The Official Rise of the Triad MINI-FAQ
The Official Rise of the Triad Update MINI-FAQ
Rise of the Triad: TTHIITLII
(c) 1994 Apogee Software, Ltd. THHII TTLHI
THLI I TOLII Written: December 5th, 1994
THOII IH) TTLLI by: Rylan Hilman
"Rise of the Triad: THII IHTH) TTLTI
Weapons so powerful, THHI TLLILI ITLII "Rise of the Triad is
they blow you out of TLTI IHLLLL) TTTTI gonna be great!!!"
THTI IIIII)I IILII - Rylan Hilman,
- Joe Siegler, ILLI TI II TLLI Author of
This is the Update version of the (F)requently (A)sked (Q)uestions file
for Rise of the Triad, the upcoming 3D action game by Apogee Software. So if
you read any of this, and something bad happens to you that's related to this
FAQ, I didn't do it(except if I really DID do it, then I'll tell you
personally). If anybody is offended, go talk with Apogee. Remember, as of
now, Apogee Software is only partly involved in making this FAQ. So, to
finish up, if it's a question about the FAQ, ask me. If it's a question about
R.o.t.T. that is not answered in this FAQ, send e-mail(Internet) to (Joe Siegler, Apogee Software).
|Trademark info|
Some trademarks in the following piece of work are: Rise of the Triad,
Apogee, Hank Leukart, and The "Official" DOOM FAQ. These trademarks I will
NOT take any credit for, and they belong to the people who have made these
products/companies possible. If I missed any, they are also hypothetically
|Copyright Info|
This article is Copyright 1994 by Rylan Hilman. All rights reserved.
You are granted the following rights:
I. To make copies of this work in original form, so long as
(a) the copies are exact and complete;
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(c) the copies give obvious credit to the author, Rylan Hilman;
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If you would like additional rights beyond those granted above,
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|Table of Contents|
{Ch??} is a section number, usually at the beginning of a section
{##-##} is a section-minisection number.
{Ch1} - Introduction to this FAQ.
{1-1} - A message from the author
{1-2} - How to get the Official RotT FAQ
{Ch2} - New Features of RotT
{2-1} - Pricing, versions, and stuff
{2-2} - Recent advancements
{Ch3} - Conclusion
{3-1} - Author's note
{3-2} - Contributions
{3-2-1} - Contributors
{3-3} - Version info
- Chapter 1
|Introduction to this FAQ|
{1-1} - A message from the author
Okay, so I misjugded the release date. Oh well, happens to us all sooner
or later, and this time, it was later.... :) Anyway, there's a WHOLE LOT OF
NEW STUFF in this issue. For instance, to legally play it on 11 systems, you
don't need to buy a separate copy for each computer! Read on below about the
special SITE LICENSE. :)
BTW, I have finally gotten the RotT FAQ officialized! :)
{1-2} - How to get the Official RotT FAQ
You can get my FAQ from several sources:
1) It is posted monthly(or sooner if a new version comes out) on these news-
2) The latest version(s) are at in /msdos/Games/Apogee/faq
3) E-Mail directly and request with the subject:
4) Contribute something to the FAQ. If you want to contribute but don't
want to receive the new faq, just say so.
- Chapter 2
|Features of RotT|
{2-1} - Pricing, versions, and stuff
We just today (Mon the 5th) finalized what all the versions of Rise of the
Triad will be. We're still not accepting pre-orders yet, but we will be
some time before the game is released.
Disk-Based Versions
------- ----- --------
Shareware Free 8 Regular Levels
8 Comm-Bat Zones
Regular Registered $29.95 32 Regular Levels
30 Comm-Bat Zones
Power Pack (tm) Add-On $9.95 10 Extra Comm-Bat Zones (Total of 40)
Random Level Generator
Some BMP's & WAV's from the game.
Compact Disc Versions
Super Triad $34.95 Compact Disc Only.
Includes everything that is in the
disk-based regular version plus the
power pack. (40 Comm-Bat Zones)
Also has more BMP's and WAV's.
Has a bunch of our shareware on it.
Site License $89.95 Compact Disc Only.
10 more Comm-Bat Zones (Total of 50)
Signed Site License Agreement
Eleven Command Cards
/ The disk based version will only be available in 3.5HD disks. No other
format will be sold.
/ Each Episode of Rise of the Triad has 8 levels in it. There are seven
regular levels, and one "secret" level per episode.
