Interview With Eustace Mullins 1994

From bigxc@firefly.prairienet.orgFri Jan 20 07:26:35 1995
Date: Tue, 3 Jan 95 15:15:27 CST
From: Brian Redman <>
To: Multiple recipients of list <>
Subject: Interview With Eustace Mullins



Tom Valentine's guest on *Radio Free America* (Shortwave, 5.065
MHz, mon-fri, 9 pm cst) on October 28, 1994 was controversial
author Eustace Mullins. Note that views expressed in the
following do not necessarily reflect my own views or those of
Conspiracy Nation.

 +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +

[Awesome sounds of John Phillip Souza's "Stars and Stripes Forever"]

It's *Radio Free America*, the talk show for intelligent
Americans, with your host, Tom Valentine.

*Radio Free America* is brought to you by *The Spotlight* [CN --
Note: Throw mud here.] Call 1-800-522-6292 for your subscription.

And now, the newspaper that "tells it like it is" presents Tom

Hello, everybody. Welcome back to *Radio Free America*.

It is "fractal Friday", but in this hour it's not really going to
be "fractal". It's going to be very, very important.

Now, before we start, with my guest, we need to clarify a term --
'cause I use it as a term of endearment, but a lot of people may
not understand how to take it. And we're not gonna be like those
in the "NewSpeak" game, or the Orwellian types. We're going to
deal with language so that we understand.

There are people, like myself, who are called "health nuts". A
"health nut" is a person who advocates natural health things. So
that's... The "nut" is a term of endearment now. They were called
"health nuts" by the establishment, in a derogatory way, for
many, many years. But now, a lot of us are *proud* to take the
term "health nuts".

Well there are also "conspiracy nuts". And they're identical to
"health nuts": they have been put down with that term for a long
time. They're a person who has keen insights to the ongoing
problems of the world; and to the news of the world, he "reads
between the lines" and he sees that there are people out there
with an agenda, powerful people with an agenda. And he begins to
believe it and study it, and he gets to be called, by the
establishment (which is part of the agenda problem) a "conspiracy

Well, *many* of us are "conspiracy nuts". And I'm *proud* to be a
"conspiracy nut".

You're not a "conspiracy nut" worth a darn, unless you have read
the several books by my guest: *The New World Order*, *Secrets of
the Federal Reserve*, *Murder by Injection*, *The Rape of
Justice*, and now, the latest, and evidently one of your most
acclaimed books, Eustace Mullins, *Education for Slavery*.

Welcome to *Radio Free America*.

Thank you, Tom! It's certainly good to be on your show.

It's good to have you back! We haven't talked in a while.

No we haven't. I've been on the road quite a bit.

Well you've got a new book since the last time we talked.


What is this, *Education*... You've taken the whole educational
system to task, have you?

More than that. I have traced all of the present educational
programs right back, 5,000 years, to the ancient cult of Baal,
which Jesus preached against during his ministry on earth.

That's fascinating. That *is* fascinating, and there's a lot of
us who would believe that. Because that cult has *never* gone

It has never gone away. It's more prevalent today, I think, than
it was in Jesus' time. And, of course, this *really* gets
conspiratorial because, when your education system has been
subverted by a Satanic cult -- you don't get much more
conspiratorial than that.

I would say so.

How do we make the links? I mean, without givin' away the whole
book, what are the major links going back?

The links. The cult of Baal went underground after Jesus'
ministry, and it re-appeared as Humanism. Then it re-appeared as
the Renaissance, the French Revolution, the Communist Revolution
-- all of these are manifestations of this ancient cult. And
actually, it came to power, over the educational system in this
country, through Humanism.

I have no doubt about that at all: I have followed humanist... I
*was* one. I was a brainwashed humanist for a very big part of my
younger life!

My goodness.

Oh yeah! You know, you go to college in America, if you're not
too smart you're gonna be caught up in it. In fact, I mentioned
it in the first hour. I was given the Franz Boaz, Ashley
Montague, Russell What's-his-name...

