
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> He's also written a lot of other books, one of
available from SoftServ.
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> After Mr. Wilson has a chance to make an
opening statement, I'll open up the room to questions.  To get in
line for a question, use the /RAI command.
<[RAW] PRESS14> ow everybody.Questions?
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> For some strange reason, Bob Wilson's opening
statement didn't transmit ...
<[RAW] PRESS14> My first line did not transmit. It was
subversive. Is there some censor looking over our shoulders?
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> so he'll have to type it once again.
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Go ahead, Bob.
<[RAW] PRESS14> Did this line transmit? Anybody?
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> It's coming through now.
<[RAW] PRESS14> Is anything transmitting?
<[RAW] PRESS14> and Luke
<[RAW] PRESS14> Oplen it up and we'll see if anybody is receiving me
<[RAW] PRESS14> Or one of his little Spirochetes...
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> OK, we seem to be experiencing some strange
difficulties.  Let's try once again.
<[RAW] PRESS14> Spiro or his little Spirochetes 
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> OK, it was a problem with the backspace key. 
All better now.
<[RAW] PRESS14> I think everything I've done so far has gotten
lost in quantum wonderland. If anybody got this message, tell me.
<[RAW] PRESS14> Neil got it. Anybody else?
<[RAW] PRESS14> l
<[RAW] PRESS14> It's only transmitting the last letter?
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> If everyone will bear with me, the Macintosh
doesn't seem to be working.  Give me one minute to set up an
alternate computer ...
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Room is now in the talk mode.
<W.LAS> Wow that was exciting.
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> One second please ... RTC will resume in three
<[Dave] OLORIN> Chaos unleashed.
<[Dafydd] D.ABHUGH1> Gag me with an RTC.
<[Matt] M.DRURY> Ah, that's a relief.  I just found out that
FrontDoor terminal will not capture when in chat mode. ARG!
<[Victor] SOFTSERV-VK> Neil--If he's using command keys, it may
destroy his lines.
<[Clint] C.KEITH2> SNAFU!!!
<[Victor] SOFTSERV-VK> Hail Eris!
<W.LAS> Must me the fnords.
<D.BIRON1> Gesundheit
<[Matt] M.DRURY> Can I hang up and call back and still get in?
<KEITH.KIRTS> Draw a crowd and leave.  That is the SoftServ motto.
<[Dave] OLORIN> Who really didn't expect Eris to show up tonight?
<[Victor] SOFTSERV-VK> All Hail Discordia!
<[Dave] OLORIN> (Eris: Patron Goddess of the Austin Traffic
<[Matt] M.DRURY> I've a better term program, one that captures in
chat mode.
<[Jim] J.AUDLIN> I'm feeling rather subjective about all this!
<[Dafydd] D.ABHUGH1> She refused to attend.  Said she wasn't in
the mood.
<T.M.JACKSON> hey this  is really cool
<[Jim] J.AUDLIN> Think I'll go purchase a gun.
<[Victor] SOFTSERV-VK> Matt--is it for the Mac?
<KEITH.KIRTS> When dealing with the Illuminati, what can you
<T.M.JACKSON> i personally have nothing against macs
<[Jim] J.AUDLIN> Darkness.
<[Matt] M.DRURY> No, I'm on a Tandy machine, using FrontDoor
network mailer / terminal. I'd be switching to ProComm Plus if I
<[Victor] SOFTSERV-VK> Char--have a golden apple!
<[Dafydd] D.ABHUGH1> I guess I'll find out later whether ProComm
captures when in chat mode...!
<[Jim] J.AUDLIN> Matt, I'm on Tandy with PC-Plus.
<[Clint] C.KEITH2> The Mac is at the bleeding edge of technology!
<[Matt] M.DRURY> I believe it does, Dafydd. 
<[Ginger] V.BOOTH> It does, Dafydd!
<[Victor] SOFTSERV-VK> I think it does, Dafydd.
<[Jim] J.AUDLIN> You can leave and get back in with no problem.
<[Dafydd] D.ABHUGH1> Isn't there a Golden APA?
