MAGITECHNICAL volume #1 November 1st, 1994
From Thu Nov 17 07:43:26 1994
Date: Wed, 16 Nov 1994 14:38:45 -0500
Subject: Magitechnical_Magazine
Copyright (C) 1994 Hyper Space Communications and Technologies
International This literature my not be reproduced in whole or
in part by any means without prior permission in writing from
the author. H.S.C.T.I. Box 666 033, Marietta, GA 30066 USA.
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MAGITECHNICAL volume #1 November 1st, 1994
1. Introduction
2. The magician's tools
3. Magic as a science
4. Tarot spells
Welcome to Magitechnical, a magazine circulated in the computer
underground dedicated to unfolding the true science of magic,
freeing the magicians of the future from years of religious
influences. This magazine is distributed only by a mailing
list that contains the names and addresses of a few fine
magicians. If you have stumbled on to this magazine and would
like to be part of the elite few then follow the instructions
on the last page of this issue. Hard copies are available and
sometimes necessary for illustrations left out of the plain text
format. For a hard copy of this magazine or to obtain a yearly
subscription to the Magitechnical you may contact H.S.C.T.I by
Electronic Mail or Writing to the above address.
The magicians of the future are an elite bunch of highly
advanced magicians who have no religious background or do not
mix religion with magic. But, they know how to use religion to
shield themselves from the normal barbarics of life. The
mixing of magic with religion ( or the disguising ) was
originally intended to hide the use of magic. We, the magicians
of the future will share our knowledge through secrecy to
relocate the knowledge (science) of magic as slow as possible
to not bring upon an alert.
Kill your TV! - Have you seen this bumper sticker? Kill your
religion! - How about this for a sticker?
Dr. J. H. Trott.
Enjoy the publication while it lasts......
* To enter the mind of any person on this planet.
* To compel them to do your will.
* To generate success, love, money, and piece of mind without
going through the pains and agonies of ritual based magic.
In this Issue and in future issues of the magitechnical you
will learn the ways of the magician of the future.
ThE MaGiCiAn's TooLs
I Need no pentacle.... I Need no knives...
AllI Need is Self!
The tools of magician of the future are energy, knowledge, and
a good psychic connection and it is all that is needed for any
magical task that the magician of the future does. Let's talk
about the magician of the future's tools. One main tool of this
sort of magician is electricity. YES! I said electricity. But,
of course, electricity is not needed by the well trained
magician. It's just a hell of a lot easier. The electricity is
used to power the magician's psychic power generator. This
psychic power generator is responsible for generation of the
psychic energy needed to perform the magician's work. The
generator may by used by an unskilled or skilled magician since
the use of the generator is simple and can be done by anyone of
any age. The basic knowledge that the magician has is the
ability to analyze his/her work to determine why something
should or should not work. Over 90% of the spells or workings
done by the magician of the future work and can be explained in
a scientific form of why they have worked. This type of
magician understands magic as if it were biology or some other
sort of familiar science. The magician of the future knows that
when his/her spells do not work it is the result of poor
psychic connections to the target that the work was
administered on or the lack of sufficient psychic energy
imputed into the working. The magician of the future has total
control of the forces that surround and for the forces that
he/she are unaware are soon learned by the magician.
Magic of the future is not shielded or hidden behind
folk-lore. It is raw magical science. Knowledge that has been
long lost due to the fact of persecution and hidden within
religious backgrounds eons ago. I can name hundreds of
religions that have magical aspects. But to do such a thing
would lead to my persecution because magic is still blended in
religion. A magician of the future is way more knowledgeable in
the field of magical science than any other magician that has
been locked into some kind of magic religion. And yet to say,
more powerful.
The magician of the future does not distinguish good from
evil. These two terms are the result of religious influences.
The magician only does what is needed to be done. It is the
religionist that determines if the magicians actions be good or
evil ( black or white magic ). He/she has no belief in
karma or karmic forces. Remember, the magician of the future
controls all forces that he/she is aware of. And karma is yet
another religion.
He/she can create and control and type of force just solely
because the magician has the tools and knowledge to do so.
The magician of the future is a GOD!
- Dr. J.H. Trott.
MaGiC as A ScIenCe
Magic existed long before the invention of the tree of life.