Bertrand Russell, yeah.

Bertrand Russell and Aldous Huxley and all of that stuff -- and I
just ate it up! Because I didn't know any better.

Well they were the most revered people of the academic world at
that time!

Yes they were, in the '50s.

And so, these people, though, were preaching something that...
How would you phrase it? What is it that Humanism does that isn't
good for people? That is Satanic, that is diabolical?

It's anti-God. It places man above God! And that's a fundamental
error. And I think Humanism is the origin of "feel good"
liberalism. They want people to feel good about themselves; they
want 'em to have more self-esteem. Well you have self-esteem by
having character! By having integrity. By producing something of
value to the world.

Ah, but since they can't do that, they preach the self-esteem
*without* the character, and *without* the value.

They give you the self-esteem without any values on your part.
And of course that also gives 'em tremendous *control* over you,
because once you've been told that you have self-esteem then you
are at the mercy of people who are manipulating you. You become a

I can certainly sense that and feel that.

All right! Ladies and gentlemen, my guest is author Eustace
Mullins. He's been around for a long, long time. And he and I are
just gonna have a little conversation about a *lot* of things
that have been going on for many years.

You may join us: 1-800-878-8255. You may call any time you feel.
Eustace and I can handle it.

I'm Tom Valentine, this is *Radio Free America*.


All right, we are back, live. And like I said, my guest is
Eustace Mullins. [...Gives info on upcoming appearances by Mr.

Now. Your books -- you got a lot of them. Three of your books are
available from Liberty Library: *The New World Order*, *Secrets
of the Federal Reserve*, and *Murder by Injection*. And they're
outstanding. In fact, *Secrets of the Federal Reserve* was the
one that exposed "the Fed" for what it really is.

Yeah. It was the first book to reveal the secret Jekyll Island
conference at which the billionaires took over the money and
credit of the people of the United States for their own sinister

Yes. And when you did that, that was extremely controversial and
it's been shut down! I mean, [it's] amazing how the media shut
that fact down.

Oh, that's true. They have done that for years. And in fact, you
know, when the Simon and Schuster put out a rip-off of my book
called *Secrets of the Temple: The Federal Reserve*, they even
stole my title. And they sold 300,000 of 'em. And *Forbes*
magazine reviewed it and said, "This book has no secrets."

Well that's true. [laughs] There ya go.

It was a total rip-off! [laughs]

Well, but did they talk about Jekyll Island in that one?

No indeed. He didn't mention Jekyll Island at all. In fact,
Greider, William Greider, who was a Washington editor of *Rolling
Stone*, an establishment journalist, actually wrote this book.
And he "pooh-poohed" any conspiratorial notion that there had
ever been a meeting at all.

You're kidding.


Oh my... Right down the memory hole!

Oh definitely. He absolutely said, "It never happened."

Well, that's the purpose of that book: to counter what you have
done for so many years.

All right. What I wanna do... First of all, I gotta tell
everybody [...Gives info on how to order books...]

I'm at PO Box 1105, Stanton, Virginia 24401 [address to write to
Mr. Mullins].


All right, now, Eustace, let's get started. You're not a young
guy, neither am I. But how did you get started in this in the
first place?

Well I met a political prisoner, a man who had been imprisoned
because he stood up for the Constitution of the United States: a
poet named Ezra Pound. And he had been incarcerated, without
trial, in St. Elizabeth's Hospital in Washington, D.C. And I was
going to art school in Washington, and one of my professors said,
"I want you to go out and meet Ezra Pound."

So I went out there. Ezra Pound said, "Go on to the Library of
Congress and find out what you can about the Federal Reserve
System." So I did it. And now, almost 50 years later, I'm still
at it.

Now when you... You were just a young student. And Ezra Pound was
a very controversial figure, world-renowned figure. [He] ended
up, actually, exiled in Italy, didn't he?

Yes, he did. And, in fact, he was never tried. They finally
dropped all the charges against him, after holding him for
thirteen-and-a-half years, and he went back to Italy!