<[Victor] SOFTSERV-VK> Yes.
<[Dave] OLORIN> It doesn't. Or at least mine doesn't...
<[Matt] M.DRURY> My question was whether or not I would be able
to get back in..  Thanks, Jim. I'll be right back, folks.
<[Matt] M.DRURY> It doesn't, Dave? You're running PC?
<[J.A.M.] L.QUINN1> is here.
<[Dafydd] D.ABHUGH1> Four ayes and one dissent from Missouri.
<[Victor] SOFTSERV-VK> Anyone for craps?
<[Jim] J.AUDLIN> Dave, Mine captures in chat mode, no problem!
<[Dave] OLORIN> Running Procomm. No Capture from Chat Mode.
<[ Greg ] G.OBERFIELD> is here.
<[Victor] SOFTSERV-VK> Pay up!
<[Jim] J.AUDLIN> Dave, is that OLD PRocomm?
<[J.A.M.] L.QUINN1> Awrite... where's Moon.
<[Dave] OLORIN> Yes.
<[Matt] M.DRURY> Ok, when would the transcript be available?  I'm
running on the old Procomm, I believe.
<[Victor] SOFTSERV-VK> Talking to GWB 666
<[Ginger] V.BOOTH> Dave, I'm on a PC, and it captures in chat
mode.  But must turn the log on before getting in, perhaps.
<T.M.JACKSON> Old procomm???
<[Dave] OLORIN> Crapped out.
<[Jim] J.AUDLIN> That's why. Procomm-Plus you can. Old Procomm
you can't.
<[Dave] OLORIN> Ahhhh -- I just use Download (option 7) for
<[Matt] M.DRURY> OK, I'll be right back.
<[Dafydd] D.ABHUGH1> That was great and entirely unplanned!  I
guess we know whom Eris REALLY loves!
<[Matt] M.DRURY> has left.
<[J.A.M.] L.QUINN1> Do what thou wilted Lettuce and Tomatoes.
<[Dave] OLORIN> Do it to you wilt?
<[Dave] OLORIN> Till even.
<[Dafydd] D.ABHUGH1> I didn't fake it, Jim.  It actually rolled
2+3=5 my only time.
<[RAW] PRESS14> disconnected.
<[Dafydd] D.ABHUGH1> Now we can talk about him.
<[Dave] OLORIN> Well *that's* a good sign...
<[Jim] J.AUDLIN> Dafydd, y'wanna visit Vegas with me?
<[Dafydd] D.ABHUGH1> You really want a Discordian with you in
<T.M.JACKSON> lotta water in vegas now
<[A:.A:. Rep] L.QUINN1> Where is Wilson?
<[Jim] J.AUDLIN> Better than an Illuminati!
<[Jim] J.AUDLIN> Quinn, he got disconnected because of computer
prob -- he'll be right back.
<[ Greg ] G.OBERFIELD> All Hail Discordia...
<M.DRURY> is here.
<[A:.A:. Rep] L.QUINN1> You guys are playing craps?
<[Clint] C.KEITH2> The lasting effects of too much AUM,
<[Jim] J.AUDLIN> Welcome back, MAtt!
<[Dafydd] D.ABHUGH1> Wilson Keyes (Subliminal Seduction) claims
Judas Priest is putting subliminal messages of suicide in their
rock songs.
<[Matt] M.DRURY> I'm back.
<[Matt] M.DRURY> Thanks, Jim.
<T.M.JACKSON> He's better at telepathic communication
<[Jim] J.AUDLIN> Folks, if you're wondering what's going on...
<[Victor] SOFTSERV-VK> If anyone is interested, I have a set of
16 issues of NEW LIBERTARIAN WEEKLY containing articles by
Wilson, including a lengthy interview. Only $10.00 from KoPubCo,
P.O. Box 94, Long Beach, CA 90801-0094.
(*Tawdry Commercialism*)
<[Jim] J.AUDLIN> R. A. Wilson's computer is having problems --
<[Matt] M.DRURY> I am running ProComm Plus. I have LOG OPEN. Will
that capture in chat mode?