In fact, most of the powerful magicians on our planet do know
even know of the tree of life. Such "lack of knowledge" does
not inhibit their power at all. Evidently there must be some
principle in magic that goes beyond religious doctrine. There
must be a magical science that we can develop from the common
functioning principle (CFP) of all magic. Equaling magic with
the tree of life or any other outcropping of religious creeds
would be to falsely identify the map with the territory. The
map is never the territory it represents! Such identification
is always wrong, no matter how useful the map may be at first.
The magical systems that have their roots in the tree of life
have been useful and to some extent comprehensive. However, the
universe is not the tree of life. The tree of life is just
another mapping that is of use for the magician.
The present time sees an expansion of magical methods that is
unheard of as yet. At the same time students of magic have
access to an increasingly wide range of very different magical
systems and traditions to practice. Most of these systems are
not outcroppings of a Judeo-Christian religionism. Moreover,
they are incompatible with the cabalistic system and its tree
of life and all other religious mappings have no predominant
usefulness for the magician of the third millennium who
practices magic on a scientific basis.
The science of magic in its true form is a science, not a
religious act as thought till now. In the old days magic was
forbidden, religion had to be used as a cover-up, hiding the
true magical form which is finally out in the open. I have
stated here an approach that transcends the quietly assumed
connection between magical practice and specific religious
doctrines. This approach will allow you to come to a
scientific understanding of the processes that underline all
known forms of magic. Then you will realize that the religious
clothing of the practice is different in every culture and that
you need no religious facade at all to be a powerful magician.
If you use your car to drive somewhere you are free to pray
five lord's prayers and three Hail Mary's' or you may even
chant the sacred "OM" one hundred and eight times before you
start your vehicle. It is my opinion that the car engine
starts just as well if you simply turn the ignition key. The
same holds with any magical practice. Once you know the
scientific principle of magic you will be able to simply turn
the key and be able to work in any surrounding without the
ballast of religion-based "ritual".
To practice magic free from the ballast of any tradition has
another advantage. Freedom of thinking Leeds to ever new and
more powerful technology. It is a well-known fact that
tradition was always a road block to the advancement of any
science and that religion was always an obstacle to science
itself. "Purity of Tradition" and the belief in the
infallibility books that are thought to the divinely inspired
usually leads to rejection of innovative ideas and quite often
to the organized killing person who advance innovative ideas!
Tradition cannot live on "as is" when innovation shows new ways
that prove to be more useful, or worse, free the thinking of
people. That's the reason why these traditionalist who
typically lack creativity are almost always in the fore front
of hostility towards progress. If you want to develop your
magical skills to a maximum, you will do well to get rid of the
straight-jacket that traditions have imposed on you!
I do not plan to burden you down with a proper definition of
magic immediately. You know that with the word magic we
describe a specific class of practices that we can use to bring
about change. In the following we will examine what type of
practices fall under the definition of magic and what elements
of the practices are. From this we will develop an elementary
mapping, or theory, that will help you understand the various
technologies, or systems of magic and develop your magical
skills easily and rapidly.
Let's begin with a few scenarios of well known practices that
we call "magic" taken from various practices or magic related
Case #1 - An old recipe to heal a person is to pull seven
hairs of that person. Then drill a hole into a
vigorous tree and put the seven hairs into the hole. Then plug
the hole with the wood of the same tree. The
person will feel better.
Case #2 - A "doctor" fabricates a doll. He puts hair and
fingernails, or clothing, of the target into the doll.
Then, perhaps at a pre-calculated time, he goes to a grave yard
and puts the doll into an open grave. The person whom he
targets may get sick, perhaps may even die.
Case #3 - An old recipe against wounds that pus:
Take some of the pus out of the wound with a cotton swab and
put it into copper sulfate. The wound heals faster.
Case #4 - Set up a ceremonial table (alter) with candles,
incenses, etc. on a piece of paper. Draw a square with
some letters inside. To the left and to the right of
the sides of the square write the names of the people who
should fall in love. Project your own energy into the
letter square and the paper. Then burn the paper.
Case#5 - A radionics specialist takes a "black box" or radionics
device, she determines the settings of the dials that help in
lawsuits. Then she puts the photo of the person
whom she helps on the stick pad. She leaves the device "on"
until the results show.
Case #6 - In a charismatic church the preacher initiates a prayer to heal in his
congregation. The person that he intends to heal is far
What do all of these cases have in common? The first thing
that comes to our minds is the following...