What were the charges?

Uh, treason...

Sedition? That sort of thing?

Yes. They claimed that he had given aid and comfort to the
enemies of the United States. Well, unfortunately, the enemies of
the United States were Franklin D. Roosevelt and Alger Hiss. You
know, it was Alger Hiss who secured Ezra Pound's indictment for
treason from the Department of Justice.

The famous turncoat, Alger Hiss.

Yes. The Soviet KGB agent.

And *now* the media was coming out with a story, trying to say,
"Oh Alger Hiss wasn't really a 'commie'."

Oh they've been saying that for years.

I was in Washington at the height of Alger Hiss' trials. We had
meetings every day with Jim Wiggins, editor of the *Washington
Post*, George Stimpson, founder of the National Press Club. And
boy, did we have some battle royales about the Alger Hiss case.

I'll bet!

All right, so you've been born and raised in this area of
Virginia, near the nation's capital, haven't you?

Yes. I'm not far from Washington. In fact, I really grew up on
Capitol Hill and the Library of Congress! Not only... Actually
[I] was on the staff of the Library of Congress for quite awhile.

Is that right. See, no wonder you had access to a lot of things.
And Ezra Pound, then: did you get to know him pretty well?

Oh I visited him every day for three years. And for three years,
every day, he lectured me on world history! So that's how I found
out what I know.

That is fascinating.

All right. My guest is Eustace Mullins. And we are talking about
history. We're gonna just talk, if you don't mind, in a general
way, Eustace, about things that you have seen, starting back in
the times when you were influenced by Ezra Pound and it shaped
your life for ya. And what we have gone through since then, to
the point we are now. I think it would be kind of an interesting
trail to follow.

I'm Tom Valentine, this is *Radio Free America*.


All right, we're back, live. If you'd like to join us, it's 1-
800-878-8255. Those of you out there who are *not* into the idea
of conspiracies, you're gonna get a real education here.

All right, so here you were, Eustace, as a young man. And now,
here we are, this many years later. Have you ever sat down and
just kind of chronicled in your mind how things have followed the
patterns that people like Ezra Pound predicted they would?

Oh very much so. You see, Ezra had already been studying this
situation for 40 years when I met him. So he turned over a lot of
that 30, 40 years of research to me, which got me off to a flying
start. And when I published my federal reserve book in 1952 (it's
been in print since 1952), I would go to meetings and people
would (and I was quite young-looking in those days), and people
would say to me, "That's a great book that your father wrote."


Because they couldn't believe that I had written this definitive
history of the central bank at my age. And, of course, I could
not have done it without Pound's guidance.

All right. There's a lot of people that don't really understand
why you and I will say that the federal reserve is the biggest
problem America has. Can... Put together: why is it and how...
Tell the story of how it came to pass.

Well they had a secret meeting at the millionaires club, on
Thanksgiving of 1910, at Jekyll Island, Georgia. Which, at that
time, the members of the Jekyll Island club controlled one-sixth
of the wealth of the entire world. These people were very
powerful: Rockefeller, Morgan, Aldrich... The same people, by the
way, the same banking houses, which are running the world today,
they got together in 1910. And this "federal reserve" was simply
a takeover scheme! It was sort of like a Mafia group of
chieftains, getting together for the biggest robbery in history!

And Nelson Aldrich was a very powerful senator. And he was
related to the Rothschilds, I mean to Rockefellers, and so he was
the one that pushed it through Congress.

Well he certainly was. And also, he was the chairman at this
secret meeting down there. And of course, his daughter married
John D. Rockefeller, jr. So that's how he had a grandson named
Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller.

O.K. Now. Nelson Rockefeller's a very familiar name -- the

Now these fellows: *why* would commercial bankers like this --
the House of Morgan, and I believe even the European bankers are
in on this, are they not?

Oh yeah. Well this meeting was actually commissioned by Albert
Rothschild of London. It was a Rothschild meeting, really.

O.K. So the banking House of Rothschild... And I remember another
name, a very powerful name, called Warburg.