<[Jim] J.AUDLIN> he is switching to another computer.
<[Dave] OLORIN> (Won one)
<[Jim] J.AUDLIN> Be patient, and we'll continue the RTC shortly.
<[Victor] SOFTSERV-VK> Yes, it will capture.
<[Ginger] V.BOOTH> Yes, Matt.
<T.M.JACKSON> probably another Mac
<[Matt] M.DRURY> Thank you. Moving to chat mode.
<[A:.A:. Rep] L.QUINN1> Perhaps I can help. I am Compu-Literate.
<R.F.SINCLAIR> Salutations on all points of the triangle.
<[Dave] OLORIN> Somehow the notion of a formal mode RTC with
Robert Anton Wilson doesn't quite mesh properly...
<[Matt] M.DRURY> Ah, that's better. Much better.
<[Victor] SOFTSERV-VK> However, this RTC (in all its glory) will
be available for download within the week.
<[Matt] M.DRURY> All five points of the triangle, RF?
<[Jim] J.AUDLIN> Dave -- too true, too true!
<[Ginger] V.BOOTH> Dave, that's probably why !
<T.M.JACKSON> Mesh ???
<[Dafydd] D.ABHUGH1> Wilson Keys (Subliminal Seduction) claims
Judas Priest is putting subliminal messages of suicide in their
rock songs.  (2)
<[A:.A:. Rep] L.QUINN1> 72 Degrees... Pal.
<[Ima Pope] D.BIRON1> Will no one help the widow's son?
<[Dave] OLORIN> How can we mouth off in Listen Only mode?
<[Victor] SOFTSERV-VK> Greetings from the Six-Rayed Star!
<[Clint] C.KEITH2> Agreed Dave, not narchistic enough.
<[Jim] J.AUDLIN> I put subliminal suggestions in my novels.
<[A:.A:. Rep] L.QUINN1> Greetings Victor.
<[Jim] J.AUDLIN> "Send me your little sisters... Send me your
little sisters..."
<[Ginger] V.BOOTH> Saying what, Jim?
<[Victor] SOFTSERV-VK> I put supraliminal ones in!
<KEITH.KIRTS> I didn't see them, Jim.
<[Dave] OLORIN> I put them in my columns. "Before you get this
SEND MONEY program SEND MONEY working..."
<PRESS14> is here.
<[Dafydd] D.ABHUGH1> He's testifying for the plaintiff in the
case in... is it Texas?
<[Matt] M.DRURY> He's Back... 
<[Jim] J.AUDLIN> Well, Keith, she arrived in yesterday's mail.
<[A:.A:. Rep] L.QUINN1> For the sake of the Widows Son....
<[Jim] J.AUDLIN> That's what subliminal is all about, Keith.
<[Victor] SOFTSERV-VK> Hello, Fellow Craftsperson Quinn!
<[Victor] SOFTSERV-VK> And 93!
<[Dafydd] D.ABHUGH1> Like the caps better, eh Bob?
<[A:.A:. Rep] L.QUINN1> Greetings Mr. Wilson.
<[Matt] M.DRURY> Please explain why 93 93/93 is not considered 94.
<T.M.JACKSON> hi bob
<[Victor] SOFTSERV-VK> Because it is not 93 + 93/93
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> OK, RTC resumes ...
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Room is now listen-only.
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> OK, I think the problem is with the Press
account GEnie gave us to use ...
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> I'm going to sign Bob off and re-sign him on
with another SoftServ account.
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> One more moment, please.
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Room is now in the talk mode.
<[ Greg ] G.OBERFIELD> Argh...
<[Dave] OLORIN> Chaos!
<[Rod] R.RAMSEY2> hmmmm...
<[Matt] M.DRURY> Yay! School's out!
<[Austin] W.LAS> Can't beat this.
<[A:.A:. Rep] L.QUINN1> Indeed, the Oakland OTO has memory.
<[ Greg ] G.OBERFIELD> has left.
<[RAW] PRESS14> has left.
<[Ginger] V.BOOTH> I think it's fitting!
<[Victor] SOFTSERV-VK> GEnie serves the Legion for Dynamic Discord!