It is action that has the goal to bring about a change:
change in an individual, in a group of individuals, or a
situation. The attempt to bring upon change is characteristic
of all living beings. It is interaction with the environment.
The second common denominator of these casesis that the target
is of the action is appears to be distant. For the moment, we
can say: Magic is action at a distance. Distance is
irrelevant in magical work. In this respect, magic expands our
capability to act upon our invironment. Now let's consider a
third important factor: In every case listed above the
magician uses something that represents the target of the
Case #1 - Seven hairs (with follicles)
Case #2 - Hair and finger nails.
Case #3 - The same bacteria that are in the wound.
Case #4 - The written names and the visual imagination of the
Case #5 - The photo of the person.
Case #6 - The visual imagination in the minds of the people who
send the healing.
Magicians call this representative of the target, such as hair,
finger nails, a photo, or clothing, "The psychic link." For
our purpose of putting magic into a scientific language, we
will prefer the term "structural link." The structural link
can be in any form that ranges from purely physical to purely
mental, or imagined. If we analyze the six cases above we come
to the following conclusion: The use of a structural link to
the target makes its ( the target's ) distance to the magical
operator irrelevant.
How can we determine the nature of the action? In each one of
the cases above we can find something that represents the
desired action. The way in which the magician represents a
desired action is very similar to the way he/she establishes a
structural link with the target of the action.
Case #1 - The health of the tree.
Case #2 - The doll decaying in the tomb.
Case #3 - The sample of the bacteria being destroyed in the
copper sulfate.
Case #4 - The letter square.
Case #5 - The setting of the radionics device.
Case #6 - The visual imagination of the health in the minds of
the members of the congregation.
Now we have the following question: How is action at a
distance possible and what determines the success of such
action? To find out we need to compare magical practices that
bring results with those that do not work. The observation of
magicians throughout the ages showed that magical practice
failed to bring the expected results for one of two reasons:
1. There is psychic interference, blockage or any other
2. There is insufficient psychic energy raised.
In future issues of the magitechnical, I hope to write about
methods of over coming psychic interference's and psychic
defense mechanisms.
The second point calls for further examination stated below.
We want to analyze what magicians do when they practice their
Case #1 - The magician does nothing. The psychic energy (life
force) is within the tree.
Case #2 - It works even if the magician does not raise a lot
of psychic energy, especially if the structural link
to the target person is good, such as hair,
fingernails, or clothing.
Case #3 - No psychic energy is necessary .
Case #4 - This works only if the magician develops and
projects a lot of psychic power.
Case #5 - It seems that the trained magician or strongly
emotional person have quicker success with radionics
than others.
Case #6 - In a charismatic setting the emotional power is at
Magicians of all ages knew of the necessity to develop strong
psychic powers, or magical powers, to be successful. Only if
the structural link is excellent and when life energy is
abundant from some source other than themselves do they need
not to raise these powers. They realized that life energy is
the medium that makes magical action possible. In fact,
Hyperspace Communications and Technologies International ha
proven that life itself would be impossible without magical
interaction with a distant environment!
A strong field of life force allows quick magical action. The
stronger the life energy that connects with the target, the
stronger the action upon the target will be. Magicians of all
ages knew that. This power had many names such as Prana, Chi,
Psychic Power, Magical Power, and Mana.
In Western countries several scientist have established
scientific models of this energy. The models that they have
developed were in tune with the knowledge of their times. A
scientific model has many advantages. Above all is the
advantage that we can develop new technologies from a good
scientific theory. This fact is as valid for the magician as
it is valid for chemistry and physics!
The first person known in Western history who developed a
scientific model of life energy was Franz Anton Mesmar. He
called life energy "animal magnetism." He developed methods to
magnetize ("mesmerize") people for healing. He also set up
devices that brought on healing. These devices were wooden
barrels that he had filled with iron fillings and that had iron
rods sticking out. People who wanted a healing held these rods
in their hands.
Baron Von Reichanbach called life energy "Odic Force." He
conducted thousands of test with more than one hundred
sensitive people and he developed a comprehensive theory
concerning this energy.
Wilhelm Reich used the term "Orgone" for life energy. His
scientific theory was the most advanced model of life energy
until the development of hyper space mathematics. Wilhelm
Reich invented the orgone accumulator. He used this device to
change people with life energies for healing. He expanded on
describing the characteristics of life energy.