Oh the Warburg... Paul Warburg was there at Jekyll Island. He
represented the House of Rothschild in the United States,
secretly, through a firm called Kuhn-Loeb Company, of New York.

Well they're still around!

Oh yeah. Kuhn-Loeb is now part of Lehman Brothers, Shearson-
Lehman. But Kuhn-Loeb's senior partner at that time, Paul
Warburg's senior partner, Jacob Schiff, actually advanced $20
million of his personal funds to perpetrate the Bolshevik
Revolution in Russia!

That's a famous story that's not famous.

That's right. And you see, it took me many years of research to
find out that Communism had been totally backed and financed and
promoted by the federal reserve system!

That is just a scarey thing for Americans to hear. 'Cause --
"Wait a minute! We just spent 40 years in a Cold War. You mean to
tell me we were building up all of our armaments and everything
for people that we financed!?"

That's right! Even during the Cold War, the federal reserve
system continued to finance the Soviet Union -- which was *never*
a viable economy; it was a Third World economy. And we continued
to finance, through the federal reserve system, through the Bank
for International Settlements, in Switzerland. That's how we kept
the Soviet Union going all these years. That's why we had to
spend $248 billion a year for defense against this monstrous
Soviet Union during the Cold War!

And the guys in... Wall Street types actually financed it, in
order to get it going and to build ourselves an enemy.

They had to, from the very beginning. From 1917 on. In fact,
Anthony Sutton has a very good book: *Wall Street and the
Bolshevik Revolution*, which gives you a lot of the facts on
that. And, of course, I have that in my *World Order* also.

Yes. *The New World Order* has it. [CN -- See also an excellent
book of the same name by Pat Robertson.]

Now, it's interesting. Money. They want to control the money. And
they did that, naturally, because the federal reserve system --
which is a private banking group, based upon what you discovered
is absolute proof...

And oh! One more item. Didn't it slip through Congress at a very
strange period in time?

Uh Christmas of 1913.

Christmas. Wait around for the Christmas break and pass it
through Congress.

Was it a voice vote?

No, it was a majority vote.

You see, what happened: many of the congressmen who opposed this
federal reserve act in 1913 (including Charles Lindbergh of
Minnesota, father of the aviator), they had to go home for
Christmas, which was a long trip in those days. There were no
747s to whisk them [to] Minnesota in a couple hours. And so they
left about the 15th of December. Well on December the 23rd, the
senators who were left rushed it through Congress and got it

And they had a quorum.

And they had a quorum, and it was passed legally. And the *New
York Times* commented: "Never has legislation of such importance
been passed so quickly under such circumstances."

And yet the people didn't catch on! And of course they didn't
catch on because the *New York Times* didn't really say, "This is
a scam." They probably were all for it.

Oh they were for it entirely. Well in fact, the Warburg... Paul
Warburg, who secretly wrote the federal reserve system, was
actually *controlling* the *New York Times* at that time.

Fascinating. And people wonder why you and I are "conspiracy


[laughs] All right, my guest is Eustace Mullins. We're talking
now about his books and about the, well, "conspiracy fact".

And you live in these United States. You need to know these

1-800-878-8255, if you'd like to join us.

I'm Tom Valentine, this is *Radio Free America*.


All right, we are back, live. My guest is Eustace Mullins, the
author of a number of books: *The New World Order*, *Secrets of
the Federal Reserve*, *Murder by Injection*, *The Rape of
Justice*, *The Curse of Canaan*, and *Education for Slavery*, a
brand new one.

Now I've not read all of those. I've got three of 'em I *have*
read. In fact, *The Secrets of the Federal Reserve* (this'll
bring back memories for ya, Eustace), I picked that up in a used
bookstore in 1978 and read it -- the old, yellow-covered
paperback, you remember?

Oh yes. Um-hmm [affirmative].

Yeah. And so that goes back quite awhile. You've been around.
Like I said, you published this in '52. And I got an old one, an
old copy, out of a used bookstore, way back then.

