Psychic or spiritual healing is a human potential we

all possess. Some people are especially good at this. It is

probably easier to heal someone else by occult means than

yourself. In addition to healing in the presence of the

person, there is 'absent healing' in which the healing

occurs at a distance. Note that there are some who maintain

that influence on another person without his specific

knowledge and permission (yes, even in healing and helping)

is black magick. (After all, everybody is living according to

his own true will, so that healing or helping someone

without permission is affecting his will). This means it is

important to tell the person what you are planning to do and

to ask his permission. The theory of psychic healing is that

sickness is characterized (although not necessarily caused)

by a deficiency and imbalance of vital energy. Psychic

healing transfers energy from the healer to the sick to

repair and rebalance his energies. If an inept healer

overdoes the process, or if he doesn't take the precaution

to 'disconnect' himself afterwards, he may find himself

becoming sick due to energy drain and a linkage to his

subject. Similarly, the healer should always be in a good

state of health or he could unintentionally transfer his

illness to the subject. 

        The basic methods of psychic healing are: 1) creative

visualization, 2) prayer, 3) ritual. Creative visualization

is one of the easiest techniques. Mild illness may yield to

only one or two treatments; serious ills will require

many treatments over time. Psychic healing should always be

combined with medical care and treatment. It does not replace

doctors, medicine, or hospitals, since different levels

(worlds) are involved. In creative visualization, we

visualize the person being well. It may be helpful to utilize

the appropriate color from the aura chart (such as bright

apple-green, rose pink, or white) sent as a beam to the

person or as a cloud surrounding him. This technique can be

extended to include a simple kind of yoga in which we feel

energy sent as we exhale explosively; the energy sent either

via the breath or from one of the chakras such as the solar

plexus. Sometimes in absent healing it is helpful to arrange

a time for treatment in advance, asking your subject to be in

a receptive state of mind and to sit back and close his eyes.


        One of the most basic and useful ceremonial rituals

of magick is called the *banishing ritual*, or lesser

ritual of the pentagram. A pentagram (or pentacle) is a

five-pointed star with the point up. The banishing ritual is

helpful in psychic protection and healing since it forms a

protective barrier against malevolent forces. The psychic

barrier it creates can be made to permit entry of desired

(constructive) forces and the exclusion of negative ones.

Thus, the banishing ritual is an essential first step in

almost any formal full magick ceremony. The ritual requires

that you use a magical implement or "weapon", such as a

ceremonial knife, wand, or simply point your index finger, to

"draw" the pentagram in the air at each of the cardinal

points (four directions). Also, you will be chanting

('vibrating') some Hebrew names of God. 

        Holding your magical weapon and facing east, extend

your arm out straight in front of you. In this ritual you

will use the full sweep of your arm to draw the pentagram in

the air. Follow the description below by beginning at the

lower left and sweeping your magical weapon up toward the

right, etc. as shown. Do not bend your arm at the wrist or

elbow. While you do this, visualize the lines and eventually

the star as vibrant white, floating in the space before you.

You are projecting energy to do this, and the result will be

a gleaming 5-pointed star floating in the east; visualize

this as vividly as you can. Now you will energize it further

by piercing the center of it with your magical weapon and

vibrating (speaking slowly in a slightly lower than normal

pitch, remember) "Yod-He-Vau-He".


         -- DESCRIPTION --

Approximate points on a round clock face --

1. Begin at 7:30 position.

2. Point to 12 oclock position. 

3. Point to 4:30 position.

4. Point to 10:30 position.

5. Point to 2:30 position.

6. Return to 7:30 position.]


        Then turn slowly to the next cardinal point in

sequence, and as you do so, with your arm still extended in

front of you, visualize a white line connecting around to

the cardinal point. Trace a similar pentagram with the

appropriate words and following the same procedure:

        South -- Adonai Tzaboath

        West  -- Eh-Ei-He

        North -- Agla.

Now complete the white line drawn back to the center of the

eastern pentagram. Note that the cardinal points must be

followed in a clockwise order, and the pentagram must be

drawn in the manner illustrated; to do otherwise would change

the function of the ritual. The result of all this should be

a large bright white pentagram visualized hanging in mid-air

at each of the four directions, all tied together by a bright

white line. You could now, for example, visualize the

pentagrams moving out to the circumference of your home,

thereby protecting all within.

        There is also a somewaht simplified version of this

ritual in which the pentagram is traced only once overhead

and then is energized with one of the four names, such as

"Eh-Ei-He". Oftentimes the simplified version is sufficient,

but naturally the effect of the full version is more


        One of the primary uses of this ritual is to ward off

psychic attack -- that is, when another is (consciously or

unconsciously) attempting to harm you, cause sickness,

accidents, bad dreams, emotional upset, or to force you to do

something against your will. Fortunately this doesn't happen

very often. The world of the magician is fairly safe for the

pure of heart. Psychic attack usually depends upon

vulnerabilities. If you are not vulnerable you are safe. Thus

unificaition with the true will is the greatest protection

possible. And the use of the banishing ritual is never

hurtful. You can even use it to hold off negative aspects of


        Other forms of protection sometimes helpful

(depending upon one's egregore/model) are recitation of the

'Lord's Prayer', the 23rd, and 91st Psalms.


1) What is a pentagram?

2) What is psychic healing? List the basic methods.

3) What is the banishing ritual? Why is it used?


Dion Fortune, Psychic Self-Defense.

________, Sane Occultism.

Adeliade Gardner, Vital Magnetic Healing.

Max Heindel, The Vital Body.

Ernest Holms, The Science of Mind.

Mouni Sadhu, Theurgy.


Phil Hansford, 2/87


(818) 353-8891 (modem)

P.O. Box 83

Tujunga, CA 91042


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