Magicians knew all along that life energy is necessary to make
their actions work. They knew "intuitively" about it.
Magicians usually can feel this energy. On the basis of
millennia of experience, they use many practices to develop
strong fields of this energy. These practices include many
different methods such as chanting, strong emotional outburst,
group rituals, sex magical practices, religious emotionalism,
and animal sacrifice. An excellent way to have a continuous and
abundant supply of life energy is to use the life energy
generator, a popular tool of the magician of the future that I
have invented. You can receive more information on this
generator when you either call USA (404) 409 0400 or by writing
to H.S.C.T.I. BOX 666 033 Marietta GA, 30066.
Now we are ready for a definition of magic: MAGIC IS
The first thing that we need to do in order to understand magic
is to come to grips with its basic elements. This means that
we need to learn the methods to raise life force and the
methods to establish structural links. With such an
understanding we can perform any kind of magic. With such an
understanding will we view magic as a technological system
rather than some mysterious art that is cloaked in some kind of
religious belief structure.
After we have developed a basic understanding of life force and
of structural links, we will proceed to increase the range of
our sensory apparatus. This will allow us to tune into the
effects of our magical action. It is always better to "see"
the target rather than to do something "blindly" in the hope
that the technology we employed will do the trick. Being able
to tune our magical action gives us the capability to view the
impact of our action while we are practicing. I will write
about the characteristics of life energy and illustrate the
sciences of magic of the future in the next issue of the
- Dr.
K.H. Welz. Master of Occult
sciences. Founder of HSCTI
and Hyper Space
TaRoT SpElLs by John Hayes & Dr. J.H. Trott
Most people know the tarot only as a tool for divination. Each
of the tarot cards represent a field of experience and/or a
function in life. In a tarot reading, you shuffle the cards
and then you lay them out in a specific manner such as the
Celtic Cross method or the Tree of Life method. Then you judge
each card by its position in the layout, and how it relates to
the other cards. From this you can then derive important facts
about the person for whom you are reading.
All the following is about spells using the tarot. When you
give a tarot reading, you channel energies from the universe
toward yourself. You use the cards as indicators of what the
universe tells you. If you do a spell with the tarot, you use
the cards as life energy filters to construct an event with the
cards upon the desired target.
You use the cards as the structural link that represents the
desired action. The tarot cards represent the energies that
you are about to send off. Each tarot card is an archetypal
symbol that represents a field of experience, or a function, or
an idea. Consequently the tarot cards are an ideal tool to
creatively act upon your universe in magical operations.
For a strong effect of a tarot spell you need a strong source
of life energy. Many magicians create their own life energy or
draw down the life energy from the universe. The creating of
psychic energy, or life energy is an integral part of every
magical ritual.
Many of the spell books on the market make the task of casting
effective spells seem easy. However, all too often would-be
magicians get meager results or no results at all. This is so
because they are not capable of creating the psychic connection
with the target or they cannot generate a sufficiently large
amount of psychic energy for the spell. We have eliminated the
problem with creating the amount of life energy needed with the
Welz generator (life energy generator) and now a beginner can
even create the sufficient amount of energy needed.
It is up to you to find a good structural link to the target of
your work, a good power source for life energy, and an
appropriate filter (something that represents the ACTION).
Remember that the structural link that represents your target
may be hair, fingernails, a photo, or clothing. The best that
I have found to be most effective is a photo of the desired
target. Whether the target be a person or a place. For a
structural link to represent the desired action, tarot cards are
real good for the such. The link may consist of one card to
the whole deck. If you are really good with understanding the
representations of the tarot then you can construct any event,
idea, attitude, or personality that you want the TARGET to
follow just by placing the cards between your energy source and
the structural link representing your target. Remember the
energy source may be generated by you, pulled down from the
universe, or created by the use of a Welz Generator.