<[Jim] J.AUDLIN> Subjectivism RULES!!
<[Sionnaichan] M.DRURY> Ah, much better.
<[Sionnaichan] M.DRURY> Don't we all?
<R.F.SINCLAIR> It's a conspiracy.
<[Jim] J.AUDLIN> Matt -- you Gaelic?
<[Victor] SOFTSERV-VK> Nah, just incompetance
<[Sionnaichan] M.DRURY> Entropy is Nature's way of saying "slow
<[Victor] SOFTSERV-VK> Er, incompetence
<[Victor] SOFTSERV-VK> Yes?>
<[Dafydd] D.ABHUGH1> Ask me.  I'll answer for Bob.
<[Sionnaichan] M.DRURY> Yes, Jim.  By inclination, and I believe
by genetics.  Sionnaichan mac an Druaidh.
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> OK, this is how we're going to do it ...
<[Richard] RJOHNSON> The issues that Victor mentioned are very
good. I've got most
<[Richard] RJOHNSON> of them.
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Room is now listen-only.
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> To get out of these problems, quickly, I'm  
going to type for Bob using my account.
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> For one year I have been wondering ...
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> why the democrats have not been raising more
hell ...
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> about the clear cocaine linkages ...
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> of North, Secord, Hull, and the White House
itself ...
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> The only theory I have formed ...
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> is that top Democrats ...
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> are also involved in the drug business.
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> Does anybody have a more plausible hypothesis?
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Bob now wants to open things up for questions ...
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> I'm afraid I may have lost track of the /RAIses
during the confusion so forgive me if I get them wrong.
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Dave Olorin is first.
<[Dave] OLORIN> In answer to that question...
<[Dave] OLORIN> I'd have to fall back on "Bribery, Stupidity,
Corruption and Incompetence".
<[Dave] OLORIN> Which probably includes in it being involved in
the narcotic trade.
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Bob talking:
<[Dave] OLORIN> (Which category the drug trade fits in is an
exercise for the reader)
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> Politicians have an instinct for the
jugular ...
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> the only thing that stops them from attacking
is the certainty that they are equally vulnerable.
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> The cocaine lords make hundreds of billions a
year ...
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> they can afford lavish bribes.
<[Dave] OLORIN> Or that they won't be believed.
<[Dave] OLORIN> After all, the Great Drug Conspiracy To Rule The
World has been touted for a while.
<[Dave] OLORIN> Conspiracy theories get old after a while. Which
is why all of the _real_ conspiracies start spare theories....
<[Dave] OLORIN> (grimn)
<[Dave] OLORIN> Besides, if they stopped the War On Drugs, they
might have to pay attention to the shape the economy and
environment are in.
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Bob has no comment on this last point, so I'm
going to the next question ...
<[Sionnaichan] M.DRURY> A few things.  Will the full,
unadulterated Illuminatus! trilogy ever make it
<[Sionnaichan] M.DRURY> to public consumption?
<[Sionnaichan] M.DRURY> I have experimented with mind tools and
the 8-circuit model, with good success.
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> Bob talking: The lost pages are lost forever. 
There is a Zen beauty about that.
<[Sionnaichan] M.DRURY> Have you passed this theory by in your
workings, and if so, how?
<[Sionnaichan] M.DRURY> Ouch.
<[Sionnaichan] M.DRURY> (I'll slow down a bit. :D) 
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Bob says he doesn't quite understand the
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Care to rephrase it?
<[Sionnaichan] M.DRURY> Bob, have you modified the original
theory that the brain is a composite of
<[Sionnaichan] M.DRURY> holography and Leary's eight-circuit
brain model?  I just picked up on the
<[Sionnaichan] M.DRURY> former, so I may be phrasing this wrong. 
Have there been any new advances on
<[Sionnaichan] M.DRURY> the understanding of your brain? :D
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Bob talking:
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> Rossi's books on hypnosis and brain
chemistry  ...
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> have given me a lot of new light ...
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> Mike Hutchison's new magazine MEGABRAIN ...
