transmitting info into the brain
(word processor parameters LM=8, RM=75, TM=2, BM=2)
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March 8, 1991
This file courtesy of Bob Paddock.
Fri Aug 02 08:37:54 1991: Corrected graphics BP
Thu Mar 07 19:12:00 1991: #38
I would be interested in hearing more about transmitting
info into the brain, if you come across any.
I've been collecting information on how the brain analyzes &
processes information, in a attempt to do speech recognition.
Here are a few of the things that I've found that your colleages
might find useful, when transmitting info INTO the brain. (Need
less to say a lot of this information is controversial, and in
some cases in direct conflict with the 'medical establishment';
but I go where the path leads....)
The most interesting work, as well as the most
controversial, in this area has been done by G. Patrick Flanagan
on a device he calls the "Neurophone".
The basic concept of the Neurophone is it has an audio
input, which can come from a microphone, tape recorder, radio
etc.... With an output that goes to two transducers that you
wear as a head band. The transducer disks are made from
Zirconium Titanate imbedded in acrylic plastic tiles which
possesses the same dielectric constant as human skin [Any one
know where to get such a transducer, or how you measure the
dielectric constant of the skin?]. The end result is that your
brain perceives the sound that is input into the Neurophone with
NO involvement of the Ear.
Batteau of Tuffs University devised an experiment that proved the
the Neurophone does NOT work by:
(A) the transducers act as electrostatic loudspeakers,
(B) the transducers excite via bone conduction of the sound,
(C) the transducers activate the Eighth Cranial Nerve.
Flanagan hypothesizes that input to the brain is based upon
the fact that the skin is both piezoelectric and optoelectric,
that is, when the skin is stimulated by an electric or photon
field, it vibrates. This means that it produces minute
electrical currents when vibrated or rubbed.
Page 1
Sheldon C. Deal, D.C, N.D. of Tucson says (REF #1): "The
skin is embryonically the source of all our special senses. Our
skin contains more sensors for heat, touch, pain, ect., than any
other part of the human anatomy. The human ear evolves
embryonically out of the convolutions of the skin of an embryo.
Basically, the skin is the oldest evolutionary nervous system
sensor. Another way to look at this, is the special sense of
touch has progressively extended over the entire body by way of
the skin and evolutionarywise our other special senses should
follow suit and extend over our entire body in time [What is that
going to look like?]. The skin then, since it is the precursor
of the ears, should also be cable of hearing, or to put it
another way, it should be able to transmit the sense of hearing
to the brain by means other than the 8th Cranial Nerve."
The Zirconium Titanate transducer effectively forms a
piezoelectric transmitter, where some thing called the Pacinian
Corpuscle acts as a receiver.
The Pacinian Corpuscle is a special nerve ending that
transforms mechanical vibration, or pressure, into nerve
impulses. (REF #11) The Pacinian Corpuscle consists of a
sensitive nerve ending surrounded by a cylindrical-like core
structure consisting of closely packed membranes called lamellae.
The core is surrounded by a second set of lamellae, in which the
distance between each one increases from the innermost
lamella toward the periphery of the corpuscle. The space between
all the lamellae is filled with a liquid whose mechanical
properties can be considered similar to that of water. When a
displacement of the outermost lamella is caused by exerting
an appropriate pressure, this stimulus is transmitted to the
core, and in turn, causes a compression of the innermost
lamella. This system acts as a differentiating mechanical
What all of this gobbledygook is trying to say is that
the Pacinian Corpuscle responds best to a square wave signal.
Where the time-rate-of-change of the signal is more important
than the amplitude of the pressure applied to the corpuscle.
This shows that this receptor is designed to detect time
significance first, and pressure significance secondly.
Now that we have gotten trough the descriptions of the
transmitter (Zirconium Titanate transducer) and the receiver
(Pacinian Corpuscle) we can get into the interesting stuff:
Interesting Stuff:
Nerve encoding
In the Neurophone the input signal is passed into a section
which clips everything into a series of square waves, analogous
to the sort of clipped waves Lisitsyn confirms are the carriers
of the human brain waves (REF #8). Next, the square waves are
differentiated, yielding a series of sharp spikes. These spikes
are again differentiated, since these are finite spikes with real
non-zero rise times and decay times rather than theoretical
constructs, a series of noisy spikes results from the second
differentiator section. From here, the noisy spikes are
introduced to the Zirconium Titanate transducers which are placed
on the skin.
Page 2
In REF #6: "It was established that the nervous system uses
time ratios as major sources of intelligent information. It was
found that speech intelligibility was contained in the time
dominant ratios in the speech waveform. Speech quality was found
to be contained in dominant frequency ratios. So the nervous
system is designed to recognize two distinct parameters: the time
domain and the frequency domain."
This is similar to the work of Dr. Arie Visser of Extrema
Systems International Corporation. The Extrema theory of human
perception assumes that the ear distinguishes sounds not by
amplitude or frequency, but rather by timing and context.