Although you can set up an affective tarot spell with a Welz
Generator and a deck of tarot cards, I strongly recommend that
you purchase a good introduction in the tarot if you know
nothing about the tarot representations. I recommend highly
Eden Gray's MASTERING the TAROT or any other of Eden Gray's
books. The Best deck for the spell work is the RIDER WAITE
TAROT DECK. With very few exceptions, most other tarot decks
are outcroppings of artistic fantasies rather than symbolically
correct representations of universal archetypes. Experience
taught us that symbolically correct representations make work
easy. My good education prevents me from giving my opinion
about the books on tarot spells that are presently on the
For a spell you can set up the tarot cards in two ways. The
first method is to lay out the card after card starting, from
the front end of the EPG (Welz Generator) or you. The psychic
link is after the last card. If may be a set of cards
representing the target or as I stated earlier it may be a
photo. Some of the positions of the cards may be stacks of
two, three, or four cards, rather than single cards. The
second method consists of stacking all the cards into one stack
with the psychic link as the last item of the stack.
The following is a spell for success in business. It will
serve as an example of how to set up the cards in front of the
Welz Generator. If you do not have a Welz Generator, then by
all means replace the idea of the Welz Generator with energy
that you have raised and push this energy into the front of the
stack all the way to the psychic link at the end but a
generator is recommended because you will need a continuous
supply of life energy for the spell to be effective unless the
target is weak. About two inches in front of the output pipe of
the EPG you put the major arcana: STRENGTH (viii). Put the
card down face up, with the bottom of the card closest to the
energy source and the top of the card on the far end. This is
the upright position of a card. When a card is reversed, you
put it down with the top end closer to the energy source.
Next to STRENGTH (viii), at its top end, put the HIGH PRIESTESS
(ii). The next card is THE MAGICIAN (I), then THE HIEROPHANT
(v), followed by THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE (x), which is followed by
a stack of 4 cards and the psychic link.
THE FOUR CARDS : Bottom card: The THREE OF WANDS, on top of
it the NINE OF CUPS, which is covered by
the TEN OF PENTACLES, on top of it
link/psychic link to that person).
The choice of the significator using the tarot can be a problem
for the person who is not familiar with the tarot, use the
following guidelines:
Pages : Persons of both sexes up to 15 years of age.
Knights : Persons of both sexes, unmarried, age 16 to 25.
Queens : Women, married, or over 25 years of age.
Kings : Men, married, or over 25 years of age.
The four suits relate to the basic characteristics of the
Cups : Spiritual persons, scholars, artists, or priests.
Pentacles : Materialistic persons or a business person.
Wands : Farmers, laborers, an earthy person.
Swords : Aggressive persons, military, police, justice.
Once you have chosen the significator (link to the target) and
constructed the spell (card layout) then you may charge the
spell with your energy or the energy from the EPG.
Next Issue: Tarot Spells to Practice. Some bitter and some
Book: 20 Tarot Spells - by John Hayes - Hardcopy for $20.00
from" HSCTI, Box 666033 - M9, Marietta, GA 30066
The use of talismans is as old as the human determination to
change a hostile environment to something more agreeable. Since
those very ancient times, talismans have been regarded as
bringers of good luck, as tools to success, and capable of
changing bad luck into good circumstances.
Very soon humans learned to determinewhat kind of change a
talisman should bring and to express the desired change or goal
with the symbols that they used on their talimans.
Talismans can be regarded as batteries of psychic powers. Those
powers can be harnessed whenever the carrier of the talisman
needs them or desires them. Ideally the mana-powers of the
talisman should effect subtle cybernetic adjustments which then
trigger the desired changes.
Significant results come often very sudden, sometimes over
night, much to the astonishment of a talismanic beginner.
Talismans are made for almost every purpose. There are
planetary talismans and talismans of signs of the zodiac. Those
talismans are designed to enhance positive characteristics of a
planet or sign and to eliminate negative traits. Typical for
planetary talismans are Venus talismans which enhance the
creativity of artists. There are talismans which are designed
to help in profession, others bring good ideas and circumstances
for making money. Other talismans ease spiritual development
and unfolding of psychic powers.
Some talismans bring sheer luck. There are talismans which are
designed to "free from jail" - often understood as leaving the
body (jail) for astral traveling. There are a great many
talismans which produce love. Some ancient Egyptian talismans
are still active - some 4,000 or more years after they have been
It is considered more useful and effective to design a talisman
for every specific purpose rather than making
"combination-talismans". Ideally, the symbolism's employed on a
talisman should be in harmony with the specific traits of the
personality of the carrier of the talisman. A personal talisman
for a specific purpose should be manufactured at the appropriate
time: a time which harmonizes with the purpose of the talisman,
with its symbols, and with significant points in the
astrological chart of the carrier of the talisman.