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> has fascinating new data on the brain and
electricity ...
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> See my QUANTUM PSYCHOLOGY for my recent
thinking on brain science.
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Okay, next question ...
<[Austin] W.LAS> Getting back to "that drug thing"...
<[Austin] W.LAS> Would it make sense that the government is
bringing drugs into the
<[Austin] W.LAS> inner city...
<[Austin] W.LAS> to bring drug-related crime up, so people would
practically beg for
<[Austin] W.LAS> martial law?  They've already brought in State
Troopers in Newark,
<[Austin] W.LAS> NJ.
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Bob talking:
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> I don't think there's that much rationality
behind what is happening.
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> I think politicians, like bankers and
cops ...
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> just can't resist the bribe money involved in
dealing with the drug business.
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> I'm only guessing.
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> We're all guessing, and we'll go on guessing.
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> Until a miracle occurs ...
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> and some journal has the funds and the
chutzpah to dig into the bottom of this story.
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> Why hasn't the WASHINGTON POST, which scored
so big on Watergate ...
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> dug into this story with the same vigor?
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> I can only conclude the fix is in at a very
high level.
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> OK, next question:
<KEITH.KIRTS> A pleasure to talk to you
<KEITH.KIRTS> even filtered through Neil.
<KEITH.KIRTS> I agree with what you're saying.
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Question, Keith?
<KEITH.KIRTS> Even the Christic Institute suite keeps running
into trouble.
<KEITH.KIRTS> The real Q I have is how exactly did you write
Illuminati Trilogy with your partner? 
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Bob talking:
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> The Christic Institute ...
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> also closes its eyes to the clear links from
the CIA-Mafia cocaine trade to tyhe Vatican bank.  Is that
because they are all Catholics at the Christic Institute?
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> To answer the Illuminatus question:
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> We wrote on typewriters.  That was 1970. 
Seems like the Stone Ages now.
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> OK, next question:
<[A:.A:. Rep] L.QUINN1> I actually have three questions, which,
by virtue of WP, I shall quickly ask.
<[A:.A:. Rep] L.QUINN1> FIRST: Where does Kabbalah and the Tree
of Life fit into your Model of the Psyche?
<[A:.A:. Rep] L.QUINN1> SECOND: Do you think that Hubble space
telescope got one good Look at the edge of time, and was feigned
to have broken due to sheer government inforced Stupidity on the
<[A:.A:. Rep] L.QUINN1> THIRD: Do you still live in the Bay Area,
and if so, would you like to do Lunch sometime?
<[A:.A:. Rep] L.QUINN1> P.S. : NO, I dont work for the Oakland OTO.
<[A:.A:. Rep] L.QUINN1> I probably have a follow-up question as
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Bob talking:
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> The Tree of Life is a great Zen Koan.  Those
who take it literally miss the joke.
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> Don't know about the Hubble telescope.
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> At present I live on Space Ship Earth.
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> If I'm in the Bay Area, call me.
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> About lunch.
<[A:.A:. Rep] L.QUINN1> Is there truth to the Rumor that the OTO
disbarred you for writing the Cosmic Trigger?
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> No branch of the OTO that I know of ...
<[A:.A:. Rep] L.QUINN1> very well.
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> has barred me, disbarred me, or given me any
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> OK, next question:
<R.F.SINCLAIR> What effect do you think the Christians are having
on our freedoms?
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Bob talking:
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> Disimprovement.
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> As the English say.
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> Christianity and freedom are incompatible.
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Quick follow up?
<R.F.SINCLAIR> What books have you red recently that you've found
Hutchison ...
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> SKINNY LEGS AND ALL by Tom Robbins ...
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> SEMIOTEXT(E) SF edited by Rudy Rucker ...
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> and Peter Wilson.
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> I'm listed as co-editor but all I did was
write a preface and a story.
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> I could list five more books but what the
hell, that gets boring.
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Next question: 
<[Clint] C.KEITH2> My guess about the cocaine connection...
<[Clint] C.KEITH2> the democrats are buying their coke from ...
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Wilson laughs ...
<[Clint] C.KEITH2> the republicans, and are afraid...