All right. John, in Folsom, Louisianna. You're on, with Eustace

Good afternoon, Tom! Great pleasure to hear Mr. Eustace Mullins.
I have his book, also from a second-hand store.

Is it true that Kuhn and Loeb got their financial start
manufacturing military, army uniforms in Cincinnati, Ohio, for
the Union forces during the Civil War?

Yeah, that's true. They were actually outfitters. And they made
so much money out of the Civil War that they went into banking.
Because they made gold; in those days you were paid in gold. And
they had so much gold, that they went to New York and became
*the* banking house of the House of Rothschild in New York City.

Now an author named "Wexler"(sp?) in *Merchant Bankers* says that
Baron Rothschild set up the world's most extensive, effective,
efficient, worldwide intelligence system two centuries ago. I
prefer to believe that it's still intact and that it beats the
KGB, or it beats the CIA, even today.

Would you comment on that?

That's an interesting question!

Well it is, that's true. In fact, these intelligence services go
back to the Bank of England in 1694. Because bankers found out
that when you deal in large sums of money, you have *got* to have
accurate information about the guy you're lending it to and what
are his prospects of ever paying you back.

So the intelligence business was not a governmental business; it
was a banking business. It always *has* been a banking business.
The CIA, you know, in this country, is called "The Company"
because they're very heavily into banking and investments. Bill
Casey was one of the biggest operators on Wall Street -- he was
head of the CIA.

So this... We're talking... When you talk about international
intelligence and James Bond and "007", you're talking about guys
who are really working for the bankers.

I... Hold on a minute, John. I'll let you go.

But I've heard, Eustace, from a very reliable source (and then
I've heard from *un*-reliable sources; Gunther Russbacher is an
unreliable source, but he seconded this motion) that "The
Company", the Mossad, MI-5 (or what it is), *and* the KGB -- all
of them are actually in the employ of the banking, of the banking

Sure. And they work together! You know, KGB and CIA were
supposedly rivals. But, in fact, Kim Philby, of the British
secret intelligence service, moved to Moscow and became a
lieutenant-general in the KGB!

Yes. Well he was supposedly one of the most notorious double, or
triple, agents in history. But I think it's all... I'm with you:
it's all a scam. The bankers run all three or four units.

They certainly do, and they *do* work together. And that's why,
right now, Bill Clinton is over there in the Middle East at the
mercy of Mossad. (I don't know if he's got a one-way ticket or
not. I'm kind of concerned about...)

*I* was concerned about it too, but it doesn't look like it.

Apparently not.

John. Anything else?

..Philby is more honest and more decent than Alger Hiss: he's
"come clean".

Is it true, or is it a coincidence, that [the] Standard Oil
empire and the influence that they exert have never competed with
Russian oil?

Never. No, they've always worked together.

These people at the top level *never* compete with each other.
It's like, you know, Gimbels and Macys in New York: they know
what each other's doing, but they don't undercut each other that
much. [CN -- Also, I have noted the decline in the past 2 or so
years of the price of video cameras: they used to all start at
about $1,000; now they all start around $500. I attribute this
decline in price to a decline in demand. The point is that with
true competition the price would have gone down much sooner.]

Great... Great conversation. Have a great day.

Thanks, John. Good questions. I'll tell ya, that's right.

It *is* interesting. Now I have said, though, on this air, that
these people, in the boardroom (I call 'em "the immaculate
'they'") who run everything in the world today -- the heirs of
this legacy that you have written about so well -- will, are just
like other humans: they're going to compete, they're going to
fight one another, even though they have a tight control. And you
would disagree with that.

Oh no. They have terrible battles among themselves. There's a lot
of rivalry, a lot of back stabbing. But in the final analysis,
it's them against you. They will always hold each other up in
order to keep their control over you and me.

They like to divide the world up: "You get Indo-China and I'll
take Japan. You get this, and I'll take Arkansas." That kind of
thing, huh?

Oh "Divide and Rule" is the motto of the World Order! How they
control people.