Dr. Karl Welz, a European Magician, teaches a course where you
learn how to make talismans, for your benefit and to help
A few pointers to think about
The following are statements that may help you gain new insights in
the science of radionics. You will find a few pointers that help you
increase the range and effect of the radionics box, which is a very powerful
device to establish equivalent structural links. For additional reading, I
suggest that you purchase Cosimano's book "Psychic Power" or any other basic
introduction into radionics.
1. Radionics is based on structural settings: You have a psychic link with
an object, a person, etc., in the well. The structure that you set with the
dials relates to some specific action upon an aspect, or partial system, of
the person or object (target), upon which you intend to act. The radionics
structure is an "equivalent structure." A near-equal structure would be
hair, blood, skin-rubbings (on clothes), etc., in the case of a person:
these objects connect back to the person via the genetic code, which is
equal in the follicle of the hair, blood cell, etc., and which,
consequently, connects with all other cells of the same structure (in the
same person.)
2. Radionic structures transfer because of hyper space mathematics, or
life energy mathematics. The psychic link in the well allows the flow of
life force from the radionics device to the target. The setting ("rate")
that you establish with the stick pad dynamizes the life force towards a
specific action. The rate is a structural representation of a specific
action upon the target.
3. The strength of the transfer and the speed with which the desired effect
takes place depends on the strength of the life force field that surrounds
the radionics device. This is an important fact that radionics practitioners
are unaware of. What they know is that some people are more "gifted" than
others. We know that the person who is capable of generating life energies
and directing it (consciously or non-consciously) to the radionics device is
more gifted that the person who simply sets the rate.
4. In a magical sense, the radionics device is a universal sigil. Its rate
determines the nature and the effect of a magical energy, or "entity," such
as an angel, deva, spirit, or genius.
5. With an adequate and continuous supply of life force, the radionics
device is superior to most magical operations.
6. You can ideally provide this continuous supply of life force with a Welz
Generator or with a system of Welz Generators. Three standard generators in
a series or one EPG 2100 HD (Edge Power Generator 2100 Heavy Duty) are a
powerful setup. Ask for more information about the EPG and radionics devices
from: HSCTI, P. O. Box 666033-M9, Marietta, GA 30066
7. The astrological zodiac constitutes a natural radionics device of cosmic
proportions. Its "rates" are expressed by planetary positions. There is
nothing on this planet to which there is no structural link to that large
radionics system. It is the life force of the Solar system (the universe)
that provides the structural transfer of astrological energies that are
responsible for trends. The nature of this device gives us insights about
the laws of time itself!
8. You may design any astrological chart, put it in the radionics device,
and establish a rate that represents the energies of this chart. The rate
that you establish this way either represents a person who has this specific
horoscope or a transit.
9. If the rate represents a person, you can use it to act upon him or her
at a distance. In this case, you need an additional structural connection
such as the name of the person in question or a photo. A second radionics
device (with interface) will establish an astrological transit or any other
spell that you send to help this person.
10. Besides the hyper space approach (distance is a result of structural
difference) there are several theories around that attempt to describe
radionics. These theories cover a wide range of speculation such as a
holographics approach, "soft" electrons, lots of "ethers", and higher planes.
Some followers of these much differing claims say that they got the
information "from higher sources." Form your own judgment! None of them
can explain in EASY terms some of the key functions of radionics nor
did they lead to new basic facts and new technology. Of a theory I expect
that it is as simple as possible, that it is comprehensive, and that it leads
effortmlessly to new basic facts.
Karl Hans Welz - Inventor of the Welz Chi Generator
This section is dedicated to questions you may have.
Please e-mail your questions to:
We hope that you found new ideas for your magical practice in this
magazine. We do not expect that you agree with us in all points. We fully
acknowledge that there are many different ways to describe the same thing. We
consider mutual exchange of ideas much more important that dogmatic approaches
that try to convince you that one and only one view is correct. We think that
you should be wary of those who got their dogmatic "insights" from "higher
sources," especially when those higher sources tell them that only their truth
is correct. History has taught us over and over that there was not a single
approach that did not become obsolete at some point in time, in science as well
as in meta-sciences. Many of these approaches were useful in their time
however, if you see our approach as one of many and if you find in it
something worthwhile to enhance your practices, we see that as an
Karl Hans Welz
for: Magitech International University
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