<[Clint] C.KEITH2> of being cut off. (there is proof)
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Wilson says:
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> Recent research has proven, you can get the
same effect as cocaine ...
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> by putting talcum powder up your nose,
rubbing it in with sandpaper, and running around burning all the
money in the house.
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Quick follow up question?
<[Clint] C.KEITH2> Just look at the last t two pres. elections...
<[Clint] C.KEITH2> Mike looked awfull tired near the end!
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Do you have a specific question?
<[Clint] C.KEITH2> thats it.
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> OK ...
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Next question:
<[Dell Ammo] SOFTSERV-VK> Do you think that Democrats and
<[Dell Ammo] SOFTSERV-VK> Are really just two halves of one
united ruling class, more interested in ruling, than in the
particular means?
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Bob replies:
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> That seems fairly obvious.
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> After six years in Europe ...
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> coming back here, it looked like a country
with two right-wing parties ...
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> We need at least four more parties before
American politics will be as interesting as European
politics.  ...
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> Nobody votes hardly anymore because the two
right-wing parties are indistinguishable.
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> In Europe almost everybody votes because
there's a party for every nut group.
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Quick follow up, Vic?
<[Dell Ammo] SOFTSERV-VK> Have you received any flak from
Freemasons regarding the Historical Illuminatus Chronicles? Any
penal signs graved on your door?
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Bob laughs.
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Bob replies:
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> The only feedback I've gotten from
Freemasons ...
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> has been highly favorable. ...
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> But I suspect these gents are highly unique
Freemasons. ...
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> For example, one is a witch.  Another also
belongs to the OTO ...
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> A third is a high official of the Church of
the Subgenius, etc.
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> Hardly typical of your average Freemasons
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> Although probably a lot like 18th century  
Freemasonry ...
<[Dell Ammo] SOFTSERV-VK> Perhaps they are the TRUE inner circle
of Masonry.
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Wilson talking:
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> I'd like to think so.
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> OK, I think we've gotten through the first
round of questions ...
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> If there's anybody who wants to ask a question
and hasn't yet, please send me a /RAI now.
<M.B.> Is there a publication date yet for Nature's God?
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Bob Wilson talking:
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> No.  The new publisher is New American
Library.  Write and tell them to hurry!
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Quick follow up question?
<M.B.> Have you read Eco's Foucault's Pendulum?
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Wilson:
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Not yet.
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> OK, next question:
<[tj] T.M.JACKSON> One drug not heard about much is LSD
<[tj] T.M.JACKSON> but you informed us it is being used in europe
<[tj] T.M.JACKSON> in large groups
<[tj] T.M.JACKSON> is this still going on...?
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Wilson:
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> Last I heard.
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Quick follow up?
<[tj] T.M.JACKSON> change of subject: mind machines
<[tj] T.M.JACKSON> do you still test them and report on the
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Wilson:
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> Yes.  Almost every issue of my newsletter,
TRAJECTORIES, has the latest mind-machine news.
<[tj] T.M.JACKSON> aha thanks
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> Available from:
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> Permanent Press at:
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> P.O. Box 700305, San Jose, CA  95170 ...
<[tj] T.M.JACKSON> ok
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> $20 per year ... and a bargain at the price!
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> People who do not subscribe ...
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> immediately ...
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> upon hearing about this wonderful magazine ...
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> are often reincarnated as Gary Hart buttons!
<[tj] T.M.JACKSON> now thats an incentive
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Wilson laughs.
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> OK, next question:
<[Richard] RJOHNSON> [DDo you know of any relationship between
the S&L debacle and
<[Richard] RJOHNSON>  the Vatican Bank, P2, Roberto Calvi, etc.?
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Wilson:
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> Not really, except that the CIA was heavily
involved with the P2 bank swindles in Italy, and seems to have
been involved in the S&L debacle.
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Quick follow up?
<[Richard] RJOHNSON> No question, but I know a friend of
yours--Sandra Ware.
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> Hooray for Sandra!
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> OK, next question:
<[Dafydd] D.ABHUGH1> Brain machines, longevity research...  