Now, it's interesting. The four areas that I've jotted down here,
after looking at the titles of your books, in which the people
who want to control the world -- *I* don't have this ambition. I
don't know if you do or not. But I really wouldn't want to
control the world if you offered it to me!

Most normal, healthy people would not.

O.K. So. The areas that they've gone after, in order of
importance, appear to be (1) money -- federal reserve, control
the money, the issue of the money is very important. Right?

Yeah, that's why they set up central banks. The first central
bank, in 1694, was the Bank of England. Which... The stock was
taken by the royal family of England and the leading dukes of
England. And they have run that ever since! You've got 300 years

I heard (and this is one I'll let you comment; you probably
know), that when William and Mary went back to England -- that's
when the Bank of England was set up -- they were financed by a
Holland financier by the name of Suarez(sp?), and he, for his
backing, they gave him the right to establish a central bank. And
he used a guy, a Scotsman named Patterson, as a front.

Right. William Patterson was a front for the Amsterdam bankers.
In fact, they ditched Patterson within a few years after they set
up the Bank of England. He was only with it about 6 years and
then he was history, he was gone.

Well that was the purpose of having him in there, was to give it
history so they disguised who really owned it!

Oh yeah. But it was the Amsterdam bankers. It was Amsterdam
bankers who financed William's invasion of England and taking
over the throne of England by force!

Eustace Mullins, my guest. 1-800-878-8255, the number.

I'm Tom Valentine, this is *Radio Free America*.


All right. I'm just havin' a lot of fun here today. I just blew a
one-minute spot by comin' off 5 seconds early. But we will get it
down pat. Someday I'll know how to do this radio business stuff.

Anyway, Eustace Mullins is my guest. [ on how to get
books...] And *Murder by Injection* is where I'm going next. It's
a very interesting book. And because of my interest in health, my
favorite of his many good books. [ on books and
upcoming appearances by Eustace Mullins...]

Now. Eustace. You have money and the federal reserve and these
guys behind it. And then there's schools, with your new book on
the *Education for Slavery*. Then the law and judges, and I
believe that was in *The Rape of Justice*.

Yeah, *The Rape of Justice*. Each one is a separate, monopoly
study. I became interested in monopolies through the federal
reserve system. And I realized that because they now had the
power to print money, since 1913, they were printing the money
and taking over other areas. So that's why you now have the
medical monopoly, the American Medical Association, the medical
trust. You have the legal monopoly, which controls the courts of
the United States. And when you go into court, you are at their
mercy because they can do whatever they wish. [CN -- See, for
example, *Defrauding America* by Rodney Stich.]

Yep. And you've got the school monopoly.

And the education monopoly! And they found *that* was the most
important one of all, because, by training the children to accept
these other monopolies [and] never question authority. [CN --
Also, the media monopoly, e.g. *The Media Monopoly* by Ben
Bagdikian.] Don't forget, the 14th amendment said, "It's illegal
to challenge the national debt!"

Is that right!? The 14th amendment actually makes that statement?
I gotta read that again.

Oh yes. It says that it's a violation to question the validity of
the national debt! In other words, you say, Tom Valentine says,
"Well, they create this money out of nothing!" Well you've just
committed a violation of the 14th amendment by saying that!

By the way, they had a meeting of law enforcement police chiefs
and so on down in "Albasqueeky", New Mexico here, a few months
ago. And I've just recently heard about it. And they've listed
the "terrorists". And people who oppose the federal reserve, and
people who oppose the income tax, and people who oppose *NAFTA*,
are now on the list of terrorists in this country.

Yeah, they call it "Constitutional terrorists".

Well! Aren't we something.

Well *health*, to me, is a big one. If you control the people's
health, they're not gonna think so clearly.