Specifically, the ear extracts only certain features of a signal-
that is, the local minima and maxima, or the extrema and passes
to the brain the instances at which they occur [it doesn't matter
whether it is minima or maxima, just the change in direction of
the signal is important].
Here is a starting point for the circuitry for a Neurophone,
and a Extrema Enhancer:
Find your self a copy of "National Semiconductor's "Linear
Applications Databook" 1986, then locate: AN-72 "The LM3900: A
New Current-Differencing Quad of +/- Input Amplifiers"
For the Extrema Enhancer hook up the AN-72 stages like so:
Input:>>----AN-72-35 4 KHz Low Pass Filter --------> (A)
Noise Source:
Noisy Zener Diode (1N964B) & 100k bias resistor----> (B)
From (A) ----\
*---AN-72-87 Audio Mixer-------------> (C)
From (B) ----/
From (C) ----AN-72-82 Differentiator---------------> (D)
A point worth experimenting with would be to put multiple
differentiators in series.
/---AN-72-66 Invert Volt Compar------> (E)
From (D) ----* (Bisa for + and - = Set/Reset)
\---AN-72-68 Non-Invert Volt Compar--> (F)
From (E) ------\
*--AN-72-59 Bi-Stable-Multivbrater-> (G)
From (F) ------/
(G) Is now a square wave in the Time-Domain of the input
signal's extremas. Timing-Feature-Extraction output
(Speech recognition output here)
From (G) ----AN-72-83 Difference Integrator--------> (H)
(H) ----AN-72-35 4 KHz Low Pass Filter --------->> (Output)
Page 3
(Output): is now filtered version of input (Increased
signal-to-noise-ratio [More signal than noise, than the
original input signal], with redundant information removed).
Heres a starting point for the Neurophone (I'am still
studying how this works, so haven't got it finished yet).
>>--- Input (0 - 15 KHz) --------------------------> (A)
AN-72-41 Sine wave Oscillator [50 KHz] --------> (B)
From (A) ----\
*---AN-72-87 Audio Mixer-------------> (C)
From (B) ----/
(C) ---- AN-72-34 High Pass filter ----------------> (D)
[Multiple stages: High-pass filter having a 6 decibels per
octave slope from 0 to 15 KHz, total combined slope of 12
decibels per octave. ]
(D) ----- AN-72-13 Non-Inverting AC Amp -----------> (E)
(E) ------ AN-72-? Clipper -----------------------> (F)
(F) ----- AN-72-13 Non-Inverting AC Amp -----------> (G)
(G) ------ AN-72-? Clipper -----------------------> (H)
(H) ------- AN-?-? Output driver --*---> Zi-Ti Out (Right)
\--> Zi-Ti Out (Left)
For safety reasons the Neurophone circuit should be battery
So where do we go from here/hear?
Extrema processing is covered by US patent 4,545,065.
Flanagan's "Nervous System Excitation Device" is covered by US
patent 3,393,279 7/16/68. The Neurophone Thinkman [TM] Model 50
is covered by US Patent 3,647,970 "Method And System For
Simplifying Speech Waveforms" 3/7/72.
[1] "Meridian Balancing by use of the Neurophone" Sheldon C. Deal
D.C., N.D.; of Tucson; Director of the Swan Clinic, Current
[Former?] President of the International College of Applied
Kinsiology. Reprinted in Innergy News June 1980.
[2] "Role of the Pinna [External Ear/Ear Lobe] in Localization:
Theoretical and Physiological Consequences" by Dwight Wayne
Batteau. Ciba Foundation Symposium on Hearing Mechanisms in
Vertebrates, 1968. pp. 234 to 239 (Edited by A.V.S. deReuck and
Julie Knight. Published by J. & A. Churchill Ltd., 104 Gloucester
Place, London, W.I.)
[3] Proceedings of Royal Society, Biology, 1967, 158, 158-180 by
Dwight Wayne Batteau.
Page 4
[4] "Molecular Sensation" by Dwight Wayne Batteau and W. M.
Hemmes (1966). First Semi-Annual Report for U.S. Navy Office of
Naval Research, Contract 4863(00). NTIS order number: AD-
[5] "On The Significance of Energy Level Transitions in Nerve
Function" by Dwight Wayne Batteau and T. B. Eyrick. (1967)
Interim Technical Report for U.S. Navy Office of Naval
Research, Contract 4863(00). NTIS order number: AD-670614
[6] "Theories of Sonar Systems and Their Application to
Biological Organisms", D.W.Batteau Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Tufts University, Medfoard, Massachusetts,
Sept. 1966.
[7] "The Neuro Physiology of Spcialy Oriented Behavior" edited by
Samford J. Freedman. 1968 Dorcy Press IL. Chapter 7 "Listening
with the Naked Ear" by Dwight Wayne Batteau.