<[Dafydd] D.ABHUGH1> After a brief flurry of research in the 60s
and 70s, we've heard little if
<[Dafydd] D.ABHUGH1> anything concrete.  What happened?  Where'd
it all go?
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Wilson:
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> There have been several double-blind studies
recently ...
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> And some machines have proven their
validity ...
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> Some machines have also been shown to be
possibly dangerous.  The research is proceeding.
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Quick follow up, Dafydd?
<[Dafydd] D.ABHUGH1> Is there resistance from the organized
scientific bodies, NAS and NSF?
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Wilson:
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Resistance to what?
<[Dafydd] D.ABHUGH1> To the "crackpot theories" of long lifespan and 
increased intelligence?
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> Not that I've heard of.
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> OK, next question:
<[Rod] R.RAMSEY2>
<[Rod] R.RAMSEY2> a friend of mine is currently involved
<[Rod] R.RAMSEY2> in pin publishing some of k. w. thornley's
<[Rod] R.RAMSEY2> books on the kennedy-oswald thing
<[Rod] R.RAMSEY2> two questions...
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> Wilson: What is "pin publishing"?
<[Rod] R.RAMSEY2> what do you think of thorley's claim of being mixed
<[Rod] R.RAMSEY2> in the whole mess?
<[Rod] R.RAMSEY2> a friend of mine is currently publishing...
<[Rod] R.RAMSEY2> the books is what i meant to say
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> Wilson: I don't know.
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> When Thornley began suspecting all of his
friends of being CIA agents ...
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> I began to suspect he needed professional
counseling ...
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> But who knows?
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> He may have been involved in some way ...
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> even paranoids have real enemies!
<[Rod] R.RAMSEY2> two, what caused the falling out between you i
suspeci suspect the same about him needing help
<[Rod] R.RAMSEY2> hmm..
<[Rod] R.RAMSEY2> what caused the falling out between you two?
<[Rod] R.RAMSEY2> or is this something thorley made up?
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Wilson:
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> I got bored with his weekly letters accusing
me of being a CIA agent and stopped answering them.
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> Eventually he stopped writing.
<[Rod] R.RAMSEY2> i can believe that...
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> I wish the same technique worked with Lou
Rollins.  (Wilson laughs.)
<[Rod] R.RAMSEY2> if you are interestedin seeing thorley's books,
<[Rod] R.RAMSEY2> I cann see to it you get copies...
<[Rod] R.RAMSEY2> interesting ideas anyway...
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> Wilson: Send them!
<[Rod] R.RAMSEY2> where? 
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> I'm curious how many assassinations he
attributes to me!
<[Rod] R.RAMSEY2> ok
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Neil talking: We'll give the PO Box at the end
of the RTC once again.
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> I think we've gotten everyone who has a first
question, if I'm wrong, please use the /RAI now.
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> OK, we seems to have gotten all first
questions ...
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> If someone has a second question which won't
take too long, please /RAI now ... I know we lost time because of
technical difficulties but I don't want to keep Bob here all
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> OK, I have four questions in line, then I'm
going to bring this to a close ...
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Well, five questions then we're done.
<[A:.A:. Rep] L.QUINN1> I preside over a small band of the
curious on the GEnie chat lines. We regularly meet on Channel 23.
Would you make an appearence there (assuming you can get your
computer to work properly), I also suggest you might like the
chat lines as a source of interesting data for your writings.
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Wilson:
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> I'm too busy now.  Will consider it in the
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> I'm going to restrict this to one question a
piece so Bob can get home sometime tonight ...
<[Dell Ammo] SOFTSERV-VK> Does SoftServ have your permission to
reprint your NEW LIBERTARIAN  articles for our paperless edition
of that magazine?
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> Wilson: OK
<[Dell Ammo] SOFTSERV-VK> Thanks!
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Neil (Yes, he said it REALLY)!