Well, and that's why John D. Rockefeller himself, the same man
whose son-in-law created the federal reserve system at Jekyll
Island, he also, in 1907, John D. Rockefeller decided to go into
the health business. And you see, his father, the founder of the
Rockefeller dynasty, was William Rockefeller -- who was a side-
show barker who called himself "the world's greatest cancer
specialist" and sold bottles of oil for $5 apiece in the 1860s.
That's how far this goes back. They were into cancer over 100
years ago. And so his son, John, the original John D.
Rockefeller, went into the health business as early as 1907.

And in the health business, of course, they found themselves a
"quack", and used that "quack" to establish the American Medical
Association [AMA]!

They certainly did. Because a "quack", by definition, is an
unapproved doctor, a doctor who has no training. And any
medication which is not approved by these same "quacks" -- they
call it "quack medicine"!

That's right. And who was that first AMA founder, and the AMA

That was Abraham Flexner(sp?) and "Doc" William Simmons(sp?) of
Lincoln, Nebraska. "Doc" Simmons was a man who had 2 fake medical
degrees. And he is the person who created the American Medical
Association as we know it today. He took it over in 1898.

This Dr. Simmons -- they made a famous movie based on him, that
he tried to drive his wife nuts.

Uh yes he did. Because she objected to his having a mistress
there in Chicago. And so he decided he would give her drugs and
drive her insane and put her in an asylum. And that would end
this criticism.

Well it didn't work. She took him to court and got a divorce. And
do you know that that became a very famous movie, "Gaslight",
with Charles Boyer and Ingrid Bergman!

Yep. I was just sayin', "Gaslight", [with] Charles Boyer [and]
Ingrid Bergman, is based upon a true story of the original head
of the AMA. And you mentioned the name of the guy who set him up
-- Abraham Flexner.

Yeah. Flexner was John D. Rockefeller's "stool pigeon" in setting
up the takeover of the entire medical school industry by Carnegie
Foundation, which was a Rockefeller Foundation subsidiary at that

Yes, that's interesting. The Carnegie Foundation is also the
Carnegie Endowment, [which] is the big one behind education. [CN
-- To see how the Carnegie Foundation encroached on our
universities, ca. 1880-1920, see *Universities and the Capitalist
State*, by Clyde Barrow, published by the University of Wisconsin

It certainly is. And they're totally controlled by the
Rockefeller Foundation. When you say "Carnegie Foundation",
you're talking about something that has no substance. It's
entirely under the domination of the Rockefellers.

Interesting stuff.

Now. Abraham Flexner. Wasn't there a thing called "The Flexner

He did "The Flexner Report", and this changed the medical schools
of the United States from homeopathic, naturopathic medicine, to
allopathic medicine -- which was a German school of medicine
which depended on the heavy use of drugs, radical surgery, and
long hospital stays. That's what we've got today, allopathic

Yes. And then the next thing you need to control is the insurance
industry and the hospital industry. And then you nationalize it
and you've got everything!

That's right. And what Hillary Clinton was hoping to do for
Senator Jay Rockefeller, the man behind health care "reform", she
was going to deliver the health industry of the United States to
him in a package tied up with a red ribbon. But she didn't make

Yeah, let's hope the American people keep getting smarter. Thanks
to books like [by] my guest, Eustace Mullins, you can do it.

If you'd like to join us in the last segment, 1-800-878-8255.

I'm Tom Valentine. This is *Radio Free America*.


All right, Mr. and Mrs. America: every single morning when you
wake up, you are surrounded by monopolies. Your life is actually
*dominated* by monopolies. And yet your government has the gall
to tell you that they have such a thing as "anti-trust laws". You
have a monopoly on your money, the very lifeblood of your daily
commerce. You have a monopoly on your health: don't dare practice
medicine without a license. You have a monopoly on the schools.
Oh yes. And on the courts. [CN -- Also, a media monopoly.]

The man who has studied each of these monopolies and has put
forth a book on 'em, very thorough books, is my guest right now,
Eustace Mullins. And the books are, *The New World Order*,
*Secrets of the Federal Reserve*, *Murder by Injection*, *The
Rape of Justice*, *The Curse of Canaan*, and *Education for

And you even have looked at the religious monopoly out there.