[8] "New Approach to the Analysis of Electroencephalogram", by
S. K. Lisitsyn Problems of Bionics (selected articles) pg 16-
25 NTIS order number: AD-730045
NTIS: National Technical Information Service (NTIS), an
agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce:
5285 PortRoyal Road,
Springfield, VA 22161:
(703) 487-4650
[9] "Analog" magazine July 1967.
[10] "Whiz Kid, Hands Down" by William Mofser "LIFE" 9/14/1962
pg 69 and 72
[11] Research by Fernando Grandori and Antonio Pedotti of Milan,
Italy. IEEE Transactions on Bio-Medical Engineering: VOL BME-
27, No 10, October 1980.)
[12] Phone conversations with LLoyd Mac Gregory Trefethen,
Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Tufts University
Anderson Hall. He was instrumental in locating some of Batteau's
research papers (Dwight Wayne Batteau is now deceased).
A partial collection of Neurophone related articles is
availible from:
Rex Research
PO Box 19250
Jean, NV, 89019
Order: "NR: F2-FLN 'Flnagan: Neurophone'"
Note: The information contained here in is of experimental
nature, and not intended for diagnosis or treatment of
disease, or intended as a substitute for sound medical care.
Comments: The problem with XSI is they refuse to deal in small
qualities, seems they are going after the military market.
I was able to locate Patrick Flanagan to see if any one was still
Page 5
selling the ThinkMan-50 Neurophone. He sent me info on Vortexian
Water Purification, so I took that as a no (No one currently selling
the Neurophone). What I've wondred is how one of these would work
out for a hearing aid for the Deaf?
Vangard Notes...
I was fortunate enough to attend a small seminar of about 5
hours with Pat Flanagan and a group of about 25 others at the
National Health Federation meeting here in Dallas somewhere
around 1983(?).
Pat went into some detail on the Neurophone and some of his
other work. The original version put out a 3000 volt signal
which was modulated by any audio signal.
It was based on a principle called "acoustic conduction" which
had been an anomaly first noticed in the early days of radio.
The effect can be demonstrated by attached a "Chore Girl" scrub
pad to the output of any audio amplifier system. The positive
lead goes to one pad, the negative to another. The pads are
then applied to the ear, the amplifier tuned to a music source
and cranked up. You will hear the music from the
electrostatically driven threads of the scrub pad.
Flanagan figured that the principle could be "enhanced" which
led to fine tuning using an oscilloscope and other equipment.
From these humble beginnings came the first Neurophone using a
vacuum tube amplifier capable of generating the audio modulated
3000 volts.
The next improvement came when Pat found that the human nervous
system vibrated within a range of 50 KHZ to 100 KHZ. He found
that by transmitting an acoustically modulated carrier
frequency which would match the current vibrations of the
nervous system, the two frequencies would "tune in" leaving the
audio frequencies.
This system uses a 20 volt peak to peak signal and requires
some training to be able to use the device. Training involves
audibly listening to music which is simultaneously transmitted
via the Neurophone into the nervous system.
As one continues, the audible volume is gradually decreased
which "trains" the system to become ever more aware of the
Neurophonically driven signals.
There have been strange reports of experiments using the
Neurophone either in groups or singly and spaced over distance.
People have become suddenly telepathically linked to others
operating the Neurophone at the same time. At one time,
Flanagan was asking for Neurophone operators to experiment in
groups to see what the possibilities might be. I never heard
of the outcome of any of these experiments.
Bearden mentions the possibilities of the Neurophone for
Page 6
telepathic linking among a group of minds with the same general
purposes (much like witchcraft). He believes that those people
might unknowingly awaken a great mind which he calls ZARG.
This mind would be synthesized from the linking of the many
smaller minds. He also cautions that such an awakening might
lead to disasters beyond our control when ZARG sees how screwed
up everything has become from our actions.
The Bible mentions how the linking of two or more people in a
common enterprise will lead to geometrically amplified results.
That is the essential principle of witchcraft as well as group
prayer in the more socially accepted version. The stories
relating to miracles when people pray (read concentrate on a
focussed objective) in concert are legion.
In formal Magick, the operator uses geometries, intense
concentration and words of power to generate the same result as
witchcraft yet working on much more resolved levels of energy.
I think the Neurophone offers its greatest hope with the 20
volt peak to peak version. Training of the operator to awaken
his innate abilities would lead to the possibility of direct
input of information to the brain without the filtering which
is built in to the other methods of sensory input.
The danger here is the possibility of mind control techniques
far beyond simplified subliminals.
If you have comments or other information relating to such topics
as this paper covers, please upload to KeelyNet or send to the
Vangard Sciences address as listed on the first page.
Thank you for your consideration, interest and support.
Jerry W. Decker.........Ron Barker...........Chuck Henderson
Vangard Sciences/KeelyNet
If we can be of service, you may contact
Jerry at (214) 324-8741 or Ron at (214) 242-9346
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