<[Sionnaichan] M.DRURY> I'd like to bring your attention, Bob, to
some lyrics by Clannad, off the title track to the "Sirius" CD:
<[Sionnaichan] M.DRURY> A blind bargain can't you see|
<[Sionnaichan] M.DRURY> in a cloud of secrecy|
<[Sionnaichan] M.DRURY> voices whispering for they might get heard|
<[Sionnaichan] M.DRURY> play with fire, be insane|
<[Sionnaichan] M.DRURY> it's a danger game, cast aside|
<[Sionnaichan] M.DRURY> A guiding star leads the way|
<[Sionnaichan] M.DRURY> Sirius, Sirius ...|
<[Sionnaichan] M.DRURY> Two brief questions:  Have you done
anything musically lately, and where can I get a copy of QUANTUM
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Wilson laughs.
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> Wilson: Very interesting.
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> Haven't done anything musical lately. ...
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> QUANTUM PSYCHOLOGY can be ordered from the PO
Box in Sane Jose (Neil: we'll give it again).
<[Sionnaichan] M.DRURY> Thanks for the chat; it's been illuminating.
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> That's San Jose.
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Wilson laughs.
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> Wilson: Enjoyed your participation!
<[tj] T.M.JACKSON> BOB, Will you be doing more speaking tours.   
(i saw you in Phoenix)
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Wilson:
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> Yes, I do tours every year ...
<[tj] T.M.JACKSON> ok
<[tj] T.M.JACKSON> i enjoyed it
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> Thanks for asking!
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> OK, this will be the last question:
<KEITH.KIRTS> I'd love to vote Green, but the apparatus seems so
feeble.  Will there be a candidate?  Any thoughts on this.\
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Wilson:
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> I really believe multi-party systems work
better than our two-party system ...
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> I have no practical ideas about how to
convert this to a multi-party system.
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Well, I'm formally thanking Bob for putting up
with the quirks of this little piece of cyberspace ...
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Bob's closing comments:
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> This was a delightful group ...
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> No nasties.  I appreciate that!
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> Maybe WC Fields had the right idea ...
<[R.A.W.] SOFTSERV> If at first you don't succeed ... try, try
again.  Then give up.  No sense being a damn fool about it!
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Neil again: Well, I'm glad we didn't give up! 
Difficulties and all, this was our most lively RTC yet!
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Room is now in the talk mode.
<[Dell Ammo] SOFTSERV-VK> Look for Robert Anton Wilson's
contribution to THE PROMETHEUS MELTDOWN in the upcoming ALL S-F
ISSUE of NEW LIBERTARIAN, $6.50 postpaid from NLCo., 17220
Newhoope, #120, Fountain Valley, CA 92708. Robert Shea, too!
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Neil is now going to have a slight nervous
<[Sionnaichan] M.DRURY> ALl right!  Fantastic.  I'm hooked on
RTC's now, and it's all RAW's fault. :D
<[Sionnaichan] M.DRURY> Neil, thanks for being instrumental in this.
<[Dell Ammo] SOFTSERV-VK> And don't forget his NATURAL LAW, OR
DON'T WEAR A RUBBER ON YOUR WILLY, a SoftServ Paperless Book!
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> For those who want it, the PO Box to receive
Wilson's newsletter or order his books ...
<[Sionnaichan] M.DRURY> Is a catalog of goodies available from
that PO Box?
<[David] D.EDELSTEIN2> ?!!?!&! One of my favorite authors, and I
couldn't get here 'till 8 because lightning knocked out our power
this afternoon!
<KEITH.KIRTS> bad luck, david
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> P.O. Box 700305, San Jose, CA  95170
<[David] D.EDELSTEIN2> yeah. (sigh)
<[Sionnaichan] M.DRURY> YES! I have it on disc!  Now to netmail
it to my absent friend.
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Wilson says: Yes.
<[Dell Ammo] SOFTSERV-VK> Not much happened before 8:00 PDT
<[Neil] SOFTSERV> Yes, a catalog is available.
<[Sionnaichan] M.DRURY> Excellent.  I'm requesting one now.  Bob,
if you peek into the box, look for the envelope with the
holographic astronaut.
<[Rod] R.RAMSEY2> does it cost anything? (the catalog) 

=== End of Steno notes. ===

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