/ The Super Triad version will be playable off of Compact Disc. However,
in order to do that, you'll need tons of memory, or else the game will
be going to the disc a lot to cache in information, and if you have a
slow drive, it will be real annoying to play that way. We will give
you the choice with the Compact Disc version to either install ROTT
to the hard drive, or play it from CD-ROM.
/ The shareware levels will be included with all registered versions as
add-on levels to use when playing. When you get the registered version
with the four episodes, you're not getting the same episode again that
you already played in shareware. You're getting four _new_ episodes, and
the shareware episode can be considered a "fifth" episode.
/ If playing on a network, all players must either have their own registered
copy of Rise of the Triad, or they have to obtain the Site License version.
(This doesn't apply if you're only using the shareware version.)
{2-2} - Recent Advancements
RotT is still in beta, but it's getting really close. They've made some major
strides recently regarding getting it done and out, and we can finally see
the light! :)
This past weekend saw the completion of the modem/serial code part of the game
The network code has been in and stable for quite some time. They reguarly
play until 3 and 4 (sometimes later) in the morning on network games. Some
of the new Comm-Bat levels in Rise of the Triad are quite insane, especially
if you play a level really meant for two people with eleven people. :)
There is still some work to do, mainly sounds, and some fiddly programming to
iron out. They're desperately going to try and keep the revisions to a
minimum on this game. Of course, everyone wants to know the release date.
We really cannot set that until the game has been completed. They are really
going to try and have it out before Xmas, but the holidays, plus vacations,
are going to put a dent in the end of the month, so a January release is
probably more likely. We'll probably have a better idea on this around the
15th or so.
Misc ROTT Notes:
* Current version of the ROTT FAQ is v2.0(but the Update version is the one
you're reading.)
* We are not accepting pre-orders at this time. We will be shortly.
* v1.0 will be released with modem and network play.
* To play this on an IPX network, there will be one computer needed to act
as the "ROTT Server". In other words, you'll need one more computer over
the number of players (if 5 are playing, you'll need 6 computers).
* We are not accepting any applications to beta test this game.
* There are two slide shows available. #1ROTPIX.ZIP & #1ROTPX2.ZIP.
Joes had several requests for what kind of computer this will require. The
game will actually run on a 386DX/33 with 4 Megs of Ram. However, we
STRONGLY recommend a 486DX2/66 with 8 Megs of ram AND LOCAL BUS VIDEO.
Local Bus Video helps out A LOT on these types of games.
- Chapter 3
{3-1} - Author's note
Well, I didn't add on to my v2.0 FAQ, I just sent out an update faq. So what
you should do is to not read this FAQ first(oh, I forgot, you're reading it..)
but to read version 2.0, and then read this to fill in the blanks. If there
is a conflict between the data in v2.0 and this Mini-FAQ, trust the Mini-Faq.
*{3-2}* - Contributions
If you have any questions or anything to suggest, here is a small chart on
what to send where:
The message content | Address to send to
Compliments about the FAQ |
Questions about Rise of the Triad not in this FAQ |
Information you would like in the FAQ |
Questions to Bill Clinton |
Ordering information |
Anything else |
If you're contributing, please use the subject: "RotT FAQ Contribution",
just so I can keep my mailbox straightened.
Any contributor to this FAQ will recieve it, free of charge, in their
e-mailboxes, usually before it's release to everybody else. If you don't want
to receive the new faq, just say so in your contribution.
{3-2-1} - Contributors
(BTW, I'm not counting myself and Apogee employees)
Jason Maxwell Evans( - My first non-Apogee,
non-me contributor. He sent up some general information, which I widely
scattered(in the appropriate places, at least. :).
Hank Leukart( - An Apogee beta tester, who was
able to give me some nice info. He is also the author of the "Official" DOOM
FAQ v5.8.
{3-3} - Version info
1.0 - First version, finished 9 August 1994.
1.5 - Big revision, finished 13 August 1994. Had Joe Siegler revise it, add
lots more info, I had to go through and work it out.
1.6 - Third(not second) public release, finished 15 August 1994. Got my first
contributor, additional info from Apogee.
1.65 - Small revision, finished 18 August 1994. Not much to say....
1.7 - First of four series. Will be releasing updates every two weeks.
Finished 25 August 1994.
1.8 - Second of four series. Released 9 September 1994.
1.9 - Third of four series. Released 23 September 1994.
1.99 - A filler for version 2.0 until the second Triad screen shots are
finished. Released 11 October 1994.
2.0 - Fourth of four series. Released 12 October 1994. Describes second set
of Triad screen shots.
Update - This version. Finished 5 December 1994. Just includes latest info
from Apogee.
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