Oh I certainly have! Because I found that the Rockefellers... In
fact, the Evangelical Association was set up by the British
secret service in 1848. And then they exported it to this country
[and] it became the National Council of Churches. And so they've
been very active in the religious movement.

The National Council of Churches is actually a British spy agency

Oh yeah, it was set up by Lord Henry Palmerston, the head of the
British secret service and British foreign minister!

And their purpose is?

To control the people through their religious observance.

That is one of the most important aspects of people's lives. And
we have watched basic Christianity being washed down, watered
down if you will, by the National Council on Churches, year in
and year out.

Oh and they've been very liberal, very revolutionary. In fact,
they invented what they call "liberation theology" in which they
intended to liberate the Third World from you and me!

Huh. "Liberation theology" means... I thought it was to liberate
the homosexuals and the females!

Well they're doing that too.

Not that they were slaves, but...

All of the monopolies work together. They have a common program
and goals. And they're very vociferous in their demands, too.

It is really interesting, how they've done it.

Now. In your *Murder by Injection* you also dealt with the
psychiatric profession.

I certainly did. I exposed Dr. Ewen Cameron, who was head of the
World Psychiatrist Association -- in fact, he created it -- and
he also worked very closely with the CIA and the British secret
service in mind control, mind altering techniques. And they were
very active in LSD, Lysergic Acid, and other mind altering drugs.

And those kids of the '60s thought that they were doing something
on their own, that they were rebelling against something when
they are actually set-ups.

They were set up all the way. They were victims. And some of
those people are still suffering today from the things that Dr.
Cameron and these conspirators... Dr. Sidney Gottlieb was the
head of the mind altering drug division of the CIA. He was on
television the other night, but he wouldn't answer any questions.

[laughs] You didn't get a chance to ask him any, either! If you'd
have been with him!

You're *persona non grata* [i.e. not welcome] with the

Oh very much so! In fact, there's an "iron curtain" on any
mention of my name or any of my books in the establishment press.

An "iron curtain".

Well, I'll tell ya what: I am very proud to say that you're a
friend and have been on this show a number of times. That you're
appearing at my conference. And you certainly have performed a
fantastic service for people.

Well it's fascinating work, every minute of it.

It is. And as life goes on, you see it, the monopolies, you see
them set their hooks ever deeper, don't you?

They certainly do. Because they have only one way to go: they
have to constantly extend their power. They can never relax, they
can never ease back. They have to constantly be getting the
people more and more under their control.

Yeah! Because the way the Soviet Union fell, the "front men" of
the Soviet Union had their statues toppled by the people. But the
*real* backers of communism weren't touched.

No indeed. They're still in the background.

All right. Well I'll tell ya: one of these days, maybe the
sleeping giant will wake up, and it will be because of courageous
writers like yourself. And I want to thank you very much for
giving me your hour. And we will see you on Saturday, November
the 5th, Eustace.

I'm looking forward to it, Tom.

We'll see ya then.

All right.

So long.

There he is, folks! And can you imagine: all these monopolies.
And we don't pay any attention to 'em! We don't even *consider*
them monopolies! But they *are*. Money. Health. Schools. Courts.
Churches. -- monopolized by a single agenda.

And this man started off with the money. And as he pointed out:
just a young student, influenced by Ezra Pound. And then he
started studying the monopolies.

These are fantastic books, and you should pick 'em up!

  [CN -- Valentine gives info on how to order Mullins' books.
  Because these books are probably unavailable from most public
  libraries, and indeed may even be unavailable by ordering
  them from your local bookseller, I include info on how to
  obtain these books. Note that I personally receive *no*
  financial benefit from any sale of these books.

  *Some* of Eustace Mullins' books are available from Liberty
  Library. Phone 1-800-522-6292. Or, you can also write to Mr.
  Mullins directly at PO Box 1105, Stanton, Virginia 24401.]

Hey! I wanna take a break. See you after the news.


 Brian Francis Redman    "The Big C"
    Coming to you from Illinois -- "The Land of Skolnick"       


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