Honeymooners trivia

 Bensonhurst                                       What Brooklyn area did the Kramden's and Norton's live in?              Telephone                                         What did Trixie often lower to Alice via her window?                    Captain Video                                     Ed Norton was a Ranger-3rd Class under what TV personality?             Disneyland                                        What theme park did Alice Kramden compare her apartment to?             Popular Songs                                     What was Ralph's category when on "The 99,000 Dollar Answer"?           Ed Norton                                         According to Ralph, who wrote "Swanee River"?                           The Gotham Bus Company                            What company did Ralph Kramden work for?                                The Raccoons                                      The Grand High Exalted Mystic Ruler governed over who?                  The Flintstones                                   What sixties TV series was modeled after The Honeymooners?              Dog Food                                          What was KramMars delicious Mystery Appetizer?                          Grape Juice                                       What do the boys mistakenly get drunk on one night?                     The Sewer                                         Where does Ed Norton work?                                              A Parrot                                          Ralph inherits "Mary Monahan's Fortune", what is it?                    Joyce Randolph                                    Who portrayed Trixie Norton?                                            Bowling                                           How does Ralph throw his back the night before co. physical?            Burlesque                                         What kind of "house" did Trixie Norton used to work in?                 Madison Avenue                                    What street does Ralph's bus route travel along?                        Audrey Meadows                                    Who portrayed Alice Kramden?                                            Lilywhite                                         What does the L in "Edward L Norton" stand for?                         Chauncey Street                                   What street did the Norton's and Kramden's live on?                     Bismark, ND                                       Where is the Raccoon National Cemetry located?                          A Pinball Machine                                 What does a judge at costume party think Ralph is?                      Art Carney                                        Who portrayed Ed Norton?                                                Gibson                                            What was Alice Kramden's maiden name?                                   Lunch Pail & Cap                                  When home from work, what items does Ralph put on dresser?              Bowling Ball                                      What does Ralph pawn to buy Alice's Christmas present?                  Hong Kong Gardens                                 Name of restaurant everyone eats on special occasions?                  Matchsticks                                       The Xmas present "hairpin box" was made from 2000 of these?             Lemon                                             What citrus fruit played in their "Beat the Clock" stunt?               A Secretary                                       What job did Alice get when Ralph pretended to be her brother?          Water Gun                                         What type of gun does Ralph use to keep killers at bey?                 A Glove                                           What did the decorator leave behind after helping Alice?                Pat Perkins                                       Who designed the day dresses the girls wore on the series?              Park Avenue                                       Where was Ralph going to move after winning the 99,000 answer?          Roller Skating                                    To be young again, where did Ralph take the gang?                       


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